Made Easy: Lockdown Period Open Practice Test Series

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Lockdown Period
Open Practice Test Series
(Also useful for ESE & Other Exams)
Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

Multiple Choice Questions : Q.1 to Q.8 carry 1 mark each

Q.1 The mass curve of rainfall of a storm is a plot of

(a) accumulated precipitation volume versus time in decreasing order.
(b) rainfall intensity versus time in chronological order.
(c) accumulated rainfall intensity versus time.
(d) accumulated precipitation volume versus time in chronological order.

1. (d)

Q.2 A precipitation in the form of water droplets of size less than 0.5 mm and intensity less than 1 mm/hr is
known as
(a) Rain (b) Sleet
(c) Hail (d) Drizzle

2. (d)
Rain is used to describe precipitations in the form of water drops of size larger than 0.5 mm.
Sleet is frozen raindrops of transparent grain which form when rain falls through air at subfreezing temperature.
Hail is a showry precipitation in the form of irregular pallets of size more than 8 mm.

Q.3 Interception losses

(a) includes evaporation and transpiration losses
(b) consists of only evaporation loss
(c) consists of only stemflow
(d) include evaporation and stemflow

3. (b)
A part of rain may be caught by vegetation and subsequently evaporated. The volume of water so caught
is called interception. Interception loss is solely due to evaporation and does not include transpiration,

through flow or stemflow.

Q.4 A stream that carries discharge in rainy season and remains dry during hot weather is known as

(a) Ephemeral stream (b) Intermittent stream

(c) Influent stream (d) Effluent stream

4. (b)
Intermittent stream have flowing water periods during the wet season (winter-spring) but are normally dry
during hot summer months. They do not have continuous flowing water year-round and are not “relatively
permanent waters”.

"intermittent" streams which normally cease flowing for weeks or months each year, and with "ephemeral"
channels that flow only for hours or days following rainfall.

Q.5 Select the correct statement:

(a) irrigation helps in adopting mixed cropping.
(b) ‘mixed cropping’ means sowing of a different crop after a particular crop has been grown.
(c) over-irrigation may lead to saving of fertilizers.
(d) irrigation helps in avoiding mixed cropping.

5. (d)
The areas where irrigation is not assured, mixed cropping is adopted. Mixed cropping means sowing
different crops together in the same field. Mixed cropping is not desirable as different amount of water
and field conditions. Farmers are not benefitted. If irrigation water is assured, mixed cropping may be
eliminated and single superior crop may be grown to get the maximum benefits.

2 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

Q.6 Salinity in irrigation water is measured by:

(a) SAR value (b) Electrical conductivity
(c) pH-value (d) none of the above

6. (b)

Q.7 In a concrete gravity dam, with a sloping upstream face, the resisting force is provided by the
(a) weight of the dam
(b) weight of the water supported on the upstream slope
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

7. (c)


Q.8 The ‘meander length’ for an alluvial river is:
(a) the total channel length along its looped course
(b) the total channel length minus the direct straight length
(c) the axial length of one meander
(d) the looped length of one meander

8. (c)

Numerical Answer Type Questions : Q. 9 to Q. 16 carry 1 mark each


Q.9 A canal is 60 km long and has an average surface width of 15 m. If the evaporation measured in a class
A pan is 0.6 cm/day, then the volume of water evaporated in a month of 30 days ___________ m3.
[Given pan constant for class A pan = 0.7]

9. 113400 (113399.99 to 113400.01)

( −2

Volume of water evaporated in a month = 60 × 10 × 15 × 0.6 × 10 × 30 × 0.7


= 113400 m 3

Q.10 If the base period of a 4-h unit hydrograph is 48h, then the hydrograph of a storm of 8 h, derived from this
unit hydrograph, will be having a base period of __________ hours.

3 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

10. 52 (51.99 to 52.01)

4-h UH

4-h UH lagged by 4 hour

8-h UH hydrograph

0 4 48 52

Q.11 The peak of flood hydrograph due to a 3-h duration isolated storm in a catchment is 230 m3/s. The total
depth of rainfall is 5.9 cm. Assuming an average infiltration loss of 0.3 cm/h and a constant base flow of
30 m3/s, the peak of 3-h unit hydrograph of this catchment is ____________ m3/s.

11. 40 (39.99 to 40.01)

Rainfall excess = 5.9 – 3 × 0.3 = 5.0 cm
Peak of DRH
Peak of 3-h unit hydrograph =
Rainfall excess
230 − 30
= = 40 m 3 /s

Q.12 A 80 km2 catchment has a 4-h unit hydrograph which can be approximated as a triangle. If the peak
ordinate of this unit hydrograph is 10 m3/s then the time base is __________ hours.
12. 44.44 (44 to 45)
Let Time base = B hours
1 1
⇒ × B × 60 × 60 × 10 = × 80 × 10 6

2 100
⇒ B = 44.44 hours

Q.13 An irrigation water has following characteristics:

Concentration of Na+ = 24 meq/l
Concentration of Ca++ = 3.6 meq/l
Concentration of Mg++ = 2 meq/l

The SAR value of the water is _____________.

