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1. The result of the sieve analysis is shown below.

A. What percentage of the soil is retained in No. 200 sieve?

B. What is the effective grain size of the soil in mm?

C. Determine the uniformity coefficient


4 4.76 25
8 2.38 80
10 2.00 110
20 0.84 160
40 0.42 180
60 0.25 220
80 0.180 380
100 0.149 590
200 0.074 110
Pan 85

2. A soil has the following particle-size distribution:

• Gravel=20%
• Sand-10%
• Silt=30%
• Clay=40%

Classify the Soil according to USDA textural classification system.

3. Classify the Following soils by the AASHTO classification system

Description Soil A Soil B Soil C

Percent Finer than no. 10 83 100 48


Percent Finer than no. 40 48 92 28


Percent Finer than no. 200 20 86 6


Liquid Limit 20 70 ___

Plasticity Index 5 32 Non-plastic

4. The table below shows the Lab results of the sieve analysis of a sample. Plot the grain size
curve of the soil in the given figure below. The Soil has a liquid limit of 35% and plasticity
index of 26%. Classify the soil according to:




Size (mm) Weight Retained

0.26 18.96
0.149 33.18
0.074 45.03
0.052 54.51
0.02 42.66
0.01 11.85
0.004 4.74
0.001 4.74
Pan 21.33
Percent Passing %

Particle Diameter (mm)

5. the table below shows the lab results of the sieve analysis of a sample.
Plot the grain size curve of the soil in the figure below. Determine the following:

a. Determine the nearest value to the effective size

b. Determine the nearest value to the coefficient, of uniformity CII

c. Classify the soil according to Unified Classification System, Using the table A.

Sieve No. Diameter (mm) Percent Passing %

4 4.76 90
6 2.38 64
10 2.00 58
20 0.84 35
40 0.42 22
60 0.25 15
100 0.149 10
200 0.074 4
Percent Passing %

Particle Diameter (mm)

6. The grain-size curves for soils A and B is shown in the Figure below. It is required to classify
soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System.

a. Determine the value of coefficient of uniformity of Soil A.

b. What is the classification of soil A

c. What is the classification of soil B

Sieve Diameter Percent Passing
No. (mm)
Soil A Soil B
4 4.760 100 90
8 2.380 99 64
10 2.000 98 58
20 0.850 92 35
40 0.425 70 22
60 0.250 46 15
100 0.150 25 10
200 0.074 0 4
7. Given soil having the particle size distribution as follows: 8% sand, 20% gravel, 48% silt and
24% clay. Use the given figure shown below.

a. Compute the percentage of sand using USDA method

b. Compute the percentage of silt using USDA method

c. Compute the percentage of clay using USDA method

d. Classify the type of soil using USDA method

8. Classify the following using USDA textural classification system. Use the given Figure
below. The soil has a particle size distribution of 20% gravel, 10% sand, 3-% silt and 40% clay.

a. Compute the percentage of sand

b. Compute the percentage of silt

c. Compute the percentage of clay

d. Classify the type of soil

9. A sample ofof inorganic soil has the following grain size characteristics.

Size (mm) Percent Finer

2.0 100
0.075 70
0.050 65
0.005 32
0.002 15

The liquid limit is 52% and plasticity index is 20%. Classify the soil (USDA method) using the
triangular textural classification chart.

a. Compute the percentage of clay

b. Compute the percentage of silt
c. Classify the type of soil
10. A sample of residual soil developed on shaly sandstone has the following grain size characteristics.

Size (mm) Percent Finer

2.0 100
0.075 44
0.050 30
0.005 20
0.002 15

The liquid limit is 28% and plasticity is 8%. Classify the soil. (USDA method) using textural classification

a. Compute the percentage of clay

b. Compute the percentage of silt
c. Classify the type of soil

11. The particle size characteristics of soil are given in the table.

Size (mm) Percent Finer

0.425 100
0.10 92
0.052 84
0.02 62
0.01 46
0.004 32
0.001 22

a. Compute the percentage of the following AASHTO method

b. Compute the percentage of the following USDA method.

c. Classify the type of soil using USDA method

12. From the given grain size distribution curve. Use USCS method.

a. compute the percentage of gravel

b. compute the percentage of sand

c. compute the percentage of fines

d. compute the percentage of uniformity Cu

e. compute the percentage of curvature Ce

13. Classify the given soil to be used as highway subgrade material by using the AASHTO
method by using the attached table shown.

Sieve Analysis % finer

No. 10 sieve = 100%
No. 40 sieve = 72%
No. 200 sieve = 39%

Plasticity for the minus No. 40 fraction

Liquid Limit = 44
Plasticity Index = 24

14. Classify the given soil to be used as highway subgrade material using the AASHTO method
by using the attached table for its classification.

Sieve Analysis % finer

No. 10 sieve = 47%
No. 40 sieve = 28%
No. 200 sieve = 9%

Plasticity for the minus No. 40 fraction

Liquid limit = 0
Plasticity index = 2%

15. Classify the following soil to be used as a highway subgrade material using the AASHTO
method using the given table shown.

Sieve analysis % finer

No. 10 sieve = 88%
No. 40 sieve = 75%
No. 200 sieve = 34%

Plasticity for the minus No. 40 fraction

Liquid limit = 39%
Plasticity Index = 12%
16. From the given data, shows a sieve analysis of soil sample A, B and C

Sieve No. Diam. (mm) A B C
#4 4.760 100 90 100
#8 2.380 97 64 100
#10 2.000 92 54 98
#20 0.840 87 34 92
#40 0.420 53 22 84
#60 0.250 42 17 79
#100 0.149 26 9 70
#200 0.074 17 4 63
Characteristics of – 40 Fraction
LL 35 47
PL 20 24

a. Compute the value of uniformity coefficient of soil sample B

b. Classify what soil is sample C using AASHTO method

c. Classify what type of soil is sample A using AASHTO method

17. From the given data shows a sieve analysis of soil samples A, B and C

Sieve No. Diam. (mm) A B C
#4 4.760 90 100 100
#8 2.380 64 90 100
#10 2.000 54 77 98
#20 0.840 34 59 92
#40 0.420 22 51 84
#60 0.250 17 42 79
#100 0.149 9 35 70
#200 0.074 4 33 63
Characteristics of – 40 Fraction
LL - 46 47
PL - 29 24
a. Classify the soil sample A using USCS method
b. Classify the soil sample B using AASHTO method
c. Classify the soil sample C using AASHTO method
18. A sample of dry coarse-grained material was shaken through a nest of sieves and
the following results were obtained.

Sieve No. Percent Finer

4 100%
10 97%
20 77.4%
40 59.4%
100 23%
200 1.2%

a. Compute the effective size using the graph

b. Compute the uniformity coefficient Cu.
c. Compute the uniformity coefficient Cc

19. The Inorganic soil from the grain size distribution curve has a liquid limit of 30 and a plastic limit
of 25.

a. Determine the value of Cu.

b. Determine the value of Cc

c. Classify the type of soil using USCS

20. The natural soils along a proposed highway alignment have grain size distribution as described by
the curve in the figure. Liquid limit is 44 and a plastic limit of 21.

a. Compute the plasticity index

b. Classify the soil using AASHTO method

c. Classify using Unified Soil Classification System.

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