Communication-Oriented Model Fine-Tuning For Packet-Loss Resilient Distributed Inference Under Highly Lossy Iot Networks

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Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Communication-oriented Model
Fine-tuning for Packet-loss Resilient
Distributed Inference under Highly
Lossy IoT Networks
arXiv:2112.09407v1 [cs.LG] 17 Dec 2021

SOHEI ITAHARA1 , (Student Member, IEEE), TAKAYUKI NISHIO2 , (Senior Member, IEEE),
YUSUKE KODA3 , (Graduate Student Member, IEEE), and KOJI YAMAMOTO.1 ,
(Senior Member, IEEE)
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. (e-mail:
School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8550, Japan. (e-mail:
Centre of Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, 90014 Oulu, Finland. (e-mail:
Corresponding author: Takayuki Nishio (e-mail:
This work was supported in part by JST PRESTO Grant Number JPMJPR2035.

ABSTRACT The distributed inference (DI) framework has gained traction as a technique for real-time
applications empowered by cutting-edge deep machine learning (ML) on resource-constrained Internet
of things (IoT) devices. In DI, computational tasks are offloaded from the IoT device to the edge server
via lossy IoT networks. However, generally, there is a communication system-level trade-off between
communication latency and reliability; thus, to provide accurate DI results, a reliable and high-latency
communication system is required to be adapted, which results in non-negligible end-to-end latency of
the DI. This motivated us to improve the trade-off between the communication latency and accuracy
by efforts on ML techniques. Specifically, we have proposed a communication-oriented model tuning
(COMtune), which aims to achieve highly accurate DI with low-latency but unreliable communication links.
In COMtune, the key idea is to fine-tune the ML model by emulating the effect of unreliable communication
links through the application of the dropout technique. This enables the DI system to obtain robustness
against unreliable communication links. Our ML experiments revealed that COMtune enables accurate
predictions with low latency and under lossy networks.

INDEX TERMS Distributed inference, communication-efficiency, machine learning, packet loss tolerant,
delay-aware system

I. INTRODUCTION deep learning deployment on IoT systems. In the DI frame-

HE Internet of things (IoT) is employed to enable multi- work for deep neural networks (DNNs) [3], [4], computa-
T ple novel applications by combining the physical sens-
ing of IoT devices with deep learning-based data analysis.
tionally expensive tasks are offloaded from the IoT devices
to the locally located edge servers to reduce computation
Although deep learning technology is developing rapidly, it latency and the risk of data leakage, as compared with cloud
satisfying privacy and latency demands of the applications computing. In the DI framework, the IoT devices and the
on resource-constrained IoT systems continue to pose a edge server collaboratively process the portion of DNN, oth-
challenge. For example, factory automation and smart grids erwise known as sub-DNN, by exchanging messages (e.g.,
require latency of less than 10 ms and 20 ms, respectively [1]. outputs of sub-DNN) via IoT networks. Details of the DI
In contrast, in smart home applications, IoT sensors such as are explained as follows: A well-trained DNN is divided into
visual and audio sensors obtain privacy-sensitive data that sub-DNNs through layers. The IoT device stores the input-
should not be exposed [2]. side sub-DNN, while the edge server stores the output-side
Distributed inference (DI) frameworks have been re- sub-DNN. The device obtains the output of the sub-DNN
searched to address the privacy and latency challenges of (i.e., the activations of the original DNN) from the raw input.

