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by Sue-Weiner

Irkernship M Hurst
The Erie commumtv has every
right to*be proud ofsMercyhurst
by John? Sullivan College. Whereas most
private liberal» arts colleges are
operating on | deficit budgets,
Mercyhurst has a budget written
in J black ink. 4 Whereas I most
private liberal arts colleges are
suffering from j a I decline tin
enrollment, Mercyhurst has a
record enrollment this fall of 1,469
students, 798 women and 671 men.
This year alone brought 452 new
students to the college, 362 of
these collegians are freshmen
and the remaining 90 are transfer
students from 41 colleges and
universities throughout the
United States. J
Under i President Marion L.
Shane, now in his second year in
the office of the president,
Mercyhurst is attempting to
develop a ^liberal curriculum
which will meet both the life and NS.
the career needs of its students. W i
Mercyhurst also is finding ways •..-. :•: :*.•. >• >;vxiCs

to provide educational op-

portunities for these citizens who ISNET MOUHEDIN
are outside of the traditional 18- For the first time, the Division techniques will be using the new
to-22-year-oldfc group. One result of Creative* Arts offers a con- ballet bar which was to be in-

has been the highly successful centration in dance. This addition stalled inEWeber HallUhis past
Colleger of Older Americans brings the artistic director of the week. The Erie Ballet isawaiting,
Efie Civic Ballet to Mercyhurst the placing of a? new floors in
BARRY GROSSMAN established in the summer of 1972 as|an instructor.^The director, Weber so that rehearsals?may
and which is currently serving Ismet Mouhedin, announces the begin to be held there p f
. "|
Dr. Barry Grossman is our pre- Students from Mercyhurst are: many citizens of theflErie com-
law director here at Mercyhurst John! Ross representing Coun- move of the Erie Civic Ballet this | ISMET MOUHEDIN
munity who are 55 years of age week | to § Weber* Hall fas fits The instructor of dance at
and also an assistant professor of cilman Glowacki, Ron Susmarski and older. This program is of-
Political Science. Dr. Grossman representing Councilman rehearsal area. J -j |Mercyhurst comes here* from
fered to Senior Citizens on a year The new concentration in dance Ipittsburgh where he was
attended Cleveland Law School Rugare, and John Welsh round basis free of charge.
where he earned his Juris Doc- representing Councilman The Erie community can be is available as partfof a dual associate professor of dance at
torate degree and is currently^ Hark ins. Due to the success these proud also of both the economic majorHrack in the Creative Arts Point;' Park College and Ballet
member of the Pennsylvania Bar students have shown ^in ?the and the cultural impact made by Major Program. Neither an Master with the Pittsburgh Ballet
Association. J §1 program, other Internship Mercyhurst. The College has a audition nor previous experience Theatre. Born | in Belgium of
The? purpose of the pre-law programs are now underway, in dance is ai prerequisite to Turkish ancestry, Mr. Mouhedin
budget just in excess of $3 million, choosing the concentration. The studied at the Conservatory ?of
program here at Mercyhurst is to particularly one whereas virtually £all of which is spent in
outline students who are planning students will work with a lawyer other areas from which to select Dance of the Brussels Opera with
the Erie community. This $3 majorsfare art, music, theatre, the distinguished teacher, Henry
to attend Lawl^School. Dr. doing Quasi Legal work earning million | doesginot | include -fthe
Grossman recommended con- two dollars per hour. \ More and communications arts. Gray. *" / " ^ M
significant amount of money Requirements for a degree in this . Mouhedin W began
centration in Accounting, Prin- Internship programs are cex- spent in the Erie community each ?his
ciples of Economics, American pected in city courts, county program include ten courses in professional career at the age of
year by the College's students. In one area of the arts, eight in a seventeen. He performed at the
History, American Government government, school boards, both addition,]; there are 2,500
Constitutional | Law,. Logic, state and federal, and possibly in second area, and two special Grand Ballet du Marquis de
graduates of Mercyhurst, many courses in creative arts and the Cuevas under John Tarras, the
Business Law in American our state capital in Harrisburg. | of whom live and work in Erie and
Legal System, and Creative Dr. Grossman will be visiting interrelationship of the fine arts. present First Ballet Master of the
thus contribute jgreatly to* its The dance concentration at New York City Ballet. Among the
Writing as a good foundation here ten i to k fifteen different Law economy. The^CollegeTalso is a
at Mercyhurst. | J£ jjj S|S Schools in the near future to center for cultural activities such Mercyhurst was born of the needs instructor's other ^ professional
Gannon, Villa Maria, Edinboro, establish good^relations between as plays, concerts, and lectures. of the ten dance majors who came experiences are guest dancer at
«M Mercyhurst vail sat down them and Mercyhurst with the Mercyhurst^ College was to Mercyhurstffrom Point Park the | JParis Opera and
together at a city school and intention of getting our students founded^ in 1926 j[ with an College so as to continue studying choreographer for the Paris
mapped out an Internship in. Within the next ^month, Dr. enrollment of 25 women. In 1969, under Mr. Mouhedin. After Mr. Opera on tour as well as ap-
rrpgram whereas students would Grossman will have ffifty to the College! became Mouhedin accepted his new pearances i on over 100 French
te assigned to a councilman for a seventy-five bulletins on different coeducational andfc today the position at the Erie Civic Ballet television shows, including one
fccnooi term and receive classLaw Schools you may be in- number of men enrolled at the last! spring, Mercyhurst asked with Maurice Chevalier.
credits for doing it. Each student terested in attending. Also each him to teach the'eourse in basic ^Speaking of the value of dance
presents his councilman at year a scholarship is offered to Hurst nearly equals the number dance techniques which the last to the drama student, Mr.
meetings, j-attends council one graduate in every Catholic of women students. And at a time Erie Ballet director had taught Mouhedin says "It is important
^ssjpns, general! research, and College to -attend St. John's when most private liberal arts here. The dance majors from for acting people to know all the
making surveys on^how/to University in Jamaica, New York colleges I have seen| their Pittsburgh, however, required different kinds of* dance/*
council. enrollments decreasing,:} the advanced courses. Presenting Orientation to dance techniques
who plans to further his education Mercyhurst enrollment has more
J** 8 term
, Mercyhurst has in Law. For further information than doubled in jthe r> last f 48 their j case to Dean Garvey, may help win a theatre student a
wee students doing Internship, or any questions^you may have, Mouhedin obtained approval for non-dancing part in productions of
wng with threetstudents from contact Dr 4 Grossman in room the additional courses and the the Erie Civic Ballet. For
cannon, and nno f™™ E M ^ K ^ W * 122, Preston Hall. 3 (Continued on P. 2) dance * concentration was then students with plans for .teaching
developed. | f dance, the new concentration
$ ERIE CIVIC BALLET coupled with the experience and

