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Dissertation Title: How Covid has changed the learning

system in Mauritius?
Programme of Study : Bsc Human Resource Management
Hrm 2.1
1.0 Introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in March 2020 in Mauritius has had a
direct and indirect impact on people. To prevent the virus from spreading,
government has chosen to change many routine activities, such as work and
school and going outside were temporarily prohibited.

Higher education is one of the areas that has been affected by the COVID-19.
After the pandemic, there was a trend to distant learning. Prior to the
pandemic, some schools and universities adopted remote learning. Despite the
difficulties faced by both teachers and students, they had to adjust themselves
to this new reality.

1.1 Definitions
Author Lee & Lee (2006) defined e-learning as training and education delivered
over the internet to an end-user device on a self-paced or real-time basis,
consequently in 2019, Author Singh & Thurman redefined the concept of e-
learning. It seems that there is more interaction between lecturers and
Author Year Contribution
Bermejo 2005 A type of education in which
students and teachers
communicate, exchange
knowledge, and engage
through computerized
communication networks.

González-Videgaray 2007 A type of learning that uses

information and
communication technology
to facilitate pedagogical
interaction between students
and content, students and
teachers over the internet.

Liao & Lu 2008 A web-based learning.

1.2 Types of e-learning
Furthermore, there are different types of e-learning namely:

1) Virtual learning system- takes place in the absence of traditional classroom

in a functioning and productive manner (Simonson & Schlosser, 2006).
2) Blended learning- is defined as combining both online and face to face
meetings (Driscoll 2002).
3) Hybrid learning- is to have a flexible balance of online and offline that gives
the best experience to both students and lecturers.
Moreover, learning online is obviously an educational platform (Allen, Seaman,
Poulin, & Straut, 2016). An e-learning platform that has gained popularity in
recent years both in Mauritius and elsewhere is Moodle. Tucker (2003) states
that distance learning classes reach a wider range of students, better meet
their requirements, and, most significantly, use modern learning pedagogy
ideas. Mauritius has implemented a variety of tactics and online programs to
provide students with a good education. For example, primary students were
being taught on MBC channel with different timings respectively for each grade
and for secondary and tertiary students, they were using Microsoft Teams and
Google Classroom to do their online classes with their respective educators.
Nevertheless, learners differ in their previous backgrounds and experiences, as
well as their educational techniques, all of which have a significant impact on
the outcomes of their online courses. (Kauffman, 2015). Pan et al. (2005)
suggested that faculty members should address students’ concerns in order to
improve students’ attitudes in online education. Many exciting activities for the
Mauritian students were introduced so that the students felt enthusiastic and
motivated to learn.
Consequently, regardless of how far online learning has progressed, it is
possible that not every learner will benefit from it. (Bouhnik & Carmi, 2013).
Pan, Sivo, Gunter, & Cornell (2005) found different student perceptions among
different disciplines. However, despite the increased use of online platforms,
only a few can use them, which is a problem in and of itself (Abuhassna &
Yahaya, 2018; Al-Rahmi et al., 2018). There was a lack of access to technology
for some when the Ministry of Education Of Mauritius decided to go for online
classes due to the pandemic.

2.0 The Problem and Its Context

E-learning, also referred to as online learning or electronic learning, is the
acquisition of knowledge which takes place through electronic technologies
and media. E-Learning most often takes place in the form of online courses,
online degrees, or online programs. COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all
across the world including in Mauritius also and as a result, education has
changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching
is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Here the research problem of
this study is to determine if e-learning is effective?
With this study we cannot relate whether E-Learning is really that effective as
there are several factors to be taken in consideration. Here when researching,
results shows that during COVID-19 learning from home has become really
important ass it was the only way for students to continue their daily routine in
their study. However, its degree of effectiveness could it be the same as it is in
school? For example: Do the government cater for all student to have the
accessibility of internet coverage at home, or do they have the necessary
equipment to work with? Another question could be do the teachers have the
necessary skills to implement their workings on the platform. All these
questions leads only to one question does the negative aspect of E-Learning
outweight the positive factors?...
Here, the problem encountered was that as the study focuses only in
Mauritius the group think that there isn`t enough source material in terms of
theories to implement the literature review. Hence, more or less the theories
were outdated and left us with no choice to implement it in our research.
3.0 Research Objective
The goal behind this research was to analyse the degree of effectiveness of E-
Learning on an online platform. This study was conducted mainly on tertiary
section that is mainly on university students. E-Learning is vast and an
expanding platform with huge prospective in higher education. Hence since,
there are many challenges in making E-Learning effective, it is important to
know how to manage it and access to the resource.
Setting effective E-Learning objectives is important in implementing E-Learning
as it will help in producing great result if an individual know how to use it. The
key of success of effective E-Learning is not only to set goals but to set the right
goals. Therefore, it is significant to understand the types of different goals and
its unique difference because each goal has its own objectives. Hence, to set
the right goals, it can follow a simple technique which is created to understand
the deeper context on E-Learning. Here the concept is S.M.A.R.T.
In the modern era with the COVID pandemic, the S.M.A.R.T goal technique
might be and effective for setting out goals as it is a simple way to engage and
collaborate which leads to success. Although there are a few variations of this
method it can be developed into 5 main concept to achieve the objective.
1: S(SPECIFIC): This is mainly to focus on the primary intended outcome for E-
Learning and have a specific goal for success.
2: M(MEASURABLE): This is to select the E-Learning tools which can be
measured but beware of the timing of the data to ensure the collection of
feedback for further improvement.
3: A (ATTAINABLE): It is a consensus to use common tools available to avoid
conflicts in opinions especially if it is shared goal, and always remember that all
goals should be achievable.
4: R(REALISTIC): This is to set a goal that aligns with the potential unique
inputs as the right goal will realistically challenge E-Learning circumstances,
hence to be realistic is to set a timeline.
5: T(TIME-BASED): This is to set a proper timeline for the accomplishment of
the goal. Allow time for changes before the datelines as there is a present of
learning curves for both educators and students when implementing a new E-
Learning tool.
It can be concluded that E-Learning is an innovation in the current era (COVID-
19) as It clearly has an impact on the education sector. Since, it is very useful
and becoming more popular it is a good solution to create an active platform
for learning. Therefore, it is important to understand on setting the right E-
Learning goals to enhance better teaching and learning for both educators and

