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Potatoes Recipes

Ingredients Of Spicy Potato

 4 Medium potatoes
 4 medium tomatoes
 2 onions
 2 tsp coriander seeds
 1 tsp cumin seeds
 2 tsp sesame seeds
 3-4 green chillies
 8-10 garlic cloves
 1 small ginger, chopped
 1 bunch coriander leaves, chopped
 2 tbsp oil
 salt
 water

How to Make Spicy Potato

 1.Boil, cool and peel the potatoes. Dice them into small pieces.
 2.Boil, cool and peel the tomatoes and grind to a fine puree.
 3.Finely chop onions and three to four green chillies.
 4.Dry roast coriander, cumin and sesame seeds. Allow it to cool and grind.
 5.Blend garlic, green chillies, ginger, coriander leaves, water and salt to a fine paste.
 6.Heat oil, add chopped onions and tomato puree , cook on low heat. Then add the coriander
garlic paste and saute for some time.
 7.As the fat starts separating, add the potatoes and two heaped teaspoons of the dry masala
(coriander, cumin and sesame that has been dry roasted and ground earlier)
 8.When the potatoes are cooked, serve hot.

Crispy Potato Mojos


Crispy Potato Mojos! Super easy and yummy snack or appetizer for your next get-together. Potatoes
dipped in fried chicken mix = AMAZING.


 4 potatoes, washed
 1 cup milk
 1 1/2 cups fried chicken breading mix, like Shore Lunch brand or Oven Fry brand
 Oil for frying

. Cut the unpeeled potatoes into thin slices, about 1/4 inch thick. The thinner you cut them, the more
crispy (like chips) they will get. I like to cut some a little thicker and some thinner.
. Place 1-2 cups oil (about one inch deep) in a large frying pan. Heat oil over medium heat until
water sizzles across the top. While oil is heating, dip potato slices in milk and coat with the fried
chicken breading mix.
. Carefully drop potatoes into the oil right away (so the batter doesn’t get soggy) and fry for 2-3
minutes on each side, adjusting heat as necessary.
. Remove and drain on a paper towel lined plate. Serve with ranch, ketchup, cheese, or any other
kind of sauce.

Mojos Dip
garlic cloves, chopped
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground pepper
cup orange juice
1⁄ 2
cup lime juice
onion, chopped
cup olive oil
teaspoons dried oregano


 In the bowl of a food processor, add garlic,salt,pepper,orange juice,lime

juice,onion and oregano.
 Process for 2-3 minutes or until smooth. Through the feeder tube add the
oilve oil until the mixture is throughly blended. Store in the refrigerator until
ready for use.

Makes about 24 pancakes

 1 medium onion, peeled
 4 large russet or Idaho potatoes (about 3 1/2 pounds), peeled
 2 large eggs
 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
 6 tablespoons vegetable oil
 6 tablespoons unsalted butter
 Applesauce and/or sour cream, for serving

Preheat oven to 200°F. Place 2 nonstick baking sheets in oven.
. Using box grater or food processor fitted with grating disc, coarsely grate onion and place in colander set in
sink. Coarsely grate potatoes, add to colander, and set aside to drain.
. In large mixing bowl, lightly beat eggs, then whisk in flour.
. Press potatoes and onion to extract as much liquid as possible, then add to egg/flour mixture. Season with
salt and freshly ground black pepper. Using wooden spoon or hands, mix well, but do not overwork.
. In heavy-bottomed, 12-inch skillet over moderately high heat, heat 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon butter
until hot but not smoking. Drop 4 scant 1/4-cup portions of potato mixture into pan and flatten with spatula
to form four 3-inch pancakes.
. Fry until bottoms are golden-brown, 4 to 5 minutes, then turn over and fry until golden-brown and crisp, an
additional 4 to 5 minutes. Transfer to paper towels to drain; season immediately with salt and pepper. Keep
warm on baking sheets in oven while making remaining pancakes.
. Using paper towels, carefully wipe out pan. Add 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon butter and fry 4 more
pancakes. Repeat with remaining batter, wiping out pan and adding 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon butter
before each batch.
. Serve pancakes hot with applesauce and/or sour cream.
Classic Latkes: The Easiest, Simplest Method
YIELDMakes 12 (4-inch) latkes


