Tle He6 Module 5

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(Home Economics)

Module: 5
Markets Finished Household
Linens in Varied/Creative Ways
Grade 6 - TLE (Home Economics)

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module



Reviewers: HERMAN F. BOBIS

Illustrator: ABEGAIL B. DAJAC

Layout Artist: ABEGAIL B. DAJAC

(Home Economics)
Quarter 0 - Module: 5
Markets Finished Household
Linens in Varied/Creative Ways

How to use this Module 4

What to learn from this Module 4
Objectives 5
Learning Competency 5
Technical Terms 6
Pre Test 7
Lesson 1 Marketing Household Linen 8-9
Learning Task 1,2 and 3 9
Assessment 10
Rubrics in Assessing Work Activity/Additional Tasks 10
Lesson 2 Computes cost, sales and gains 11
Introduction 12
Learning Task 1,2 and 3 13
Assessment 14
Post Test 15
Answer Key in all Task 16
Answer Key for Pre Test and Post Test 17
References 17


VARIED/CREATIVE WAYS ” with the following competencies

➢ The unit of competency prepares creative package and uses of materials using
local resources, packages using local resources and
➢ The computation of cost, gains and sales with pride contains the knowledge,
skills and attitudes required for Grade TLE 6 Home Economics.

This module contains training materials and activities for you to complete. You
are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each of
the learning outcomes of the module. In each learning outcome there are Information
Sheets, Task/Job Sheets, Operation Sheets and Self Check. Do these activities on
your own and answer the Self-Check at the end of each learning activity.

If there are questions or clarifications regarding this module, ask your EPP/TLE
teacher for assistance.


In this module you will learn how to package product for sale creatively and
artistically. You will also develop your skill in packaging product creatively by using
local materials/resources. You will also learn the basic skills in computing the cost,
sales in gains in the packaged products for sale.

This will widen your learning experiences, desirable work attitude and skills necessary
for you to become independent and productive individual in the future.

You may already have some basic knowledge and skills covered in this module.
If you can demonstrate competence to your teacher in a particular skill, talk to your
teacher so you do not have to undergo the same training/module again.

After completing this module, ask your teacher to assess your competence.
Result of your assessment will be recorded in your achievement record. All the learning
activities are designed for you to complete at your own pace.

In this module, you will find the activities for you to complete and relevant
information sheets for each learning outcome. Each learning outcome may have more
than one learning activity.

This module is prepared to help you achieve the required competency in

receiving and relaying information. This will be the source of information that will
enable you to acquire the knowledge and skills in Grade 6 TLE Home Economics
independently at your own pace with minimum supervision from your teacher.

Upon completion of the module the students/learners shall be able to:

1. Define technical terms

2. Discuss the importance of packaging.
3. Use the different local resources in packaging household linen
4. Create packages using artistic designs for household linens.
5. Enumerate the different local materials used in packaging and labelling
household linens product
6. Compute Computes cost, sales and gains with pride

Demonstrate an understanding of and skills in
A. Content Standards
sewing household linens
Sews household linens using appropriate tools
B. Performance
and materials and applying basic principles in
Packages product for sale creatively/artistically:
prepares creative package and uses of materials
using local resources, packages products
C. Learning
artistically, and labels packaged product TLE6HE-
Oe (2.6.1) 3 days
Computes costs, sales and gains TLE6HE-Oe
(2.6.2) 2 days

Subject/Grade/Component: Grade 6 TLE – Home Economics

Packages product for sale creatively/artistically:
prepares creative package and uses of materials
Competency: using local resources, packages products
artistically, and labels packaged product TLE6HE-
Oe (2.6.1) 3 days
Module Title/Topic/Lesson 1:

Dear Mentor,

As a response to our new goal in learning, series of modules

are designed and developed. It includes the MOST ESSENTIAL
LEARNING COMPETENCIES (MELC) to meet the challenges
facing the current situation in education, health & safety.

This module will be helpful in the continuous learning of the pupils be in or out of
school with the assistance and cooperation of parents and mentors.

