3 Batch

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3rd batch

Mathematical analysis is the key to opportunity. No longer just

the language of science, now it contributes in direct and
fundamental ways to business, finance, health, and defense.
For students, it opens doors to careers. For citizens, it enables
informed decisions. For nations, it provides knowledge to
compete in a technological community. Now your task is to,
1.a)How mathematical analysis is fundamental to business,
finance, health, and defense? Justify your answer. (3)
First, and probably the most obvious, is basic arithmetic and algebra. It
can be used to determine profit, revenue, etc. It can also be used to
maximize profits or revenue, or minimize expenses.

Next is elementary calculus. With calculus, you can find the maximum
profit based on a function modeled after your sales. You can also see
trends, and determine whether there is a spike in your profit or not. In
economics, you can determine the elasticity by looking at the behavior
of the slope of a function.

Lastly, we have elementary statistics. This is more of a method of

determining when you should stop or increase in sales, determine which
product will likely prove to be true to what they promise, and other
problems with similar nature.

Of course, there are many advance mathematics in the realm of major

businesses, that is, including other specializations such as Business,
Finance, Economics, Actuarial Science, etc. We have Financial
Mathematics (for Finance majors), Time Series Analysis, Multivariable
Calculus (especially for Economics majors), Probability Theory (one of
the focuses for Actuaries), Theory of Interest, Game Theory, etc.
But really, it depends on which specialization you pick. For example,
actuaries use as much mathematics as with graduates of Applied
Mathematics. Accountants, on the other hand, comparatively use less
mathematics, but more on theories. However, you will probably only take
most of the mentioned advanced mathematics when you go to graduate

Economics majors usually only take four math classes: College Algebra,
Trigonometry, Statistics, and Introduction to Calculus. Actually, even
Trigonometry is a loose term since Econ majors would more likely
focus on exponential and logarithmic functions.

Anyway, these mathematics topics will more likely be used alongside

business theories.

1.b)List the first four terms for the following series from a1 to

1.c) An arithmetic sequence has its 5 th term equal to 22 and its

15 th term equal to 62. Find its 100 th term.
1.d) A "Venn diagram” with three overlapping circles is often
used to illustrate the eight possible subsets associated with
three given sets, Can the sixteen possibilities that arise with
four given sets be illustrated by four overlapping circles? Justify
your answer.
We can draw a Venn diagram with six regions, it’s just that we can’t achieve it in the
expected way by putting two overlapping circles directly over two other overlapping
circles with an overlap. That method end up missing two regions:
In the diagram above, there is no region for AC nor for BD.

it might be able to do it with four spheres, but can not draw it on paper.

No, we cannot draw a Venn diagram with four circles because we cannot represent
every possible subset of ABCD.

If instead we use ovals and angle them as in the diagram below, we find that we can
accommodate all 16 regions.
1.e) Write down the differences between Poisson and Binomial
A geometric sequence is a sequence such that any element
after the first is obtained by multiplying the preceding element
by a constant called the common ratio which is denoted by r.
The common ratio (r) is obtained by dividing any term by the
preceding term, i.e.,
2. a) What do you mean by sequence?(2)
2.b) Using the geometric formula, your task is to find out,(4)
i. Write down the 8th term in the Geometric Progression 1, 3, 9,
ii.Find the number of terms in the geometric progression 6, 12,
24, ..., 153
iv. Find the sum of each of the geometric series.
2. c) In the sunshine, an upright pole 12 feet tall is casting a
shadow 8 feet long. At the same time, [3] 3 a nearby upright
pole is casting a shadow 10 feet long. If the lengths of the
shadows are proportional to the heights of the poles, what is
the height, in feet, of the taller pole?(3)
2.d) Briefly describe the B2 sequence and look and say
sequence with example (3)
B2 sequence
An infinite sequence of positive integers

also called a Sidon sequence, such that all pairwise sums for i<=j are distinct


An example is 1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 21, 31, 45, 66, 81, 97, 123, 148, 182, 204, 252, 290,
361, ... 

look and say sequence

In mathematics, the look-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers beginning as follows:
1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221……
The look-and-say sequence was introduced and analyzed by John Conway.
f started with any digit d from 0 to 9 then d will remain indefinitely as the last digit of the sequence.
For any d other than 1, the sequence starts as follows:
d, 1d, 111d, 311d, 13211d

Recursion in computer science is a method of solving a

problem where the solution depends on solutions to smaller
instances of the same problem. The approach can be applied to
many types of problems, and recursion is one of the central
ideas of computer science (Wikipedia).

i. Fibonacci Number
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
with seed values 
F0 = 0 and F1 = 1.