nftifi*. students.. No longer
President of Business Services, —Any F student guilty L of
The dance majors from Point discipline of preparation for local
Park form the core of the Erie productions! provides solid
Civic Ballet. Other! dance training. The class .Sand? stage
students from Mercyhurst will work, Mr. ^Mouhedin explains
"Wyoudisrobe before entering Willis G. CardotJ explains the shoplifting will be immediately also be able to perform with the also give the prospective dance
b l ^ t o r e . Complaints from bookstore's policies and goals: suspended from classes. Erie Ballet. Mr. Mouhedin hopes instructor an insight ^into "the
^students and faculty have The Mercyhurst* College that' next year students will be psychology of trying to help
ttoXL-A . I -administration Bookstore exists to provide These policies have! been in- given credit for such! par- students j clear aqy problems'' $
recorder the -coat rule". service to the College Com- stitutedfto achieve thetfollowing ticipation. *
n goals: §1 t | which! prevent them from im-
ha8 f.P^anem Security Guard munity. The quality and cost of All performances of the Erie proving.
0 b e e n cl
beenmt »nged and will this service is seriously affected —Reduce Shoplifting Civic Ballet will be video-taped so "Dance is beautiful talk with
an occasional
Harra m n t of visitor. by losses from shoplifting; "—Reduce Costs to the College that students can study their own the body," Mr. Mouhedin begins,
GuardIKbv ! *e* Security therefore the Bookstore instituted Community W dancing or learn rfrom the ex- a means of communication which!
S S ? . . students was as also a the following procedures in order ^ —Expand Services ? |. perienced of their peers. Also, draws an esthetic^ experience!
^ d e c i s i o n changer.£ to improve the- service to the Shoplifting increases costs to classes will sometimes present from the audience. The danced
undents wouldl enter the faculty and students: all students using the Bookstore. demonstrations to the College, as concentration at Mercyhurst is a
jotatowgearing from 4 to 5 —All ?books, /packages, etc. The ultimate I outcome r.of the will the advanced ballet class at new step toward integrating^
kll t a bil
toSi£? «J ^Possible must be deposited on the shelves Bookstore policy will result in the end of this term. ^ nonverbal expression,: into the
ne or lockers provided at the outside reduced costs and expanded Both this advanced class and book-oriented system of learning
| following draft from Vice entrance of the Bookstore. services for all students. the students in basic dance and exchange.
Letters To The Editor QUIZ CHALLENGES:Wm
W In order to determine how well H I A) yes B)noJ WRE 1
you are becoming oriented to I 9. How many class cuts do vou
I SPARKS RESPONSE M.U. life we have* prepared a • average a week? A) none B) 5 or
questionnaire which will cover all I less. C) more than 5. l
Congratulations, Mercyhurst* aspects of the college scene, m I 10 In twenty-five words or W
Congratualtions *Mercyhurst, Recently, the Edinboro College Just fill ? out this 3simpleI write your answer to t^
At last, your true colors are your children are deep!! Student Government dropped all questionnaire which! was Nj following question: What person
Hying. I your ideals are Relevantly yours, ; funding to fits award? winning prepared by Your Spiritual B possesses the qualities of the
flourishing. No longer is your Collen McManamon student paper. The reason behind Guardians with the help of {Dr. I typical M .U. student? K
newspaper editorializing apathy. %
the fund drop concerned the fact Joyce Brothers. j f BE S Submit your choice in the box in
No longer is your student body a Dear Miss McManamon, that the paper dealt only with 1. Are you: A) male B) female. !|jthe" S.A.C. office. I The most
silent majority. They've spoken Having singled out a small faculty oriented or college
out and expressed their in- |2. Which do you like better? A) I ipopular entry will be determined
portion of the articles published oriented news articles... the socialfB) academic.J B B R E by qualified judges (yours truly)
nermost convictions. At last, your in last week's paper, you ex- student was forgotten.
community of intellectual pressed your opinion. Bear with ^3. Do you live A) in the dorm B) Ig and published next week.
pioneers is being exposed to nitty- The Merciad will continue to off campus? m-. 3^p^|B £
me while r attempt! to answer publish *'drivel" and will also h I ANSWERS :F3f f
\ 4. How often do you wear the jj#l. If your answer is A—5 points
gritty drivel. £f yOUPf."drivel" charges. The continue to put the student first.?$j
Mercyhurst, you've reached Merciad has an obligation to the same clothes to class two days in ^ If your answer is B—3 points.
Cathy Stevensont a row ? A) never B) once a week 2£ 2. If your answeris A—3points
the heart of life! Your Merciad 's students not only to inform but Editor 3& S' C) more than once a week.ll IsSM
scope includes everything from also to express. You seemed to 5. How often do you get a buzz ^ If your answer is B-6 points. *
one man's personal, individual have only read page two of last
discovery of Jesus to Zuppo Q. when it's not I the phone or the ^ 3. If your answer is A—5 points
Pimpletucker's * touching article
about indignities imposed on
week's paper. What about pages
one, three and four? Ir feel the Erie-Hurst \ doorbell? A) every daygB) three |fclf your answer isB—3 points.
times a week C) never. KjHfiis « K4. If your answer is A—5 points
Merciad staff' covered 'many (Continued from P. 1) HE If your answer is B—3
6. How often do you get up for | | I f your answer is C—l point.points.
bookstore g thieves. Most important i issues on the
significantly though,! you've previously mentioned pages. months. Saturday morning cartoons?!A) m 5. If your answer is A—1 point.
finally come ^ to grips with the Humor is also-important, and if Mercyhurst, which now has 73 every week B) twice a month C) B* If your answer is B—3 points.
earthshaking Mercyhurst dating we make a point with our humor, full-time faculty members, 44 per ^ J f your answer is C—6 points.
7.-How many faculty members E§6. If your answer is A—5 points.
game. v I I all the better. * \ i cent of whom have their doc-
torates or {are doctoral can- do you know well? A) nonef B) m If your answer is B—3 points.
didates, has r 21 departments under 5 C) 5 or more, fci i n IP If your answer is C—1 point.
EDITORIAL offering a major leading?to the
Bachelor of Arts degree. These
departments are accounting, art,
8. Do you think the males on m 7. If your answer is A—1 point.
campus are attractive? (Girls H|If your answer is B—3 points.
answer this one). |£* If your answer is C—5 points.
biology, business, chemistry, I Do .you! think the females Ion 8. For girls, if your answer is

