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Development Reference

Formula Unit
Control (Table/Figure)
Square Meter
1 TLA Given or PSO + TOSL 8.1
AMBF choose most stringent (lowest) value
a) Setback Method TLA – Yards & Courts (or Setbacks) 8.2 – 8.3 m²
b) Lot Type Method TLA x ___% 7.1 m²
c) By Maximum PSO TLA x PSOmax 8.1 m²
7.2 for BHL Cubic Meter
a) AMVBinitial AMBF x BHL(in meters)
2.1 7.G.3 Note #4 (m3)
b) AMVBfinal AMBF x BHL(in meters) – Incremental Setbacks m3
PSO Based on AMBF (that Prevails √) or Based on Table
a) Setback Method ( AMBF / TLA ) x 100% 8.2 – 8.3 %
b) Based on Lot Type 7.1 %
Usual Method:
PSOmax Based
TLA x ___%
c) on Zoning 8.1 %
(mostly used
for AMBF)
4 FLAR Table 7.G.1
5 BHL Table 7.2
6 GFA TLA x FLAR 7.G.1 for FLAR m²
ISAmax ISAmax: choose lowest value
a) Setback Method Y1 + Y2 + Y3 8.2 – 8.3 m²
b) Table: ISAmax TLA x ___% 8.1 m²
c) MACA – PSO 8.1 %
USAmin USAmin: choose highest value
a) Setback Method Y4 8.2 – 8.3 m²
b) Table: USAmin TLA x ___% 8.1 %
c) TLA – MACA – m²
TOSL (%) –
a) Usual Method ISAmax + USAmin m² %
b) PSO – 100% 8.1 %
c) TLA – PSO or TLA – AMBF m² %
10 a) Usual Method PSO + ISA or AMBF + ISA %
b) TLA – USA m²
TGFA choose most stringent (lowest) value
AMBF x BHL(in # of storeys)
a) Based on PSO 7.2 for BHL m²
or (PSO x TLA) x BHL(in # of storeys)
11 b) Multiplier Method GFAmax x Multiplier 7.G.1 or 7.G.2 m²
c) By Lot Type BHL(in # of storeys) x ___% of TLA 7.1 for Lot Type m²
Sec 709:
d) of the Project (Actual) GFA + Non-GFA m²
B.) f Note – g Note

Checking: PSO + ISA + USA = 100%

Non-GFA Areas:
 Parking, Service & Utilities
 Vertical Penetrations Parking floors if not used for Resd’l / Comm’l Purposes
 Balconies 10m² above, uncovered areas, fire escape, etc.

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