VOLUME 4, 2016 1
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

Next, the activation is transmitted to the edge server, and the results in the degradation of the robustness to the packet loss;
server generates an inference result from the activations using thus, the COMtune, which improves the robustness against
its sub-DNN. the packet loss, has further significant role in achieving high
Although the DI reduces the computation latency and accuracy when the compression is applied. The performance
preserves the data privacy, the problem of the communication evaluation using the image classification task CIFAR-10
latency of the DI is posed [5]–[7]. This is because the demonstrated that the COMtune achieved higher accuracy
communication payload size of the DI is typically larger than existing methods under lossy communication links, even
than that of local computing and cloud computing. Moreover, while employing lossy compression methods.
the bandwidth of the IoT network is generally narrow; thus The contributions of this study are summarized as follows:
the communication latency is non-negligible in DI on IoT
• We have proposed COMtune to improve the trade-off in
the DI framework, on the unreliable communication link
To achieve low communication latency, there are two gen-
between communication-latency and accuracy, using
eral solutions: 1) adapting low-latency, which is a generally
strong message compression. The message compression
unreliable communication protocol, such as user datagram
and robustness to the unreliable communication link are
protocol (UDP) and higher physical transmission rate, and
highly dependent on each other; the message compres-
2) lossy compression of the transmitted message. To realize
sion can reduce the redundancy of the message, which
ultra-low-latency DI (e.g., lower than 10 ms), it is necessary
further degrades the system robustness to the unreliable
to simultaneously adopt both solutions. However, there is
communication link. To the best of our knowledge,
a trade-off in the solutions between the communication la-
existing research has only addressed, either the message
tency and prediction accuracy of the DI. The transport layer,
compression, or the robustness to the unreliable com-
for example, in the narrow-band and lossy IoT networks,
munication link.
the UDP transmission causes non-negligible packet losses,
• To improve the trade-off, COMtune tunes the DNN
which degrades the inference accuracy by causing defects in
model by emulating the effects of the unreliable com-
the exchange of sub-DNN output between devices and edge
munication links using the dropout technique. The per-
servers. In contrast, reliable communication protocol (i.e.,
formance evaluation using CIFAR-10 demonstrated that
transport control protocol (TCP) transmission) causes non-
the COMtune achieved higher accuracy than existing
negligible communication latency due to the retransmissions
methods, under unreliable communication links even
of dropped packets. Moreover, the lossy compression reduces
while employing lossy compression methods.
the redundancy of the message, which increases the negative
effect of packet loss (i.e., degrades the accuracy) on the DI. This study is an expanded version of [9] and evaluates
This motivated us to improve the trade-off between com- the performance of COMtune when message compression is
munication latency and prediction accuracy by efforts on applied, and reveals that the COMtune is more efficient when
ML techniques. This study aims to design a DI method that the message compression is combined.
achieves high accuracy using unreliable communication pro- Correspondingly, however, independent of this work, a
tocol on lossy IoT networks, where a considerable percentage similar concept to improve the trade-off between unreliable
of the transmitted packet is dropped. To this end, we have communication and prediction accuracy through training of
proposed communication-oriented model tuning (COMtune) DNN by emulating the effect of unreliable communication
to achieve robustness against the packet loss due to the has been presented in [10]. Meanwhile, there are two pri-
non-retransmission policy of the unreliable communication mary differences between [10] and our research, that is the
protocol. Using COMtune, even when a part of the message communication link assumption and model training scheme.
exchanged between the nodes is dropped by the packet loss, This study focuses on the end-to-end communication link and
one can obtain accurate inference results using the success- assumes packet loss, while [10] focuses on one-hop wireless
fully received message. links and assumes bit-error. Thus, the proposed COMtune
To achieve such robustness against the packet loss, our key can be applied to any network that experiences packet loss
idea is to train the DNN through emulation of the effect of due to queue or buffer overflow, as well as bit errors. Second,
drops in the IoT network using the dropout technique [8], our model training procedure is comparatively simpler to
which randomly drops the activation in DNN. Through the implement and more efficient in terms of accuracy. This is be-
training, the DNN would be able to provide accurate predic- cause [10] uses custom non-differentiable functions in DNN
tions using the dropped information. Moreover, the dropout to emulate the effect of the unreliable communication. This
technique [8] is well known as a regularization method; thus, procedure increases the implementation cost and decreases
the DNN receives the benefits of the regularization effect, model training efficiency. In contrast, our training methods
and simultaneously achieves robustness against packet loss. only utilize a dropout layer for the emulation; thus, the pro-
Furthermore, to achieve even lower communication latency, posed method is easier to implement and can accommodate
COMtune employs lossy compression methods, which re- the link emulation layer in the back-propagation process,
duce the payload size of the message. We should note that the which enables the model to benefit from the regularization
lossy compression reduces the redundancy of the message, effect caused by the model training using the dropout.
2 VOLUME 4, 2016
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

TABLE 1: Distributed inference frameworks toward low communication latency

Name Analog or digital Communication reliability Communication link Model Approach
[10]–[12] Analog - - -
[5], [13]–[20] Digital Reliable - -
[10] Digital Unreliable one hop wireless ML training
[21]–[23] Digital Unreliable End-to-end Tensor completion
Proposed method Digital Unreliable End-to-end ML training


This section summarizes the existing research that addresses Cloud "Cat"
the problems of communication overhead in DI. The sum-
mary of the related works is given in Table 1. First, without
specifying the DI framework, a vast majority of research [24], Proposed
[25] has been addressed to improve the trade-off between the Edge
latency and reliability of the communication systems. The
proposed COMtune is orthogonal to these researches and "Cat"
improves the trade-off beyond the limits of those improved
by the efforts on the communication system [24], [25].
In DI frameworks, the inference task generated in the IoT IoT Device communication
device is offloaded to the other nodes by sharing the raw link

