ELECTION LAWS - Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde - Notes by EH407 2015-16 - Updated by EH407 2016-17

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Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17

WHO CAN VOTE Sec. 200, Article XVII, Omnibus Election Code
Any voter or watcher may challenge any voter offering to vote on the
Sec. 148, Article XII, Omnibus Election Code ground that the challenged person has received or expects to receive,
List of Voters. has paid, offered or promised to pay, has contributed, offered or
Fifteen days before the date of the regular election of special election, promised to contribute money or anything of value as consideration for
referendum or plebiscite, the board of election inspectors must post the his vote or for the vote of another; that he has made or received a
final list of voters in each precinct with each and every page thereof duly promise to influence the giving or withholding of any such voter or that
signed or subscribed and sworn to by the members of the board of he has made a bet or is interested directly or indirectly in a bet which
election inspectors and that failure to comply with this provision will depends upon the results of the election. The challenged person shall
constitute an election offense. take a prescribed oath before the board of election inspectors that he
has not committed any of the acts alleged in the challenge. Upon the
Any candidate or authorized representative of an accredited political taking of such oath, the challenge shall be dismissed and the challenged
party, upon formal request made to an election registrar, shall be voter shall be allowed to vote, but in case of his refusal to take such
entitled to a certified copy of the most recent list of voters in any oath, the challenge shall be sustained and he shall not be allowed to
precinct, municipality, city or province, upon payment of a reasonable vote.
fee as may be prescribed by the Commission.
Q. What are these illegal acts?
Atty Guji: Those who can vote are included in the final list which is 1. Receiving or expects to receive; has paid, offered or promised to
released by the COMELEC in each precinct. This is the final voters list, pay; has contributed, offered or promised to contribute money or
which should be the Certified Voters List. You cannot vote if you are not anything of value as consideration for his vote or for the vote of
there in the list. Even if you are a qualified voter, but you did not another;
register, then you cannot vote. In other words, for you to be listed in 2. Made or received a promise to influence the giving or withholding
that particular Certified Voters List, you must register. ‘Cause yes, you of any such voter or when he has made a bet or or is interested
can be a qualified voter, you have all the qualifications, but if you did directly or indirectly in a bet which depends upon the results of
not register, which is a regulatory proper, you cannot vote. the election (when a person wagers on an election result).

CHALLENGE OF ILLEGAL VOTERS Q. As a voter, what is your remedy from the allegation?
1. Deny the allegation (form: written)
2. Under oath (deny it under oath).
Sec. 199, Article XVII, Omnibus Election Code
Atty Guji: Regardless of the truth or falsity of the denial, you will be allowed
A. Any voter, or watcher may challenge any person offering to vote to vote, as long as you do it under oath. That’s why I call it crap. Because
for not being registered, for using the name of another or suffering this does not stop you from voting.
from existing disqualification. In such case, the board of election
inspectors shall satisfy itself as to whether or not the ground for Q. What is the reason that you cannot be allowed to vote?
the challenge is true by requiring proof of registration or the When he does not deny such allegation under oath (some might fear stating
identity of the voter; and anything under oath because it might amount to perjury).

B. No voter shall be required to present his voter’s affidavit on election Atty Guji: This is the only instance that you will not be allowed to vote. But
day unless his identity is challenged. His failure or inability to of course, as a voter, your first instance would be to deny the allegation
produce his voter’s affidavit upon being challenged, shall not under oath because that’s the only thing that would make you be allowed to
preclude him from voting if his identity be shown from the vote. So again, regardless of whether or not the challenged voter is telling
the truth, he will still be allowed to vote. And the BEI cannot investigate
photograph, fingerprints, or specimen signatures in his approved
further for as long as there is that denial under oath, then so be it. Pwede
application in the book of voters or if he is identified under oath by
na makabotar.
a member of the board of election inspectors and such
identification shall be reflected in the minutes of the board. WHEN TO VOTE

Question: What if you are a watcher designated by Duterte in Sec. 190, Article XVII, Omnibus Election Code
one polling place, then somebody from the opposite side
decides to vote, and you think that that person is not the person Voting hours.
he claims to be. What is your remedy? The casting of vote shall start at seven o’clock in the morning and shall
The BEI can raise this issue by asking the voter to present his proof of end at three o’clock in the afternoon, except when there are voters
registration or proof of identity of the voter. present within thirty meters in front of the polling place who have not
yet cast their votes, in which case the voting shall continue but only to
Question: What if the BEI states that the person really is the allow said voters to cast their votes without interruption. The poll clerk
person he claims to be. Can you insist otherwise? shall, without delay, prepare a complete list containing the names of
No, after the BEI had made it’s decision, that decision is final. said voters consecutively numbered, and the voters so listed shall be
called to vote by announcing each name repeatedly three times in the
Atty Guji: In other words, we are talking about Illegal Voters. And such order in which they are listed. Any voter in the list who is not present
example is an impostor. He is not the person he claims to be. when his name is called out shall not be permitted to vote.

Q. What are the instances which you can say that a person is Q. When do you vote?
an illegal voter? From 7 o’clock in the morning until 3 o’clock in the afternoon on the
1. When the person is suffering with an existing disqualification. election day
2. When he is not the person he claims to be.
3. When the person is not a registered voter.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
WHERE TO VOTE space for each office the name of the individual candidate for whom he
desires to vote.
Sec. 152, Art. XIII, Omnibus Election Code
Polling Place. No voter shall be allowed to enter a booth occupied by another, nor enter
A polling place is the building or place where the board of election inspectors the same accompanied by somebody, except as provided for in the
conducts its proceedings and where the voters shall cast their votes. succeeding section hereof, nor stay therein for a longer time than necessary,
nor speak with anyone other than as herein provided while inside the polling
Sec. 158, Art. XIII, Omnibus Election Code place. It shall be unlawful to prepare the ballot outside the voting booth, or
to exhibit its contents to any person, or to erase any printing from the ballot,
Voting booth.
or to intetionally tear or deface the same or put thereon any distinguishing
During the voting, there shall be in each polling a booth for every
mark. It shall likewise be unlawful to use carbon paper, paraffin paper, or
twenty voters registered in the precinct. Each booth shall be open on
other means for making a copy of the contents of the ballot or make use of
the side fronting the table for the board of election inspectors and its three
any other means to identify the vote of the voter.
sides shall be closed with walls at least seventy centimeters wide and two
meters high. The upper part shall be covered, if necessary, to preserve the
secrecy of the ballot. Each booth shall have in the background a shelf so Sec. 196, Art. XVII, Omnibus Election Code
placed that voters can write therein while standing and shall be kept clearly Preparation of ballots for illiterate and disabled persons.
lighted, by artificial lights, if necessary, during the voting. A voter who is illiterate or physically unable to prepare the ballot by himself
may be assisted in the preparation of his ballot by a relative, by affinity or
The Commission shall post inside each voting booth and elsewhere in the consanguinity within the fourth civil degree or if he has none, by any person
polling place on the day before the election, referendum and plebiscite a list or his confidence who belong to party members:
containing the names of all the candidates or the issues or questions to be Provided, That no voter shall be allowed to vote as illiterate or physically
voted for, and shall at all times during the voting period keep such list posted disabled unless so indicated in his registration record:
in said places. Provided, further, That in no case shall an assistor assist more than three
times except the non-party members of the board of election inspectors. The
Sec. 11, RA 7166 (Synchronized Elections Law) person thus chosen shall prepare the ballot for illiterate or disabled voter
Voting booth. inside the voting booth. The person assisting shall bind himself in a formal
Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding there shall be in each document under oath to fill out the ballot strictly in accordance with the
polling place at least ten (10) voting booths of such size, specifications instructions of the voter and not to reveal the contents of the ballot prepared
and material as the Commission may provide to enable the voters to fill out by him. Violation of this provision shall constitute an election offense.
their ballots secretly.
Sec. 197, Art. XVII, Omnibus Election Code
Q. Where do you vote? Spoiled ballots.
Only vote in the polling place. If a voter should accidentally spoil or deface a ballot in such a way that it
cannot lawfully be used, he shall surrender if folded to the chairman who
Q. Can you vote online? shall note in the corresponding space in the voting record that said ballot is
No, you cannot (as of now :D ) spoiled. The voter shall then be entitled to another ballot which the chairman
shall give him after announcing the serial number of the second ballot and
Q. Can you vote ahead of time? recording said serial number in the corresponding spaces in the voting
Yes, there is an exception for the Local Absentee Voters. If you are a Local record. If the second ballot is again spoiled or defaced in such a way that it
Absentee Voter, you can vote in advance, like 30 days prior to Election Day. cannot lawfully be used, the same shall be surrendered to the chairman and
recorded in the same manner as the first spoiled or defaced ballot. However,
HOW TO VOTE no voter shall change his ballot more than twice.
The spoiled ballot shall, without being unfolded and without removing the
detachable coupon, be distinctly marked with the word “spoiled” and signed
Sec. 193, Art. XVII, Omnibus Election Code by the board of election inspectors on the indorsement fold thereof and
Order of voting. immediately placed in the compartment for spoiled ballots.
The voters shall vote in the order of their entrance into the polling place. The
voters shall have the right to freely enter the polling place as soon as they Sec. 198, Art. XVII, Omnibus Election Code
arrive unless there are voters waiting inside, in which case they shall fall in Voting.
line in the order of their arrival and shall not crowd around the table of the 1. After the voter has filled his ballot he shall fold it in the same
bard of election inspectors. The voters after having cast their votes shall manner as when he received it and return it to the chairman.
immediately depart. 2. In the presence of all the members of the board of election
inspectors, he shall affix his thumbmark on the corresponding
Sec. 194, Art. XVII, Omnibus Election Code space in the coupon, and deliver the folded ballot to the chairman.
Manner of obtaining ballots. 3. The chairman, in the presence and view of the voter and all the
The voter shall approach the chairman and shall give his name and address members of the board of election inspectors, without unfoldingthe
together with other data concerning his person. In case any member of the ballot or seeing its contents, shall verify its number from thevoting
board of election inspectors doubts the identity of the voter, the board of record where it was previously entered.
election inspectors shall check his voter’s identification card or, if he does not 4. The voter shall forthwith affix his thumbmark by the side of his
have any, the board of election inspectors shall refer to his photograph and signature in the space intended for that purpose in the voting
signature in the voter’s application for registration. If the board of election record and the chairman shall apply silver nitrate and commassie
inspectors is satisfied with his identity, the chairman shall distinctly announce blue on the right forefinger nail or on any other available finger
the voter’s name in a tone loud enough to be plainly heard throughout the nail, if there be no forefinger nail.
polling place. If such voter has not been challenged, or if having been 5. The chairman shall sign in the proper space beside the thumbmark
challenged, the question has been decided in his favor, the voter shall of the voter.
forthwith affix his signature in the proper space in the voting record, and the 6. The chairman, after finding everything to be in order, shall then
chairman shall, after first entering the number of the ballot in the detach the coupon in the presence of the board of election
corresponding space of the voting record, deliver to the voter one ballot inspectors and of the voter and shall deposit the folded ballot in
correctly folded. No person other than the chairman shall deliver official the compartment for valid ballots, and the detached coupon in the
ballots nor shall more than one ballot be delivered at one time. compartment for spoiled ballots.
7. The voter shall then depart.
Sec. 195, Art. XVII, Omnibus Election Code
Manner of preparing the ballot. Any ballot returned to the chairman whose detachable coupon has been
The voter, upon receiving his folded ballot, shall forthwith proceed to one of removed not in the presence of the board of election inspectors and of the
the empty voting booths and shall there fill his ballot by writing in the proper voter, or any ballot whose number does not coincide with the number of the
ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
ballot delivered to the voter, as entered in the voting record, shall be Q. Can a registered voter in that polling place be appointed as
considered as spoiled and shall be so marked and signed by the members of an inspector?
the board of election inspectors. As a general rule, no. But there is an exception actually, which is for
example there is a temporary vacancy. Na-late ang poll clerk, wala
Q. How to vote? kamata, so wala pa kaabot. But you only need 1 person to do the job of
 Manual - just write the name of the person you wish to vote for
the poll clerk. The BEI can appoint a registered voter inside the polling
 Automated - shade the provided circle for the name of the candidate (the
place temporarily, to be the poll clerk, provided that the registered
scanner of the VCM reads the vote)
voter is of known probity and is a non-partisan of that election.
Q. What is undervoting or overvoting? That is why a watcher cannot be appointed temporarily as a BEI because
 Undervoting - when you only voted for a lesser number than what is that would amount to conflict of interest.
required for Ex. In Senators, you only listed 10 instead of 12. The VCM will
still count all of your votes. Q. It is said that it’s “public school teachers”, is that
 Overvoting - when you voted for more than what is required for mandatory? Can the public school teacher refuse?
Ex. In Senators, you voted for more than 12. The VCM will not count any Under the old law, it was mandatory. But a recent law was passed in
of those, as if you did not vote. 2016 that states that it is no longer mandatory. Therefore, the public
school teacher can now refuse to become a BEI.
Atty Guji: In the case of overvoting, nobody gets the vote. But remember,
compartmentalized. Meaning, for example, you voted for President, you Q. Are they required to state the reason why they refused?
chose only 1 that is counted. But if for Senators, you chose more than 12, No, because if they are not willing, then we cannot force them anymore
then nothing is counted for any Senator, but that is only for that position. It to perform such duties and responsibilities during election day.
does not invalidate the entire ballot because it is compartmentalized.
Sec. 168, Art. XIV, Omnibus Election Code A. Of good moral character and irreproachable reputation.
Power of the board of election inspectors.
Atty Guji: This is because they are tasked to determine the will of the
The board of election inspectors shall have the following powers and people. But the DepEd merely gives us a list of names of those who are
functions: willing to serve in the election and we are going to appoint them or sign
1. Conduct the voting and counting of votes in their respective polling them to a particular polling place.
Q: Are we tasked by law to investigate whether they are of good moral
2. Act as deputies of the Commission in the supervision and control of the
election in the polling places wherein they are assigned, to assure the
Not necessarily. What we do is just appoint right away and wait for any
holding of the same in a free, orderly and honest manner; and
opposition to such appointment on the ground that they lack good moral
3. Perform such other functions prescribed by this Code or by the rules character. So far no opposition so presumption is if you are appointed
and regulations promulgated by the Commission. you are of good moral character.

BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Q: But how to define GMC in the 1st place?
COMPOSITION Hard to define. The presumption stays.

Of course, when they were appointed, the presumption is they are of

good moral character and irreproachable reputation, unless, somebody
It is the body tasked to conduct voting and counting of votes in a polling comes to us and tells us that, that person is lacking good moral character
place during election day. and irreproachable reputation. Without that, we cannot tinker we the
A. BEI – National Local Elections presumption.
B. BET – Barangay Elections
B. Registered voter of city or municipality.
Atty Guji: There is really no difference between the two. Only that BEI is for
Presidential and Local Elections and BET is for Barangay elections. Polling place - Atty Guji: E.g. if a BEI wishes to serve in Cebu City, then he must be
classroom where you cast your vote. BEI/BET administers voting and counting of registered in Cebu City. If not a registered voter, then he can’t be a BEI.
votes. These are the teachers.
Q. What if you are a registered voter in one barangay and you
Composition of BET serve in another barangay?
All public school teachers composed of: It is allowed provided that it belongs to the same city or municipality.
Exception: when we appoint police officers.
A. Chair
B. Poll Clerk Because chances are, they are not registered in that particular
C. Third Member municipality.

Atty Guji: Under the old law, it is mandatory for public school teachers to serve as C. Able to speak and write Filipino, English or the local dialect.
BEI during elections. Now, it is no longer mandatory (there was a law that was
passed in 2016). However, it also says that in case of shortage of public school
D. Never been convicted of any election offense or any other
teachers, we can actually tap those who are employees of Civil Service and also
private school teachers. crime punishable by more than 6 months of imprisonment.

