Ukud Vaxn Vej Jke Vtzqu Gjxksfoan: FLD (K XQ:, Oa Miyfc/K K¡ %, D N'F'V Esa

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Sikh Gurus and Achievements: At a Glance

flD[k xq: ,oa miyfC/k;k¡ % ,d n`f’V esa


1. GURU NANAK (1469-1539) - ukud

(Talwandi and Kartarpur)

2. GURU ANGAD (1539-1552) - vaxn

(Muktsar and Amrit Sar)

3. GURU AMAR DAS (1552-1574) - vej

(Amritsar and Govindwal

4. GURU RAM DAS (1574-1581) - jke

5. GURU ARJUN DEV (1581-1606) - vtZqu
(Sumani Sahib, kartarpur, Govindpur,

6. GURU HARGOBIND (1606-1644) - gjxksfoan


7. GURU HARRAI (1644-1661)

(AMRITSAR) - gjjk;


(1664-1675) gjfd”ku rsxcgknqj
(1469-1539) (1661-1664) (AMRITSAR) (AMRITSAR TO MAKHOWAL)


(1675-1708) - xksfoanflag

ukud vaxn vej jke vtZqu gjxksfoan gjjk; gjfd”ku rsxcgknqj xksfoanflag

GS By – OP Patel Sir
Ø-e- Guru/xq: Era/dky Achievements/miyfC/k;k¡
1. Nanak/Ukkud 1469&1539 Founder of Sikhism/fl[k /keZ ds izorZd
AD/bZ- yaxj dk izkjEHk
2. Angad/vaxn 1539&1552 Father of Gurmukhi script/xq:eq[kh
AD/bZ- fyfi ds tud
3. Amardas/vejnkl 1552&1581 Construction of 22 Mattresses
AD/bZ- for Guru Prasar/xq: izlkj gsrq 22 xÌ dk
fuekZ.kA xksfbUnoky vdcj buls feyus x;k FkkA
4. Ramdas/jkenkl 1574&1581 Founder of Amritsar/ve`rlj ds
AD/bZ- laLFkkid
jkenkliqj clk;kA vdcj us 500 ch?kk tehu chch
Hkkuh dks nhA
5. Arjun Dev/vtqZu nso 1581&1606 Establishment of Golden
AD/bZ- Temple/Lo.kZ efUnj ¼gjeafnj lkfgc½ dh
LFkkiukA bldh uho dkfnjh lar fe;k ehj us j[kh
FkhA lPpk ckn”kkg] xq:in ;gh ls iSr`d cu x;kA
1610 esa tgk¡xhj us [kqljksa dks leFkZu nsus ds dkj.k
e`R;q n.M fn;kA 1604 esa vkfnxzaFk dh jpuk dh]
rjurkju] djrkjiqj ,oa O;kliqj uxj clk;sA f”k’;ksa
ls vfuok;Z vk/;kfRed dj ysuk “kq: fd;kA
6. Hargobind 1606&1644 Establishment of Akal
Singh/gjxksfoUn flag AD/bZ- Takht/vdky r[r dh LFkkiukA flD[kksa dks
yMkdq tkrh cuk;kA f”k’;ksa dks ekalkgkj dh vuqefr
nhA d”ehj esa dhjriqj uxj clk;kA “kkgtkgk¡ ls
budk fookn gqvkA
7. Harrai/gjjk; 1644&1661 Participated in the war of
AD/bZ- succession/mÙkjkf/kdkj ;q) esa Hkkx fy;kA
lkeqx<+ ds ;q) ds ckn nkjk gjjk; ls feykA vius
cM+s csVs jkejk; dks vkSjaxtsc ds njckj esa HkstkA

8. Harkishan/gjfd”ku 1661&1664 Death in early adulthood/vYi

AD/bZ- o;Ld voLFkk esa e`R;q] ;g jkejk; ds NksVs csVs FksA
9. Tegh Bahadur /rsx 1664&1675 Murdered by Aurangzeb/bLykae u
cgknqj AD/bZ- dcwyus ds dkj.k vkSjaxtsc }kjk gR;k] e[kksoky esa
viuh xÌh cuk;hA
10. Govind Singh /xksfoUn 1675&1708 Organization of Khalsa
flag AD/bZ- Army/[kkylk lsuk dk laxBu] 1699 esa [kkylk
iaFk dh LFkkiuk dSlj x<+ vkuUn iqj esAa

