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OTL BA De eee ce euy 3 FALLEN ANGEL: AN EBERRON ADVENTURE FROM La Falar SED NS LTR eee TET TZ BT a Veale SUE elses sisi elery fren fied recta eee erae ier en Edita ActistentJereny Wether eons ep rete cers eens yt Cee ery Sno cee Ciriani Ora ees Eerie en et Fs sega te Ya a CONTRIBUTING AUTORS Petcare ce ane Cee ee ECs Diana 4 eee eas cee) eon er Set ee ceca es Ca eevee recico eee ee Seu ene nether en Eeccrem ee vakenne ce rere nvestiee are cnar Laer eeeeseereconra aen ent Bes rere tree rece) ee ome te fesiveneitreteeentenetete Dispatch eee ee reenter Pivenren preter ted eet ate Preemie is eter eae eee eee eee iene ater eer Bier eer Preah herent ae Po Vehen ti fe cneacira peered ecuttee ee Pea oe cera eee aera ee TE sjaer emer it anne 4 DUNGEON D:ceMBER 200% VOLUME 18, NO 12 “Lama magicisn indeed, with knowled ations, designs, esorcisins, talismans. | am Master Mathematician, th e Phendasl nothing to your brain without your intelligence your personality, your soul—for | am no god, Pandelume. Pan CITY OF SHADOWS fee renee eee ny nme et corer een ony ore un oman re oes ears ADVENTURES 18 FALLEN ANGEL Keith Baker ‘On Olanune 8th inthe 918th year of the Kingdon, ne ofthe eity of Sharvis loating lowers fell from the sky, crushing much of the Godsate Distric Now, a Land of bestial swwages ‘ches Godsgate for the remnant ofa broken statue, pulling the Pc NY into a plot that could destroy Sham itself. AD fortth-level TOUCH OF THE ABY Jaughan peta Fy igo Istivin in Fld-spanning Demonweb. turers eventually won th day, but the affair left dark stain the city’s soul Hat nave eputers to terribe life. A D&D adventure for thi 5s THE WINDING WAY Nie The Temple of the Winding ands watch over the brist passes of the northern mountain Iutwwho stands watch ever the temple's wretched secret? A D&D adventure for lath-level characters ON James Ryan just keeps getting better Ark! bette. Dusexon’s fivork paladin takes on the skadows of Istivin in this tourde ferce fiom a rising superstar 29. The Portent 79. Mt. Zogen 96 Downer 10 Editorial 12. Prison Mail 84 Dungeoncraft 98 Wil Save | 6 Rel PLAYER Take advantage ofthe RPGAS Prayer ‘or more details, and RevaRis program by scoring points use the tollowirg adventure codes 88 The Cast GH nee ne Falen Ange! (117FAIDN) 90 The City Dimexox! Bach adventure is work “Touch of the Abyss (II7TAIDN) 92 The Dungeon 2. DED Playes Rewards points, and “The Windirg Way (F16WW1DN)} 95 The Journey remains active unt 1/30/05, Broo by DECEMBER 2004 DUNGEON 5 Y's been s month since ve sent the I final Shackled City Adventure Path installment te press, andl | miss i alkeady. Dorit get mewrong,{ love stand: done adventures like this issue's “Fallen Angel” and some of my most memo- rable roleplaying experiences came from the good old days, when TSR was crank: ing out classic modules like Against the Cul of the Repti Gea and Hidden Shrine af Tamoackan on what seemed like a monthly basis, Stand-alone adventiares are great, But campaigns are better Thanks to the Internet, conventions, Knights of the Dinner Table, and our per sonal interactions with other gamers, J think most of us can agree that there are certain types of players comenon 10 just about every gaming group. The rules Inwoyer, The power gamer. The guy who nly plays dwarves, But what doesit discussed much is that there ae different ‘ypes of DMs, too, Tuna unabashed campaign build, and view almost everything through the lens of how I might iit nto my exmpsign. tend b approach published adventures like approach puzales. Someimes, the pieces fit. Other times, you've goto jam them in, bending little cardbosrd! in the process. And someimes, you try and ultimately just not worth the effort But to campaign builders like me, the effort is half the fun, You see, | dont think wee DMs because we like clean ‘ng up empty pop cans and pizza boxes but its 10. dunceon nian 038 the morning after the players leave. 