As a matter of fact in special cases, in ARMM, there were instances when the Atty Guji: The conviction need not be of an election offense. It can be
Comelec was constrained to secure the services of PNP as well as AFP to be the of any other crime that carries a penalty imprisonment of 6 months
BEI because of the threat to violence. That is allowed even if the law says that it imprisonment or more.
has to be the public school teachers. Power of the Comelec during election period
is massive so as not to be disturbed by the courts unless there is grave abuse of Take note, conviction with finality for election offense and any other
discretion or arbitrariness. crime punishable by more than 6 months of imprisonment with finality.

In other words, even if you were convicted with a crime that carries with
it a penalty of 30 days only, even with finality, you can still serve in the
elections. It does not disqualify you because it requires more than 6
months imprisonment.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
But here, take note, that when we talk about election offense, it special elections as when said SE was held, the supposed members of
does not need conviction, much less finality. Mere pendency of an the BEI did not show up.
election offense case filed against you, disqualifies you. That’s why ang
ubanf pulitiko, they’re taking advantage of this.
Issue: WON the elements of the AFP and PNP can be appointed as
For example, I am the politician who’s suspecting the BEIs to be biased members of the BEI during a special election?
against me, nakadapig sila sa kontra, what I do is I file an Election
Offense case against you. Frivolous! Even without basis. Because mere Ruling:
filing, it becomes pending, right? And that pendency will take a long The SC held in affirmative. In applying election laws, it would be far
time, so maabtag laing election, di na mo ka-serve the next time. Mao better to err in favor of popular sovereignty than to be right in complex
nay nahitabo.
but little understood legalisms. The elements of the AFP and PNP can
E. No pending case for election offense. be appointed as members of the BEI during a special election to avoid
the risk of another failure of elections and to encourage public trust in
Atty Guji: It involves an election offense. There is no need for conviction, the process and results of that said special elections.
no need for finality. The mere pendency of an election offense is
sufficient to disqualify a public school teacher from serving as BEI. Atty Guji: The justification of the COMELEC in placing the elements of
the AFP and PNP as members of the BEI was to avoid further delay in
DISQUALIFICATIONS OF BEI the elections. In contrary to the public school teachers, the people will
tend to abide more to the AFP and PNP. People will respect them. They
DISQUALIFICTIONS OF BEI cannot terrorize them anymore. This worked actually because the
Relationship within the 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to: special elections went peacefully. So it was held that the elements of
the police and the military can indeed be appointed as BEI as the last
A. Any member of same BET. resort.
Atty Guji: In other words, you can’t belong to the same BEI in the same
polling place if you are related. One of you must transfer to another Q. TODAY, can you appoint the military?
polling place. Not anymore. There is now a specific prohibition against the military to
serve as a member of the BEI based on the Election Reform Service Act.
Dili pwede magkuyog ang mag-paryente inside the polling place. But
in this case, the remedy is, ibalhin ang usa sa pikas na polling place in
order to circumvent and prohibition. Q. How about the PNP?
They are allowed, provided as they are the last resort.
B. Any candidate (national or local)
Atty Guji: Example: In the local, you have a relative 1 st cousin falling Atty Guji: In other words, we have to appoint first those who were
within the 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, you can’t serve enumerated by law as those that can be appointed as members of the
as BEI there. BEI. Remember that the military and the PNP were not enumerated by
law to be appointed as Board of Election Inspectors. But remember what
Q: If you don’t have a relative locally, can you automatically serve as
BEI? Not necessarily cause there might be some relative in the national they say? If it is administration of election, for as long as there is no
level. (ex. you are the 1st cousin of Binay, the votes for Binay in that specific prohibition under the law, the COMELEC is afforded enough
jurisdiction of city/municipality will also be counted by you as BEI. In leeway to make snap judgments in the case. Because what do we say?
such case, you are disqualified to be BEI) Politicians- they don’t follow the rules in handling votes. So that is why
the COMELEC, must be empowered to make snap judgments, even
There are some public school teachers who don’t want to serve common sense, in the field during elections. Dinalian man sya. So if you
because of the threat to their life and security as well as possible
litigation later on. What they do in order for them not to serve is they
say na “Wait wait wait, basig molapas tag 1 hour blahb blah blah. It will
ask a relative to run so that they will be disqualified, and that works. delay the proceedings. So mo-diskarte ang COMELEC. The Supreme
Court said “That is snap judgment, so pwede for as long as you do not
Atty Guji: When you say “any candidate”, it means tanang violate a specific provision of the law.” So that’s the case of
kandidato. So from the Councilor up to the President, if you are related Pangandaman vs COMELEC.
to anyone there, you can’t be a Board of Election Inspector.
Just to make it clear:
So probably if you are the missing parent of Grace Poe, you can’t be a
1. Military cannot anymore be appointed.
BEI. Kay nilansar man sya. Niagi man sa imo iyang mga votes.
2. Only the police can be appointed as members of the
Take note: If that particular BE Inspector knows that he/she is disqualified, BEI as a last resort.
and it’s not divulged that there’s this disqualification, it becomes an 3. It is no longer mandatory for public school teachers to
election offense. So dapat mosulti sila. serve the elections. (But practicability wise, by force of
economic necessity, they are willing to serve in the election)
Q. Can we appoint the police and military to become the BEI? POWERS OF THE BEI
Yes, but only as the last resort. (Old law)
Pangandaman v Comelec Q. How powerful is the BET inside the polling place?
The power is so massive. It has supreme authority inside the polling
One-liner: The elements of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) place during election period. It has the power to:
and the Philippine National Police (PNP)may be appointed as members A. Issue warrant of arrest
of the Board of Election Inspectors (BEI) on a special election in order B. Administer oath
to avoid the risk of another failure of elections and to encourage public C. Order detail of PNP or AFP
trust in the process and results of the special elections. D. Remove from the polling place any person who disrupts its
proceedings screen watchers
Facts: An Omnibus Order of the COMELEC declaring holding of special E. Prohibit lawyers from the polling place
elections in certain municipalities and cities of Lanao del Sur has been
questioned. This was supervened by a regular election held with massive TN: Its decision is final and executory. There is no remedy for motion
scale of terrorism and violence, thereby leading the Commission to for reconsideration nor appeal. As a matter of fact, its discretion is final,
declare failure of elections. Such omnibus order also designated the that even the election officer has no authority to supersede. It is
elements of the AFP and PNP to be the members of the BEI for that said
ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
supreme on electioN day. Whatever they say is the law whether or not Screen watchers
it makes sense. Atty Guji: Kaning mga watchers, they appear before the BE inspectors on election
day like they are the lawyers of the candidates. They represent the candidates.
Issue warrant of arrest So, maskin si kinsa lang ka na watcher, pwede?
Not necessarily because you need to present the watcher’s appointment.
A warrant of arrest can only be issued by a judge and the Bureau of
Immigration and Deportation with respect to deportation cases.
Q. If you already have a watcher’s appointment, can you enter
Constitution law tells us, these are the only instances when you can
your appearance right away?
order the arrest of a person.
Not necessarily because if the BET is very strict about that, they don’t
want to liberalize rules, here’s the procedure:
However, on election day, suddenly a public school teacher can order
your arrest inside the polling place if you disrupt the proceeding of the
15 days prior to election day, the candidates are required by law to
BEI. In other words, you have to behave inside the polling place and
submit to the Election officer a masterlist of their watchers in a polling
follow the lawful orders of BEI. Otherwise, you can be ordered arrested.
place. And if you submit it to us, we are going to give that to the BEI
Atty Guji: You know that the judge is the only person who is authorized to issue a
per polling place. And if you, as a watcher, appear there, if you have an
warrant of arrest, and the DAD for the purposes of deportation, and probably appointment- pwede. If you are not in the master list or if there’s no list
citizen’s arrest. But on election day, without a legal background, suddenly these at all in the first place, the BET can refuse your entry. And you cannot
public school teachers have the power to issue a warrant of arrest. If you disrupt insist. So dapat naa kay advance copy sa master list.
the proceedings, and insists to disrupt the proceeding despite warning from the
BEI, you might be arrested. And this requirement , many candidates do not realize and do not know
how to use. But there are times when the BETs liberalize and
They have no power of contumacy, they cannot cite in contempt. But they have a
bigger power and that is they can have you arrested if you disrupt the proceedings.
accommodate those watchers appointment, even if not in the list.
But we tell them, “If you want to have order inside the polling place,
Administer oath you screen the watchers strictly according to the law. Because
Under the Admin Law, there are only specific persons who can essentially the watchers are your enemies inside the polling place. They
administer oath. Most popular is Notary Public. But suddenly again are the ones who antagonize you. They are the ones who disrupt the
during election day, the public school teachers acting as BEI can proceedings. They are the ones who accuse you of being biased blah
administer oath. blah blah.”

These oaths however are of election related statements only. You Without the watchers, there’s no problem. So one way to remove the
cannot bring a document and tell the BEI that since he already has the enemy is to screen the watchers according to the law.
power to administer oath to sign and notarize a Deed of Sale.
Prohibit lawyers from the polling place
Atty Guji: They are not notaries public but they can administer oath, provided it The law specifies or enumerates who are allowed inside the polling place
is a statement or document relative to the conduct of elections inside the polling on election day. None of them is a lawyer. Before, lawyers will just barge
place on election day. In other words, dili sila pwede magnotaryo ug deed of sale. in the polling place, intimidate the public teachers thinking they are over
Kana lang mga oath. and above the BEI because they are lawyers.
What happens if you are challenged of being an illegal voter? What you need to
Atty Guji: Because lawyers are not allowed inside the polling place except to vote
do is to deny under oath. So you no longer need to look for a lawyer. Diha mismo
and if you want to demote and relegate yourself, you act as watcher.
sa BEI, they can administer the oath. So you just deny under oath.
Has supreme authority inside the polling place
Order detail of PNP or AFP
Because whatever the BET/BEI says inside the polling place, that is law.
During the entire election period, the PNP or AFP are deputies of the
That is final and executory and unappealable.
Commission. BEI are representatives of the Commission. So they have
authority to order detail of AFP/PNP. Atty Guji: So you cannot say “Ma’am, sayop man na inyong gibuhat. Mao man ni
AFP/PNP are not allowed inside the polling place on election day. dapat ang naa sa resolution.”
However, they have to be in a certain radius in the polling place so they Even if sayop ang mga Inspectors, if they say that is the decision, that is final and
can be called by the BEI anytime if there is a need for peace and order. unappealable.

Atty Guji: Remember, the AFP and PNP are not allowed to be inside the polling Q. So what is your remedy?
place on election day or within 50-meter radius towards the polling place. The As a watcher, document the irregularity and give that documentation to
reason is, we cannot militarize the elections. Essentially, the elections is a purely the lawyer because if that lawyer wants to decide to file an election
civilian political undertaking. So bawal ni sila. protest, that document becomes now the guide of the lawyer as to which
polling place should be protested for. Kay dili tanang polling places
BUT if the BEI fears for their safety, they can order the detail. “ Dira lang sa mo
imong protestahan. Dako kaayo nag gasto. So dapat mamili ka.
ha, dira sa pultahan to protect, the VCM, and other election paraphernalia, and to
Otherwise, the election protest becomes a fishing expedition. You
maintain peace and order. They can be there, by a written order by the BEI.
don’t know where to go. If you are for example, confronted with a
Remove from the polling place any person who disrupts its hundred polling places, mangita kag asa man diri ang gitikasan ka, nya
imong watchers wala pa nihatag nimog documentation, so ana ka
“Okay, protesta na lang ka sa tanang polling place.”
Remove but what if arrested? At 1 st they can just probably call your
That becomes now a fishing expedition. You don’t know where to go.
attention and if you insist, they would just probably ask you to be
removed from the premises. Still if you insist then they can already order
So that is the value of documentation by the watcher inside the polling
your arrest.
Atty Guji: Manghod ni sya sa issuance of warrant of arrest. Because here, they can
actually say, “Okay, ga-samok samok man ni Chief, just take him into custody. Its decision is final and executory
Ipalayo. If he behaves, can be released. But if he antagonizes the BEI, they can Atty Guji: This is because the General Instructions (the bible of the BEI
have him arrested. Matanggong jud ka for 12 hours. Moingon ang BEI ug “sige on election day, all the procedure is there), does not provide the remedy
huna-hunaon ko sa na’g mo-file ba ko. Dira lang na sya for 12 hours.” of motion for reconsideration, much less Appeal, on election day, inside
the polling place.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Whatever they say, it’s final. You can not force them to change their In case of discrepancy such recount as may be necessary shall be
decision. made. The ballots shall then be grouped together again as before the
Thereafter, the same procedure shall be followed with the second pile
Sec. 206, Art. XVIII, Omnibus Election Code of ballots and so on successively.
Counting to be public and without interruption.
After all the ballots have been read, the board of election
As soon as the voting is finished, the board of election inspectors inspectors shall sum up the totals recorded for each candidate, and
shall publicly count in the polling place the votes cast and ascertain the the aggregate sum shall be recorded both on the tally board or sheet
results. The board of election inspectors shall not adjourn or postpone and on the election returns. It shall then place the counted ballots in
or delay the count until it has been fully completed, unless otherwise an envelope provided for the purpose, which shall be closed, signed and
ordered by the Commission. deposited in the compartment for valid ballots.