William Who? earth-space science, elementary

education, English, French,
general science, history, home
economics, law i-enforcement,
campus are I attractive? (Boys A—5points. :y WmM,'
answer this one).S^§S* j IS Bfl For girls, if your answer is B—3
points. & $&M
i For guys, if your answer is A—5
by Sharon Warner and Anna Mashhic m a t h e m a t i c s , f medical
technology, music, political
As stated in the 1973-1974 Mercyhurst College Catalogue "Mer- science, psychology, sociology,
cyhurst College has as its purpose the promotion of the growth and Spanish and theater arts. J |
MistakeM points.
points. it
J For guys, if your answer is B—3
development of the individual student, i .Since the social en-
vironment complements the growth of the individual, the cultural,
Thirteen areas of minor con-
centrations are offered: hotel and
social, athletic, and spiritual activities of the campus are as vital to r e s t a u r a n t management,
Noted] • 9. If your answer is A—5 points.
HI If your answer is B—3 points.
It was brought to my attention H If your answer is C—1 point.
a student's total education as is his academic program." | I U hospitality .management, that the article titled "Admission E l f your score was: n 2 ^
This year's cultural series grew out of that very concept with the business management. | child Report" in last week's Merciad 1 14-^3 BKAVO! LTou are well
purpose of treating the cultural quality formerly neglected by the development, clothing! and tex- had misinformed and possibly adjusted to college „ life. You
school. £ ^ S T f I • M§- i 1 T ' i $ tiles, communication arts, en- insulted some of ? our reading might not last four years but the
The cultural series is an experiment in determining whether they vironmental education, en- public. * jM- I time you do spend here will be
would be willing to finance a comparatively expensive and vironmental science, foods and In writing the article, using typical of M.U. fe f I i i
stimulating program of cultural activity at Mercyhurst. However, nutrition, housing and home information given to me by the 26-35 SHAPE \JV OK SHIP
we feel certain that ^without the support of the Mercyhurst com- management, | secretarial \dmissions Office, I found I was OUT! You've got potential so let's
munity , the program will be terminated. & science, social work and special dealing with individual head see you use it.f But don't worry
This year's cultural series initiated with the appearance of education, i Also, teacher cer- counts on the various totals with a few more class-cuts and
William Kunstler, September 25, at Mercyhurst Prep. Auditorium. tification in Pennsylvania is present (i.e. resident students, some extra nights on the town you
Attendance at this first cultural function was observably poor to available in 15 areas.of study.! non-resident j students, female will come to like M.U. |
those connected with the senes. ?Pf W ™ ~ ? ™ * Nearing its projects maximum students,™ male students)? 36-45 SOKRY—YOUR SHIP
Fortunately, Mr. Kunstler was not inhibited by the turn out. He growth of 1,500 full-time students, Therefore when I came to the JUST SUNK! [You are spending
was relatively pleased with the attendance and exceptionally Mercyhurst (remains committed figures listing! high school too many hours in the LUC and
pleased with their response. f J Jf i «, to its historic goals of awakening background, I assumed (in- regurgitating facts like an ob-
We are * grateful thatjJMr. Kunstler spoke favorably of an un- intellectual sensitivity, moral telligently^! felt) Hthat 106 in solete computer. If you keep
necessary situation. However, we as students cannot overlook this concern, social awareness, and a coming Frosh came from Public following this life style you'll
negligence on the part of the students, faculty, and administration sense of |personal elan. These High Schools and 60 came i'rom never*be able to face the real
of Mercyhurst - negligencej for all attempts were made to inform us goals, however, 'must be ac- Catholic High Schools and thusly world. 1
in advance of Kunstler's appearance. The Merciad, in a relatively complished within a framework presented it to you, the reading Respectfully submitted,
lengthy article, attempted to acquaint the institution with him. where both! theory |and reality public, as such. Instead, those Your Spiritual Guardians
Local media and'press also offered at least minimal advance play important roles. Mercyhurst figures were to designate that 100
publicity for the event, thus eliminating any excuse for last Tuesday recognizes that there is a world different high schools and 60
night's poor attendance. I t
We do not mean to accuse the Mercyhurst community (this in-
cluding faculty and|administration as well as J students) of in-
jH outside
play a
and that
part in
different Catholic High Schools
are represented on our' campus
by the Freshman Class. ^ %
flexibility or of narrowmindedness. Yet, if they? are not willing to world. Thus, the curriculum must
give their support to the larger interests of the school, they will
inevitably destroy those objectives of growth | and * development
from which the school has grown. I ] t
relate to career needs. Mercy-
hurst realizes also thats
goals will not be reached through
As for my comment Jabout
asking oneself where the 195
students earned their secondary
education diplomas, no insult was
On Tuesday, November 27, a
Again referring to the Mercyhurst College Catalogue, "The most classroom instruction alone. intended, and I was not accusing group will leave New York City to
important dimension of Mercyhurst history has been the flexibility Much of a student's personal, the Admissions Office of ac- tour four European cities-
that encourages growth. Probably Mercyhurst's most valuable emotional ? and intellectual cepting students without the Madrid, Athens, Florence, and
tradition has been the ease and enthusiasm with which it has en- growth comes through informal necessary requirements. I Rome—for 18 days in first class
tered every new phase of its remarkable growth." If this tradition discussions } and inter- apologize thusly to the accommodations. The fee for the
is true, where was the ease and enthusiasm on September 25? f $| relationships developed outside Admissions Office who was very trip is $797 or $987 if three college
We do not suggest that the Mercyhurst community force them- the formal classroom structure. cooperative Fin ~ getting the in- credits are to be earned. This^
selves to participate in any activity that they do not consider fruitful formation to me and to all of you includes everything except
or enjoyable. We do, however, suggest that-they > re-evaluate out there who feel insulted by my spending money. Among thuw
exactly what is fruitful and enjoyable to them and consider new misunderstanding 1 of these highlights of the tour, the
dimensions. | j * figures and» by my ^'sarcastic following basics areUncluded:
In this re-evaluation, we hope that the door will not be closed to comment" about your hard- round-trip flight! between New
anything potentially beneficial to themselves or to the school. Thousands of Topics earned high school diploma. York City and European cities, 2
i $2.75 per page | meals daily, first-class hotel
Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, f Kim Wontenay accommodations, sightseeing ana
Assistant Editor full-time personal guide in eacn
THE MERCIAD mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00
to cover postage (delivery time is
l to 2 days), i ,g
city. &$
The tour runs from Novemoer
, i
27th to December '14th. If y«J
would like further information
please contact Mr. Sisca, An
Published weekly during the college year, except Thanksgiving, in- (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 Department or call 8S4-0681. The
tersessiorv Christmas and Easter vacations* and examination periods Our research material is sold for deadline for reservations is>
by the students of Mercyhurst College/ Erie, Pa., HS01. Mailing ad- research assistance only.
dress: Mercyhurst Mai Iroom-Pffi^onH a 11, Box 36. Monday, October 8th.

