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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Parang, Calapan City


Academic Performance of Selected Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Parang

National High School on Blended Learning Modality


Cleotilde D. Bruce Mark Anthony L. Magcamit Mario D. Malabanan Jr.

Teacher III Teacher II Teacher II


Valentina L. Castro
Head Teacher III


Dr. Alain A. Mendoza

Principal I

Education 4.0 as a transformative approach to learning rules the 21st Century

contexts and paves way to line up the Education system with the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

This solely implies the important role of technology as an indispensable tool in amplifying

extensive learning and cater diverse learners beyond boundaries and proximal limitations.

It is overtly noted that the abrupt expansion of Covid-19 pandemic ceases all areas

of human transactions including the education sector. In pursue to continue education despite the

prevailing crisis, learners were affected unequally as noted recently that almost four million of

them could not have opportunities, tools, or access on learning.

As of May 2021, schools all over 26 countries were closed and some schools were

partially open for the other 55 countries, globally. To sum up, 1,576,021,818 or 90 percent of the

total population of learners were reported disrupted with their academic journey by the global

pandemic (UNESCO, 2021).

Added to this scenario, Human Rights Watch said in an interview that children have

begun working and some were reported married at early age due to limited opportunities for

education accessibility.

In the context of Philippine Education System, enrolment in high school plunges by

seven million. This leaves 74.6 percent out of the 27.7 million students in public and private

schools, the remaining 25.4 percent is still a huge drop (Toquero, 2020).

Due to Covid-related closures of schools, Government was alarmed and include in

their recovery plans the proposed modifications to continue Education where no learner is left

behind. Anchored on this modification is the concept of varied learning modalities and the
combination of this (Blended Learning) that would cater all learners despite of their differences

in terms of age, sex, gender and social status.

In pursuant with DepEd Order No. 12, series 2020 titled “Adoption of the Basic

Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the Covid 19 Public

Health Emergency” the Department of Education ensures learning continuity through K to 12

adjustments, alignment of learning materials, deployment of multiple delivery modalities and

provision of trainings for teachers and school heads and proper orientation of parents and

guardians of the learners. It also facilitates the safe return of learners and teachers to school and

workplace by promoting equity, consideration and concern and endeavor (Almario & Austria,


The rationale is an easy part of the LCP as it only indicates the nature of the school

which include government recognition or permit number, accreditation, and its classification

whether small, medium, or big school. It also includes the location of the school, summary of the

number of students for the past two school years, number of administrators, teaching and non-

teaching staff, and number of classrooms and other facilities. The number of currently enrolled

students are included in the rationale. In reality, this part shows a drastic decrease on the number

of current enrolments in most of the private basic education institutions as compared to the past

two years data. This is because most of the students transferred to the public school.

The sudden shift to online learning created a hot debate in the Philippines citing the

poor living conditions of the learners. (Magsambol, 2020) cites an obvious gap between those

who can and cannot afford the resources to avail the new education platform. The general

condition of children in the public school system sends a message of inequality with the DepEd’s

mantra ‘no child left behind.’ However, learning cannot be cancelled as much as to drive the
economy. This led to a tighter measure for education institutions in sustaining its operations

despite the impending risk.

The study focuses mainly on selected Grade 12 Senior High School students of Parang

National High School for the following reasons: 1.) There is a need to evaluate the actual

competencies attained by the learners enrolled in the program; since face-to-face performance

tasks were prohibited, online assessments and instructions were maximized; 2.) students must

possess relevant 21st Century skills in manipulation of technology.

Parang National High School- Senior High School Department recorded low Mean

Average Academic performance for School Year 2020-2021, through Modular-Printed Distance

Learning Modality. This study is conducted in attempt to determine the extent significance of

pursuing Online Distance Learning Modality, as the school’s best practice in elevating students’

academic performance.