The Commission, in the interest of free, orderly, and honest elections, The tally board or sheet as accomplished and certified by the
may order the board of election inspectors to count the votes and to board of election inspectors shall not be changed or destroyed but
accomplish the election returns and other forms prescribed under this shall be kept in the compartment for valid ballots
Code in any other place within a public building in the same municipality
or city: Provided , That the said public building shall not be located Sec. 25, RA 7166 (Synchronized Elections Law)
within the perimeter of or inside a military or police camp or reservation
nor inside a prison compound. Manner of Counting Votes.
In addition to the requirement in the fourth paragraph of Section 12 of
WHERE TO COUNT Republic Act No. 6646 and Section 210 of the Omnibus Election Code,
in reading the individual official ballots during the counting, the
Sec. 206, Art. XVIII, Omnibus Election Code chairman, the poll clerk and the third member shall assume such
positions as to provide the watchers and the members of the public as
Counting to be public and without interruption. may be conveniently accommodated in the polling place, an unimpeded
view of the ballot being read by the chairman, of the election returns
As soon as the voting is finished, the board of election inspectors shall and the tally board being simultaneously accomplished by the poll clerk
publicly count in the polling place the votes cast and ascertain the and the third member respectively, without touching any of these
results. The board of election inspectors shall not adjourn or postpone election documents.
or delay the count until it has been fully completed, unless otherwise
ordered by the Commission. The table shall be cleared of all unnecessary writing paraphernalia.
Any violation of this requirement shall constitute an election offense
punishable under Sections 263 and 264 of the Omnibus Election Code.
Sec. 210, Art. XVIII, Omnibus Election Code
Manner of counting votes. Sec. 12, RA 6646 (The Electoral Reforms Law of 1987)
The counting of votes shall be made in the following manner: Official Watchers.
Every registered political party, coalition of political parties, and every
The board of election inspectors shall unfold the ballots and form candidate shall each be entitled to one watcher in every polling place:
separate piles of one hundred ballots each, which shall be held together
with rubber bands, with cardboard of the size of the ballots to serve as Provided, That candidates for members of the Sangguniang
folders. Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan or for
city or municipal councilors belonging to the same slate or ticket shall
The chairman of the board of election inspectors shall take the collectively be entitled only to one watcher.
ballots of the first pile one by one and read the names of candidates
voted for and the offices for which they were voted in the order in which There shall also be recognized two principal watchers, one
they appear thereon, assuming such a position as to enable all of the representing the ruling coalition and the other the dominant opposition
watchers to read such names. coalition, who shall sit as observers in the proceedings of the board.
The principal watcher shall be designated on the basis of the
The chairman shall sign and affix his right hand thumbmark at the back recommendation of the ruling coalition, represented by the political
of the ballot immediately after it is counted. party of the incumbent elected district representative, and of the
dominant opposition coalition, represented by the political party which
The poll clerk, and the third member, respectively, shall record on performed best or which polled at least ten percent (10%) of the votes
the election returns and the tally board or sheet each vote as the names in the last national election.
voted for each office are read.
A duly signed appointment of a watcher shall entitle him to
Each vote shall be recorded by a vertical line, except every fifth vote recognition by the board of election inspectors and the exercise of his
which shall be recorded by a diagonal line crossing the previous four rights and discharge of his duties as such:
vertical lines.
One party member shall see to it that the chairman reads the vote as Provided, however, That only one watcher of each of those
written on the ballot, and the other shall check the recording of the authorized to appoint them can stay at any time inside the polling
votes on the tally board or sheet and the election returns seeing to it place. The watchers shall be permitted full and unimpeded access to the
that the same are correctly accomplished. proceedings so that they can read the names of those written on the
ballots being counted with unaided natural vision, consistent with good
After finishing the first pile of ballots, the board of election order in the polling place.
inspectors shall determine the total number of votes recorded for each
candidate, the sum being noted on the tally board or sheet and on the In addition to their rights and duties under Section 179 of Batas
election returns. Pambansa Blg. 881, the two principal watchers representing the
ruling coalition and the dominant opposition in a precinct shall,

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
if available, affix their signatures and thumbmarks on the election the appreciation of the ballots is without legal basis. Thus, it now
returns for that precinct. becomes misappropriation of ballots which is the best ground for an
election protest case.
If both or either of them is not available, unwilling or should
they refuse to do so, any watcher present, preferably with political Function of the watchers
affiliation or alignment compatible with that of the absent or unwilling It is the function of the watchers, in the polling place, to document
watcher, may be required by the board of election inspectors to do so. misappropriation of ballots and submit it to the lawyer or paralegal. The
paralegal or lawyer can then decide whether or not there is ground to
BALLOT APPRECIATION believe that there has to be an election protest case to overturn the
BALLOT APPRECIATION proclamation or the results of that particular polling place.

BALLOT APPRECIATION Where and how ballot should be appreciated

It is the determination of the vote using the information written on the
official ballot by the voter, his or her intention, and for whom it is, or A. It must be public
should be counted based on existing rules. B. At a designated polling place
C. Watchers are afforded unimpeded view of the ballot, without
Atty Guji: The definition is not found in the law nor in jurisprudence. This is my touching it.
own definition. Whether or not it makes sense up to you.
Atty Guji: If chair reads or appreciates the ballot, she does it in a way
When we say ballot appreciation, it means you, as a Board of Election Inspector
that the watchers behind her can see what is written in the ballot. It is
is confronted with the question of whether that particular vote written in the ballot
to verify whether or not what she is appreciating is the same as what
is going to be counted and for whom.
is written in the ballot. RULE: watchers can’t touch the ballot.
We are still talking about ballot appreciation because, even if we automate the
Barangay Elections. I am the Chair of the BET (Board of Election
elections now, and the one who actually appreciates the ballot is the machine, it
Tellers), I read the ballot or I appreciate the ballot, magtalikod ko. Ang
counts, right? But we still have the barangay and SK elections which is still manual.
watchers naa sa akong luyo. What happens is, here is the ballot,
(reading orally what’s written in the ballot)
Q. Why is it manual?
1. the automated elections is very costly
“Punong Brgy: blah blah blah
2. in barangay elections, you complain when there’s only at the level of the
Kagawad: blah blah blah”
barangay. There’s no need for transmission to the Board Canvassers.
Dapat ang watchers makakita sa akong gibasa - that’s unimpeded view
That’s why we still need to learn about ballot appreciation.
of the ballot. But it says “without touching it”. In other words, the
watcher cannot say “Ma’am, palihug ra gud ko sa ballot, akong tan-
When we say Election Inspectors, they are the ones designated for local,
awon.” You cannot touch the ballot.
national and Presidential elections.

But in barangay elections, we call them Election Tellers. D. The BET acts through the Chair.

Q. What is the difference? Atty Guji: BET is composed of the Chair, Poll Clerk and a third member.
None. They perform the same functions. The difference is that the tellers, they They must act according to a majority vote (2 is to 1). However, in
are designated only on manual elections while inspectors are designated during actual practice only the Chair decides right away. That is allowed,
automated elections. because what is said is that the BEI acts through the Chairman. In
other words, whatever the BEI decides on is promulgated by the chair.
Q. What is the composition for the Election Tellers?
All public school teachers, but not mandatory anymore that they should serve. (But Thus, it might seem that they are not actually deliberating. It is not
they are our default appointees) necessary. For as long as the decision promulgated by the chair is
without objection form the poll clerk and 3rd member.
1. Chairman
2. Poll clerk Diba tulo sila, so kung tulo sila, they are a collegial body. If they decide,
3. Third member they need to deliberate. But what happens is, imong makita
kasagaraan, mo-decide ra direcho ang Chair sa BET. Direcho ang Chair
Q. What is the significance for you to know the Chair, Poll Clerk and Third mo-decide kay sya man gud ang pinaka- experyinsyado sa BET.
The reason there is that there are functions, duties and responsibilities under the But you cannot argue na “Ma’am, nganong nagbuot-buot man ka’g
general instructions that are specific to what of kind of designation you have. ikaw ra nga tulo man mo kabuok? Nganong ikaw ra may mo-decide?”
For example, the Chairman, it is only him who authenticates the ballot. When
you say authenticate the ballot, that’s when your ballot is being signed by the Probably you can argue that way but we have already briefed our
Chairman. inspectors that this is their answer to that particular argument:
They’d agreed already that whatever the Chair says, that is the
Also the Poll clerk, he has a specific functions like he is the only person authorized collective decision of the body, unless there is a specific objection
to post the election returns outside the polling place after counting. anyone can raise. So the presumption is, whatever the Chair says, it
So they really specific jobs each. But other than that, they are called a collegial already underwent prior deliberation by the board.
E. Its decision is final and unappealable
Purpose of ballot appreciation
It is to obtain the expression of the voter’s will GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN BALLOT APPRECIATION

Atty Guji: Here’s a ballot. You are going to appreciate it, count them, you GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN BALLOT APPRECIATION
determine the will of the people. Exactly because, when you are a Board of Election A. Every ballot is presumed valid unless there is clear and good
Inspector confronted with a ballot, that ballot represents the voice of the people. reason to justify its rejection.
So you’d want to discover what is the intention of the voter when he wrote the
names of the candidates on that official ballot.
Atty Guji: Rejection is the last resort. As much as possible, try to discover
the intent of the voter.
Person tasked to appreciate the ballots
BEI is the one tasked to appreciate the ballots. The time they appreciate
the ballots is the time the watchers should watch out. It might be that

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
B. In case of doubt, the intention and expression of the voter’s will The vote goes to the incumbent if it is a single slot position (e.g. mayor).
must be carefully determined. However, if it is for multiple slots like councilor and both are written, both
gets the vote. If only one is written, it goes to the incumbent.

C. Questions decided by majority of BET (since it’s a collegial body). 4. If there is a woman who uses her maiden name or married
surname or both and there is another with the same
D. No watcher, candidate or any other person is allowed to surname – the ballot bearing such surname only shall be
participate counted in favor of the incumbent.
Atty Guji: So you can’t say that the vote should be counted in favor of a Candidate A (Woman candidate) – Leviste
particular candidate. You cannot argue. The power exclusively belongsto
Candidate B (Incumbent) – Leviste
the BET.

Except: When the watcher files a written protest if he thinks that the BEI
The vote goes to the incumbent because it was not specified.
misappreciated the ballots. The protest will be the basis for an election Equity of the incumbent principle applies.
protest later on. Without such protest duly received by the BEI on election
day, the election protest is going to be treated as a fishing expedition. 5. If two (2) or more surnames are written on the same line
on the ballot – vote shall not counted for either of them,
E. Recorded in the Minutes unless one of them is an incumbent who has served at
least 1 year.
When a watcher files an election protest, it must be recorded in the
minutes. We should go back from the root word of “Watcher”, so “watch”. Atty Guji: This is tricky so take note. If two surnames are written on the
Paniid. That’s all you have to do as a watcher, paniid and document. You same line because the voter cannot decide – cannot be counted for either,
cannot argue. unless one of them is an incumbent who has served at least 1 year.

BASIC RULES IN BALLOT APPRECIATION Example: “Rama” and “Osmena” (both surnames) are written on the same
line because the voter wants to please both. The rule says it goes to Rama
because he is the incumbent and served for at least 1 year. If what is
written is mixed first name and surname – the next rule applies.

Ferrer v. Comelec 6. If two words are written on the same line, one of which
1. Intent rule (intention of the voter is determined) is the first name of a candidate and the surname of
2. Neighbourhood rule another – Vote shall not be counted for either.
3. Idem sonans rule (sounds alike)
4. Equity of the incumbent rule Candidate A – Michael Rama
Candidate B – Tomas Osmena
Atty. Gujilde’s addition based on experience aka his invention: If “Michael Osmena” is written on the same line, the vote shall not be
5. Superiority of surname rule counted in favor of any one, even the incumbent. Nobody gets the vote.

RULES 7. If two or more similar surnames are written on different

1. If only the first name or surname of the candidate is lines for an office which authorizes election of more than
written – vote is valid, provided there is no other candidate 1, and there are the same number of candidates with the
with the same first name or surname for the same office. same surname – votes shall be counted for all.

Atty Guji: If the slots for councilors are 8 and you placed two Cruz on
Atty Guji: If you only place there Juan, it is alright, provided there is no other
different lines, each Cruz gets one vote. If only one Cruz is written, it goes
Juan who also filed for CoC. Because if there are 2 Juans, the vote will be
to the incumbent, if there is one. If there is no incumbent, the vote will not
strayed. The vote cannot be counted for either, unless the other one is
be counted.
incumbent, in which case it goes to him, equity of the incumbent rule.
Another example:
2. If only the first name of the candidate is written which Multiple slot position. Councilor, diba 8 ka councilors. Sa probinsya, chances
when read, sounds similar to the surname of another are, magparente ang magkontra-kontra. So sa 8 kabuok, what if nilansar
candidate – vote is counted in favor of the candidate with si Villegas, another Villegas, then another Villegas (three votes). What
such surname. (Superiority of surname rule) happens there?

Candidate A – First name “Juan” Pananglit usa ra ka Villegas, she cannot get three votes. Usa lang.the two
Candidate B – Surname is “Huwan” votes will be strayed.
Here, if what is written in the ballot is the correct spelling Juan, but when
read sounds similar to Huwan, the vote doesn’t go to Juan but to Huwan. But what if tulo ka Villegas? Everybody gets a vote.

The reason behind duna tay Idem sonans rule is this: What if upat ka Villegas votes but tulo ra ka candidates na Villegas?
A good number of our electorate are unlettered, wala ma-edukar. So They get one vote each but they cannot divide the fourth vote, ma-stray.
magkasayop-sayop ilang spelling. And mind you, some of our electorate
cannot even correctly spell their own name. If they cannot do that, how do What if three ka Villegas candidates but usa ra ka Villegas vote?
you expect them to correctly spell the names of the candidates? So that is If one is incumbent, she gets the vote.
why there is the Idem Sonans rule to accommodate our unlettered electors, If nobody is incumbent, nobody gets the vote.
so to get their intention.
8. If a single word is written, which is the first name of a
Idem sonans rule -misspelled or incorrectly spelled but it sounds candidate and the surname of another – vote shall be
alike, still counted in favor of that candidate counted for the candidate bearing the surname.

3. If there are two (2) or more candidates with the same full Candidate A’s first name – Rodrigo Gomez.
name, first name or surname, and one of them is Candidate B’s surname – Alphonso Rodrigo
incumbent – vote is counted in favor of the incumbent. If only Rodrigo is written, the vote goes to Candidate B because that is his
(Equity of the incumbent rule) surname. Superiority of the surname rule.

Candidate A – Juan Cruz

Candidate B – Juan Cruz (incumbent)

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
9. A name or surname incorrectly written, which when read, But when it reached the SC, it said that it is not necessarily a marked ballot
has a sound similar to the name or surname of a candidate because when the voter wrote the word “sorry”, he was trying to apologize
– vote shall be counted in favor of such candidate. for the inconvenience he caused the election inspectors.

Cruise instead of Cruz

12. If the initial of the first name, middle name or surname is
Huwan instead of Juan incorrect – vote is valid and shall be counted.
Idem Sonas rule. It sounds alike. It is counted in favor of that candidate.
The reason is to accommodate the less educated voters or those who are Example: Juan S. Dela Cruz is the full name. What is written is Juan R. Dela
poor in spelling. Cruz (wrong middle initial). Here, vote is valid, unless there is another
candidate that matches with the name. In which case, it should counted in
Remember, this rule was made for the benefit of our unlettered electorate. favor of that candidate.
That’s why as much as possible, we have to try to give life to their intention
of the voter through ballot appreciation. Because when you stray a vote, 13. If the name of a candidate is the same as the name of
when you nullify a vote, that’s the last resort. Once you nullify a vote or another who is not a candidate – vote is counted for
stray a vote, you are actually disenfranchising the voter. And you cannot candidate.
do that whimsically.
Candidate – Juan Dela Cruz
Even if a syllable is cut off
Non-candidate – Juan Dela Cruz
Ex. DIVINAGRACIA, it is long, so what is written is only DIVINA and there
is no other candidate with the name Divina. Then it is counted for Charles.
You can’t say it is stray. Obviously, he is voting for the candidate. COC is there
Or only written is GRACIA and no other candidate with Gracia 1 st name,
to guide in the tabulation of votes. (Hello!? Obvious naman kaayo ni na rule
surname or nickname. It is counted in favor of Charles because it sounds
oy!!! #goeswithoutsaying)
alike even if 1 syllable is missing.
Ex. Candidate with surname that is GARCIA and another with
DIVINAGRACIA. What is written is only GRACIA. It is up to the judgment
14. If there are prefixes or suffixes – vote is still valid.
call of the BEI who the vote goes for. But it could be counted for GARCIA,
idem sonas rule. Mas duol kaysa sa natangtang na Divina. Examples:
Sir Michael Rama, Don Tomas Osmena, Hilario Davide Jr., Cong. Pablo John
10. If a name of the candidate for the position he aspires for Garcia
is written and on another position he does not aspire for Nicknames and appellations of affection and friendship accompanied by first
– vote shall be counted in the position he aspires for, but name or surname is valid.
if it is intended to identify the ballot, it becomes void.
If nickname only – valid if candidate is generally or popularly known in the
Punong Barangay – Cruz locality. Examples: Michael “Mike” Rama, Tom Osmena, Junjun (for Junjun
Barangay Kagawad – Cruz Davide), PJ (for Pablo John Garcia)

This voter is loyal to a candidate. Ex. RAMA ran for Mayor. But even in the These are allowed, provided no other candidate is with that nickname and
VM and the councillors, the loyal voter placed RAMA. Is that allowed? Yes, surname.
but the vote is counted only once to the position he aspires for. But if BEI
says MARK BALLOT then everything is invalidated. Whether or not mark 15. Initials only – does not sufficiently identify candidate. Will
ballot it is up to the judgment call of the BEI. be considered stray vote but will not invalidate the whole
What is “marked ballot?”
A marked ballot is intended to identify the voter. Examples: MR (for Michael Rama), TRO (for Tomas R. Osmena), Sir, Mayor.
If BEI says it does not sufficiently identify the candidate, then BEI can say it
Here’s what happens. Usahay man gud, dunay mga politiko na duna silay is strayed. But does not invalidate the entire ballot. The initials Sir or Mayor
mga kontra-senyas. So for example, molansar ko for brgy. Captain, and may probably be counted to the incumbent if the BEI decides so.
kamo akong botante diri na polling place. So naa koy leader. Adtuon mo’s
inyong mga balay or imbitaron mo na “Ali mo diri kay mag hisgot-hisgot What is stray?
ta.”, on the eve of elections ha. Then moingon dayon ang leader ug It means nasaag. So daghan man nag votes di ba in an official ballot. It is
“Okay, kamo man ang botante ani nga polling place, akona amo, si stray because you are just trying to invalidate that particular vote, not the
umaabot nga Kapitan, mohatag ninyog pahalipay. P1000 each provided you entire ballot.
vote for him as the Brgy. Captain.”
But when you mark the ballot, everything there is nullified.
Mao nay gitawag na marking of the ballot.
16. Correct first name with different surname. Correct surname
For example, “Bea, botari si Kapitan ha. But botari si Kapitan this way: with different first name – Stray vote but will not invalidate
Marlou Villanueva. Pananglit you voted but it does not appear as Marlou
the whole ballot.
Villanueva, iuli ang P1000.”