1 think we're DMs because after the play ers have gone home, we're really stil playing the game. Maybe is something you seein a movie for on TV. Maybe is something you read in-a book, I hope i's something youve pulled from this magazine. Whatever the source, campaign buiklers are always on the lookout for new monsters, new chal: lenges, and new locales ta weave into the framework of their campaigns. Get a couple of DMs alone in a 100m, and it doestit take long before we start Staring setrets about ou campaigns thar vould shock our players, Aid sometimes, even when we're ake, we'll snicker as somiecsl thought crosses our mits I should mention that whether or not we're actively inning a game is inci dental, I've got notebooks full of maps, ideas, and story hooks gathered during the last couple of years, when work and a tiny apartment stood in the way of me running an ongoing game. Daring that Hiatus, | had dozens of conversations that began like this: “I eame up with ool idea for my campaign lest night.” ven when thete was no campaign, ané no hope ofa canspaign, insight. Ina way. Lovas stil playing the game, When we sat down to reimagine Duncrow a fee months ago, I made 2 conscious decision to expand the magazine's focus beyond adventures te include articles on other aspects ofbeing 4 Dungeon Master, Dungeon ‘ws hone our craft, while the Campaign Workbook provides us with idea start crs and tools we ean use immediately. Wil Save covers the gaminglife which Is afler alla big past of being a DM ‘And, unt! recently the Shackled City ‘Adventure Path provided an example of how to construct a campaign, As l've mentioned before in this space, we're already well into pre-procuction or the neat Adventure Path, which were tentae tively calling "Age of Worms.” This time around welll be publishing adventures writen to a stret ousting, and ill kuow in general terms how the Adventure Path will end before the frst adventure appears in these pages. If youre inte ested in some hints abou what the Age (of Worms will contain, drop by our new ricasageboards at In the meantime, in this interregnum bepween the Shackled Cityand the Age of ‘Worms, we presenta three part campaign arc entitled "Isivin: City of Shadows.” Its gos everthing there is to love about DAD: drow, giants, demons, and drag ons. I think you campaign builders ave going to like it ERIK brik Mona erikamona@paizocom ai Puzo Publshiog, 2700 Rchuds Rand, Suite 109, Bleue, A 91005-8200 orsnd a ema shegeen Bpo.con checkout the Dungson messageboards at pirocom/dngcon Dungeon #114 September saw the long-anticipated debut ofour new formet, Duncton's new look boasted three Dunctons & Daicons adventures, cne for each of shreelevel bands (ow, ric, and high) Gary Holian dropped by to present “Exploring the Ise of Dread,” our firet plug-and-play Backdap, which tied into Greg A. Vaughan's “Tor- rents of Dread,” jusvired Deacon Associate Editor Jason Bulmahn con: tributed “Mad God's Key” ate to {We RPGA's popular Lv Na Gaeskair, campaign, and former Bunezow Editor in-Chief Chris Thomasson broughtus "Thirteen Gages," the pen- ultimate installment of the Shaciled City Adventure Path, With a renewed focus on D&D ard a passel of new features, we were eager to hear your feedback As usu, you tole us what ‘was.on your mind, 12 DUNGEON DECEMEER 2004 Prison Wail ‘Wow! It Didn't Suck! what a tour de force, [opened the new DovawON magazine today expecting to find snother disaster, I vas not a far of the bundled Duscson/PoLr maga aine, In fact I sas just waiting, on my subscription to run out, What did I Be today? A magazine that so reminded me af the one | used when | frst started | vas stunned, For the fist time i many years sat down and read that magazine fom cover to enver I loved the old features like the editorial and letters, | am absolutely thrilled to see adventures covering the three level groups like in the old days. “The adventures were well weitten and xery usefil. 1 dorit like the adventures when they are pigeon holed and only useftl in a very defineé manner, The Dungeonceaft and Campaign Workbook saticles were excellent and very useful, ery appropriate fora new beginning. { liked Wil Wheatorisantice. As amiddle- aged gamer with gaming history back to middie school { could really appreciate his perspective. Allin all, Tam thrilled and look for ward to reading the new magazine fora Jong time, Well done, well done, andl well done again Patrick Hayes Springfield, Ohio Get on That Coffea Order, Mona! } jus! finished browsing through the now issue (#114) of DUNGEON, When J heard you were planning a new ‘mat, { was very skeptical about how you could improve an already great ‘magazine. | was pretty sure I wouldn't like the changes. But now with the w Dumseow in my hands 1 just want to congratulate you on 2 job perfectly done! Tam happy that you replaced the ‘brown-colored page backgrounds with white, which makes it easier to make notes exactly where you need them, on the pages of the adventure (well, at least that's what Ido... Yeah—after plying, my copies of