It was clearly shown in the study entitled “Learning at home: Parents’ lived experiences

on distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines”, which stated that pandemic

crisis created new perspective to parents concluding that learning may happen even in the

absence of school. Parents as respondents of the study agreed with the mandate of the

government to close schools for the protection and welfare of the learners against virus. Earlier

in 2020 when Department of Education released a framework to continue education amid crisis

also known as Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan. This has served as blueprint for

teachers be informed of the new-normal set up in education focusing mainly on developing

Modality Courses to support the demands and needs of the learners (Agaton & Cueto, 2021).

Relative to the present study, researchers’ attempt to identify the distant learning

modality most effective to learners amid pandemic since majority of the parents opt this modality

for the fear of having their children get infected of the virus if by chance face-to-face classes will

be implemented.

With respect to the perspective of the parents in the conduct of online classes which is

one of the variables to attest in the present study, it was resulted that online classe reduces the

family's spending priorities in terms of the daily limit for the learner, online learning adds to the

family's financial burden since it requires more power to access to the internet. The students, on

the other hand, are unable to complete the tasks owing to frequent loss of connection, causing

them to quit the online session (Agaton & Cueto, 2021).

Apparent to the implementation of Online Distance Learning based on the lived

experiences of the respondents from selected schools in the Philippines, Online Learning is

another affliction for learners and parents given the necessary requirements such as internet or
data access and mobile phones to participate the class. The present study will seek to determine

the status of the learners in the implementation of online classes in Parang National High School.

Furthermore, the move from a teacher-focused information transmission method to a

learner-focused knowledge generating approach is the second trend recognized in the literature

on how technology changes teaching practice (Swan, 2010) . However, this transition does not

happen on its own. "Some educators, coming from face-to-face teaching modes in traditional

higher education, realize after some online trials that they may require some new teaching

models, whereas others may regard online as a new vehicle for transferring pre-digested

material," (Burge & Polec, 2008).

Particular to the implementation of online distance learning modality of the BE-LCP

which will be compared to the simultaneous implementation of Modular Distance learning, it is

apprehended that there is a great leap of paradigm shift from merely traditional classes into

seemingly innovative designs in education system which demand more strategies, technicality

and creative thinking to craft materials for 21st Century Learners facing new set up of learning

ecosystem. With regard to this model shift, it is therefore relevant to conduct studies like the

present research study which aims to determine the effectiveness of the modalities being utilized

in this new normal education.

Students with disabilities need to be empowered at this time of the pandemic according to

the (UNESCO-Bangkok, 2020). According to the Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau of

Education, around 15% of the world's population is disabled, or 1 billion individuals, and the

number of kids with disabilities who are receiving insufficient educational support in this

epidemic is unknown owing to a lack of information. Remote-learning techniques are putting

PWD kids at a disadvantage when it comes to education. Students with impairments are
receiving less care and instructors are not properly taught in health situations like COVID-19. In

addition, owing to equipment, internet access, and specifically created materials and assistance,

students with impairments have a difficult time actively engaging.

Respondents of the existing study focuses mainly on the perspective of regular learners in

the implementation of distant learning modalities. The study did not cover or include Persons or

learners with disabilities. It was clearly stated in the previous studies of UNESCO that remote

learning or online classes were merely stroking learners to great disadvantage and ineffective

with their capacities given that they were trying to adapt and learn in actual classes however their

disabilities impede them. The existing study will be measuring the extent effectiveness of

modalities implemented in the institution to further examine if these modes of learning fit regular


Moving to the perspective of the parents on the practice of independent study using

printed learning materials or the Modular Distance Learning Modality, both the students and

their parents would have to acclimatize to the new learning set up. For a higher learning

outcome, remote learning requires parents to study with their children. Despite the fact that some

students are self-taught, others fail to understand the important elements of the lesson when they

are not accompanied by an instructor. As a result, participants recognize the importance of

instructors in the teaching-learning process (Agaton & Cueto, 2021) .

In relation with the implementation of Printed Learning Modality, it was noted that some

learners can do independent learning and accomplished activities using the learning materials

provided; however, without the guidance of the teacher, learners fail to fully grasp the lesson.