If makabantay ang mga teachers nga this is a marked ballot, they are going Michael Rama – Michael Jackson
to invalidate not only the vote but the entire ballot because it would Jonas Cortes – Jonas Burgos
condone vote-buying. That’s the remedy against vote-buying- the
marking of the ballot or nullifying marked ballot. 17. Ballot written with crayon, lead pencil, or ink, wholly or in
part – valid, unless used to identify the ballot.
But remember, marking of the ballot shall be the last resort as this
invalidates the entire ballot. Atty Guji: If BEI says arte kaayo maybe this is a marked ballot, then it can be
11. If the name of the candidate is erased and another clearly
written – vote shall be counted in favor of the new name. 18. If there are two or more candidates written in a single
position – vote shall not be counted for either or all, but
Example: Osmena Rama. Here the vote goes to Rama because obviously, the
voter changed his mind at the last minute. Punong Barangay – TOMAS OSMENA MICHAEL RAMA. This vote does not
count for either even if 1 of them is an incumbent.
But what if at the end of it, the voter writes “Sorry”: TN: Only instance counted if both are surnames and one of them is an
Osmena Rama Sorry incumbent who has served for at least 1 yr.
So in a case, the teachers considered that as a marked ballot.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
19. If the candidates voted for exceed the number of those to 23. Commas, dots, lines or hyphens between the first name
be elected – ballot is valid but counted only for those firstly and surname or in other parts of the ballot, traces of the
written until the authorized number is covered. letter “T” , “J”, two or more kinds of writing, use of
accidental flourishes, strokes or strains - does NOT
Barangay Kagawad (7 allowed) but voter wrote 8. What is counted for is the invalidate ballot.
first 7 only, the 8th one will be strayed.
20. Vote for non-candidate and for a candidate for an office he Tomas – Osmena
did not aspire for – stray vote but does not invalidate the Michael. Rama
entire ballot, unless BEI says it is a marked ballot. These are accepted, unless it clearly appears to have been deliberately
done to identify the ballot. In which case, it can be considered as a marked
Daghang mga binuang nga in-ani di ba? Maskin dili kandidato, botaran. But ballot by the BEI.
be careful, this might be considered as “marked ballot”.
24. Ballot which appears to have been filled by 2 distinct
21. Ballot containing name of candidate printed, pasted or persons – NULL AND VOID
affixed through any mechanical process – totally null and
void. 25. 25. If the space for Punong Barangay is blank, but the
name of the candidate for Punong Barangay is written in
Atty Guji: When you vote and some give stickers, if you peal it you can stick the first line for Barangay Kagawad – vote is counted in
it on the official ballot – not allowed because it is considered as mechanical favor of the candidate pursuant to neighbourhood rule.
Official Ballot looks like this:
22. Circles, crosses or lines on blank spaces – indicate Punong Barangay _____________
desistance from voting and shall not invalidate the ballot Barangay Kagawad
1) Rama (Punong Barangay candidate) right under the space provided
Osmena for.
Rama 2) Gullas
Davide 3) Osmena
Garcia (if you don’t want to add anymore because only the 4 passed your 4) Durano
standards, you can place lines or crosses) 5) Cortes
---------- 6) Martinez
xxxxxxx 7) Garcia
Some place line because of fear that BEI might write some more. Write to 8) Yapha
indicate desistance.
Here, the vote for Rama in the Punong Barangay is counted for him even
Some voters do not maximize, kay could be because taas iyang standards. if it is not written in the space provided for.
Either way, the BET can declare it as “desistance- so pwede” or “marked
ballot”---- invalidating the entire ballot. The reason for the latter is because Reason: Neighbourhood Rule. Placed really near the space it was provided
kailangan jud nilag botaran or sulatan tanan ani because otherwise, the for. Neighborhood rule is not found in OEC but in the HRET as adopted by
teachers might write a candidate’s name on it. But of course, that is SET and jurisprudence. The vote for Yapha is counted for him because it
speculative. goes up. Reverse domino effect.

Q. What if the voter wrote xxxx or ------- indicating no other name If Rama instead is written in the second spot, can it be counted for
of candidate can be written for multiple slot positions but at the neighbourhood rule? Probably yes, or not. It really depends on the BEI. But
end of such ballot, there was a name listed their that is one of the for me, not anymore because it is not neighbourhood already since there
candidates for that said position? is a vacant slot in between.
The BET can accept that as accidental flourish or could just declare that it
is a marked ballot. Atty G: What if blanko tanan, nya on a particular distant space the
voter wrote “Olea” who is one of the candidates.
Atty G: The rule during the 2016 Elections is that the voter is given four Normally we can stray that because neighborhood rule does not apply. But
attempts to feed his ballot onto the VCM. If it still won’t load or if it still there is also the “correct sequence rule”. basta correct iyang sequence,
ejects, it will be considered a stray. everybody gets the vote provided kana tanan is blank.

If the first time you load the ballot for the VCM to read but it ejects it, the Q. What if wala syay gisulat na punong barangay nya in order
voter is given three more chances to load the ballot. Probably you start iyang punong barangay pero sa pinaka ulihan gibutang ang “Olea-
with the top, then bottom, then face and the dorsal side. If pananglit di Kapitan”.
gihapon dawaton, without the fault of the voter, he will be issued another It depends upon the BEI whether he strays the vote or not. Because
ballot. actually, the intention of the voter is very clear. Although nasaag, he is
voting for Olea as the Kapitan. Remember, the intention of the voter
The rule before is that the voter is not given any second chances. prevails, so pwede dawaton.
Regardless kung imong sayop or dili, di na gyud ka tagaag laing ballot.
But now, the COMELEC liberalized it. Ilang gitagaan ug one last chance But if mag-inistrikto ang BEI, he can declare it as marked ballot or stray
provided that the ballot was ejected without the fault of the voter. ballot perhaps.

For example, if the ballot is not configured to the polling place, saag nga Q. What if Punong barangay, blank. First councilor, blank. Then
ballot. Like what happened to Cordova. Gikan diay ang ballot sa Dalaguet. si Olea who is a candidate for PB was written in the space after.
So nagbaylo ba. Hence, it is not your fault. Are we going to count this?
Probably you can count based on “correct/right sequence rule” but not
And remember, the BEIs are not allowed to touch the ballot, unless they the “Neighborhood Rule” because they are not neighbors anymore, there
are assisting the voter. So if ikaw ang voter, imoha ra jud na if di mo-feed was blank in between.
ang VCM sa imong ballot. Because if the BEI touches the ballot, chances
are he/she will be violating the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot. 26. Vote for candidate disqualified by final judgment – stray
vote but will not invalidate the entire ballot.
There are also times that the BEIs have to ask the voters to re-feed the
ballot to the VCM. Probably there was an error there or could be because
Q. What if pending pa lang ang case?
it was not transmitted.
The vote shall be counted but provisional.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
27. Ballots wholly written in Arabic in localities where it is of Atty G: So what if you are really aggrieved by the decision of the BEI?
general use – valid Your remedy is not found inside the polling place but the remedy pertains to
an election protest where the judge may override or overrule the decision of
If you write Arabic in Cebu – not counted because presumably BEI does the BEI.
not know how to read Arabic.
The BEI may say that she’ll count it because she can read Arabic. ELECTIONS
However there is a specific provision in the law that the Arabic language
must be used in the locality. Well the BEI may consider this as marked There is no more ballot appreciation in automated elections because it
ballot. is the machine that counts.

28. Accidental tearing or perforation of ballot does not Dangers:

invalidate it. 1. If you do not properly shade the oval next to the candidate you
intended to vote for, the machine might not count it.
29. Failure to remove detachable coupon does not annul the 2. If you over shade that it might hit another oval, it might
ballot. invalidate both votes.
3. If you over vote. Instead of shading 12 senators, you shaded
30. Nicknames and appellations of affection and friendship 16, those 16 senators cannot get your vote. Machine will not
accompanied by first name or surname is valid. count. Everything is nullified but only in that certain position.
4. But if you under vote, 8/12 only, the machine will count it.
If nickname only – valid if candidate is generally or popularly known in the locality.
Examples: Michael “Mike” Rama, Tom Osmena, Junjun (for Junjun
Davide), PJ (for Pablo John Garcia) Batalla vs COMELEC
One- liner: In ballot appreciation, the intention of the voter must be
These are allowed, provided no other candidate is with that nickname and discovered so to effectuate the voter’s choice.
Atty G: The nickname can be tricky because the requirement there is when Ernesto Batalla, a former Punong Barangay (PB) and Teodoro Bataller,
you file your COC, you need to indicate there your nickname. Ug usa ra ka the incumbent PB, were the candidates for the position of PB. Batalla
nickname. But there are candidates who would like to include as many
garnered 113 votes while Bataller got 108 votes. Batalla was declared
variations as possible just to get the possible votes. But the policy there is,
if in your COC you filed several nicknames, we only get the first one written. the winner. But Bataller filed an election protest claiming
That’s your nickname. misappreciation of 7 ballots.

Q. Can we say, “That’s not your nickname. Why are you using that?” Of the 7 ballots, MCTC appreciated five of them in favor of Bataller by
We cannot because, whether or not that is your nickname, that belongs to applying the neighborhoood and intent rules, as well as the application
you. Ikaw ray nakabalo kung imoha ba jud ng nickname. But remember, of the doctrine of Idem Sonans. Later, MCTC found both of them
there is here a requirement that the candidate should generally be popularly
garnering an equal number of 113 votes each.
known in that one.

Atty G: Just like in the case of Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo who both wrote Batalla disagrees due to the ff reasons:
in their COCs “Daang Matuwid” as their nicknames. Of course we know that Ballot 1: the contested first name (Teodoro) was written on the line of
is not their nicknames, it’s a slogan. But who can argue if they say that is Punong Brgy but the surname is not discernable as it can be read either
my nickname effective today? as Batalla or Bataller. He says it could be a case of writing the first name
of a candidate and the surname of another candidate.
The general rule is that you cannot argue if that is the candidate’s
nickname of choice. But if the candidate used that nickname with an intent
to confuse or mislead the voters, that can be another issue. It can be Ballot 2: while the space for PB is left blank, the first of the names of
opposed. Kagawad is unreadable and can’t sufficiently identify Teodoro Bataller,
since the name written seems to be “tododer”. Idem sonans doctine was
In fact, in a case, there was a wife who run for Congress or for Governor, misapplied.
and she was trying to succeed her husband, and the husband was known
for that initials. I forgot the correct initials but let’s just say, it was F.G.S.G., Ballot 3: it should be deemed a stray ballot since the real intention of
the wife also used the same initials. So it was opposed saying that she is
the voter cannot be determined.
actually misleading the people. She was riding on the high popularity of her
husband and it was qualified by the SC, because it’s not really good. But the
general rule is if you want to say “that is my nickname”, that really is your Ballot 4: shows the name of Teodoro Bataller written on the space for
nickname. Unless, it is intended to mislead the voters. the candidates of Kagawad, with that of PB left blank, and therefore
should be considered a stray vote.
And this can also be considered as a marked ballot. But take note that
when you appreciate a ballot, it’s all a matter of discretion. And what do we Ballot 5: it is not legible and does not sufficiently identify the candidate
say about discretion? You can decide either way and still be right. So if the
and to consider it a vote for Bataller is highly speculative and conjectural.
BEI in the polling place, In his/her discretion, does not think that it’s a
marked ballot but the Judge in an election protest can correct that discretion.
So at the time of voting in the polling place, the BEI/BET, whatever their Issue: WON the five protested ballots were correctly appreciated by the
decision is, that is already final, regardless of whether it is right or wrong. MCTC as votes for Bataller.

TAKE NOTE: Ruling:

If one rule results to straying the votes for two of the candidates, Only 3 ballots (1, 4 and 5) were properly appreciated to credited in favor
another rule can be used. It is really up to the judgment call of the BEI. of Bataller while ballots 2 and 3 are stray votes.
The discretion of the BEI can be decided either way and still be valid.
Remember, for ballot appreciation, it’s really the discretion of the BEI. Ballot 1: it clearly shows the first name “Teodoro” while the surname
is a bit confusing, still it can’t be read as “Batalla” since the way it is
For ballot appreciation, as long as the BEI has legal basis for their written indicates 8 characters. The 1st 6 letters show “Batall” while the
decision, that will be respected. But if that legal basis is found by last 2 are illegible. However, the benefit of the doubt tilts in favor of
the court later on to be insufficient, the court will supersede the Bataller since the voter evidently wrote his first name clearly. The intent
previous decision in ballot revision.
ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
rule must be applied, the ballot in question should be liberally Facts: Cordero and Orrica were the only candidates for Brgy. Captain.
appreciated to effectuate the voter’s choice of Bataller. Orrica was proclaimed the winner by 99 votes as against 95 votes for
Cordero. 204 votes were cast in total, with 9 votes considered as stray
Ballot 4: Neighborhood rule was properly applied, where the name of for having place the name of either candidate on the first space provided
a candidate is not written in the proper space in the ballot, but is for councilmen.
preceded by the name of the office for which he is a candidate, the vote Cordero filed an election protest, while Orrica filed a counter-protest.
should be counted as valid for said candidate. This is usually applied in
consonance with the intent rule. Issue: Whether or not the stray votes were properly appreciated.