13. 14.34 (14 to 15)

Na +
Ca++ + Mg ++
= = 14.34
3.6 + 2

4 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

Q.14 The duty for a crop for a base period of 110 days is 1400 hectares/cumec. The delta of the crop is _______ cm.

14. 67.88 (67.5 to 68)

8.64B 8.64 × 110

Delta, ∆ = = = 0.6788 m
D 1400
= 67.88 cm

Q.15 The silt factor ‘f ’ as used by Lacey in his regime theory was found to be 1.2. The median size of this
alluvium is _____________ mm.

15. 0.46 (0.45 to 0.48)

Silt factor, f = 1.76 d

1.2 = 1.76 d
⇒ d = 0.46 mm

Q.16 A soil has a field capacity of 25%, permanent wilting point of 15%, and specific weight of 14.7 kN/m3.
If the root zone depth of the grown crop is 90 cm, then its available moisture holding capacity is
____________ cm. EA
16. 13.5 (13 to 14)
Available moisture holding capacity of root zone

[FC − PWP ]

14.7 × 0.9
[ 0.25 − 0.15] = 0.135 m = 13.5 cm

Multiple Choice Questions : Q.17 to Q.24 carry 2 marks each

Q.17 Depth-Area-Duration curves of precipitation at a station would normally be

(a) concave upwards, with duration increasing outward.

(b) concave downwards, with duration increasing outward.
(c) concave upwards, with duration decreasing outward.
(d) concave downwards, with duration decreasing outward.

17. (b)

Q.18 Unit hydrograph is generally used for

1. extending flood flow records by using the available rainfall records.
2. developing flood forecasting and warning system based on rainfall data.
3. developing flood hydrograph for extreme rainfall magnitudes for the design of hydraulic structures.
Of these, the correct statements are
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3

18. (d)

5 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

Q.19 Consider the following statements:

1. Fan shaped catchments give narrow hydrograph with low peak.
2. Clark’s method is used to develop an Instantaneous unit hydrograph.
3. A linear reservoir is characterized by a linear relationship between the storage and the discharge.
Which of the above statements are CORRECT?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3

19. (c)
Fan shaped i.e. nearly semicircular shaped catchments give high peak and narrow hydrographs while
elongated catchments give broad and low-peaked hydrographs.

Q.20 Match List-I (Hydrological Terms) with List-II (Relationship) and select the correct answer using the codes

given below the lists:
List-I List-II
A. Flow duration curve 1. Stream flow in order of magnitude is plotted as ordinate and percent
of time as abscissa.
B. Hydrograph 2. Plot of flow in a stream against time.
C. Hyetograph 3. Rainfall intensity versus time.
D. DAD curve 4. Always a falling curve
(a) 4 2 3 1
(b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 1 2 3 4
(d) 4 3 2 1

20. (c)

Q.21 With the increase in supplied irrigation water, the yield of crops:
(a) increases continuously

(b) decreases continuously

(c) increases upto a certain limit, and then becomes constant
(d) increases upto a certain limit, and then decreases

21. (d)

Q.22 The crop among the following which is expected to have maximum duty is

(a) Wheat (b) Rice

(c) Sugarcane (d) Cotton

22. (a)

Q.23 The vertical component of which of the following forces is responsible for upward movement of sediments?
(a) buoyant force (b) tractive force
(c) kinematic force (d) eddy force

23. (d)

Q.24 Alkali soils are reclaimed by

(a) leaching only (b) addition of gypsum only
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) provision of drainage

6 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

24. (c)
Alkali soils are reclaimed by:
1. Leaching only : If Na2CO3 is absent in soil.
2. Addition of gypsum followed by leaching : If Na2CO3 is present in soil.

Numerical Answer Type Questions : Q. 25 to Q. 33 carry 2 marks each

Q.25 The normal annual rainfall at stations A, B and C situated in meteorologically homogeneous region are
165 cm, 172 cm and 150 cm respectively. In the year 2016, station B was inoperative and stations A and
C recorded annual precipitations of 155 cm and 145 cm respectively. The annual rainfall at station B in that
year could be estimated to be nearly ____________ cm.

25. 163.92 (163 to 165)

Since 150 cm < 0.9 × 172 = 154.8 cm i.e. the normal annual precipitation values are beyond ±10%

172  155 145 
∴ pB =  +  = 163.92 cm
2  165 150 

Q.266 From the past rainfall records at a place, it was observed obtained that a maximum rainfall depth of
200 mm in 12-h has a return period of 50 years. The probability of a 12-h rainfall equal to or greater than
200 mm occurring at the same place at least once in 30 years is _____________ %.

