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i; In any microcosm, a variety of people is likely with an article in The Merciad and proceeded to oppression?????????? At an academic
to be found. But lately, I've become aware that take 45 minutes of her science class to derogate institution there is no place for suppression of the
Mercyhurst has an overabundance of sniveling, the credibility of the staff. She didn't notify the press.
opinionated, cowards. I'm speaking of those staff of her grievance, she merely felt it her At a Christian institution there is no place for
faculty, administrators, and students who place to destructively criticize. \ ' ' someone who ideologically disagrees with
somehow believe that God has died and left them 11 abhor the actions of those who maliciously try another to resort to back-stabbing.
boss. • fL to subvert the programs of anyone with whom At an academic institution there is no place for
I personally am becoming very weary of those they disagree. Very rarely do those of this ilk try someone to sulk through the halls violently
at the College who believe it their right to con- to resolve their differences and state their ripping down announcements of programs whose
fiscate a newspaper because they believe one opinions in a fair and open way. , subject he opposes.
article to be offensive. Those types of tactics are It is no wonder that most of the letters to the I say this to all you self-appointed closet
neither fair nor mature and indeed smack of editor come in to The Merciad requesting "name censors if you don't have the courage to per-
Nazism. I f withheld" privileges. It is no wonder apathy sonally espouse your actions and beliefs, expect
I personally am disgusted upon hearing from a reigns supreme. Why S should anyone subject little more than to be regarded an idiot - full of
fellow student that a faculty member disagreed themself or their ideas to these forms of unfair sound and fury signifying nothing.
Colleen McManamon

The Voice of the Mercyhurst Community



Editor's Note: It is often times the unpleasant task way involved in performing an abortion will be ex-
of the newspaper journalist to report on very ex- communicated from the Catholic Church. To many
plosive and controversial issues when the possibility people this seemed^ to be a very strong, tactless
of being violently attacked exists on both sides. But it statement which was entirely out of line. But in view
is of equal importance to report situationslas they of the fact that Mercyhurst is a Christian institution,
exist with a minimal amount of bias and a maximum this comment which indeedlis very powerful, must
amount of accurate observation. .? always be a serious consideration in the minds of the
On Thursday, January 23, in the coffeeshop of the Catholic student faced with this controversy.
Student Union, a very tense situation existed. As In the en<t the abortion issue is up to the student to
previously advertised, a pro-abortion ffilm was decide in his own fnind and conscience, weighing very
presented to the Mercyhurst student body by Gret- carefully both sides of the issue and investigating for ** - ,

chen Krampf,|a senior on^the Student Sexuality himself "all the physical, psychological, and moral ESSS?- v:-;T AwW1

Council. But in view of the fact that this is a Catholic implications of this highly controversial issue. Gr etc hen Kra mpt Mrs. Susan Stroh
institution, the opportunity for an equal response by
the pro-life organization was made available. So, in
addition to the pro-abortion film J there was a slide
show depicting the stand of the pro-life organization
on the right to life by Mrs. Susan Stroh. J
At the meeting, there were also various other
NEWS special I donations from good prospects originally
people involved in the "Pennsylvanians for Human
Life" movement, who had just returned from a trip I. SPRING PLAY CANCELLED I located during the first phase of the drive, in addition
to Washington >to petition for a change in the con- Speaking for the Mercyhurst Drama Department, to a generalfollow-up.* « /.
stitutional decision on abortion to once again prohibit Ms. Jude Yablonsky announced this week that the
abortions on demand. There •was also a sizeable Winter musical productionJ "Showboat", has been
representation of the student body. W? j j, | cancelled. !jf I fe| g IV. NON-SMOKERS, BAND TOGETHER
Unfortunately, the meeting got somewhat out of Ms. Yablonsky attributed the cancellation to lack A group of Mercyhurst students and faculty con-
hand. First of all, it is important to note that both of student interest in the production. At the time that cerned with noiusmokers' rights have embarked on
sides 1 were given ? equal rights to express* their casting was being held, according to Ms. Yablonsky, an effort to get smoking out of the classrooms of the
opinions, and any questions^or comments from the more people showed up from off thef Mercyhurst college. The group is currently circulating a petition
students in the assembly were welcomed. But, as in campus than Mercyhurst students. No student in- to be presented to $he mean demanding that no-
any serious and controversial discussion, many terest equals no play, and "Ole Man River" isn't smoking ordinances for classrooms be enforced for
people are bound to become very emotional and upset coming to the Hurst. | *m f students and faculty. | * ^ xT . _T
by seemingly personal attacks. Then again, in this It was noted, however, that there will be a Spring In a statement for the Merciad, Mr. N. Louis Necci,
situation, it was not the individual who was being production under the sponsorship of the? Drama Director of Maintainence and Operations for the
constantly challenged but the ISSUE. | Department. I &. college gave the anti-smoking crusade his full sup-
At the very climax of this heated interplay, a man port noting that the absence of cigarette butts,
in a dark suit stood up and quoted the church law ashes, and smoke residue would greatly reduce
involving this abortion issue which quite clearly II. CELEBRATION "STALLED / /
maintenance requirements for the classrooms. At a
states that anyone who has an abortion or is in any time of great cost consciousness at Mercyhur st it was
On Monday of this week, the chairpersons of the noted that this would represent some savings of tome
various committees|formed in connection with the and money for the school. * jMj Sk^l
college's golden anniversary celebration |met—for Students who are interested in signing the petition,
about five minutes. 1 which does not infringe on the right of students to
Because of the fact that the question of when the smoke outside the classrooms but only restricts
school will celebrate the golden anniversary is not yet smoking in enclosed areas, should sign a copy which
resolved, all planning is currently at a standstill. Only is available in the Info. Office.
three of the eight committee chairmen showed up for
the meeting, and it was.* learned the formation of
major plans for the celebration was impossible until V. ATTENTION DAY STUDENTS
a solid date is arrived at. I JS
HeadofUhe anniversary project, Mr. Thomas The day student mailboxes are now installed and
Monaghan expressed the hope that a decision on the ready to be put into service. The new boxes are
time of the celebration would soon be forthcoming. located in the basement of Preston Hall near the mail
room. J i
These boxes are for inter-college mau only! All
mail coming from outside the college will be returned
III. CAMPUS CENTER DRIVE | to the sender; however, grades will be put in these
In an interview with Mr. Robert Prather, Vice boxes at the end of each term. >
President in charge of Development, it was learned Due to thejarge number of* day students, two
that the Campus Center Drive is still near the students will be assigned to use most of the boxes.
$500,000 mark that it reached some weeks back. On Monday, February 3, Tuesday, February 4, and
Mr. Prather conceded that the drive pledges have Wednesday, February 5, the mailboxes | will be
been coming in very slowly, but he also noted that he assigned. It is necessary for each day student
No, the Jolly (Srccii (Slant is not. as rumored, opening an expects an increase in pledges in the next week or so desiring a box to come down to the mailroom in the
outlet store in the Mercyhurst Learning Resource Center as the first phase of the drive wraps up. All pledge basement of Preston to find out their box number,
(|,KC>! The giant fruits and vegetables are the "frails" of solicitors will have|their cards turned in to the combination, and whom they will be sharing their
the labor of the art department's Visual Perception II class, Development department by the end of next week. mailbox with. Any questions will be answered at that
and will be on display through next Tuesday. They will then The second phase of the drive will consist of seehang time by Jean Coffey. '& ft