It is expected that this module will be of great help in developing the abilities and
skills of the learners.

Dear Learners,

I hope you are feeling great. Welcome to another set of

meaningful learning experiences. Join me as we discover and
explore this exciting topic in Module 5.
Welcome to a new kind of learning experience!

This module is designed to assist you in your journey in developing your

VARIED/CREATIVE WAYS ”. with the following competencies:
1. Packages product for sale creatively/artistically: prepares creative package and
uses of materials using local resources, packages products artistically, and labels
packaged product TLE6HE-Oe (2.6.1) 3 days
2. Computes costs, sales and gains TLE6HE-Oe (2.6.2) 2 days

This learning package will engage you to an interplay of print activities.

You just need to follow the instructions and answer independently all the learning
activities and challenges in this module. Do not worry, you can do it! You will learn
a lot while having fun. We encourage you to take good care of this material. It
would be highly appreciated if you use it with proper care so our future learners
can experience it too.


These are the words you are going to encounter as you go through this module,
so keep in mind.

MARKETING refers to activities that promotes the buying or selling of a product or

service. It include advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other

ENTREPRENEUR is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order
to make money.

PACKAGING refers to the process of designing, evaluating, and producing packages.

Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells.

LABELLING refers to giving of information about the product’s use, construction, care,
performance, and other features.

PRICING is the process whereby a business sets the price at which it will sell its
products and services, and may be part of the business's marketing plan.

PROMOTING refers to any type of marketing communication used to inform or

persuade target audiences of the relative merits of a product, service, brand or issue.
The aim of promotion is to increase awareness, create interest, generate sales or
create brand loyalty.

COST is the price of the product plus the expenses incurred.

GAIN is the positive amount remaining when the product is sold.

PROFIT is the excess of returns over expenses.

Before we start with our discussion, we have to determine what you know
about our topic. Should we start exploring them?

To determine your possessed learning from this module, you need to answer this
PRE-TEST. Write your answer in your notebook. The result of this pre-test will be the
basis of your teacher in giving reinforcement for you to become competent

Direction: Read the sentences carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. It contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells products

a. Promoting b. Packaging c. Labelling d. Promoting

2. Why creativity in making a label is important in promoting a product?

a. To attract customer to buy the product. c. To get awards only
b. For display purpose only. d. Because you like it only.

3. It refers to activities that promotes the buying or selling of a product or service. It

includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses.
a. Packaging b. Marketing c. Entrepreneurship d. Selling

4. It is an online journal where you can record your thoughts on various topics that you
want to talk about.
a. Social media b. Blogging c. Marketing d. Networking

5. A good brand name must have the following except:

a. A brand name must should describe the product well
b. A brand name must be unique
c. A brand name must be long and can’t be remember easily
d. A brand name must be promotable and can be advertised

6. It refers to the amount of money that is spent on the production or creation of a good or
a. Cost b. Expenses c. Sales d. Capital
7. The _______of the product is the sum of the cost of resources used and its
corresponding mark-up.
a. Cost b. Selling Price c. Profit d. Sales

8. The sum of mark-up price and the capital is the _____

a. Revenue b. Selling Price c. Expenses d. Inventory

9. It refers to the amount of money received in exchange of the product

a. Revenue b. Selling Price c. Expenses d. Income
10. Profit is the surplus remaining after total costs are deducted from total ______.
a. Cost b Sales c. Expenses d. Capital

Now, check your work. Refer to the answer key that your teacher will provide.
Did you get a good score?
If you get…
8 -10 Very Good You have knowledge on the topic.
5-7 Good You are somewhat familiar on the topic.
0-4 Fair You have little/no knowledge on the topic
How was it? . . . Don’t worry if you got a low score, this just means that there
are more things that you can learn from this module. So let’s get it on!
You will find out more about this as you go through this module

To demonstrate your knowledge, understanding and proficiency of this

competency you must study the following lessons and do the LEARNING
ACTIVITIES/TASKS as evidence of your learning.

