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White Paper

Intel® Xeon® Processor

Data Center Modernization

Building the Business Case for

Data Center Modernization
A financial and technical ROI-based approach

IT departments are under more pressure than ever to deliver increasing value back
to the business. In addition to responding to day-to-day operational challenges,
IT is being asked to define an efficient path to new deployment paradigms,
including server virtualization, cloud computing, and ultimately, a software-defined
infrastructure. For IT decision-makers, the question becomes: How do you help
lead your business forward?

While there is no silver bullet for all the challenges IT faces today, spearheading
IT modernization initiatives and replacing outdated data center technologies with
the latest, cost-effective innovations, IT decision-makers can better meet business
needs for greater performance, security, networking, storage, and software
efficiency advantages—all while lowering operating expenses. Optimizing the
data center can also help IT be viewed as an enabling internal partner, moving the
enterprise toward a highly efficient, software-defined infrastructure that enables
the business to better use the latest technologies to take advantage of future

Many organizations consider the benefits of IT modernization through the

lens of infrastructure modernization technology benefits, including better
performance, efficiency, and security. This is a common and valid way to think
about modernization.

However, another way to look at modernization is to examine the financial aspects

of a modernization effort and to seek answers to key questions, such as:

• Does it cost more to get these new capabilities?

• Can the business afford the incremental cost in a tight budgetary environment?

• What is the short term / long term financial impact and ROI related to these

Sajid Khan These perspectives are of keen interest to key stakeholders in general
Global Enterprise Segment management, operations and finance and this paper examines the key financial
Marketing Manager considerations necessary to understanding the financial metrics and ROI of a
John Kuzma modernization effort. Further, this paper provides the building blocks necessary to
Senior Data Center Architect developing a clear and compelling financial business case that resonates with key
stakeholders who ultimately ratify data center modernization projects.
Isaac Priestley
Data Center Finance Manager
Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Table of Contents Building the business case – Who are the Key Stakeholders

Building the business case. . . . . . . . 2 Strong financial business cases focus on key metrics and information of interest to
not only the chief information officer (CIO) but also the chief financial officer (CFO).
Building a Business Case – In fact, a May 2013 Gartner FEI CFO Technology Study, showed that a significant
A Best Practices Framework. . . . . . . 3 percentage of CFOs have direct responsibility for IT and are increasingly becoming
Terms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 key IT decision makers and influencers.
Developing your Financials . . . . . . . 4
Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Utility Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Green IT Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Accounting: Depreciation
Expenses and Tax Implications. . . . 9
Putting It All Together . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Annual Operating
Expenses Impact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Capital Expenses Impact. . . . . . . . . 11
Tax Implications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 1. Where Does IT Report? Source: Gartner (May 2013, Survey Analysis: CFOs Top
Imperatives From the 2013 Gartner FEI CFO Technology Study)
Summarizing the Financials. . . . . . 12
This change is primarily due to the CFOs control of the budget and her critical
Additional Benefits of
insights over how business value can best be achieved. IT leaders can benefit from
Data Center Modernization. . . . . . . 13
this shift in organizational control by educating CFOs about the value of IT and
Get Started Today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 focusing the conversation on topics that have greater meaning to a CFO such as;
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 total cost of ownership (TCO), return on investment (ROI), net present value (NPV),
and payback periods rather than focusing solely on general performance, server
utilization, and power efficiency. Consolidating all of these topics is a developing
best practice for positioning your modernization project for success.

The conversation with the CFO is a key step towards showcasing the overall
business value of keeping IT environments current. However, IT leaders also need
to have cross-functional conversations to uncover line-of-business (LOB) needs
to better support IT infrastructure improvements. Understanding the perspectives
and insights of colleagues across the enterprise is essential to developing strategic
and insightful data center optimization plans – precisely what IT needs to expand
its value within the business.

Figure 2. What interests stakeholders?