Assistant Editor: W
Cathy Slavonian
Kim Wontanay
$2 Person
Oldies but Good!es
Place TBA
Editoriol Board
News: V

Sua Weiner
Sharon Warnar

Sports: i i Dario Ciprianis

Assistant Sports: Jack Rilay §T
Drama;:; t MarkZina
Susinost Manager:
Anno Mashinic
Sorry McAndrow

"Play Mlffy
mi f
1 Sign-Up for 1

"Hour of
Beer Blast
(Shades Beach)
Faculty Advisor: ^
for Me" 1 Pool Tourney! me Wolf Last day to
Staff: Paul Hones, Poggy Benedict, Tonl Loupe. Paul Doran, Diane Pkkeni • p.m . R.H. 1 Union 1 ° p.m.R.H. -sign-op for
McCarlhy# Dennis Coon. John Sullivan, Ann Condon, John Siv Pool Tourney
Elian Froltag, Susan Barrio, 'Carol Guarluccio. Jill Proper,
Candy Yankar, Marty Keenoy, Eloanoro Grolowicz.



Offlet WorK
!?VfMit Company, 12th and Pittsburgh»Avenue Contact: Mrs.
T or<
W- - "" 4^8881 Hours: 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. (Tuesday, Friday and
S U v ) Salary: Sl.80.hour., ! -| Rumors of a $500 plywood purchase made by the school for use in the proposed campus plaza were
dispelled Friday by Dean William Garvey.
^tender< Female* Over 21) ;
^hanarl-La, 2108 Clark Road (10 Blocks East of K-AAart East) Although there was indeed a purchase made, not more than "a couple of hundred dollars were
tact: Mr. Chap • Phone: 899-3029. Flexible Hours • Good Pay.j spent", said Dean Garvey. K g WksBSSluw -ffitFJ I t
00 b
n ^ P'yy * was °u?ht to serve as a platform for the proposed sculpture to be located at the
8 UP n c o m p l e t i o a Tfie
M rt 1111 State street, Erie, Pa. - Contact: John Stetter • Phone: rarKSSarea ° ***** *•? be partially located in the former Baldwin
^4552606Hours: 9:00a.m.to5:00p.m..Salary: $ 2 . 0 0 - h o u r | K |
Laborer (Spray on Asphalt Celling) i |
Former Mercynurst art major. Bernie Lynch, had been commissioned by the school to construct
AAro 1828 Manchester Road - Contact: Richard Bliley • 833-5130 the work, whicn originally consisted ot "two concrete slabs with water shooting between them", said
<; larv* S2.25-hour Hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday - 8:00 Garvey.' 'One slab was to symbolize the old Mercy hurst and one the new Mercyhurs t. *'
a.m.to6:00p.m. ^VSHHE
General Labor (Male) j | r j Mm I Plans for the construction of Lyneh's model were rejected becailse it was "too permanent", Garvey
R- Erie Market, 1701 West 12th Street - Contact: Manager In Person - said. ff | ~ i£ £** | | •
Hours: Flexible ||| M " ^ ^ ' ^ l : ' What Garvey and the landscaping directors had in mind was a portable model which, if It did not
Sa,e$ harmonize with the new college center, could be moved.[' B;, j* ,
M * -i^P | p
Waitress | $ | t 'M %Xk& n H 9
Maintenance JJ * I I JpH Garvey insisted that the money spent on the plywood was not wasted as the rumor suggested.
WT Grant Company - Grandview Plaza, 1244 E. Grandview Blvd. - "It can be returned or sold", he said. "Someone has already made an offer to buy it, but vwe may
Contact: Mr. Clark^alary: Varies - Hours: Flexible J i B p : y | I § keepit
Bottle Sorter (2 Male Students Needed) lfci«$f I I s Garvey also added that the proposed college center had not to date become a reality.
Mehier Bottling Company, 30th and McClelland Avenue • Contact:
Norm Mayr - 452-6767 Hours: 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • Salary: "We are waiting to see if the money is available", he said. No contractors have been chosen and no
U.85-hour ;. j | $ I I SB design has been selected." f:- •) ^ p £ 1 | • * ?*jM % | *• - > ? |
Engraving - Lettering - Silk Screen (Female Art Major4Under- v If built, the college center will be constructed
connecting the indoor tennis courts. This location
classmen Preferred) J I B would make what had formerly been the 'edge" of the campus now the center. • . 5 , '; •-' -^i
Angle Palermo's Bowling Supplies, 241 West 26th Street Contact; «* t.

Angie Palermo Phone: 454-2735S fjf 1 S K Wg *$& flU

Hostess and Coat Checker . M ^ J B B * » *pl f H
Cocktail Waitress % I | I '-*-*#
University Club, 1611 Peach Street - Contact:" Placement Office at

