Create Table As Below and Shading The First Row. Insert An Octagon and Write Your Name in The Center.

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TIME:-6Hrs MARKS:250

1. Create table as below and shading the first row. Insert an Octagon and write your name in the center. (70)

Day / Period I Period II Period IV Period V

SUNDAY Math Science English Computer
MONDAY Science Computer Math English
TUESDAY English Math Computer Science
WEDNESDAY Science Math English Computer
FRIDAY Science English Computer Math

(a) Create margin at the top & bottom 1.1 inch and right & left 1.5 inch
(b) Create landscape orientation & A4 paper size
(c) Insert Period III column after Period II.
(d) Insert Thursday row bellow Wednesday row.
(e) Insert page number center align and Arial font.
(f) Insert watermark "Hello world".
(g) Table font “Times new roman” and 13 size.

2. Write following equations in MS-word- (30)

3. Prepare a pay bill in EXCEL for 10 employee whose basic pay is entered by you and calculate the net salary of
each employee. Following are incentives given to each employee. (80)
(a) DA=70% of basic pay.
(b) HRA=20% of basic pay.
(c) MA=RS1000/-
(d) GPF=12% of basic pay
(e) basic pay
(f) GIS=9% of basic pay
4. Prepare a result sheet using MS-Excel containing Roll Number, Name ,Class ,Marks Obtained against each subject.
Now Calculate the total marks obtained, percentage of marks and grade based on the following criteria- (80)

(a) Grade will be “Distinction ” if the percentage of marks is more than or equal to 80% and marks obtained against
each subject is not less than 80.
(b) Grade will be “I ” if the percentage of marks is more than or equal to 60%
(c) Grade will be “II ” if the percentage of marks is more than or equal to 45%
(d) Grade will be “III ” if the percentage of marks is more than or equal to 30%
(e) Grade will be “Fail ” if the percentage of marks is more than or equal to 30%
(f) Also grade will be “Fail” if any one subjects obtained mark is below 30

5. Create 2 slides writing about your trade , when slideshow starts after the first slide second slide will
display after 50 seconds without clicking the mouse and using the keyboard. (50)

6. Make a presentation within 3 slides to describe computer generation. Use automatic slide
advancement effect by 5 seconds. (50)
7. Write a JavaScript program to Swap Two Variables. (50)

8. JavaScript Program to Check if a number is Positive, Negative. (50)

9. Create a company in Tally and maintain the inventory as mentioned below:- (70)

Goods Purchased:-
(a) 20 nos HCL PC@ Rs. 55000.00
(b) 25 nos IBM PC @ Rs. 50000.00
(c) 15 nos OPPO android mobile @ Rs. 12500.00
(d) 60 Box Blank CD @ Rs.700.00
(e) 150 Kg. MS-Rod @ Rs.250.00
10. Write a program to calculate area of triangle using VB. (60)

11. Open the site and create your own email id. (50)
12. (a)Create a new database, save it on the desktop and name it “School Database” (70)

(b) Create a table in the school database with the following

Field Name Data type Field size or Format

ID Number Text 10
Name Text 15
Surname Text 15
Mobile No. Number Longer Integer
Date of Birth Date/Time Medium Data
Stipend Currency Currency
Foreigner Yes/No Yes/No

(c) Make the “ID Number” Field as the primary Key

(d) Save table as “Student’s Table”

( c) Return to the main Access window..

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