be sold at modest prices. J


Lakerettes Insulted you might like, I would caution you against hard independently? Are we so busy a complaining
overreacting to mere diction. about how "poor" our Intersession '74 was that we
Dear Editor, The Lakerettes deserve* to be commended, I
I have heard on several occasions that you were personally feel they are worthy of much more don't want to try to make it better next year? Why
having a bard time getting writers for The Merciad recognition and" ' * has Intersession failed in its usefulness?
" - - -* I don't believe Intersession has failed us. I feel WE
but until I read your "Guest Editorial" (Girls Go Big Your suggestion to have The Merciad publish more have failed Intersessioa Everyone must work at the
Time) in the January 24th edition of the paper, I positive articles on the Lakerettes is a good one. program to make it a success. In 1967, Intersession
didn't realize how bad the situation was. This column Connie, would you consider covering the games and was a success because of cooperation between
was so poorly written that several readers admitted writing the stories??????? * ' *» students, faculty and the community. Intersession
to have read it two or three times to de-code its ob:
scure and insulting message.| ^ 1975 can be a successful challenge, too, if we all want
to take responsibility f or i t!!!!! *
As a woman, even though I am not on the Lakerette • « *.

f Joni Wheeler
team, I am; extremely insulted and even more P.S. Thank you for your apologies concerning the
disappointed that you, the editor, would permit such mangling of my story on Herman's Hermits. I realize
a blatantly sexist column to appear in the Mercy- Campus Gossip now what had happened. Too bad it had to be my
hurst newspaper. Most people should know that name Dear Student Body story, but at least you printed "Herman's Hermits"
calling is a highly irresponsible way of trying to get a I'm really disgusted and I hope that at least some correctly!!!
point across and that it is also a potentially cruel of you can sympathize with me.
tactic. Calling the women's varsity basketball team Never in my life have I heard more slanderous
the "Panty Brigade" shows a lack of school pride. If! remarks centered in one area than on this campus,
anyone were to call the men's team an equally in- D o r f t y o u r&dize { e U o w coeds> that ^ l e n d i n g
suiting name they would probably be hung by their stream of gossip spread faithfully day in and day out Cheerleader Resigns
thumbs and forced into exile. Considering these facts is quite harmful to those we speak about? Have the
and the other personal insults directed at individuals people in my generation who once shouted and An open letter to:
on the team, I don't think it is unreasonable to suggest cha nted songs of unity, friendship, and love forgotten The Laker Basketball Team:
that the authors of last j week's sports editorial the lyrics a midst the tunes of life*' . This is a rather sad letter for me to write. First of
aU l w a n t to t h a n k t h e e n t i r e t e a m f o r
apologize to the Lakerettes. f G^sip i s f o u n d everywhere, but I can't sit back and <" ^ i **ing
s o g r e a t t o me
The post script included in the column (This ignore the large case of it we have here. I've seen --jit's reallyibeen an experience' to
column includes speculations and opinions of events many* people hurfcj by the incessant chattering of Personally . cheer. the . first. ^ half•..*• of the 1974-75 season
in which we haven't been in attendance) should be tongues. I sympathize deeply with those bearing the the Lakers. Due to differing attitudes, personality
corrected to read: "This column included prejudices wounds of a blackened reputation usually caused by conflicts and unwavering feelings among the other
and incorrect information on events and situations of the immaturity and jealousy of another individual. Is Varsity Cheerleaders and myself, I feel it is best for
which we have no accurate knowledge." Just for the there really pleasure and entertainment in discussing e r e s i n fr o m sc uad l was
™ . *? 8 *** » , } , 22K55
record, the Lakerette scrimmage with Edinboro was another's "supposed" private life? | decision on my part, I was proud to be a Mercyhurst
played at Edinboro; not in the <" Mercy hurst There are so many things to converse about when cheerleader; nevertheless, it was still quite a dif-
Dungeon" as stated in the editorial. The game was withvyour friends:jhow about your^life, your dating ficult decision to make, j
scheduled as a home game but due to the fact that habits, and your grades for a change. Does it really Although I won't be in uniform for the remainder of
our team couldn't get a gym in Erie, they were forced matter why a particular person wears short skirts, or THIS season, please remember that I will be in the
to meet Edinboro on their home floor. It should also how many different guys a girl talks to each day? Did stands cheering the team oa And if, by chance, when
be pointed out, in all fairness to our Lakerettes, that y o u e v e r consider athat there was a quite popular it's time for Varsity \try-outs, and the atmosphere
they are one ofJhe few small college teams who will| fashion once called the micro-mini and have you changes and problems resolve, I hope to be an active
take on the Edinboro team of mostly Physical realized that guys are human and quite capable of cheerleader in 1975-76.
Education majors. The Edinboro-team:has four' simply having a friendship with a girl (that's right- Once again, thanks, for everything; I'm especially
strings while Mercyhurst had one string and a few maybe they were just "talking''.) appreciative of all the .friendships I've made since
substitutes. That our women even lasted a full 40 Come on Mercyhurst, get with the times! We aren't September. So Lakers, don't forget that I'll still be
minute game against such an unequal opponent is in old women in? a fish market. Try leaving sexual there to support you; like a true cheerleader, I'll
itself, something to be proud of. ' 4 thoughts and value judgements where they always be present in SPIRIT. Remember, "Lakers
In conclusion, I would like to suggest that The orginated -fin your heads, and let's give people a are the best around, hey Lakers- get down!!" I'll
Merciad publish a few positive articles about the chance. After all, if someone is too unpleasant to look always think of you that way, '.
Lakerettes. I will agree with the Authors of "Girls Go at or just isn't "yourftype," all you have to do is Mary Sue Sabol
Big Time" in the fact that the women's budget is ignore them and I guarantee you that they'd vanish, P.S. Please extend my thanks to the coaching staff,
sadly lacking as is their fan support, but despite this, unless of course if they hold a knife to your throat. the Laker Club, and all others who are in anyway
these women are serious athletes, representing our Name witheld connected with the team.
college. The 'Hurst Community should be proud and
respectful of them.
Sincerely, Info Office Plea
Connie McMillin
P.S. Note that unlike the authors of "Girls Go Big Support Intersession Dear Faculty and Administration,
Time" I am not ashamed of either my name or my Dear Editor, When was the last time you reported I any
opinions. While working in the Archives, the otherrday, I meetings, dinners, cocktail parties and locations of
came across an interesting article from The Times these functions with the Information Room? ? ? ? ?
Editor's Comment: News, Sunday, December 17, 1967. Two full pages Do you realize that this not only* shows lack of
I can assure you that * the authors of \ last week's with pictures and print were devoted to Mercyhurst's concern for your guests, but embarrassment to the
article meant no sexist malice. In fact, the authors "Intersession: A Challenge Offered the Adult Mind." Information Room Staff??? Your guests reply every
are two of the team's biggest fans. Although the Called an "avant-garde" in education, Intersession time with a bewildered comment such as, "This is
Panty Brigade nickname may not be as dignified as was part of the newly "re-organized'' schedule. It Information - you?should know where this is being
stressed Independent thinking and individual in- held."
volvement" over a ^nineteen-day period^ between ••, At times we feel like replying, "No, this is the
MERCIAD Thanksgiving and Christmas. Forty-two courses
were offered. Among them were: A trip to New York
Uninformation Room. We're usually the last to find
anything out." But we usually manage to simper out
City with the Image Interpretation Class which a weak question like "Are you sure that group is
Editor Colleen McManamon
Editorial Board studied "anti-realistic trends in 20th century meeting today?" Then, a frantic "Hide-and-Go-
News Editors- Pat Weschler literature, film, and drama." Through cooperative Seek" game begins to locate the clandestine group.
Feature Editor: Terry Scheib programs with local factories and companies,
Sports Editor: Jim Marzano
Layout Editor: Carol Quartuccio students were able to participate in "A Seminar in Another embarrassing situation occurs when a
Copy Editor: Olivia Longo Business Enterprise" and other lecture seminars. guest or appointment comes to the Information Room
Photographer: 'J. Stark, Jim Prez The student co-op helped the students receive saying he has an appointment with Mr. Jones at 10:00
Layout Staff: , Tina Reichenbach
"practical, on-the-job experience in their major field am. We call his office only to find that he was last
Writers and Creators: Tony Mane us o of interest." It "also helped them become aware of seen an hour ago and are instructed to please have
Joni Stevenson, Darla the importance of human relations and economic the guest wait a bit.!Usually, a half hour later, Mr.
Chris Van Wagenen, Ma lone, Kathy Turek, programs." Jones appears. >
Mullaugh. Joni Wheeler Nancy Willis, Patty
In closing, the article stated, "Intersession '67 has First impressions are lasting. In the Information
Faculty Advisor: Andrew Roth become a challenge to the lazy adult mind." Room we try to make that impression a good one for
Business Manager JoeCastrignano youi PLEASE HELP US J
What has happened to all} of Mercy hurst's adult Thank you, \
minds? Are we becoming lazy -fnot willing to work The Information Staff
Student Poll