AAercyhurst Hours! 11:30 - 2:00 and 5:30 to 11:30 p.m. • Excellent

Pay "m \ • m ^HBBB
WITHl i \ 4 urse
Light Mechanical Assembler (Two male students needed) H f } $&3t
Ian AAartin Company, 113 East 13th Street - Contact: M r . Swanson -
Phone: 453-6908 Salary: $2.50-hour f*j S S ^ ' l f f l t w j j P m E T H
Short Order Cook (Male or Female) b^WMlBaalgyJB^^TOr
Cesare8atf 1sti Club, 1602 East 38th Street - Contact: M r . Alo - Phone:
866-6871 (After3:00p.m.)-Hours: 20hrs.-week-6:00- 11:00p.m. §
Truck Driver and Sales (Cotton Candy and Candied A p p l e s ) !
John Bianchi,3723 Court Avenue - Salary: $2.50-hour - Phone: 833-0704
Security Job (For Law Enforcement Students Only) ^ j tflB
Hills Department Store, 38th and Pacific Avenue - Contact: Personnel
Off ice Phone: 838-8621. ' ^ ^ i f ^ ^ f f l ™ -IS
Telephone Survey Work * -^Sm I lEJ I §^i
Kelly Girl,Inc., 1020 State Street, Erie, Pa. - Contact: Dottie Ross -
4550118Hours: 3:00-9:30p.m.-Salary: SI.75-hour. | C f e
Telephone Sales Work |
Olin Mills Studio, 1032 Peach street - Contact: Nancy Kerr - 453-3791
Hours: 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.or 5:00p.m. to 8:00 p.m. - Salary $1.00-
hour or $3.00-sale. | «|
Factory Work |I 4
Urick Foundry, 620 West 15th street - Contact: Bill Cunningham or
Pat Goodwin Phone: 454-2461 - Hours: 15-20per week - Salary $3.11-
hour £""
Baby-Sitter ^ X^
Mrs. Terry Ottoway, 329 E. 28th Street • Phone: 455-9542 (2 Children)
Mrs. Bryan Thomas, 4215 Stanton Avenue - Phone: 868-6228 (2
Children) I M
Mrs. Lyons, 5339 Wattsburg Road - Phone: 866-6981 - Wednesday and DR. HELINSKI
Friday 4:00 • 10:30p.m. $10.00for two days. B Beginning on Friday, October 5, Dr. Helinski received her
Receiving Department Clerk (Need 3) • P ^ C O L L I E R j f g ]
and continuing on through the six Ph.D. in Classical Philology from
Sales Girl (Someone with Sport's Hobby Preferred) following Fridays, Ms.fT.B. Fordham University. She did her
Erie Sport Store, Inc., 701 State Street!- Contact: George Weber - I Just I a spoonful 2 of Jimmy Helinski, Ph.D., will offer a class undergraduate work? at Villa
Phone: 452-2289 Hours: 9:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. -I- % Collier helps jf the ' 'Sweet entitled, "WOMAN IN ANCIENT Maria College in Erie, with Latin
Mother's Helper (Live in and help care for 4 children) U Medicine" go down...down to the ROME". This course will be a as her* major and English,
Coffee House, that is. The C.H. 7
"John. Hendrick, Findley Lake, N.Y. Phone: 716-796-7523 (Findley coverage of the likenesses2 and Spanish and Social Studies as her
Lake) or 453-5066 Salary! Room and Board plus $35.00 week. Circuit i$ proud f to prescribe differences between the ancient minors » « ? I «|
Library Clerical (Male Student Preferred) l | "Jimmy Collier and fSweet Roman woman and the modern She is currently teaching one
Erie Public Library, 3 South Perry Square - Contact: Susan Rinder (In Medicine" performing an original American woman?consisting of class in English (Writing II) at
Person) 15 Hrs.-Week - Salary: $1.55 - hour mixture of folk and soul music. discussion topics concerning their Mercyhurst College. She is also
Registration Clerk (Male or* Female) They are active members in an legal, social, and marital status. working part time at the Gannon
Biology Nature Study Instructor (Male or Female) organization cleverly entitled Lectures will also involve the Library Periodicals Room* ?
Wood Shop Instructor (Male or Female) '(, M.A.N.U.R.E. (Man and Nature Roman man, but the main em- She has been a guest on the Bea
East Side Boys' Club, 521 East 12th street'leontact: Lee Frownfelter - United in Rational Enterprize. I phasis will be on5 the Roman Canfield Show on Channell2 and
1452-3909. "A often wonder which came first woman. ,r also on the Dorothy Armour
...the thought or the words.) an ;j The hours are from 7:30 to 8:30 Show on Meadville ^Master
organizationdevoted to the theme P.M. at the Gannon College Zurn Antenna Cable Television. * Her
SENIORS: Placement Annuals and of man in relation to his ^en- Science Center, room 334, and the subject was: "The Roman
vironmental living space. | 1 fee is $10.00. Woman " <- I
Placement Packets available*now "People may talk about me
because I am Black or White, or
wear glasses, or have short hair,
| I free - or long hair, but 1 am
1 Room 207 Main I
Somebody." Such is one of the
lines from a song they have
written. You take it from there.
welcome to come in for a spoonful

of music, the doses being INFORMATION ;R00M OF OLD MAIN.

distributed on October 8,9 and
10th.at9:00 and 10:00p.m.
Now, open wide...
1922 E. 38th
Mall this ad today for free
F The bulletin board in the brochure and questfbnaire
«E DELIVERY Union will be changed every
two weeks
Box 7086 Name...
Erit, Pa. 16511 Street | 3
with a minimum purchase of 5.00 Ph. 899-2230 City


ft .via*
tr Ski!? I 5?

r W-" «. wit Wl


Is it possible for a nineteen year irNannys"^ handicaps inch.^
old, vivacious teenage girl in deafness, arthritis, c a t a r a S
"Butterfliesjjare Free";to now a broken hip along with theffi
ANDREA KUPTZ appear as a sickly, old woman of
eighty in the coming production of | * a £ s h e is a nuisance to the
^household. But while Andre,
"The Effect of Gamma Rays on
the Ma n - i n - t h e - M o o n gportrayed "Jill Tanner", s R f s
NANNY Marigolds?" It is hard to believe
that talented Andrea Kupetz, who
Y energetic, lovable, |eiithusia£
and Tree, to the world A ^ p
butterfly! Another difference in
portrayed} "Jill| Tanner" | in
"Butterflies", has now disguised her two roles is the fact that she
herself as I "Nanny" in "The will have no dialogue as "Nan
Effect of Gamma Rays." S s ny .The important things will be
To Andrea, the role of "Nanny" her body movements along with
ft her facial expression? Z
GAMMA is quite a challenge apart from
her role as|"Jill Tanner." She
"Nanny" she will be QUUe
unattractive to thefaudience n
feels this way because she was her dreary nightgown, apart from
rr able to relate and identify with the modern attire worn as »»ini
RAYS. . . "Jill Tanner", while as being
"Nanny" she must keep with-
Tanner". ««g<Jui
If you fell in love with Andrea in
drawn and quiet. Her role as "Jill "Butterflies are Free" thenfc
Tanner" portrayed a typical sure not to!miss "The Effect of
example of non-committed youth Gamma Rays on the Man-imhe-
today while now she will have to Moon Marigolds!" 'Nanny" will
subdue herself almost to the point be a sight to behold, but not a
of being a "half-life." Many of sight to be forgotten.;

Rated X
J C SUPERSTAR by Mark Zine
lilt's surprising the number of naturally lost. There is no way to
JILL TANNER people who ?do not expect)good
entertainment to be good for the
get around this. It is important to
note that this does not necessarily
art form it encompasses. No one make the production bad, but it
expects a great novel toftran- doesn't keep to the intended art
sform into a good music recor- form. To transform this a second
ding. So why the defense of Jesus time is almost absurd.B^ ••-.
Christ Superstar'.' 1 | | jglj • Just because we know the siory
ft £: I was tongue lashed by Italians (the Bible is a good^'original')
BUTTERFLIES for panning "The Godfather." I'll
probably be excommunicated for
not enjoying "Superstar." j | f
and our spiritual training expects
uslto defend this concept. That
IlFirst things £ lirst (how doesn't makes it a ?good him.
ft There is a difference in story and
ARE FREE mathematical!). "Jesus Christ
Superstar'I is a rock opera, we
need not go into the pros and cons
production. Safefc
Some defense I've heard for
of this approach.* Next, the Superstar isl Jesus isfgood-
original recording was made looking! Whoigave Jesus thai
visual by Horn O'Horagaus face anyway? Does the story of
Broadway production. Thenfthis Jesus need jaj contemporary
"rock opera theatrical produc- score? Does Jesus need to be
tion" was transformed by contemporary ? What product is
Norman Jewison ("Fiddler on the trying to be sold anyway?