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Building a Business Case – A Best Practices Framework

The remainder of this paper is a focused discussion on considerations used to
Leading Cancer Care
develop an effective financial business case for a data center modernization
Provider’s OPEX Savings program. We use a common enterprise scenario based on a five-year-old server
Drives New IT Investment environment and related aging infrastructure. While the company scenario for
“Refreshing our infrastructure ACME Company is fictitious and simplified for brevity, the actual cost savings and
allowed us to support more tax implications are based on established formulas and calculations.
users without having to lease For help building your own custom scenario using the concepts described in
more data center space,” says this paper, use the online Intel® Xeon® Processor-Based Server Refresh Savings
Antoine Agassi, Senior VP and Estimator described in the sidebar below.
Chief Information Officer of 21st
Century Oncology. “At the same The IT infrastructure environment for ACME Company is aging. As was the case
time, we were able to cut power at many other enterprises, the recession forced ACME Company’s IT organization
costs by as much as 20 percent. to postpone capital expenditures and limit IT infrastructure spending to essential
Those cost savings enable operations and maintenance only.
the company to adopt new The company’s director of IT oversees an environment with 100 servers and has
technologies and introduce new stretched his budget and the useful life of the five-year-old environment (servers,
services that improve patient storage, network infrastructure, and the software stack) to its limit. The primary
care.” concerns he’s now facing include:
Read the full case study • Spiraling cost of reactive maintenance
• Supporting Line of Business (LOB) manager projects
• Supporting Big Data and Private/Hybrid/Public Cloud initiatives

While his maintenance efforts provided short-term relief in a very tough economic
environment, his environment has now fallen behind in performance and cost-
efficiency compared to the leading-edge hardware and software available
today. The IT director now needs to develop a financial business case to justify
modernizing his IT infrastructure.

As an IT infrastructure ages, a business can expect the percentage of its total IT

expenditures to increase to support operations and maintenance. The TCO for
Estimate savings any data center is based on a variety of factors and assumptions related to its
with online tool environment. While every company has a different way of looking at TCO this
The Intel® Xeon® Processor- paper focuses on the most important TCO factors—server maintenance, software
Based Server Refresh expenses, storage expenses, and utility expenses. These factors most often form
Savings Estimator tool helps the majority of annual cost savings available to enterprises.
you evaluate the benefits of
replacing your existing data ANNUAL OPERATING
center infrastructure with the CAPITAL EXPENSES EXPENSES ACCOUNTING
latest generation of servers,
• Server hardware • Installation and other • Depreciation expenses
networking products, and costs/rebates and tax implications
• Network hardware
storage solutions. The Estimator • Network and server
• Storage hardware
enables you to model your maintenance
existing IT environment and see • Power (Utility expenses)
the benefits of an infrastructure • Labor
• Software expense
Figure 3. Common IT Infrastructure TCO Factors

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Terms and Definitions

Aging Infrastructure Let’s first briefly define the key category expenses related to our scenario:
= Increased OPEX
Server Capital is the cost of acquiring new servers and does not include
A large, aging, complex, installation costs, which are primarily based on the actual installation and
and difficult-to-manage migration costs of hardware, and their respective disposal costs. Rack costs are
infrastructure consumes more of also not included because a refreshed environment results in a consolidation of
your time and money than new, the number of servers needed to deliver the same level of performance as well as a
innovative technologies. decreased facility footprint.
Nearly three-quarters of a Network costs are based on the number of Ethernet ports (adapters) on a per
business’s total IT expenses server basis. Storage costs are based on type of storage device that will be used
are devoted to operations or migrated. In this example, the key factors are HDD form factor sizes, HDD
and maintenance. As the IT storage interface, HDD RPM which impacts the performance and amount of
infrastructure grows and ages, power consumed, HDD storage capacity and total number needed, as well as the
these costs continue to increase, percentage utilization of the storage devices and the type of configuration used.
reducing the resources available
to support other business Server Maintenance is expressed simply as a cost of maintenance on a per server
growth and innovation. basis and the financial impact of expired parts and service warranties.