Windows On The Post

bf Will Owstrttt
In light of the fact that entrance of the college and
Mercynurst College was the construction of the Grot t o,
founded as 5 a * college for which was designed by 4Fr.
women by women, it Is sur- Sullivan "and built into* an
prising to note that there were artificial Mil created tor it
two men who played vary Countless shrubs personally
active roles in the early days lanted by him can-be ..found
of the collece—Fr. William iroughout the campus, and it
Sullivan and Dr.* Michael can be said that he truly left
glory whon
there's a winning ntroak; the Hon Hun mm till t I think it WSS a Not Krtiiih; llif bSSt thing that
Coach'N fault whon thoy lotto, good opportunity for him to happened to the himkotball
Relihan. 7 T his mark at Mercyhurst get out beoauie of tits toain»i, I 1
Fr.; Sullivan first? came to Another male builder of r
t rocuiTont III no*a and v doa%
Mercyhurst shortly after the Mercyhurst was Dr. Michael »V think the toan will bekfMtod
College,, was t founded. J. Relihan; a *man who con- by it. Mr, Markoy it squally
Although he was stationed at tributed 'greatly? to Mer- $ talonlod. Tholr futuro mir com*
the college for only four cyhurst's growth and success g? will dopondT upon their desire
years, the face of the college as a respected academic Ho win, £ \ .4^,
was considerably changed as institution. *
a result of his "building" Dr. Relihan came to
efforts. FS * % Mercyhurst as one of its first
In the time that he was at faculty members in 1827. He
Mercyhurst. Fr. Sullivan would remain at Mercyhurst
personally laid out and land- for the next thirty-two years
scaped the Mercyhurst until ill health forced him to
campus. He didn't have much retire In 1950. In his tifrio'et
to start with—there were few Mercyhurst, Dr. Relihan Rick Rfeatowi it's for the good of
trees on the seventy five ac founded the M college's p£l tho team I SSI I *' f I
pieced of farmland that had education department/ Nick DeMtntiti I give him erodlt
Become Mercyhurst College, personally overseeing the tor having snough gutu to
withv\the exception of, the progress of all of the teachers ft* make a decision like that,
knowing *that the iport hai
orchard, and there was no that the department trained. meant a great deal to htm.%jp
shrubbery or planting done on He served in the capacity of
the campus. The only thing Director of Teacher Training-
that the college grounds had a at Mercyhurst for 28 years.; been dedicated to Mother M.
lot of was mud, Dr. Kelihan's interest In BorlgaEgan). i§£ y i MlkeCarrigt I've known Mri i^o*
Fr. Sullivair transformed Mercyhurst and its students "A Good Teacher Can linQS lilgh Srliool aiul : ho'i*
the campus, planting the went beyond the classroom Teach Anything"- that was ?v elweyi boon a man of p^tonsl
trees ana shrubs that have he was an extremely well- Dr. Kelihan's motto. In his ill integrity j;and4s man who
grown large and given the liked teacher, and he devoted time at Mercyhurst, he lived known iuN own mind. Moray-
campus its shady spots. much ot his spare time to the up to his own motto very well, hurst in fluttering a Ion
Among -• his ? major college and its students. When teaching both Latin and horaiiMO of Ml roilgnntlon hut
achievements was the con- the second edition of the Greek, in addition to his I know ht'i doing what l* bent Mary Anno Crowlsyi ',Too had
struction of the main Procter itu came out!in 1936, Teacher Evaluation courses. !* forhim.nHH H ^ B B H that he rsalgnsd nut if it'* for
boulevard that'comes up to the book was dedicated to Dr. Next week: THrc O'NEIL ^f tiio hotter ment of the team,
Old Main from the 38th street Relihan (the first edition had FAMILY.* f Im&m? m tiionIt's for ihobetter, HBs