Strike Up The Chorus Roof") into a film musical. In

translation from one art form to
another (recording to stage
production) something is
Religion or entertainment? To
those who feel this is necessary,
give me a screen play for
Beethoven's Ninth.
Oh Where, Oh where, has our I JUNIORS: Altos—Stuck?in the good is the chorus ? Will they sing
little R.U.S. gone, * middle and walking the fence out of tune?" They've heard there
On where, oh where, has it they yearn for the sound of
gone?]|||| i p the chorus at full tempo. is one here, when does it sing?
Weathered, but notr worn, they For them the! stage is set, one
With potential might and a question remains, Will there be a Show your support for getting the* Amendment
yearning for right,& | i longingly look at their new show, or just that whistled tune? ratification f of * the? Equal ratified. *|
Oh where, oh where, has it leaders. You can see the song of Rights Amendment! by i COST: $3.00 prepaid, in-
gone??| | % their hearts in their eyes. It calls Now it is up to the leaders, not buying,and wearing the ERA cluding postage| Available
Sung to the tune of "Where has loud and clear "Let us sing now or just the Maestro, but the bracelet. Made of nickel after October 15.
my little dog gone" you might let us go! We practiced all last Director, Financier and the silver- withi the letters
have heard this tune .being year, we're ready to sing, so get Public Relations man. Together E.R.A. pierced into it—the ORDER FROM
hummed around* campus. Its on with the show or cancel.'* We they must set the date, or cancel bracelet can be worn by both League of Women Voters
point is obvious. 31 % won't wait long! < the show. Butithat's not all, the men and women. It will also 11313 Frederick Avenue
With elections for replacements show must be good or the chorus make a nice Christmas gift. § Beltsville, Md. 20705
now out of the way and the road SOPHOMORES: Soprano- will die. I do hope the show will be Proceeds from the sale of * Maryland residents, add 4
clear ahead for action, this tune They long to take the lead, they'll soon and one that will be held over the bracelets will go toward per cent sales tax
of anticipation is being whistled fight to steal the show. They are for a record breaking run. Why?
more and more. Our chorus is out of vthe ropes, through the Well, let's say because "My God I
made up something like this: courses, slightly tainted but ,r
hateTaps!! .%
SEN IORS :f Bass—Badly undaunted they cry: "Give us a
disillusioned with things of the song and we pill sing, loud and
past, seniors sing with maturity clear their Voices ring!! Strike up
and well worn hopes. Still, though the band, set! us to play, we'll 4XW&M

low keyed, they look forlornly at fight for the student all the way."
the chorus and say, "You can still
$ & *
Reg. $469.95
make it and though we're leaving The audience awaits, silent
soon we still know how to har- freshmen, faintly | hearing the
monize. Since we've done it^so call. You canihear them ask,
"When does the show begin? How
many times we'll take bass!
BSRpIO X Changer
SAVE S170.00
Three Great Stores
Northwestern Pennsylvania's Fisher XP55 Speakers To Serve You^
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HAPPYfHOllR DAILY 7fto 8:30 p.m. |
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Dancing on the only "lit-up" dance floor in Northwestern, Pa care more.
Amusements # Munchies •• AH Legal Beverages e t e t e ^ e . e m • > *


Fisher*203 Receiver
UDClt o I7/0
And They're Off
Hurst At The Races fduaiMMU

$100 for each month of the school year. Its like a
$900 annual scholarship. If you qualify, you can
earn it as a member of the Marine Corps' Platoon
Leaders Class. f f f 1
You'll also be earning a Marine officers com-
mission through PLC summer training at
Quantico, Virginia. J ! J
Talk to the Marine officer who visits your
campus. I" ' '. . . I • P f f 1

The Marines aie

lookingforafewgood men.
1 Swig
4 Capital of
H 1 Footfall^
2 Othello's |
- Latvia
8 Cancer •
12 Tonal language
•* nemesis
3 Character
from Peanuts
I puzzle
13 Rickenbacker 4 Risque
Mwcyhurst Students: \Meet the \ Marine Corps representatives in the Zum Hall Foyer, and the Red ^ 5 ~ liebe dich
Baron .. 6 Kind of I
14 Occurs by >££-. . counter *
MO am. - 4:30 p.m., October 9 and 10, or call 1216-522-4268 (COLLECT)foran chance (arch.)
15 Drama: Joe —
ftl Pallid
£*8 Character
.£ 25 Terpsichore, > ( 41 Greeting
i for example 43 Plural suffix
16 Dog from Peanuts 26 Being (Let.) 44 Travel on thin
18 Flanders ')
'flowar' , J&&
9 Gridiron
27 Sociologist's £
term s
runners (var)
45 Love Spanish
20 Used with 10 Movie: The \
28 On* time -y| style
^ shift and box ; World of ~ 29 A certain 46 World's
21 Comparative 11 Youth X JJ set greatest
suffix W organisation 30 Soap ingredient & f ussbudget
22 Bog (ab.) 32 Squeezed 47 Spliced
23 Shade of 17 University 33 Soak £

48 Bauxite ''.
green \ of Arizona (ab.) 36 - Dorado i 49 Any number
27 Finished first 19 Abbreviation 37 Character from divided by itself
29 Jolt *f ? used In adver- Peanuts 60 Period of time
30 Character tising X 38 Gobi, for one fab.)
from Peanuts 22 Aficcionado 40 Palecio de
J J * Human Development Center will have as its guest speaker an internationally 31 Article f
32 Range of
H 24 The doctor i s - Bellas —
e ^ j ^ ^ authority on ESP and other psychic powers. Mr. E. Douglas Dean, an knowledge I 3 7 10 II
and full time researcher in the field of parapsychology, presents a 33 Catcher in f
anrf£? }**y>
October 5at the Recital Hall (8:00 p.m.) entitled "Psychics, Saints, j ^ the— *J 'I 12 II 14
34 Steamship (ab.)
dSL i u fa • T^s lecture includes the Hartley
U S A anA n a r r a t e d b D r
film of psychical research in a half 36 Fragrance 17
*l 25at!d ** " ' y - Thelma Moss of UCLA. (Student price 37 View
38 River in II
f me Ilis
- 4^nV^ £FPWOI Program on Saturday with a workshop beginning at 10:30 a.m. Scotland
21 22 23 114
psvphi ^k *shop Wiu involve the participants in discussions of their own 39 Soccer hero
40 Insect
e ) ) e r i e i l c e s m E S P tests s o m e of the 2 500 e a r s of s <Mc 27
neaKrwls• 3 ' » » y ?y Wstory, how 41 Symbol: helium
j^JJJje "one, how to use dreams to understand ESP experiences, and cracking the 42 Used with 3? 32 33
a l ^ r PE**eni of precognition. (The workshop cost for students is $7.00 which will ' 4 drome and
X ^ f Joy Friday eve
evening lecture). f H nautical
44 Kind of hemp
Pow^rl Ve
WBs Dean presents two films of two Russian women who have the 47 Character from 40 Ml
Swaim a°J?n G eobjects w W1M)
without touching them (Telekinesis). He will also discuss I. Peanuts
Physical • V'8 t r u m" e n t s are becoming famous in the USA for their ability to affect 51 Australian bird
foe trin Km a d e without touching them. Dean will conclude with a discussion of 52 Sea eaglet
53 Saber's cousin
fereiJf ? this Summer to the Prague International Parapsychological Con- 54 Fabulous bird S3
the most exciting events for the future were demonstrated. ($1.25)* of prey
the m«S ecerA * opportunity for novices and experienced alike to find out more about 55 Exploit 57