GS By – OP Patel Sir
uke /dky / Name/ Period çeq[k dk;Z ,oa fo”ks’krk,¡@Key Functions and
1. xq: ukud/Guru Nanak flD[k /keZ ds laLFkkid] fgUnq&eqfLye ,drk ij cy] vorkjokn ,oa deZdk.M
(1469-1539 bZ-) dk fojks/k] lekurk ,oa lRdeksZ ij lokZf/kd cy] /keZçpkj ds fy, ^laxrksa* dh
Founder of Sikhism, emphasis on Hindu-Muslim
unity, opposition to avatarism and ritualism,
most emphasis on equality and truth,
establishment of 'Sangatas' for propaganda.
2. xq: vaxn (HkkbZ ysguk) ckck JhpUæ /Guru xq: ds mins'kksa dk ljy Hkk"kk esa çpkj] xq# vaxn ds iq=] ^mnklh* „ uked
Angad ( Bhai Lehna) Baba laçnk; dh LFkkiuk dhA yaxj O;oLFkk dks LFkk;h cuk;kA xq#eq[kh fyfi dh
Srichandra 'kq#vkr dh] gqek;w¡ 1504 esa vaxn ls iatkc esa feykA bUgksusa xq:xfn izFkk “kq:
(1539-1552 bZ-)
Preaching the teachings of the Guru in simple
language, established a sect called 'Udasi' 2, son
of Guru Angad. Made the anchor system
permanent. Introduced the Gurmukhi script,
Humayun met Angad in Punjab in 1504.
3. xq: vejnkl /Guru Amardas flD[k lEçnk; dks ,d laxfBr :i fn;k ftlds fy;s 22 xfí;k¡ cuk;ha] vius
(1552-1574 bZ-) f'k";ksa ds fy;s ^ikfjokfjd lUr* gksus dk mins'k fn;k] lrh çFkk] inkZ çFkk] eknd
æO;ksa ds lsou dk fojks/k fd;kA vdcj us iatkc esa xq: ls HksaV dh] xq: vkSj
muds f'k";ksa dks rhFkZ ;k=k dj ls eqä fd;k rFkk mudh iq=h chch Hkkuh dks dbZ
xkao fn;s FksA oS".ko lEçnk; ds vuq;k;h FksA bUgksaus fl[kksa vkSj fgUnqvksa ds fookg
dks i`Fkd djus ds fy, ^you i)fr* 'kq: fd;kA
Gave an organized form to the Sikh community,
for which 22 padis were made, preached to their
disciples to be 'family saints', opposed to the
practice of sati, purdah, substance abuse. Akbar
met the Guru in Punjab, freeing the Guru and his
disciples from doing pilgrimage and gave many
villages to his daughter. Followers of the
Vaishnava sect. He started the 'Lavan method' to
separate the marriage of Sikhs and Hindus.
4. xq: jkenkl/Guru Ramdas vdcj buls cgqr çHkkfor FkkA 1577 bZ- esa vdcj us 500 ch?kk tehu nh ftlesa
(1574-1581 bZ-) ,d çkd`frd rkykc FkkA ;fga ij ^ve`rlj* uxj dh LFkkiuk gqbZA xq: dk in
¼xq: vejnkl ds nkekn½ iSrd
` gks x;kA
Akbar was very impressed by them. In 1577 AD,
Akbar gave 500 bighas of land which contained a
natural pond. The city of 'Amritsar' was
established here. The post of Guru became
5. xq: vtZqunso/Guru Arjun Dev flD[k lEçnk; dks 'kfä'kkyh cuk;kA viuk vkSj vius igys ds xq:vksa ds
(1581-1606 bZ-) mins'k dk ladyu 1604 esa ^vkfnxzUFk* esa djok;kA vtqZu us lwQh lar fe;ka ehj
¼jkenkl ds iq=½ }kjk ve`rlj esa gjfeanj lkgc dh uhao Myok;hA dkykarj esa j.kthrflag }kjk
gjfeanj lkgc esa Lo.kZ tM+okus ds ckn vaxzstksa }kjk igyhckj 'Golden
Temple' ¼Lo.kZ eafnj½ uke fn;k x;kA LFkk;h :i ls /keZ çpkjd ¼elan vkSj
esmjk½ fu;qä fd;kA ^xq: in* dks flD[kksa dk vk/;kfRed rFkk lkalkfjd çeq[k
cukdj ^'kku&vks&'kkSdr* ls jguk çkjEHk fd;kA flD[kksa ls mudh vk; dk 10
çfr'kr nku ds :i esa ysus dh çFkk çkjEHk dhA foæksgh [kqljks dks vk'khZokn nsus
ds dkj.k jktæksg ds vkjksi esa tgkaxhj us 1606 bZ- dks Qkalh nhA vius iq=
gjxksfoUn dks l'kL= gksdj cSBus vkSj loksPZ p lsuk xfBr djus dk vkns'k fn;kA
xq: ds e`R;q n.M dks flD[kksa us eqxyksa }kjk /keZ ij igyk vkØe.k ekukA
rjurkju] djrkjiqj vkSj xkSfoUn iqj uked uxjksa dh LFkkiuk dhA
Made the Sikh community powerful. In 1604
'Adigranth' was compiled his and his preceptor's
teachings. Arjuna got the foundation of