Utility expenses. Utility expenses for this discussion are calculated on estimates
Business innovation of server power usage, utility rates, utility growth rate, data center operating hours,
throttled to 26% data center cooling efficiency factors (PUE), and data center capacity costs. The
server power usage is based on an estimated server power in kilowatts both when

the server is busy and idle. The utility rate is a cost per kilowatt hour for utility
power. Utility growth rate is a factor to estimate future utility rate increases year
over year in the form of kilowatt per hour. Data center cooling and PUE (Power
Usage Effectiveness) is a factor to estimate infrastructure cooling efficiency
and cost requirements. The default value for this discussion is set to a PUE of
2. A PUE of 2 means that your non-IT power (e.g. cooling, HVAC, lighting, etc.) is
equal to your IT power (e.g. server, storage, networking). Therefore total power
consumption is estimated at 2 times the IT power consumption. Data center
capacity costs (in $/kW) is for data center infrastructure capacity additions. This
74% captive in operations
is used for calculating the cost avoidance savings of not having to build new
and maintenance
server infrastructure to accommodate incremental growth if old servers were not
Source: Gartner, IT Metrics: Align IT Investment
Levels with Strategy Using Run, Grow, Transform
and Beyond (March 2012) Software Expenses are a sum of licensing, support, and validation. Licensing is
the cost per server to purchase new licenses needed for the environment or for
any incremental demand needed. Software support is the software maintenance
fee per server. Software validation is the cost per server for validating software
configurations on newly installed servers.

Developing your Financials

Now let’s examine the financials in more detail. Start with determining
maintenance costs of keeping your network and servers up and running (including
the impact of expired parts and service warranties), and then compare those
costs to the costs of maintaining a refreshed environment. The calculation is
straightforward, and the information becomes an essential input to calculating
your overall project TCO and ROI.

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Server Maintenance Savings Formula

School District Gets

More IT Per Dollar Spent
One school district with an
operational budget reduced to The inputs shown above for ACME Company can easily be tailored to the number
a bare minimum, wanted to get of servers and maintenance costs in your environment.
the most for its money. Migrating
to x86 reduced not only the
also licensing and management Number of Servers 100
Average Maintenance Cost Per Server $2,399
Read the full case study
Total Existing Network and Server Maintenance Costs $239,900


Number of Servers 21

Average Maintenance Cost Per Server $2,399

Total New Network and Server Maintenance Costs $50,379

Total Server Maintenance Savings $189,521

Table 1. Annual Server Maintenance Comparison

The Annual Server Maintenance Savings clearly illuminate the high cost of
maintaining an aging infrastructure. While this scenario looks at the annualized
savings from a server maintenance perspective, you can also expand the financial
review to include additional annual savings and benefit opportunities derived from
network and other related maintenance.

Additionally, ACME Company reduced its server inventory from 100 to 21. This
impacts the number of required resources and space necessary to support the
business, resulting in additional labor savings to maintain, replace or manage the
infrastructure. This information can be calculated in a similar way to the server
maintenance calculations above. The savings achieved with this change contributes
to your project ROI and to a lower TCO.

The TCO savings of a server refresh are compounded when you also consider
the impact annual software maintenance fees have on your total expenses. The
calculation needed for this input takes into account the proposed project life in
addition to the number of servers and the software maintenance fees.

The following is a basic formula for calculating software maintenance savings:

Software Maintenance Savings Formula

Total Software Maintenance Savings =
Project Life (Number of Servers X Annual Software Maintenance Fees)

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization


Rising Costs of
Number of Servers 100
Aging Infrastructure
Annual Software Maintenance Fee per Server $15,455
Enterprises often pay a heavy
toll for aging infrastructure in the Total Software Maintenance Fees $1,545,500
form of rising operational costs.
Consider, for example, a typical
scenario where 32 percent of NEW INTEL® XEON® PROCESSOR-BASED ENVIRONMENTnvironment
the servers in a small group
Number of Servers 21
or data center are over four
years old. Those aging servers Annual Software Maintenance Fee per Server $50,595
contribute only 4 percent of the
Total Software Maintenance Fees $1,062,495
total performance capabilities
in the data center—and yet they Cumulative Annual Software Maintenance Savings $483,005
consume 65 percent of overall Table 2. Annual Software Maintenance Comparison
It is important to note that the above scenario only reviews the impact of
Age distribution of servers maintenance fees on the software operating system. Your environment is likely
>4 years old different and you may have an opportunity to add additional software upgrades
that warrant a deeper analysis. Other software refreshes may include capital costs
and annual maintenance expenses for database software, application servers,
32% system management software, or other types of software. The calculations are
similar once the costs are obtained.

