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Science (086)


1 a) Neo-pentane or 2,2-dimethylpropane ( ½+½ Marks) 2

( ½+½ Marks)


2 a) 2

 F(Argon) has atomic number 18. It has 18 electrons. K+ and

Cl- ions also have 18 electrons each.
 C and F are 18th group elements and they are called noble
gases or inert gases. They are also called zero group elements.
(½+½ Marks)


 A (Lithium) has the most metallic character as it is the most

electropositive out of the three. Also, on moving from left to
right in a period, the metallic character of elements decreases.
 E is Silicon which is a metalloid in the given table.
(½+½ Marks)

3 a) 2

 The reproductive process involved is called tissue culture

which is a type of asexual reproduction. The shapeless lump X
is called callus.
 The new rose plant has genes which are identical to the parent
rose plant. (½+½ Marks)

b) i) Many plants can be grown from one parent in aa very short


ii) The new plants produced are disease free. (½+½ Marks)

4 a) 2

 The birth control device used by the woman is Copper-T,

which is an intra-uterine contraceptive device (IUCD).
 It prevents pregnancy by not allowing the sperm to fertilize
the egg. It also makes it harder for a fertilized egg to implant
in the uterus. ( ½+½ Marks)


 An intra-uterine device can come out of the uterus by accident

(called expulsion). Sometimes a woman doesn’t know this
has happened. If an IUD comes even part of the way out, it
does not protect against pregnancy.
 IUCDs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs). (½+½ Marks)

5 a) 2

 A is pollen grain and B is stigma of the flower.

 Pollen grains are transferred to the stigma by a process called
pollination which takes place with the help of pollinating
agents like wind, water and animals.
(½+½ Marks)


 Part C is the pollen tube which carries male gametes to the

ovule in ovary for fertilization.
 Part D is the ovule which forms the seed after fertilization is
over. The seed contains the developing embryo which later
develops into a new plant. (½+½ Marks)


5. a) When stamens of a bisexual flower are removed, cross

pollination can take place which results in fertilization and production
of fruit. (1 Mark)

b) If pistil/carpel of a flower is removed, no fertilization will take

place. Hence, no fruit will be produced. (1 Mark)

6 a) 2

The pattern of lines of force due to a magnetic field through and

around a current carrying loop of wire is shown below.

(1 Mark)

b) i) Strength of magnetic field is doubled when the current through

the loop is doubled.

ii) Strength of magnetic field is doubled when the radius of the loop is
halved. (½+½ Marks)

6. a)

The direction of the Earth's magnetic field is from geographic south

to north. Let the direction of current in the conductor be from west to
east. Applying Fleming's left-hand rule, we find, that the direction of
the force acting on the conductor will be vertically upwards,
(1 Mark)

b) i) By reversing the direction of current (i.e., making it flow from

east to west, the direction of force experienced by the conductor will
be reversed, i.e., it will now act vertically downwards.

ii) The magnitude of the force is doubled 

(½+½ Marks)

7 a) 2

 The phenomena seen in this food chain is biological

magnification in which concentrations of a harmful substance
increases in organisms at higher trophic levels in a food chain
or food web.
 Producers in a food chain contain the lowest concentration of
harmful chemical pollutants. (½+½ Marks)

b) DDT is non-biodegradable and hence found in highest

concentration in tertiary consumers due to biological magnification.
Eagle being a tertiary consumer has the highest concentration of DDT
which affects their egg shells and makes them fragile.
(1 Mark)


7. According to 10 percent law, only 10% of the energy entering a

particular trophic level is available for transfer to the next higher
trophic level. The remaining 90% of energy is lost to the

Energy available to python (tertiary consumer) at fourth trophic

level= 8 kJ= 10% of 80kJ.

So, energy available to frog (secondary consumer) at third trophic

level=80 kJ=10% of 800kJ. (1 Mark)

Energy available to grasshopper (primary consumer) at second

trophic level= 800 kJ= 10% of 8000kJ

Therefore, energy available to grass (producer)= 8000 kJ

(1 Mark)

Hence, energy available at producer level is 8000kJ and energy

available at secondary consumer level is 80kJ.


8 a) D is the member of the same homologous series as C. C is butyne 3

and D is hexyne and both are alkynes with general formula CnH2n-2.

(1 Mark)

b) B is butene and its lower homologue is propene. The molecular

formula of propene is C3H6 . The electron dot structure of propene is:

(1 Mark)
c) A and F are saturated hydrocarbons. They are alkanes with general
formula CnH2n +2. They are called saturated hydrocarbons because they
have single bond between the carbon atoms. (1 Mark)


8. a) i) (½+½ Marks)

Functional group: Aldehyde.

