5e Variant Rules

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Written by “Jester” David Gibson

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5 Minute Workday Presents: Variant Rules ©2016, David Gibson and 5 Minute Workday Publishing, and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Alternate Skills Armour Variants
The following optional skills can be added, permitting The following variants modify how armour works in
characters to focus on different talents in campaigns that the game.
emphasise different skill sets. For example, a campaign
primarily set on a sailing ship or in the mountains might Damage Conversion
want to differentiate climbing and swimming, while a
campaign dealing with the intrigues of a noble court might This variant is useful for campaigns with lower magic,
require knowledge of noble families and the local legal especially healing magic, and allows warriors to recover
system. quickly between fights while also reducing the potential
Climb. You make a Strength (Climb) check to scale a lethality of fights: character are just as easily defeated and
sheer or slippery surface, maintain your grip after suffering knocked down, but less likely to be slain outright. This
damage, catch a falling ally, hang from just your fingers, or rules greatly increases the complexity of tracking heath by
move along an overhanging ledge. doubling the pools of hit points.
Law. Your Intelligence (Law) check measures your In addition to armour protecting its wearer from
ability to recall local and nearby laws and legal customs, as attacks by deflecting attacks, armour reduces the force of
well as some law enforcement procedures. You are aware blows so deadly wounds become mere bruises.
of the basics of regional trials and expected behaviour in Any time an armoured creature is hit by an attack and
court. You may also be able to remember the names and takes damage, they reduce - or soak - the damage taken
reputations of local barristers or judges. from each attack based on their armour, as shown on the
Nobility. An Intelligence (Nobility) check recalls local Armour Soak table. Only effects that require an attack roll
gossip and the affairs of court. With a successful check you have their damage reduced, and damage taken from a
can recite genealogies and complex lineages, are aware of failed saving throw or other sources is unaffected.
current fashions and trends, and know the subtle Damage soaked by the armour is nonlethal damage,
intricacies of noble behaviour. such as bruising or fatigue, and is tracked separately from
Forbidden Lore. You make an Intelligence (Forbidden hit point loss. Whenever a character regains hit points,
Lore) check to recall That Which Should Not Be Known they reduce their soak by an equal amount. When a
while also maintaining a grip on your sanity. You can character's soaked damage is equal to or greater than their
recite the contents of forbidden tomes or secrets that current hit points they fall unconscious.
might defy logic, or begin to comprehend the horrible Armour Soak
beings who lurk at the edges of reality. Armour Damage Soaked
Swim. A Strength (swim) check measures your ability Light Armour
to swim quickly or cover long distances, tread water, move Padded 1
quickly underwater, or fight against currents and Leather 1
Warfare. Your Intelligence (Warfare) check measures Studded leather 2
your ability to recall tactics, military history, troop Medium Armour
movements, officer rankings, weaponry, uniforms, and Hide 2
military etiquette. Chain shirt 3
Scale mail 4
Breastplate 4
Half plate 5
Heavy Armour
Ring mail 4
Chain mail 6
Splint 7
Plate 8

Resistances and Vulnerabilities. Damage taken is
Damage Mitigation reduced by the amour before being modified by any
Using the default rules of the game, missing a target in resistance or vulnerabilities are applied.
heavy armour might actually mean the blow connecting Monsters. Monsters that wear armour use the same
but deflecting harmlessly off the armour or not striking rules as adventurers. For simplicity, a creature with a
with enough force to penetrate the armour or cause harm. natural armour class is generally unaffected. If you wish to
This option adds an additional layer of complexity to convert a monster, a quick conversion is to half the
combat while reducing the abstraction of attacking Armour Class bonus they receive from their natural
armoured creatures. Armour confers a reduced bonus to armour and reduce damage by 1+ half their natural
Armour Class, but confers a reduction of damage allowing armour bonus.
a heavily armoured character to ignore lesser blows.
Characters using this rule will be hit more often, but Combat Fatigue
take less damage. Creatures that make many weak attacks
This option is designed to make combat and
will be less effective, as are creatures that rely on their high
adventuring more dangerous without adjusting hit points
attack numbers. Conversely, brutish creatures that have a
or healing. It gives the impression that regular combat is
high damage attack offset by a reduced chance of hitting
tiring while encouraging characters to rest between battles,
will be more dangerous.
and also makes prolonged battles deadlier, especially
Any time an armoured creature is hit by an attack and
against powerful foes.
takes damage, they reduce the damage taken an amount
Characters have a damage threshold that is equal to their
based on their armour, as shown on the Armour Damage
Constitution score + their level. (Use Constitution score +
Reduction table. Only effects that require an attack roll
CR for NPCs and monsters.) When a character takes
have their damage reduced, and damage taken from a
damage from a single attack that is greater than their
failed saving throw or other sources is unaffected.
damage threshold they gain 1 level of exhaustion.
As an action, a character can pause to catch their
Armour Damage Reduction breath, reducing their exhaustion by a number of levels
Armour Armour Class Damage equal to half their proficiency bonus, provided they have
Reduction exhaustion gained from this option. Once a character
Light Armour catches their breath, they cannot do so again until the
Padded 11 + Dex modifier 0 complete a short or long rest.
Leather 11 + Dex modifier 2 At the end of each short rest, a character removes any
exhaustion gained as a result of this option. Exhaustion
Studded leather 11 + Dex modifier 2 gained from other sources is unaffected.
Medium Armour Lingering Fatigue. A variation for those wanting
Hide 11 + Dex modifier 2
combat fatigue to last longer, instead of a short rest
(max 2)
removing all exhaustion, it gives characters the opportunity
Chain shirt 11 + Dex modifier 3
(max 2) to reduce their exhaustion. At the end of a short rest, a
Scale mail 12 + Dex modifier 3 character reduces their exhaustion by a number of levels
(max 2) equal to the number of Hit Dice they spent during that
Breastplate 12 + Dex modifier 3 rest.

Complex Ability
(max 2)
Half plate 12 + Dex modifier 4
(max 2)

Heavy Armour
Ring mail 12 3
Chain mail 13 4
Splint 13 5 This variant allows ability checks to require more that a
Plate 14 5 single success to achieve a task. It represents more
complicated tasks that take place over a longer period or
Magic Armour. Magical bonuses increase a character's involve a variety of different skills. Examples include
Armour Class and have no effect on their damage climbing up a tall mountain, completing a magical ritual,
reduction. navigating a dense jungle, or researching an obscure topic.