Present researchers seek to corroborate if this modality will be effective over online distance

learning modality.
These pedagogical changes in distance education underscore the fact that online

technologies are not neutral: they are like “a ‘trojan mouse’ that teachers let into their practice

without realizing that it will require them to rethink not just how they use particular hardware or

software, but all of what they do” (Sharpe, 2006).

Distance education is not just about teaching learners to different knowledge and skills,

but it also helps and improves teacher’s 21st century skills that gear up their ability with modern

technology. Distance education become challenging for teachers since face to face classes is

prohibited due to the surge of Covid- 19 virus all over the country.

Educators are perennially exploring new technologies for teaching and learning. The

growth of education is driven using technologies alongside other components (McGreal &

Elliott, 2004). The rapid and groundbreaking developments in computers and computer networks

have changed the learning and teaching scenarios and have resulted in the growth of a new

generation of learners. These learners, who we call digital natives, require new models of

teaching and learning (McLoughlin & Lee, 2007).

The DepEd requires basic education institutions have to comply with all the government

requirements if teaching and learning are pursued for the current school year. Of these

requirements, the LCP and health and safety protocols add additional burden as these are for

strict compliance and immediate implementation. Though DepEd gave guidelines on how to

prepare all the requirements for the opening of classes, the documentation process is a tedious

process completed in no time. The bigger challenge is now passed on to the private schools

(Ancheta, 2020)

Theoretical Framework presents theories relevant to the study entitled: “Academic

Performance of Selected Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Parang National High

School on Blended Learning Modality”, that served as general knowledge to identify the

variables and reference for the data analysis of this research paper:

Well-known psychologists, Jean Piaget and Jerome Bruner emphasize the important roles

of the students themselves in forming their own knowledge. This is well stated in their

“Constructivist Learning Theory” where they believe that learners are not merely receptacles

of knowledge but the ones who utilize high form of metacognition to reflect upon experiences

and the world to build new knowledge and incorporate this in real word scenarios. In the advent

of pandemic, this theory is applicable to most number of learners who preferred modular-printed

modality since there are no means for them to interact with their teachers. They become

independent learners who construct their own knowledge through varied resources available not

limited to modules alone.

Learners are trained to be dynamic and showcase their talents in crafting varied works,

applying their knowledge they gained even in distant learning. This is the best example of a

Project-based Learning Theory. This theory states that students acquire a deeper knowledge

through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. In Online or Modular Distant

Learning Modalities, learners could encounter set of tasks that surely measure the extent level of

their performance in solving relevant issues, answering set of questions, and doing real-world

tasks relevant to the competencies required by the course they take.

Motivating learners to do their modules or relevant academic works is really a great

challenge for educators since they could not even actually see their students. Learners failed to

do the tasks since there are no means for them to be reinforced. Behaviourist Learning Theory

gives emphasis on the importance of reinforcement and all behaviors are learned through

interaction with the environment through a process called conditioning. Thus, behavior is simply

a response to environmental stimuli. Teachers can motivate learners by simply recognizing their

exerted efforts in answering the modules or commending their punctuality in attending online


Humans are bounded with all the freedom and rights to enjoy as long as these will be

availed accordingly without affecting other human rights and freedom. Humanistic Learning

Theory states that all human beings have choices to decide and have shared responsibilities;

Human beings are intentional, they seek meaning, value, and creativity. This theory opens avenue

for learners to choose which learning modality fits their needs and resources just to continue their

education. In this way, they will have time to exercise freedom to find their goals with their


In this limitless and boundless time of 21 st Century, varied means of communication were

practice to allow people communicate with each other. George Siemens with his Connectivity

Learning Theory suggests that students should combine thoughts, theories, and general

information in a useful manner. It accepts that technology is a major part of the learning process

This theory well describe the importance of online classes for learners and teachers connect with

each other to process relevant learning and this constant connectedness gives them opportunities

to make choices about their own learning.

