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Crash Course Programme

Subject : Mathematics-D

Topic : Mensuration

Course Teacher : Imam Hossain


1. Triangle

Area of Triangle = 1
2  base  height or 1
2 ab sin 

[a and b are two sides of the triangle,  is the angle made by the two sides]

2. Circle

(i) Area = r2 (ii) Circumference = 2r


(i) Area = 12 r 2 (ii) Circumference = r

Sector of a circle

  
(i) Area A =  r 2 (ii) Arc length l =  2r (iii) Perimeter =  2r + 2r
360 360 360

3. Square

(i) Area = (length)2 [A = l2] (ii) Perimeter = 4l

4. Rhombus

Area of Rhombus = 1
2  d1  d 2 or base  height or ab sin  [d1 and d2 are two diagonals]


Area of Kite = 1
2 d1  d2

5. Rectangle

(i) Area = length  breadth [A = l  b] (ii) Perimeter = 2l + 2b or 2(l + b)

6. Parallelogram

Area of Parallelogram = (base  height) or (ab sin )

7. Trapezium

Area of Trapezium = 1
2 (a + b)h

[a and b are the length of parallel sides, h is the distance of parallel sides]
8. Cone

(i) Volume = 13 r 2 h (ii) Curved surface area = rl (iii) Total surface area = rl + r2

(iv) l2 = h2 + r2 [l = slant height and h = perpendicular height of the cone]

9. Cylinder

(i) Volume = r2h (ii) Curved surface area = 2rh

(iii) Total surface area (closed/solid/with lid) = 2rh + 2r2

(iv) Total surface area (no lid) = 2rh + r2

10. Sphere

(i) Volume = 4
3 r3 (ii) Surface area 4r2


(i) Volume = 2
3 r3 (ii) Curved surface area = 2r2 (iii) Total surface area = 3r2

11. Cuboid (box)

(i) Volume of Cuboid (box) = length  breadth  height (l  b  h)

(ii) Surface area of open box = lb + 2lh + 2bh

(iii) Surface area of closed box = 2lb + 2lh + 2bh

Cube [For cube, l = b = h]

(i)Volume of Cube = (length)3 [l3] (ii) Surface area of Cube = 6l 2

12. Pyramid

Volume of Pyramid = 1
3  base area  height

13. Prism

Volume of Prism = Area of cross-section  length [V = A  l]

14. (i) Volume of water discharged through a pipe in 1 minute = A  S  60,

[ A = area of cross section of the pipe, S = speed of water]

volume of container mass

(ii) Time required to fill a container by a pipe = (iii) Density=
rate of flow volume

15. (i) Kilometre-Hectometre-Decametre - Metre - Decimetre-Centimetre-Millimetre

10 10 10 10 10 10

(ii) 1 litre = 1000 cm3.

1. [Nov 02/P1/Q24/M5]

Answer: (b)

2. [Nov10/P1/Q27/M5]

Answer: (a) 3 (b) 80 (c) 7 cm.

3. [Nov11(11)/P1/Q16/M3]

Answer: (a) 12 cm2 (b) 344 cm2

4. [Nov12/P2/Q7/M12]

Answer: (a)(i) 874 (ii) 3070 (b)(i) 77 (.0) (ii) 500 (iii) 2410.

5. [June11/P2/Q11/M12]

Answer: (a) (b)(ii) 62.8 → 62.9 or 20  (iv) 2760 → 2770

6. [June12/P2/Q12((a)/M1]

Answer: (a) The height of the cuboid would then be -2cm

7. [Nov10/P2/Q9/M12]

Answer: (a) 5. (b)(i) 20.8cm 3 (ii) 21.6cm 2 (iii) 2.89 (c)(i)14 (ii) 24 (iii) 36.

8. [Nov11/P2/Q3/M8]



Answer: (a)(i) One line of symmetry. (ii) 10:1 (b) (ii) 7.

9. [Nov12/P2/Q5/M8]

Answer: (a) 220 (b) 2130 (c) 8.33.

10. [June08/Q10/M12]

Answer: (a)(i) 8 - x (ii) x(8-x) (d) 7.65 and 2.35 or 2.36. (e)(i) 46 (ii) 46 cm2 x = 5.

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