by Sr. Joseph J M a r y S ^ ;
IS THERE ONE MliL- Individual, in selecting! this YOUNG BECAUSE AFTEH
AROUND EXERCISE activity, < is short changed 86, IT HAS ADVERSE EF«
WHICH IS BENEFICIAL TO because conditioning is oc- FECTS ON THE HEART? j 6
THE HUMAN BODY? j£ curring only In one factoriof Through regular! exercise,
To say that there is only one total fitness. \ 1-5 f| * the heart [is strengthened
exercise that would suf- If an individual, however, Is without regard to agoof the 1
ficiently benefit the human to choose one activity which individual involved. It should II ay i Fori tan Maybe now tho John fslt
Haneyi It** womethlng ho
ho nad to do rather than
body would J be Juntrue. would come' closest to be noted, fhowever, thatJ by parti on will WMKO up. SEHKil H what ho wanted to dOi I w
However, we must realise de velopi ng all oft the a bove exerc Dr.lHlchardi J.
that certain activities or mentioned aspects of physical Grochlis referring I to a
exercises are primarily fitness, .'ii swimming, {and "reasonable amount at the
Concerned iwith ^ the distance running would be his beginning.^ of •* a regular
development of ^certain best bet This assessment Is exercise' program, followed
aspects of* total fitness. An primarily based upon »the by increases relative to the
example would be an* in- cardio-vascular! benefits of individual.! The American EUROPE
dividual participating in the activities.! (Cardio- Heart Association says that
handball? This activity is vascular value is determined "Regular, moderate exercise BOUND*
developing or conditioning the by 'comparing heart rates is desirable for general health IN 75?
cardiovascular \ system; attained during participation and well being," and that
however, it is also doing very in various j activities land "Some physicians^believe won Ulnl yi«i nil her amw with •*•?
little toward increasing recovery j rate! measure that exercise may be one of • •••*• / • • r < * « a r i ( M I ( ( N i ( l a t t u l v n i a wstmmr** ••» 0 u r » » p « ( A w 4 l h «

flexibility, overall muscular following participation). the many factors that tend to l r « < r * l » » l « «

" T i l l * f * « , r *
f l f V

I •
t i l

f t M f M l V

* • • » *

t . I t . b x . ««•

J . H M I . M *
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> • M
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H * l
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»••§•# jlifft Anl J l f i/A'/. JRHP t f t f H i Wffef rrm

endurance and muscular IS IT CORRECT I THAT protect against {cardio- Tor*. ( t > i « i ' a *«M% !>»• • i r l l n « » M f *»«*, \*m\. f—0 | h«M
strength. Consequently, this EXERCISE IS FOR! THE vascular d incase." s r w t p t %/tm u n f o r n * ^ ! t n c r » « « « « f ) ll^H
l#% only tin yrtu r i y v l M l u« M l i * i r . Wtit n g • • « J u ^ * I H I U *
***** y | r t i r «»buiee «r i t f t f AMP 4« I f f » f a m§ f f l O "*& <*••**
» i l f i n during M M W M M r , *n*l i l l r'* H4v# U mt » t %**•• iff
U t ^ M r v t f r " u f MA% l|OT *'f ••tMSIr»g § I # 0 . •••|»«tel%0 pilu • 01l'«
ftgt#fef^t|#fi f M a H•»*t*» r«««nt. i y n4V Vs m% ' ! • # * * » W » * M ^ »*#
ule%l«r»e w* m4ei. f u M H l a l l f l l l H % »»•»» I*. i|.*»*» • ^ i l i f t • " ^
fill I umfmmn% u t t f l / '»•>" ^*f»#l» •••*>* M l||)|§« I ' fu%t irtlfH I M
JUII* J\ m H||gU§l 10 f 1 tfttl* l.'i l.-*<)»l*#n f i#f •*»»«|. l * t •!•!•••• I ( f # "
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J u M tfie pf'i«« ftp til r l l o l f irtiiihif r«*u h t i i a IPMmiM

• • e « " n flypenAFpe »!••#•»
A symbolic act to help fight the hunger crisis in the world is H'l M#ful f u r i»Hf ••••»*|ii*ie M»*ti*4ul«0 • p i n We ^ur# M# W9h$f f^"
M F V i t l 0 | | toWta w i l l W/Uf tfOOMft r v P f f l a 0 i Mil 1 ) ••»< • W t w l y
being attempted on the Men yhurst Campus* Several tJeptf t U f t l ffr>m 4UH$ Htn<u§n WtptflWtPa vUttl t f ^ i l f v l M M M i
students along with Mr. David Bianchfieid and the Campun • • » • • • ' U u fj<»fii 11Mai ••!•! i^i«i|»L Mf mfcum • A l l s 411 m**
Ministry are talking to board students and encouraging f i i f ' * • • e r « v i e f w i l r ^ i r t i f I M I # » I , u^ ( K 09VWVMMtt« M 6 f M 0 P i
j f t M M g i t rii*M» i i i t t i M f V i f i f I , " , B I.«»M4MM M M M *•"• ••••r
them to give up an evening meal every two weeks,.If 90 per it«*^"fl| f I IAHI g | f i l l i t i f i U i f I M O f f r H l ^ o r t i f f f l f b e n l # • •
H ^ M ^ i * » 4 Mftny i | / / / i f f i f t i f » i V i f F f « r * f
cent of the students will agree to this, Saga will donate the « » w » i M A** # ¥ i f | a f i larffnwAfiwwi*
profits to a hunger relief agency f. i i t * i ' t r t m i B * * fcftt t M f t fftrtf f