Conceptual Framework

Modular Distance Learning Online Distance Learning

Academic Performance

a. Written Works
b. Performance Task
c. Attendance

Action Plan and Program Initiatives

Figure 1. The hypothesized difference of Academic Performance of Modular Distance

Learning and Online Distance Learning

Figure shows the comparison of the two independent variables on the type of Learning

Modality being utilized by the learners of Grade 12 students of Parang National High

School to the dependent variable which is the Academic Performance in terms of written

works, performance tasks and class attendance. After the course of study action plan and

program initiatives will be applied.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the academic performance of selected Grade 12 students

of Parang National High School on Blended Learning Modality. The following are the questions

answered and discussed in this study.

1. What is the level of academic performance of selected Grade 12 SHS students on

Modular Printed Distance Learning Modality?

a. Performance task

b. Written works

c. Attendance

2. What is the level of academic performance of selected SHS TVL students on Online

Distance Learning Modality?

a. Performance task

b. Written works

c. Attendance

3. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of selected Grade 12

TVL Students on Modular Printed Distance learning and Online Distance Learning in

terms of:

a. Performance task

b. Written works

c. Attendance

4. Based on the empirical result of the study, what action and initiatives will the school

Statement of the Hypotheses

1. There is no significant difference between the academic performance of selected

Grade 12 students in modular printed distance learning and online distance learning


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This section discusses the coverage area, the subjects, the research apparatus, equipment

or instrument, the research issues and concerns, the duration of the study and the constraints that

have direct bearing on the result of the study:

The study focused on the academic performance of selected Grade 12 learners of Parang

National High School for School Year 2021-2022 under the blended learning modality. Learners

are assessed in terms of their written works, performance task and attendance. The research study

encompasses sub-variables which include the respondents’ gender, age and cultural backgrounds.

Apparently, this study will be conducted to attest the academic status of the learners in

the existing implementation of Blending Learning: Online and Modular Distant learning under

the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) in the stated Research Locale and not

to seek their status in face-to-face classes since pandemic impedes the implementation of normal

classes in the country.

The study will be conducted in Parang National High School (PNHS), specifically in

Senior High School Department which offers two distinct Tracks. Before, it was a DepEd

Managed Monograde also recognized for its former name, Mamerta G. Tolentino Memorial
National High School. Today, PNHS is one of the nine Public Secondary Institutions and one of

the three Large-sized schools in the Division of Calapan City.

PNHS Senior High School Department consists of four class sections (two Grade 11

sections and two Grade 12 sections respectively), offering only General Academic and

Technical, Vocational and Livelihood Strands.

Only the two Grade 12 sections will be covered by this study since this research will be

delimited only to graduating learners trained and were used to exercise online classes as

preparation for Tertiary Education

. This study will be conducted within one semester equivalent to five working months

this Academic Year 2021-2022.


This chapter presents the research design and the methods used in the conduct of the


The quantitative research with the use of descriptive – comparative method will be used

to conduct the study. Quantitative research aims to determine the relationship between an

independent variable to the dependent variable in a population (Hopkins, 2008)

This study will be utilizing Descriptive-comparative research. This research design

considers only two (2) variables that are not manipulated and establish a formal procedure to

conclude that one is better than the other. (Descriptive Research Designs: Types, Examples &

Methods, 2021)

The present study will be describing the status of academic performance of selected

respondents in Parang National High School and will seek to determine the extent level of their
performance with the two variables: Academic performance in Online Learning and Academic

Performance in Modular/Printed/Digital Learning which are considered not manipulated


Sampling Technique

The study will use the simple random probability sampling in getting the sample

respondents with the formula of:

This study will be using Probability sampling specifically simple random smapling which

refers to the selection of a sample from a population, when this selection is based on the principle

of randomization, that is, random selection or chance. Probability sampling is more complex,

more time-consuming and usually more costly than non-probability sampling (Statistics, 2021).

A random sampling technique will be used among potential participants using their

quarterly ratings as the data to be used with 2 different methods: describing the status of the

learners in the two modalities and attesting which mode of learning is more effective in this new

normal setting.