In a complex ability check, characters must achieve a Complex checks can use one ability score or skill or
set number of successful ability checks to complete the several different ones. Including multiple ability scores and
task. The complexity of the task is determined by the DC skills allows more characters to potentially become
of the check and the number of successful rolls required to involved in a check, but does not always make sense.
complete the task. Complex checks can be further defined Players should be encouraged to propose alternate skills,
by a time limit, a maximum number of unsuccessful but you have to decided on the plausibility. Skills that
checks, or an increasing penalty for failure. could theoretically be used but make less sense might have
a higher DC or some other limit. Not every skill needs to
Designing a Complex Check be useful in a complex check, and some might even be
Begin by determine the difficulty of the check and detrimental, counting as one failure if not ending the
roughly how many successes are necessary to succeed. check altogether. Trying to use Intimidation on a king
Decide if it is simple and requires only three successful seldom ends well, and will earn the party some contempt
checks, moderate and requires five successes, or very at best and require some apologizes, if someone doesn’t get
complicated and requires seven successes. It's important to clapped in irons and thrown in a dungeon.
consider the characters when designing a complex check, Once you have finished designing the complex check
and pick ability scores or skills they are adept at, so there is itself, consider the penalty for failure. Sometimes, failure
an appropriate chance for success. should be absolute; by not succeeding on the challenge the
Once you have determined the number of successes, character has not accomplished their goal. In other
decide if there is any failure point. This is typically a time situations, success might be guaranteed because of story
limit, a set number of failures, or an increase in difficulty. requirements, and thus the character instead succeeds at a
As a default, three failures should end a complex check. cost.
For example, a complex ability check might require 5 For example, if attempting to climb a towering
successful DC 12 ability checks to complete the task. This mountain, failure might denote being unable to make the
might need to be achieved before 3 failures are rolled, in ascent and thus the character must travel the long way
less than 8 rounds, or with each failure increasing the DC around the mountains (or take the more dangerous route
by 2. The Sample Odds of Success table gives some rough through mines underneath the mountains). Alternatively,
chances of succeeding on such a complex ability check, if the goal of the adventure is at the top of the mountain,
assuming either a good ability score or proficiency in the then the characters must succeed or the story ends. In this
skill. case failure means the characters still succeed at climbing
to the top but reaches the peak exhausted.
Sample Odds of Success Alternate Uses. In place of granting a success, an
DC Number of Number of Failures or Chance of ability check might have an alternate effect. A check might
Successes Rounds success be used to cancel failures or add more time. Or a check
10 5 3 failures or <8 rounds ≅ 75% might grant advantage or reduce the DC for the next
12 5 3 failures or <8 rounds ≅ 50% character. Alternate uses works well for secondary skills or
15 5 3 failures or <8 rounds ≅ 22% ability scores.
Limited Uses. An ability score or skill might only
There is not always a set failure point, and the variable usable once or twice in a single check, after which further
is instead how long it takes to complete the complex successes fail to contribute to the complex check.
check. Characters can keep trying until they succeed or Multiple Stages. The nature of a complex check might
abandon the effort. But it is a good idea to try and work in change part way through, as the situation evolves and
a failure, to keep the game moving and prevent the players progress is made. Alternatively, a single large complex
becoming fixated on a failed tactic. check can be composed of multiple smaller complex
Characters attempting to research the true name of a checks, with completion of each of the smaller complex
lich can theoretically keep looking forever, provided they checks contributing a success to the larger check.
have enough time to search and gold to pay their room
and board. However, you can rule that each failure
increases the DC, as the odds of finding the information
become lower. Or three failures might just mean the
information is not present. In contrast, characters
attempting to cross a desert wasteland fail when they run
out of food and water, not after a specific number of rolls.

number is required, the character is assumed to have
Defence Bonus rolled a 20 (for purposes of attack rolls, this automatic
success is not a critical hit). This ability is lost when the
For campaigns focused where heavy armour is character fulfils their destiny.
inappropriate, this variant rule allows characters innately Fate is a fickle thing however, especially when it
to increase their armour class through skill. This option is intersects with a game system where the dice can work
useful in campaigns such as a swashbuckling piratical against destiny. There should always be some wiggle room
adventure where heavy armour seems ill suited; a primitive to reinterpret a prophecy. To quote J. Michael Straczynski
world of stone and bone where civilization has not "Prophecy is a guess that comes true. When it doesn't, it's a
advanced to metal armour; or a desert campaign of lightly metaphor."
robed dervishes.
This option can also pair well with Armour as Damage
Mitigation or Armour as Damage Conversion options,
Dice Pool Checks
allowing players to choose between a higher Armour Class This variant rule replaces the d20 used in most checks
or the ability to withstand hits. with 3d6. In addition to changing possible rolls from 1-to-
All characters gain the following ability: 20 with 3-to-18, this dramatically changes of the odds,
shifting from an even 5% chances of any number to a bell
Unarmoured Defence curve favouring results between 9 to 11. Characters using
While you are not wearing armour you gain a bonus to this variant will roll an average result more often but
your armour class based on your proficiencies. You can use higher rolls will happen far less frequently.
a shield and still benefit from this feature. In this system, higher AC is far more advantageous, as
If you are proficient in heavy armour, you can add one- a high number is less likely to be rolled. Because of this
and-a-half times your proficiency bonus to your Armour and the fact the highest possible number is 18, you might
Class. wish to reduce character's base Armour Class to 8 +
If you are proficient in medium armour but not heavy Dexterity modifier and similarly reduce the AC granted by
armour, you can add your proficiency bonus to your armours by 1 or 2.
Armour Class. Advantage and Disadvantage. Instead of rolling the
If you are proficient in light armour but not medium dice a second time for advantage and disadvantage the
armour, you can add half your proficiency bonus to your character changes the number of dice. When a character
Armour Class. has advantage, they roll 4d6 and don't count the lowest