Qtnprf! l developments in the field of parapsychology Jrom an international 56 Auld lung ~~

57 Attempt
ff^ ister
i Dtstr. by Puzzles, Inc. No. 109 o
the Prffi 611
8 for the lectures. Registration for the workshop (which includes
1st flS^^Y e )er
"* lecture) can be made at the Human Development Center office -
Dani»icL - " (former Education Office). For more information contact: Ray
^ • • K i , 5 2 5 - 5 1 5 0 . l H - f
Dario's Divots
Dean Garvey was recently quoted in the Erie Times as saying.
"When I think that we play such teams as Cornell, I'm amazed at j£
our progress.'' How true it is. I can remember three years ago when
Lakers Sweep Gannon
Mercyhurst had seven tennis players and could barely scrape by Garrett Kenilworfh m
together six golfers. Today, we boast a sports program which fields
five intercollegiate teams and has nearly one hundred competitors.
Progress has been so rapid that this year we can actually be called The Mercyhurst | Laker Jones led off with an errorito the choice, erasing Nemenz from tho
small college powers in tennis and basketball. $ * f | f baseball teamfmade it two in a shortstop. Wizi grounded lout base pads.- Butch HermaTiiT
Not only Cornell appears on our fall schedule, but also the likes of row over cross-town rival Gannon sending Jones to second, and on a walked and courtSt? ?J*5
Boston College, Akron University, MIT, St. Bonaventure and College, another runaway, this disputed call at the mound, Carl Samsuel took first \o\ST
Buffalo State. And that's just the fall, wait until basketball: time 8 to 1. • \ I | took third on a balk. Nemenz then
Maryland-Eastern Shore, Shaw College, Stubenville and Hillsdale. Bobby Wiesmueller overcame walked and||stole second."Steve forced Buzz at the plate for th!
everyone who has been involved in Mercyhurst athletics over the some early control problems and Brandon singled, scoring Jones, second out but JohLes K
last three years is well aware of the progress that (lie various Laker a bit of shakiness to go the route and Howie Nemenz scored on an singled in Cook. Samsuel 3 5
teams have made. Now it is]time to ask the Erie community firing a 4 hitter. He struck out 7 error on the relay throw to the on a wild pitch, advancingaflPof
whether or not they are aware. S | W and walked 7 as Gannon stranded infield. | #1 § & 't $ the ninners, and CaifjJJ
I At a press conference recently}Dr. Shane announced that the 10 baser unners. M $ Mercyhurst scored another in cleaned the bases smashing
board of trustees had' voted to conduct a feasibility study to In a game that saw the Knights the fifth as Charlie Jones singled another shot through the JUr?
determine if the Erie community would support the construction of make numerous blunders, the and scored as * brother Carl, en- stop. This ended the u S
a CoUege Center. The board will try to find out if the Erie com- 'Hurst scored 8 unearned runs. joying a fine afternoon at the barrage, yielding them 8runs ons
munity will support a campaign to raise $1.5 million, jkf We started off in the second with plate, hit him in. The eighth in- hits, all of which were unearned
The need for a College Center is definitely evident at Mercyhurst. Howie Nemenz scoring on Kevin ning put the game out of reach as The Lakers took on this big win
With an overall enrollment of near 1,500, adequate space to conduct Cook's fielders choice. The third the Eakers came up with four big and hosted Bonaventure saum?
activities such as women's ]basketball, volleyball, men's in- inning <; was the beginning of the runs. Nemenz led off with a single yesterday at Tullio field. ThS
tramurals, and most of all, a place to house the classy Laker end for Gannon as the Lakers and advanced to second on finale this fall is on'October 13
scored two runs on one hit. Carl Brandon's error to the shortstop. against R.I.T., also at Tullio field'
basketball team, is necessary. " ^W4-\
tf! Preliminary plans call for an indoor track, a main basketball Cook| grounded into a; fielders
court, two practice courts, sites for volleyball, badminton, shuf-
fleboard, gymnastics and wrestling. Also, locker room facilities, an
equipment room, comfort facilities for the public, a training room,
handball and squash courts, and offices for the staff. The seating
capacity is expected to be around 3,000, which
I feel is a little shy of BATTING h 2b 3b hr r b i bb so sb cs hp sh ave. sf
wlicit it should be - PLAYERJf o 1 1
Tim Burrows, 3b,ss 5 1 0 1 0 T 0 0 .625 0
Combined with the physical activity aspect of the College Center Charlie Jones, If,dh 2 0 o 0 1 2 1 0 ISO 0 .500 1
4 1 o 0 0 4 3 0 010 0 .444 0
will be a student center. Here possibilities include a rathskeller, Kevin Cook, ss 4 0 i 1 6 2 2 3 u 0 0 .333 V
Dave Wieczorek, If
game rooms, a television room, three lounge areas, student offices Curt Brooks, 3b 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 .250 0
1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 .250 0
and classrooms, and a flexible learning center. jg BobPettinelli,2b 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 .231 0
An edifice as explained above would be ideal for the Mercyhurst Frank Trigillo,dh 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 .200 0
Butch Herrmann, c 0 0
Community. What we need is the cash. With the cost of living ever 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 0 0 1 .143 0
Howie Nemenz, l b 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 .125 0
increasing, it becomes more and more difficult to find free money. Mike Folga,c 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 .100 0
It's even more difficult to find $1.5 million. ? J Carl Jones, cf 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 .091 0
Steve Brandon, 2b 1 0 1 0 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 .071 0
The Erie community will decide whether the college is "ready", BoHenning,rf >^ 0 a 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 .000 0
|"not ready yet", or "no" for the structure. | $ Rich Johannesmeyer
Bob We ism i Her, p
I hope that the people of Erie realize our need. If plans are not DanHill/D f ?
finalized at this time, it might take forever to get our facility built. Carl California,p
At the earliest,#he center could be ready for occupancy in Sep-
tember of 1975. Believe me, well struggle until then. We'll keep our TOTALS 4 123 11 28 2 2 23*1 lfc 22 27'! 10 3 0 4 .228 2
fingers crossed until \; October 24 when the decision will be an-
nounced. Let's hope the answer is "ready."


