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A Manual of Unusual and Practical

Fighting Styles
A compendium of options for the practical combat artist
The Purpose of this Document Bonus Proficiency
Fighting. Fighters. The act and art of combat. I am tasked When you adopt the archetype at 3rd level, you can choose
with compiling a manual of the more unusual fighting style I either Sleight of Hand or Acrobatics. You gain proficiency in
have come across and studied in my many years as a that skill.
wondering adventurer. A complicated task, no doubt.
However, I am in luck. The defining characteristics of a Ambidexterity
fighter are the discipline and artistry involved in their combat Starting at 3rd level, your proficiency with both hands is
style. I have an easier time of it than some. But enough marvellous. When you take the Attack action while wielding
prattle, allow me to approach the meat of the matter. two weapons with the Light property and not wearing heavy
No two fighters fight the same way. They do fit into armor then you can make a single attack with your off hand
archetypes but many of those archetypes are well defined and as a part of that action.
broad allowing for a huge range of particulars within those Additionally, when you use your bonus action to make a
bounds. This causes the problem of many burgeoning dual wielding attack, that attack can be with either your main
fighters finding their style straying towards one of these or your off hand.
broad styles and deciding they must adopt this tradition.
False. Some of the greatest fighters I have ever encountered Dervish
have forged their own path, followed their own impulses and Starting at 7th level, you can unleash a flurry of light, quick
arrived at a place so unique and powerful that they have blows at everyone around you. While you are not wearing
formed their own traditions. I understand the power and heavy armor and wielding only weapons with the Light
place of discipline but discipline is not rigidity nor blind property, you can use an action to activate this ability, dealing
adherence to tradition. I will always encourage a student to damage to all enemies within 5 foot equal to your proficiency
follow their instincts. bonus.
You can use this ability three times and regain those uses
Defining the Unusual on finishing a short or long rest, or by spending a use of your
The artistry involved in the fighting styles I am to catalogue Action Surge as a part of the action to use this ability.
here is undeniable. They have found a niche, a technique, and
mastered it to a phenomenal degree. Many of these styles Biting Wind
grew up out of necessity or a cultural tradition risen to Starting at 10th level, you reflexively lash out at those who try
perfection in combat. I aim to explain both the origins of the to exploit your weak points. Whenever an opponent within 5
style as well as the partical applications, for it is only through feet targets you as a part of a reaction they take damage equal
understanding do we attain mastery. to your Dexterity modifier.
It is my hope that I can expand the knowledge of these
fighting styles and show potential fighters that there are a Whirlwind Attack
vast myriad of ways in which to employ the artistry of combat. Starting at 15th level, you can unleash a devastating flurry of
Without any more preamble, allow me to get into it. blows against everyone you can reach. While you are not
wearing heavy armor and wielding only weapons with the
Dervish Light property you can spend an action to make an attack
The Dervish arises from the idea of the Death of a Thousand against every enemy within 5 feet with your main hand, and
Cuts. While many warriors believe in the strength of a single, then make an additional attack against them with your
powerful blow a dervish knows that even the most powerful, offhand.
implacable foe can be brought down with many smaller cuts. You can use this ability twice and regain those uses on
They take the oft overlooked art of dual wielding and bring it finishing a long rest.
to a place of awesome efficacy. They rely on manual dexterity Additionally, when you use a bonus action to attack with
and practiced motion to engender the ambidexterity needed your second weapon you can make two attacks instead so
to perform their manoeuvres. The style itself is incredibly long as you are not wearing heavy armor.
versatile, capable of performing well in single combat, but Steel Cage
where it truly shines is in horde combat. A well trained Starting at 18th level, your relentless cascade of attacks
dervish is capable of standing tall amidst a crowd of enemies forms a wall of whirling steel around you. As a bonus action
and inflicting wounds on all those in reach with a whirling you can adopt a defesive stance. While in this stance, for each
flurry of precise cuts. melee weapon attack you make on your turn that hits you can
increase your AC by 1 until the start of your next turn. You
can only increase your AC in this way by an amount equal to
your Proficiency bonus.
Duellist One on Two
The duellist arises from the practice of one on one combat, Starting at 18th level, you can keep your concentration on
most often as some form of ritual or judicial practice. two opponents at once. When you use your One on One
Duellists were the first champions for hire or honour who ability, you can choose a second target to designate as your
perfected this style of fighting. Through concentration, rigor opponent.
and needling persistence a Duellist is capable of taking on Additionally, you gain an additional reaction that can only
almost any opponent in a one on one fight. They practice the be used against a target of your One on One ability and can
technique of counter tempo, where they adapt their rhythm to only be used to use your Counter Tempo ability.