Destiny die. This increases the odds of success but retains the
minimum and maximum result. Conversely, when a
Fate and prophecy can play an important role, with character has disadvantage, they roll 4d6 and drop the
characters or even entire parties destined to complete some highest die.
task. This variant rule is similar to the hero points optional Alternatively, instead of dropping the lowest die when
rule found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. you have advantage, you can total the result of the entire
Characters using this option have significantly dice pool, while disadvantage reduces the dice pool by 1d6
increased survivability and potential effectiveness, allowing to a total of 2d6. Despite adding an extra dice, the average
them to have the opportunity to complete their destiny. If result is only slightly higher than dropping the lowest roll,
only one character in a campaign has a destiny they have but this option changes the minimum and maximum
the potential to out-shine other characters, so this should result.
be done cautiously. A destiny should be larger than a In both instances, you typically retain the rule that a
desired character arc or personal goal, and the destined character can benefit from single instance of advantage at a
action should have story or world ramifications; a destined time. Alternatively, you could allow advantage to stack,
character is not merely seeking revenge, but prophesied to adding or removing multiple dice.
meant to kill a despised figure. You should work with your Natural 20s and 1s. For rolls that require a natural 20
players in planning their destiny and making it work with or 1 (such as an automatic misses or critical hits) this rule
the campaign. requires additional changes to maintain the odds. When
Characters with a destiny have advantage on all death using this variant, any roll of 16 or higher where the lowest
saving throws. Additionally, once per game session, a number on any die is a 5 is considered a "20", and any roll
destined character can choose to succeed at one task, of 5 or lower where the highest number on any die is a 2 is
typically an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. If a considered a "1".

Options that increase the odds of a critical hit to 19-20 the deck. Cards offer an additional possibility, with
(such as the Champion fighter) become a roll of 15 with different planned events for each card.
the lowest number on any die being a 4, and options that
increase critical hits to an 18-20 become a roll of 14 with
the lowest number on any die being a 4.
Escalation Milestones
This rule is designed to encourage and reward
Dread Pool characters for continuity to adventure rather than stopping
to rest overnight.
This optional rules adds random tension to non- After every two encounters, the party reaches an
combat situations through growing pool of dice. It is well escalation milestone and gains an escalation die, which is a
suited to horror campaigns, but also works well for d6. During a battle, a player can spend the escalation die,
adventures when extra tension is desired, such as exploring rolling the dice and adding the result to an attack roll,
a hazardous location or a formal ball with dangerous saving throw, or ability check. Once used, the escalation
nobles. die cannot be used again until the party rolls initiative.
Place one or more d20s on the game table or other Each additional time the party gains a milestone, the size
location accessible by the players. This pool of dice is of the escalation die increases. On the second milestone it
known as the dread pool. Over the course of the adventure, becomes a d8, and after three milestones it becomes a d10,
gradually add more d20s to the pool, typically one die for and so on.
every 30 minutes of play or after noteworthy dramatic When the party takes a long rest the escalation die
moments. You can also add dice to the pool after a resets and the party must reach a milestone to use it again.
character uses their inspiration or scores a critical hit.
When a character attempts an action with no chance of
failure they roll the dice in the dread pool. If a 1 is rolled
on any of the dice they have caused an event: they An alternative to the faction renown system in the
encounter a complication or something dramatic occurs. Dungeon Master's Guide, tracking how well-known the party
After the dread pool has trigger an event, reduce the is among the inhabitants of a region. It measures how
number of dice in the pool by half to allow the tension likely commoners are to be aware of the character, and the
time slowly to rise. chances of a local lord having heard of the party's
The triggered event might be a random encounter, a accomplishments.
trap, an environmental effect, or even a planned event. A Characters have a Fame score, which can be used to
character investigating a large chest in a crypt might make checks like other ability score. Fame represents how
unleash a horde of clawing rats, a cloud of toxic putrid gas, likely a character is to be recognised by their name,
sound an alarm, or find a shocking item inside. A group of appearance, or deeds. A character with a high Fame is well-
adventurers exploring a haunted castle might be ambushed known and stories of them are told far and wide. A
by the vampire lord who calls it home or stumble across character with a low Fame is unknown or their actions
the remains of an acquaintance. While attending a dinner anonymous. Fame is neither positive or negative, and a
party disguised as nobles, the party might encounter a villain famous for their foul and despicable acts might have
hated rival (or close friend) and risk exposure. just as high Fame as a noble warrior renowned for their
Part of the impact of the dread pool is its continual charity and selfless heroism.
presence, the growing number of dice being a visual At 1st level, a character's Fame score is 1. Unlike
reminder of the increasing odds of disaster. However, the regular ability scores, it is not rolled or purchased through
dice in the dread pool can be replaced by another physical points. A character's Fame score can't be raised with
elements, such as a deck of cards or bag full of coloured normal ability score increases, but each time a character
beads or poker chips, with 1-in-20 being a different colour gains an ability score increase their Fame also increases by
and denoting the event. (Tarot cards or a tarokka deck 2 as word of their skill spreads. As with other ability scores,
would be especially appropriate.) There are a couple a character's Fame can't typically exceed 20 or fall below 1.
advantages to this variant. This method allows the DM to Other increases or reduction to Fame are awarded
change the odds, by increasing or decreasing the number based on a character's actions. At the end of a quest or
of triggers. When players draw from the deck or bag, they adventure, if you think a character's actions were
can also keep the item drawn, increasing the odds until an noteworthy or would be retold, you can increase the
event is a certainty. Especially if you keep adding cards to character's Fame. Typically, only events that are witnessed
or where the effects are apparent increase Fame. Defeating
a warren of kobold bandits might increase Fame more

