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Cat On A Hot TinlRoof 59

Cat On|A Hot-Tin Roof, The

Tennessee Williams' classic, is
set inf the - deep South, and
revolves around f the] Pollitt
family. Brick, the alcoholic son,
is tortured by the death of his best
friend and his guilt about their
relationship/Maggie, his wife, is
tormented by her longing for the
husband she has lost to liquor,
and craving for security! Big
Daddy, Brick's father, unaware
that he is dying of cancer, exults
in his lust for Hfe| Gooper
(Brick's brother) hislwife Mae
and their children have come to
claim;,their share of the family
fortune. Joined \ by j Big | Mama,
Brick's mother, they have come
to celebrate Big Daddy's bir-
thday. The family's conflicts are
suddenly and relentlessly ex-
posed in an explosive series of
climaxes that forces each of them SKIP BAGALEY, SMINA EISENBERG
NINA EISENBERG, CHRIST! WARNICK to part with the half-lies that have
'shielded them from reality. *£3| ^
rj; This Pulitzer Prize-winning *

drama is not a show for all ages;

because of its very nature and
subject matter, we caution those
who may be offended by foul
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof opened
last night a U Mercyhurst Little
Theatre, and wills play tonight,
Saturday night, and Sunday af-
ternoon (that's March 8, 9, and
10.) Box Office is open daily from
9 to 9, call for reservations at 864-
0681, ext. 271. Be sure to see
Tennessee Williams', immortal
classic, Pulitzer prize-winning
drama this weekend!

The initial Seminar on
MICHAEL! MORRIS, CHRISTI WARNICK Sexuality, | held last Wednesday
evening, ^February 27, was
Sem inar received well by the Community
• t

of Mercyhurst. Now plans are in
the making for future seminars.
They will continue after Spring
Term has begun and we will
Last week the National Student gap" between public and private
by Sharon Warner notify you of the time and the Lobby held its s third annual schools.
place. -•?• |S conference in Washington, D.C. 3) the abolition of j: the sub-
Dr. Rhodes, Political Science jobs]that depend on crime. It's If there is airy area you feel with four representatives of minimum wage now paid Smany
teacher at Edinboro State College important that J we have it." would be jj good 1 for these Mercyhurst College in at- students who work. :
and Northwest region member of Grossman suggested, too, J that seminars; or any speaker you tendance. The NSL, which has 4) an increase in funding of the
the Governor's Justice Com- the recent Pennsylvania ob- think would be worthwhile in been in existence for four years, work study programfinancedby
mission, was fine featured scenity law "was passed because having, please notify {us at 868* and claims membership in all % the Federal Government and.
speaker recently at a seminar of political motivation.'' W 3088. And look for future meeting states, is a registered lobby on 5) the continued support of
involving the "Politics of Crime". Grossman Avar ned that I * we are times. Thanks! Capitol Hill whose concern is reduced air, bus, train fares
Other' members of the seminar on the dawn of depression of legislation as it regards students through fthe student discount
panel included Bob Hoffi Barry freedom of expression" and in colleges throughout the states. program which is now threatened
Grossman and Jim Fisher, all expressed, as he has in the past, a
Mercyhurst faculty members.; need for minority groups to be
Rhodes, jini his segment, able to live; their own lives in a
Summer The Mercyhurst contingent was by legislation.
sent for ithe two purposes | of The outcome of these will
evaluating |the NSL from a & known until the specific issues are
not be
discussed his belief that the basic society where the majority rules.
problems in criminals justice In defense of the law, Fisher
"involve a conflict of interests. referred to m "built-in" crime
The Creative Arts Division of
. .
Mercyhurst viewpoint as to gvoted upon by the legislators, but
whether it would be worthwhile feat all the meetings optimism and
for the school to become mem- ^affirmative action was voiced by
We can't agree on the problems." deterrent in lour system- "the Mercyhurst * College will ^ offer bers, and to participate in the the | legislators or their
He pointed to two approaches chanced of being caught" Fisher summer ^participative^ and en- conference as non-voting - guest $ representatives on all five points.
taken concerning
politics: one, he reasoned that, "when we do have joyment programs in the Arts for members. During the conference, A separate but related issue to
labeled the Who gets what when a crime, we may have deterred a college students.^ children, youth the four representatives met with many students at Mercyhurst, the
and how" approach and the other, more violent crime.'M ijp and adults. & •- Congressman J.P.Vigorito and roposed.increase in veterans
"a^ study of authoratative Prisons and prison reform was Mercyhurst College is located
allocators of value in society." | | a major topic of the seminar and in Northern Pennsylvania on the C
staff members from the two enefits, was also discussed and
Pennsylvania senators, Sch- met with favorable answers from
Speaking on behavior was the subject of many of the shores of Lake Erie, and provides weicker^ and "Scott. These the legislators. \ f i J
motivation,.^ Hoff stated that audience questions. Dr. Rhodes an ideal environment for intensive meetings were held in$ the After the conference concluded,
"nothing is I different? between agreed the "victims have very study: and involvement in many framework |of the NSL and the Mercyhurst delegation met
criminal and other behavior-they little political power" and cited areas of the arts. It will offer proved to be informative! and and pondered the question as to
both reflect our society." He also the function of prison as simply regular classes in art, music, interesting. * | ; the effectiveness of the NSL as it
pointed to I the fact that our "a deterrent ffrom committing theatre, dance. These learning The NSL, at this year's con- would pertain to the Mercyhurst
society does not "reward positive crime." arts center activities will include vention, jj had:: five major points community. It was agreed by the
behavior. Most of our laws are Hoff stated flatly that "our special events and workshops for which were discussed with the four representatives that
'Thou shalt not' and at no time is present prison system doesn't people|with general [ background legislators; •< l i * although worthwhile to join the
an individual;?'told What to do." work". His alternative included in the arts and those 4 seeking 1) the abolition of the $15,000 NSL, it would be premature at
Grossman humorously pointed the breakdown of larger |"inef- advanced work in their field. '•means test" on government this time and would probably not
to an underemphasized fact that fective" prisons into "smaller These * courses tand events^ are student loans. benefit the students on the whole
"A lot of people in politics have communities." designed to stimulate* any age 2) the closing of the "tuition at Mercyhurst.
student to discover' and learn
about the arts creatively through Anyone who did not receive their copy of last year's yearbook
Seniors must submit their application for graduation by March participating and enjoying them.
13. Applications can be obtained in the Registrar's Office. can obtain one by contacting Jane Scura, Room 303 Baldwin Hall,
(Continued on Page 3) 866-2144,
Letters 9*