//Fibonacci Series using Recursion

int fib(int n)
   if (n <= 1)
      return n;
   return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
int main ()
  int n = 9;
  printf("%d", fib(n));
  return 0;

ii. Factorial Number

n! = n * (n-1)!
n! = 1 if n = 0 or n = 1

// function to find factorial of given number

unsigned int factorial(unsigned int n)
    if (n == 0)
        return 1;
    return n * factorial(n - 1);
int main()
    int num = 5;
    printf("Factorial of %d is %d", num, factorial(num));
    return 0;
iii. GCD
An efficient solution is to use Euclidean algorithm which is the main algorithm
used for this purpose. The idea is, GCD of two numbers doesn’t change if
smaller number is subtracted from a bigger number. 

// C program to find GCD of two numbers

#include <stdio.h>

// Recursive function to return gcd of a and b

int gcd(int a, int b)

 // Everything divides 0

    if (a == 0)

       return b;

    if (b == 0)

       return a;

 // base case

    if (a == b)

        return a;

 // a is greater

    if (a > b)

        return gcd(a-b, b);

    return gcd(a, b-a);

// Driver program to test above function

int main()

int a = 98, b = 56;

    printf("GCD of %d and %d is %d ", a, b, gcd(a, b));

    return 0;

3.b) Complete the recursive function to return a list that

consists of the negative numbers of a given list (e.g.
negatives([5, 3, -1.9, -13, -2, 61) will return (-1.-13.-21)

3.c) Find the shortest sequence of moves that transfers a tower

of n disks from the left peg 1 to the [4] right peg 2, if direct
moves between 1 and 2 are disallowed. (Each move must be to
or from the middle peg. As usual, a larger disk must never
appear above a smaller one.). State and describe the problem
The objective is to transfer the entire tower from A to C( in the diagram), if direct moves
between A and C are disallowed. This problem is a variant of Tower of Hanoi problem.
GENERALIZE : Lets assume that the tower has “n” disks. Let Tn be the minimum number of
moves that will transfer “n” disks from one peg (i.e. A to another (i.e. C). Clearly T0 = 0,
because no moves at all are needed to transfer a tower of n = 0 disks.

T1 = 2 (Since the peg has to be transferred from A to B and then to C.) Similarly , T2 = 8

T3 = 26

Winning Strategy : (for n = 3)

1.Transfer top 2 disks from A to C (requiring T2 disk moves ).

2.Move the largest disk from A to center peg “B”.

3.Move again the 2 disks from C back to A( requiring T2 disk moves ).

4.Move the largest disk to peg “C”. 5

.Again we now need to move 2 disks from A to C ( requiring T2 disk moves)

General Case : 1.Transfer top (n-1) disks from A to C.

2.Move the largest from A to center peg B.

3.Transfer (n-1) disks from C to A back.

4.Move the largest disk to C.

5.Transfer (n-1) disks from A to C again.

Total number of moves = Tn-1 + 1 + Tn-1 + 1 + Tn-1 = 3 Tn-1 + 2

Recurrence Relation : T0 = 0 Tn = 3 Tn-1 + 2 Lets compute successively a few values to guess

the closed formula. T0 = 0 T1 = 3*0 + 2 = 2 T2 = 3*2 + 2 = 8 T3 = 3*8 + 2 = 26 T4 = 3*26 + 2
= 80 Observation : Tn = 3^n -1

3.d) A word is considered elfish if it contains the letters: e, I,

and fin it, in any order. For example. 121 we would say that
the following words are elfish: whiteleaf, tasteful, unfriendly,
and waffles, because they each contain those letters.
i. Write a predicate function called elfishrec? that, given a
word, tells us if that word is

elfish or not

ii. Write a more generalized predicate function called xishrec?

that, given two words.

returns true if all the letters of the first word are contained in
the second.

