The Lottery

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The Lottery

1. Social psychologists observe that every group develops its own outcast or
misfit, who is blamed for all sorts of group malfunctions and woes. Have
you observed this dinamic in your own work, school, church or family
Yes, I think that every group that develops its own outcast can be found
anywhere. Thank God I do not have this conflict in my work place, but if you've
been in school and church you have seen this. It is sad to see this conflict in
churches because the church is supposed to be a peaceful place. This conflict in
the schools is common, most of the time because the children learn it at home.

2. We are told a lot about the lottery, but not its exact purpose. Do the
townspeople know? Is this omission significant? Intentional?
The townspeople don’t know, in my opinion the exact purpose of the
lottery is to intentional omission. People still do "the lottery" because it is a
tradition and do not have a reason to stop do it. The purpose the lottery is hidden
behind the elections or democracy. It is a way to encourage the people to
continue outdated traditions, ideas, rules, laws, and practices.

3. Why is much of the history of the lottery and the black box uncertain and
vague? Why does Mr. Summers have to ask a question that he and
everybody else already know the answer to?

The history of the lottery and the black box are uncertain and vague,
because they symbolized the risk of daily living that can lead to evil, a tragedy or
death. Death is always uncertain we do not know when we are to die.

Mr. Summers have to ask a question that he and everybody else already
know the answer, because it was the business of the official of the lottery to ask
such questions formally. The question was a way to remind Ms. Janey Dunbar of
the obligations that your son has to society.

4. The box used in the lottery is mentioned almost thirty times in the story-
more than ten times in the phrase “the black box”. Why does the author
emphasize this objects and its color so strongly.

The box can mean a place where we lock our deepest desires and
thoughts. It is a way to close in on ourselves. The black color means evil or
death. The author describes through the black box as an evil and selfish society.
5. The stones are mentioned five times near the beginning of the story and
then five or six times more at the end? Why is their presence so important?
What are the historical/biblical associations of a stoning? Do they apply in
this situations?
The presence of the stones is important because it is the way to alienate
anyone who does not follow the traditions, rules and doctrines. In the historical
and biblical way, the stone was a weapon to punish sinners, which were mostly
women. In the story the person was a woman, stoning was a Society that
questioned the work of women within society itself.

6. Wich the characters seem to stand for particular ideas or views? What
about Old Man Warner? Look at his speeches and comments throughtout
the story. Tessie Hutchinson also gets a lot of attention, of course. What is
ironic about her being the chosen victim? Does her last name have any
significance for you? If not,look up Hutchinson in a good encyclopedia.
The Old Man Warner is who warns others not to change; he convince the
people to a hidebound traditionalist doctrine; Luddite; obstructionist. However,
Hutchinson was the name of an official who lodged a complaint against several
women in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. It is ironic that this woman is the victim
elegies, when this name, centuries ago caused havoc and many deaths of

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