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Stratosphere layer is important because the very essential ozone layer is found in the

stratosphere. The ozone layer absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
It would be impossible to sustain life on earth without this layer of protection. The stratosphere
also stores greenhouse gases in varied quantities, which affects surface temperature and
general climate. The stratosphere is extremely stable. Nonetheless, changes in the stratosphere
have long-term consequences. For example, the emission of CFCs, which continue to deplete
ozone 50 years after their initial release.

The consequences of the possible destruction of the stratosphere layer are described below:
1. Firstly, high energy ultraviolet radiation can lead to a range of health issues. For example,
eye damage, skin cancer, and immune system suppression etc. According to experts,
high-energy UV light can induce abnormal ageing and clouding of the eye's lenses. Thus,
if the stratosphere layer is destroyed, it would negatively affect human health.

2. Secondly, the development of plants will be hampered. Even though plants will evolve to
cope with the higher level of ultraviolet radiation, destruction of the stratosphere layer
will significantly impact a variety of essential elements such as plant competitive
balance, herbivory, and biochemical cycles.

3. Next, aquatic food webs are built based on phytoplankton. Destruction of the stratosphere
layer increases Ultraviolet B radiation. It causes reduction in phytoplankton production,
leading to lower survival rates for marine species. Due to depletion of the ozone layer,
reduced reproductive capability and reduced larval development are the most adverse
effects on marine creatures.

4. Finally, the destruction of the stratosphere layer will lead to damage of synthetic
polymers, naturally occurring biopolymers, and several other commercially valuable
materials. Increases in high energy ultraviolet B radiation levels will expedite material
degradation, reducing the amount of time they can be used outside.

To protect the stratosphere layer our focus must be on the protection of the ozone layer. I will
take the following steps to achieve this goal:

1. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are chemical substances that are widely used in

freezers, and air conditioners and cause climate change by depleting the protective ozone
layer. The usage of HCFCs in industry activities must be limited. Thus, I will use
technologies that do not use HCFCs as refringent. Also, I will encourage my family and
friends to use refrigerators, air conditioners that do not use HCFCs as refrigerants.

2. To avoid the release of CFCs or HCFCs into the atmosphere, I will take care of my
existing appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators regularly.

3. I will make every effort to avoid consuming other ozone-depleting gases such as
halogenated hydrocarbons, methyl bromide, and nitrous oxide.

4. I will try to walk, use a bicycle or in cases of long-distance travelling I will share a ride to
reduce the usage of oil or gas. Furthermore, I will rely on public transportation and
reduce the use of the personal vehicle to prevent the depletion.

5. I will not use cleaning items that are damaging to the stratosphere layer. Instead, I will
use non-toxic alternatives such as vinegar or baking powder.

6. I will also arrange awareness programs with my university club. which will spread
information about protection of the stratosphere layer.

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