than killing a reclusive demilich, as the former has an individually by members of the party, for both good and
effect on commoners. However, adventures returning to a ill.
town with treasure and telling the story of the demilich's
horrific tomb will allow the character's Fame to increase.
Typically, a quest or task needs to be an appropriate
Glancing Blow
challenge to increase a character's fame; the high level It has been said that heroes don't miss, their hits just
character that kills the kobold bandits is not the stuff of aren't always completely effective. This option is for games
legends. where accuracy and regular damage are desired, such as
Fame Checks. Fame checks can be used in social campaigns with a more heroic (or superheroic) tone.
situations. A check might be used in place of Charisma Glancing blows are also useful in campaigns or adventures
during negotiations or attempts to frighten a commoner. where the party confronts large numbers of lower level
Alternatively, a Fame check can replace a creature's opponents, granting more opportunity for the PCs to
Intelligence check to recall information on the character. injure their numerous opponents (and potentially
You might also call for an Fame check when a character is increasing the opponent's chances of inflicting minor
involved in one of the following situations: damage).
 Gaining admittance into a private club When you attack but fail to penetrate your opponent's
 Bargaining with a patron for higher wages defences, your attack still inflicts minor damage as you
 In order to gain a discount at a store soundly strike armour or thick hide. When you target a
 Convincing guards to look the other way creature with a melee or ranged weapon attack and your
 Getting free room and board at an inn attack roll misses by 4 or less, you have landed a glancing
Fame Saving Throws. You can call for a Fame saving blow and deal bludgeoning damage equal to the ability
throw whenever the character's reputation would be score modifier used to make the attack. A glancing blow
detrimental, such as when the character would rather not does not count as a hit for any spells or abilities that can
be recognised or have certain past deeds recalled. You be used on a hit. A cantrip can also land a glancing blow if
might ask for a Fame saving throw in situations such as: you would add your spellcasting ability score modifier to
 Trying to avoid undue attention its damage roll.
 Store owners hearing rumours of the character's If your attack misses by 5 or more you completely fail
vast wealth to hit the target. Similarly, if your attack misses because the
 Word of past crimes reaching guards target is behind cover or a similar reasons then you do not
 Poor beggars hearing tales of the character's land a glancing blow.

A quest giver knowing of prior failures
A villain being aware of the character's skills and Literacy
capabilities Being able to read might be uncommon in some
Losing Fame. Reputations needs to be maintained, campaign settings. Commoners might only know a few
and characters that do not remain in the public eye risk words related to their profession or perhaps their numbers
losing fame. For each month the character does nothing to but little else. In this option, characters do not
gain Fame, they must succeed on a Fame saving throw or automatically know how to read spoken languages, and
reduce their Fame score by 1. Fame gained from ability their level of literacy is determined by their background, as
score increases cannot be lost. (However, the mysterious shown on the Literacy by Background table.
can be alluring; characters that are visible but deliberately Characters with a backgrounds listed as "Maybe" can
eschewing the spotlight might retain Fame, such as the choose to be literate or not. Illiterate characters can choose
reclusive wizard living at the outskirts of town.) to either learn an additional tool proficiency (chosen from
Aliases. If a character successfully used a disguise kit or artisan's tools, gaming set, musical instruments, or
magic to mask their identity, then deeds accomplishes vehicles) or be able to speak an additional language.
while disguised don't affect their reputation score. A
character can choose to adopt an alias (or nom de plume)
allowing them to track reputation separately for each
Group Fame. In place of each character tracking their
own fame, members of an adventuring party might share
fame. The group is collectively known for acts committed

Literacy by Background actions, significantly reducing the number of spells a
Background Literate character can use in a single combat.
Acolyte Yes
Charlatan Maybe Prepared Cantrip
Criminal No (Spy variant, Yes) This option reduces the usage of cantrips during
Entertainer Maybe (Gladiator variant, No) combat, so spellcasters cannot rely on having combat
Folk Hero No magic at all times. This dramatically affects characters
Guild Artisan No (Merchant variant, Yes)
expecting to use cantrips to inflict damage, such as many
Hermit Maybe
sorcerers and warlocks.
Noble Yes
Outlander No
Cantrips can be cast an unlimited time each day but
Sage Yes have a casting time of at least 1-minute. However, a
Sailor No spellcaster can ready a number of cantrips, partially casting
Soldier No them in advance of time and swiftly completing the
Urchin No cantrip's incantation as an action. Readying a casting is a
slow process, taking twice as long to cast. A spellcaster can
Provided they have a tutor, a character can be taught to prepare a number of castings equal to their proficiency
read a language in 125 days. This costs 1 gp per day. At modifier.
your discretion, some basic comprehension can be gained
in half that time. Taxing Spellcasting
Low Magic Campaigns Spellcasting takes a physical toll on the caster with this
option, and repeatedly using magic leaves a spellcaster
The following options provide options for adjusting weary. This optional rule encourages spellcasters to use
the level and power of magic and spellcasting characters magic less often, spreading out spellcasting over the course
have access to in a campaign. You can decide if these of the day and favouring lower level spells.
options affect all spellcasting creatures or just those When a spellcaster casts a spell using a spell slot of the
without innate spellcasting. highest level they can cast they must succeed on a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion.
Longer Casting This exhaustion remains until the spellcaster completes a
short rest.
This variant rule slightly increase the time it takes to Exhausting Limitation. Optionally, when a spellcaster
cast spells with a casting time of 1 action, making it more has at least 1 level of exhaustion, they must succeed on a
difficult to cast spells in combat. This reduces the power of DC 10 Constitution check to cast a spell with a casting
spellcasting classes in combat, but does not reduce the time of 1 action. If this check fails, the spellcaster can still
number of spells a creature can cast in a day. choose to cast a cantrip that round.
Casting a spell takes a full round to cast as the
spellcaster slowly completes the magical rites. On their
turn, a spellcaster picks a specific spell or cantrip to begin
Magic Item Crafting
casting. If that spell has a casting time of 1 action, as an These rules augment the rules for crafting magic items
action the spellcaster begins casting that spell, and at the through downtime days, as found in the Dungeon Master's
start of their next turn, they decide to either expend a spell Guide.
slot to finish casting the spell or abandon the casting and
retain their spell slot. Finishing to cast a spell doesn't take Disenchantment
an action, and the spellcaster can immediately begin Skilled crafters can draw out the mystical energy of
casting another spell. If a spellcaster takes damage during existing magic items and use it to create new items.
the casting of a spell, they must succeed on a DC 10 Stripping the magic from an item often leaves the
Constitution saving throw as if maintaining concentration existing item weakened, with metals tarnishing or rusting,
on a spell or their attempt at casting fails. and other material rapidly aging. The process of
Twin Actions. A variation on the longer casting rule is disenchantment destroys most magic items, leaving only a
that beginning to cast and expending the spell slot both substance known as residuum. Residuum is a fine crystalline
require an action. This means casting a spell takes two dust, silvery blue in colour but shimming with a rainbow

