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,he army of Croat the Cooqucror

the horde c:4 Crimp. The JloltIc
f _ _iIC to _ .... the IlIood
,he ..... I_~_lOdmu ... Crazed even by Slayer standards, weapons about. Should they contact a
crim-. CUll'" Croat I...... their Doomseekers are Dwarfs ofe.,"/remely IIniltbe results are devastating, as the)1
way tIltoosh the '0 bee adt other, destructive capabilities. Armed witb cause till automatic hit on. elle/) model
lid met ....... combat. WhiIIt the ..... Qtftlched to lengths of cbal", rbey
("'"(CS in base-to-base comact. and a bit Oil
bottled oil their rivWy. Croat'. bead towards fbe enemy, wbir/illg their eaeb mOllel In base-lo-base contact
army l!Ic peukiu. dr!vit8 wltb tbem on n roll of 4+/
them to the Hisb P_ Cr. . .d
'081 lid parries for IIlIIJ
....... adIIlor to bock don.
EyclI1II1Iy felL Croat rcIad<d
IIOOd IIock. CrimI''' '0 ICC
_UA of his _, fIceias '0 ,he
s.m-Icd • all .... by a-
_ Crioop ... 1Iodr. do-.
he hj=wlf "liJt .... defatcd.
Crimp sawred ., e.-'. ""'IDly _
his Boyz. Crimp Iud ........ _
pi - '0 rcd<cm hi- 1If .. the era of
Cork lid r«bim his titIo: .. the h.cIdcst
1lCO".... Iwdat warlotd to w eYCf lived.
His army hu survn.:d ,.... of eo.....'
IrottliaS 'SOiast MCII. SkMa. other Ore
• CI .... _ thc,: of Ch-.
houp the ... of horde hu
aced 0YCf the yem. the 10m..... 01
',~cx~ -t:.w'B:;..
Crimp them. ,he
rIord hu ow World to
this AJdiaae aJlllllti.JIIl ...... bou.

io lot the Empire is cosaJf<cl
'" ,his "test a- Far '0 the
........_ ,he CIa, Ocaa. .. old
.- N.garoth.
"'1" hu " ..wcd her
with her C ,


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