inputs, or the results of the local computation, which are

Packet loss
referred to as vertical and horizontal DIs, respectively. Unlike
the research on vertical DI [26], [27], we have focused on
FIGURE 1: Over view of distributed inference with the
the horizontal DI, because the sharing of the raw input in the
proposed communication-oriented model tuning. The red
vertical DI includes a critical privacy risk. In the horizontal
arrows indicate the upload of the message from the device
DI literature, some works have addressed the achievement
to the edge server via the unreliable communication link, in
of low communication latency by optimizing the division
which the message is corrupted. The edge server obtains the
point [5], [14], [15], leveraging multiple sink nodes [13],
prediction results using the corrupted message.
pruning the DNN model [14], quantizing the message [15]–
[17], dimensional reduction of the message [18]–[20], and
combining multiple inference tasks into a single one [16]. age inpainting based completion [23]. Orthogonal to these
However, these works assumed a reliable communication works, which estimate the clean message from the corrupted
link and aimed to reduce the communication payload size. message, we aimed to achieve a split model that achieves
The problem of the trade-off between reliability and latency highly accurate predictions from the corrupted message, and
has not been addressed by these works; thus, they are orthog- proposed a joint model training method.
onal to this research.
Another direction is to adapt an analog communication III. PROPOSED METHOD: COMMUNICATION-ORIENTED
system [10]–[12]. [10], [11] used analog communication to MODEL FINE-TUNING
reduce the cost of channel encoding in digital communica- A. SYSTEM MODEL
tion, where multiple nodes transmit signals in the same time We assume an application scenario of automated surveillance
slot by leveraging superimposition [12]. However, this study in public places, roadsides, or factories, where IoT devices
focuses on digital communication, which is more widely and edge servers cooperatively predict accidents, such as
used than analog communication. collisions, to avoid their occurrence. IoT devices equipped
The impact of the unreliable communication link on DNN with cameras, monitor the target area and send information
inference was evaluated in [6]. This work demonstrated the to the edge server. Based on the information, the edge server
feasibility and effectiveness of employing unreliable but low- detects objects and their movement and further predicts the
latency communication protocols for AI-empowered time- probability of the accident. In the application scenario, la-
critical applications. [6] transmits the raw input from the tency is a critical issue because the edge server is required to
device to the server, which includes the critical privacy complete the prediction before the incident occurs.
risks. In the DI literature, to achieve robustness against the Fig. 1 shows the system model consisting of a cloud server,
unreliable communication link, certain researches addressed an edge server, and an IoT device. The edge server and IoT
estimation of the clean transmitted message from the received devices are connected via lossy and narrow-band networks,
message, which is corrupted by the unreliable communica- and the messages are exchanged using an unreliable commu-
tion link, by joint source-channel coding [28], linear tensor nication link. The communication model is defined in more
completion [21], low-rank tensor completion [22], and im- detail in the next section. The cloud server obtains a pre-
VOLUME 4, 2016 3
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

procedure has been explained in Section III-D.


sub-DNN We assumed that the transmitted messages are probabilis-
tically dropped owing to the non-retransmission policy of
Dropout layer Output the unreliable communication protocol, where one does not
sub-DNN retransmit the packets even when the packets are dropped.
Pre-obtained DNN More formally, considering that the device sends a vector x
via the communication link with a packet loss rate p, the edge
server successfully receives a vector f c (x | p) denoted as
(a) Proposed: communication-oriented model tuning follows:

f c (x | p) = x m(p), (1)
IoT Device Edge Server

where operator indicates the element-wise product and
n m(p) is a binary vector following the Bernoulli distribution
tio activation
Input ic a with an expected value of 1 − p.
sub-DNN un Output
c om sub-DNN In a real-world communication system, the vector of the
Compress le
function l ia b activation x is divided into multiple packets and transmitted.
re Output
Un Therefore, when a packet is dropped, the consecutive ele-
activation Packet loss ments of x are lost. To avoid the burst loss, the device shuffles
the vector elements and stores them in packets. The edge
server constructs vector x from the successfully received
(b) Subsequently distributted inference
packets, which results in (1). That is, the device permutes
FIGURE 2: Detailed procedure of the proposed the elements randomly and stores them in packets. A packet
communication-oriented model tuning. Red arrows indicate pi is represented as follows:
the upload of the activation from the device to the edge
server via the unreliable link, which does not retransmit pi := {xkj | i ≤ j < i + s}, (2)
dropped packets. The edge server obtains prediction results
using only the successfully transmitted activations. where kj and s are the permuted identification of the element
and the number of elements stored in a packet, respectively.
The edge server reconstructs the vector of activations from a
subset of transmitted packets P r , where
obtained DNN model from public repositories that are suit-
able for the inference tasks generated on the IoT device, for P r = {pi | pi is received successfully}. (3)
example, VGG [29] for image recognition tasks, YOLO [30]
for object detection tasks, and BERT [31] for neural language Thus, the reconstructed vector is expressed as x m(p).
tasks. As shown in Fig. 2 (a), the pre-obtained model is fine- Assuming the aforementioned communications model, the
tuned by the proposed COMtune method to provide accurate number of the received packets and the latency are denoted as
inference while conducting DI via the unreliable protocol follows. In the unreliable communication link, if nt packets
under lossy and narrow-band networks with ultra-low la- are transmitted using the communication link with a packet
tency. The detailed COMtune procedure has been explained loss rate of p, the probability mass function (PMF) of the
in Section III-C. Following the fine-turning, the DNN is number of received packets nr is expressed as follows:
divided at a division layer and the portions (sub-DNNs) are ( t t r
n r
n −n
distributed to the IoT device and the edge server. r nr p (1 − p)n , if 0 ≤ nr ≤ nt ;
PMF(n ) =
As shown in Fig. 2 (b), when an inference task is generated 0, otherwise.
in the IoT device, the device and the server collaboratively (4)
solve the inference task using the distributed sub-DNNs,
as follows: The IoT device generates activation by feed- The expected number of received packets is denoted by (1 −
ing the input sample to the input sub-DNN, compresses p)nt . Assuming throughput b and packet size l, the latency
the activation, and sends the compressed activation to the is calculated as nt l/b. In contrast, all the transmitted packets
edge server via the unreliable communication link. In the are received when using a reliable communication link; thus,
unreliable communication link, a non-negligible amount of nr = nt . The PMF of latency is
packets are dropped; however, the dropped packets are not (
dτ /T e−1 dτ /T e−nt t

