Curdev Test

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1. Which DepEd program intends to prevent students from leaving school?


2. The following are features of outcome-based education EXCEPT __________.

a. Focuses on performance-based assessments
b. Links assessment method and intended outcomes
c. Sets high expectations from learners
d. Provides various opportunities for learning

3. Which is not a reason for the implementation of RA 10533?

a. Congestion of the 10-year curriculum
b. Underemployment and unemployment rates
c. Under-funding of education
d. Failure in international tests

4. Which of the following refers to the deliberate arrangement of curricular elements?

a. curriculum planning
b. curriculum approach
c. curriculum design
d. curriculum implementation

5. Which is not a primary goal of K-12?

a. Revitalize tech-voc courses
b. Introduce new content
c. Make graduates employment-ready
d. Be at par with international standards

6. Whose curriculum evaluation model relies heavily on the tastes and competence of an expert critic?
a. Stake
b. Eisner
c. Parlett and Hamilton
d. Scriven

7. This curriculum component is concerned with determining the quality of a curriculum

a. content
b. objectives
c. evaluation
d. learning experiences
8. English literature was banned during which era?
a.Pre-Hispanic period b. Spanish period c.Japanese Period d. New Society

9. This element of curriculum design guarantees continuity of learning

a.balance b. articulation c. scope d. Sequence

10. The teacher is most dominant under which educational philosophy?

a.Progressivism b. Essentialism c.perennialism d. reconstructionism

11. Organizing learning is a trademark of which brand of philosophy?

a.Cognitivism b. Behaviorism c. Humanism d. Existentialism

12. The use of vernacular is recommended during which grade interval?

a.1-3 b. 1-4 c.1-5 d. 1-6

13. Pilot-testing is under which sub-stage of the curriculum development process?

a. Design b. Planning c. Evaluation d. Implementation

14. Philippine education under American rule was “professed” to emphasize what?
a.religion b. practical knowledge c. democracy d. social revolution

15. The following describe Taba’s curriculum development model EXCEPT ____________.
a. democratic b. non-linear c. inductive d. hierarchical

16. A life-situations structured curriculum is best exemplified by which pairing of learner and content?
a. painting & prisoners b. values & delinquents c. journalism & graders d. leadership & OSY

17. Which of the following provided for the teaching of the Spanish language?
a. Pact of Versailles b. Treaty of Tordesillas c. Leyes de Indias d. Treaty of Paris

18. OBE is a most notable curriculum model under which philosophy?

a. reconceptualism b. constructivism c. existentialism d. essentialism

19. The curriculum is best described as:

a.“why” of education b. “what” of c. “how” of d. “when” of
education education education

20. The discipline-design structure of a curriculum is shown by:

a. teaching Biology instead b. teaching grammar c. teaching English d. teaching Algebra
of animal reproduction instead of literature instead of French instead of Geometry

21. Which of the following is the odd one out?

a. curriculum intent b. curriculum c. curriculum content d. curriculum evaluation

22. Which of the following curriculum evaluation models is not like the other three?
a.Tyler’s model b. Scriven’s model c. Stake’s model d. Eisner’s model

23. Which curriculum design is not exhibited by the Philippine K-12 basic education curriculum under
Grades 1-10?
a. Discipline-based b. spiral c. subject-centered d. competency-based

24. When crafting a curriculum, its meaningfulness to its intended learners must be ensured. This
complies with which curriculum characteristic?
a.Brevity b. learnability c.interest d. utility

25. Whose curriculum evaluation model focuses on the explication of external, social contexts
surrounding the curriculum?
a.Stake b. Tyler c.Scriven d. Parlett and

26. When intended instructional methods and strategies are put into action, these become:
a.Objectives b. learning c. evaluation d. content

27. What is the primary basis for determining what to teach?

a. Learning ability b. objectives c.content d. evaluation

28. Which of the following provided the basis for the establishment of the first public education?
a. Educational Reform Act of 1863 b. Leyes de Indias c. Schurman Commission d. Treaty of Paris
29. Which proponent argued that complete congruence between intentions and observations in terms
of antecedents, transactions, and outcomes is impossible?
a. Eisner b. Stake c. Stufflebeam d. Scriven

30. Under the CIPP Model, the classroom is part of what?

a.Context b. input c.process d. product

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