GS By – OP Patel Sir
Harminder sahab in Amritsar by Sufi saint Mian
Mir. Later, the British named the Shvasakamad
Jmauchsamash (Golden Temple) for the first time
after Ranjitsinh made gold in Harminder Saheb.
Permanently appointed evangelist (Masand and
Meura). He started living with 'Shan-o-Shaukat'
by making 'Guru Pad' a spiritual and worldly
head of Sikhs. Started the practice of taking 10
percent of their income from Sikhs as donations.
Hanged on 1606 AD on charges of treason for
giving blessings to the rebel Khusrau. He ordered
his son Hargovind to sit armed and constitute the
supreme army. The Sikhs considered Guru's
death sentence as the first invasion of religion by
the Mughals. Established a city called Tarn
6. xq: gjxksfoUn/Guru Hargobind xq: us flD[kksa dks ,d ^lSfud lEçnk;* cuk fn;kA vius leFkZdksa ls /ku ds
(1606-1644 bZ-) ctk; ?kksM+s vkSj gfFk;kj ysuk çkjEHk fd;kA mUgsa ekal [kkus dh vuqefr nhA xq:
¼lPpk ckn”kkg½ us ^r[r vdky caxk* dh uhao Mkyh rFkk ve`rlj dh fdyscna h dhA flD[kksa dks
djrkjiqj dks eq[;ky; cuk;kA /kkfeZd f'k{kk ds lkFk&lkFk lSfud f'k{kk nhA 'kkgtgk¡ ls ckt çdj.k ds dkj.k
la?k"kZ gqvkA
The Guru made the Sikhs a 'Sainik Sampradaya'.
Started taking horses and weapons instead of
money from his supporters. Allowed them to eat
meat. The Guru laid the foundation of 'Takht
Akal Banga' and fortified Amritsar. Along with
religious education, military education was
imparted to the Sikhs. Shah Jahan clashed due
to the eagle episode.
7. xq: gjjk; /Guru Harai nkjk f”kdksg ds lkewx<+ ;q) esa ijkftr gksdj iatkc Hkkxus ij mldh enn dhA
(1644-1661 bZ-) vkSjxa tsc }kjk njckj esa cqykus ij vius iq= jkejk; dks njckj esa HkstkA
¼xq: gjxksfoUn ds iq=½ QyLo:i nwljs iq= fgfd”ku dks xíh lkSaihA
Helped him on his escape to Punjab after
defeating Dara in the Samugarh war. When
Aurangzeb was summoned to the court, he sent
his son Ramarai to the court. Consequently, the
second son was handed over the throne to
8. xq: gfjfd”ku /Guru Harikishan Xkíh ds fy;s cM+s HkkbZ jkejk; ls fooknA
(1661-1664 bZ-) jkejk; us nsgjknwu clk;k
¼gjjk; ds iq=½ gjfd”ku dh e`R;q pspd ls fnYyh esa caxyklkgsc xq:}kjk esa gqbZA
Dispute with elder brother Ramarai for the Guru
9. xq: rsxcgknqj /Guru Tegh gfjfd”ku us e`R;q ls igys mUgsa ^ckdyk ns ckck* dgkA rRi”pkr~ os ckdyk esa
Bahadur xq: Lohd`r gks x;kA /khukey vkSj jk;ey çeq[k fojks/kh FksA vkSjxa tsc dh /kkfeZd
(1664-1675 bZ-) uhfr;ksa dk fojks/k fd;k QyLo:i 1675 bZ- dks bLyke /keZ ugha Lohdkj djus ds
¼gjxksfon dk iq=½ dkj.k xq: dh pkanuh pkSd esa “kh”kxat uked txg ij gR;k dj nh x;hA
e[kksoky dks eq[;ky; cuk;kA fl[k /keZ fcgkj Harikshan called him 'Baqala de Baba' before his
vkSj vle esa QSyk;kA caUnkckgnqj dks lSfud death. After that, he accepted Guru in Bakala.
uSr`Ro fn;kA Dhinamal and Raymal were the main opponents.
rsxcgknqj dks jdkcxat fnYyh esa nQuk;k x;kA Opposed Aurangzeb's religious policies and
consequently, Guru was assassinated in 1675 AD
for not accepting the religion of Islam.
10. xq: xksfoUn flag /Guru Gobind 1616 bZ- iVuk esa tUe gqvkA iatkc dh rjkbZ ^e[kksoy* vFkok ^vkuUniqj* esa viuk
Singh (1675-1708 bZ-) eq[;ky; cuk;kA ^ikgqy* çFkk çkjEHk dhA bl er esa nhf{kr O;fä dks ^[kkylk*
dgk x;k rFkk uke ds vUr esa ^flag* mikf/k nh x;hA 1699 bZ- esa ^[kkylk iUFk*

GS By – OP Patel Sir
¼rsxcgknqj vkSj ekrk xqtjh ds iq= FksA½ dk xBuA çR;sd flD[k dks ^iapedkj* ¼ds'k] da?kk] dM+k] dPNk vkSj —ik.k½
/kkj.k djus dk vkns'k fn;kA viuh e`R;q ls igys xíh dks lekIr dj fn;kA ,d
budh rhu ifRu;k¡ & ekrk lqUnjh] ekrk lkfgc iwjd xzUFk ^nlosa ckn'kkg dk xzUFk* ladyu fd;kA flD[kksa ds vfUre xq:A
dksj vkSj ekrk thrksA d`’.kkorkj] pUnhnhoj uked xzaFkksa dh jpuk dhA
buds pkj iq= & vthr flag] tqatkj flag] Born in Patna Made its headquarters at
tksjkoj flag vkSj Qrsg flag FksA Makhoval or Anandpur, the Terai of Punjab.
cpiu dk uke xksfoUnjk; FkkA Started the 'Pahul' system. In this opinion, the
1685 esa ;s ikSaVklkfgc vk;sA initiated person was called 'Khalsa' and at the
1687 esa uknksu dk ;q) yM+k ¼fljeksj “kkld
Hkhepan ls feydj eqxy lsukifr vfyQ[kku dks end of the name was given the title 'Singh'.
gjk;k½A Formation of 'Khalsa' in 1699 AD. Ordered each
1708 esa egkjk’Vª ds ukUnsM+ esa ,d iBku vthe Sikh to wear a 'Panchamakar' (hair, comb,
[kkau us budh gR;k dhA kadha, kachchha and kirpan). Abolished the
throne before his death. Compiled a
supplementary book 'Tenth King's Book'. The last
Guru of the Sikhs.

 xq: xksfoUn flag dh e`R;q ds ckn muds f'k"; cankcgknqj us flD[kksa dk usrR` o laHkkykA
After the death of Guru Gobind Singh, his disciple Bandabahadur took over the
leadership of the Sikhs.
 cankcgknqj dk cpiu dk uke y{e.knso FkkA muds f'k"; mUgsa lPpk ikn'kkg vFkok lPpk lezkV dgrs FksA
Bandabahadur's childhood name was Lakshmanadeva. His disciples called him the true
Padshah or the true Emperor.
 Q#[kfl;kj ds vkns'k ij 1716 bZ- esa cUnk flag dks xq#nkliqj ukaxy uked LFkku ij idM+dj ekSr ds ?kkV mrkj fn;k x;kA
On the orders of Farukhasiyar, in 1716 AD, Banda Singh was captured and put to death
at a place called Gurudaspur Nangal.

