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‘Teachers: Mrs. Jessica Moschonas Pagonis & Mrs. Dikea (Vicki)Perakis Class: 731 Date: Friday, January 6, 2022 Purpose: We will be able to analyze the essay question by reviewing characterization and theme and writing a short response. Standards: ccss LITERACYSL71 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (on teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topies, texts, and ideas and expressing their own clearly. roups, and sues, building on others’ B laim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidenc and demonstrating an understanding of the topic Support source: using accurate, credi or text. Data: Students are grouped according to the data based on their Mid-Assessment they took before break and the I-Ready Data that has been collected for these specific standards that are being targeted within the lesson. (Please see attached) SEL: Teacher will take mindfulness breaks during class as needed. ‘Teachers will take time to speak with students about their break and ask them about how they were and what they did. ‘Teacher is mindful of students who do not celebrate the holiday nor are they doing anything over break. Special Conditions: Students are seated 3 feet apart from one-another. Students are wearing masks. Students are aware of the color group they are in, and sometimes we will move a student to a different tier or color because we believe based on our assessment of the class data from that day they can be challenged. ‘Teacher will post on google classroom the work for the students who are home due to Covid. Prior Knowledge: Students will have prior knowledge of To Kill A Mockingbird. Students will have prior knowledge of Think-Pair-Share. Students will have prior knowledge of how to write a paragraph Students will have prior knowledge of Characterization and Theme. Students will have prior knowledge of the flow of the lessons and how we work through the class periods. Lesson Outline Warm Up: Do Now: Which character do you believe impacts the story Assessment the most and why? Opportunities Homework: Happy Friday! Enjoy the snow! -During this time the teachers are assessing During this time period students will be copying down the purpose, the students’ answers their homework and answering the Do Now. During this time I will be _ | based on the Do Now. walking around checking in. We will also be looking for answers to have more one-on-one conversations with students Mrs, Perakis and Mrs. Pagonis will be walking around handing out tickets to those students who are on task and completing everyday procedures. We are looking for students that can give us an idea of what character has impacted the story the most. Mini Lesson #1: Characterization - how you as the reader would categorize the character in one word using the steal method. [oe TTT Indirect Characterization - STEAL Speech What does the character say? How does the character speak? Thoughts Whats revealed through the character's. private thoughis and feelings? Eflect on What s rovoalad through the character's, others (others elfect on othor people? How do other feel about the characters feel or behave in reaction to the character character? Actions What does the character do? How does the character behave? Looks What does the character ook tke? How does the characier dress? Students are aware of this method, We have used this many times before. Students will be using this later on in the lesson to help them answer the paragraph worksheet. Mrs. Perakis will provide this scaffold for the students who are in the red group along with any other students who we believe need it. alpu $: She speaks well enough to be understood, she was not taught in school, however, Atticus did teach her to read & write She believes that others around her are more fortunate than she. She is trying to instill these ideas to Atticus's children, E: She has a positive effect on others around her. She is well respected by Atticus & the children. & L: During the model / guide portion of this part of the lesson we will use the STEAL method on Calpurnia. Together as a class we will look at the Aand the Land ask students to help us complete these letter. Mini lesson #2: Theme - The lesson that the author is trying to teach us. ‘This lesson can be applied in real life. During the section of this lesson the teacher will be asking students to recall the definitions of these words. It is important to see which students can recall and which can not. This is going to help gather further data for the lesson of who might struggle with the day’s task. We will be asking questions during this time to allow interaction with the mini-lesson. Mrs. Pagonis will be leading the mini-lésson and Mrs. Perakis will be elaborating and repeating information as needed. During this time we will be mindful of students and how they are feeling. We will always try to gauge the room to see how students are. Who is in need of a mindfulness break? We will make them pause and we will play. (Simon Says) Example: Be grateful for what you have, for one day it may all be gone. (The Diamond Necklace) We will revisit the theme and watch a video as another learning tool to help us understand how we can find the theme, After the mini-lesson we will have students do a Think - Pair Share. Once the students have analyzed the question and shared with the table buddy “How does characterization support the theme within the novel?” We will have them share out as a class. owing them the ‘opportunity to to share with the class can help students who were struggling to answer this question, Students are able to look back into the text to find those key details is important as well because itis giving them a moment to check that they understand what the word means along with being able to identify it within a character. Modeled & Guided: How does characterization support a theme within the novel? (From the however, we can still think of topies that ca Let’s brainstorm some ideas... ides) We have of course nol finished reading our novel yet, n become themes by the end. Ideas: During this time we will think out loud to model how we are coming up with a theme. Then we will ask for students to think on their own of words that they can then support with a theme and a character, We will have them: going back into the text Lo revisit these ideas and to ensure that they are explainable and identifiable. We will have the students share their ideas. Student Work Period #11: Blue - On your provided loose leaf paper, answer the short response question - How does characterization support a theme within the novel? Red - On your provided worksheet, answer the following question using the sentence frames and RAFE'T checklist - How does a character from To Kill a Mockingbird support a theme within the novel? Green - On your provided loose leaf paper, answer the following question - Which two characters support a theme within the novel? Extension: in your notebooks - Pretend you are a character from the novel and you are explaining an event that occurred within the novel that to you a lesson, During the modeled and guided, We will present the students with a think aloud- as the modeled portion and they will assist us in finishing the short response as the guided portion of the lesson. During the work period, we will be walking around and helping those students who are struggling with the task. We will set a timer to help students know how much time they have to complete the task. We willbe giving students Students will be given their color group based on the data that has been collected from their Mid-Assessment, I-Ready and their overall performance in class. During this time this gives the teachers the opportunity to pull students to the back for small groups and more one-on-one instruction. There is an extension provided for students once they have completed their color work, they are then able to move onto the extended work period, If that is completed they will let us know and we will further instruct the student. who are struggling with coming up with an explanation for the quotes. > Wewill allow students to bounce ideas off of eachother. > Wewillbe taking notes on what students are saying and speaking with the class based on what Iam gathering. Closing: How do characters overall impact the theme of the novel? Students will be given a slip to answer the question on and it will be collected, We will then assess their answers and see which students need more help with this question. This will turn into thei question and. they will have to further and on these details so it is essential that they understand this question. Once this is collected we will then assess their answers and see which students need more help with this question. This will turn into their essay question and they will have to further expand on these details so it is essential that they understand this question.

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