Ballot 5: credited in Bataller’s name under the neighborhood rule and Ruling:
the intent rule. The name of Bataller, written on the first line for No. 7 voters wrote the name of Cordero and 2 voters wrote the name
Kagawad, is quite distinct and legible. of Orrica, on the first space provided for councilmen followed by the
names of the councilmen of their choice. It can be understood that the
Stray ballots: said voters intended to vote for either the Cordero or Orrica
Ballot 2: neither the neighborhood rule nor the doctrine of Idem (Neighborhood Rule).
sonans apply to this instance. Firstly, NR applies when the name for PB
is left vacant while the name of the PB candidate was written on the first The rule that if the name is written in the space provided for another
space for Kagawad legibly. This ballot does not clearly show the name office, the ballot cannot be counted as a vote for such person for the
of the candidate written on the first space for Kagawad candidates. office for which he is a cadidate, admits of exceptions, where, as in this
Secondly, the word “tododer” does not necessarily refer to “Teodoro case, the intention of the voters to vote for Cordero and Orrica is
Bataller”. It does not sound like Teodoro under the Idem sonans rule. unmistakable and should not be frustrated.
Thirdly, for purposes of using the intent rule, absent any indication of
such discernable intent, the ballot can’t be appreciated in favor of The ballot should be liberally construed and the intendment be in favor
Bataller. of a reading and construction which will render the ballot effective,
rather than in favor of a conclusion which will, on some technical
Ballot 3: Bataller’s name is not found on or near any of the lines grounds, render it ineffective.
corresponding to the office of PB and Kagawads, and thus, does not
relate to any office. His name was written on the upper portion of the Bautista vs Castro
ballot, the upper portion of the ballot, above the instructions of the RE: IDEM SONANS RULE
voter, but below the words “Bacacay, Albay” while the lines for
Kagawads were properly filled up. One-liner: In ballot appreciation, resorting to hadwriting experts is not
mandatory, this can be done by COMELEC. Initials, nicknames, or
Ferrer vs COMELEC appellation of affection and friendship will not invalidate the ballot, if
One- liner: In computing votes after discerning valid votes from the accompanied by the name or surname of the candidate, and above all,
contested ballots, the computation shall be based on the number of if they were not used a means to identify the voter.
uncontested ballots, wherein the uncontested ones shall be added with
the valid votes out of the contested ballots. Facts: Sergio Bautista and Roberto Miguel were candidates for the office
of Brgy. Captain. Bautista was proclaimed the winner with a plurality of
Facts: 2 votes. Miguel filed a protest on the ground of fraud and illegal acts or
Ferrer and Grospe were candidates for the position of Punong Brgy. practices committed by Bautista. A revision and recounting of the ballots
Ferrer got 277 votes while Grospe got 275 votes. Ferrer was proclaimed was conducted which resulted in a tie. Miguel filed an appeal which
the winner. Grospe filed an election protest. He claimed 11 ballots were decision declared him as the winner with plurality of 24 votes.
misappreciated and should be credited in his favor. Consequently, Bautista filed an appeal, arguing among others, the ff:
1. that the court erred in declaring that the presence of an arrow
The trial court credited 8 out of 11 contested ballots (the other 3 ballots with the words “and party” written after his name was meant
claimed were declared stray)in Grospe’s favor while it credited 29 ballots for no other purpose but to identify the voter.
claimed by Ferrer, no stray votes. This affirmed the proclamation of 2. the ballot that contained the word “BLBIOY” in the space for
Ferrer as the PB. Brgy. Captain, was meant for him as his nickname is “Biboy”,
and should therefore not be strayed.
Issue: WON the valid votes were properly computed. 3. The ballot invalidated as stray vote for bearing “Bo. Barangay
Baustista” written on the first line intended for councilmen,
Ruling: Yes. The computation shall be based on the number of should not be nullified and must be decided in his favor.
uncontested ballots after revision at the lower court. Thus, Ferrer who 4. The ballot that had the name of Bautista written 7 times was
garnered 251 uncontested ballots would be credited with 29 valid votes not meant to identify the ballot.
per findings by lower court. He therefore has a total of 280 votes. 5.
Issue: WON the contested ballots were properly appreciated.
On the other hand, Grospe with 268 uncontested ballots shall be
credited with 8 valid votes out of the 11 votes claimed, or a total of 276 Ruling: Partly yes.
votes. 1. Denied. It cannot be said that these writing were accidental. Even
under the liberal view, the words written on the ballots are irrelevant
Cordero vs Moscardon expressions that nullified the ballots.
2. Accepted. “Biboy”, Bautista’s surname, was duly registered in his
One-liner: Fundamentally, the purpose of election laws is to give effect COC. While the name written was “BLBIOY”, there was no doubt that
rather than frustrate the will of the voter. No technical rule or rules the voter intended to vote for “Biboy”, the nickname of which Bautista
should be permitted to defeat the intention of the voter, if that intention was popularly known.
is discoverable from the ballot itself, not from evidence alliunde. This
rule of interpretation goes to the very root of the system. 3. Accepted. Although what was placed before the name BAUTISTA was
“Bo. Barangay” and not “Po. Barangay” for Punong Barangay, the voter’s

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
intention to vote for Bautista was present. Thus, said vote should be may be equal to the excess and without unfolding them, place them in
counted in his favor. an envelope which shall be marked "excess ballots" and which shall be
sealed and signed by the members of the board of election inspectors.
4. Denied. This vote cannot be considered as a vote for Bautista. The
writing of a name more than twice on the ballot is considered to be The envelope shall be placed in the compartment for valid ballots,
intentional and serves no other other purpose than to identify the ballot. but its contents shall not be read in the counting of votes.

Ong vs COMELEC If in the course of the examination ballots are found folded
RE: CHANGE OF VOTE together before they were deposited in the box, they shall be
placed in the envelope for excess ballots.
One-liner: The law is clear: "Unless it should clearly appear that they
have been deliberately put by the voter to serve as identification marks, In case ballots with their detachable coupons be found in the
comma, dots, lines, or hyphens between the first name and surname of box, such coupons shall be removed and deposited in the compartment
a candidate, or in other parts of the ballot, traces of the letter "T", "J", for spoiled ballots, and the ballots shall be included in the file of valid
and other similar ones, the first letters or syllables of names which the ballots.
voter does not continue, the use of two or more kinds of writing and If ballots with the words "spoiled" be found in the box, such
unintentional or accidental flourishes, strokes or strains, shall not ballots shall likewise be placed in the compartment for spoiled ballots.
invalidate the ballot."
Facts: Ong and Rizon were candidates for the position of mayor of
Baroy, LDN. Ong was declared the winner with a margin of 51 votes. Sec, 208, Art. XVIII, Omnibus Election Code
Rizon filed an election protest contesting Ong’s votes in 5 clustered
precincts. Among others, the contested ballots contain the ff: Marked ballots.
The board of election inspectors shall then unfold the ballots and
1. slot no. 1 for Senators contained the name “NIKKI” and all the other determine whether there are any marked ballots, and, if any be found,
spaces were left blank. The name “NIKKI” was written in print and the they shall be placed in an envelope labelled "marked ballots" which shall
rest written in script. be sealed and signed by the members of the board of election inspectors
and placed in the compartment for valid ballots and shall not be counted.
2. The name “NORMAN” was written on slot no. 1 for senators. Some
had the name “SINA” was written on slot no. 1. Another ballot contained A majority vote of the board of election inspectors shall be
the word “ONG” in bold letters while the rest were written in different sufficient to determine whether any ballot is marked or not. Non-
strokes. official ballots which the board of election inspectors may find, except
those which have been used as emergency ballots, shall be considered
COMELEC invalidated all the above described ballots for being marked as marked ballots.
and written by two persons.
ISSUE: WON the ballots should be invalidated. SIGNATURE OF VOTER IN THE BALLOT
Ferrer vs De Alban
RULING: One-liner: A ballot signed by the voter himself is a marked ballot.
Facts: Alban and Ferrer were candidates for the position of mayor.
1. The printed name “NIKKI” does not show any intention on the part of The Board of Canvassers proclaimed Ferrer as the duly-elected mayor,
the voters to identify or distinguish themselves. Therefore, the ballots with a plurality of 12 votes. Alban filed an election protest impugning
are not considered marked. The name “NIKKI” only showed that it was the results of some precincts on the ground that many ballots cast
the voter’s intention to stress their adulation for a senator named therein were marked or illegally prepared but were considered valid and
“NIKKI”, rather than to identify themselves. The votes are stray for the counted in favor of Ferrer. Among the contested ballots is one declared
senatorial candidates but will not invalidate the entire ballot. marked for the reason that it was signed by the elector himself.

2. The appearance of print and script writings in a single ballot does not Issue: WON the ballot signed by the voter is a marked ballot.
necessarily imply that two persons wrote the ballot. The strokes of print
and script handwriting would naturally differ but would not automatically Ruling: Yes. It is a well-settled rule that a ballot signed by the voter
mean that two persons prepared the same. A visual examination of the himself is a marked ballot.
ballots belies the claim that these ballots were prepared by two persons.
In the absence of any deliberate intention to put an identification mark, NAMES OF PERSONS NOT CANDIDATES
the ballots must not be rejected. Protacio vs De Leon
One-liner: Writing the name of a non-candidate is considered a marked

Sec. 207, Art. XVIII, Omnibus Election Code Facts: Protacio and de Leon were candidates for the position of Mayor.
Excess ballots. De Leon was proclaimed the winner. A protest was lodged by Protacio,
declaring him the duly-elected mayor with a plurality of 7 votes over De
Excess ballots. Leon. This was however overturned by the CA pn Appeal by de Leon.
Before proceeding to count the votes, the board of election The contested ballots by Protacio show the ff, among others:
inspectors shall count the ballots in the compartment for valid ballots 1. some ballots contained marks consisting of the names of the
without unfolding them or exposing their contents, except so far as to protestee’s supposed political leaders, who were not candidates
ascertain that each ballot is single, and compare the number of ballots during the elections
in the box with the number of voters who have voted. 2. The name of “Pelaez”, a national political figure and not a candidate
for councilor was written on the fourth space for councilors and a
If there are excess ballots, they shall be returned in the box and big “X” was placed after it.
thoroughly mixed therein, and the poll clerk, without seeing the ballots
and with his back to the box, shall publicly draw out as many ballots as

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Issues: WON said ballots are marked ballots. to the rule. Consequently, they are irrelevant expressions that nulliffied
Ruling: Yes. the ballots.
As a general rule, a voter must write on the ballot only the names of
The following circumstances were considered in holding the respective candidates voted for the offices appearing thereon. Certain exceptions,
ballots as marked and therefore invalid: however, were provided in Section 149 of the Revised Election Code.
(1) the inclusion of the name of the two well known movie stars who For example, preffixes such as "Sr.," "Mr.," and the like and suffixes
were not candidates; such as "hijo," "Jr.," etc. will not invalidate the ballot (par. 5). Initials
(2) writing the name of a registered voter not a candidate where the (paragraph 15), nicknames or appellation of affection and friendship will
handwriting on the ballot is dentical to the signature on the registered not invalidate the ballot, if accompanied by the name or surname of the
voters' list in the precincts; candidate, and above all, if they were not used as a means to identify
(3) the words "Minute" and "Kabayan" in block or the voter.
printed form both enclosed in parenthesis, written after two names in
the second and seventh spaces for councilor; USE OF STICKER
(4) the corrected names of candidates for mayor and vicemayor; Lerias vs HRET
(5) the writing of the phrase "Liberal Party" eleven times on the space One-liner: A ballot containing a sticker need not necessarily be
for vice governor, on all the spaces for board members and from the invalidated if it was not pasted on a blank space on a ballot.
2nd to the 8th space for councilors, and the word "Factor" on the first Facts: Lerias and Mercado were the candidates for the position of
space for councilor; Representative. Mercado led the race during the canvass of votes. But
(6) writing the word "saging" (banana), an irrelevant epithet, after in the Prov’l Board of Canvassers’ copy of the certificate of canvass,
the name of a candidate for councilor; Lerias would have received more votes as against Mercado. But said
(7) placing a big letter "X" immediately after the name of a candidate board ruled that their copy contained erasures, alterations and super
for councilor; impositions, and therefore cannot be used as basis of the canvass. Lerias
(8) Writing the name of "Pelaez" a national political figure and not a filed a protest.
candidate for councilor on the But Mercado also filed a counter-protest stating, among others, that
fourth space for councilors and placing a big "X" immediately after it; various ballots for Lerias, pasted with stickers, were considered valid
(9) writing the name "Sony Boy" on the 8th space for councilors, and counted for Lerias.
which is not related to the name of any candidate for councilor;
(10) writing a big "M" in block or printed letter on the eight space for Issue: WON the ballots containing stickers are marked ballots.
councilor, with the remaining spaces in blank; and
(11) printing a big "M" after "R. Rodriguez" on the sixth space for Ruling:
senators, conspicuously and distinctly different from all the letter Ms No. It should only be invalidated if the sticker was pasted on a blank
in this ballot space on the ballot. Where the stickers appeared to have been hastily
and surreptitiously stuck on other parts of the ballots (mostly diagonally
Not marked ballots: and without any uniform location), this was done by persons other than
The following circumstanceswere considered in holding the respective the voters themselves, precisely to invalidate the ballots. It is illogical
ballots as not marked and therefore valid: for a voter to take the trouble of writing down the names of his
(1) indentions not sufficient to identify the voters; candidates, sometimes laboriously, only to nullify the ballot (and all his
(2) writing the word "sorry" after the name of a candidate, as an votes) by pasting a sticker on it.
expression of regret for having committed a mistake;
(3) writing the words "Street", or "Grand Alliance", or "and party" STRAY VOTES
(4) cancelling names and rewriting them to conform with a sample
ballot; Villarosa vs HRET
(5) writing a candidate's name to occupy all three spaces for members One-liner: Three kinds of votes are considered stray:
of the Provincial Board; (1) a vote containing initials only,
(2) a vote which is illegible, and
(6) writing the name of a particular candidate for councilor as the last
(3) a vote which does not sufficiently identify the candidate for whom it is intended
councilor voted for in each of several ballots;
(7) mis-spelling the name of a candidate; Facts: Amelita C. Villarosa and Quintos were the only candidates for the office of
(8) writing the expression "carancho" before the name of a candidate as Representative. Villarosa is the wife of Jose T. Villarosa, the incumbent
an appellation of affection or friendship; Representative and has been the Congressman for two terms, who wrote in his
(9) numerals on the back of a ballot written by the board of inspectors then COC the nickname/stage name “JOE-JTV”. The wife, in her COC, also worte
as a tally guide; “JTV” as her nickname/stage name. Villarosa was proclaimed as the winner.
Quintos filed an election protest on some grounds, among which is the canvassers
(10) illegible writings, being imprints of othernames written on the ballot counting the votes “JTV” in favor of Villarosa, and not considering it as stray
caused by the folding of the same; ballots, as her use of such was attended by is bad faith, fraud and misreprentation,
(11) cancelling the name of a candidate in a wrong place and putting it and could have been for no other purpose than to mislead the electorate.
in the right place;
(12) different ways of writing the letter "i" in several ballots caused by Issue: WON the ballots containing “JTV” should be considered as stray
individual mannerisms of voters; ballots.
(13) Writing circles and crosses signifying desistance of voter to write
any other name; and Yes. It would be the height of naivety to believe that, indeed, "JTV" is petitioner's
(14) affixing the nickname of a candidate. nickname, or that she used it for any other purpose than to ride on the popularity
of her husband to mislead the voters, especially the less informed.
IRRELEVANT EXPRESSION Villarosa (wife) was not popularly known for such nickname. And besides,
Bautista vs Castro (supra) nickname and appellation of affection and friendship can only be accepted if
One-liner: Ballots containing irrelevant expressions are considered accompanied by the first name or surname of the candidate.
marked, and should therefore be nullified

Issue: WON the contested ballots are marked.