GS By – OP Patel Sir
vkaXy&fl[k laca/k@ Anglo-Sikh Relations
 ukfnj'kkg ds vkØe.k dk ykHk mBkdj diwj flag us NksVs&NksVs flD[k VqdfM+;ksa dks feykdj ny [kkylk dh LFkkiuk fd;kA diwj flag dh eR;q
ds ckn tLlk flag vgywokfy;k us ny [kkylk dks usr`Ro çnku fd;k] ftls ckn esa ckjg nyksa esa foHkkftr fd;k x;kA bls fely dgk x;kA
Taking advantage of Nadirshah's invasion, Kapoor Singh established Dal Khalsa by
joining small Sikh troops. After the death of Kapoor Singh, Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
provided leadership to Dal Khalsa, which was later divided into twelve parties. It was
called Missal.
 fely vjch Hkk"kk dk 'kCn gS] ftldk vFkZ leku gksrk gSA
 Missal is an Arabic word which meaning is Equal.
 vk/kqfud iatkc ds fuekZ.k dk Js; lqdjpfd;k fely dks fn;k tkrk gSA
Sukrachakia Missal is given the credit for the creation of modern Punjab.
 lqdjpfd;k fely ds çeq[k egkflag ds iq= j.kthr flag Fks] ftldk tUe xqtjkaokyk esa 2 uoEcj 1780 bZ- dks gqvkA
The head of Sukrachakia Missal was Maharaj Singh's son Ranjit Singh, who was born on
2 November 1780 AD in Gujranwala.
 1792 esa egkflag dh e`R;q ds ckn 12 o’kZ dh mez esa lqdjpfd;k fely ds izeq[k cusA
 1799 esa ja.kthr flag us ykgkSj dks thrkA
 dkcqy ds 'kkld teku'kkg us j.kthr flag dks 1799 esa jktk dh mikf/k çnku dhA
Jamanshah, the ruler of Kabul conferred the title of Raja on him in 1799 to Ranjit
 j.kthr flag us ykgkSj dks viuh jkt/kkuh cuk;kA
Ranjit Singh made Lahore his capital.
 1805 esa ja.kthr flag us ve`rlj dks Hkaxh fely ls Nhu fy;kA
 1805 esa vaxsztksa ls ijkftr gksdj tloarjko gksydj iatkc igqapkA tujy ySd bldk ihNk djrk gqvk O;kl unh rd vk;kA
 25 vçSy 1809 dks pkY~lZ esVdkQ vkSj j.kthr flag ds chp ve`rlj dh laf/k gqbZA ¼:lh izHkko ls lqj{kk ds mÌs”; ls yksMZ feUVksa ds le;½
The treaty of Amritsar was signed between Charles Metcalf and Ranjit Singh on 25 April
 j.kthr flag dh ljdkj dks ljdkj [kkylk vkSj LFkk;h lsuk dks QkStsvkbu dgk tkrk FkkA
Ranjit Singh's government was called Sarkar Khalsa and the standing army was called
 j.kthrflag us iSny lsuk dks ,ykdZ ,oa osapqjk ¼Ýkalhlh½ ds v/khu j[kkA
Ranjitsinh placed infantry under Allark and Ventura (French).
 j.kthr flag dk fons'kea=h Qdhj vthtqíhu ,oa foÙk ea=h nhukukFk FkkA
Foreign Minister of Ranjit Singh was Fakir Azizuddin and Finance Minister Dinanath.
 7 twu 1839 dks j.kthr flag dh e`R;q ds ckn Øe'k% [kM+d flag] ukSfugky flag] 'ksj flag ,oa fnyhi flag jktekrk ftank ds usr`Ro esa xíh ij
cSBAs /After the death of Ranjit Singh on 7 June 1839, Khadak Singh, Naunihal Singh, Sher
Singh and Dilip Singh, respectively, sat on the throne under the leadership of Rajmata
 çFke vkaXy fl[k ;q) ¼1846&46½ ds vUrxZr Hkqndh] fQjkst'kkg] cq)ksoky rFkk vyhoky dh yM+kb;k¡ yM+h x;haA bu ;q)ksa esa vaxzsth xouZj ykMZ
gkfMZx us fl[kksa dks ijkftr fd;k vkSj 9 ekpZ 1846 dks ykgkSj dh laf/k dhA
Battles of Bhudki, Ferozeshah, Budhowal and Aliwal were fought under the First Anglo
Sikh War (1846–46). In these wars, the British Governor Lord Hardig defeated the Sikhs
and on 9 March 1846 made the Treaty of Lahore.
 fl[kksa vkSj vaxzstksa ds e/; 16 fnlacj 1846 dks HkSjksoky dh laf/k gqbZA
Bhairowal's treaty was signed between the Sikhs and the British on 16 December 1846.
 f}rh; vkaXy fl[k ;q) ¼1848&49½ dk rkRdkfyd dkj.k eqxy dk foæksg FkkA
The immediate cause of the Second Anglo Sikh War (1848–49) was the rebellion of the
 fpfy;kuoky ;q) ¼13 tuojh 1849½ ,oa xqtjkr ds ;q)ksa ¼21 Qjojh 1849½ esa fl[kksa dks ijkftr djus ds ckn vaxzsth xouZj MygkSth us 30 ekpZ
1849 dks vius lkezkT; esa foy; dj fy;kA/The English Governor Dalhousie merged his empire on 30
March 1849 after defeating the Sikhs in the Chillianwal War (13 January 1849) and the
Gujarat Wars (21 February 1849).
 egkjktk fnyhi flag dks vaxzstksa us 5 yk[k #i;s dh okf"kZd is'a ku ij jkuh ftank ds lkFk baXySa.M Hkst fn;kA
Maharaja Dilip Singh was sent to England along with Rani Zinda on an annual pension
of 5 lakh rupees.

