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Detailed Lesson Plan in Trend, Networks, and Critical Thinking-HUMMS Track

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:
a. Define globalization.
b. Explain the positive and negative effects of globalization.
c. Construct an essay about various activities in one’s daily life that show the
effects of globalization
II. Content
Topic: Effects of Globalization
Reference: Other Learning Resources: (
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, pictures and sign cards.
Methods of teaching: Explicit Instruction-Blended Learning

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Routine

1. Prayer
May we all stand for the prayer. (A student lead the prayer)
Anyone, who can lead the prayer?

2. Greetings
You may now take your seats.Good Morning Good Morning Ma’am! We are all fine.
class! How are you today?

3. Checking of attendance
Who is absent today? Who is the secretary (student’s raised their hands)
of the class?

Please check the attendance and give it to

me later.

B. Development of the Lesson(Explicit


1. Presentation

Today, we will discuss about

globalization. In this lesson I want you to
define globalization, explain the positive and
negative effects of globalization and explain
the significance of globalization in one’s
daily life by constructing a short essay.
Here is our lesson for today.
Those are some examples of globalization
What is Globalization? ma’am.

(Reading by whole, by rows and individual)

2. Modelling (the student look at the pictures thoroughly)

Positive effects of Globalization

Negative effects of Globalization Those are some effects of globalization

3. Guided Practice
a. Individual Scaffolding
Now, what is globalization?

Examples of globalization?

Yes Ma’am!
What are the benefits that brought
about globalization?

Globalization is a process of interaction and

b. Group Activity(from the module) integration among the people, companies,
and governments of different nations. It is a
4. Independent Activity process driven by international trade and
investment and aided by information
Now, for your independent activity I want technology.
you to answer exercise on your module.
You answer it at home at any time of your
convenient or during modular schedule.


As a student, how does globalization affect your daily activities?


Each group will present a news cast simulation reporting about the progress of the
Group 1: Philippines
Group 2: Singapore
Group 3: China


Concept 10 pts
Creativity 10 pts
Neatness 10 pts
Total 30 pts

Prepared by:
Nikke Joy T. Jalapit

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