For those remaining "10 per cent who don't wish to par iCMi « I f f « 4 t f f
tic i pa te, dinner will be served in the Student Union* Jg;
Mr. Blanchfield, reacting to the success of the campaign CCharter flying In
so far, stated, "I'm very pleased with the response we've the bi&teHt bargain
been given." Students Bob Curtis, Valerie Sherrange, Kevin
Cook, Michael Car rig, and Jeffrey Best are in the process of in air travel today ]
soliciting signatures for the petition. If Interested in helping
world hunger, contact*any of these students or Campus
Ministry. I i
/ /



Are you having trouble with night at 8:00 p.m. ^ audience in mind, considering |
your roommate? Are constant There as no admission what they would like to say on
late night talks part of your charge for this one act play, a weekend night. I ' '
life? Are you always trying to written by Lonford Wilson, So, kids—this is the Theatre
HURST HAPPENINGS solve each other's problems?
YES! Well, so are Rachel and
Agnes! The"major difference
the same, man who authored
the original script of "Hot 1
Baltimore", the new ABC
Arts Department of Mer-
cyhurst College's jeffort to
reach? you—the mixed up,
TONIGHT! January 31—BEER BLAST!!—sponsored by between these characters and television series. insane, confused, perfectly^
SAC at Presque Isle Hall—3014 W. 12th St.. just west of you is that Rachel and Agnes ft The play stars Pat* Clary normal students of Mercy-'
Peninsula Drive—Bus leaves%om in front of Baldwin don't- go to Mercyhurst. In and Maripat Rafferty as the hurst College. r
Hall atr?8:00—Mercyhurst students! (I.D.'s and $2.00) fact, they don't go to any two''roommates and is being Remember: admission is
Non-Mercyhurst—$2.50 - college—they« don't even directed by Michael King. It free!!
TONIGHT! Red White and Blueberry will be playing at the exist! i 1 ^ takes place in the apartment
Beer Blast—be there for a fantastic time} Rachel and Agnes are the of Rachelr Toth and Agnes
SUNDAY—February 2—MOVIE—Ryan and Tatum O'Neil
are a^couple of unusual con artists straight out of the
two characters in "Ludlow
Fair", a comedy which will
Milligan, two young career
women; alive, alert, and out
1930's in PAPER MOON—Recital Hall—7:00 and 9:00— be performed in the Mer- in the world—to survive! £
Mercyhurst I.D. or $1.00 for non-Mercyhurst.
MONDAY—February 3—COFFEEHOUSE!— featuring
cyhurst Coffeehouse tonight, This particular play was ON IWQLN-FM'
tomorrow night, and Sunday picked with * the college YOUR < SOUND ALTER-
"Brahma"—shows at 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. t,
TUESDAY—February 4—More ^"Brahma" at the Cof- NATIVE: 91.3 FM
feehouse—9:00 and 10:00 t Mondays at 10 om:
WEDNESDAY—February 5—Last night to see "Brah- "Communications: To-
ma"—Coffeehouse 9:00 and 10:00*;:.-
It ; R.U.S. Sets Office Hours wards A New Humanism."
2-3-vieWs of George Gerb-
I Student Union from 10:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.—Here's your Beginning January 28, the RUS office, located^in the ner, Dean,, Annenberg School
chance to Ret full color prints of the greatest artists at a Student Union, will be open on Monday and Friday from of Com m. on the social values
real bargain price! The works of VanfcGogh, Escher, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m.-3 of mass media. JE ^
Dali, Bosch, Picasso, and hundred of others will be p.m. The office will be staffed with RUS representatives 2 10 and 2 17-seminar taped
who are ready to accept suggestions and assist you in any at recital hall on 'The
ALL THROUGH THE WEEK: February MO^-Video Tape questions you might have concerning your student Influence of Media on Events-
I Network arrives at Mercyhurst, and brings with it Eric government ^he RITS r/f;c?
sx^nsion is 281. Please seize Historical and Contemporary
Clapton and Cream.-In Concert—Every Day, Student this I- >portunity A. i' ou* what is taking place at the Perspectives" featuring Drs.
Union, times to be announced?? J * ? i Hursi. I i McQuillen and Davis, M-Hust
Social Science Dept. Len
Kholos, Editor* of the Erie
Daily Times, and Hyle Rich-
Skating Party Scores Success mond, i reporter-newscaster
for.WICU-TV. *
About two hundred people putting the hockey teams to the other girl suffered a Evening With The Masters
showed up Saturday night at shame with their skating compound fracture of the jaw with Dale Patterson and Lou
the Glenwood Ice Rink for the skills! f* ] when she fell on the ice. Cannarozi, Sunday through
third SAC skating party of the The evening was not Another highlight of the Friday at 11 pm.# i 1
year. An added attraction at without its darker moments— evening was the highjacking
this particular party-was the two skaters suffered of the ice-cleaning machine Just Jazz with Gordon
MercyhurstTvs. Strong Vin- moderate injuries: one's by Gerry Sica,*a Mercyhurst Frissora Saturdays at 11 pm.
cent hockey game, which the finger was sliced under the student. After a > victorious
Mercyhurst team woa After blade of her boyfriend's skate rounds about the ice, she Composer's Choice hosted
the game, everyone took to (that boyfriend is none other surrendered the machine to by Dr. Mennini Tues-Thurs at
the ice,T ending the lively than "Meatball" Marzano, of the authorities. * ;'• 10 pm, this week: American
evening in fine form, and the Hurst Hockey Squad) and All in all, the Skating Party Music. |
wasfbut another of a line of 35,000 watts stereo 35,000
great SAC| sponsored suc- watts stereo t
.-«&£*• -
cesses of the 1974-75 year.
Creative and motivated
persons needed to develop
and to produce musical and
!&8afesiSH£« non- musical programs for
public radio broadcast.
Ability to solidify and
sustain efforts important
Particularly needed at this
time are personnel to
MOVIIES announce contemp and
classical programs, record
campus events for
broadcast, run taped
Cinema I (Millereek Mall)— shows, and work with COA
Man With The Golden panelists. Concern for
Gun. v*j
Cinema II (Millereek content and style vital—we
Mall)—Earthquake.; will train in radio
Cinema III , (Millereek techniques. % Underclass-
Mall)—Airport 75. Freshman Denise Slater persons especially en-
Cinema 18—Freebie and the prepares to take to the ice during couraged. Contact Bar-
rBean. the third SAC skating party at bara Ann Hewitt, WQLN-
This aroup of people seemed to be having a good time at Saturday Cinema World—The Longest Glenwood Ice Rink,* held FM-Mercyhurst, 308 Old
i*hts skating party. Not long after, senior Kevin McQuade, top Yard. 1
f 3rd from lefT would have a fractured jaw-but all in good fun! Plaza (West EriePlaza)— Saturday night. Main,
Towering Inferno.
Warner (8th and* State)—
Tkt Director § Company fxtMnts