your magezine Joo terribie (I sometimes fel very bad about this) By the way, thanks for thie incred ible Adventure Path sevies! You can't imagine how bappy | am to read that yorise plinninganosher one! Vbalsntrs almost executed Jenya in front of the town hall in my game jlong story). | wonder (and would like to reed, maybe in an artide) how the Adventure Path vent for the olher DMs who are pres: ently playing it A pdf filewith all the adventures it one would be great as welll ‘The only thing | dori like so much is that there is no full-page art at the begin ring of theadverture! Hoved tousethem as handouts for my players, Instead of printing a picture on top ever both sides, please go hack to printing them on the First page only! So, for now thats all Pkase keep going the way youire presently going, and Eri never stop bringing your hard-working % LTS eal ey =e December #326 Deacon gives you the best in gaming, presenting oew offical rule, orginal ‘gare content, great advice, anc the perfect inspiration for your D&D game. In each issue, youll also see ool products on the horizon, fing out ‘what other players areup ta, and get aninsider's look at the industry Get tore fiom your game: Get Deacon! ‘The Dungeon Delver’s Guide by Mark A, Hart and Jayce K. Purvis What you dan't know can kill your characte, Think you krow everyting about dungeon celving? The tips in this article could save your life Down the Drain by Chris Dekalb by Jacsb Stainmrann It'sa crappy place be unprepared Dis cover the history, cesigrs, and dangers ‘of sewers—both real and fantastic Born of Fire bylonathan Drair Release your character's inner fire. Play a half elemental charzeter (air, earth, fre, or water) om Ist level with these monster classes. Get Lost by kyla Ward Whether as legendary traps for mythi- ‘al monsters, passive protections against thieves and lespassers, or as playgrounds fer royalty, labyrinths hhave long existed in the world, Find ‘ul more abauit historical labyrinths, learn how to use thern in 08, and discover what it takes to get your PC out of mad wizerd’s maze alive DUNGEON. DECEMBER 2004 Neu isu will debut he fis of four eighpanel poster maps of the Wor. Dor Gtevtavr one of DED's mostbeloved campaign settings ard the baclground of many of he adventures right here in Dunsrow magazine. We'd intended toinclude the fist segment in this ssie (as announced last month), but t's not quite ready yet, and we wanted to make sure it got the time and attention it desewed, We apologize for the delay We think you agree that the wait vas stoith tan you've ad a lackt the inl product Cartography by Rober Laz colleagues coffee after coifee so they doxit hhave:o interrupt thelr work on the mage- ine and the Adventure Path series. Its ‘ery appreciated! Yorn Gane Biblis, Germany Thanks forthe kind words, Tom. We don't actually dink « lot of coffee around here, fut the editorial staff does churs through Hogprringomount of Diet De Popper {the officiel sof drink ofthe Dunccon staf). i make sure to renew the caffeine deip every ‘morning and twee in the afternoons, If you're interested in hearing wor storis Jom other Sheckled City campaiges, you thould chock aut the new messageboards et poizacam, where we have an entire discus sion joldec flee with reader tips and talks Jom the Adventure Path, Tricksy Sidebars [ jnst got my copy of Duerow #114 in the mail, amd have just barely begun ip: ping through it, Congrats on successfully reinventing yourselves. Laoks like you've got some great stuff this month, and some great plans ahead. Now that I've llispeased with the dattery is time fora ‘miner complaint. Icould:t help noticing in my initial perusal of “Thirwen Cages that, at the end of the adventure, you zaretti Painstaking research by Erik Viona, sccidentally reproduced the Sealing the Adventure block fiom “Mad God's Key" instead of the "Thisteen Cages" s lips, Any chance well seea correction in 3 fiature issue? ling Saul Fhnnes Kent, OH Drop by our website (| end dowalaad the DUNGEON #714 Online Supplement forprinteble versions of mops handouts, and SIPC images, aswell as the latest erreto (Including thot mied-up Sealing she Advensure sidebar). We'll be doing these web extros for every issue from the relaunch forward, so ¢ trip to the site every month or 20 is defintely work your while. Plus, our new messageboards are 2 great way to communicate with other Duncrow readers ard our intrepid soft Way to Go, Wil! Tam writing to thank you for sunning the excellent essay “Breath of Lio" by