Ruling: Yes.Even under a literal view, the words written on the ballots
under consideration cannot be considered as falling within the exception

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
WATCHERS As paralegal, what you should do is to prepare a template. Give it to the
QUALIFICATIONS OF WATCHERS watchers so that the watchers can only write as to matters they believe were
committed as an irregularity by the BEI. Format is up to you. Leave the ground
Watchers are only there to watch. Can’t even orally argue with the BEI. If
Q. Who may be designated as watchers? watcher insists, he might be considered a person who disrupts proceedings
A. Registered voter of the barangay or municipality where he or she and you may be ordered arrested by the BEI.
is assigned
B. Of good reputation F. Obtain from BET certificate of its filing and/or its resolution.
C. Not convicted by final judgment for any election offense or any
other crime Atty Guji: Make sure that it was copy received/duly received by BET because
D. Knows how to read and write Filipino, English or any of the that will be your evidence that you filed a protest against some irregularity.
That can be the basis of your paralegal or lawyer later on whether or not they
prevailing local dialect
should file an election protest.
E. Not related within 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to
any member of the BET where he or she is assigned There is no compulsion on the part of the BEI to resolve your protest.
Rules says, can file a protest but BEI is not compelled to issue resolution.
Registered voter of the barangay or municipality where he or she is
assigned G. Unimpeded view of the ballot being read, ER and tally board, without
If you are assigned as watcher in another part of the province and you touching them.
are not registered there, you cannot be a watcher. Most you can be is
paralegal which is good. As law students, you should be a paralegal, H. Be furnished, upon request, with certificate of votes, duly signed and
being outside just collate data and give instructions to watchers. thumb marked by the BET

Of good reputation Atty Guji: After counting, there is election return. Election return embodies the
Good reputation is presumed as long as there is no opposition. results coming from that polling place.

Candidate is independent and not entitled collection of copy of election

Not convicted by final judgment for any election offense or any other returns. Alternative is ask for Certificate of Votes, duly signed and
crime thumbmarked by the BET.

Take note that if: E.g. Candidate is A. Please certify that the number of vote she garnered is like
Watcher - convicted by final judgment disqualifies this. They can certify that. As a matter of fact, If BET/BEI refuses to issue the
Inspector - mere pendency disqualifies certificate of votes, it amounts to an election offense. But there has to be that
request coming from you.

Not related within 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to any So if the BEI refuses, you can ask that this refusal be put into writing. This is
member of the BET where he or she is assigned because if you ask them to do that, they will be afraid and issue the Certificate
If the BEI is your relative in that polling place, you can’t be a watcher of Votes cause it amounts to an election offense. In that way your watchers
there. You must be transferred to another because of conflict of interest. coming from the different polling place already have a result and can already
consolidate it certified by the BEI. In that level, prior to consolidation,
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF A WATCHER canvassing and proclamation, you already know whether or not your
candidate won or lost.


I. But they shall not speak to any BET, voter, or among themselves, in
A. Stay in the space reserved for them inside the polling place
such a manner as would disturb BET proceedings.
B. Witness the proceedings of the BET Atty Guji: In other words, you can speak but it should not disrupt the
proceedings. So what can you say? Probably, clarify questions. What is not
C. Take note of what they may see or hear allowed under the rules is that you argue. If you insist in arguing that is now
disrupting the proceedings so can now be ordered arrested.
Atty Guji: Can actually document-can take notes, photograph or videos.
Provided, you don’t violate secrecy and sanctity of ballot. The proceedings is supposed to be solemn, silent and sacred. Nobody can just
interrupt the proceedings. Nobody can just argue there. As a matter of fact,
D. Take photographs of the BET proceedings, election returns, ballot oral argument is not allowed. Anything that you want to protest against,
boxes, tally board put that into writing. You cannot argue.

Atty Guji: But never the official ballots because it will violate secrecy and Q. If you are not allowed to argue, are you just going to be muted?
sanctity of the ballots. Are you not allowed to speak at all?
Not necessarily because you are allowed to ask clarificatory questions. But
E. File a protest against any irregularity or violation of law he believes the moment the clarificatory question crosses the line and becomes allegation
may have been committed by BET or any person (important) or accusation, you are already not allowed to do that.

Atty Guji: The ground is mere belief on the watcher’s part that there is a TRANSFER OF VENUE OF COUNTING
violation of law or any irregularity committed by any person including BEI or
voter. Watcher must file a protest in writing.
Q. If you file a protest in writing, what happens next? Is the BEI
mandated by law to resolve the protest? Sec. 18, RA 6646
Not necessarily. Transfer of Counting of Votes to Safer Place.
If on account of imminent danger of violence, terrorism, disorder or
Atty G: Now you might say, “useless diay Sir”. It’s not useless because if you similar causes it becomes necessary to transfer the counting of votes to
want to file an election protest, that copy duly received by the BET of your
a safer place, the board of inspectors may effect such transfer by
protest inside the polling place on election day, will guide the lawyer as to
which polling place he needs to raise as a polling place he needs to allege as
unanimous approval by the board and concurrence by the majority of
where irregularity or fraud was committed during the elections. the watchers present. This fact shall be recorded in the minutes of voting
and the members of the board and the watchers shall manifest their
ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
approval or concurrence by affixing their signatures therein. The TN: The enumeration is exclusive.
Commission shall issue rules and guidelines on the matter to secure the
safety of the members of the board, the watchers, and all election Watchers who stay in designated area
documents and paraphernalia. Atty Guji: Watchers can’t go around the polling place. There is a
designated area for you. There is a restricted area also where the voting
Q. Can the BET transfer the venue of counting? booth is. If a person is casting vote, he cannot be near that person
Yes. BET by unanimous vote, recommends the transfer of venue in because he might influence the person and violate the secrecy and
writing. Majority of watchers present endorses in writing. sanctity of the official ballots.

Atty Guji: Only in rare instances where decision of the watchers are considered as Others specifically authorized
a factor in deciding whether or not it can transfer venue of counting.
Atty Guji: Who are they? Probably:
The General rule is that the watchers are not allowed to participate in the
a) Election officer in the exercise of his supervisory function
decision-making process of the BET. Wala gyud, wala silay power ana. b) Representatives from the Commission
Except for this particular instance where they also need to endorse in writing, c) Foreign Reserves
majority of them, which is the transfer of the venue of counting. d) Media if they have accreditation card

Grounds for transfer of venue of counting

Imminent danger of widespread: Media can be allowed inside the polling place, provided they get that
a) Violence authority. If they get that authority they cannot be near the voters when
b) Terrorism they cast their votes. They can’t talk to anyone. And even if they can
c) Disorder document, yes they can take photographs, they can videotape but,
d) Similar causes of comparable magnitude never the official ballot because you’ll violate the secrecy and sanctity of
the ballot.
Atty Guji: Not those whimsical grounds like according to feng shui or it is too hot.
Must be of compelling circumstances like violence, terrorism, disorder and similar Q. Can a lawyer get in the polling place?
causes of comparable magnitude. This is because the polling place is actually your GR: No. A lawyer is not allowed inside the polling place because the
territory and if you transfer that without sufficient ground, you are destroying the
watcher is already the lawyer of the candidate. That’s why a watcher
territorial integrity of the polling place.
should at least be a law student so there is quality representation.
Q. So what about venue of voting? Can it be transferred?
We don’t have a regulation as to how we can transfer the venue for voting but by XPNs:
analogy, we can apply these rules, because there is no specific provision. a) If a lawyers casts his vote and he is registered there.
b) If he delegates himself as a watcher. Lawyers are not prohibited
Because it doesn’t make sense that if there’s violence in counting, you can transfer to be watcher as long as they qualify to be.
the venue. But how about if there’s violence in voting? Diba? The more that it
should be allowed to transfer the venue.
Aside from that, when it says “Similar causes of comparable magnitude”, you need The following, except if they vote, are not allowed inside the polling
to transfer right away, for your safety. So, pwede. place:
A. Any officer or member of the AFP or PNP
B. Any peace officer or armed person belonging to any extra-legal
Q. Where to? police agency, special reaction, strike forces, CAFGU, paramilitary
Nearest safe barangay or school building, not located within perimeter forces, special forces, security guards, special policemen
of or inside — C. All other kinds of armed or unarmed extra-legal police forces
a) Military or police camp, reservation D. Barangay tanods
b) Headquarters, detachment or field office Considered the lapdogs of politicians
c) Within premised of prison or detention compound of any law E. Incumbent barangay or SK official, whether elected or appointed
enforcement or investigation agency
Q: If not listed among those persons not allowed, does it follow
TN: The Comelec through the Election Officer may authorize transfer of that you are already allowed?
counting of votes. Must be recorded in the Minutes Not necessarily, because we also have an exclusive list of persons who
are allowed the polling place.
Atty Guji: It may be transferred somewhere else like in the nearest barangay or
school building but not near a military camp or police station. This is because the
election is a purely civilian political undertaking we can’t militarize that.
We need to control the persons who are allowed inside the polling place
because otherwise, it becomes a circus.
BEI has minutes. They have journals for the proceedings from the time they
opened the voting booth until the time of closing. Journals are called minutes. So, As a matter of fact, in a case decided by the Supreme Court, it was held
if you file a protest for some irregularity, make sure that it’s received by the BEI that: Mere presence of an unauthorized person inside the polling place
or BET and it must be recorded in the minutes. When you go to an election protest, is an election offense.
the journals made by the BEI is going to be very decisive to determine what really
transpired during counting and voting. Q. What about candidates, are they allowed inside the polling
PERSONS ALLOWED INSIDE THE POLLING PLACE A. No, unless they are going to vote. (Even during counting, they are
not allowed.)
A. Watchers who stay in designated area Purpose of having this list of persons not allowed in the polling place
B. Voters casting their votes For emphasis. TN that police/military are not allowed. Because election
C. Voters waiting for their turn to vote is a purely civilian political undertaking and we can’t militarize the
D. Voters waiting for their turn to get ballots proceedings.
E. Jail/prison escorts for detainee voters
F. Members of Special Board of Election Tellers (SBET)
G. Others specifically authorized

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
COMELEC vs Romillo Q. What are illegal acts that can be used as grounds to
One-liner: During the voting, no person shall be allowed inside the challenge the right to vote?
polling place, except the members of A. Received or expects to receive, paid, offered or promised,
the board of inspectors and their substitutes, the watchers, the contributed, offered or promised to contribute money or
representatives of the Commission, the voters casting their votes, the anything of value as consideration for the vote.
voters waiting for their turn to get inside the booths whose number shall
not exceed twice the number of booths and the voters waiting for their B. Made or received a promise to influence the giving or
turn to cast their votes whose number shall not exceed forty at any one withholding of any such vote
Atty Guji: Challenge there is: I object to this particular voter for he is suffering
Facts: The COMELEC filed criminal cases against Asuncion for election from an illegal act. He is going to sell his votes. Somebody is waiting outside for
offenses committed on election day. Among which is by unlawfully him. After he votes, someone will pay him. This is however, easily circumvented.
Under the rules. what this challenged voter has to do is only state under oath that
entering the polling place, carrying a gun. He was not authorized by the the accusation is false. After that allowed to vote.
COMELEC to enter a polling place. He was also observed watching the
voters fill up ballots and reading the contents thereof. If you are challenged as an illegal voter, what you need to do is to deny that under
oath. Then you will be allowed to vote regardless of the truth and falsity of your
Issue: WON Asuncion violated the Omnibus Election Code. denial.

Ruling: The testimony of the Chairman of the BEI of the precinct You only challenge the moment the voter offers the vote.
involved showed the absence of the prima facie case against Asuncion. Q. When can you say that a voter offers a vote?
It was revealed that when Asuncion tried to enter the voting booth, he The time when the voter approaches the BET Chair and says “Ma’am, ako si Mr.
was stopped by the Chair of the BEI and was sent out, and he obeyed. Ben Tan, I’m listed number 19 (for example).”
It cannot then be said that he committed those alleged acts inside the
precinct as he went out upon being told so. Then the teachers says “Okay. Mr. Tan is now offering the vote.”
Under those circumstances, by no means can it be concluded that Eden
Asuncion had violated the Election Code. The secrecy and sanctity of the Diha ra jud ka dapat mo-object. Otherwise, if you failed to object and they already
gave Mr. Tan his ballot, and Mr. Tan is now accomplishing the ballot, you cannot
ballot sought to be protected by the said provision has not been violated. say “Ma’am, hoy, ayaw na sya pabotara.”

ILLEGAL VOTER The remedy is gone forever.

So diha ra jud ka mo-object when the voter offers his vote. Otherwise, wala nay
ILLEGAL VOTER limit, magkagubot gihapon ang polling place.
A person who offers to vote but is:
Q. What makes you not qualified to vote?
A. Not registered
When you simply refuse to deny under oath.
B. Uses the name of another
If you are the watcher and you think that person is not the person he
claims to be, by all means file a protest against an illegal voter. Q. What happens next?
Watcher should be alert in the possibility that there is an impostor The challenged voter may take an oath denying the allegations. If the
there and casts his vote. challenged voter refuses to deny under oath, the challenge is sustained
and the voter is not allowed to vote.
Chances are slim because BEI would really require a valid ID before
one can vote. Now it is fully automated, biometrics based. So BEI All the challenges and decisions must be recorded in the minutes.
already carries the identity of the voters. Remember, ID is not a
requirement for you to be allowed to vote, unless you are challenged Atty Guji: As a watcher, any challenge or protest you make, make sure it must be
to vote. Only then will you be required to show your ID. duly received by the BEI and you have that copy. So later, it can be collated by
the paralegal or lawyer and they will decide whether or not they file an election
C. Suffers from existing disqualification protest. Without these documents, your election protest is a mere fishing
Or maybe you can say he suffers from existing disqualification because expedition that even the lawyer does not know where to go. Function of the
voter just got out of prison, cant exercise suffrage – the watcher can watcher is to document everything for the benefit of the lawyer in case later on
file a protest. If the protest is on the ground of lack of identity, the he decides to file an election protest.
only remedy is for the BEI to ask for a valid ID and if voter can establish
with sufficiency his identity, he shall be allowed to vote.
Q. Can an illegal voter be prevented to vote? Canvassing is when you consolidate all the election returns coming from
Yes, through a written challenge filed by the watcher. the polling places of that particular city.
Sayon ra kaayo ni class because naa may EDVCL. Kung naa ka sa lista
then by all means, you will be allowed to vote. Unless there is an Take note:
annotation that you are not allowed. Voting = Official ballots
Counting = Election returns
Q What happens next?
A. The BET requires challenged voter to present proof of: The flow of documents after you vote is this:
B. Registration Official Ballot -> COC (of that polling place) -> Election return into COC
C. Identity (of the Municipality/City) -> COC (of the Province) up until the last
D. Qualification canvassing unit done by the NBOC -> COCP

Q. What if voter cannot present proof of identity? As oppose the COCP (Certificate of Canvass and Proclamation) that
A. BET identifies the voter through photograph and specimen bears only the names of the winners that is the basis of proclamation
signature in the EDVCL (Election Day Certified Voters List).
Your face, signature and thumb mark is there. Take note:
Every COC a corresponding COCP is issued to proclaim local officials who won
determinable by the canvass.
B. BET member may identify the challenged voter under oath, if
the BEI member knows the person personally.
ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
BOARD OF CANVASSERS Provincial board of canvassers
WHO CONDUCTS CONSOLIDATION, CANVASSING, ETC A. Chairman – Provincial Election Supervisor or a lawyer of the
TRANSMISSION C. Member-Secretary – District School Superintendent

Automated elections: Who substitutes the Chair: Lawyer of the Commisson

A. Municipal Board of Canvassers (MBOC) Vice-Chair: Provincial Auditor
B. City Board of Canvassers (CBOC) Registrar of Deeds
C. Provincial Board of Canvassers (PBOC) Clerk of Court of RTC
D. National Board of Canvassers (NBOC) Any other available appointive provincial officials

Manual elections: Atty Guji: Once it is a city or province, the election officer must be a LAWYER. If
Barangay Board of Canvassers (BBOC) the election officer is not a lawyer, then there’s an illegal composition. In which
case, you can have the results nullified.