Capt. Q. Tells jjj

Of Failure J Success
}£ -
It has become my opinion that
the quality of students,'on this
campus, is slowly sliding down
We are writing to express our
congratulations to the 21973-74
basketball team. * Although we
of the administration, and Board
of Trustees, where is the
student's money going for ac-
Truth About Joe
hill. At a recentfloorparty in our never made it to Kansas City, we tivities, and I want a breakdown by Captain Qualude
apartment building there were have -seen many exciting and of this. Now where is our great
several items taken from our thrilling basketball games. For Student Policies Committee? ?! Joseph E. Brown, died July 23, remember just happened to be a
apartment (approximately $55.00 those players on the team, you've Andrew Cameron 1972. Originally from Intercourse. good friend of mine. Right before
worth of \personal belongings). tried your best, which is the only Pa., Joe grew up in and around his death, he gave me his own
One of these items was a pair of thing we? expected of|you| We the San Francisco area,-finally )oems, which he wrote during his
eye glasses; it is hard to conceive
how any student on this campus
realize you went through 6
months of hard practices and
FOR MARCH settling ' down outside f
ast two years of life. Being a
friend of Joe's, I was publishing
could possibly afford |paying In^March there are thir- Philadelphia in f Upper «Da rby
tough games, to say nothing of the Township. At age 15 Joe began his poetry in the B-Street Beacon,
$4,000. tuition fee, but cannot studies that you tried to keep up. teen class days glue sniffing and did his share of not seen lately because of some
afford to purchase their own pair To Coach Fox and Steve 5 film showings cough medicine. At 16, Joe high level power located on 1st
of spectacles. ^ I I Brandon, you also did a fine job 2 days of recitals smoked marijuana, popped an floor Old Main oH Mercyhurst
pl am quite sure that the guilty and we appreciated your time 3 days of theatre presen- upper here and there, but how he College, t I' ? | J
party will find this letter very and patience. And finally, to the tation • | loved barbiturates. ^ Well I'm tired of\not sharing
amusing. . .1 also hope J that, you 1974-75 team, we are wishing only 2 Lakerettes basketball Joe jBrown's work, especially
find your newly acquired the best and looking forward to games in the Erie area It took just a short time before since the things that encouraged
posessions satisfactory; we did. I the coming season. W.i.\ 2 dances Joe Brown became addicted to him to write also held his hand to
really don't expect to get any of Your 4 loyal fans 2 conferences "downers". Sometimes, because write no more. So from time to
the stolen* items back because From Baldwin Hall 2 speakers * of a shortage, he had to resort to time, you will hear from Joe
anyone with so little respect for 3 days of the coffee house shooting Heroin. Early in 1972. Brown, alias Captain Qualude, in
other person's property, certainly Dear Editor: circuit Joe did catch Hepatitis and the Merciad and possibly the soon
has little ^or no respect for I would like to thank the All for a total of 21 March almost died, but it wasn't until to become famous B-Street
themselves. I just wonder what members of the Student Policies days when Hurst students July 23, .1972, that the Tishtown Beacon. So, please look for the
your parents were doing, when Committee for the letter printed will have something to do if Police found Joe Brown. The sign (CaptainlQ.), and jj give us
you were growing up.. .obviously in the Merciad, February 22 they want to/.The activities cause of death?—an overdose of some time. »|
not their job. issue..' I must say they said are there, where are you? barbiturates. Catch you now, dig* you
| As Sincerely nothing, absolutely nothing. But I Shortage. Well that's what I'm later, + J& I * I
As Possible, guess it's hard to expect any talking about. Joe * Brown you Kevin J. Wm&
LynnReid! j action from a sub-secret com-
-P.S. If there are any honest mittee. I talked to Mr. Paul
persons** who know |the Doran at length about meetings
whereabouts of these missing
items, please leave the in-
formation in Box 113, Egan Mail
held by*this committee and he
told me many of their meetings
are held behind closed doors.
Room. :: ^-IPSM' if Now Mr. Doran, and members
I f $5000.00 TO BE '
* &
O' ^ can win up to $1000.00 (plus an
^v © AWARDED STUDENTS expense paid, round trip to
I WRITING COMPETITION Hollywood, California).
College and university students Both graduate andf un-
dergraduate students I between
'it the ages of 18 and 25 are invited to
enter the national DRUG
College and University Script
Writing Competition for "The
New Radio." gET |
The competition consists in
writing a half-hour, educational,
ientertaining, dramatic, radio
script on the dirug problem.*
PHOTO BY DENS COAN winning scripts to produce a new,
national radio series for public
service broadcast. (The series
Blanket Rebellion will be available free of charge to
all radio stations *in the United
States and Canada) %
13fccash prizes will be awar-
Suveeps 'Hurst Dorm s Attractions ded: ranging from FIRST PRIZE
of $1000.00 (plus a one week,
expense paid, round trip from
A small incident on the second with this?" The move spread home or school to Hollywood,
floor of McAuley Hall caused a from the second floor to the first, California) to THIRTEENTH
general.-' airing of protest on
February 27th. -The incident
occurred when one of McAuley
Hall's leading radical lights was
then to the third floor, and even to
that bastion of reactionism, Egan
Hall. The various articles, which
can all be related to a bed, con-
ANTLERS PRIZE of $200.00. v I
All winners will receive a tape
of their show as produced for
broadcast in addition to their
taking advantage of the, balmy tinued hanging in plain sight until cash prizes..
spring breezes to air his grime well after dark. There are There is no entry fee. Deadline
encrusted blankets. This i reportedly plans in progress for a for the competition is midnight,
generated a storm of protest from concerted blanket party on March fMay31,1974. * $ *
a )' certain nun regarding j this 8 at I 1:00> in* the afternoon. The competition is being
despicable, disgusting act, which sponsored by F. I. C. U., a non-
in turn led j to twenty to thirty
blankets, bedspreads, and sheets
According to a spokesman from
McAuley Hall, anyone can par-
fTlARDI GRAS profit, educational, public service
corporation in Los Angeles, and is
being put out windows. Wince ticipate by merely" hanging a open to every college and
Seibel, who took part in the blanket, bedspread, or sheet from • university student in the United
movement, declared, "Two his window, and should feel free tertal Sta tes a nd Ca na da. J
wrongs don't make a right, but
why should we have I to put! up
to do so, as any support will be
greatly appreciated. £ 1 DIXI STRIDERS Students interested in entering
|the competitioni (or professors
|who would like to introduce the
Celebrate competition to students in their
departments) I should write -to
RAM, 1147 i South Robertson
Years of; Service Green
Boulevard, Los Angeles,
California 90035 and ask for the
Published weekly during the college year, except Thanksgiving, in-
Begins Flowing Friday Informatioa Rules, and Official
tersessioa Christmas and Easter vacations, and examination periods Entry Form brochure!
by the students of Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa., 16501. Mailing ad*
dress: MercyhurstMailroom,.PrestonHall. Box36.

WBL Fri.8 Sat.9 Sun.lO mon.ll
Cathy Stevenson
Theater Production Theater Production Theater Production
Editor: •:;,. "Cat on the Hot Tin 8p.m.LT. & 4 Examination
Assistant Editor: c^Kim Wontenay 'Cat on a Hot Tin
Roof" I Roof" 2:30 mat.
Editorial Board 8 P.m^LT Little Theater
Feature: J Sj; SueWeiner Classes end I
Newsf Sharon Warner
Sports:- v Dario Cipriani
Assistant Sports ? Jack Riley
Tues.12 Wed.13 Thur.14 FrU5
Business Manager: Anne Mashinic
Faculty Advisor:^ Barry McAndrew Examination
Term II Ends VACATION Examination
Union Closes VACATION Term II Ends
Staltr Diane Pickens, Cathy McCarthy, Denis Coan, John Sullivan, at 2 p.m.*. Union Closes
Candy Yanker, Martin Miglioretti, Tod Allen, Eleanore Grelewicz. at2p.m$^£J


