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KS3 Magnetism worksheet

a) Draw the shape and direction of the magnetic field around the barmagnet below.


b) Draw the shape and direction of the magnetic field around the Earth below.
2) Draw the field lines between the two sets of poles.


3) Draw a ring around the metals that can be attracted to a magnet.

Iron Aluminium
Copper Nickel
Lead Cobalt
4) Magnetism is used in lots of ways. One way is to separate the ferrous metal cans from things like plastic
bottles. Can you explain how this works? The red circle has a large permanent magnet inside.
5) MRI scanners make very strong magnetic fields. There are loads of videos on YouTube you can watch
of oxygen cylinders stuck to the machines. These warning signs are displayed out side of the scanner room

a) Explain why it could be dangerous to enter the room with scissors in your pocket?

b) Fire extinguishers are normally made from steel. The ones in MRI scanners rooms are made from
aluminium. Why do fire extinguishers need to be made from aluminium in this case?
c) There is a warning not to bring credit cards into the room. What do you think will happen to them?
What does this tell you about the way information is stored on the strip of the credit card?

Don’t forget the poster competition

Even if you do not enter the competition you could research the many uses of magnets.
You could look at the magnetic fields around planets or even galaxies. Magnetars have the strongest magnetic field
in the universe. They are super-dense stars that are the remnants of supernova explosions.

Do not forget to try Marvin&Milos Moody Magnets (number 77) with two fridge magnets.
You can find lots more Marvin&Milo here

Here is a simulator from the university of Colorado. You can explore the magnetic field around a bar
magnet with a compass

Just be very careful with neodymium magnets. They can be very strong.

You can purchase the magnetic field viewing paper here.|

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