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Example 2-1-11 The electric field of a uniform ring of charge

Example 2-1-12 The electric field of a uniformly charge disk
Example 2-2-1 The electric field is E = E0 j. Find the z
total flux through the box.
L 2L
Example 2-2-2 In a cubical volume , L on a side, the electric field is E = E0 (1 +
x) i. The cube has its sides parallel to the coordinate axes. Find the total flux
through the box.


x L
Example 2-2-3 A cylinder
! of radius R and length H is placed in
a nonuniform field ( E = 2lr ). What is the flux through each
face of the cylinder ( the flat plane surfaces on both sides and the
curved sides of the cylinder ) .
S1 z = H / 2

S3 R

z = - H / 2 S2
Example 2-2-4 The electric field of a point charge
Example 2-2-5 A uniformly charged sphere with total charge Q .
! ! qin
2. Show the Gauss’s Law by Coulomb’s Law ò S
E × dA =
(i) using the concept of electric field line. (P.2-51 ® P.2-53)
(ii) do the surface integral directly (P.2-54 ® P.2-55)
3. Three charged insulating rods are arranged into the shape as shown in Fig. 1.
The left (right) one has length 2R and line charge density l0, where l0 > 0 , and the
middle one is a semicircle of radius R and has line charge density l0 cosq. Find the
electric field at point (0,0,z).
Fig. 1
l0 l0 x
3. Three charged insulating rods are arranged into the shape as shown in Fig. 1.
The left (right) one has length 2R and line charge density l0, where l0 > 0 , and the
middle one is a semicircle of radius R and has line charge density l0 cosq. Find the
electric field at point (0,0,z).
Fig. 1
l0 l0 x
4. A cylinder of radius R and length H is placed in a non-uniform field
! ! !
E = 2l r + 2l z
What is the flux through each face of the cylinder ( the flat plane surfaces on both
sides and the curved sides of the cylinder ) as shown in Fig. 2 ? i
S1 z = H / 2

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| Eldj S3 R

z = - H / 2 S2

咖啡 Edf - 州洲

EJI-E.dFJEdt-ZGMI-ji dj-ftdf-XZKM-bE.dfoz-il-t. t

㤡洲 Hnzf

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