GS By – OP Patel Sir
vkaXy&fl[k ;qn~/k/Anglo-Sikh War
;qn~/k/ War o’kZ/Year xouZj tujy laf/k/ Treaty lSU; izeq[k ifj.kke/ Result
Governor Military
General Chief

lryt ds nf{k.k ds
{ks=+ ksa ij fczfV”k dk
izFke vkaXy&fl[k ;qn~/k ykWMZ gkfMZax ykgkSj dh laf/k ykWMZ xQ vf/kdkj
First Anglo- Lord (1846) Lord British
Sikh War Harding Treaty of Guff right over
Lahore the areas
(1846) south of the

f}rh; vkaXy&fl[k xqtjkr ds ;qn~/k iatkc dk vaxzth

;qn~/k 1848-
ykWMZ MygkSth esa fu.kkZ;d jkT; esa foy;/
Second Lord fot;/ pkYlZ usfi;j Punjab's
Anglo-Sikh Dalhousie Decisive Charles merger with
War Victory in Napier the British
the Battle state
of Gujarat

GS By – OP Patel Sir
1. ejkBk lkezkT; dk laLFkkid fdls dgk tkrk gS \ / Who is known as the founder of
Maratha Empire?
(a) f”kokth / Shivaji
(b) ckykth fo”oukFk / Balaji Vishwanath
(c) a ys / Shahji Bhonsle
“kkgth Hkksl
(d) ukuk lkgc / Nana Sahab

GS By – OP Patel Sir
2. f”kokth dk tUe dc gqvk Fkk rFkk dc mUgksusa {k=ifr dh mikf/k /kkj.k dh \ / When was
Shivaji born and when did he assume the title of Kshatrapati?
(a) 1626] 1675
(b) 1625] 1671
(c) 1627] 1661
(d) 1627] 1674

GS By – OP Patel Sir
3. f”kokth dh jkt/kkuh dgk¡ Fkh \ / Where was the capital of Shivaji?
(a) jk;x<+ / Raigarh
(b) fla/kq nqxZ / Indus fort
(c) iwuk / Poona
(d) dksYgkiqj / Kolhapur

GS By – OP Patel Sir
4. vkSjaxtsc }kjk 1663 bZ- esa fdldks f”kokth dh c<+rh gqbZ “kfDr dk neu djus ds fy, fu;qDr fd;k x;k
Fkk \/ Who was appointed by Aurangzeb in 1663 AD to suppress the
growing power of Shivaji?
(a) [kQh [kk¡ / Khafi Khan
(b) “kkbLrk [kk¡ / Shaista khan
(c) fnysj [kk¡ / Diler Khan
(d) eqckfjt [kk¡ / Mubariz Khan

GS By – OP Patel Sir
5. v’Viz/kku dk xBu fdlus fd;k Fkk \ / Who formed the Ashtapradhan?
(a) panzxqIr / Chandragupta
(b) v”kksd / Ashok
(c) g’kZo/kZu / One who increases Joy
(d) f”kokth / Shivaji

GS By – OP Patel Sir
6. ^pkSFk* D;k Fkk \ / What was 'Chauth'?
(a) vkSjaxtsc }kjk yxk;k x;k ,d /kkfeZd dj / A religious tax imposed by
(b) f”kokth }kjk yxk;k x;k ,d ekxZ dj / A road tax levied by Shivaji
(c) vdcj }kjk olwy fd;k tkus okyk flapkbZ dj / Irrigation tax collected by
(d) iM+kslh jkT;ksa ij f”kokth }kjk yxk;k x;k Hkwfe dj tks mit dk ,d pkSFkkbZ Hkkx gksrk Fkk /
The land tax levied by Shivaji on neighboring states which was
one-fourth of the produce

GS By – OP Patel Sir
7. f”kokth ds ^v’Viz/kku* esa fuEufyf[kr vf/kdkjh Fks &/ In the 'Ashtapradhan' of Shivaji,
the following officers were -
1- etwenkj / Majumdar
2- nchj / Dabir
3- okduhl / Waknis
4- lqjuhl/ Surnees
mijksDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa \ / Which of the above
statement(s) is/are correct?
(a) 1, 2, 3
(b) 2, 3, 4
(c) 1, 2, 4
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4

GS By – OP Patel Sir
8. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlus is”kok ds in dks oa”kkuqxr cuk fn;k Fkk \ / Who among the
following made the post of Peshwa hereditary?
(a) ckykth fo”oukFk / Balaji Vishwanath
(b) ckthjko izFke / Bajirao I
(c) “kEHkkth / Shambhaji
(d) ckykth ckthjko / Balaji Bajirao

GS By – OP Patel Sir
9. ejkBk is”kok ckykth ckthjko dks fdl uke ls tkuk tkrk gS\ / By what name is the
Maratha Peshwa Balaji Bajirao known?
(a) ukuk lkgc /Nana Sahab
(b) jko lkgc / Rao Sahab
(c) jktk lkgc /Raja Sahab
(d) ejkBksa dk vQykrwu /Maratha’s Aftloon

GS By – OP Patel Sir
dh rhljh yM+kbZ fuEu esa ls fdlds chp yM+h xbZ Fkh \ / The third battle of
10. ikuhir
Panipat was fought between which of the following?
(a) ejkBk lkezkT; vkSj nqjkZuh lkezkT; / Maratha Empire and Durrani
(b) i`Fohjkt pkSgku vkSj eksgEen xksjh / Prithviraj Chauhan and Mohammad
(c) fl[k vkSj eqxy / Sikh and Mughal
(d) vdcj vkSj gsepan foØekfnR; / Akbar and Hemchand Vikramaditya

GS By – OP Patel Sir
dk rhljk ;q) dc yM+k x;k \ / When was the third battle of Panipat
11. ikuhir
(a) 14 tuojh 1760/14 January 1760
(b) 5 tuojh 1761/5 January 1761
(c) 14 tuojh 1761 /14 January 1761
(d) 5 uoEcj 1556 /5 November 1556

GS By – OP Patel Sir
12. Lkqesfyrdhft, &/ Match the following Lists -
lwph&1/ List-1 lwph&2/ List-2
A. lwjr dh laf/k/Treaty of Surat 1- 1775
B. iqjUnj dh laf/k/Treaty of Purandar 2- 1776
C. cM+xk¡o dh laf/k/Treaty of Badgaon 3- 1779
D. lkyckbZ dh laf/k/Treaty of Salbai 4- 1782
dwV %
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 1 2 4 3
(d) 4 3 2 1