retransmitted. The edge server obtains the prediction results n t −1 p (1 − p)n , if dτ /T e ≥ nt ;
PMF(τ ) =
through the output sub-DNN by inputting the successfully 0, otherwise.
received activation from the IoT device. The detailed DI (5)
4 VOLUME 4, 2016
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C. DETAILS OF COMMUNICATION-ORIENTED MODEL layer to the division layer. In this study, we used either of
TUNING the two general lossy compression methods, quantization and
To achieve high accuracy DI prediction under an unreliable dimensional reduction, which are detailed in Appendix A.
communication link in highly lossy networks with activa- Here, we have described COMtune with the general compres-
tion compression, the pre-obtained DNN is trained through sion method. The compression and decompression function
emulation of the effect of packet loss and lossy activation are denoted by f cmp (·) and f dec (·), respectively. Given the
compression. The overview of the COMtune is depicted in raw activation as araw , the compressed activation acmp is
Fig. 2 (a). To emulate the effect of packet loss, we determined denoted as acmp := f cmp (araw | M ), where, M is the data
that the behavior of the dropout layer is similar to the effect size of the compressed activation. From the compressed ac-
of the packet loss in the unreliable communication link, as tivation, the uncompressed activation is estimated by adec =
defined in (1), and used the dropout layer to emulate the f dec (acmp ). Therefore, using the above defined functions,
effect of the packet loss. Further, the dropout layer and the the DNN f trn (· | wtrn ) that fine-tuned in the COMtune is
activation compression function are inserted into the division denoted as follows:
layer of the pre-obtained model. Subsequently, the model
with the dropout layer and the activation compression is f trn (· | wtrn ) = f out (· | wout ) ◦ f dec (·)
trained. ◦f d (· | r) ◦ f cmp (· | M ) ◦ f in (x | win ). (8)
First, the cloud server obtains a pre-trained DNN model
from the public repository, which is denoted by f pre (· | where r is a dropout rate.
wpre ), where wpre are the parameters. The pre-trained DNN We should further note that the dropout rate and message
is divided into input-sub DNN f in (· | win ) and output-sub size used in the model training corresponds to the packet loss
DNN f out (· | wout ) as rate and the message size in the DI procedure. Thus, training
using a larger dropout rate implies that the DNN is trained
f pre (· | wpre ) = f out (· | wout ) ◦ f in (· | win ), (6) to adapt to a more lossy communication link, thus improving
packet loss tolerance. Training with a smaller message size in
where f (·) ◦ g(·) denotes the composite function of f (·) and
the fine-tuning implies adapting to use a smaller message size
g(·). We tuned the DNN f trn (· | wtrn ), which consists of two
in the DI, thus reducing communication latency. In contrast,
sub-DNNs, the dropout layer, and compression functions.
as mentioned in [8], a larger training dropout rate degrades
The following section details the DNN f trn (· | wtrn ).
the achievable model performance (i.e., performance without
Following the training, the input sub-DNN f in (· | win ) is
any packet loss); similarly, a smaller message size degrades
sent to the IoT device, and an output sub-DNN f out (· | wout )
the achievable model performance, as well [32]. Therefore,
is sent to the edge server, respectively.
the dropout rate and the message size are selected based on
The dropout was originally proposed as a regularization
the packet loss rate of the communication link, desired com-
method in DNN literature, which enables training of the
munication latency, and model performance requirements.
DNN for longer periods without overfitting and improves the
Moreover, the dimensional reduction may strongly de-
test accuracy [8]. Thus, the dropout technique has been used
grade the accuracy than quantization in highly unreliable
in various DNN architectures and is available in multiple
communication link. This is because, in the dimensional
deep learning frameworks. In each training iteration using the
reduction, this paper adopts principal component analysis
dropout technique, the outputs of the hidden units are set to
(PCA) to compress the message; the message is represented
zero using a dropout layer with a dropout rate r. In addition to
by a linear combination of the small number of basis vectors,
omitting the hidden unit outputs, the surviving (non omitted)
and the coefficients of basis vectors are transmitted as the
hidden units are multiplied by 1/(1 − r). Hence, the dropout
compressed message, leading to a significant difference in
behavior f d (· | r) is represented as follows:
the contribution of each element of the compressed message,
1 which is detailed in Appendix. Thus, when the elements
xi+1 = f d (yi | r) = yi m(r), (7)
1−r of the compressed message that correspond to important
where yi is the hidden unit of the ith layer, and xi+1 is the principal components (e.g., first principal components) are
input of the i + 1th layer. Comparing equations (1) and (7), dropped, the accuracy is significantly degraded. On the other
we determine that the dropout technique can emulate the hand, in the quantization, an element of the compressed mes-
drops of activation due to packet loss, in the model training. sage corresponds to an element of an uncompressed message.
Therefore, the model trained using the dropout technique can Thus, the difference in the contribution between elements in
provide accurate inferences even when the activations are the quantization is smaller than that in the dimensional re-
dropped. duction; this is a reason for the robustness of the quantization
In addition to the unreliable communication link, the lossy against packet loss.
compression reduces communication latency; however, it
may degrade inference accuracy. To adapt the DNN model D. DETAILS OF DISTRIBUTED INFERENCE
to the activation compression, COMtune fine-tunes the DNN The DI is conducted when an inference task with input x is
model by inserting the compression function and dropout generated in the IoT device, which is depicted in Fig. 2 (b).
VOLUME 4, 2016 5
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First, the device generates and compresses the activation as Input