Mig Makes Excuses
b Registrar's Office, the one
by T.M.Cat, Special Reporter
for a game of poker." asked him why. "I'm doing a
surviving stretch of the Old West As Raven began to explain the study of problems of registration I could make up a really far-out story about why there is no Fruit 1
in Old Main. V rules of poker to. the two from the viewpoint of both Farm this week—like how I got really strung out after partying my 1
I entered the Office through the greenhorns, a desperate student students and personnel. Today's brains out all week, or howl was stampeded, by a herd of blood- %
double doors on Registration day ran into the office. Wild-eyed, he activities have yielded quite a bit thirsty beavers, while on my way to deliver the article—but the !>
to the strains of a player piano. I leaped over the counter, grabbed of interesting data." truth is that I am up to my eyelids in work and I've got 4 paintings, 1 ^
hadn't arrived a minute too soon. Sparky, and, holding a dripping I asked for a few examples of wood carving, l light sculpture, a life-size paper mache mummy, fe
In one corner there was a brawl ice cream cone over her head, the data. He looked through his and one experimental research paper to work on (and hopefully
in progress over the issue of who notes and read. ".01 per cent of finish) by March 5. Actually, this is my way of spilling out my \l
was first in line. In the inner of- the students j have the -wrong problems to you so as to avoid further damage to my psche, ego and
fice, Sheriff Bill Willingsley was person sign their forms. 2 per cent libido. Sd. •£'•
negotiating a treaty with a still fill out the top of the form, The FARM will return, again next term, with more "rib-ticklers " >
representative of the Business which asks for such information to further amuse, insult, gross-out, and otherwise, entertain you. By t
Office for the £ release of the as sex, religion, and race. 99 per the way, "What happens when you don't pay your exorcist? If you 1
student who tried to pay Vfe cent cent of the headaches suffered by said, "You get repossessed."—CONGRATULATIONS! You are one
more than her tuition of $18.33%. the I office's personnel are in- of only 120 million people in this country who have been subjected to
Behind the counter, Raven Rose curred! during* registration the greatest mass pun exploitation the world has known. If you
was pinning a feather in her hair week." didn't get the answer, crawl back into your mausoleum. :i
before her wall-length mirror.
I told him it sounded like he had
A student came into the office enough material to write a v?ry
and waited for service for fifteen
choruses of "Camptown Races" nice report. "Yeah," he answered DR. KIES Poetry By
until Raven was satisfied with her sullenly, "that's about all they let
called out "I demand to see the me do around here. I'm never in
feather. She came over to help.
f At the same time, Mary Lamb
returned ji from an errand and
Sheriff. One of my courses was
cancelled, two required courses
on anything exciting.''
Just before the office closed for
the day, the poker game ended.
Kudos Given "Captain Q W