hue in the light. The dust is highly magical, effectively The Hit Dice need not come from the crafter or even a
being concentrated magic essence. single creature. Certain rituals can augment the power of
Disenchanting is a rapid process compared to expended Hit Dice, especially if the donor is an intelligent
enchanting, taking only a single downtime day for items of creature that is killed in the process, potentially even
common and uncommon rarity, and five days for rare and reducing the gold piece cost for creating an item.
very rare items. The magic of legendary items makes them
resistant to disenchantment. Salvaged Parts
Residuum fetches a high price and even a small vial Magical creatures can be harvested for their parts,
can sell for hundreds of gold pieces. The dust is used to many of which contain innate magical powers and can be
craft magical items, replacing and amount of other magical used in the creation of alchemical and magical items.
components and materials equal to the gold piece value of Salvaging parts off a creature is a time consuming
the residuum. The value of the residuum depends on the process, and typically requires proficiency in either the
rarity of the item disenchanted, as shown on the Value of Medicine or Survival skill or in an appropriate set of tools.
Residuum table. Consumable magic items produce half as The difficulty of the check to harvest ingredients is
much residuum. dependent on the creature and type of parts being
Value of Residuum salvaged, and is determined by the Dungeon Master.
Item Rarity Residuum Created Spending a short rest harvesting parts from a creature
Common 75 gp provide enough ingredients to grant a discount on the
Uncommon 375 gp creation of a single magic item of a desire rarity, as shown
Rare 3,750 gp on the Amount of Salvage table. The exact value of the
Very rare 37,500 gp harvested components is decided by the Dungeon Master.
Legendary 375,000 gp Dragons, fey, and monstrosities contain parts of the
highest value. Undead, celestials, elementals, and fiends
Residuum fetches a high price and even a small vial provide salvage with half the value. Salvaged parts can
can sell for hundreds of gold pieces. The dust is used to generally be sold for half their discount, assuming a buyer
craft magical items, replacing other magical components can be found. Creatures must also be of a minimum
and materials Challenge Rating for their parts to be used in the crafting
of a magic items of a particular rarity.
Life Energy Amount of Savage
Crafters can sacrifice a portion of their strength or that Item Rarity Minimum Challenge Maximum Discount
of another living creature to accelerate the crafting process Common 4 25 gp
or allow a non-spellcaster to create a magical item. Uncommon 4 125 gp
While spending a downtime day crafting, the crafter Rare 7 1,250 gp
can spend a number of Hit Dice to either double the gold Very rare 12 12,500 gp
piece increment for that day of work or count as a Legendary 18 125,000 gp
spellcaster for that day. The cost of any components
remains unchanged and must still be paid, but the item
can be crafted faster. The minimum number of Hit Dice
required is determined by the rarity of the item, as shown
Master's Inspiration
on the Hit Dice Cost table. Spending twice the minimum This option allows the Dungeon Master to gain
number of Hit Dice triples the gold piece increment, but a inspiration, allowing the odds to turn in their favour or
creature doing so gains 1 level of exhaustion. misfortune to strike the Player Characters.
When a player spends their inspiration to gain
Hit Dice Cost advantage on a roll, you gain inspiration. Like players, you
Item Rarity Hit Dice Required can only have a single instance of inspiration at a time. On
Common 1 the turn of a creature you control, you can expend your
Uncommon 2 inspiration to grant that creature advantage on an attack
Rare 4 roll, saving throw, or ability check.
Very rare 7 Additionally, on a player's turn, you can expend your
Legendary 11
inspiration to give the Player Character disadvantage on an
attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. You can't use

your inspiration to impose disadvantage on a roll where antipaladin to slaughter hundreds of innocents. Thanatos,
the player is spending inspiration to gain advantage. the layer of the Abyss also known as the Belly of Death, and
Once you use your inspiration, you can't do so again home to the demon lord Orcus, Prince of Undeath. A
during the same encounter. plain golden band that reveals its true nature when placed
in fire. All are examples of taint.
Personal Goals In many ways taint is a disease, only one that affects
both body and soul and is not easily cured.
In addition to quests awarded to the party by the After 8 hours of exposure to a tainted place or object, a
Dungeon Master, this rule allows players to have some character must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or
agency for their character's quests and goals. gain 1 level of taint. This saving throw is repeated every 24
Players can choose to give their characters self- hours.
motivated quests, known as goals. Goals are tasks a The DC is determined by the power and intensity of
character wants to accomplish, a place they want to visit, the taint. Mildly tainted areas might have a DC as low as 8,
an item, they wish to acquire, or an individual they want while particularly tainted and befouled areas and objects
to kill. Goals are side-quests the player decides upon, might have a DC as high as 15.
missions they assign to their character. Ideally, you should
work with your players when they decide on a goal.
As a general rule, goals should be secondary to the
Effects of Taint
story, personal side-quests unrelated to the main adventure When a creature has at least 1 level of taint, they
or related quests. A goal to slay the villain or an adventure become mildly tainted and begin to manifest symptoms,
or even her bodyguard makes a poor goal as the character represented by a flaw. When a creature reaches 5 levels of
will likely be in a position to achieve that goal without taint they become moderately tainted, and their flaw
extra work. However, trying to take the bodyguard alive to intensifies, becoming more visible and pronounced.
stand trial in another city or redeem them would be a Moderately tainted creature also have disadvantage on
more interesting goal. Charisma checks. When a creature possesses at least 10
Short-Term Goal. Immediate plans that can be levels of taint they are severely tainted. Creature that are
accomplices in a couple sessions or levels are good short- severely tainted also have disadvantage on both
term goals. They shouldn't involve much travelling, and Constitution and Wisdom saving throws. When a creature
the character should have a good idea of how to has at least 15 levels of taint they must succeed on a DC
accomplish the task. When a character completes a short- 15 Constitution saving throw at the end of each long rest
term goal they gain inspiration. or die, succumbing to their corruption.
Long-Term Goal. Long-term goals take an indefinite
amount of time, and how to accomplish the task may not Mild Flaws
1d12 Flaw
be readily immediately. They should take several sessions
to complete, with a character finishing only one or two 1 My skin is leather and cracked.
long-term goals over the course of a campaign. When a
2 I suffer uncomfortable pain in my joints.
character accomplishes a long-term, they gain inspiration,
3 My hair is stark white.
as well as additional second instance of inspiration.
4 I'm occasionally filled with paranoid worries.
Additionally, if the character uses their inspiration to gain 5 I become disorientated at random times.
advantage, they can use this second inspiration to reroll 6 It's harder for me to control my temper.
one of their d20s and take the preferred result. Once this 7 Sometimes I see or hear things that aren't real.
bonus inspiration is used, it cannot be regained. 8 I suffer from a phlegmy, wracking cough.