counter the rhythm of their opponent. In single combat, Monster Hunter
unmatched. However, in encounters with more than one
opponent their specialisation can be a severe impediment. So Monster Hunters arose from the dangers of living in a
complete is their focus upon one opponent that they leave monster infested area. They began as hunters in the sense of
themselves vulnerable to any other opponent to take culling and defeating, developing techniques to fight
advantage. With intelligent application, however, a duellist monsters in a way no other has and as such catch them off
can be the most devastating warrior. guard. This lead to dominance and, eventually, capture. A well
trained and powerful Monster Hunter is capable of defeating
One on One and capturing incredibly powerful monsters and asserting
Starting at 3rd level, you can focus all your attention on a dominance over them. Even those who have yet to achieve
single opponent. You can spend a bonus action to choose a such mastery are incredibly potent warriors, using gigantic
target. Once per turn, when you damage this opponent you weapons and unconventional grappling techniques to bring
can roll an additional weapon dice of damage. You add your down foes far larger than them. Though they are specialised
proficiency bonus to your AC from attacks made by this towards a certain type of enemy, their brutality and
opponent against you. Attacks against you from any other dominance allows them to catch any opponent off guard and
source have advantage. show off their novel and powerful techniques.
You can only focus your attention on one target at a time.
This effect requires concentration, though you do not need to Monster Lore
check for damage originating from your target. When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you have started
to study the habitats and fighting styles of monsters. You are
Counter Tempo considered proficient on any check to identify a beast,
Starting at 7th level, your ability to read your opponent allows monstrosity, dragon or giant or their lair.
you to interrupt their combat flow with your own. When the
target of your One on One makes a melee weapon attack, Wrastlin'!
attempts to cast a spell or attempts to use an ability while it is Also at 3rd level, you learn the best techniques for taking
within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a down monsters by getting inside their guard. You have
melee weapon attack. advantage on Athletics checks to grapple a beast,
monstrosity, dragon or giant.
Stare Down Additionally, you can grapple a creature up to two size
Starting at 10th level, your confidence and demeanour categories larger than you.
unnerves your opponent. When you use the Attack action
against the target of your One on One ability you can forgo Brutality
one of the attacks to instead make a flourish. If you do so, Also at 3rd level, you are inexorably infused with the brutality
your opponent must make an Insight check versus your of your quarry. Once per turn, when you deal damage you can
Intimidate or Perform check. If they fail they have increase that damage by an amount equal to half your level.
disadvantage on attacks against you and on checks to notice
anything other than you. Creature that are immune to the Monkey Grip
Frightened condition are immune to this ability. Starting at 7th level, your ability to wield large weapons
improves dramatically. You can attack a target you have
Flurry grappled with a Heavy weapon so long as you have only one
Starting at 15th level, you can channel all your concentration target grappled.
into a devastating cavalcade of blows. If you use the Attack Additionally, you can brace for impact using your weapon
action on the target of your One on One you can declare it a to blunt the blow. When you are hit by an attack you can use
Flurry. You must make this declaration before rolling to hit. If your reaction to roll your weapon damage dice and reduce
you do, each successful attack after the first deals an the damage by that amount.
additional dice of damage. This effect is cumulative but only
lasts until the end of your turn. You can use this ability once
and regain that use on finishing a long rest, or by spending a
use of your Action Surge as a part of the action to use this
Subdue Fortress Stance
Starting at 7th level, you learn how to knock a creature out When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you can go into a
with a well placed blow. If you score a critical hit on a beast, stance favouring defence over mobility. You can use your
monstrosity, dragon or giant then you can attempt to subdue movement action to adopt this stance instead of moving. If
it. Instead of rolling damage as normal for a critical hit, you you do, your speed becomes 0. You cannot adopt this stance if
can double your number of dice and roll those instead. you moved this turn and the stance ends as soon as you move
Double those dice rolls as normal for a critical hit and add voluntarily or if you are knocked prone. While in this stance
your damage modifiers. If this deals enough damage to you double your shield bonus to AC and can add your shield
reduce the creature to 0 hit points it is instead knocked bonus to Athletics checks to resist forced movement or a
Unconscious at its current hit point total. This condition lasts saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
for 1 hour or until roused.
Additionally, you score a critical hit on a target below half Sword and Board
its maximum hit points on a roll of a 19 or 20. Also at 3rd level, you can use your shield as a weapon as
much as a defence. While you are wielding a shield it is
Shutdown considered a light melee weapon that deals 1d6 damage.
Starting at 10th level, you answer an attack from your prey in Additionally, when you use your shield to shove a creature
kind. If you are targeted by an attack from a beast, and succeed, that creature takes damage equal to your
monstrosity, dragon or giant then you can use your reaction Strength modifier.
to make a melee weapon attack against the creature.
Implacable Guard
Right Where I Want You Starting at 7th level, you can use your successful defiance to
Starting at 15th level, you gain the ability to devastate a target fuel you. When you are targeted by an attack that misses or
you have proven your strength over. When you hit with a when you succeed on a saving throw you can use your
melee weapon attack against a creature you have grappled, reaction to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to
you can turn that hit into a critical hit. half your level plus your proficiency bonus.