Number theory is a branch of pure mathematics devoted

primarily to the study of the integers and integer-valued
functions. German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss said,
"Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory
is the queen of mathematics. Number theorists study prime
numbers as well as the properties of objects made out of
integers or defined as generalizations of the integers.

4.a) What do you mean by number theory? (1)

Number theory is a branch of pure mathematics devoted to the study of the natural
numbers and the integers.
4.b) Write down the code to find out the prime factorization
of a number. (2)

4.c) A number in decimal notation is divisible by 3 if and only if

the sum of its digits is divisible [3] by 3. Prove this well-known
rule, and generalize it. (3)

4.d) The sequence of pentagonal numbers < 1, 5, 12, 22 ... >

generalizes the triangular and square [3] numbers in an obvious
way, Now, Your task is to,(3)

i. What is the general formula for the pentagonal

ii. Write down the triangular number along with formula.

4. e) The number 1111111111111111111 is prime. Prove that,

in any radix b, (11 ... 1o can be príme only if the number of 1's is

5. a) Verify the following relations for a single server queue,

5.b) What do you mean by queuing network? Briefly describe
the classification of queuing PL network

Queuing Networks (QN) are models where customers (service requests) arrive at

service stations (servers) to be served. When customers arrive at a busy service
station, they are queued for a waiting time until the service station is free. Both the
arrival and service times are described as stochastic processes.

5. c) Define the types of queue in Kendall's form from the


i. Define Kendall's notation for the queuing model.

ii. A queue with an exponential distribution for the inter-arrival

times of customers, an

exponential distribution for service times of customers with m

number of server.

iii. A queue with an exponential distribution for the inter-

arrival times of customers, a

general distribution for service times of customers with infinite

iv. A queueing system with an exponential distribution for the
inter-arrival times of customers and the service times of
customers, m servers, a maximum of K customers in the
queueing system at once, and N potential customers in the
calling population.

5. d) A dental surgery has two operation rooms. The service

times are assumed to be independent, exponentially
distributed with mean 15 minutes. Andrew arrives when both
operation rooms are empty. Bob arrives 10 minutes later while
Andrew is still under medical treatment. Another 20 minutes
later Caroline arrives and both adrew and Bob are still under
treatment. No other patient arrives during this 30-minute

i. What is the probability that Andrew will be ready before Bob?

ii. What is the probability that Caroline will be ready before


iii. What is the probability that Caroline will be ready before

Since A’s and B’s service time at the moment of B’s appearance are independent and identically
distributed, we conclude that this probability is 1/4 as well.

6.a) A prime number is a counting number (1,2,3,...) that is

evenly divisible only by 1 and itself. [3] In this problem you are
to write a program that will cut some number of prime
numbers from the list of prime numbers between (and
including) 1 and N. Write down the program to find all the
prime number between 1 and N.

6. b) Every even number greater than or equal to 4 can be

expressed as the sum of two prime [4] numbers. For example:

. 8 = 3 + 5. Both 3 and 5 are odd prime numbers.

• 20 = 3 + 17 = 7 + 13.

• 42 = 5 + 37 = 11 +31 = 13 + 29 = 19 + 23.

Now your task is to write the program: to fund out the output
for a given number.

6. c) Write down the customer behavior of waiting in the

queuing system.

6. d) Consider the Markov chain shown in Figure

i. Is this chain irreducible

ii. Is this chain aperiodic?

iii. Find the stationary distribution for this chain.

A Markov chain is a mathematical system that experiences

transitions from one state to another according to certain
probabilistic rules. The defining characteristic of a Markov chain
is that no matter how the process arrived at its present state,
the possible future states are fixed. In other words, the
probability of transitioning to any particular state is dependent
solely on the current state and time elapsed. The state space,
or set of all possible states, can be anything: letters, numbers,
weather conditions, baseball scores, or stock performances.