Carl California
j| G GS CG S W L
1 0 0 0 1*0
1.000 5V3







College sports are an in- girls who find tennis an enjoyment Dan Hill « 2 2 0 1 1
^* ^^r ^^^ ^ ^ ^

.500 8 m I 7 24 0 0 0 0.56
troductory course to professional and who try to fulfill their goal of Bob Weismiller 2 2 1 0 0 1 .000 13 73 9f 6 4 4 12 1 1 0 2.63
athletics. They* are greatly ef- self-satisfaction. Tennis is a TOTALS 19 8 39 1 1 1.29
fected by society's present in- prestige sport, which can well be 4 *3 0 22 2 .500 35 13
terests especially considering realized at any one of the girl's
their definite concern for physical matches. Althoughfit is a team
fitness. Football, basketball andl realized win, individual
baseball have been all-time| capabilities are quite prevalent.
favorites of college awareness.
Noticeable, these (all) are
centered around only one sixth of
The team is headed by Miss J.
Price and Mrs. D.fWilliamson.
They urge all girls to take an
MFL Roundup
the human race
Women soontbegan*to dominate
college life and search for sports
to participate in. One was sure to
interes t in the team.
| Carol Quarluccio
be discovered and changed from
the snobbish, extremely wealthy
The first game today saw the
In the first game today, the In the | early game, Latent
sport to the universal, relaxing
talent of the average American.
EVERYONE Mother Truckers proved that
Latent Talent was a little too late
Talent upset the Budmen 13 to 12.
The Budmen opened the scoring
rematch of last year's super bowl
with the Champion Rebels
Obviously, the unlimited appeal by Candace Yanker § as they held off a late rally! to early in the first quarter on a meeting the Budmen. It proved to
of all was resolved in tennis. For the first time, in the history whip them 27-13. Gift Root was John Ball to Glen Caruso be a defensive battle with no
Tennis began in England almost of the 'Hurst, we can| proudly the big man for |the Truckers, passplay. The extra point failing, scoring in the first three quarters.
a century ago. The extravagantly announce the existence of a scoring three TDs on passes from Latent Talent came right back With 2 f minutes to go/, Iw
rich were the only ones involved Women's Varsity Tennis Team! Puck Cardot. t Little Al Coplan with two scores both stemming Fienberg caught Glen Caruso for
and court ownership was the only wun two games under their belt, also added an extra point and a from the Pilewski to Prez pass a safety and itjlobked like the
existent. they are indeed on their way to a TD showing that an old man with combination. They converted one Rebels were on their way w
pi Now, more than i thirteen great season, * Though, I must shifty hips can still run. Latent of the two extra point attempts. victory. But John Holt in-
million American men, women confess, under the belt lay two Talent scored on a Jimmy Prez The Budmenfwere not dead yet tercepted a Sortina pass.on tne
and children are playing on more unfortunate losses and no wins. run and a pass from Jim Gallegog however, as Ball |hit| Charlie following series and the Budmen
than 2,500 courts. The sport is a Still, that isino reflection on the to Mark Musial. Musial also Ruffo for another score. But the were alive again Four plays
relaxing one in which neither age team's talent, considering the added an extra point. The La tents hung tight, *s topped the later, John Ball hit WilteW*
nor sexis'a hinder. Although, it is tact that the competition we have Truckers' defense was tough as extra point attempt and went on for the winning score and w>
still not an extremely| cheap encountered; have something we usual and kept the La tents at-bay to victory! & Budmen upset the Rebels for me
sport, it has advanced itself into do not.* Experience. On the the entire game. g second time in as many years.
the recent building of community The second game was a breeze; The second game saw the Hot The second game was ftexs
average, these teams have been the Ten Rats beating the Studs 27- Tunas overwhelm the Mother Raiders hosting the Hot Tunas.
facilities. J p | involved in Women's Competitive Charlie Jones connected two
It is?estimated that half of all 0. Mike Cerbo started the rout Truckers 27 to 8. Charles Jones
Tennis some 8 to 10 years...a far had a hand in all four Tunas passes to Howie Nemenz and one
|new tennis players are women or cry from our few | weeks of recovering a fumble in the Studs' to Joe Morelli. The Raiders got on
girls. Some misjudge the sport as scores. He threw TD passes to
practice. \ m ^W end zone for 6. ThenlRay Kor- Heberly, Veniziano, and Wagner the board on a pass from B »
requiring great physical strength But, one thing we do have, one zenowski tore loose running for 2 Emich to Bryant Jacobs ana o
and power, but actually swift and took one in himself on a 30
thing that seems to exist in every TDs and an extra point. Ray also yard run. The Mothers scored on an interception return byrag'*
movement andiracket handling Mercyhurst team, is fDETER- threw to Bob Mistell for the final -Rex" Kern, the final score wad
are one's best advantages. This, a short run by Ken Simmons and a
MINATION. Determination, not score, and Mike Miller added the safety by John Buettner. Hot Tunas 18, Rex's Raiders u.
of course, gives the woman a to out-do the "other guy" and not extra point. , | |
chance of achieving a victory The third and final game
to continue? the "Battle off the afternoon featured the Rebels and of the
over "Muscle Man". Proof of this Sexes", but to be the very best we Rex's Raiders. The defending
was the outcome of theflliggs- can be. ^
King match two weeks ago. While champs topped the Raiders 9
The team, as of now, consists of in a brusing defensive battle. The to 0
Riggs filled his gut with^mUscle eight | girls and one very I fine Rebels did all the scoring in the
building protein vitamins, the trainer coach, Dave Williamson. first half on a ^beautifully
Victorian King concentrated on Acknowledging the players, we executed ?; punt return by Ken
her strong backhand and shot have: Katny Thompson, Cheryl Antelak, racing some 50 yards.
placing. Riggs was a victim of the Kobel, Pat Lyden, Sue Gedreau, Jack Riley scored the extra point
usual disease of male ignorance Robyn Speak, Kathy Kroll, Bev on a pass from Ralph Sprtino. In
land a carrier of the germ 'male Welsh, and Betty Gartner, f
chauvanism." Before the match the second quarter big
Perhaps, with only two games and Roy Fienberg converged on Ed Childs
£ Riggs stated, *i plan tofbomb on record, a fair |and valid Mike Emich in his own end zone
Biuie Jean King in the match and evaluation could not yet be made. with Childs picking up the safety.
set back the Women's Lib Nonetheless, Ms. Price, in charge
fmovement about another 20 of scheduling, assistant coaching,
lyears." Instead Riggs made the and supplying all those"{little
women's role in the society of white tennis uniforms, along with
sports more noticeable and King her seasonal volley ball "kick-
gave women's tennis an applause. off", has stated, "Each time we
Here at Mercyhurst! we have play, we get better and better! j *
organized a girl's tennis team. It "'s the
yis being participated in by| many name of the game/' INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL

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