Convolution + ReLU
CNN Block 1: (2, 64) Convolution
a = f cmp (· | M ) ◦ f in (x | win ). (9) CNN Block 2: (2, 128) Batch normalization

Subsequently, the activation is transmitted by the communi- ReLU

CNN Block 3 : (3, 256)
cation link denoted in (1). Thus, the reconstructed vector is Max-pooling
CNN Block 4 : (3, 512)
calculated as
CNN Block 5: (3, 512)
a0 = f c (a | p) = a m(p). (10) FC + ReLU
FC Block
To compensate the drops of the activation, the activation is
Output FC + Softmax
multiplied by 1/1 − p. From the compensated activation, the
uncompressed activation is estimated as
(a, b) indicates the num. convolutional layer is a and num. output
channel is b.
ar = f dec a0 . (11)
FIGURE 3: Architecture of DNN. Each convolutional neural
Subsequently, ar is fed to the output-sub DNN, and we obtain network (CNN) block consists of two or three convolutional,
the prediction result. The prediction result y can be written batch normalization, and max-pooling layers. The number
as of convolutional layers a in each CNN block and the output
channel b are denoted as (a, b) in each CNN block. The fully
y = f trn (· | wtrn ) = f out (· | wout ) ◦ f dec (·)
connected (FC) block consists of three FC layers.
◦f c (· | p) ◦ f cmp (· | M ) ◦ f in (x | win ).
If f d (· | r) in the model training is close to f c (· | p) The architecture of the DNN model used in the experi-
in the DI, the model is expected to accurately predict from ments is shown in Fig. 3. The model was designed with ref-
the corrupted activation. Comparing (7) and (1), when the erence to VGG16 [29], which consists of five convolutional
parameter r is similar to the parameter p, f d (· | r) is similar blocks and a FC block. Each convolutional block included
to f c (· | p). Thus, when r is similar to p, the COMtune two or three 3 × 3 convolutional layers activated by the
is expected to improve the prediction accuracy from the rectified linear unit (ReLU), and the block was followed by a
corrupted activation. Moreover, our evaluation revealed that 2 × 2 max-pooling layer. The convolutional layers have the
even when the difference between r and p is large (e.g., same number of output channels in each convolutional block.
(r, p) = (0.5, 0.0)), the COMtune achieved higher accuracy Additionally, one of the two convolutional layers is followed
than the previous DI. by the batch normalization layer. The FC block consists of
three FC layers (256 and 128 units with ReLU activation and
IV. EVALUATION 10 other units activated by softmax).
A. SETUP Machine learning training. The detailed ML training pro-
Communication setup. An IoT device and an edge server cedure is as follows: The training dataset is divided into
were assumed to be connected via a lossy IoT network, which updating and validation datasets in a ratio of 9:1. The DNN
was abstracted as a communication link, in which packets model is updated using only the updating dataset for multiple
were randomly dropped with the probability p. Hence, the el- epochs. In each epoch, the model is evaluated using the val-
ements of the activation vector transmitted by the IoT device idation dataset. The training is completed if 150 epochs are
were randomly dropped. To calculate the communication performed, or if the validation loss increased after 20 epochs
latency, the packet size and throughput of the communication consecutively, which indicates that the model is starting to
link (including MAC and network layer overheads) were set overfit. The Adam optimizer, a training rate of 0.001, and
to 100 bytes and 9.0 Mbit/s. We considered two communica- a mini-batch size of 128 were selected as hyperparameters.
tion protocols; unreliable protocol (i.e., without retransmis- Notably, this paper generates a pre-obtained model by train-
sions) and reliable protocol (i.e., with retransmissions). ing a randomly initialed ML model using the aforementioned
Dataset and machine learning models. We used an image training procedure.
recognition dataset, CIFAR-101 , with 50,000 training and Distributed inference. In this evaluation, major parts of the
10,000 testing images that represented 10 image classes, such inference task were offloaded to the edge server because
as “dog” and “ship.” The training dataset was used to fine- the computational capacity of the IoT device is generally
tune the pre-obtained model in the COMtune. The test dataset much worse than the edge server. Specifically, the CNN was
was used to evaluate the inference performance of the DI divided into CNN block 1, resulting in the inference tasks
phase. of CNN block 1 being conducted at the IoT device and
that of the CNN blocks 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the FC block
1 being conducted in the edge server. The dimensions of the
6 VOLUME 4, 2016
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

