HS4-Module6 A Stupid Thief

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Hot Spot 4 A stupid thief

Teachers’ notes

Level and module Hot Spot 4, Module 6

Target language Key vocabulary from Module 6

Activity time 20 minutes

Group dynamics Pairwork

Type of activity Student-centred dictation.

Preparation Make one copy of the activity for each group of 4 students in your class. Cut
into two sections: Part 1 and Part 2. Cut Part 1 into two sections: Student A,
and Student B.

Instructions 1 Divide your class into pairs and give each student a Student A or a
Student B. They should not show each other their sections.

2 Explain that between them they have a short story. Student A has the
first part, and Student B has the second part. They are going to read their
parts to each other. While they listen, they should take notes.

3 Student A reads their part of the story to Student B. They should read it
twice, slowly and clearly. Student B, while they are listening, should write
down the key words they hear (these will usually be the nouns, verbs and
adjectives). Once Student A has finished reading, Student B reads out
their part of the story and Student A listens carefully and takes notes.

4 Now individually, the students then try to reproduce the story they heard,
using their notes and anything else they can remember. Set a time limit
of about 12–15 minutes for this. When the time is up, tell everyone to
stop writing and to pass their original version of the story to their partner
so they can compare the version of the story that they wrote with the
original version.

5 Ask your students how they think the policeman knew the bully was
the thief, and then give them Part 2. They need to rearrange the words
to make complete sentences, and find their answer. The first and lasts
words for each sentence are already in the correct place

Answers Part 2
When the bully was in Bobby’s house, he decided to check his Facebook
account on Bobby’s computer. He forgot to log out of his account when
he left the house!

Module 6
Module 6

Hot Spot 4 A stupid thief

Student A
Here is your part of the story. Read it twice to Student B.

Bobby was having a lot of problems with a bully at his school. The bully teased him and
laughed at him all the time. In the playground, he tripped Bobby up and shouted at him. One
day he stole Bobby’s lunch money and damaged his bicycle. Bobby was very unhappy.

Bobby told the teacher that he was having problems. The next day, the bully was very nice to
Bobby. He apologised for being horrible. He then gave Bobby some cinema tickets, and told
him to take his family to the cinema at the weekend. Bobby was surprised, but very happy.

Students B
Here is your part of the story. Read it twice to Student A.

On Saturday night, Bobby and his family went to the cinema. When they got home at ten
o'clock, they saw that a thief had broken into their house and had stolen a camera and some
money. Bobby also noticed that his computer was turned on. Bobby’s father called the police.

A policeman quickly arrived at their house. He spoke to Bobby and his family for ten minutes.
Then the policeman went straight to the bully’s house and arrested him. The bully said he
was innocent, but the policeman knew that he was guilty. He took the bully to the police
station and put him in a cell.

How did the policeman know the bully was the thief?

When the in Bobby’s house was bully, to his decided account check he Bobby’s on Facebook computer.


He out when account to left log of his he the forgot house!


This page is taken from www.macmillanenglish.com/hotspot. It is photocopiable and may be used within the class.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010.

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