4.0 Research Questions

The major question to be answered is:
1: How well students and educators are coping with the educational reforms
in Mauritius during the COVID pandemic?
2: How can E-learning be beneficial for students and educators?
3: Does E-Learning have the tendency of only one way communication?
4: what is the relationship between student`s satisfaction and student`s
academic achievements on online platforms?
5.0 Literature Review
In the literature review, a number of studies will be provided that will aim at
determining whether e-learning is effective or not in Mauritius. This literature
review will be divided into four sections which will discuss on:
1. How well students and educators are coping with the educational
reforms in Mauritius during the COVID pandemic?
2. How can E-learning be beneficial for students and educators?
3. Does E-Learning have the tendency of only one way communication?
4. What is the relationship between student`s satisfaction and student`s
academic achievements on online platforms?

First of all, ‘’how well students and educators are coping with the
educational reforms in Mauritius during the COVID pandemic?’’
Here the author, Narmeen Nasari analyzed how soon after the lockdown the
Education System in Mauritius has been coping with the COVID-19 by making
the necessary changes to help students to be able to pursue their education at
home which is shown in the following paragraph.

In Mauritius, right after the lockdown, the Ministry of Education decided to

transition all institutions to online learning for the duration of the lockdown.
Mauritius has used a number of initiatives and online programs to provide
learners with a holistic environment. Grades 1 to 10 were exclusively dedicated
to the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), with varied times for each
grade. On a daily basis, educational programming for all grades and topic areas
were broadcast on the MBC channel. While students in grades 10 through 13
transitioned to online learning tools such as Microsoft Teams with their
individual educators. In tertiary education, educators choose Google Classroom
for their students because it is conveniently available via any device and offers
great communication and sharing features. With the introduction of this new
method of learning and favorable feedback from students and educators, the
University of Mauritius has decided to convert up to 50% of all courses to
online learning in order to make learning and teaching more accessible. All of
the universities' final year examinations and assignment submissions were
likewise completed online and without difficulty.

Similarly, another author, Eve Fidele has discussed about how institutions are
coping with the on going pandemic and what can be improved. (Fidele,2021)
She stated that despite the “deconfinement” some institutions are continuing
to deliver their programs remotely while other institutions are still looking for
different options like hybrid model combining face-to-face and remote. She
also highlighted how COVID-19 has been a catalyst for change in education,
particularly higher education, and she stated that it is a matter of investing and
investing in teacher training in relation to the unique pedagogy for delivering
distant and online courses.

Secondly, “how can E-learning be beneficial for students and educators?”

Here the author, Prashant Pundir, said that the internet distribution of
information and knowledge has drastically transformed the way students
study. The traditional chalk and board method of teaching is lagging behind the
fast rise of e-learning and technology. E-learning simplifies, clarifies, and makes
it easier for students to absorb concepts and stay up with new forms of
learning. Technology has sparked a dynamic shift in the global market,
affecting a wide range of industrial sectors. With such improvements, it is
natural to anticipate a shift in the way we live, work, and learn. Since the
advent of e-learning, higher education has experienced enormous
transformation. (Prashant Pundir , 2020)

1.Self-paced Learning

The traditional learning method turns out to be an hinderance with its strict
curriculum, and seems inconvenient for students to achieve academic
excellence. E-learning gives students the freedom pacing their own schedule.
They can create their own schedules amid their busy lifestyles and bring out
the maximum academic results without having to adhere to class attending
requirements. Online written content, recorded lessons and study materials
are easily accessible, replacing the old physical classes. Self-paced learning has
also proven to reduce certain amounts of stress and increase student
satisfaction. Its reusability and efficiency make it one of the best components
of e-learning.
2.E-learning is for everyone