dropped. However, in case that a reliable protocol is used, the

1.0 entire message is successfully received by retransmissions.
As shown in Fig. 4 (a), due to the no-retransmission policy,
0.8 the latency of the unreliable protocol is stable and lower than
that of the reliable protocol. Moreover, the latency of the
0.6 reliable protocol transmission is not stable.

Fig. 4 (b) shows the CDF of the accuracy of the proposed

0.4 DI with COMtune, and previous DI using unreliable and
reliable protocols, respectively. Regardless of the underly-
0.2 ing communication system, the proposed DI with COMtune
Unreliable commun.
Reliable commun. achieved higher accuracy than the previous DI. This is be-
0.0 cause of two reasons: regularization and robustness to the
60 80 100 120 140 packet loss. In the case of the reliable protocol, the accuracy
Communication latency (ms)
of the DI with COMtune and previous DI is stable because
(a) Communication latency
all the transmitted packets are successfully received because
of the retransmissions. The DI with COMtune achieved
1% higher accuracy than the previous DI because of the
regularization effect of the dropout technique used in the
DI w. COMtune on unreliable commun. Previous DI on unreliable commun.
DI w. COMtune on reliable commun. Previous DI on reliable commun. COMtune. In contrast, for the unreliable protocol, the accu-
racy of the DI with COMtune and previous DI is not stable
due to the transmitted packets being dropped because of
0.75 the non-retransmission policy of the unreliable protocol. In
the unreliable protocol transmission, the DI with COMtune

0.50 achieved 4% higher accuracy than the previous DI. Moreover,

comparing the accuracy degradation from that on the reliable
0.25 protocol to that of the unreliable protocol, the degradation
of the DI with COMtune is smaller than that of the previous
0.00 DI. Thus, we can conclude that the COMtune improved the
0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 trade-off between the prediction accuracy and the commu-
Test accuracy
nication latency, due to the training involving emulation of
corruptions of the message in the unreliable and low-latency
(b) Accuracy
communication system.
FIGURE 4: Cumulative distribution function of the accuracy
and communication latency for the previous DI and proposed C. IMPACT OF DROPOUT RATE ON ROBUSTNESS
DI with COMtune on the reliable and unreliable communica- AGAINST PACKET LOSS
tion links, respectively. Fig. 5 shows the test accuracy of the DI with COMtune, and
previous DI as a function of the packet loss rate while using
the unreliable communication link. In the case of DI with
activation of the CNN block 1 is 16,384, which is 65.5 kB COMtune, Fig. 5 shows the result for each dropout rate (i.e.,
in 32bit float point representation (e.g., the communication 0.2 and 0.5) used in the COMtune prior to the DI. For both of
delay is 58.2 ms when no packet loss occurs). The packet loss the dropout rates, the DI with COMtune achieved higher ac-
in the communication link is emulated by the dropout, where curacy than the previous DI regardless of the packet loss rate,
the dropout rate is set to the packet loss rate, which ranges which indicates that COMtune improves the robustness of
from 0 to 0.9. Additionally, we ran each method ten times the split model against the packet loss. Moreover, COMtune
from different random seeds and computed the average and mitigates the accuracy degradation without any packet loss,
standard deviation of the performance in ten trials. as compared to the previous DI. In particular, the accuracy
of the previous DI was degraded by more than 10%, when
B. CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION OF THE more than 70% of the packets were dropped, while that of
ACCURACY AND LATENCY DI with COMtune with the dropout rate of 0.5 exhibited only
Fig. 4 (a) illustrates the cumulative distribution function a 3.8% degradation in accuracy. Thus, we can conclude that
(CDF) of the communication latency of the DI using reliable COMtune improves the packet loss robustness, even when
and unreliable protocols, respectively, where the activation the dropout rate in COMtune differs from the packet loss rate.
compression is not applied. The CDF is obtained follow- Moreover, as the dropout rate increases, the accuracy
ing the aforementioned discussion, with the parameters de- degradation is better mitigated. Particularly, when the packet
scribed in Section IV-A and the packet loss rate of 0.5. loss rate is 0.7, the model trained with a dropout rate of
While using the unreliable protocol, 50% of a message is 0.5 and 0.2 demonstrated a 3.8% and 5.7% degradation in
VOLUME 4, 2016 7
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