Wil Wheaton in Dunceow #114, have been giming forabeut 28 years, and my wife and I have been gaming together for about 10, While we do no! have children ourselves. we play in 2 group that includes a mom, her three hids, and one of her kids’ Friends, The groupalsoinciudes fiends who are closer carol January #118 The World of D&D Poster Map (1 of 4) This time we mean it, Tack your characters’ exploits ‘ram the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth to the stores ‘of the Lake of Unknown Depths on this massive eight panel map by Robert Lazzarett Box of Flumph by Timm Hitencock Ithad to happen, Ofal thecreatures “inthe history of DunceoNs & Bec. ‘os, the lowly fumph has periaps the woist renutation, Can Tim Hiteh- eek and the Dowceon sia revive this loveable loser in away that won't fil Prison Wail with hate mail? Drop by ina month and seelA OSD adven- ture fo Istlevel characters Shadow of the Abyss by Greg A. Vaughan ‘Gn the tral of ikhavs, fost glant cleric of Kostchtchie and pawn ‘of the Malgoth, the PCs venture ‘ou! of Istivin toa mouetain bore der fort irhabited by giants and a nasty blue dragon, Part Two of the (sili: Cay of Shadaws carn: paign arc. A D&D adventure for Tth-level characters. Tyrant of the Trail by Jobr Sirrcoe ‘A the hear of the Vesve Forest lies the warped, twisted region of deadly bogs, acidic gases, and treacher- ous terrain known a9 the Defiled Glades. And fiom the Defiled Glades hops King Bog, @ titanic awak- ‘nod toad with a taste for player characers. A B&O adventure for ‘Vih-tevel characters, 16 DUNGEON nFCeNmER 2004 to my wiles and my ages, Asa resill the ages of our group's members range from about 13 0 50. | think its fair to say that the leaming curve is pretty high all the ‘way round when we play together. [has 4 pleasuac to read apiece that shova how this hobby can provide a window for oth ers to see what we have inside ourselves In Mr. Wheaton's case it was a window to the very best in himself. Thank you Wil, and thanks to the edtors for printing theres Jo! David Wegner Vin Emil Glory Days Are Here Again Kudos on crafting 2 great magazine! I'm quite amazed at the editor ability to ache ally solic listen to, and act on feedback from Duncxox’s fans. Duncron DM has increased exponentially. I very much appreciate the solid offering of three complete adventures, each of different levels. 1 ean definitely use the mié- and high level adventures for my ongoing cam- paign. The low-level adventures provide for one-ofs oF intro usefulness to me as a a great resour ductory games. Also, for pure reading entertainment, I'm more likely to read the low oF mid-level adventures since there's a chance I'd actually use them sooner than later. Dungooncrafi and the Garmpaiyn ‘Workbook are perfect DM supplements to the monthly adventures. And thought tay seem a small thing to many waders, the color-coded heaters and footers dem onstrate the attention to detail the Paizo team has put into the redesigo, Catling where needed and adding a8 appropriate gives me the magazine Dexerons Twent and will use, ie & DinGoxs adventures and awesome support materials! Yox've rally done! The glory days are Thanks! Via Eri Ou Est Les Phanatons? | return fiom my vacation to find the kt est issue of DuNGrON in my pile of mail, [ve been anticipating this issue fora long time, because the origins) X1: The Ile of Dread was one of my favorite adventures, Fall time. To return to its roots with d20 ras muich anticipated byme and my players, Last night, { went through it. It was great, Fd love to have another copy Df the map because I'm afiaid this. one vill get worn ont after a while. I want to see more, More! The only disappomtment vwas thatthe rakasta and phanstons didrit return... as fully expecting them to be init, but th st absence gives room for Fiature support Backdrops are a yreat way t give DMs ance setting t work with without having to start from scratch, On top oft, you sup vorted it with an adventure, How much 12 Oh, right, Rokasta Cant wat for the next issue ‘Chris Dickinson Via Eni better can you We've asked “Exploring the Isle of Dread” author Gary Molian 40. send along @ “Denizens of the Isle of Dread” onde thos details a fev of the [kes inhabitants, includ ing the phanaton (but alas, no rakosta). | sense a consensus building among certain readers thet a “Wonsters of Mystora” article would go overwall, ond Flsve what Ian co to make ithapeen. & “Subecritions Diet change ofasdvere and ether sdbecipron nauiras te Pasa Gustoner Siew a subsciptions@psiz com or ell (25)259.0060. Orr Poco Buslehing. 