Lesson 1 Marketing Household Linen

Let as read and learn


Planning to have a good business is a good move in order to have an additional

income for the family whether a family members are all employed or not most specially
if their income are not enough to cater the family needs and other expenses.

In this lesson, the focus is about how to market household linens
marketing a household product there are some factors that needs to be consider, and
needs a thorough study when it comes to packaging, labelling, branding, pricing,
promoting and recording of production and sales. Those factors will be discussed in
this lesson.

Lesson Proper/Information

What is packaging are packaging, labelling, branding, pricing, promoting

and recording of production and sales.?

Packaging - a package serve as the container for the product and the purpose is
to protect the product and to make it presentable. In business packaging is
important the amount use in packaging is close to the expenses incurred in
advertising the product.

What are the important factors in packaging the product?

1. It should protect the product.

2. It should easily be disposed.
3. the package should contain all the information about the product .materials
used, proper instructions and care of the linens, among others.
4. It should be attractive and innovative, this can motivate to customers to buy
the product.
5. It should be made of environmental –friendly materials.
Creative way of packaging is important and should not be made up of plain
wrapping paper. Most customers are attracted to buy a product with because of
packaging. Packaging has an impact in selling. (Watch video of different packaging
designs of household linens. Ask your teacher of available video}

Common packaging materials are made out of paper, plastic, cardboard, or

even indigenous materials such as local fibers like, sinamay.

Here are some techniques or creative ways to package household linens.

Labelling – in labelling important information about the product should be

put in labelling .The information about the product will tell or encourage the customer to
buy the product. For household linens, maybe the label would be about how to was or
iron the product or what it is made of.

Branding - is important factor in selling a product a brand name is a term

symbol. design or combination of these that identifies the product. To create a brand
name for the product gives the following advantages.

1. It is the most distinguish characteristic of a product

2. It catches the attention of the buyer.
3. It introduce the name of the product in the market.
4. It allows the costumers to be loyal to the brand.
5. It cannot copy the brand name due to copyright.

There are also a qualities of a good brand name. A good brand name must
have the following qualities:

1. A brand name should describe the product well.

2. A brand name must be unique compared to the other brand names.
3. A brand name must be brief and easy to pronounce and can be one
line to make it easy to remember.
4. A Brand name must be promotable and can be advertise easily

Technology and Advertising Household linens Products

Technology now has been used by many businesses in marketing, selling and
promoting products. The computer has become a tool for every business and every
home most of the entrepreneurs engage the buyers through the use of Internet
marketing. There are so many ways on how to advertise your product using

1. E-mail marketing – advertising using an e-mail is a method that you should take
advantage of. You marketing-oriented information using e-mail to get the
attention of the people about your new linen products.
2. Blogging – This is an online journal where you can record your thoughts on
various topics that you want to talk about. Having a blog in your business
enables you to share what you are an expert in or good at. You may create blog
posts advertising your linen products with an aim of attracting readers to
eventually become your clients. You may also add post on some tutorials on
cleaning linens or offer promotional giveaways to create a network of repeat

3. Social media – This method can be time consuming but promoting your
business through social media as part of your marketing strategy will help give
you reach more contacts or potential customers. Consider the schedule and find
a way to do it every day to promote your product

All these methods add a new aspect in advertising and selling household linen
products. They have given milestone in the world of advertising.

Pricing or Costing – knowledge about pricing strategies will help to

determine a competitive price for a product and to come up with a
reasonable price for every product.

There are also some rules to be follow in costing a product.

1. The price of a product should cover all the expenses incurred.
2. The cost of the product should be affordable
3. The price of the product should be frequently reviewed based on the
Market demand and competition.
4.The price of the product must be established to assure sales.

Learning Task 1

➢ List down in your answer sheet the local materials used in packaging and
labelling the household linen products

1. __________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. ___________________

Learning Task 2

➢ Create your own packaging/Labelling design in your Activity Notebook.

Learning Task 3

➢ Make a draft of your own design for table runner packaging label in your Activity
Notebook .

➢ Give learners ample time to draft their pattern

Learning Task 4

A. 1.Choose a household linen project in Lesson

2. Prepare a packaging and formulate a brand name that will fit the
Consider the guidance in packaging, branding, and labelling. Submit
your work your teacher.