Strand (W. 10th)—Godfather
Eastway I—Jeremiah
Johnson. |
Eastwav II—Soldier Blue. 1922 E. 38th

ith a minimum purchase of 5.00
V Pizza
Thanks to the culinary
efforts of Teresa, of our
own Mercyhurst snack bar,

homemade pizza is now

• available to Mercyhurst
students—and it sure is
good! Try it for yourself
and see—only $.40 a slice!
A Paramount Release J^Z
(2 for $.75)

2 7:00 & 9:00**1.00 or ID R«cttal|Hall


The winter meeting of the Alliance College, * represen- about Gannon Colleges
Northwest Planning Council ting the private sector, and Cooperative medical program
(Region IX and X) was held Dr. William Vincent of the with Hahnemann Medical
Thursday, January 23, at Venango Campus of Clarion College, the feasibility of
Alliance College. President State, representing the state cooperation between Region
Shane, as Acting Chairperson college Institutions. X and the Institute for Higher
approved the following items: I 4, The Council requested Education of the University of
1. At the request of the each institution to devise a list Pittsburgh, located in Region
Bradford Campus of the of common concerns to be VIII. Allegheny College an-
University of Pittsburgh, forwarded to Miss Bridget nounced plans for a con-
Region IX will be invited to Brickner, a Council Research ference on Affirmative Action
full membership in the North-
west Planning Council,
2. A proposal was approved
Assistant, by February 15.
| 5. The Council also ap-
proved a * proposal for
to which faculty members of
Council institutions will be
invited. > "L
Planning Room
for funding Council Activities cooperation among the
for '75 and '76, to be submitted regional institutions with the the Burton project which
to the Commissioner of understanding that each in- involves them in an ordinary
Higher Education. I stitution in the Council would classroom situation as
3. There was approval for implement the. proposal teacher aides. Their day
the establishment of a Task within its own regulations and begins early at 8: SO when they
Force to examine the time schedule, start their work at Burton
feasibility of regional com- 6. The Council approved Elementary School on Buffalo
munity college. Named to the and appropriation or $200.00 Road. Not only are they
Task Force were Mr. Charles on and ad hoc basis for sup- student aides but'they are
McGeary o f f the j.Erie >ort, of the Teacher also able to teach courses
Business Center, representing
the proprietary sector, Dr.
*reparatlon Conference to be such as math, reading, and
science and art able to apply
held 1on February 22.; 1975. what they learn from their
Irving Koch el of the B eh rend Many member institutions of
Campus, representing the the region are supportive of college courses in real
state related Institutions, Dr. this conference. Classroom situations.
Herman- Szymanski of Reports were received The participant* in this
Pi „ are Lorl Weaver,
Margie Davis. Vlcki
PhylllHllowrn Lhnogglo, and Jot Polan.
They will receive three
Placement Hews An interesting opportunity
is being explored this term by
four juniors who major in
credits for this program and
will be aide to do their student
teaching next term instead of
The Academic Journal, January 1975 issue, is available for elementary education. These waiting until the spring term
reference in the Career Planning Center. There are College students are participating in of their Senior year.
and University Openings, Secondary School Openings ami
Overseas Openings listed in this Journal, which is published
10 times per year. Also available at this time is the booklet
titled *'Making the Most of Your Job Interview" and may be POSITION OPEN:
picked up at the Career Planning Center Office by interested
seniors. * '
INFORMATION SOURCES.. .it is far better to understand
the nature of a graduate program or school and reject it if
1975-70 Merci
necessary than to misunderstand, enroll, and-drop out^ Hon letters to Colas
Assess the information in college catalogues, get advice
from counseling, placement and financial aid offices; and faculty advisor, 304
visit that final choice campus, if at all possible, to learn first
hand about the faculty, students, courses, physical faculties
and other applicable special f programs. Graduate -School
catalogues are available in the Career Planning Center, so
be sure and take advantage of this and visit this office for
further information on Graduate Schools. |
RECRUITER ON CAMPUS, j .The U.S. Air Force Officer by Garrett Kenilworth
Selection Team will be in the Placement Office of Mer-
cyhurst College on Tuesday, February nth, from 9:80 a.m. Well, the big story of ithis extent, the Lakers Club, and, Well now, Coach Markey's
to 4:00 p.m. They will be interviewing young men and past week, ibelive it or not, oh yes. he also,coached the in a helluva position He came
women for the highly competitive jobs available in the Air was not the resignation of Basketball team, li in with a bang and asserted a
Force. According to Captain Jack Harris, a member of the Coach Fox as head basket ball So when coach Fox said. new wave of discipline on the
selection team, today's Air Force is comparable with in coachv The real story is the "the heat gets too hot. got out team by suspending Jesse
dustry for starting salary and promotions - yet offers some reasons why Fox resigned. of the kitchen," he not only Campbell for oner game and
of the best fringe benefits including free medical and dental The immediate reason was meant in the coaching but the Mike Molnar for two. ?
care, career development programs, continuing education, thought to .have been poor rest of -the variables of the The first loss under Coach
ami job opportunities. For an appointment contact the health, as was indicated in a program that were wood in Markey came quickly, losing
Placement Office, or come by the Placement Office on [jremature article by Jack the fire. , in overtime to Salem on
Tuesday, February 11 bet ween 9:3() a.m. and 4: oo p.m. ,'olancy in Saturday's Times. In other words, I believe the Monday night* But the game
But Coach Fox quickly resignation was a com*" was a great one and besides
Students interested in summer work, please sign-up at the dispelled it hat in a hastily binat ion of things, which have Smoke Jones playing super.
Career Planning Center Office—See John Hakel or Mrs. called press conference by been sneaking up on Fox since: Steve Albert played his first
Hawes. saying it was one of the many the day he took the job here. ? eonmieie game and did an
let! gaii
things that led up to that day. Because Coach Fox did how excellent job. I even saw
RECRUITING DATES TO REMEMBER. . .Feb. 11, 1978, But even now, a week later, own recruiting, ha got per- basketball players refusing
Bureau of Social Security, Veterans Administration, U.S. the questions of "what really sonally involved with his beer at parties this week.
Civil Service. . Feb. 13, 1975, Diocese of Erie-Teachers- happened," are still being players. Thus, when the team Things may be looking up for
Grades 1-8. . .Feb. 18, 1978, Hills Department Store, asked. | was under fire, Fox felt it. basketball and the entire
Business helpful but all majors accepted. . .Feb. 27. 1978, Now if you think I'm going When the students started sports program at Mercy-
Copley-Fair lawn School District. Sign-up in Room 207 Main. to answer all of the vague and criticizing-the team, of late, hurst, ' £ .•>'¥:
mysterious questions, then go for partying too much betore
Business I and industry, government and educational back to reading the terrific games and breaking school
organizations list thousands of job opportunities with the Erie Times sports page and regulations, well, Fox took it In girls basketball action.
Placement Office in addition to interviewing on campus. find out how boring sports can to heart. 11 showed, • the Lakerettes crushed
These are on file in the Career Planning Center. Students really be. What I will do is tell When the team overspent, Jamestown Community
should review these Job listings periodically, as they serve you what I think, and if you which it has, or travelling College 7.1 to 49. In as excltln
don't like it,you can lump it, arrangements got screwed a basketball game as you
as an excellent source;: of opportunities for graduating take it out and dump it up, again Fox took the heat. see, Mary Drummond
« «.«., .-led a
students. First of all, I always felt a There is a lot more Involved in well rounded group of scorers
coaching change was a new basketball program with 28 points. Drum mond's
eminent, although not this than meets the eye and Coach hot outside shooting broke