More complex software environment modeling and scenarios, such as; databases,
systems management software, application software or virtualization software,
can be developed using the Software Configuration Wizard contained within the
Performance Capability of servers Intel® Xeon® Processor-Based Server Refresh Savings Estimator.
>4 years old
4 % The next component of our TCO calculation is storage. Advances in storage
technology offer financial benefits that are easy to determine. Using the Server
Refresh Savings Estimator for our scenario, we’re able to determine that the 100
HDDs in the existing environment can be replaced by 21 – 200 GB SSD solution.

Using those assumptions, it is relatively simple to calculate the estimated storage

savings attributed to ACME Company’s proposed refreshed IT infrastructure:

Server energy consumption

>4 years old Storage Expense Savings Formula
Total Storage Expense Savings = Total Existing Storage Expenses - Total New Storage


Number of HDDs 100

HDD Expense per Hard Disk Drives (HDD) $651.42

Source: Gartner, IT Metrics: Align IT Investment Total Storage Expenses $65,142

Levels with Strategy Using Run, Grow, Transform
and Beyond. (March 2012)

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization


Number of Solid-State Drives (SSD) 21

HDD/SSD Expenses per HDD $1,952

Total Storage Expenses $8,281

Cumulative Annual Savings $56,861

Table 3. Storage Capital Expense Comparison

Utility Expenses
Infrastructure refreshes can also significantly lower data center utility expenses.
Utility expenses are examined because the information and results impact budgets
controlled by the CFO. The choices IT make directly impact power consumption
and a refreshed environment can lower overall utility expenses.

Intel IT Saves USD $184 million with New Refresh Strategy1

Intel IT—which operates 64 data centers and 55,000 servers to support

the computing needs of over Intel 100,000 employees—used to focus on
maximizing the useful life of each server, keeping most of them in service
well beyond their four-year warranty. As compute requirements outgrew
existing data center space or power and cooling capacity, the organization
paid a high price to add or expand data center facilities.

To address rising costs and performance issues, Intel IT began a data center
optimization program that included revising the server refresh strategy.
Since 2010, the strategy has created new business value in excess of USD
184 million, in part by moving to a proactive server refresh schedule, in
which existing servers are regularly upgraded to the latest generations of
Intel® Xeon® processors. This has resulted in:

• Virtualization ratios of up to 35:1

• 43 percent fewer servers in the Design group
• 10 percent reduction in energy consumption in Design
• 6x increase in performance from 2005 to 2012
Additional changes have included:

• Deploying more than 13,000 Intel® Solid-State Drives as “fast swap”

drives, which generated a 27 percent increase in server capacity.
• Adopting new storage capabilities, accelerating storage refresh, and
focusing in increasing utilization, which generated USD 33 million in cost
• Deploying more than 18,000 10 gigabit-per-second network ports,
generating more than USD 20 million in cost avoidance.
• Integrating the server and network infrastructure for a 39 percent
reduction in hardware across the enterprise.
IT@Intel White Paper, “Intel IT’s Data Center Strategy for Business Transformation,” Jan. 2014

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

The comparison table below, as discussed previously above, are calculated on

estimates of server power usage, utility rates, utility growth rate, data center
operating hours, data center cooling efficiency factors (PUE), and data center
capacity costs. Your company’s situation and approach for calculating total utility
expenses and power consumption may be different.