9 My eyelid are large and swollen, obscuring my
10 I have pallid sunken eyes and cracked lips.
Certain places and items are so befouled by dark forces 11 My complexion is pale and greyish, like a dead thing.
that mere exposure to them alters and corrupts creatures. 12 When I sweat, it's greasy and yellowish.
This is taint.
A book of necromantic rituals bound in human flesh
and inked in blood. A blighted wood twisted by a gate to
the Shadowfell. The wasteland where the death god
Karkus tore its way into the world, slaying every living
thing in miles. The black bladed sword used by an

Creatures that dies with at least 10 levels of taint rises Severe Flaws
24 hours later as an undead creature of a Challenge Rating 1d12 Flaw
equal to or lower than their level or existing CR. Raising 1 The flesh of nose rotted away, leaving a skull-like
the creature from the dead prevents them from becoming opening.
an undead, but destroying the body just causes the creature 2 One of my extremities is mutated and deformed, and
to return as an incorporeal undead. it continually grows teeth that shrivel, rot, and
eventually fall off.
Moderate Flaws 3 My spine twisted giving my back a pronounced
1d12 Flaw hunch.
1 The black, lichen-like growth across my skin itches 4 Great swollen growths cover my body.
incessantly. 5 My skeleton is severely warped, and skull enlarged
2 My bones are warped and thick and deformed.
3 I'm covered in reddened sores and scars resembling 6 My lungs are being eaten away from inside leaving
burns. my breathing wet and labored.
4 My vision is cloudy from broken blood vessels. 7 One of my eyes fell out, leaving gaping socket that
5 Along by back are sores which ooze blood, pus, glows with eerie green light.
spiders or insects, maggots, or acidic green slime. 8 My skin peels off at the slightest touch, leaving raw,
6 My gums are swollen, bleeding, and rotting. red flesh beneath.
7 I have uncontrollable bleeding from eyes, nose, 9 I have almost irresistible murderous urges when I
mouth, ears, or lips. least expect them.
8 I suffer sudden fits of uncontrollable, disturbing 10 My fingers or toes are webbed and scaly with small
laughter. suckers.
9 My body is periodically wracked with violent seizures 11 During moments of stress I regress to primitive,
and spasms. primal behavior.
10 The skin along by arms and torso is covered in 12 I'm compelled to eat inedible or still-living things.
painful sores.
11 My lips shrunk back from my gums. Good deeds are another way to remove taint, but
12 I have an innate disregard for hygiene and cultural simply helping people is not enough: to remove taint the
mores. creature must ritually perform an exceptional task for the
sole purpose cleaning their soul. Like spells, good deeds
Cleansing Taint cannot normally reduce a character's taint below 1. Quests
can be assigned to a character, often as a holy mission by a
It is difficult but still possible to reduce or remove a
deity or member of the clergy, but occasionally a task can
willing creature's taint. Magical spells and performing
be granted by a monarch or similar ruler. Simple deeds
heroic actions are the most reliable methods of reducing
(equal to a subquest) remove 1 level of taint, while longer
corruption, but cannot completely cleanse a creature. Rare
tasks remove 1d4 levels of taint. Prolonged and especially
sacred areas and holy sites can completely purify creatures,
dangerous quests might remove 5 or more levels of taint
removing all traces of taint.
(to a minimum of 0).
Spells can reduce a creature's levels of taint, but only to
The final way of removing taint is to find a holy site
a minimum of 1. Once a creature has become tainted,
that is sacred to a particular deity or other force for good.
mortal magic cannot entirely remove the spiritual stain. To
These are often located in remote or dangerous regions,
remove taint, the spell must be cast outside of a tainted
and require a pilgrimage or expedition to reach. Cleansing
area. Creatures cannot reduce their taint more than once
at a holy site may reduce a character’s taint score to 0.
per day. Spells such as greater restoration and heal reduce a
Sacred springs are the most common holy site, but many
character's taint by 1. More potent magic, such as a wish
other examples exist, such as secluded forest groves,
spell, can reduce a character's taint by 1d4 levels.
ancient stone circles, pools of cool green flames, or
waterfalls of golden liquid light.

Trauma Variable Success and
This option serves as an alternative to the Lingering
Wounds option from the Dungeon Master's Guide. It works
for campaigns where longer recovery from serious injuries
and dramatic blows is desired but does not change hit The following options modify the result of rolling a
points or permanently main the characters. successful or unsuccessful check or attack roll.
When something potentially inflicts trauma (see
below), the character must succeed on a DC 10 Dramatic Success & Failures
Constitution saving throw or gain 1 trauma. If two or
This option encourages the result of extraordinary
more triggers happen at the same time (a character is
checks to become historic.
reduced to 0 hit points by a critical hit) they have
When a player with advantage of disadvantage rolls
disadvantage on the saving throw.
either two natural 1s or two natural 20s they have achieved
For each point of trauma a character possesses, after a
either a dramatic success or a dramatic failure. The action
long rest they regain 3 fewer hit points and reduce the
is so dramatic as to be the stuff of stories and legends, and
number of Hit Dice regained by 1.
word of the deed quickly spreads. Tales of the incident and
For each downtime day a character spends recovering,
the character spread across the land, being told and retold
they can make a Constitution check to reduce their trauma
in taverns, sung in halls, and even recorded in historical
by 1. The DC for the check is 15 +2 for every point of
tomes. Even if the character is forgotten, their action lives
trauma. Each consecutive day spend resting before
on. You are encouraged to relate to the players how the
attempting the check reduces the DC by 5.
deed lives on, and how it might become distorted or
exaggerated over the decades.
Inflicting Trauma Increased Odds. The chances of rolling doubles on
There are a number of potential ways of inflicting two 20-sided die are roughly one-in-four-hundred.
trauma. Chooses which triggers you want in your game Theoretically, this should happen once or twice in a
depending on how common you want it to be to gain campaign, but with advantage and disadvantage, rolling
trauma. two dice is more common in 5th Edition than previous
Critical Hits. When a character take damage from a editions. However, this might still be less frequent than
critical hit, they must make a save against trauma. some DMs would like. For increased odds, a dramatic
Dying. When a character is reduced to 0 hit points, failure occurs when a 1 is followed by either a 1 or 2, and a
they must make a save against trauma. dramatic success occurs when you roll a 20 followed by a
Saving Throw. When a character rolls a 1 on a saving 19 or 20.
throw against a damaging effect, they must make a save
against trauma. Flourish & Complication
Threshold. Characters have a damage threshold equal
This option makes the result of ability checks and
to their Constitution score + their proficiency bonus.
attack rolls less binary, allowing both success and failure at
When they take damage in a single blow equal to or
the same time or success at a cost. This option also adds
greater than their damage threshold, they must make a
some narrative control to the game, giving players some
save against trauma.
influence on events dependant on the die rolls.
When a player character or noteworthy NPC makes an
attack roll or ability check they roll additional dice, known
as the effect dice. If the result of the effect dice are positive,
the action has a flourish. If the results of the effect dice are
negative, the action suffers a complication. The player
suggests the possible result of the flourish or complication
and you either agree or proposes a variation.
Good flourishes and complications should be
flavourful but have limited mechanical effect. Flourishes
and complications that just grant advantage or impose
disadvantage are discouraged. A flourish could be an