Burton Project sudden. I thought Coach Fox Fox had the foresight to know
would step down at the end of when to step down.
this season, following his first The real deep facts behind
down the Jay hawks stingy
zone defense and it was clear
sailing from then on. Jerry
class of freshmen out the it may never.*come out. One Sica also got hot from the
by Leigh Krcmer door, but not ;because he thing that can't be denied, outside and added a few
preparation, Aid in research- lacked anything in coaching, Dick Fox did a great job steals to help break
A new service is being of- ing certification requirements actually it may nave been Just building the basketball Jamestown's back early in
fered to Mercyhurst students and in finding part-time jobs the opposite. There are Innate program here at* Mercyhurst the game, i
in conjunction with the for interested students is also problems with a new program and should be;i congratulated Our girls play exciting
Placement Office. The Career such as ours, and they're ten and praised for that. Now he's basketball that Is a lot oi fun
Planning Center located in available. I fold when one new man runs going to work on the overall to watch. So why don't we see
Room 204 Old Main is headed The center is opened from the show. Coach Fox was in sports program here and I if we can get more people up
by Mrs. Phyllis Howes. The 8ISO a.m. to 4:30 p.m. charge of 4 scheduling, hope Dick Fox does as good a to watch, or would you rather
purpose1 is to aid studentsa nIna Monday through Friday and
from 7:00 p.m.to9:00 a.m. on budgeting, transportation. job. sit In the dorm and complain
career planning . Pulbic Relations to an there's nothing to do? t
placement and resume Wednesday'
Sport Opinion

In the second edition of this column we intend to lend a

helping hand to the Meatball sports editor's Hockey column.
We feel that after last Saturday's exciting victory over a
tough Strong Vincent squad it's about time for a little
Hockey recognitioa E&
Lakerette Star: Mary We stated last week that we would report the sports as we
Drummond saw it happen. Well, we weren't seeing too well Jast
Saturday night, but we'll try our best to relay the facts as we
Coach Fox Resigns saw them, through empty beer mugs. f
A huge crowd appeared at the Glenwood Forum to greet
n ff lakerette the 38th Street Bullies as they skated onto the ice. We

