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Name : Muhammad Arzu Faris bin Junadi Apandi

Team : 7
Title : Cast Away 2000
Table of Content

No. Content Pg.

1 Synopsis 3-4

2 Characteristic of youth development 5

3 Scenes that Portrait Concept in Youth Development 6-9

- Physical and emotional
- Influences made by family, peers or community

4 The impact of understanding Cast Away 10


Chuck Nolan, a system analyst executive, works for FedEx company while his girlfriend, Kelly
Frears, works as a deuteragonist and lives in Memphis, Tennessee. Chuck is very workaholic. He
has a habit of always bringing his work clock everywhere. During the christmas eve dinner with
his and his girlfriend's family, Chuck was summoned to work to solve a problem in Malaysia.
Loyal to his duty, he was forced to leave the christmas dinner and went to work. At first Kelly
doesn't let him go but he then promises Kelly that he will be there during New Years Eve. Kelly
gave him an antique watch from her grandfather with her picture in it to Chuck. Bad Omen
comes as the plane he boarded flew into a heavy storm. Unfortunately , the plane crashes into the
Pacific Ocean and sinks to the bottom of the sea. Chuck survives but the 4 pilots that are with
him on the plane died during the crash. Chuck escaped the sinking plane using an inflatable life
raft and he found himself stranded on an inhabited island the next day.

After shouting and calling for help, he accepted his fate and tried to survive the island. He then
gathered the remaining FedEx packages that were washed to the shore. He survived for a few
days with only coconuts as his main source of food. He tried to scout the island at the top of the
mountain but then Chuck found one body of the pilot named Albert Miller. He got a torchlight
from the corpse for a source of light. During the night he saw a ship in the near distant and tired
calling for help using the light with morse code. He then tried to go to the ship hoping they
would notice him but ended as his raft exploded due to a sharp coral rift and injuring his left leg.
He then opened all the packages from the crashed FedEx plane and found a lot of useful items.
He didn't open the last package. He also injured himself as he failed his attempt to start a fire and
furiously throw a ball, branded wilson. He then picked up the ball stained with his blood and
drew a face and began talking to it. He named it Wilson.
Wilson then accompanied him for four years. Decided not to give up and wanted to deliver the
package he did not open, he decided to make a raft out of wood and rubber from the island and
set sail with wilson. After surviving the big waves near the shore, he found himself on the still
water of the ocean. When it rains, it pours. That's Chuck's fate. He encountered another storm on
his raft and tried to survive by holding onto the raft tightly. He then fainted. Waking up, he
doesn't find Wilson anywhere on the boat. Chuck tried to save Wilson but failed as Wilson had
drifted far away. He grieved his loss as Wilson is his only friend that stayed with him during the
years spent on that island. Soon after, he wakes up to the sound of a cargo ship sailing past him
and is rescued.

Four weeks have passed and Chuck learns that he was declared dead by his family and Kelly had
already been married to another man. Kelly also had a daughter. When they both meet, they still
love each other but Kelly already has a family so Chuck has to let her go.He also returned her
family heirloom and stated that it's her family’s so she should keep it. He then says his goodbyes
and moves on. Chuck then drives to Texas to deliver the packages from his adventure. Finding
no one was home, he then left a note at the door stating that the packages gave him hope and
purpose to stay alive to deliver the package safely. He then left the house, stopped at an empty
cross road and came across a woman that gave him directions. As the woman leaves, Chuck
stares down the road the woman took and smiles.
Characteristic of Youth Development Agents

1. Brave
2. Smart
3. Never Give Up
4. Diligent
5. Helpful
6. Move on
Scenes that Portrait Concept in Youth Development

1.Physical and emotional

-Never Give Up :
When Chuck found this package, he thought of sending the package to its owner. He found a
purpose to stay alive and survive the hellish island to do his job and deliver the package.

-Brave :
After his first attempt failed, he tried again to leave the island after 4 years. He builds a raft out
of logs and the night before the second attempt, he talks to Wilson and states that he is scared.
But even so he has got to try to make it past the huge waves and eventually after several huge
tides, he manages to cross over to the ocean.
-Smart :
Chuck uses the coconut as a portable bottle to store the morning dew of the plants to drink. He
makes a hole in the coconut and plug in a rock to stop the water from flowing out

-Diligent :
Even if its christmas eve, Chuck says to Kelly that he need to take care of some work at Malaysia
-Helpful :
Chuck suggested his best friend Stan to try and reach out to a doctor he knows to treat his wife's
sickness. He overheard Stan's conversation with the pilot and try to give help to his best friend.

-Move On :
When he found out that Kelly is already married and had a kid, Chuck knew he had to move on
from her. Even though they both still love each other, Chuck decided to back out so that he
would not ruin someone's family. He said his hardest goodbye to Kelly. He told Stan that he has
to move on from Kelly and start over.
2.Influences made by family, peers or community

-Family is important :
When Chuck heard the conversation between Stan and the pilot, he suddenly had the urge to call
his Girlfriend and checked up on her. He then went to his girlfriend's office to see her and went
to the christmas eve dinner party with his whole family.

-Friends can keep you company :

When he first injured his hand and failed at lighting up the wood to make fire, he went rampage
and threw the ball away. He then picked back up the ball and started to paint a face with his
blood on the ball and named it Wilson. After that he tried to have a match with Wilson. He then
manages to light up a fire and happily tells Wilson about it. Not only that, Wilson also act as a
partner for Chuck even though it is not alive to fill in Chuck’s loneliness
The impact of understanding Cast Away

From cast Away, I got to understand that in life, you have to be brave and face the challenges
head on. Even if you failed the first time, life is all about experiences. I also learned that I should
never give up when I am stuck at a huge wall. I must accept my failures and try to find a way to
overcome the challenges. In life, everyone needs a partner. Be it a person or a pet, a partner can
help someone to fill the loneliness they felt. In the movie, Wilson always accompanies Chuck
even though he can't speak. But when Chuck couldn't save Wilson from drifting, he cried all day
as Wilson is very important to him. Also, when we lose something that is very valuable or a once
in a lifetime opportunity that can determine our future, we must accept our fate and carry on with
our daily lives. Every person makes mistakes and we try to fix ourselves to become a better
version of ourselves. I really like Chucks quote where he said he will carry on with life no matter
what happens, because “you never know what the tide will bring in”

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