Name of the compound: Methanal (Formaldehyde)

ii) Functional group: Carboxylic acid

Name of the compound: Ethanoic acid (Acetic Acid)

b) The functional group in this homologous series is alcohol (-OH).

The second member of this homologous series is ethanol with
molecular formula C2H5OH. The third member of this homologous
series is propanol with molecular formula C3H7OH.

(1 Mark)

c) Electron dot structure of chloromethane: (½+½ Marks)

The next homologue of chloromethane is chloroethane.

Structural formula of chloroethane

9 a) X belongs to Group 17 and 3rd Period. Y belongs to Group 2 and 3

4th Period. (½+½ Marks)

b) X-non-metal and Y-metal. Element Y will form Basic oxide.

(½+½ Marks)


The compound formed has ionic bond. (½+½ Marks)

10 a) No, because mothers have a pair of X-chromosomes. All children 3

will inherit an “X’ chromosome from their mother regardless of
whether they are boys or girls. (1 Mark)

b) A man produces 50% sperms with Y chromosome and 50% with X

chromosome whereas a female produces 100% ovum with X
chromosome. So, it’s just a matter of chance which sperm fertilises
the ovum. If sperm with Y chromosome fertilises the ovum the
progeny will be son and if sperm with X chromosome fertilises the
egg, then the progeny will be daughter. So, the man is not right in his
thinking that he is producing more sperms having Y chromosome.
(2 Marks)

11 a) Connecting cord of an electric heater doesn’t glow because it is 3

made of copper metal, which has low resistivity and good
conductivity. Heating element is made of alloy like nichrome which
glows and produces heat due to its high resistivity.

(1 Mark)

b) i) The required circuit diagram is shown below:

ii) Total power of the two lamps = 60 + 40 = 100 W

Applied Voltage, V = 220 V
Current drawn from the electric supply,

iii) Total energy consumed by the lamp in one hour

= 60W × 1h + 40W × 1h = 100 Wh = 0.1 kWh. (½+½+1 Marks)

12 a) As R ∝ l, when the wire is cut into four equal pieces, the resistance 3
of each part is R/4 (1 Mark)

(b) When they are connected in parallel.

(2 Marks)


12. a) In case of series combination, the effective resistance = R1 +

R2 is more, hence slope of V – I graph will be more. It is otherwise in
case of I – V graph. So, series and parallel are correctly marked in
graph (ii). (1 Mark)

b) All the three resistors are in parallel.

(1 Mark)

c) Voltage is same across each resistance.

(1 Mark)

13 a) Q and R are biodegradable wastes and P is non-biodegradable 3



P- Polythene bag, Broken glass, Pesticides.

Q- Leather bag, Rubber mat.

R- Fruit peel, Cow dung, Dry leaves. (1 Mark)

b) i) Composting and Vermicomposting

ii) Organic manures are better than chemical fertilizers as excess use
of chemical fertilizers leads to loss in soil fertility and increase in soil
salinity. (1+1 Marks)


14 a) All plants of F1 progeny will have round seeds because genes 4

responsible for round seed type are dominant over wrinkled seed
type. Hence round character which is dominant will be expressed in
F1 generation and wrinkled character which is recessive will remain
hidden (law of dominance). (1 Mark)

b) The genotypes of the parent plants were Tt X tt. This is an example

of a test cross made between heterozygous round seeded plants and
homozygous wrinkled seeded plants. Round and wrinkled seeded
plants are obtained in the same proportion. Phenotypic and genotypic
ratio of this cross is 1:1.

(1 Mark)

c) i) F1 generation will have plants with round and yellow coloured


ii) The genotype of parental generation would be YYRR and yyrr.

(1+1 Mark)


c) i) Four type of gametes would be produced by YyRr parent. 25%

YR, 25% yR, 25% Yr, 25% yr.

ii) The phenotypic ratio would be 9:3:3:1. (1+1 Mark)

15 a) Induced current in coil C2 is produced so galvanometer shows a 4

deflection. (1 Mark)

b) i) Again galvanometer shows a deflection but in opposite direction

to the previous one.

ii) There will be no deflection in galvanometer. (½+½ Marks)

c) This phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction. In this

phenomena, a changing magnetic field in a coil induces a current in
another coil kept near it. Fleming’s right hand rule is used to find the
direction of induced current. ( 2 Marks)


c) i) The student will observe deflection in the galvanometer if bar

magnet is moved towards or away from the coil, parallel to the axis of
the coil. If the bar magnet is held stationary inside the coil, no current
will be induced in the coil. So, there will be no deflection in the

ii) The factors on which magnitude of induced EMF depends are:

 The number of turns in the coil

 The strength of the magnet
 The speed with which the magnet is moved (2 Marks)


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