Number of existing servers 100

Hours of Operations 24 X 7 (24 X 365 X Number of servers) 876,000

Utility Rate (per Kilowatt-Hour) $0.10

Utility Growth Rate (per year) 3%


Total Utility Expenses $100,417


Number of new servers 21

Hours of Operations 24 X 7 (24 X 365 X Number of servers) 131,400

Utility Rate (per Kilowatt-Hour) $0.10

Utility Growth Rate (per year) 3%


Total Utility Expenses $21,088

Annual Savings Comparison $79,330

Cloud Service Provider
Table 4. Annual Utilities Expense Comparison
Refreshes Infrastructure for
Greater Performance For additional information on data center power consumption and utility expenses,
“The costs of our server review this article on Power Metrics for Data Centers and other information at
operations went down by 67
percent thanks to the lower Driven by the server refresh power efficiency gains alone, ACME Company’s annual
power consumption of the Intel utility expenses would drop substantially. The cumulative annual savings represent
technology-powered servers, approximately USD$80,000 and help make the case for the financial benefits of
while the addition of the the proposed data center modernization project.
virtualization software has cut
server management costs by 54 Green IT Benefits
percent,” says Petr Suchanek,
CIO of Gigant Group. Another significant benefit is the Green IT benefit resulting from implementing a
new environment. A more energy efficient infrastructure benefits the environment
Read the full case study through reduced CO2 emissions. Acme co. saw 254,000 LBs of CO2 reduction. This
is equivalent to planting 634 trees or removing 19 cars from the highways.

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Chart 1. Green IT benefits of new IT infrastructure. Source: Intel® Xeon® Processor-Based

Server Refresh Savings Estimator

Accounting: Depreciation Expenses and Tax Implications

To this point, we’ve examined the potential savings of an infrastructure refresh
from a cost savings perspective. Our scenario includes an infrastructure that is five
years old and past the depreciable life of the asset (four years). Another important
consideration and area of interest to you and the CFO is the impact of asset
depreciation expenses on tax payments resulting from a refreshed infrastructure

For the last four years, ACME Company has been able to take advantage of a
depreciation expense associated with the original server and storage purchases.
During the fifth year, however, the assets are fully depreciated and the enterprise
is no longer able to take advantage of the depreciation expense. This impacts the
overall savings opportunity available to the organization and provides additional
support for an infrastructure refresh.

Let’s take a look at the impact an infrastructure refresh has on depreciation

expenses and subsequently the company’s tax situation. The enterprise scenario
we are using applies a common Straight-Line Method of Depreciation to our new
set of assets. Simply defined, the Straight-Line Method accounts for uniform
depreciation over the intended life of an asset. The following table can be used to
determine the depreciable amount:


Number of New Servers 21

Server Capital Costs $251,328

Network Capital Costs $8,400

Storage Capital Costs $6,328

Total Annual Depreciation Expense $66,514

Table 5. Annual Depreciation Expense

Refreshing the enterprise environment contributes financial savings back to ACME

Company in the form of an annual depreciation expense of $66,514. This same
expense can be applied forward in the same increment for the following three
years for a combined depreciated expense of $266,056.
Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

This figure doesn’t directly impact the TCO however it does help lower the
company’s overall tax burden. It’s an area of opportunity for the company to
explore with respect to the overall financial impact of the proposed project.

Putting It All Together

Summarizing all the financial information in one table creates a compelling
financial story that contrasts the costs and benefits of an existing aging
infrastructure to a refreshed environment. In our example, ACME Company has a
strong business justification for a new infrastructure project.



Server Capital $679,200 $251,328 $427,872 (63%)

Network $7,008 $9,872 ($2,864) 41%

Storage $65,142 $8,281 $56,861 (87%)

and Server $239,900 $50,379 $189,521 (79%)

$100,417 $21,088 $79,330 (79%)

Software $1,545,500 $1,062,495 $483,005 (31%)

($923,533) ($491,646) ($431,887) (47%)

Total $1,715,134 $913,057 $802,078 (47%)

*See appendix for full set of assumptions

Table 6. Annual Infrastructure Expense Comparison

Annual Operating Expenses Impact

This summary is based on expenses for a one year period of time. The most
significant refresh savings occur within the annual operating expense category and
include network and server maintenance, software, and utility expenses.