26. 45.5 (45 to 46)

Risk or probability of the given rain occurring at least once in n years = R = 1 − (1 − p ) 

1 1
p = = = 0.02
T 50
∴ R = 1 – (1 – 0.02)30

= 1 – 0.545 = 0.455 = 45.5%

Q.27 In a triangular channel, the top width and depth of flow were 2.0 m and 0.9 m respectively. Velocity

measurements on the centre line at 18 cm and 72 cm below the free water surface indicated velocities of
0.6 m/s and 0.4 m/s respectively. The discharge in the channel is ___________ m3/s.

27. 0.45 (0.44 to 0.46)

It can be observed that
y1 = 18 cm = 0.18 m = 0.2 × 0.9 = 0.2y
y2 = 72 cm = 0.72 m = 0.8 × 0.9 = 0.8y

V0.2 y + V0.8 y
Vmean =

0.6 + 0.4
= = 0.5 m/s
Q = AV

1 
=  × 2 × 0.9  × 0.5 = 0.45 m /s
 2 

Q.28 The probability of occurrence of a flood equal to or greater than 20 years flood exactly once during the
next 20 years is ____________.

7 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

28. 0.377 (0.37 to 0.39)

1 1
p = = = 0.05
T 20
p1,n = Probability of occurrence of flood of T = 20 years once in the next n years
= npq n – 1
Where, n = 20 years
q = 1 – p = 1 – 0.05 = 0.95
∴ p1,n = 20 × 0.05 × (0.95)19
= 0.377

Q.29 The total volume of runoff due to a storm is 60 × 106 m3. The area of basin is 200 km2. The rainfall
distribution is given as follows:

Hour 0 − 2 2 − 4 4 − 6 6 − 8 8 − 10 10 − 12 12 − 14
Rainfall (cm/hr) 2.0 4.5 5.0 3.2 2 1.5 1

The W-index from the following data is ____________ cm/hr.

29. 0.6 (0.59 to 0.61)

60 × 10 6 m 3
(200 × 10 ) m
Runoff depth = 6 2

= 0.3 m = 30 cm
Total rainfall = 2 [2 + 4.5 + 5 + 3.2 + 2 + 1.5 + 1]
= 38.4 cm

38.4 − 30
∴ Windex = = 0.6 cm/hr

Q.30 Lacey’s scour depth for a stream carrying a discharge of 3 cumecs per metre width and having a silt factor
of 1.2 is _____________ m.

30. 2.64 (2.6 to 2.7)

q2 
Scour depth = 1.35  
 f 

 32 
= 1.35  1.2  = 2.64 m
 

8 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

Q.31 For the gravity dam profile as shown in figure, the total horizontal hydrostatic force acting on the dam is
_______________ kN/m length of dam. [Take γw = 10 kN/m2]

65 m


31. 20880 (20879.99 to 20880.01)

65 m
EA 7m

Hydrostatic force on upstream side,

1 1
F1 = γ w H 2 = × 10 × 65 2
2 2
= 21125 kN/m

Hydrostatic force on downstream side,

1 1
F2 = γ w h 2 = × 10 × 7 2

2 2
= 245 kN/m
Net force, F = F1 – F2
= 21125 – 245
= 20880 kN per meter length of dam

Q.32 A weir on a permeable foundation with downstream sheet pile wall is shown in the figure below. The exit

gradient as per Khosla’s method is 1 : x. The value of x is _____________. [Correct upto one decimal place]




12 m
sheet pile

9 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

Delhi | Noida | Bhopal | Hyderabad | Jaipur | Indore
Lucknow | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Kolkata | Patna

32. 3.0 (2.99 to 3.01)

H 1
Exit gradient, GE = ×
d π λ
H = 6 m, b = 12 m, d = 4 m
b 12
α = = =3
d 4

1+ 1+ α2 1 + 1 + 32
λ = = = 2.08
2 2
6 1
GE = × = 0.331
4 π 2.08

= 1 : 3.02  1 : 3.0

Q.33 If the irrigation efficiency in a 10 ha field is 80%, and the conveyance losses from the canal outlet is 10%,
then the volume of water required at the canal outlet, for supplying 10 cm water depth in the field, will be
equal to _____________ m3.

33. 13890 (13880 to 13900)

Water depth required at canal =

Water depth required in the field
ηa · ηc
= = 13.89 cm
0.8 × 0.9
∴ Volume of water required for 10 ha field

 13.89 
=  m × 10 × 10 4 m 2

100 
= 13890 m3


10 • Hydrology & Irrigation-Basic Level © Copyright : MADE EASY

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