7. a) Consider the marcov chain with three states, S={1,2,3} that

has the following transition matrix,

i. Write down the transition diagram for the scenario?

ii. If we know P(X1=1) = P(X1=2) = 1/4, find P(X1=3, X2=2, X3=1).

iii. Also write down the transition probability tree.

7. b)A system has three possible states, A, B and C. Every hour it

makes a transition to a different [41. state, which is determined
by a coin flip. For example, from state coin flip. For example.
from state q it makes a transition to state or state with
probabilities 0.5 and 0.5.

i.Find the transition probability matrix.

ii.Find the three-step transition probability matrix.
iii. Find the steady-state distribution of the Markov chain.
7. c) Probability is the measure of the likelihood that an event
will occur. Probability quantifies as a [4] number between 0 and
1, where, loosely speaking, O indicates impossibility and 1
indicates 9 certainty.
i. A die is rolled, find the probability that the number obtained
is greater than 4.
ii. Two coins are tossed, find the probability that one head only
is obtained.
iii.Two dice are rolled, find the probability that the sum is equal
to 5.
iv. A card is drawn at random from a deck of cards. Find the
probability of getting the King of heart
There are 4 kings in total (spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts), where only 1 of them can be of
This applies to any card in a 52 card deck.

So the probability of drawing a king of hearts is 1 in 52 (1/52, 1.92307692%) which is the

same for any specific card in a deck of cards.

8. a) Assume that a man's profession can be classified as

professional, skilled laborer, or unskilled [2] laborer. Assume
that, of the sons of profesional men, 80 percent are
professional, 10 percent are skilled laborers, and 10 percent are
unskilled laborers. In the case of sons of skilled laborers, 60
percent are skilled laborers, 20 percent are professional, and 20
percent are unskilled. Finally, in the case of unskilled laborers,
50 percent of the sons are unskilled laborers, and 25 percent
each are in the other two categories. Assume that every man
has at least one son, and form a Markov chain by following the
profession of a randomly chosen son of a given family through
several generations. Set up the matrix of transition
probabilities. Find the probability that a randomly chosen
grandson of an unskilled laborer is a professional man.
8. b) What is expectation? Write the properties of expectation.
 the expectation is the average value of the random variable where each value is weighted
according to its probability.

8.c) What do you mean by complex numbers? Prove that root 3

is irrational number.(3)
A complex number is a number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers, and i is an
indeterminate satisfying i2 = −1.

8. d) Explain stochastic process with proper example.(2)

8. e) What do you mean by divergent and convergent? Write
down the general formula for the harmonic number. Is
harmonic series divergent or convergent? Justify your answer.
1st batch
1. a) Write down the importance of studying mathematical
analysis in computer science. 
1. b) A "Venn diagram" with the  
diagram” with three overlapping circles is often used to
illustrate the eight possible subsets associated with three given