GS By – OP Patel Sir
vkanksyu dk vkjaHk fdlds }kjk fd;k x;k Fkk \ / By whom was the Bhakti
13. HkfDr
movement started?
(a) vyokj larks }kjk / By Alvar Santo
(b) lwQh larks }kjk / By Sufi saints
(c) lwjnkl }kjk / By surdas
(d) rqylhnkl }kjk / By Tulsidas

GS By – OP Patel Sir
14. “kadjkpk;Z dk tUe dgk¡ gqvk Fkk \ / Where was Shankaracharya born?
(a) dyknh ¼dsjy½/ Kalady (Kerala)
(b) lwjr ¼xqtjkr½/ Surat (Gujarat)
(c) vkSjaxkckn ¼egkjk’Vª½/ Aurangabad (Maharashtra)
(d) ,j.k ¼e/; izns”k½ / Eran (Madhya Pradesh)

GS By – OP Patel Sir
15. kadj ds n”kZu dks dgk tkrk gS \ / The philosophy of Shankar is called?
(a) ,dRookn / Monotheism
(b) lexz ,dRookn / Holistic monotheism
(c) }Srokn / Dualism
(d) v}Srokn / Monism

GS By – OP Patel Sir
ckS)* fdls dgk tkrk gS \/ Who is called 'Disguised Buddhist'?
16. ^izNUu
(a) “kadj / Shankar
(b) dfiy / Kapil
(c) jkekuqt / ramanuja
(d) “kadjkpk;Z / Shankaracharya

GS By – OP Patel Sir
us fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl er dk izfriknu fd;k Fkk \ / Which one of the
17. jkekuqt
following views was propounded by Ramanuja?
(a) fof”k’Vk}Sr n”kZu / Vishishtadvaita philosophy
(b) }Srokn / Dualism
(c) v}Srokn / Monism
(d) ,ds”ojokn / Monotheism

GS By – OP Patel Sir
}kjk fn;k x;k dkSu&lk er lokZf/kd yksdfiz; gS \ / Which opinion given by
18. Ekk/kokpk;Z
Madhvacharya is the most popular?
(a) }Srokn / Dualism
(b) fu;frokn / Fatalism
(c) HkkSfrdokn / Materialism
(d) iqf’VekxZ / Pushtimarg

GS By – OP Patel Sir
19. “kq) v}Srokn dk izfriknu fd;k Fkk \ / Pure monism was propounded by?
(a) Ekk/kokpk;Z / Madhvacharya
(b) oYyHkkpk;Z / Vallabhacharya
(c) Jhdkarkpk;Z / Srikantacharya
(d) jkekuqt us / Ramanujan has

GS By – OP Patel Sir
20. oYyHkkpk;Zdks dkSu&lh mikf/k feyh \ / Which title did Vallabhacharya get?
(a) txrxq: egkizHkq Jhenkpk;Z / Jagatguru Mahaprabhu Shrimadacharya
(b) lUrkukpk;Z / Santanacharya
(c) rfEcjku rksyu / Tambiran Tolan
(d) e/kqjdfo / Sweet poet

GS By – OP Patel Sir
21. ludlEiznk; dh LFkkiuk fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlus dh\/ Who among the following
founded the Sanak sect?
(a) jkekuqt / Ramanuja
(b) oYyHkkpk;Z / Vallabhacharya
(c) ek/kokpk;Z / Madhvacharya
(d) fuEcdkpk;Z / Nimbakacharya

GS By – OP Patel Sir
O;fDr fdlh O;fDr ls mldk /keZ&lEiznk; ;k tkfr u iwNsA* ;g dFku gS &/'No person
22. ^dksbZ
should ask any person his religion, sect or caste.' This statement
is -
(a) dchj dk / Kabir's
(b) jkekUkan dk / Of Ramanand
(c) jkekuqt dk / Ramanuja's
(d) pSrU; dk / Of consciousness

GS By – OP Patel Sir
23. dchj f”k’; Fks &/ Kabir was a disciple of –
(a) pSrU; ds / Of consciousness
(b) jkekuan ds / Ramanand K
(c) jkekuqt ds / Ramanuja's
(d) rqdkjke ds / Tukaram's

GS By – OP Patel Sir
24. ;g dFku fdldk gS & ^bZ”oj euq’; ds xq.kksa dks ns[krk gS] mldh tkfr dks ugha] nwljs lalkj esa dksbZ
tkfr ugha gS\*/ Whose statement is this - 'God sees the qualities of
man, not his race, there is no race in the other world?
(a) dchj / Kabir
(b) xq: ukud / Guru Nanak
(c) pSrU; / Chaitanya
(d) jkekUkan / Ramanand

GS By – OP Patel Sir
25. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk LFkku xq:ukud dk tUeLFky Fkk \/ Which of the following
place was the birth place of Guru Nanak?
(a) ve`rlj / Amritsar
(b) ukHkk / Nabha
(c) uudkuk / Nankana
(d) ukansM+ / Nanded

GS By – OP Patel Sir
xzaFk ¼vo/kh Hkk’kk es½a ds jpf;rk Fks & / The author of Ramcharitmanas
26. jkepfjrekul
Granth (in Awadhi language) was -
(a) rqylhnkl / Tulsidas
(b) okYehfd / Valmiki
(c) lwjnkl / Surdas
(d) osnO;kl / Veda Vyasa

GS By – OP Patel Sir
27. ^foUk;if=dk* ds jpf;rk gSa & / The author of 'Vinay Patrika' is -
(a) rqylhnkl / Tulsidas
(b) lwjnkl/ Surdas
(c) dchj / Kabir
(d) ds”konkl / Keshavdas