2) Effect of Communication-oriented Model Tuning on

Accuracy with Activation Compression
Fig. 7 shows the test accuracy as a function of packet loss
rate, with or without message compression (message size is
Test accuracy

4 kB and 64 kB, respectively), using the unreliable protocol.
Fig. 7 (a) and (b) show the results when the quantization and
dimensional reduction are applied to compress the message,
DI w. COMtune (r = 0.5) respectively. In Fig. 7 (a), when the compression is applied,
DI w. COMtune (r = 0.2) the accuracy of DI with COMtune is higher than that of
Previous DI the previous DI regardless of the packet loss rate, which
0.6 is consistent with Fig. 5. This demonstrated that COMtune
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Actual packet loss rate improved the packet loss tolerance of the split model in case
that the message is highly compressed, as well as the message
FIGURE 5: Test accuracy as a function of packet loss rate for is not compressed. In Fig. 7 (b), the DI with COMtune
each dropout rate r. The shaded regions denote the standard achieved higher accuracy than precious DI when the dropout
deviation of the performance among ten trials. rate and the packet loss rates are similar. In particular, DI with
COMtune with the dropout rate of 0.5 does when the packet
loss rate is larger than 0.1.
0.90 Comparing the accuracy with and without compression,
when the dimensional reduction is applied, the accuracy with
Dimentional reduction
0.88 compression is more degraded than without compression. For
Test accuracy

example, the accuracy degradation when the packet loss rate

of 0.5 is 7.0% for DI with COMtune, and that is 34.6% for
previous DI. On the other hand, when the quantization is
applied, the accuracy with compression is comparable to that
0.82 with compression. As discussed in Section III-C, this gap
between the two message compression methods is explained
0.80 in terms of the difference in the contribution of each element
2 4 8 16 32 64
Message size (kB)
of the compressed message; the difference in dimensional
reduction is significantly larger than the quantization. Thus,
in the dimensional reduction, the accuracy is significantly
FIGURE 6: Effect of message compression on achievable ac-
degraded when the element of the compressed message
curacy. The message size without any compression is 64 kB.
has a high contribution. Therefore, we can conclude that
quantization is a message compression method that achieves
more robustness against the packet loss than the dimensional
accuracy, respectively. This is because a larger dropout rate
indicates emulation of the more lossy network in model train-
Fig. 8 shows the test accuracy of DI using COMtune as a
ing, which encourages the model to achieve high accuracy in
function of the message size for the packet loss rate of 0.2
the highly lossy network.
and 0.5, respectively. In this evaluation, the quantization is
applied as the message compression method. Regardless of
D. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION WITH COMTUNE the packet loss rate, the accuracy is degraded as the message
USING ACTIVATION COMPRESSION size is reduced. Thus, we conclude that message compression
1) Effect of Activation Compression on Achievable Accuracy degrades the robustness of the DI system to the unreliable
Fig. 6 shows the test accuracy as a function of the message communication link. This is because message compression
size without any packet loss, that is, that all transmitted pack- reduces the redundancy of the message.
ets were successfully received. The message is compressed
by either quantization or dimensional reduction, which are V. CONCLUSION
both detailed in Appendix A. Even when the message is We have presented COMtune that aims to improve the pre-
compressed, the accuracy is comparable to that when the diction accuracy and communication latency by efforts on the
message is not compressed (i.e., the 65.5 kB message), which application layer. Specifically, we aimed to achieve accuracy
is consistent with the existing works that have addressed prediction under low-latency and unreliable communication
DNN compression [32]. However, the following evaluation, link, such as UDP transmission. In COMtune, the key idea
as shown in Fig. 8, reveals that there is a trade-off between the is to train the ML model by emulating the effect of the
message size and robustness to the unreliable communication unreliable communication link, such that the model gains
link; when the message is highly compressed, the robustness robustness to the unreliable communication system. Our
is degraded. experimental ML evaluation revealed that DI with COM-
8 VOLUME 4, 2016
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS



Test accuracy
Test accuracy


COMtune w. comp.
Previous w. comp. 0.78
COMtune w.o. comp. packet loss rate = 0.5
Previous w.o. comp. 0.76 packet loss rate = 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 8 16 32 64
Actual packet loss rate Message size (kB)

(a) Quantization
FIGURE 8: Effect of message size of DI with COMtune
on robustness to the unreliable communication link. Quan-
0.9 tization is applied as the message compression method, and
DNNs are turned with dropout rates of 0.2.
Test accuracy

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i , the corresponding clipped value aclip
i is denoted as
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aclip = max min afloat , smin , smax
Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 3098–3130, May 2018. i i i i . (13)
[25] A. Nasrallah, A. S. Thyagaturu, Z. Alharbi, C. Wang, X. Shao,
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f cmp (a | M ) = f qut (ai , smin , smax