Barangay Board of Canvassers
Must not be related within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or
All are BET Chairmen
affinity to:
A. Each other Atty Guji: If you are a barangay candidate, the Comelec is without jurisdiction to
B. Any candidate whose votes will be canvassed by the Board proclaim you as a candidate because Comelec does not sit as members of the Brgy
Board of Canvassers, only public school teachers. The Comelec has no jurisdiction
Take note: to proclaim you as an elected barangay official.
Any candidate means – local or national thus if one of your relatives run for
national elections and you are serving for a local barangay you are still disqualified
but not if you are serving in another barangay and your relative runs in another
Q. When is there vacancy in the BOC?
Test is: Is his/her votes will pass the board of canvassers jurisdiction? A. Non-availability (i.e. nagabroad, study leave sya or masters)
B. Absence (dili makit.an despite duly served with notice)
Atty Guji: Voting and counting in the polling place. Who administers? Board of C. Disqualification (relationship)
Election Inspectors. All results coming from each polling place will be transmitted D. Incapacity for any cause
or consolidated for canvassing. Who canvasses? Board of Canvassers.
TN: But feigning illness is an election offense.
COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS Simple majority, or 2 out of 3:
A. To transact official business
Municipal Board of Canvassers
B. To render decision
A. Chairman – Election Officer
C. Thus, from election day until proclamation
B. Vice-Chairman – Municipal Treasurer
D. No member is transferred out of, or leaves station, without
C. Member-Secretary – District School Supervisor
authority from the Commission
Or, in his absence, most senior principal of the school district
Who substitutes the Chair: Official of the Commission
Vice-Chair: Municipal Administrator
Municipal Assessor
A. Full authority to keep order – if you disrupt proceedings can be
Clerk of Court of MTC
ordered arrested
Any other available appointive municipal officials
B. Enforce obedience to its lawful orders
Take note: dapat in order ang pagsubstitute and it happens without need of
C. If any person disobeys or interrupts
appointment kay statutorily provided man. D. The Board may order in writing any peace officer to take that
person in custody until adjournment
City Board of Canvassers Atty Guji: Tamer version of arrest, take into custody lang, if he behaves he
A. Chairman – Election Officer or a lawyer of the Commission can be released but if that person really disrupts the proceedings he can
be ordered arrested. The discretion is with the BOC
B. Vice Chairman – City Prosecutor
C. Member-Secretary – Schools Division Supt. E. If there is no peace officer, any other competent and able person
may be deputized to enforce such order
Who substitutes the Chair: Atty Guji: BOC can ask a private person who has big body built to take into
Official of the Commission who is a lawyer custody a person who disrupts proceedings.
Vice-Chair: F. Canvass/consolidated electronically transmitted results
City Auditor G. Proclaim the winner and perform other duties – they have
Registrar of Deeds authority
Clerk of Court of RTC
Any other available appointive city officials Remember: Ang naa ray authority or jurisdiction to proclaim the
winners is the Board of Canvassers unless of course there is an appeal
Atty. Guji: You might want to ask “ngano man dunay mga syudad na dish sa bla bla in which case the commission or the court may order the
cebu nga ang ila election officer is dili mn lawyer? That can still be allowed
proclamation what they do is BOC reconvene and proclaim the winner.
by law but if there is canvassing already that election officer can never serve as a
chair because the law is clear the chair must be a lawyer.

Do they need appointment?

No because their appointment is provided for by law and they cannot
refuse except for very legitimate causes.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
A. Candidates, representative of political parties, party-list groups ISSUES THAT MAY BE RAISED DURING CANVASSING
Atty Guji: In the BEI level in voting and counting – candidates are not
allowed inside, except to vote. But during canvassing they are now Omnibus Election Code - Article X
allowed. Sec. 243. Issues that may be raised in pre-proclamation controversy. -
The following shall be proper issues that may be raised in a pre-
B. Counsels (lawyers) proclamation controversy:
 Only one counsel argues
 Have the right to observe proceedings a. Illegal composition or proceedings of the board of canvassers;
 Without touching the CCS (Canvass and Consolidation b. The canvassed election returns are incomplete, contain material
System) defects, appear to be tampered with or falsified, or contain
 Dilatory tactics are not allowed (because canvassing is discrepancies in the same returns or in other authentic copies
summary in nature) thereof as mentioned in Sections 233, 234, 235 and 236 of this
C. Watchers c. The election returns were prepared under duress, threats,
 Must know how to read and write coercion, or intimidation, or they are obviously manufactured or
 Not allowed to participate not authentic; and
 Barangay officials and tanods not allowed, because it is d. When substitute or fraudulent returns in controverted polling
supposed to be non-partisan. places were canvassed, the results of which materially affected the
standing of the aggrieved candidate or candidates.
No more pre-proclamation controversy.
Pre-proclamation controversy refers to
A. Any officer or member of the AFP or PNP Anything questioning the proceedings of the BOC raised by any
not only inside but 50m radius around the building candidate or party before the BOC or the Commission.

Except: Or any other matter raised in relation to the:

a) When they are directed in writing Preparation, transmission, receipt, custody and appreciation of election
written order of detail is usually issued first thing prior to returns under:
the opening of the canvassing that constitute continuing
authority to PNP or AFP to the door step of canvassing
venue in case anything happens  Section 223, OEC – when election returns are delayed, lost or
b) To stay outside canvassing venue, in proper uniform destroyed
these are common during manual elections, kanag delayed gyud. Before if
c) To maintain peace and order
late sila tapos dugay gyud sila magabot amo na sila ipakuha if asa gyud na
d) To protect the BOC and its staff sila.
e) To protect election paraphernalia and documents
Remember: there are remedies available here because there are multiple
B. Any peace officer or any armed or unarmed persons belonging to: copies usually it is done in 8 automatic copies kanang carbon copy.
a) Extra legal police agency
Note: Watchers if you are not entitled to receive a copy, you can ask for a
b) Special, reaction, strike or civilian armed forces
certificate of votes duly certified by the BEI

C. Any member of:

 Section 234 – material defects in the election returns
a) Security or police organizations of government agencies Material defects – are omission of names, votes, entries or etc., of
and instrumentalities candidates while others have entries on the same election return.
b) Privately owned security, intelligence, protective or
investigative agency Take note: there can be a lot of defects in an election but differentiate
formal defects from material ones.
Note: Common denominator nila is they are armed, again go back to our
first premise we said that you cannot militarize the elections because it is  Section 235 – when election returns appear to be tampered with
a purely civilian political undertaking because if you militarize now you or falsified, not authentic, not prepared by the BEI, or if prepared,
could be intimidating the voters vitiate their consent and remember that it was under duress, force or intimidation
“a free ballot is essential in a democracy”. The people should be given
-“not prepared by the BEI” – this is common in ARMM before in manual
the freedom to choose without any intervention or intimidation from
elections or if not, it was prepared under duress.
-“Falsified” – changed, it’s there but it was altered
D. Barangay tanod or self-defense units -“Manufactured” – there is nothing, and then you create
Because again they are supposedly non-partisan
 Section 236 – discrepancies in election returns
RIGHTS OF WATCHERS “Discrepancies” – i.e. you are entitled to a copy of election returns which you
got 150 votes then but sa canvassing na copy you only got 100 votes or if
RIGHTS OF WATCHERS on the same election return there is 20 “taras” then ang numerical rate is 10
A. Be present, and take note of all proceedings clearly there is a discrepancy because its supposedly 100. (seldom this
B. Stay behind BOC Chairman near enough to observe the canvass, happens because of the & 8 automatic copies accomplished through carbon
without touching the CCS copy).
C. File a protest against any irregularity noted in the canvass of
Atty Guji: Pre-proclamation controversy is not allowed to be raised during the
election returns and certificate of canvass (in writing lang ha canvassing by the Board of Canvassers for it will just delay the proceedings.
because only lawyers are allowed to argue)
D. Obtain from the Board a resolution in writing

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Before Pre-proclamation controversy is not allowed for the President, Questions affecting the composition or proceedings of the board of
Vice-President, Senators and District Reps – and the reason is because canvassers may be initiated in the board or directly with the Commission
the one with the jurisdiction over the election returns and qualifications in accordance with Section 19 hereof.
of this bodies are their electoral tribunals (PET, SET, and HRET), but for Any objection on the election returns before the city or municipal board
local officials allowed. of canvassers, or on the municipal certificates of canvass before the
provincial board of canvassers or district boards of canvassers in Metro
Now At the onset of automatic elections for all positions even barangay Manila Area, shall be specifically noticed in the minutes of their
elections or SK positions, pre-proclamation controversy is not allowed respective proceedings.
anymore because it delays the proceedings which is not proper for
Canvassing because it is summary in nature, and it will likely result to a Sec. 17. Pre-proclamation Controversies; How Commenced. -
power vacuum where the winner should have been proclaimed and sat Questions affecting the composition or proceedings of the board of
on the position but he cannot because of the controversy. canvassers may be initiated in the board or directly with the
Commission. However, matters raised under Sections 233, 234, 235 and
Note: You are without remedy; the proper remedy is election protest. 236 of the Omnibus Election Code in relation to the preparation,
transmission, receipt, custody and appreciation of the election returns,
Remember: If the BOC in good faith believes that the election returns and the certificates of canvass shall be brought in the first instance
are regular in its face neither the candidate nor anybody can claim before the board of canvassers only.
otherwise but if the BOC knows that it is fake of course, they could not
proclaim they should look for the other copies as remedy. See Section Milla v. Balmores-Laxa
236 – they are actually remedies for the BOC not for the candidates. Facts: A petition to correct entries based on fraud and an irregularity
was filed.
Belac v. Comelec
Facts: Election returns were sought to be excluded from canvassing on Finding fraud, the COMELEC en banc denied the motion to correct,
the ground that they were padded, tampered or falsified or nullified the proclamation of one and proclaimed the other.
manufactured and prepared before voting. The BOC however proceeded
to canvass. On appeal, the Commission excluded them. Held:The petition is in the nature of a pre-proclamation controversy.
Thus, it must first be heard and decided by the division.
Held: The grounds relied upon are in the nature of a pre-proclamation
controversy which is not allowed to be raised during canvassing. For as The en banc hears and decides only if there is a motion for recon.
long as the election returns appear to be authentic or duly accomplished Without the prior decision of the division, the en banc has no jurisdiction
on their face, they should be included in the canvass. This presupposes over a pre-proclamation controversy.
that the BOC in good faith honestly believe that it is authentic otherwise
they have to exclude that to the canvassing and would probably not Note: Pre-proc is quasi-judicial in nature.
matter if it cannot affect the results because of statistical improbability
To do otherwise is to go beyond the face of the election returns, over
which the Commission or the BOC have no jurisdiction to the MANIFEST ERROR
examination of the election returns. It has no jurisdiction to go beyond (exception to the pre-proc rule)
its face and investigate irregularities. The proper remedy is election - Those that are evident to the eye and understanding, visible
protest. If at all, pre-proclamation controversies are resolved summarily to the eye, that which is open, palpable, uncontrovertible,
without need to present evidence aliunde as it takes up considerable needing no evidence to make it more clear, not obscure or
time. hidden. (Klaro ba)

Atty. Guji: Note: To be manifest, errors must appear on the face of the COC or ERs
- In one of the cases the SC said that Canvassing is summary sought to be corrected and must have been objected before the board
in nature (or dinalian) because; 1. It may create a political of canvassers and specifically noted in the minutes of their respective
vacuum, 2. BOCs are incompetent to rule on certain proceedings.
irregularities (i.e. fake), they are mere ad hoc bodies or
temporary lang sila, that competence belong to the regular But you can actually petition to correct manifest errors even after the
courts or the COMELEC as the case may be and they have all canvassing.
the time to decide on that so much time that it will include
that time after the term of office In the case of Tatlonghari v. COMELEC, when what is involved is purely
- “aliunde” means outside, you go beyond the face of the COC; mathematical and/or mechanical error in the operation of the adding
and that is a pre-proclamation controversy. machine committee by the Board of Canvassers but does not involved
opening of ballot boxes, examination and appreciation and/or election
RA 7166 returns, it is manifest error.
Sec. 15. Pre-proclamation Cases Not Allowed in Elections for
President Vice-President, Senator, and Member of the House of Instances of manifest error
Representatives. - For purposes of the elections for President, Vice- 1. Copy of Election return of one precinct or two or more copies
President, Senator and Member of the House of Representatives, no pre- of a certificate of canvass were tabulated separately
proclamation cases shall be allowed on matters relating to the 2. Two copies of copies of the election returns or certificate of
preparation, transmission, receipt, custody and appreciation of the canvass were tabulated separately
election returns or the certificates of canvass, as the case may be. 3. There was a mistake in the adding or copying of the figures
However, this does not preclude the authority of the appropriate into the certificate of canvass or into the statement of votes
canvassing body motu propio or upon written complaint of an interested by precinct.
person to correct manifest errors in the certificate of canvass or election 4. so called election returns from non-existent precincts were
returns before it. included in the canvass