began to take* care of another are scheduled for the same time, Dr. Kathleen Kies, director of
student. and what's more, I? don't^ even Neither student looked) happy. academic programs for the "Tell the Truth Liar, Again"
know what my advisor looks like. "Who won?" I asked. They both Department of Education had
"I want to register for Modern I want satisfaction!" 1. pointed to Raven, who sat at the high praise for the consortia, The enemy of the people is truth I
American? Fiction," said both \ Never intimidated, Sparky let table fingering the class card, a efforts of Mercyhurst, Gannon People can't face truth > jjfl
Mary's and Raven's students at out the ol' cheerleader's whoop. smile playing at the corners of and Villa Maria when she spoke Choice must be between the two,
the same time. } The ice cream cone rocketed out her mouth. 'I've always wanted to the three faculties at their 2nd
Raven checked the supply of to* study Modern American And again. .£
of the young man's hand and annual Tri-College faculty
cards for the course. There was landed, upside down, on his head. ; Fiction," she said. "I've had meeting on Friday at the Hurst. ' "Snow, Fire-Up Too |
only one left. •• tiffis %
enough of this Old West." According to Dr. Kies, there are Marijuana Smoke"
"Well," said Raven, "there's | Sheriff Willingsley escorted the 25 consortia operating in Penn-
only one way to settle this claim. student into his office and looked sylvania ranging from library Feb. 26 2 a.m.* ' g
Sparky", she called to the student up his advisor for a conference. Sum mer/Art... exchanges, ^President meetings, Snows fun, should wish I had
worker (who moonlights as a Deputy Alvin ^Bellgood was to special programs of
cheerleader), "set up the?table (Continued from Page 1) some sun | ^ ' *
taking notes of everything, fl cooperation on a limited basis. Suns hot, when it cold I can't
The Arts Learning Center concept of However, "Erie's Consortium of smoke my pot * <*
which this Summer Arts Component is Colleges is the only Pennsylvania
LAKERETTE REVIEW the first phase has as its primary
purpose to give youngsters of varying
ages and walks of life the opportunity to
effort that .has the faculties
working together." And ac-
cording to Dr.? Kies "joint
I've rolled joints while being
a ttacked by lizards
Yet never toked while \ walking
by Rita Vacinni develop their abilities as performers, through a blizzard 1 *
* listeners, and viewers in the various thinking about programs is not My hands are clumsy and stiff, O
|The key to a successful team is unity. And unity is exactly what can be
arts areas. only's the hardest shit? Another paper just
found, jon the Lakerette Basketball Team, under the leadership of the two co- The Arts Learning Center Concept is part." Kudos:
to the local colleges ripped. ;
in keeping with the philosphy of Mer- for being the forerunners in
captains, Mary Drummond and Mary Hoffman. cyhurst College regarding continuum Players are high, nerf balls
Mary Hoffman is a senior special education major from Erie, Pa. She's learning for all ages of human beings. It faculty cooperation in the commence to fly * ; pi
been a member of the team for three seasons in the past four years. Her total is in keeping with Mercyhurst College's Commonweal th. My opponents score. Is two, then
points, so far this season, are 173 for 9 games. (20 of these points were made quest for excellence for its learners,
from the free-throw line: Mary is averaging 19 points a game). You'll find both \academic and artistic. An-Arts four, then seven )
Mary on the courts proudly displaying the number 14, playing at the forward Learning Concept is also a part of Early Registration I'll be shut-out if he breaches
position. Mary graduated from St. Benedict's high school in 1970, where she cooperative efforts of the various •v March6 to March 15 eleven % £ $*
participated in Basketball for 4 years. | I components of the Sister -of Mercy For: All students Must score a basket to remain in
Mary Drummond is a junior special education major from Pittsburgh, Pa. Dates: March 6 to March 15 the game.
Community. Times: 1:00to4:00p.m. J g
She is a third year player for the Lakerettes. Mary wears number 33, and || 1. Summer Music Arts Components: Place: Registrar's Office Missed!!! Like snow it's a blow to
plays at the center position. Mary has played 10 games in this season, and her a. Music arts department will offer Note: No registration forms will be my brain, £ \
total points are 142, averaging 14 points per game. (34 of those 142 points were regular classes for its students. • accepted, nor class cards
completed from the free-throw line). Before she came to Mercyhurst, Mary Wb. In addition, they will offer a given, by the Registrar's