DEAD Stats \
AS OF 1-28-7$
thought it would be a tough night for the Bullies when Frank
(Fats) Garwol almost broke his stick and his neck by fan-
ning on an easy practice shot, all which had Strong Vincent
fans and players showing signs of relief.,
The plan worked perfectly though, because, following the
by Colleen NcManamon PLAYERS
M. Drummond 33
face dff, the Bullies looked as though they would skate away
J. Kerstetter 42 with it as Joe (Dapper) Dolan, O'Polka'ed the puck into the
On Saturday, January 25, V. Ferro 43* net with his eyes closed. The team then puckered around for
S. Fagan 44
Mercyhurst Head ^Basketball J. Ska 24 a while before S.V. tied the score to end the first period; ft*
Coach Richard Fox resigned P.O'Polkal4 Since Peter Puck failed to show for his intermission show,
"effective immediately." S. Schismenos 25 the teams quickly faced off again, this time with S.V. ap-
P. Voight 35
Assistant Coach Dave D. Ouda 31 plying the pressure. They got lucky and scored after a hotly
Markey replaces him at the Totals contested stretch of time which saw Rut go to the penalty for
Laker helm. | fj| Record 1 Win 1 Loss tripping and Smacky Baxter for backing out of a fight.
• | In the hastily called press With S.V. seemingly in full control of the game, Terry
conference Saturday, Mr. Fox (Flamingo) Sullivan tied the score* with a shot that sur-
explained, "A light came on prised Terry as well as the S.V. goaltender. This set the
and I didn't want to do it
anymore.—No way." I
Intermurals stage for an exciting final period of action. B Wt.
The Bullies, probably helped by all the foreign newspaper
Mr. Fox dispelled rumors LEAGUE PLAY men in the pressbox smoking that foreign tobacco, came out
that his health was the reason (Jan.-Feb.) s sky high for the final period. Rut put the game away for the
for his resignation but in- Friday, January 31 Bullies with a slapshot Bobby Hull would have been proud
dicated "When it came to 7 p.m.—Moon Gang vs Ten- of.
putting myself back into the Rats-A I E President Frank (Uncle Jackson) Barry, trying to keep
program| after being sick, I 8 p.m.—Coletta's Clan? vs his Koehler secret, failed to see too much action because the
discovered I didn't want to do Over The Hill Gang team thought! that since the rink was made out? of the
it. I didn't want to totally 9 p.m.—Sweet n' Nasty vs G- overflowing beer from the stands, he would eat up the ice.
commit myself to-; the iBallers § i Jim (Meatball) Marzano, scrapping for all the gusto he
Saturday. February 1 could get, got a good taste of the action, seeing his face was
basketball team." * '\ 2 p.m.—Little Richard's vs
Mr. Fox told the Merciad Sons of Suzi Cream- in the rink most of?his time on the ice. Ed (Inchworm)
Monday, "Despite the fine RICHARD FOX cheeze I Inscho simply stunk.? Bob (Cathy) fDartnel impressed the
efforts of the players, I 3 p.m.—B-Ball Bogarts VS numerous scouts present from the Ice Capades while John
became very discouraged TenRats-B (Hollow leg) Daley finally proved he was a dedicated
with a lack* of dedication on energies to "showing up the 4 p.m.— AnL 5 Eater si VS athlete by not joining the beer drinkers in the stands.
foundation underneath." In P.fc.R.'s
the team, which has been Sunday, February 2 Last Saturday actually proved to be a most exciting
influenced by many things. I stepping down he said he felt 1 p.m.—Buzzer Bombers vs sports day without the boob tube or the addition of a men's
think they (the team) feel it's that after four years of Moon Gang varsity basketball game. We sincerely wish to congratulate
them against the cam- developing the team and the 2 p.m.—Coletta's Clan vs the Lakerettes for an excellent display of basketball.|lt's a
pus.... The majority of athletic department "not Youngs Yardapes shame you haven't had a proper facility for practice or else
students could care less about many people could have done 3 p.m.—Tennis Team vs G-
basketball! f*# ; m. Ballers I St. Bonaventure would have, literally, been?blown off the
the job I did." 4 p.m.—Ball Busters vs Over court. J gb
Fox believes -that the New Head Coach I Dave Hockey is a reality at Mercyhurst in the eyes of the
biggest problems the Markey ^agrees.? "Nobody the Hill Gang
Tuesday, February 4 players who dish out their own budget, and fans whose
basketball team faces is a could have done the job he has 8 p.m.—Buzzer Bombers vs number becomes larger each week..,We can only look to the
financial one, stating that done' here.... He deserves all Ten Rats-A. future and guess that Hockey will become a club or varsity
"Scheules and programs far the credit in the world...."^ * 9 p.m.—Deadwood Dicks vs sport. But in order for this to occur, you the players and fans
exceed our college's ability to Markey intends to impose Youngs Yardapes must keep your determination equal to last Saturday's
pay for them.... An awful lot of "no | | radical,; sweeping f j Wednesday, Feb. 5 i performance. Good luck and keep up the good work.
Mercyhurst's basketball changes. We'll use basically 1 p.m.—P.B.R.'s vs Tennis
j Team | -;, Jacque Rot
program is glitter. There's the same 5* offense and 2 p.m.—Pepperoni vs Sons of Flaming Himorrois |
not a lot of foundation un- defense." |'ij£f. •-- Suzi Creamcheeze
derneath." •>?.• k t # At ithe? Saturday press Thursday, Feb. 6
Although he resigned as conference, Markey indicated 8 p.m.—B-Ball Bogarts vs
/ /


basketball coach, Fox will that if offered the position by Deadwood Dicks
continue as Athletic the college next year he'd 9 p.m.—Losers vs Ant Eaters
Director and will devote his accept. §£

C h e e r l e a d e r Opinion
Individuals - Groups - Companies

Dear Mercyhurst Com- on their mind is Kansas City. the no. 1 ranked team in <the
munity : ^ '% What's with this emphasis on NAIA for 1973-74; and the
^TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT Kansas City and the past team that has the potential to
THE TIME IS NOW i failures of Mercyhurst's take the District as well as
THE MERCYHURST LAK- Dream Team?jFace it, it's a Kansas CityJwith or without
ERS WILL TELL YOU HOW long .way to Kansas City and you, and if they go we will be
TO PUT IT TOGETHER everyone is going to have to right there behind them as CORNER
WITH SPIRIT AND MIGHT give 100 per cent EVERY faithfully as we were on that 10th & STATE
THE LAKERS 0 ARE game, and we don't mean just first trip off on November 29.^ I ERIE
MOVING, TONIGHT'S THE the team! If, that isn't It's only 50 cents to take the
NIGHT. i »., f realized, Kansas City will just bus to games, but we see half Contact Mrs. Yolanda Coccareldi
Listen Mercyhurst, we have be another in a series of empty buses arrive at the
the might—our team. The broken basketball dreams. fieldhouse. Meanwhile, it's J

Lakers are doing their job, Forget Pitt-Johnstown, $2.00 to go to a beer blast s and
but we're the spirit.. Point Park, and OEdinboro •^ w

* -The. apathy on our; fair because we have another shot we never see empty ^ ^
going that way.
campus is enough to make
any team wonder whether
at them.-Why don't'you get
out there and support our
team like their students and
Get moving, ifkyou are
loaded, we'll hear some
their efforts are worth it. Sure cheering—that sure will be a Speciafizing in Italian Foods
they;, have; made their faculty support theirs? j*
mistakes, but they're So take your beer or change! w *.
buckling down and we think whatever else you need to get So, grab some beer, and I t a.m. -12 Midnight
it's about time the Mer- there and support the only let's hear some; cheers—-the
cyhurst -Community buckle team that has beaten Fair- NEW LAKERS jARE 262 West Eight Street
mont State this year; .the HERE!!! .; * >
down and give a DAMN. \ Thanks for listening,.:
The only thing everyone has team that beat West Georgia, PHONE 454-9403
The Varsity Cheerleaders

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