To reduce communication payload size of the message (i.e., (16)
activation of the input-sub DNN), we adapted general lossy dec
 deq min max

f (a) = f (ai , si , si ) | 0 < i ≤ D .
compression methods that are quantization and dimensional (17)
reduction. Generally, the lossy compression method in DNN
literature implies the compression of both, the activation and Dimensional reduction. In dimensional reduction, the ac-
model parameters aiming to reduce the data size of the pa- tivation is converted to a linear combination of basis vectors,
rameters and the computation cost of the inference. However, where the number of the basis vectors is smaller than the
this study aims to reduce the data size of the activation, thus dimensions of the activation. In the DI, the coefficients of
only the activation is compressed. basis vectors are transmitted rather than the elements of the
Activation quantization. In the quantization, the elements activation, which reduces the communication payload size
of the activation are compressed from full-perception values by D0 /D, where the number of the basis vectors is D0
(i.e., 32 bit float representation) to quantized values (i.e., and the dimensions of the activation is D. Thus, given the
n bit integer representation). The quantized activation is compressed message size M and uncompressed message size
transmitted to the edge server as a message and dequan- M 0 , D0 is determined as D0 = bM D/M 0 c. The server esti-
tized to full-perception activation in the edge server, which mates the uncompressed activation using the basis vector and
is fed to output-sub network, in which the communication the received coefficients. Formally, given a D dimensional
payload is reduced by n/32. Given the desired message vector a as the uncompressed activation and D0 dimensional
10 VOLUME 4, 2016
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

vector a0 as a compressed activation, the compression and YUSUKE KODA received the B.E. degree in elec-
decompression functions are denoted as trical and electronic engineering from Kyoto Uni-
versity in 2016 and the M.E. degree at the Grad-
f cmp (a | M ) = wa, (18) uate School of Informatics from Kyoto University
dec 0 T 0
in 2018. In 2019, he visited Centre for Wireless
f (a ) = w a + b, (19) Communications, University of Oulu, Finland to
conduct collaborative research. He is currently
where w is a D0 × D matrix and b indicates D dimensional studying toward the Ph.D. degree at the Graduate
bias vector, respectively. School of Informatics from Kyoto University. He
To determine the parameters w, PCA is used. In more was a Recipient of the Nokia Foundation Centen-
nial Scholarship in 2019. He received the VTS Japan Young Researcher’s
detail, ith row of w is an eigenvector of the data covariance Encouragement Award in 2017. He is a member of the IEICE and a member
matrix S of the pre-obtained dataset, which corresponds to of the IEEE.
ith largest eigenvalue. The data covariance S is denoted as
1 X
S= (a − a)(a − a)T , (20)
1 X
a := a, (21)
|A| a
A = {f in (xj | win ) | xj ∈ preobtained dataset}. (22)
The bias vector b is denoted as
b= (aT ui )ui , (23)
i=D 0 +1

where ui is an eigenvector of S, corresponding to ith largest

KOJI YAMAMOTO received the B.E. degree in
electrical and electronic engineering from Kyoto
University in 2002, and the M.E. and Ph.D. de-
grees in Informatics from Kyoto University in
2004 and 2005, respectively. From 2004 to 2005,
he was a research fellow of the Japan Society for
SOHEI ITAHARA received the B.E. degree in the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Since 2005, he
electrical and electronic engineering from Kyoto has been with the Graduate School of Informat-
University in 2020. He is currently studying to- ics, Kyoto University, where he is currently an
ward the M.I. degree at the Graduate School of associate professor. From 2008 to 2009, he was a
Informatics, Kyoto University. He is a student visiting researcher at Wireless@KTH, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
member of the IEEE. in Sweden. He serves as an editor of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
from 2017 and the Track Co-Chairs of APCC 2017 and CCNC 2018. His
research interests include radio resource management and applications of
game theory. He received the PIMRC 2004 Best Student Paper Award in
2004, the Ericsson Young Scientist Award in 2006. He also received the
Young Researcher’s Award, the Paper Award, SUEMATSU-Yasuharu Award
from the IEICE of Japan in 2008, 2011, and 2016, respectively, and IEEE
Kansai Section GOLD Award in 2012.

TAKAYUKI NISHIO has been an associate profes-

sor in the School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute
of Technology, Japan, since 2020. He received
the B.E. degree in electrical and electronic en-
gineering and the master’s and Ph.D. degrees in
informatics from Kyoto University in 2010, 2012,
and 2013, respectively. He had been an assistant
professor in the Graduate School of Informatics,
Kyoto University from 2013 to 2020. From 2016
to 2017, he was a visiting researcher in Wireless
Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB), Rutgers University, United
States. His current research interests include machine learning-based net-
work control, machine learning in wireless networks, and heterogeneous
resource management.

VOLUME 4, 2016 11

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