opponent snagging their coin purse spilling coins across 6 - Wide Swing. The fumbled attack instead targets an
the floor and a complication could be a felled enemy ally within 5 feet of the target that the fumbling character
collapsing onto a character and pinning them. But the can reach. The attack is rerolled with disadvantage.
flourish or complication need not be the direct result of
the check or attack roll, and could be a timely but
otherwise unrelated stroke of good fortune or instance of
ill luck. This option is for groups who don't like tracking
For example, a character makes a ranged attack with a individual gold pieces and coins and want more
bow and the character suffers a complication. If the attack abstraction in their campaign. This optional rule is loosely
roll had hit they might have dealt damage but broken their based on the system originally printed in d20 Modern.
bowstring, but if they missed they might have struck a Instead of tracking treasure, a character has a Wealth
bystander. If they instead had a flourish, perhaps they score, that works like an ability score. Wealth represents a
pinned an opponent to a wall with their hit reducing the character's total purchasing power. It doesn't just reflect
creature's speed, or twisted their target's helmet on a miss the coin in their purse or jewelry worn but also a
requiring them to straighten their armour. character's less tangible wealth, such as land, favours,
The simplest option for effect dice should be two patronage, or even reputation. A character with a high
Fudge or Fate dice, with ++ being a flourish and - - being a Wealth score might be physically wealthy, bejeweled and
complication. As these dice are different, using them laden with platinum pieces, or they might be esteemed and
prevents confusion with other dice and makes the result well-connected allowing them to quickly leverage loans or
easily identified. Alternatively, a d10 can serve, with the exchange debts.
result of a 10 being a flourish and a 1 being a At character creation, a player character begins with
complication. the gear recommended by their class and background, and
has a Wealth Score of 5. Unlike regular ability scores, it is
Fumbles not purchased through points or rolled. In other ways it
functions like the other six ability scores. As with other
The opposite of critical hits, fumbles can occur when ability scores, a character's Wealth can't normally exceed
an attack roll is a natural 1. Unlike a critical hits, a natural 20, but it can be reduced to 0 denoting no money or
1 is not an automatic fumble. possessions of value.
The following are few suggestions for what occurs on a A can character can maintain their current Wealth
fumble. You can use one or all of them in your game (but Score by spending one downtime day practicing a
only one per fumble). Pick one or roll 1d6. profession. Doing so also allows a character to sustain a
1 - Drop Item. The character must succeed on a DC 10 lifestyle determined by their current wealth, as shown by
Dexterity saving throw or drop one random item that they the Minimum Wealth Score per Lifestyle table. Character
are holding, which it lands at their feet. If they fail the can choose to live below their means, and choose any
saving throw by 5 or more, it lands 5 feet away from them. lifestyle for which they meet the minimum Wealth score.
2 - Opening in Defences. The fumble partially leaves
Minimum Wealth Score per Lifestyle
the character open to attack. One enemy within 5 feet can
Lifestyle Wealth
make an opportunity attack with disadvantage against the
Wretched 0
fumbling character.
Squalid 1
3 - Snagged. The character catches their weapon or a Poor 3
garment on an enemy. After fumbling on a melee attack, Modest 6
the character must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving Comfortable 8
throw or become grappled by the target of the attack. Wealthy 11
4 - Stumble. The character catches a foot on a jutting Aristocratic 14
object and must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving
throw or their speed is reduced by half until the end of Wealth Checks. Wealth checks are used when a
their next turn. If they fail the saving throw by 5 or more character would spend money beyond that needed to
they fall prone. maintain their lifestyle. If the check succeeds, the character
5 - Twist Joint. The character bends at an unnatural has managed to accomplish the activity without negatively
angle and must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving affecting their finances.
throw or take bludgeoning damage equal to their level. Failure means the item is either not available or the
character has less money than they thought. Alternatively,