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Chart 2. Acme Co. Annual IT Operating Expenses Comparison

Capital Expenses Impact

Reductions in capital expenses between the existing environment and the new
environment are also substantial. Capital expense reductions are primarily driven
by new environment hardware efficiencies and impacts gained with the refresh
and indicative of the high cost of an aging infrastructure. The single largest TCO
category, software, also decreases and results in an annual savings improvement
of 31%.

Chart 3. Acme Co. Annual Capital Expenses Comparison

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Tax Implication

Chart 4. Acme Co. Tax Implications Comparison

Chart 5. Acme Co. Consolidated Annual Savings Comparison

Summarizing the Financials

While the earlier TCO comparison above is an annual view of expenses, the
following financial overview summarizes the financial benefits over the course of
the life of the modernization project. Figure 4 provides an example of the financial
benefits overview and the project ROI/Breakeven point.







Figure 4. ACME Co. Proposed Infrastructure Initiative Financial Benefits Overview

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Figure 5. ACME Co. Proposed Infrastructure Return on Investment

The financial benefits overview information becomes the heart of the financial
business case for discussions with your CFO and CIO. While the scenario depicted
in this paper has been simplified to provide the potential financial savings of an IT
modernization initiative via an infrastructure refresh, the information can be used
to help your IT build a data-driven financial discussion.

You are now ready to build your own business case. Here’s a recommended outline
of information to help guide the discussion with your key decision-makers and
project stakeholders. Download a sample presentation using the Intel® Xeon®
Processor-Based Server Refresh Savings Estimator at

Return on Investment
Title Slide Summary Title
Investment (ROI) required

Name of your initiative. This section provides This section may This section may
Example: The Business the financial benefits contain a visual chart contain a table
Value of a Technology overview such as indicating the ROI and summarizing the
Refresh Initial Investment, Net investment breakeven technology scenario
Benefits, Return on point. you are proposing
Investment, Internal along with the costs for
Rate of Return, Payback hardware, software,
Period installation, and
disposal fees related to
implementing the new

Financial Financial
Next Steps /
Benefits Over Benefits by Other
Time Category

This section focuses on This section focuses This section can include This section specifies
the annual cash flow on the savings other relevant factors the next steps and/or
details over the course improvements (by including benefits actions you are seeking
of the proposed project category of TCO) for Facilities, Green to achieve as a result of
life. gained by a refreshed IT, other business the discussion.
infrastructure and the benefits (power and
cumulative net financial performance)

Download a sample presentation after using the Intel® Xeon® Processor-Based

13 Server Refresh Savings Estimator.
Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

Additional Benefits of Data Center Modernization

Lower operating expenses have led the discussion for this paper. Other business
benefits that include more capable, higher performance, energy efficient servers
enable your business to do more with less, boosting competitiveness, business
productivity, operating efficiencies, and enhancing services.

Beyond the performance benefits and cost savings, there is also a much larger
story behind the need for data center optimization. As is now widely discussed
within IT, the role of IT is changing rapidly. Shadow IT is emerging as lines of
business become increasingly tech-savvy and take IT decision-making upon
themselves. In fact, recent research by Vanson Bourne found that 35 percent of
IT spending is already occurring outside the IT department, and that number is
expected to grow to 44 percent by 2016.

For IT to remain relevant and trusted, its role needs to change from simply
being a provider of IT services to being a service broker or consultant to the
organization—a strategic expert that collaborates with stakeholders across the
business to achieve near- and long-term goals. Further, IT needs to introduce
innovative ideas that guide the business forward by reducing costs, enabling new
revenue opportunities, and improving support for new applications and other
business initiatives.

Data center modernization initiatives can help IT move into this new role. When
IT decision-makers build a solid financial case for revising the existing hardware
refresh cycle—showing how doing so can lower costs significantly while enabling
better performance and availability—it shows not only technology expertise
but also strategic acumen that is essential to the new and expanding role of IT in
enterprises today.