E-learning isn’t just for students and their benefits, but it accumulates
everyone. Online learning has revolutionized the accessibility, efficiency and
consumption of learning. House-wives and office-goers can also take up
lessons and learn their desired ideas at their comfort and availability. Many
choose to learn on weekends, utilizing their free time more efficiently. Unlike
the traditional learning method, e-learning comes up with diverse range of
options and people can choose what they want to learn and the kind of
instructors that would be suitable for them. Online learning has opened up
various possibilities of learning in a comfortable environment. (Prashant
Pundir , 2020)

Thirdly, “does E-Learning have the tendency of only one way


Here, the author said that E-learning is more than having the notes and
showing it to learners. Instead it’s a whole process of gathering information
and expressing it in a way learners can understand and then can implement
later.Communication is very important while dealing with people. It is basically
a process in which everyone simultaneously receives, sends, interprets, and
infers information, with no beginning and no end (Johnson, 1993). It also plays
a crucial part in education, particularly in remote learning as it improves
understanding among participants.

E-learning assigns various roles to both teachers and students and makes
learning easy through the use of audiovisual media. It is a sense-off campus
but normal communication occurs without being present physically.

Furthermore, one should clear all the barriers of communication in remote

learning in order to overcome all the challenges and establish effective
communication. The lecturers can usually identify if there is some ambiguity,
and the learner has lots of opportunities to ask for clarification when
something isn't clear. There's a lot of giving and taking going on. Students
should not hesitate or be shy otherwise the communication process won’t
work properly. Most e-learning courses have this difficulty because they tend
to be pushed out to the learner with no opportunity for clarification. As a
result, it's crucial to think about the content and how to measure the learner's
understanding during the course so that you can provide them the feedback
they need and without forgetting they should be comfortable first. The goal of
a lecturer in an online class should be that he reaches out to the students and
makes sure that they are understanding.

In order for them to understand completely, lecturers should create activities

according to their capabilities. They might need to practice first, so the
lecturers should create practice exercises where the students can test their
understanding on a certain topic and provide feedback.

E-learning is challenging as it is web-based. All you have to do in it, is

communicating but before everything else, one should be able to understand
clearly what the other person is saying and then will be able to communicate
well. So, it is important to incorporate the right methods within the course to
ensure that the students are truly comprehending. Hence, Communication is
key in remote learning.

At last, “what is the relationship between student`s satisfaction and

student`s academic achievements on online platforms?”
Covid-19, as a global public health crisis, has been brutal on the economy,
education and food security of people all around the world, regardless of
national boundaries. Hence, such activities which were closed completely after
the suspension of a face to face activities in an effort to avoid virus and
spreading among their student and staff and in turn, the general population.
However, HEI`s have continue to offer education by using various digital
media , E-Learning platforms and video conferencing system .therefore , the
result was that E-Learning has become a compulsory educational process.
Thus, to understand COVID-19`s impact on then academic sphere, especially
on student`s learning effectiveness, this study explored the factors influencing
Student satisfaction has been shown to be reliable concept for measuring the
success of implementing ICT-based initiative in E-Learning environments.
Scholars have documented a strong relationship between how student
perceived their academic performance and how satisfied students are with
their E-Learning environments.
The study reveals important notes related to student`s satisfaction with E-
Learning training, such as online interaction, computer efficiency, online skills,
teacher support, course design, teacher feedback, quality of information and
activity and technical support. In addition, during the pandemic, aspects like
temperature lighting and noise have been identified as significant
determinants of student`s E-Learning performance.
A small number of studies conducted by investigators seeking the
dimensionality of student satisfaction with online learning have emerged in the
past years while prior studies have focused primarily on a face to face teaching
environments, online learning has provided a new dynamic and has re-
energised interest in the topic. Arbaugh (2007) adopted factoring to validated
the community of inquiry framework ( Garrison et AL , 2000) incorporating
social ,cognitive , and teaching presences.
To express their degree of satisfaction,students react only to thing that they
expect , but are never expressly stated or to what they have already assumed
about the course .However , should dissonance with these expectations
develop , students may encounter ambivalence characterised by simultaneous
positives and negatives feeling .These are mixed emotions described by Weight
(1991)and Long (2011).
In an another study, to identify the dimensionality, Wang , Dziuban, Cook , and
Moskal ( 2009) used classification and regression trees to predict student
assessment of online courses and identified a series of validated if -then
decision rules for predicting student`s perception of excellent teaching based
on the three construct : facilitation of learning , ability of the instructor to
communicate information and concepts and the instructor`s respect and
concern for student.
To conclude, the online learning consortium established student satisfaction
with online learning as one of its founding metaphoric pillars. Hence students
are able and do express their opinion about their opinions about their
educational experiences in formats ranging from end of course evaluation
protocols to social networks of all varieties making their voice more
important than ever.

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