B. Promote a line product-a table runner with hand embroidery stitches

through the use of different marketing strategies discussed in this lesson.
What kind of marketing strategy are you going to adopt? Do it in your
activity notebook.

Creativeness in designing and packaging has vital role in promoting a

product. The design of labels is very helpful in selling the product
because they attract the buyers through them.


Create your own finished product marketable by putting labels and packaging it
creatively and artistically using locally produced materials.



Does not demonstrate Pupil occasionally demonstrate Always targeted the process
Process Skills
targeted skills targeted skills skills
Time ManagementDoes not finish on time andPupil finish on time with Finish ahead of time with
incomplete data incomplete data complete data
Neatness and Orderliness
Messy workplace during and
Clean and orderly workplace Clean and orderly workplace
after activity with occasional mess at all times during and
during and after activity after activity
Finished output/product
Unfinished output Finished output but incomplete
Completed the required output

Task No. 1
➢ Watch the video in making packages for household linen. (You
can watch this video as your additional reference for this lesson:

Task No. 2
➢ Make at least 2 design you want to make for your package
➢ Create more designs of label for more options.

Task No. 3
➢ Make a short advertisement of your finished product (household
linen) Submit it to your teacher or online.

LESSON 2: Computes costs, sales and gains TLE6HE-Oe (2.6.2)


This lesson will discuss the importance of producing quality products while
keeping costs down. This will also discuss the importance of keeping a record of
expenses. Proper packaging of one’s product is also important as it is the first thing the
customer will notice about the product. Lastly, it is important to market it properly. This
will discuss ways to market your project.

In the previous lesson, you were able to make table runners with embroidery Let
us now compute the cost and see how much you can sell one piece of the item. Here is
a sample costing.


An example methods of costing sales is called cost-plus pricing This

method covers all the expenses plus all the desired profits you want to get the total
selling price. This method is commonly used by many manufacturers.

This is the formula in getting the Total selling price.

Total Cost of Materials + Profit (20%) = Selling price

Product: Table Runner (1 Piece)

Materials Amount
1 yard cotton Fabric Php 38.00
Sewing thread 10.00
Utilities 28.00
Cost of labor (45%) of the cost of materials 21.60
Total cost 97.60
Add Profit (20%) 19.52
Total selling price Php 117.12
or Php 117.00

Product: CURTAIN

Capital 1,100.00
No. of Item 8 pairs

Price/Item Given 250.00/pair

Sales 250.00 x 8 pairs 2,000.00

Profit 2,000.00 – 1,100.00 900.00


COST/CAPITAL 100.00 COST 100.00

Linen cloth MARK UP RATE x 20%
Embroidery Thread MARK UP/PROFIT 20.00
Mark up rate 20% COST 100.00
Mark up/Profit ? MARK-UP + 20.00
Selling Price ? SELLING PRICE 120.00


Given the following capital and mark ups, Compute the GAIN and SELLING PRICE.

1. 150.00 X 20%
2. 200.00 X 15%
3. 3,500.00 X 10%
4. 4,300.00 X 12%
5. 3,000.00 X 20%


1. List down in Manila paper the costs and expenses incurred in the table runner
2. Add 20% mark-up to determine the selling price.
3. Enumerate possible ways to lessen the costs and to avoid wastage.

Direction: Solve the following problems in your notebook. Compute for the
Sales, Gains and Profit.

1. 10 pcs of Table runners costs P1,800.00 and sold for 120.00 per piece. How
much is the profit?

2. Anna made 6 pieces of table cloth for 150.00 each. And sold it with 20%
mark-up price. If 3 pieces of table cloth left. How much is her sales?

3. 1 piece of curtain costs 250.00. How much is the total sales for 12 pieces if
you will add 25% mark up price per curtain?