You can use this ability once and regain that use on
finishing a short or long rest, or by spending a use of your Defiant Cry
Action Surge when you decide to use this ability. Starting at 10th level, you can let loose a shout of pure fury
and defiance. You can use a reaction when you are targeted
Bring Them In by an attack or have to make a saving throw to grant you
Starting at 18th level, you can capture a Large or Huge beast, resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.
monstrosity, dragon or giant. You learn the technique for You can use this ability once and regain that use on
crafting manacles and binds for various body types. Each set finishing a short or long rest, or by expending a use of your
of bindings takes 30 minutes to craft and 1 minute to attach Action Surge as a part of the reaction.
to a creature. A creature must be Unconscious to be bound
against its will. Rallying Surge
While bound, a creature is Restrained. As an action, you Starting at 15th level, you can lead your allies to glory with
can force a creature to move up to your movement each turn your heroics. Whenever you use your Action Surge, you and
so long as it remains within 5 feet of you and you keep one any allies within 30 feet that can see you regain hit points
hand on the bindings. Each hour a creature is bound, it rolls a equal to your proficiency bonus plus your Strength modifier.
d20 and adds its challenge rating. You must make an opposed
Intimidate check. If you are successful, the creature cannot Invincible Spirit
take any hostile actions for the next hour. If a creature fails Starting at 18th level, your will keeps you going when others
this roll off five times then it cannot take a hostile action would fall. When you are reduced to 0 hit points you are
while bound. instead reduced to 1. This effect can only occur once and it is
refreshed by finishing a long rest or by spending two uses of
Stalwart your Action Surge as a bonus action.
The idea of a warrior being a person with a sword and shield
is ubiquitous. Ask a typical peasant what a warrior is and this
is the image they conjure. Even from the earliest armies and
mobs there have always been those with sword and shield.
The stalwart takes this idea, the colloquial sword and board,
and raises it to its logical extreme. Utilizing their shield as
much as, if not more than, their true weapon a stalwart is an
immobile and immovable bastion. There is no greater anchor
to a battle line than a stalwart. With form, stance and
impeccable use of their shield they become almost unkillable.
Such is their implacable heroism that they inspire their allies
to keep fighting even in the toughest of circumstances. A true
fighters fighter, a stalwart is an elevation of an archetype to
awesome heights.
Witch Hunter Iron Will
There is a long tradition of religious warriors who have Starting at 18th level, you are a mental fortress perfectly at
dedicated themselves to fighting the undead. While this home on the hunt. You gain resistance to spell damage.
sentiment describes witch hunters, they could not be further Additionally, any time you kill your quarry you gain
from the archetypal paladin. Their fighting style does not rely temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. If your
on an investiture of power or their own faith, instead it is quarry was undead, had the Spellcasting, Pact Magic or
based on knowledge and an implacable spirit. They are Innate Spellcasting feature then you instead gain temporary
relentless in their hunt of their quarry, not resting until they hit points equal to your fighter level.
have destroyed them utterly. While capable of hunting any
target they are most dangerous while hunting the undead or
those who practice magic. A well trained witch hunter is a
terrifying foe, protected against the tricks and abilities of its
favoured foes and tearing them apart with righteous fury.
Bonus Proficiency
When you adopt this archetype at level 3 you gain proficiency
in the Religion skill. You can add double your proficiency
bonus in any attempts to identify undead or their lairs.
Hunt the Wicked
Starting at 3rd level, you focus your intention on one foe, not
resting until you bring them down. You can use a bonus
action to designate one creature within 60 feet as your
quarry. Once per turn, when you deal damage to your quarry
you deal an additional d6 damage. If your quarry is undead or
has the Spellcasting, Pact Magic or Innate Spellcasting
feature then you instead deal an additional d10 damage.
Once you designate a quarry you cannot choose a new one
until your current quarry is dead or until one week has
passed. You are considered proficient in any checks required
to track your quarry so long as it is within 5 miles of your
location. You can use this ability twice and regain those uses
on finishing a short or long rest.
Starting at 7th level, you become capable of stopping a spell
with a well placed blow. If your quarry attempts to cast a spell
you can use your reaction to attempt to interrupt them. Make
a melee weapon attack against them, if it hits then they must
make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to the
damage dealt. If they fail this save then they lose their spell.
You can use this ability once and regain that use on
finishing a short or long rest, or by sacrificing a use of your
Action Surge as a part of the reaction.
Purity of Will
Starting at 10th level, your trials and tribulations have
hardened your will. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving
throws. Additionally, when your quarry forces you to make a
saving throw you have advantage on that saving throw.
Starting at 15th level, your drive to kill your quarry can be
honed to a fever pitch. If you take the Attack action against
your quarry you can spend a bonus action to make an
additional attack. If this attack hits, you can make an
additional attack. If this attack hits, you can make a third
attack that is an automatic critical if it hits.
You can only use this ability once and regain that use on
finishing a long rest or by sacrificing two uses of your Action
Surge as a bonus action.

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