Can the sixteen possibilities that arise with four given sets be
illustrated by four overlapping circles? 
Solve the recurrence for (4, where 
Suppose we put two panes of glass back-to-back. How many
ways an arc there for light rays to pass through or be reflected
after changing direction n times? Following figure shows the
situations when the value of n is 0, 1 and 2. 
The reflection of the ray through glass following a series. Now 
i. Write down the name of the series.
ii. ii. Sketch the figure for a3, a4.
2.a) What do you mean by recurssion? Is tower of Hanoi a
recurrent problem? Write down the 131 algorithm for the
2.b) recursive procedure is the function used to calculate the
greatest common divisor (gcd) of a natural number. Now your
task is to,  
Function definition 
if y = 0 gcd(2, y) = } sed(y, remainder(x, y)) if y > 0 
a) Write down the function definition for the Faciorial' and
Tower of Hanoi problem.
b) Also write down the function definition for the 'Lines in the
Plane' problem.
2. C)
Find out the summation of 2510°(4 + 3i) and Ek=200(k – 3)2
and EF'In(i + 3) – [3] In(i + 2)]
2.d) Write down the pseudo-code to find the sum of E 10°R?. 
3. a) "Bee trees" provide a good example of how .... 
........numbers can arise naturally. Let's conte 
own as a drone) is produced asexually from a ween): each
female, however, has two parents, a male and a female. 
the pedigree of a male bee. Each male (also know 
female (also known as a queen); each female, however 
Here are the few levels of the tree: 
i.Write down the name of the series.
ii.Also write down the pseudo code to find out the series
using recursion, 
3. b) What do you inean by special numbers? Write short notes
on suriing numbers of the second [3] 
3. c) Flavius Josephus, a famous historian of the first century
was among a band of 
v was among a band of 41 jewish rebels 13) trapped in a cave
by the Romans during the Jewish Roman war. Preferring suicide
to capture, the rebels decided to form a circle and proceeding
around it to kill every third remaining person until no one was
left. But Josephus, along with an unindicted co-conspirator,
wanted none of this suicide nonsense; so he quickly calculated
where he and his friend should stand in the vicious circle. In our
variation, we start with n people numbered 1 to n around a
circle, and we eliminate every second remaining person until
only one survives. 
Now, write down the positions to the circle for 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 14,
18 persons with required formula. 
3. d) A troop of Etruscan warriors is organized as follows in the
first row, there is only one warrior; 121 then, the second row
contains two warriors: the caird row contains three warriors,
and so on. In general, each row i contains i warriors. We know
the number of Etruscan warriors of a given troop. You have to
compute the number of rows in which they are organized.
Please note that there may be some remaining warriors (this
could happen if they are not enough to form the next row). For
example, 3 warriors are organized in 2 rows. With 6 warriors
you can form 3 rows; but you can also form 3 rows with 7,8 or 9
warriors. Sample Input: 8 9 110 100 1000 10000 100000 
Express ++ 
+ ... 1/(2n + 1) in terms of harmonic numbers. 
4. b) Prove that if m and n are positive integers, there exists an
integer x such that Fc = m(mod 3").
4. c) What is Ek(-1)*(".), the n'" alternating row sum of Euler's
4. d) What is (Z"](In(1 - 2))2/(1 – 2)*+1? 
What do you mean by Marcov Chain? 
5.b) A sunny day is 89% likely to be followed by another sunny
day, and a rainy day is 19% likely to be followed by another
rainy day. Now, 
i. Write down the transition matrix and transition diagram Tof
the scenario?
ii. If the weather on day Lis known to be sunny, what is the
chance that day 2 will be 
sunny and day 3 will be rainy?
iii. Also write down the transition probability tree.

5.C) The states represent whether a hypothetical stock market

is exhibiting a bull market, bear other bull week 90% of the
time, a bear week 7.5% of the time, and a stagnant week the
bar 2.5% of the time. A bear weal in culowed by another bull
weck 1390 
car week is followed by another bull weck 15% of the time, a
bear wak 80% of the time, and a stonon wank 5% of the time,
mily, a 
ANI A stagnant week 5% of the time. Finally, a stagnant week is
OK 25% of the time, a bear week 25% of the time, and a
stagnant week 50% of the time. Now, draw the transition
matrix and state transition diagram from the scenario. 
5. d)  
To decide the Deficient, Perfect or Abundant number of a
positive integer n, first you have to [3] calculate the sum of all
its proper F 
r positive divisors. If the result is less than n then n is a deficient
number, if the result is equal to n then 11 is a perfect number
and if the result is greater than n then n is an abundant
number. Remember that the proper divisors of n don't include
n itself. Now. For any given number 11, your task is to find that
n is either Deficient, Perfect or Abundant. 
a) Briefly describe the characte 
aracteristics of a queuing model. 