played for 4 years at Sacred Heart High inShadyside, Pa. workshop for talented youngsters Office unless! sTUaemS 'nave
After these two women graduated from their respective high schools, their resident or non-resident. | their tuition clearance card "Cupid Through My Brain"
numbers were retired; each had received MVP awards -for their successful c. An opera workshop for students from the Business Office. The
efforts. You might be interested to know that Mary D.'s number was a big Business Office will be open
and adults of the community. only from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Try to understand this without a
"0", commonly referred to as the "little nothing"—the kid who only weighed d. Susuki string ^workshop for weekdays/ March 6 to March
107 lbs., but had a ton of spirit. Mary H. is now coaching a girls' grade school children. 15. # $ ?
great bore \,
b-ball team at St John's, in Erie. | ? • i •'; 1 2. Summer Visual and Plastic Arts Take Advantage of Early When two people meet there's
fc These two co-captains are a good foundation for the rest of the team to Components: Registration If You Can & always one more
build on. There are ten other members of the team and each is an integral a. Regular art offerings such I as REGULAR REGISTRATION The third loves the one more of all
part of the unified efforts and quality that the team possesses. In the next Ceramics, Art History, will be offered. ^ March 18 ? hoping that the two will fall
couple of weeks, I hope to familiarize you with the backgrounds and present b. Art-in-the-out-of-doors for gifted For: Seniors, Juniors • March 18 -
status of the remaining Mercyhurst Lakerette players. | * I school students. $ 9:00to 10:00a.m. - Weber Hall The third likes them both, but
3. Summer Dance Arts Components: For: Sophomores - March 18 -10:00 loves the one more
a. Regular classes in ballet, and to 11:00 a.m. -Weber Hall
Freshmen -" March 18 - 11:00 to

7-PLA YS ballet techniques. E* /

b. Dance workshop for dance per-
formers. -«g|: | a
4. Theatre and Speech Arts Com-
12:30p.m.-Weber Hall
For: All Other Students March 18
» -1:30 to 4:00 p.m.'- Registrar's
To as many people who take this
Seven student-directed one-act da menta ls^ of I Direc ting course. Office -, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. -
Registrar's Office J The same feeling are felt I'm sure
plays will be presented Saturday, Some of the plays to be presented ponents : |
a. Regular classes in Speech. 'm HOW TO REGISTER To be in love like this is bad |
March 9th at 2:30 p.m. in Mer- include: "This Property Is b. Special * workshop in theatre and Step I: Compiete registration Sooner or later somebody t feels
cyhurst Little Theatre. Mr. Paul Condemned", "The Meeting," stage makeup.! ; * form with advisor. ' M
Iddings, head of the Theatre Arts "The Burial," and "Bringing It Step I I : -Give yellow copy of really sad. f ^jg. f
c. Theatre for children workshop. <
Department, has required his All Back Home." These are to be registration form to Business
Office when obtaining tuition "What Was Your Name Again? " |
students to produce these plays presented free of charge,I and clearance. * j^J
for their final exam in his Fun- open to the public. Step H I : Give white copy of Stimulated mind, simulated time,
registration form and tuition
The course Persuasion and clearance card to Registrar my, my mind - &&
Power, offered by Mr. John when you wish to pick up class Is being drawn by a vertually
RELEVANT ELECTIVES Stewart this coming Spring cards. i? unmistakable
Students in education, 12:00-12:55 term is listed as Power and | omitted sign,|£ t
Persuasion in the schedule of Unomitted by those who see...
psychology, sociology, social I 52031 Home Furnishings classes. For those students Attention! Lost and Found.
work, art, and other majors Laboratory 10:00-11:55 interested in taking the Students - Come claim lost Life, long life, captured! by«the
are invitedito consider the 5205 Interior Design 1:00- course, they are #ne and the articles In Security Office. cap, a tablet |
following spring term Home 2:00 * h , same. Basement - Prestoa not like the laws I have learned or
Economics courses as 5303 The Child's Milieu been i J £
electives that would enhance 12:00-12:55 | i given to give
their* major programSof 5305A Early Childhood To those who will not accept as I
study as well as provide Laboratory (Preschool) Shave rejected * f * *
personal enrichment: 8:00-9:55 _J
5002 $ Clothing :jj* A
Multidisciplinary Approach
5305B> Early Childhood
Laboratory (Preschool)
• •
LHEAD Looking through a window of total
10:00-11:55 darkness W &
11:00-11:55 £ sv
Seeing Light Listening to
5104 World Food Problems 5306 Infancy 3:00-3:55 >_«j i every thing I see?
O l
Reaching for the end...The
ss >_•.

