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5/2/2021 Diet & Wellness Plus

Isabella Vega 5/2/2021 dailyFoodLog

 Report Parameters

Select a Date : 04/27/2021

Breakfast Morning Snack Lunch

Afternoon Snack Dinner Evening Snack

 Daily Food Log

This report shows, for the day and meals selected, the foods you have recorded under Track Diet.

Entries for 04/27/2021


Eggs, Hard Boiled 1 item 77.5 kcal

Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared, Toasted 1 sl. 128.1 kcal

SMART BALANCE Light Buttery Spread 1 T. 47.18 kcal

Entries for 04/27/2021

Morning Snack

Cheese, Cheddar, Diced 1 oz. 114.534 kcal

Entries for 04/27/2021


SEEDS OF CHANGE Ready to Heat Rice, Uyuni 1 c. 240 kcal

Quinoa & Whole Grain Brown Rice

Chicken, Breast, Meat and Skin, Boneless, 3 oz. 167.546 kcal


Broccoli 1 c. 30.94 kcal

Entries for 04/27/2021

Afternoon Snack

Pepper, Bell or Sweet, Red 0.5 c. 23.095 kcal

Cream Cheese, Low Fat 2 T. 60.3 kcal

Entries for 04/27/2021


PROGRESSO HEALTHY CLASSICS Chicken Noodle 1 c. 75.84 kcal

Soup, Canned

Entries for 04/27/2021!/ng/reports/dailyFoodLog 1/2
5/2/2021 Diet & Wellness Plus

Evening Snack

NUTELLA Spread, Hazelnut 2 T. 200 kcal

Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared, Toasted 1 sl. 128.1 kcal

Strawberries (Strawberry) 1 c. 46.08 kcal

Entries for 04/27/2021

Total Water

Water, Tap 160 fl. oz. 0 kcal

Total: 1,339.215 kcal!/ng/reports/dailyFoodLog 2/2

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