Get Started Today

Use the discussion presented in this paper to begin building your business
case for an infrastructure modernization project. Get started today by
conducting a cost/benefit analysis online with the
Intel® Xeon® Processor-Based Server Refresh Savings Estimator.

Find other resources, strategies, and information at

Additional Resources
Server Refresh Planning Guide

Network Structure ROI Calculator

Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

The following assumptions and data from the Intel® Xeon® Processor-Based Server
Refresh Savings Estimator were used to generate the financial tables for the ACME
Company scenarios listed in this paper. The data is presented for both the existing
environment and the new environment:

Existing Environment
Server 2P Intel® Processor-based servers
Server Age 5 years
Server Count 100
Costs to Estimated Server Price $6,792
Per Server
Implement new
environment Installation Migration $50
Costs Per Server
Storage Storage 100 2.5” HDD, 73 GB, 10K rpm HDD
with SATA HDD Storage Interface.
10% HDD capacity consumed. RAID 0
Software Software Support Costs $15,455 software support costs per
server per year
Software validation $1,000 per server
Operating System Linux Premier Support
Annual Operating $1,399
System Support Fee
Database SQL Server 2012 Enterprise. $6,736
license fee.
Annual Database $1,757
Support Fee
Power Estimated Server Power .384
– Busy (Kilowatts)
Estimated Server power 0.110
– Idle (Kilowatts)
Utile Rate ($/kWh) 0.10
Utility Growth Rate (per 3%
year, in $
Operating Hours 24 X 7
Data Center Cooling 2.0
Efficiency Factor (PUE)
DC Capacity Cost ($/kW) $10,000
Hardware Server Warranty Period 3 Years (now expired)
Maintenance Server Maintenance $2,399. Costs are per server per year for
Costs Costs ($ per server per hardware and maintenance/support of
year) any “out-of-warranty” maintenance.
Network Maintenance $15
Costs ($ per server per
Hardware 4 years
Building the Business Case for Data Center Modernization

New Environment

Server 2P Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2600 v3

Product Family
Server Count 21 (number of server needed to deliver
the equivalent performance)
Costs to Estimated Server Price $11,968
Per Server
Implement new
environment Installation Migration $50
Costs Per Server
Disposal Costs Per $50
Network $8,400
Implementation Costs
Per Profile
Storage Implementation $6,328
Costs Per Profile
Storage Storage 200 GB 710 (No OP) Solid-State Drive
Software Software Support Costs $50,595
Per Server Per Year
Software validation $1,000
Costs Per Server
Operating System Linux Premier Support
Annual Operating $1,399
System Support Fee
Database SQL Server 2012 Enterprise. $6,736
license fee.
Annual Database $1,757
Support Fee
Power Estimated Server Power .384
– Busy (Kilowatts)
Estimated Server power 0.110
– Idle (Kilowatts)
Utile Rate ($/kWh) 0.10
Utility Growth Rate (per 3%
year, in $
Operating Hours 24 X 7
Data Center Cooling 2.0
Efficiency Factor (PUE)
DC Capacity Cost ($/kW) $10,000
Hardware Server Warranty Period 3 Years (now expired)
Maintenance Server Maintenance $2,399. Costs are per server per year for
Costs Costs ($ per server per hardware and maintenance/support of
year) any “out-of-warranty” maintenance.
Network Maintenance $15
Costs ($ per server per

Examining the High Cost of an Aging Infrastructure

Hardware 4 years
Financial Discount Rate 10%
Parameters Marginal Tax Rate 35%

The TCO or other cost reduction scenarios described in this document are intended to enable you to get a better understanding of how the purchase of a given Intel product,
combined with a number of situation-specific variables, might affect your future cost and savings. Nothing in this document should be interpreted as either a promise of or
contract for a given level of costs.
SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. Intel disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any property rights relating to use of this information. No license, express or
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Copyright © 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Xeon, are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
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