1 1/2 pounds baking potatoes (3 to 4 potatoes)

1/2 medium yellow onion, peeled and quartered

1 large egg

2 tablespoons matzo meal or unseasoned dry breadcrumbs

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1 cup canola oil or chicken schmaltz, or a combination of both

Applesauce and sour cream, for serving


Measuring cups and spoons

Knife and cutting board

Food processor with shredding blade
Cheesecloth or clean, thin kitchen towel
Wooden spoon

Mixing bowl
10- to 12-inch cast iron skillet
Fish spatula
Paper towels

2 rimmed baking sheets

Wire cooling rack


Heat the oven and fit one baking sheet with paper towels and
another with a cooling rack. Arrange a rack in the middle of the
oven and heat to 200°F. Line 1 rimmed baking sheet with a double
layer of paper towels. Fit a wire cooling rack into another baking
sheet. Set both aside.

Prepare the potatoes. Scrub the potatoes well, but do not peel. Cut
each potato in half crosswise.


Grate potatoes and onion with a food processor. Grate the potatoes

and onion using the shredding disk of a food processor.


Make a cheesecloth tourniquet and squeeze liquid from potato and

onion. Transfer the grated potato and onion onto a large triple layer
of cheesecloth. Gather the corners and tie around the handle of a
wooden spoon. Dangle the bundle over a large bowl, then twist and
squeeze the potatoes and onion as hard as you can until no more
liquid comes out of the potatoes and onion shreds.


Pour off the liquid, but keep the potato starch. Give the liquid a few
minutes to allow the potato starch to settle and then pour off and
discard the liquid but leave the potato starch.


Toss the latke ingredients together with your fingers. Add the

potatoes, onion, eggs, matzo meal or breadcrumbs, salt, and pepper
to the bowl of starch. Mix with your fingers, making sure that the
potato starch breaks up and is evenly distributed with the rest of the
ingredients. Set batter aside for 10 minutes.


Heat the oil. Place the oil or schmaltz (or a combination of the two) in
a large skillet so that when melted there is a depth of 1/4 inch (for a
10-inch skillet you'll need 1 cup of melted oil/schmaltz). Heat over
medium-high heat until a piece of the latke mixture sizzles


Form latkes one at a time. Scoop 1/4 cup of the mixture onto a fish or
flat spatula. Flatten with your fingers to a 4-inch patty.


Fry the latkes until golden on both sides. Slide the latke into the hot
oil, using a fork to nudge the latke into the pan. Repeat until the pan
is full but the latkes aren't crowded. Cook until deeply golden-
brown, 4 to 5 minutes per side, adjusting the heat if necessary.


Drain the latkes. Transfer the latkes to a paper towel-lined baking

sheet to drain for 2 minutes.


Serve with applesauce and sour cream or keep warm in the

oven. Serve immediately with applesauce and sour cream, or transfer
the latkes to the wire cooling rack set in the baking sheet and keep
warm in the oven for up to 30 minutes while you continue cooking
the rest of the latkes.


Make ahead: Latkes are best made and served right away. They can be fried and kept
warm in a 200°F oven for up to 30 minutes.

Storage: Refrigerate leftovers in an airtight container and recrisp in a 300°F for 5 to

10 minutes. Keep a close eye on the latkes when reheating so they do not burn.

Doubling: The recipe can be doubled, although you will need an extra sheet of
cheesecloth to squeeze the extra potato and onion shreds. The oil (and schmaltz, if
using) will need to be replaced halfway through frying. Pour the used oil into a
heatproof bowl, wipe out the skillet, then heat fresh oil and continue frying.

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