N (Total number of units)

n =--------------------------------------------------

1+ N(e)2 Margin of error of 0.05

Respondents of the Study

Table 1

Respondents of the Study



GAS Online Distance

(General Learning
Academic Modality 23 10 18.18%
GAS Printed Distance 18.18%
(General Learning
Academic Modality 10
TVL Online Distance
(Technical Learning
Vocational Modality 14 25.45%
Livelihood 32
TVL Printed Distance
(Technical Learning
Vocational Modality 14 25.45%
TOTAL 55 48 87.27%
Table 1 shows the respondents of the study. The respondents of the study will be the

Grade 12 students of PNHS School Year 2021-2022 with the total population of 55 where 27

learners opt online classes and 28 learners opt Printed modules for independent learning.

Out of the 55 total population of Grade 12 learners where 27 attend online classes

and the remaining 28 learners attend printed learning modality, only 87.72% or 48 learners will

be used for by the researchers in the conduct of the study based on the result of statistical

computation using Slovin’s Formula.

Equally 18.18% or 10 Grade 12 GAS learners attending online classes and 18.18% or 10

Grade 12 GAS learners attending modular printed mode of learning out of the total 55 Senior

High school learners will be the sample respondents.

For TVL Track, equally 25.45% or 14 Grade 12 TVL learners attending online classes

and 25.45% or 14 Grade 12 TVL learners attending modular printed mode of learning out of the

total 55 Senior High school learners will be the sample respondents.

Data collection

The researcher sought permission in the form of letter of request from the School Head of

Parang National High School to gather data on the academic status of the selected Grade 12

Senior High School students in the implementation of Blending Learning Modality. The School

Principal approved the request with the response that the study would help the schools improve

the practice of teaching and learning using the new normal learning modalities since the output

will guide them in the preparation of documents.

The researcher is guided with the modalities indicated in DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2020

Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in light of

the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency. The researchers gathered the quarterly ratings of the
learners who attend online classes as well as the quarterly ratings of the learners who are not

attending online classes by opt independent learning using printed modules.

In order to get the actual scenario of what is really happening in the learners’ learning

ecosystem with modalities being utilized, the researchers personally ask respective teachers

proof of participation in online classes such as attendance and monitoring reports which will be

helpful tool to validate the performance of the learners. Researchers strategized and managed

their time to cover all the classes in a minimum time. To ensure validity and accuracy of data

gathered, Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDSs) and Planning Officer (PO) III of the

Schools Division of Calapan City will be checking and validating the data. The data will be

secured and encoded in a spread sheet for statistical treatment. Analyses were enhanced through

literatures, theories, and observations.

Data Analysis

Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the study. Descriptive statistics such as

frequency, percentage, and mean were used to describe and discuss the data. These descriptive

statistical tools answered questions 1, 2, 4, & 5.

Since the study requires a lot of analysis consisting of test of relationship and test of differences

the researcher used four inferential statistical tools which were the analysis using T-test for

Independent Samples, pearson product moment correlation coefficient and linear regression.

T-test answered question three for the significant difference between the academic

performance of selected Grade 12 TVL Students on Modular Printed Distance learning and

Online Distance Learning.

The statistical methods that will be used in the analysis of data gathered are the


Slovin’s Formula. Solivin’s formula will be used to calculate the sample size (n) given

the population size (N) and a margin of error (e). It is a random sampling technique formula to

estimate sampling size.

T-test. The t-test is one type of inferential statistics. It will be used to determine whether

there is a significant difference between the means of two groups.

Ethical Issues

The researchers used the DepEd’s Issuances in this study specifically, DepEd Order No. 12, s.

2020 Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in

light of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency. This issuance was disseminated to schools to be

used as references. Moreover, acknowledgement of the sources was considered through proper

citation. Credits to the sources were evident on the reference list.

The researchers observed fairness in choosing the respondents of the study since all the Grade 12

learners in Parang National High School will be part of the research. They will ensure that the

objectives of the research are clear to the respondents before the actual conduct of the research.

The researchers will make sure that the data gathered were correct and accurate through
validation of reliable persons in the Schools Division. Further, they will ensure that the data

gathered from the respondents were kept confidential.

The researchers will make sure that the research design and tools are appropriate to the

data gathered by consulting experts in the field of research and statistics.

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