it might reflect poor bartering, loss at an auction, or a goods. Some monsters might not carry treasure but still
failure to sell goods at an adequate price. If a Wealth check have a Wealth score, reflected in the value of their
fails by 4 or less, the character can choose to either fail to remains, such as hide, fur, poison, claws, or other salvaged
gain what they were spending the money on, or reduce parts. However, you might decide to make a creature's
their Wealth score by 1 but achieve what they were Wealth higher or lower based on its reputation or value.
attempting. If the check fails by 5 or more they reduce Legendary creatures such as dragons might have a higher
their Wealth score by 1 and fail at whatever they were Wealth score because of the value of their scales, fangs,
spending money to accomplish. For extravagant purchases, and even blood.
you might rule that success reduces the character's Wealth Hoards are not factored into a creature's Wealth and
score by 1 and failure reduces the score by 1d4+1. managed seperately.
You might call for a Wealth check when a character is Maintaining Wealth. A character has to work to
involved in the following activities: maintain their lifestyle and current wealth. If at the end of
 Purchasing equipment a week, if a character has neither increased their wealth
 A night of carousing or celebrating nor spent any downtime days either practicing a profession
 Hiring a spellcaster or managing their finances, they must succeed on a
 Booking passage on a ship Wealth saving throw or reduce their Wealth score by 1.
 High stakes gambling The DC of this saving throw is based on either the lower
 Paying a hireling of the character's Wealth score or their lifestyle, as shown
 Bribing a guard on the table below.
A character can use the Help action to assist another
character in making a Wealth check. However, if the check Lifestyle Maintenance
is a failure, both characters suffer the penalty for failure. Lifestyle (Wealth) DC
Similarly, a party can pool its resources for large purchases Squalid (1) 6
- such as purchasing a keep or sailing ship - in which case Poor (3) 8
total all the ability score modifiers before one character Modest (6) 11
makes the roll. Such large purchases reduce each Comfortable (8) 13
Wealthy (11) 16
character's wealth by 1d4 on a success and 2d4 on a
Aristocratic (14) 19
Wealth Saving Throws. You might ask for a Wealth
Adventuring and gaining treasure can also sustain a
saving throw to see how a character responds to sudden
character's finances. Defeating and looting creatures with a
expenses or weathers financial complications. Failing a
Wealth score that is within 4 points of theirs maintains a
Wealth saving throw reduces a character's Wealth ability
character's wealth. Creatures with a Wealth that lower
score by 1, and failing by 5 or more reduces it by 1d4. You
than the character's by 5 or more do not maintain their
can call for a saving throw on situations such as the
 Repairing or replacing damaged gear
 Taxes owed to a ruler Gaining Wealth
 Fines for damage caused or crimes
Characters cannot improve their Wealth score through
 A failed investment
normal ability score increases. Instead, you raise or lower
 A family member asking for a loan
their Wealth score based on their accomplishments in an
Setting DCs. As this is an abstract system, there are no
set DCs for purchasing items. Determine the DC for
Quest Reward. You can choose to raise a character's
Wealth checks based on how likely it seems a character
Wealth score by 1 or 2 for completing a quest, such as a
should be able to purchase such an item, or how much of
royal reward or a paid bounty. Generally, a creature can
a financial impact a purchase would be. An adventure
only increase a character's Wealth score if that creature has
living a comfortable life might be able to purchase a new
a Wealth score higher than the character's.
longsword every few months, but a daily purchase would
Selling Magic Items. Selling an uncommon item raises
be harder to sustain, while an aristocratic noble could
a character's Wealth score by 1 to a maximum of 10,
regularly afford new armaments.
selling a rare item raises it by 2 to a maximum of 15, and
Non-Player Characters. Monsters and NPCs typically
selling a very rare item raises it by 4.
have a Wealth score equal to their Challenge Rating. The
Wealth of creatures that value treasure reflects the
valuables in their possession, either gold, gems, or trade

Treasure. A character that defeats a creature with a
Wealth score higher than theirs increases their own
Becoming Wounded and Dying
Wealth score by 1. When you take damage you lose hit points first. When
Treasure Hoards. Looting a treasure hoard from a you are out of hit points you begin to lose wound points.
creature with a Wealth score equal to or higher than the At your DM's discretion, certain attacks might bypass hit
character's increases their wealth by +1d4. points and deal damage directly to wound points, such as
being attacked while helpless.
Variant: Business Ownership When you are reduced to 0 wound points you fall
unconscious. When you start your turn with 0 wound
Instead of using this system to track a character's
points you need roll death saving throws normally.
wealth, it can be used for handling business ownership. In
Wounded. When your wound points drop below half
addition to tracking gold and treasure normally, a business
you become wounded. While wounded, any time you take
owner has a Wealth score that reflects the financial health
an action you lose a wound point and must make a DC 10
of their business. Wealth checks are used when spending
Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious. You can
the business' funds for personal use or making
repeat the saving throw each round to try and regain
If using this system, a character can invest money in
Instant Death. When an attack reduces you to 0
their business to increase its wealth. This requires investing
wound points and there is damage remaining, you die if
an amount of gold pieces equal to price of a magic item of
the remaining damage exceeds your wound point
uncommon or greater rarity, as per the rules for selling
magic items above.

Wound Points and Hit Healing Wound Points

Whenever you would regain hit points, you can choose
Points to instead heal wound points. If you do so, instead of
regaining hit points for every 5 points of healing you heal
This rules option divides a character's health into the 1 wound point. If you spend a Hit Dice to regain wound
physical (wound points) and abstract (hit points). This points, you always regain at least 1 wound point.
system lends itself well to grittier campaigns where While unconscious from being wounded, you cannot
characters are expected to recover slowly from serious regain hit points. When you would regain hit points, you
injury, as well as for Dungeon Masters dissatisfied with the can choose to either heal wound points or gain temporary
abstraction of hit points. hit points equal to the healing. While wounded, you
Wound points represent fitness and durability; hit cannot regain hit points by spending Hit Dice or taking a
points represent energy used to avoid blows, skill at short or long rest.
deflecting strikes, and even luck. Natural Healing. The rate you heal wound point
At 1st level you have a number of wound points equal damage is dependant on the tone of your game. For a
to your Constitution score. At higher levels your wound heroic game, you recover half your wound points after a
points increase by an amount equal to your Constitution long rest. For a gritty campaign, you only recover wound
modifier (minimum 0). points by spending Hit Dice. For campaigns in the middle,
Your hit points at 1st level are what you would you regain a number of wound points equal to your
normally gain from your class at levels higher than 1st. You Constitution modifier after each long rest.
do not add your Constitution modifier to your hit points.
For example, a 1st level fighter has 6 hit points while a 2nd Enemies
level wizard has 8 hit points.
As this variant only slightly increases the overall health
of a character, it is easy to ignore the distinction between
wound points and hit points for monsters and NPCs.
If you wish to track a monster’s wound points, only
add half their Constitution score and assume they
automatically fail their saving throw when they become

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
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System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman,
Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt,
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb,
Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker,Peter Adkison,
Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker
Swords of Our Fathers Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics.
Mutants & Masterminds Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Unearthed Arcana Copyright 2004, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.
13th Age Copyright 2013, Fire Opal Media. Authors: Rob
Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet. Edited by Cal Moore. Additional
editing by Simon Rogers.
5 Minute Workday Presents: Variant Rules Copyright 2016, 5
By 5 Minute Workday Publishing

Maneuvers & Commander

27 new maneuvers and a new fighter martial

Diseases & Poisons

21 new diseases and 14 new poisons

19 new traps to stun, surprise, and sever!

22 new feats to customize your character

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