And when it's over |
'fr Life patterns rearrange
To think, To accept j
We disagree, but
Inside our minds. 1-
Now Open On Sundays 00 452-3354


LAKERS 14-10 by Dario Cipriani, Spoils Editor EASTERN PLAYOFFS
The 1973-74 Mercyhurst College basketball season is now history. by Todd Allen
The Lakers finished the year with three victories in their last four
starts. Their victories came over Hillsdale (97-89), Lock Haven SCORES take the win 80-74. Versus Mann, Knicks are still alive due to their
State (63-61), and Walsh (93-71). The loss came at the hands of Shaw Salt & Pepper 80, Foxie Ladies 74 Pepper was down throughout the 80-65 victory against the Hill. The
College (85-76). They finished the year with a 14-10 win-loss record. Salt & Pepper 79, ? Maim 74 game and it took a last minute Hill, in its preceding game with
Overall the Lakers did not play up to their* glossy pre-season ex- Over the Hill Gang 57, i surge to beat a spunky Mann the Tennis Team, won a big one
pectations. I | I S T-Ballers 49 team, 79-74. The Foxie Ladies which removed the T-Ballers
In the eyes of Coach Dick Fox, the season was a complete failure. Knicks 80, Over the Hill Gang 65 bounced back from the Pepper from the play-offs back to the
The basis for his reasoning is two-fold. The first being that his squad Foxie Ladies 96, Zig Zags 82 loss by defeating the Zags 96-82. indoor tennis courts by a 57-49
failed to make the District-18 playoffs and the second being the very Well, as of February 25 there count. Due * to its loss \ to the
minimal support given the team by the city of Erie and the Mer- are only four teams left in the This keeps Foxie's play-off crown
cyhurst Community. At the outset, Fox's bunch loomed as the best Eastern Play-offs. By the month hopes alive as they square off Knicks, the Hill must join the
team in the district on paper. However, a number of problems of March there should be a against the Knicks; the winner of tennis team, Zig Zags and Guess
began taking their toll and the 'Hurst never really matured into the champion. The team with the best that game will play Mann to What in their preparations for
team they should have been. Because of their play, the Lakers were chance is Salt and Pepper who decide who will be Pepper's last next season. Off season trades are
not chosen as part of the five team D-18 playoff (Indiana, Edinboro, still remains undefeated in play- challenger. Whoever wins the already being planned by \ these
Clarion State, Slippery Rock and Point Park) and thus failed in off competition.! Pepper, Mann versus Knicks or Foxie teams. Earl the Pearl is one of
their major undertaking this year. The second reason is quite however, did not run away with game will have to win twice over the players that they are dealing
evident to anyone who attended the last two Mercyhurst home any of its last two victories by any Pepper to take the crown. Pepper for. Next week will be Hhe last
games. Support for the team and for the entire basketball program means. In their\ contest with the only need win, one of Hhe two
was definitely lacking. § | * « 5 £ Foxie Ladies, the game was close article on the Play-offs. If anyone
probable games «(probable feels that a Metropolitan police
Fox stated "there was unprecedented amount of pressure on a ? throughout until in the last few because they only need win the department for this area\ is
third year team to be super.| I would have to agree with this minutes Foxie ran into some bad first one to eliminate the need for
breaks and Pepper capitalized to feasible, please get in touch with
statement. After their fine play in last season's D-18 tournament, a second one)ito be champ. The the co-eds from St. Mark's. ~§ %
the Lakers were considered shoo-ins for a spot in this year's group.
No one took into consideration the schedule the 'Hurst played or BULLETIN: Salt and Pepper have been crowned champions of Eastern Men's Intramurals by the
that they were a third year school. All everybody wanted was to strength of their second victory over Mann on February 28. Mann had made it to the»finals by
have their team make it to Kansas City. After three years of in- defeating Foxie on February 27. Foxie earned a shot at the "cake" by knocking off the Knicks.
tercollegiate competition, Mercyhurst owns a 49-25 win-loss record. With Foxie and the Knicks both out of the picture, undefeated Salt and Pepper and Mann were slated
Considering all the factors, this record is nothing short of sen- for the showdown match the last day of February. Salt and Pepper won and thus are the Champs. The
sational, w \ $ Ww members of the 11-0 Pepper team are as follows: Chas Jones, Wags, Boback, Carter, Hoffman, J.
Coach Fox mentioned a few bright spots during the past cam- Burrows, Settlemeyer, Galleyps, and Morrice. These, folks, are the champs of the Dungeon. Mem-
paign. He felt the play of Jesse Campbell and the consistency of Bob bers of the runner-up Mann team are; Henderson, Lips, Pike, Sands, T. Jones, Link and Dusty. The