GS By – OP Patel Sir
28. vyokj dkSu Fks \ / Who were the Alvars?
(a) os tks fo’.kq HkfDr esa Mwcs jgrs FksA
Those who were immersed in devotion to Vishnu.
(b) f”ko ds HkDr / Devotee of shiva
(c) os tks bZ”oj esa fujkdkj :Ik dh mikluk djrs Fks
Those who worshiped the formless form in God
(d) “kfDr ds HkDr / Devotee of power

GS By – OP Patel Sir
29. fuEuesa ls dkSu 15oh- lnh ds nkSjku vle esa oS’.ko lEiznk; ds eq[; lEkFkZdksa esa ls ,d Fkk \ /
Which of the following is the 15th. Who was one of the main
supporters of Vaishnava sect in Assam during the century?
(a) t;nso / Jaydev
(b) ?kklhnkl / Ghasidas
(c) Jkenkl / Shramdas
(d) “kadjnso / Shankardev

GS By – OP Patel Sir
lnh ds dukZVd es]a ohj “kSo --------------- ds vuq;k;h FksA / In 12th century
30. 12oha
Karnataka, Veerashaivas were followers of ………….
(a) cloUuk / Basavanna
(b) vUny / Andal
(c) jkekuqt / Ramanuja
(d) dqjbZDdy vebZ;j / Kuraikkal amiyar

GS By – OP Patel Sir
31. lwQhvkanksyu ewyr% dgk¡ ls izkjaHk gqvk \ / Where did the Sufi movement
originally start?
(a) fnYyh / Delhi
(b) ykgkSj / Lahore
(c) dkcqy / Kabul
(d) Qkjl ¼if”kZ;k½ / Persia (Persia)

GS By – OP Patel Sir
esa fpf”r;k lwQh er dks LFkkfir fd;k &/ Established Chishtia Sufism in
32. Hkkjr
India -
(a) “ks[k vgen ljfgUnh us / Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi
(b) [oktk eqbuqÌhu us / Khwaja Moinuddin
(c) [oktk cn:Ìhu us / By Khwaja Badruddin
(d) “ks[k cgkmÌhu tdkfj;k us / Sheikh Bahauddin Zakaria

GS By – OP Patel Sir
33. “ks[k futkeqÌhu dh njxkg fLFkr gS & / The Dargah of Sheikh Nizamuddin is
located at-
(a) vkxjk esa / In Agra
(b) vtesj esa / In Ajmer
(c) fnYyh esa / In Delhi
(d) Qrsgiqj lhdjh esa / In Fatehpur Sikri

GS By – OP Patel Sir
34. fuEufyf[kresa ls fdl fp”rh lar dks ^fpjkx&,&fnYyh* dgk tkrk gS \ / Which of the
following Chishti saint is known as 'Chirag-e-Delhi'?
(a) eqbuqÌhu / Muinuddin
(b) QjhnqÌhu / Fariduddin
(c) futkeqÌhu / Nizamuddin
(d) ukfl:Ìhu / Nasiruddin

GS By – OP Patel Sir
cgkmÌhu tdkfj;k fdl lEiznk; ds Fks \ / Shaikh Bahauddin Zakaria
35. “ks[k
belonged to which sect?
(a) lqgjkonhZ lEiznk; / Suhrawardi sect
(b) _f’k lEiznk; / Sage sect
(c) fp”rh lEiznk; / Chishti sect
(d) fQjnkSlh lEiznk; / Firdausi sect

GS By – OP Patel Sir
36. dkSuHkkjrh; lar ^eqtkfgn&,&vYQ lkuh* dgykrs Fks \ / Which Indian saint was
called 'Mujahid-e-Alf Sani'?
(a) [oktk eqbuqÌhu fp”rh / Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti
(b) cgkmÌhu tdkfj;k / Bahauddin zakaria
(c) “kkg oyh mYykg/ Shah wali ullah
(d) “ks[k vgen ljfgUnh / Sheikh ahmed sirhindi

GS By – OP Patel Sir
esa ls dkSu&lk eqxy ckn”kkg uD”kcfUn;k usrk [oktk mcSnqYykg vgjkj dk vuq;k;h Fkk \ /
37. fuEufyf[kr
Which of the following Mughal emperor was a follower of
Naqshbandiya leader Khwaja Ubaidullah Ahrar ?
(a) ckcj / Babar
(b) gqek;w¡ / Humayun
(c) vdcj / Akbar
(d) tgk¡xhj / Jahangir

GS By – OP Patel Sir
38. fdllwQh flyflys dh xfrfof/k;ksa dk izeq[k dsUnz fcgkj Fkk \ / Bihar was the main
center of activities of which Sufi order?
(a) dkfnjh / Qadiri
(b) u[“kcUnh / Naqshbandi
(c) fQjnkSlh / Firdausi
(d) lqgjkonhZ / Suhrawardi

GS By – OP Patel Sir
39. lwQhlar ds edcjs dks tkuk tkrk gS &/ The tomb of Sufi saint is known as-
(a) njxkg / Dargah
(b) [kkudkg / Khanqah
(c) bZnxkg / Idgah
(d) xqydjks”kk / Gulkarosha

GS By – OP Patel Sir
40. nf{k.kdh ehjk fdls dgk tkrk gS &/ Who is called Meera of the South?
(a) v.Mky/Andal
(b) xkxhZ/Gargi
(c) fo”ookjk /World
(d) eS=k;.kh/Maitryani