2790 Richard Road Sta 20, Baleve Backlsstes:Mssedin mporart save! Vie twin Us a Subscipton eon s.son|back sates eal Da Kissues@bpaiz0, marten, or aie ue ae non azo Pg, 7 Reha Rl Ste 0, Beene WA 95905-4200, 2MDRedalds oad, ee sd be ei tugpen den cat red Dine el Pare, maybe edi fo space srl chy. ladon sibission gidaives byvsis BY KEITH BAKER. illustrations by Deve Allsop Cartography by Christopher West YB DUNGEON DeCEMEER 2004 he city of Sham isone ofthe won © ders of Khorvaire. Its lowers seem to touch the sky, vising up more than # mile from the shores ofthe Dagaer stone and steel < of Shar: the area is suflused with mystical energy érawn from the phne of Syrania, which empo forms of fight, Yet with such wondrous jnvenions come wondrous tragedies, for when the magic ofa flying tower fils. i has to land somewhere, Fallen Angel" isa B&D adventure suitable for four characters of 3rtlevel oral nige heron Low-Level (1-8) Jehan & Dun: adventures setin the city of Sharn eRON campaign secting, hut rs on page 28 provide sug- gestions for running the adventare in a different setting or st higher and lower levels of play On Olarune 9th in the 918th of the Kingdom, one of towers fell from the sky. Much of the wreckage the Dagger River, but 2 si ned in 141 pos tion of the citadet struck the district of Godsgate in Lower Dura, ciusing hor rendous devectation. Buildings st lered and hundreds died, an¢ the district was lefl in ruins. A poor area to begin with, Godsgate never recovered frorn the disaster. The city council had no inten: tion of wasting gold on the skim, Some af Godsgate's citizens fled, but many were determined to remain in their snicestral homes or maintain their fara ily businesses. Some could afford to leave, and more than a few were driven to madness. The fall of Lower Dura say that these unfortunates were possessed by the spirits of therestless dead. Known asthe ravers, these urban banbarians lire in the depths of the ruined district, prey- ing on anyone who trespasses into their territory. Within a year, Gedsgate was 110 more. The district beesme known as Fallen, and ever since it has been shunned by the citizens of share, Even now, eighty years after the fall of the Glass Tower ard the foundation of Fallen, the disaster remains one of the unsolved mysteries of Sharn, While it ‘occured in theearly years of the Last Wea no foreign power erer chimed responsi bility or the destruction, There are mary other floating spires, inchiding the entire district of Skyway, but the weapon or spell used: to destroy the tower was never employed again. Most af the common fol blame the wizards of Aundait, bu dedi cated scholars and sages remain uncon. vinced, ad for years they have continued to study the tower's fal ‘He true answer to the fll ofthe Glass Tower has no beating on mortal wars: it comes from Syrania itself, the plane ‘whose energy emporers the ety of Shan Syrania isthe home of the angels, nobie spirits of pure light. But even the pur cst sprit cam be corrupted, A fewr angels jum aay from she contemplation of the treater lightandinstead seek the worship of mortal beings. ‘These spirits are ban- ished from Syrania and forever stiipped of the power of Jight, bound to walk the earth they once soated above, Known as radiant idols, these fallen angels eaé cults of deluded followers and seek: o gain the powvee on Eberron that they were denied nthe heavens. Yer there ste places on Eberron where even angels should fear to tread. In the early days of the Last War, the radiant idol Ssthroel was caught in-a feud with the sinister Lords of Dust. and the fallen angel was turned to stone. His followers carried his pet: fied body to the Glass Tower, there to meet with a wizard who could break the enchantment, But they underesti- mated the power of Sythraels curse the force that prevented tne angel from DECENIBER 2008 OUNGEON 2 flying again. When the petrified idol vas bronght ta the Glass Tower, the curse unraveled the enchantments holding the structure inthe air. Before the wizard completed his work, the jouer fell, segments splitting to impact on bath Godsgate and the shores ofthe Dagger. ‘The statue iself shattereg, and ‘he Gaymonts were seated across the radius of the desteuction. ‘nt should have beea the end of it But aver the lst century, the spirits of the fillen cultists heve found a vessel in a tribe of urban barbarians. Following these subile spiritual influences, the ra ors are