Viii Bio Ls-7 C.W 21-22

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1. Abiotic components: Non-living components of an ecosystem.

Eg: Salt, air, water, temperature etc.,
2. Biotic components: Living components of an ecosystem.
Eg: plants, animals etc.,
3. Consumers: Organisms that obtain nutrients from other organisms.
4. Decomposers/Recyclers: Organisms that feed on the wastes of plants and animals.
5. Ecosystem : The basic unit of nature.
6. Mangroves : Forests that grow on sea-shore.
7. Nocturnal animals: Animals that are active during night time.
8. Rodents: Animals with long, sharp front teeth for biting.
And they go to stomachs metaphor groups of living things and their environmentEg: Mice, Rats
9.Thermophiles: organisms live at high temperature.


1. Define an ecosystem. Explain it with a suitable example.
A: i) The basic functional unit of nature he's called an ecosystem.
ii) An ecosystem is made up of groups of living things and their environment.
iii) The living things like plants animals and microorganisms are known as biotic components.
iv) The non living things like soil, water, sunlight etc., are called abiotic components.
Eg: Grassland Ecosystem

2. Any ecosystem that had mice. What happens if more cats were added to it ?
A: i) If more cats were added to an ecosystem that had mice, the mice population would
significantly decrease.
ii) Due to decreased mice population cats will not get enough food and they suffer from hunger.
iii) Cats may die due to hunger.
iv) Finally, mice and cats population maintained balance in an ecosystem.

3. Plant, tiger, rabbit, fox ,eagle. Did you find any connection among the above list of things if
we remove rabbit from the list what will happen?
A: i) Yes, there is a connection among the animals.
ii) They form a food chain.
Plant ------->Rabbit --------> Eagle ------>
(Producer) (Herbivore) ( Carnivore)
Fox -------> Tiger
(Carnivore) (Carnivore)
iii) If we remove Rabbit, plants population will be increased.
iv) The other cornivore may die due to lack of food.

4. List out producers (Plants, Bushes, Trees) Consumers( Herbivore, Cornivores) and
Decomposers that you observed in your agricultural field or school garden.
A: I have observed the following in my agriculture field.
(Children you need to draw table which consists of producers consumers and decomposers
columns and right it at least three to four examples in each column)

5. What precautions are to be taken to save ecosystem?

A: i) Educate people about local environment.
ii) Use only renewable energy sources.

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