GS By – OP Patel Sir
41. lqesfyr a / Match-
lwph&1 / List-1 lwph&2 / List-2
A. fof”k’V v}Srokn 1.“kadjkpk;Z
Distinctive monism Shankaracharya
B. }Srk}Srokn 2.jkekuqtkpk;Z
Dvaitadvaitaism Ramanujacharya
C. }Srokn 3.fuEcdkpk;Z
Dualism Nimbakacharya
D. “kq) v}Srokn 4. ek/kokpk;Z
Pure monism Madhvacharya
E. v}Srokn 5.cYyHkkpk;Z
Advaitaism Vallabhacharya
(a) 2 3 4 5 1
(b) 2 4 3 1 5
(c) 5 4 3 2 1
(d) 3 4 5 1 2

GS By – OP Patel Sir
42- /keZ ds ^ek/;fedk^ o ^”kwU;okn^ dks vius v}Sr n”kZu esa LFkku nsus ds dkj.k “kadjkpk;Z dks D;k dgk
x;k \/ What was Shankaracharya called because of giving place
in his Advaita philosophy to 'Madhyamika' and 'Shunyavada' of
(a) ckS) lRo/Buddhist essence
(b) vgZr/Qualified
(c) izPNUu cq) /Disguised Buddha
(d) rFkkxr/Tathagata

GS By – OP Patel Sir
43- fuxqZ.k lar gksus ds ckotwn Ñ’.k HkfDr dks ekU;rk nsrs Fks ,oa ^dj.k nkl* vkSj ^myu* muds ije f”k’;
Fks] ;s lrukeh laiznk; ds laLFkkid Fks&/ Despite being a Nirguna saint,
Krishna believed in devotion and 'Karan Das' and 'Ulan' were his
supreme disciples, these founder of Satnami sect was-
(a) lsuk/ Army
(b) tkV/Jaat
(c) nknw/Dadu
(d)txthou nkl/Jagijivan Das

GS By – OP Patel Sir
44- iqf’VekxZ ds laLFkkid dkSu Fks \/ Who was the founder of Pushtimarg?
(a) fuEcdkpk;Z/Nimbakacharya
(b) jkekuqtkpk;Z/Ramanujacharya
(c) ek/okpk;Z /Madhvacharya
(d) cYyHkkpk;Z/Ballabhacharya

GS By – OP Patel Sir
45- lqesfyr djsa &/ Match -
lwph&1 / List-1 lwph&2 / List-2
A. xq:eq[kh fyfi dk fuekZ.k 1. xq: vejnkl
Formation of Gurmukhi Guru Amardas
B. 22 xfn~n;ksa dh LFkkiuk 2. xq: vaxn
Establishment of 22 Guru Angad
C. xq: xzaFk lkgc dk ladyu 3. xq: vtqZu nso
Compilation of Guru Guru Arjun Dev
Granth Sahib
D. vdky r[r dh LFkkiuk 4. xq: xksfoan flag
Establishment of Akal Guru Gobind Singh
E. [kkylk dh LFkkiuk o 5. xq: gjxksfoan
ikgqy uked R;ksgkj Guru Hargovind
Establishment of
Mad Khalsa and
festival called Pahul

(a) 2 1 3 5 4
(b) 2 1 3 4 5
(c) 1 2 5 3 4
(d) 1 2 4 3 5

GS By – OP Patel Sir
46- fot; uxj jkT; dh LFkkiuk fdlus dh \ tks igys dkdrh; oa”k ls lacaf/kr Fks ckn esa eksgEen rqxyd
mUgas fnYyh ys x;k Fkk & Who founded the Vijaynagar state? Those who
first belonged to the Kakatiya dynasty, later Mohammad Tughlaq
took them to Delhi -
(a) d`’.knso jk; / Krishna Deva Raya
(b) laxe/ Sangam
(c) gfjgj vkSj cqDdk / Harihara and Bukka
(d) nsojk; / Devaraya

GS By – OP Patel Sir
47- gfjgj vkSj cqDdk dks “kq) djds iqu% fgUnw /keZ esa okil ykus dk Js; fdls fn;k tkrk gS \/ Who is
credited with bringing Harihara and Bukka back to Hinduism by
purifying them?
(a) _f’k lk;.k/Rishi Sayan
(b) fo/kkj.;/Deductible
(c) gsekfnz /Hemadri
(d) y{eh/kj/Laxmidhar

GS By – OP Patel Sir
48- bekfnnso jk;] izkS<+nso jk; vkSj xgcsVdkj mikf/k;k¡ fdldh gSa \
Whose titles are Imadidev Raya, Adultadeva Raya and Gahbetkar?
(a) nsojk; izFke/Devaraya I
(b) nsojk; f}rh; /Devaraya II
(c) d`’.knso jk; /Krishnadeva Raya
(d) vP;qrnso jk; /Achyutadeva Raya

GS By – OP Patel Sir
49- uk;dj izFkk fdlls lacaf/kr gS \/ What is the Nayakar system related to?
(a) Hkwfe vuqnku ls / By land grant
(b) iz”kklu ls /From the administration
(c) lkearks ls /From the feudal lords
(d) U;k;ikfydk ls /From the judiciary

GS By – OP Patel Sir
50- vk;axj O;oLFkk fdlls lacaf/kr gS \/ What is the Iyengar system related to?
(a) xzkeh.k iz”kklu ls / From rural administration
(b) ukMqvksa ds iz”kklu ls / From the administration of the Nadus
(c) cyukMqvksa ds Ikz”kklu ls / From the administration of the Balnadus
(d) dksÍe ds iz”kklu ls / From the administration of Kottam

GS By – OP Patel Sir

1. A 12. A 23. B 33. C 44. D

2. D 13. A 24. A 34. D 45. A
3. A 14. A 25. C 35. A 46. C
4. B 15. D 26. A 36. D 47. B
5. D 16. A 27. A 37. A 48. B
6. D 17. A 28. A 38. C 49. C
7. D 18. A 29. D 39. A 50. A
8. A 19. B 30. A 40. A
9. A 20. A 31. D 41. C
10. A 21. D 32. B 42. C
11. C 22. B 43. D

GS By – OP Patel Sir

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