6.b) Define the types of queue in kendall's form froin the

i.A queue with an exponential distribution for the interarrival
times of customers, an exponential distribution for service
times of customers and a single server.
ii. A queue with an exponential distribution for the interarrival
times of customers, a general distribution for service times of
customers with infinite server.
iii. A queueing system with an exponential distribution for the
interarrival times of customers and the service times of
customers, m servers, a maximum of K customers in the
queueing system at once, and N potential customers in the
calling population.-- 
6c) Write short notes on Bernoulli process and Binomial
In describing the survival rate and life expectancy in a certain
population, let An denote the [3] event of reaching the age of N
years and P(N) = (An) be the corresponding probability. In other
words, P(N) stands for the probability of a new born to reach
the age of N years. We are given that 
P(50) = 0.917, P(55) = 0.873, and P(65) = 0.846. 
a) What is the probability of a 50 years old man to reach the
age of 55, P(55/50)?
b) What is the probability that a 50 years old will die within 5
c) Forexample, the probability that a man who just turned 65
will die within 5 years 
is 0.26, what is the probability for a man to survive till his 70th
birthday, i.e., what is P(70)? 

7.a) What is a random variable and discrete random variable? 

7.b) What is expectation? Write the properties of expectation. 
7.c) Explain stochastic process with proper example. 

8. a) Define queuing network. Briefly describe the classification

of queuing network. 

8.b) A self-service canteen employs one cashier al its counter, 9

customers arrive per every 10 
minutes on an average. The cashier can serve on average one
per minute. Assuming that the arrivals are poisson and the
service tine distribution in exponential. Determine, 
i.The average number of customer in the system and average
queue length. 
ii.Average time a customer spends in the system and average
time spends in the queue. iii.Probability there are zero
customers in the system and also for 6 customers for the
iv.Also fiind the probability that there are no customer in the
queue and there are more than 2 customers 
Write down the customer behavior of waiting in the queuing
8. d) Is there any differences between stochastic process and
random process? Justify your answer.

2nd Batch
1.c) Cribbage players have long been aware that 15 = 7+ 8 = 4+ 5+ 6 =
1 + 2+ 3+ 4+ 5. Find the number of ways to represent (1050 as a sum
of consecutive positive integers.(3)

1.d)What do you mean by special numbers? Write short notes on

stirling numbers of the second kind. (2)
A number is known as Special number when sum of the factorial of digits is
equal to the original number (given number). Examples: Below are examples
of numbers which are Special. Number to check : 145 1! + 4!+5!
In mathematics, particularly in combinatorics, a Stirling number of the second kind (or Stirling
partition number) is the number of ways to partition a set of n objects into k non-empty subsets and
is denoted by or  Stirling numbers of the second kind occur in the field
of mathematics called combinatorics and the study of partitions.

2.d)Josephus had a friend who was saved by getting into the next-to-
last position. What is 1(n), the number of the penultimate survivor
when every second person is executed?

4.b) Write down the formula for the Collatz conjecture number. It is
conjectured (but not yet proven) that this algorithm will terminate at
n= 1 for every integer n. Still, the conjecture holds for all integers up
to at least 1,000,000. For an input n, the cycle-length of n is the
number of numbers generated up to and including the 1. Now count
the cycle length for 22, 1000, 1 and

7. e)Is there any differences between stochastic process and random

process? Justify your answer. [2]
Literally there is no difference between 'Random' and 'Stochastic'. It can be said that, in a 'Stochastic
Analyses' numbers are generated or considered 'Random'. So 'Stochastic' is actually a process
whereas 'random' defines how to handle that process.
There is no difference in the basic meaning. There can be a difference in usage.

12.5 is 1.5 units of standard deviation ABOVE the mean
Let M = the mean
Let D = 1 unit of standard deviation
So, we can write: M + 1.5D = 12.5

8.9 is 0.5 units of standard deviation BELOW the mean

We can write: M - 0.5D = 8.9

What is the mean of the set?

So far, we have:
M - 0.5D = 8.9
M + 1.5D = 12.5
We need to solve this system for M

Take top equation and multiply both sides by 3 to get:

3M - 1.5D = 26.7
M + 1.5D = 12.5

Now ADD the two equations to get: 4M = 39.2

Solve, to get: M = 39.2/4 = 9.8

Answer: 9.8

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