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Computah w Aupalohvg -

1- hhiaviest
2 ha bes
Hunune han
4. hz a pprisz hapen han
5.bnuy olde ham Petep
6. hu suLeI~UsT
JUa per an
8. tha ol dey
. Hu hL I mor eupaMAIV Han ycws
10 damgwsu
. mg up Ralien han Bir.
2 mymBAoun
3 Caldest
4. Hay iuwamn han Hana.
15. B aston hagn Nidh
lb. hMosi dikawlt
e) a/fashionable / leather/ brown/suitcase aang nr
a/new/ Portuguese/video game/ platformLhl PontLGAidgga
a m l a t kon

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Simple.

a) I had NALUN bAoRd(never/hear) that there was a school for gifted students.
b) The teenage boy reacted in a way Ibodnt ah ( n o t anticipate).
c)Lizzie hodal lalways/ love) to bake before so she opened a baker's.
d) Cathy hai mu _(never/ be) a good student before high school
e) Temba Tsheri h o (climb) Mount Everest before she turned 17.
fkevin ad had (have) a modelling career before going to university.
s)We didn't know Jessy had ÍAn (write) a book to inspire young leaders.
h) iad i t n _ (you/speak) in public prior to becoming a young activist?
i)At the age of 17, Malala had al itadu (already/become) the youngest Nobel Peace Prize
laureate. betonme
6. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Continuous.

(live) with a friend for a week when he suddenly had to move.

b) Her parents found out that she haA bom hidima (hide) the truth.

H e told me he htd ke hink m (think)offindingajob.

d) Drew was walking so strangely that Ithought he had ho m h i ma_(drink).
e) Because he got sick, he hadmiheen nnhima_(not work) on the project as usual.
How long they _ha baem d om(inma(dance) for before I arrived?

7.Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Continuous.

Dear little sister,

First, let me apologise for not writing to you sooner, butthese past weeks have been a nightmare! Remember when

(a) hor (organise) a charity concert to raise funds for our community
told you that I onoomIAeA
since last year? Well, I thought I (b) hnd (m (come up) with the perfect plan but things didn't
turn out the way I
(c)_had betn expachma (expect).
I(d) o _adunnnd (advertise) the charity concert for over three months and everything was ready.
One day, Iwas having a coffee at the coffee shop when the leader of the band that (e)

hod his (hire) called saying that he () ha had (be) in contact

with a virus and was in hospital, Imagine how desperate I felt. What could I do to solve this mess in time for the

concert?I (6) hod bo _(think) for more than an hour before I managed to come up with a
doable solution: my younger brother (h) hod p0hakima (have) a band before he went to university.
So, I called him at once, and he told me that, coincidentally, he and his band ()_haddRidee
(decide) to get together again and 0) LL LOGLohLanMnA(rehearse) for the last few months. Guess
have a guardian angel after all!

So, the moral of the story is that no matter how hard things may seem, we always have to rise to the occasion and
keep the ball rolling! You know what they say-the show must go onl Big hug, Carol

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