True Winter: Winter Weather and Cold Climate Rules For D&D 5E

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True Winter

Winter Weather and Cold climate Rules for D&D 5E.

By Michael Owen & SwiftKite Design

D% Weather type Effects

01-70 Normal Cold, Calm
71-80 Abnormal Weather Heatwave (1-33) or Cold snap (34-66) or
Windstorms (67-100)
81-90 Inclement Weather Precipitation (snowing)
91-99 Storm Snowstorm
100 Powerful Storms Blizzard

No game effect if party is prepared

Abnormal weather:
-If cold snap or windy: Con check to avoid exhaustion if traveling at full speed. No check if moving at half
speed. (DC 13)
-If heat wave: Increased wandering monster activity (20% probability of random encounter).

-Snow: Con check to avoid exhaustion if traveling at full speed. No check if moving at half speed.
Disadvantage on all perception checks. (DC13) Visibility at 120 feet.

Half speed travel, Con check if moving at half speed. Disadvantage on all perception checks. (DC13)
Visibility at 60 feet.

Half speed requires con check at disadvantage. (DC13) No full speed movement. Con save every two
hours of exposure take 1d4 HP damage on a failed save.(DC13) Visibility at 30 feet.

To see these rules in use check out Play To Find Out: Fair Wanderings on Lilypadnebula’s YouTube
channel or tune in to her Twitch at 8 PM EST to watch the action live.

For more information on the designer of these rules follow MtoAllPro on twitter and Mto2424 on Twitch
for game design streams.

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