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Schneider, E. L. & L. A. Moore. 1977. Morphological studies of the Nymphaeaceae. VII. The
floral biology of Nuphar lutea subsp, macrophylla. Brittonia 29: 88-99.
Sohmer, S. H. 1977. Aspects of the biology of Nelumbo pentapetala (Walter) Fernald, the
American lotus on the upper Mississippi. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 65: 258-273.
Steenis, J. M. & R. T. Mitchell. 1950. Leaf beetle versus lotus. J. Wild. Manage. 14: 478.
Thien, L . B . 1974. Floral biology of Magnolia. Amer. J. Bot. 61:1037 1045.

This Program of extensive inventory of the Amazon Flora is sponsored by the
Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development. It has been func-
tioning for two years and is a combination of herbarium and library inventory and
field work in new areas. The U.S. botanical community has been invited to partici-
pate in the field work side of the Program, and already three bi-national expeditions
have taken place, sponsored by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Sub-
ject to the acquisition of new grant funds it is planned to continue this hi-national
field work for at least the next two years. The next series of expeditions are due to
commence in November 1978. Two opportunities exist for U.S. botanists:
1. Participation in the expeditions. There are still some vacancies in the various
expedition teams both for members and leaders. The expeditions are planned to visit
various threatened areas of Brazilian Amazonia.
2. F I E L D D I R E C T O R . Subject to the availability of grant funds it is intended
to station one U.S. botanist in Manaus, Brazil to act as field coordinator of the U.S.
participation in the Project. Responsibilities will include coordination of expeditions,
supervision of the distribution of specimens, orientation of the U.S. participants, etc.
There will also be opportunity for extensive field work at the Forest Reserves of the
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amaz6nia. This position would include round
trip travel expenses, funds for limited field supplies and salary commensurate with
experience. Applications are invited.
The Program will work in accordance with terms of the protocol agreement which
exists between the Brazilian and U.S. sides which agrees that all expeditions will be
binational and that specimens will be divided equally between the U.S. and Brazil.
Applications for the position of Field Director and to participate in field work
should be sent to:
Dr. Ghillean T. Prance
The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, New York 10458

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