Repko and Curtis Hixon were substantial contributions. All- season was pretty interesting and showed well-balanced talent. Next year, look for Over the Hill to do
American candidate Campbell wound up the year as the team's the trick as they have given hints of recruiting Ernie "No D" and Marvin Barnes. To find out for sure
leading scorer and rebounder. He averaged 20.4-points and 18.6 if this rumor is correct, I would recommend spying on the Hill's talks with these players taking place
rebounds per game. Hixon followed in scoring with a 13.8 average in the top of the Cook Forest Fire Tower on a windy day in March to be announced. I /•
and Repko in rebounding with a 6.4 clip. The Laker mentor noted
that the victory over Bluefield State was his squad's^ biggest win
and ^ the loss to Slippery Rock was the biggest loss because it
completely turned the season around after the Bluefield victory had
set the year back on its proper course. w ' "&:
Who knows what's in the cards for the future. The Mercyhurst
basketball program has built a solid foundation and in the mind of
Fox the program is at a serious crossroad. It is close to having the
kind of team that could gain national prominence and then again it Feb 19. Brandon who recorded 19. The league record of 3iS pts. in a
could slip into mediocrity. Next year, most of the players from this The Mother Truckers| became game's leading scorer was regulation game by pouring in 32
season's squad will be returning, including a healthy Steve Albert one step closer in vbeing in the "Hawk" Williamson who sank 31 pts. in leading the Cyunes. Kevin
(?) and Carl Jones, who will be permitted to try out next fall. Also Play-off Championship game by pts. for the Kangaroo Kids in a Cook netted 15 and Bruce Stabick
waiting in the wings is John Burrows, I who was plagued by defeating the Kangaroo Kids by losing effort. SSli (12) in contributing to a winning
scholastic problems and consequently was forced to sit out his the score of 66-61 in semi-final In the first round of the loser's cause. Ken Williamson (didn't he
freshman year. Fox and his players are eagerly looking forward to (winners bracket) action. Jerry bracket the always amazing Ten play for the Guess What?) netted
their next campaign. I think they are ready to step into the limelight Effert once again led the Rats ended & their championship 30,Deniro (12) andHickle (10) all
which goes along with the national recognition they are capable of Truckers in scoring by making 26 hopes by dropping a 71-55 decision in a losing effort.
achieving. ^ I $p* M 8 pts. He was followed by "Buzz" to the Rookies. Leading the Feb 24,
balanced scoring of die victors
The Cellar Dwellars advanced
IT'SIONLY CASTLES BURNING were Willy Tyler (20), Gary
Suminski (18), and Jack Friedel to the quarter final round of the
(17). Heading the scoring for the loser's bracket by knocking off
Rats were Ray Korzeniowski the Rookies 72*65. Heading 4
Don't Let It Bring You Down with 30 pts. and the Fisherman players in double figures were
adding 15. Being the last game for Peterson (21), Ryan (20),
the Rats, special recognition goes Yonkers (14), and Frontino (11).
to Brad Lauster who was plagued Willy Tyler once again was the
by Garrett Kenilworth, Asst. Sports Editor most of the season with the so- top scorer for the Rookies with 22
called "raisin brain" injury.** pts. followed by Suminski (11).
Blind man running thru the light of the This may run over to the next second especially the way we did this year, but Feb.21. 1 W I Next Week...A final wrap-up of
night p £ f \$ f guess reason, which is the question of he's paid to win and is usually the first In quarter] final action the Post as-well as regular season
with an answer in his hand, leadership. This is perhaps the most to acceptmost of the blame as I'm sure Mother Truckers moved into the play, including the final top ten
come on down to the river of sight bothersome because we had the Coach Fox is. Championship game by avenging scoring list, and this Editor (s)
and you can really understand. leaders, but didn't use them. Coach Fox their only regular season loss, by Western League all-star team.
couldn't haye picked a better captain I did feel Fox made errors during the romping over the Deadwood
than Jeff McConnell. However Jeff's the season, such as leaving some players in Dicks 92-54. Steve * Brandon was
The above is a quote from a song type of guy who leads by example, and too long; even the "Happy Hooker" can The schedule of final games:
written by Niel Young entitled, "Don't although his attitude and control over have a cold night, and worrying too the game's leading scorer with 26
Let It Bring You Down". The song, as the team never left him, his ability to much about putting a show on for the pts. Jerry Effert, Bill McClain, 2-26«Cellar Dwellars v. Big
Young once said is "guaranteed to bring lead by example was thwarted because fans and chewing his players out and Ken Simmons also scored in Cyunes
you right down", I could say the same of the short amount of playing time he drawing costly technical fouls. As for double figures with 22, 20, and 20