Fill in the box with the proper amount: Write the answers in your notebook.
1 12 pcs of pillow cases 50.00/pc 20% mark-up
2 6 pcs of curtain 200.00/pc 20% mark-up
3 20 pcs of bath towels 150.00/pc 25% mark-up
4 25 pcs of table napkins 50.00/pc 20% mark up
5 5 bedsheets 300.00/pc 25% mark up


A. Given the following capitals and mark-ups, Compute for the GAIN and SELLING
PRICE in your notebook.

1. 5,000.00 x 30%
2. 8,000.00 x 20% m
3. 900.00 x 15%
4. 500.00 x 10%
5. 750.00 x 12%

B. In your project Table Runner, list down in your notebook the expenses of each
material and compute for the following:
➢ Cost of Product
➢ Mark up price of 20%
➢ Selling Price
➢ Profit

This measures the amount of learning you acquired after going through with the
series of exercises and concepts of this module.

A. Read and analyze the questions. Write the correct answer in your paper.
Correct answers are inside the box below.

1. It serves as the container for the product and the purpose is to

protect the product and to make it presentable
2. It refers to giving of information about the product’s use, construction, care,
performance, and other features.
3. It refers to activities that promotes the buying or selling of a product or
4. It refers to advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or
other businesses.
5. ____is a term symbol, design or combination of these that identifies the
6. It is the total value of the expenses in making your product
7. To determine the selling price we should add a 20%_____________.
8. To be able to get the ________subtract sales from the capital.
9. It is the total value of the items sold
10. This method covers all the expenses plus all the desired profits you want to
get the total selling price.





B. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong.
11. Most of the entrepreneurs engage the buyers through the use of Internet
12. In packaging, made of environmental –friendly materials are not necessary.
13. The package should contain all the information about the product material
used, proper instructions and care of the linens
14. To determine the selling price, you need to subtract 20% mark-up.
15. Profit is the surplus remaining after total costs are deducted from total sales.

Now, check your work. Refer to the answer key that your teacher will
provide. Did you get a good score? If you get…

12 -15 Very Good You have gained complete knowledge on the topic.
8 - 11 Good You have gained adequate learning on the topic.
0-7 Fair You can study the topic again to improve.
1. 10 pcs of Table runners costs P1,800.00 and sold for 120.00 per piece. How
much is the profit? Answer: P600.00
2. Anna made 6 pieces of table cloth for 150.00 each. And sold it with 20% mark-
up price. If 3 pieces of table cloth left. How much is her sales?
Answer: P540.00
3. 1 piece of curtain costs 250.00. How much is the total sales for 12 pieces if
you will add 25% mark up price per curtain? Answer: P3,750.00
Learning Task 3
Learning Task 2 Answers may vary
1. 150.00 X 20% ---------------30.00 180.00
2. 200.00 X 15%----------------37.50 237.50
3. 3,500.00 X 10%-------------350.00 3,380.00
4. 4,300.00 X 12%-------------516.00 4,816.00
5. 3,000.00 X 20%-------------600.00 3,600,00
Learning Task 1
Lesson 2
Answers may vary
Learning Task 2 and Learning Task 3
1. Paper
2. Plastic
3. Cardboard
4. Sinamay
5. Indigenous Materials
Learning task 1
Lesson 1
journey and I know for sure you will have the same in the succeeding modules.
Congratulations in finishing your module. You had an amazing learning
A. B.
1. B 6. D
2. A 7. B
3. B 8. B
4. A 9. D
5. B 10. B
12 pcs of pillow 20%
1 50.00/pc 60.00 720.00 120.00
cases mark-up
2 20% 240.00 1,440.00 240.00
6 pcs of curtain 200.00/pc
3 20 pcs of bath 150.00/pc 25% 187.50 3,750.00 750.00
towels mark-up
4 25 pcs of table 20% 60.00 1,500.00 250.00
napkins mark up
5 5 bedsheets 300.00/pc 25% 375.00 1,875.00 375.00
mark up
Fill in the box with the proper amount:
Evaluation: Answer Key
Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6 Third Edition copyright 2019 pp152-157
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Region V
Regional Center Site, Rawis, Legazpi City 4500
Telefax: 0917 178 1288
Email Address:

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