reassembling the broken statue lenowingly preparing the pewified angels release Adventure Synopsis Jn “Fallen Angel,” a mysterious aristo cat hires the PCs to recover Sytbracls broken statue fram the desolate dise trict of Fallen, Afier discosering the location of the statue, they must ver: ture into the ruins of the Glass Towex and battle raver barbarians and the other ereatures that make their homes in the wreckage, CGapter,One: Eho}t in the City of Tomors Over the pas! eighty years, a ibe of ray. ers known as the Stone Keepers have been slowly collecting the fragments of Sythnae’s state, Despite their efforts, a few pieces were taken away ascurias and and the Stone Keepers started venturing out of Fallen in search af these final fragment, One of these veginents ig ovine by woman named Kselys Tela, A party of Stone Keepers recently broke into he: manor, Guided by spiritual visions given to them by theirleader, the ravers had litle trouble finding and stealing the fragment. ‘la walizes that someore may be reas. sembiing Sythrael—and if'so, she wants the stame herself ct details on who Kaelys is and what her exact statistics are have been Jeft intentionally vague, Use her as 4 blank slate; adapt and personalize her fo your campaign and mesh her seam: Jessly with whatever organizations and contacts the PGs have worked for or with 20 DUNcEON DECEMBER 2004 in previous adventures, Two pos- sibilities are outlined below + Kadlys(N female elfarisiocrat3) sorcerer 1) isa wealthy wormn and member of the Gold Concord of the Aurum. She thas connections to the families of Sharn, Morgrave University, and the elf or halkelt dragon- ‘mark houses, not to mention the Aurum {a shidowy alliance of the wealthiest citizens on the continent) itsell. A member of any one of these organizations could ask the party to see Kadlys a8 a favor, or she could approach the pasty independently based on their reputation. + Kaelys (UN female young adult silver dragon) is an observer from the Chamber (a secret order of dragons who want to take a more active role in the world}. From her studies of the proghecy, she believes that Sythrael must be reassembled—and that the party must be the agents of his resto ration, In this case, shewill seek them out, alluding to their favorable repute ton. An alert charzeter may notice that she seeris to know a great deal about the party. 1. Meeting Kaelys Tela ‘he building youseckis a towerof polshed black densewood. Paterns ofivyhavebeen ‘carved into the yood and inlaid with silver, A massive bugbear guards the gats; his deep ted fur is oiled and brushed, and he wears a beautiful breastplate covered with black enamel, His armoris marked with the same coat of arms that hangs above the coor—a stylized silver dragon surrounded by an ivy wreath “Welcome to Silvervne,” he grows, his voice deep and resenant. “You are expected, The bugbear’s. name Is Kurthan [N male bugbear fighter 3}, He wears 9 masterwork breastplate and carries a masterwork heavy flail. As Tong as the party doesn't give him any trouble, he leads them through tie posh mansion, Eventually the PCs arcive at a large sit ting 100m where a regal elf waits for Kade Tala them, Her glamerweave gown scems te be woven from dark silver smoke and her loog platinum blonde his is bound with ornaments of silver and jet. She stands in the center of the room next to a large object hidden under black cleth on the floor Tis is Kaelys, and the object under the sheet ie vital clue. Kaclys explains that she is scholar of antiquity and a collector of curi- tition from pact ages. Lact might, a group of people broke into her home and stole an object from her collection, ‘The item in question vas. curiosity of ‘uivial values a piece of a white marble siatue—specifically, a delicate hand recovered from the district of Fallen alter the collapse of the Glass Tower: Ihe thieves ignored dozens o! items of considerable value, moved directly ta the hand, and Jeft as soon as they had acquired it. But they did leave some. thing behind. Al this point, Kaelys pulls the cloth fiom the object on the oor, revealing the corpse of a young human man, The rman is dressed in regs, and bis skin is covered wrth dirt, scabs, and abstract tattoos, One of the thieves, he was Killed by one of the magic traps Keel recently installed in her house, She's already brought in a cleric to question the corpse, during whieh she learned the following: + The thieves are reassembling a statue,

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