thing about this arUcle because it's not saw."! The puzzling fact is that he coaching. I can't criticize his record, pts. respectively. Paul Gorniak 2-27-Deadwood Dicks v. winner
going.- to make anyone £ happy. It deserved to play, and could have picked and I don't know his methods. of 2-26
discusses our already over reviewed up a lot of the slack caused by Steve's. led the Dicks in scoring with 19
basketball situation here at Mercyhurst injury. It seemed at times the better he Now, I said all of this so I could say along with Sammarco (15). 2-28-Mother Truckers v. winner
College. However, the -themejof this played the less he played. # mis. "Don't let it bring you down." If I In semi-final (loser's bracket)
article is not so much critical, as I'm Next, Willis Cardot has been blamed Carl Jones doesn't go out for the team action, the Big Cyunes?upset the Of 2-27 (CHAMPIONSHIP GAME
not as knowledgeable about the game of for not playing up to par. Well most of again next year then he's copping out,
basketball as the people about which these people remember him from high and if Coach Fox starts giving up then Kangaroo Kids by the margin of TO BE PLAYED AT MERCY-
I'm writing, but more enlightening, school where he didn't have 6*5" guards he's blowing it too. But more important, 71-54. Mike Car rig erased the old HURST PREP AT7:00 PM).
hopefully. % | and forwards sticking their paws down regardless of who gets hurt next year,
It seems to me a lot of people have your throat. Puck is a solid player and or who gets suspended, or even who
been trying to find a scapegoat to sUck has sat out a year, he's got a way to go coaches, the team can't let it get them
with the blameof such a "poor" season. but he'll make believers of Erie fans
Before I go on however, I can't but again. - j &^. ? down because next year mercyhurst
wonder why 14-10 is "poor" for a third The Carl Jones' affair war an un- College basketball can't say, "Wait you are cordially invited to share your thoughts, photos, prints,
year school. Maybe if we had been 5 and fortunate incident, to say the least, for until next year." Another season like short stories, sketches, or any other literary-artistic inspirations,
20 the first year and 10 and 15 the everyone involved: Coach Fox, the this and we'd fall* into mat pit of
second,^ this would be a good year. team, and especially Carl. The bottom mediocrity of which mere is no escape. with the 1974 literary magazine...think about it, .i|
However, we must hold the standards of this will never really be discovered After mat even when we have a good for further information, contact candy yanker (868-3088).
we set. f ^' * and it will forever be argued who was season we will* be known as the
The "season" has been blamed on the right or wrong. I do believe that the
injury to Steve Albert,; the lack of action of Coach Fox dismissing Jones mediocre team that had a good season
leadership on the team, the subpar play from the team, regardless of ac- instead of what was the case mis year;
of Willis Cardot, the ^attitude" of cusations, was too late and too much. If a good team that had a mediocre
Smoke Jones, and I'm sure you could Fox was having discipline problems season. * * f
even find some people who will say the with Smoke throughout the season, a
play of Jesse Campbell (although these game or two suspension may have been
people are in a coma), and last but as in order earlier in the year, but I feel
we all know, not least, Coach Fox. • \t waiting till it came to a head, as it did at
[ I believe all of this and none of this. In the Slippery Rock Game, and then
other words, I don't believe you can find waiting two games to dismiss him was a RESEARCH
a scapegoat, except for the usual one, cop out! It didn't ruin the season
the coach. But don't let it'*bring you however! f
down. Coach Fox, being able to "take
j g
Probably the most absurd reason for
the blame" is a prerequisite for the our lack of success was the play .of Thousands
Jesse Campbell.;I actually heard an
The story about the injury to Albert Erie fan scream out that Jesse was FR
being the key to our lack of success is killing us. Well as I said before, these AT YOU R
simply not valid. We knew before the people are out of the flick. I
season that we'd be without his ser- The last but the most vehement of all learn Resource Center ERRORITE™ CAMPUS STORE
vices, and that gave us plenty of time to scapegoats Is always the coach. The Mercyhurst Campus
make adjustments. We have the per- coach of a basketball team is in that
sonnel. I believe the injury hurt us, but ubiquitous position much like that of a
possibly more mentally *- than] football quarterback where he is held t16501
physically. When you lose eight games solely responsible for its team success,
by four points or less I question whether or, lack of it. It often seems unfair to
the problem is physical personnel. attack a, coach for a team that loses,

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