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Remedy against manifest error Bandala v. Comelec
BOC may motu propio or upon verified petition by any candidate,
political party or organization or coalition of political parties, after due Facts: Inclusion of election returns were objected on the grounds of lack
notice and hearing, correct the errors committed. of inner paper seal, lack of party affiliation of watchers who signed and
lack of pages listing local candidates. The Comelec en banc ordered their
PRE-PROCLAMATION CONTROVERSY exclusion and nullified the proclamation.
Held: Lack of inner paper seal is a mere formal defect that does not
Q. When is there pre-proclamation controversy? justify exclusion of election return. It does not affect the authenticity of
If the BOC is constrained to go beyond the face of the election returns, the election return. It is not a proper subject of a pre-proclamation
it is a pre-proclamation controversy. In which case, it is not allowed to controversy.
be raised as an issue in the canvassing.
Ocampo v. Comelec
Examples: Facts:
1. Upon the opening of the envelope for an election return coming Inclusion of election returns were objected for being lopsided and
from a certain polling pace, a lawyer objects to the inclusion of that manufactured, lack statistical data and if any, with discrepancy on the
election return on the ground that it is fake. How to know if fake number of votes cast, registered voters and excess ballots and more
or not? BOC is forced or constrained to go beyond the face of the importantly, erasures and super-impositions.
election return.
2. I object to the inclusion of that election return on the ground that Held:
it was prepared under duress for BEI was forced. The canvasser Lack of statistical data is a formal defect that does not affect the integrity
has to go beyond the face of the election return to ascertain if the of the election return. Superimpositions are intended to make the names
claim is true. more legible. That the results were lopsided could only mean the voters
3. An objection to the inclusion of the election return on the ground did not vote for him.
that 150 votes there is only 100 but the BEI misappropriated the
ballots. How to know misappropriated? Constrained to go back to Sandoval v. Comelec
ballots to see if there really is misappropriation. Facts: 19 election returns were alleged to have been omitted from
canvassing. Hence, the canvassing and proclamation were sought to be
Q. When is it not a pre-proclamation controversy? suspended.
When the BOC is not constrained to go beyond the face of the election
returns as the error is manifest. Held: As a general rule, candidates are not allowed to file pre-
1. An objection to not include the election return in the canvassing proclamation case before the Comelec, except:
because there is a manifest error in the computation. 50 votes + a) Candidates for President, Vice-President, Senator and District
50 votes = 150 votes suddenly. A manifest error can be seen by Representatives pursuant to Section 15, R.A. 7166
the naked eye, within the face of the election returns. This is b) When it involves correction of manifest error. In which case, it may
allowed. Need not go to other document to make a reference to be filed directly with the Commission en banc.
make computation.
Ampatuan v. Comelec
Q. If it is under the law, why can’t we avail of it as remedy Issue:
during canvassing? Whether the Commission is divested of the jurisdiction over a petition
Yes these are remedies available under the law but these are remedies to declare failure of election filed by respondent after the petitioner was
available to the BOC and not to the lawyers of the candidates during proclaimed.
Contention of petitioner: After proclamation, the only remedy left for
Antonio v. Comelec respondent is election protest hence jurisdiction lies with the regular
courts pursuant to a long line of cases.
Election returns were sought to be excluded on the ground that their Held:
preparation, transmission, custody and appreciation were attended by Yes, if the ground is pre-proclamation controversy. But in this case, what
undue influence, extreme pressure, threat and coercion. They affected is sought is the annulment of election returns or failure of elections.
the due execution, regularity and authenticity of the election returns These remedies are different from each other.
justifying examination of circumstances beyond their face.
In a pre-proclamation case, the Comelec is restricted to inquire into the
Held: regularity as appearing on the face of the election returns. It has no
This is in the nature of a pre-proclamation controversy. Thus, it must jurisdiction to investigate the alleged irregularities.
first be heard and decided by the division. The general rule is that the
Comelec need not go beyond the face of the returns and investigate In declaration of failure of elections, the Comelec is duty bound to
irregularities. The exceptional circumstances to justify summary investigate the allegations of fraud, terrorism, violence or other
annulment of canvass and proclamation are not attendant: analogous cases. Thus, it may conduct technical examination of election
a) Precipitate canvassing documents, compare and analyze voter signatures and thumb prints.
b) Terrorism
c) Lack of notice Sarangani v. Comelec
d) Manifest irregularities in the face Facts: Certificate of Canvass were excluded by the Board of Canvassers
on the ground that they are mere photocopy or contained erasures.
Sebastian v. Comelec Held:
Where the resolution of issues warrant piercing the veil of election The Certificates of Canvass should be included despite the seeming
returns that appear prima facie regular, it is election protest. irregularities. The BoC is authorized to improvise election forms in case
of shortage. In this case, BoC was constrained to photocopy the first.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
page of the CoC and use it as the second page to list other candidates MATERIAL DEFECTS IN THE ELECTION RETURNS
whose names could no longer be accommodated due to lack of space. Material defects – omission of name of candidate or omission of votes
As a matter of fact, it was authenticated by the signatures of watchers BOC orders the BEI to correct
from different political parties and the citizen’s arm. Upon scrutiny, the
erasures were actually intended to reflect the true and actual number of If the omitted votes can only be ascertained by recount
voters garnered by the candidates. The Commission shall order the BEI concerned to open the ballot box
and recount if it is satisfied that:
These findings were made after the Commission investigated the alleged A. The integrity of the ballot box is not violated
irregularities. The results were even compared with the copies for the B. The integrity of the official ballots is duly preserved
Commission and were found the same. Extreme caution must be
exercised in the exclusion as it may disenfranchise the voters of an entire Atty Guji: 3 gubernatorial candidates, suddenly in 1 polling place/1 election return.
municipality. What is placed is Candidate A - # of votes and Candidate b – # of votes. Candidate
C’s was not tallied. So there is material defect. So constrained to go back to ballot
box and count again the votes. This is a pre proclamation and not allowed during
Lucman v. Comelec canvassing. It may be unfair that you don’t go back, but what did your watcher do
Facts: Elections returns were sought to be excluded because they are in the BEI level?
manufactured. But the BoC included them, as the ground is in the nature
of a pre-proclamation controversy. ELECTION RETURNS APPEAR TO BE TAMPERED WITH
The candidate appealed with the Comelec and reiterated the grounds When election returns appear to be tampered with or falsified after they
but added that the election was tainted with massive irregularities. left the hand of BEI, or otherwise not authentic.
Substitution of voters, ballot snatching, voters were forced, threatened,
and intimidated to vote, double registrants and flying voters were Not prepared by the BEI, or if prepared, under duress, force or
allowed to vote, watchers were threatened and forced to leave, the intimidation
inspectors merely copied the tally board prepared by watchers. BoC uses other copies of the election returns. If said copies likewise
suffer from the same infirmities, the BoC uses copy from the ballot box
Held: if the Commission is satisfied that its integrity is not violated.
Issues of fraud and terrorism are not proper in a pre-proclamation
controversy because their resolution warrants the Comelec to pierce the Atty Guji: Common ground during canvassing. They object because fake or
veil of the election returns which appear to be prima facie regular. As prepared under duress. These are serious accusations. Tell that the document is
such, they should be filed in an election protest which jurisdiction spurious. How to determine? Go beyond the face of the document. So pre-
proclamation controversy.
pertains to the regular court.
As a rule, fraud, vote-buying and terrorism cannot be invoked as a
Discrepancies –
ground to declare failure of elections. Otherwise, a great number of
A. In other authentic copies
innocent voters will be disenfranchised by the misdeeds of a few.
B. Of votes in words and figures in the same returns
Trinidad v. Comelec C. Affecting results of elections
Atty Guji: If it involves recounting, then it is a pre-proclamation controversy. So
A petition to correct manifest errors and annul proclamation was filed unfair, what if the accusations were true. Do you still have a remedy? Yes, but not
timely on the ground that 5 election returns were canvassed twice. If before the BOC but for an election protest later on. If we allow these grounds
corrected, the results would have been different since only 228 votes during canvassing, it would take canvassing 1 year. It will delay the proceedings.
separated the winner and the loser. You might say it’s unfair but not really because the BEI enjoys the presumption of
But a supplemental petition was filed 21 days after to correct the regularity in their performance of duty.
erroneous copying of the figure 1099 from the Statement of Votes as
1009 into the Summary of Statement of Votes. Blank v. Comelec
Facts: Election returns found spurious were excluded from canvass.
Held: Held: Outright exclusion after finding they are fraudulent returns is
The supplemental petition is a petition to correct manifest error, contrary grave abuse of discretion. Procedure in Sec. 235 must be followed first:
to the misimpression of the Comelec that it is a petition to nullify a) Use other copies of election returns
proclamation. Manifest means it is visible to the eye and understanding b) If other copies are likewise spurious, use copy inside the ballot
that which is open, palapable, un-controvertible, needing no evidence box
to make it clearer. Thus, error in the mere copying of figures from one c) If still spurious, recount if Commission is satisfied the integrity of
document to another is manifest. In this case however, even if the 90 ballot box and ballot is not compromised.
votes were credited to petitioner, it is still not enough to overcome the
228 lead of respondent. Atty Guji: What will lawyers do during canvassing? Look out if there is illegal
composition of the BOC. Are the members of BOC qualified? But this is a rare issue
because at Comelec level, they make sure that all members of BOC are perfectly
qualified. If there is illegal composition of BOC, then the results from that
WHEN ELECTION RETURNS ARE DELAYED, LOST/ DESTROYED municipality can be nullified on the basis that BOC is without authority.
A. Missing copy – BoC sends messenger to obtain it from the BEI
B. Lost or destroyed – BoC uses other authentic copies upon prior PROCEDURE TO RAISE OBJECTIONS
authority from Commission
C. If they do not affect results of elections – terminate canvass and RA 7166 Sec. 20. Procedure in Disposition of Contested Election Returns.
A. Any candidate, political party or coalition of political parties contesting the
Atty Guji: If they say, Mr. Chair the election returns from this particular polling inclusion or exclusion in the canvass of any election returns on any of the
place is delayed, lost or destroyed. So there is now a missing copy. BOC now sends grounds authorized under Article XX or 234, 235 and 236 of 234, 235 and
a messenger to obtain it from BEI. That is the remedy. No problem if this is the Article XIX of the Omnibus Election Code shall submit their oral objection to
reason because election results are in multiple copies so BOC can use other copies. the chairman of the board of canvassers at the time the questioned return
is presented for inclusion in the canvass. Such objection shall be recorded in
the minutes of the canvass.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
B. Upon receipts of any such objection, the board of canvassers shall Q: What if the municipal treasurer, is merely OIC, can he be
automatically defer the canvass of the contested returns and shall proceed appointed or can he serve as a board canvasser?
to canvass the returns which are not contested by any party. A: The answer is no because acting capacity gani, your power is limited
C. Simultaneous with the oral objection, the objecting party shall also enter his to make sure that the office continues to operate its administrative
objection in the form for written objections to be prescribed by the functions. As opposed to acting capacity. We say acting capacity, you
actually assume all the powers and the responsibility of the one that is
Commission. Within twenty-four (24) hours from and after the presentation
the regular appointee. Do you follow kung acting capacity pwede, if
of such an objection, the objecting party shall submit the evidence in support
OIC no.
of the objection, which shall be attached to the form for written objections.
Within the same period of twenty-four (24) hours after presentation of the
objection, any party may file a written and verified opposition to the
B. Illegal proceedings of the BoC
objection in the form also to be prescribed by the Commission, attaching  Precipitate canvassing (gidali-dali)
thereto supporting evidence, if any. The board shall not entertain any  Terrorism
objection or opposition unless reduced to writing in the prescribed forms.  Failure to notify the venue and time of canvassing to the
The evidence attached to the objection or opposition, submitted by the candidates and all other persons interested like BOC
parties, shall be immediately and formally admitted into the records of the themselves
board by the chairman affixing his signature at the back of each every page  Improper venue
thereof. Now improper venue is this, in improper venue the default
D. Upon receipt of the evidence, the board shall keep up the contested returns, venue is always the session hall of the municipal hall or city
consider the written objections thereto and opposition, if any, and summarily hall or provincial board. But sometimes, guot ni sila, gamay
and immediately rules thereon. The board shall enter its ruling on the ang space kaayo and due to space constraints, we are allowed
prescribed form and authenticate the same by the signatures of its members. to seek leave of authority to transfer the venue. Kay if you
E. Any part adversely affected by the ruling of the board shall immediately transfer the venue without the authority, that becomes
inform the board if he intends to appeal said ruling. The board shall enter improper venue. There must be proper authority.
said information in the minutes of the canvass, set aside the returns and
proceed to consider the other returns.
But remember that there is a case there, it says there that, it is not necessary just
F. After all the uncontested returns have been canvassed and the contested
because it is precipitate, there is terrorism, there is failure to notify, it results to
return ruled upon by it, the board shall suspend the canvass. Within forty-
illegal proceedings, its not necessary because there must be that qualifying
eight (48) hours, therefrom, any party adversely affected by the ruling may circumstance where there is that intention to wreck the election results.
file with the board a written and verified notice of appeal; and within an
unextendible period of five (5) days thereafter an appeal may be taken to So what if you fail to notify in advertence, nakalimot lang ka or pananglit
the Commission. there are 120 partylist and you forgot to notify one party, does it
G. Immediately upon receipt of the notice of appeal, the board shall make an automatically result to illegal proceeding?
appropriate report to the Commission, elevating therewith the complete Not necessarily, because the mere inadvertence without the intention to wreck the
records and evidence submitted in the canvass, and furnishing the parties election results does not result. So take note of that qualifying circumstance
with copies of the report.
H. On the basis of the record and evidence elevate to it by the board, the Q:When can we say there is Illegal Proceeding of the BOC?
Commission shall decide summarily the appeal within seven (7) days from A: Precipitate canvassing. When we say precipitate canvassing, pinadalian,
receipt of said record and evidence. Any appeal brought before the Terrorism, failure to notify. Kana ang Failure to notify is notice to all candidates,
parties, partylist of the date, time and place of the canvassing. If we fail that, it
Commission on the ruling of the board, without the accomplished forms and
might result to illegal proceeding of the BoC
the evidence appended thereto, shall be summarily dismissed. .Ok?
The decision of the Commission shall be executory after the lapse of seven
So when do you raise these issues?
(7) days from receipts thereof by the losing party.
Right away when these illegal composition and right away when Board
I. The board of canvassers shall not proclaim any candidate as winner unless
canvassers start to act illegally, otherwise when you are too late it may
authorized by the Commission after the latter has ruled on the object brought constitute estoppel.
to it on appeal by the losing party. Any proclamation made in violation hereof
shall be void ab initio, unless the contested returns will not adversely affect In one of the cases there, the objection of the replacement of the board of
canvassers, but after his objection was denied he still participated in canvassing.
the results of the election.
But the SC said that active participation is acquiescence (?) on the legality of the
proceedings. Because the remedy should have been, if your motion or your verified
PROPER ISSUES TO BE RAISED petition was denied at the canvassing level the best remedy should have been is
to file an appeal to the COMELEC right away. Otherwise, your active participation
PROPER ISSUES TO BE RAISED after that objection becomes acquiescence to the illegality of the proceeding.

A. Illegal composition of the BoC Atty Guji: Automated election canvassing – really boring because you have to wait
for the transmission to get inside the CCS. There’s a list of all polling places and
there’s button there: Red – not yet transmitted; Yellow – transmitted but still in
Illegal composition of the BOC and illegal proceeding of the BOC are limbo; Green – results are in, transmitted.
also in the nature of a pre proclamation controversy. But by virtue of
the rule of the COMELEC that says these issues can be raised, you can
say that there is still pre proclamation controversy but limited only to
these two issues, Illegal composition of the Boc and illegal proceedings HOW TO RAISE THEM
of the BOC. A. Verified petition before BoC or the Commission
B. If before BoC and decision is adverse, appeal to the Commission
Q:When can we say that there is an illegal composition of the within 3 days from issuance.
A: Remember composition ha. The first premise there is that the
people must be appointed by law. So illegal composition is when
somebody that is not qualified was appointed or somebody was A. Must be in writing
disqualifies by the COMELEC like if he’s related to one of the Atty Guji: If not in writing then it would be treated as a mere
candidates. Now take note, like we said municipal treasurer, manifestation in which case not obliged to resolve. When you are in
administrator, clerk of court etc sometimes there are people appointed the canvassing and you are the lawyer, you make an oral motion at
to such position merely as officer in charge or in an acting capacity. the same time submit a written motion. Without the written motion,
the oral motion will not be meritorious.
B. Duly received by the Secretary
C. 24 hours to decide from receipt

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Q. When to proclaim? quo warranto on the ground of ineligibility or disloyalty to duly constituted
When the winner is known authorities.

Remedies after proclamation, usually petition to nullify the proclamation pwede.

Q. Who is the winner? But normally, what you do is either election protest or quo warranto. There are a
The candidate who obtained the highest number of votes by plurality lot of differences between an election protest and a quo warranto. But by
A. Top 1 – among candidates for single slot positions definition, ang inyu lang timan-an the protestant will say its not you, its me. Kung
B. Top 12, 10, 8 or 2 – among candidates for multiple slot positions quo warranto gani, its not you but I’m not interested. That’s how you simplify that.
 12 – HUC councillors Now when you say Election contest. It now included election protest and quo
 10 – City councillors warranto.
 8 – Cebu City per district


 All eight senatorial candidites of Liberal Party obtained all votes while
EFFECT OF FINALITY OF CANCELLATION OF OR DENIAL OF DUE eight senatorial candidates of the Nacionalista Party obtained zero
A. Votes cast in his favor are considered stray.
 For each polling place, the total number of registered voters, ranging
B. Hence, the candidate with the second highest number of
from 240 to 650, cast their votes only for the Liberal Party
votes is proclaimed.
Atty Guji: If CoC was cancelled or denied due course, then you are not considered
as candidate at all any point in time. So even if you get highest number of votes, Take note, all votes para lang gyud sa Liberal Party, what is more odd
the 2nd placer will be proclaimed. was the 240 to 650 was the maximum number of registered voters and
everybody votes. Kanang 100 percent voters’ turnout that is very rare.
Pero daghan polling places, tanan nagvote. Further,
CANDIDATE  There is one inspector from the Nacionalista Party for each polling
A. Votes cast for the nuisance candidate are added to the candidate place, thus its candidates should have obtained at least one vote.
with the same surname.
Probably this inspector is also the watcher in the polling place. Now take
B. But if two ore more candidates share the same surname other note the Liberal Party was the incumbent. When you are the incumbent
than the nuisance candidate – votes cast for the nuisance you have the access to everything.
candidate are stray. The vote is credited to any candidate,
incumbent or not.  Election results in polling places were utterly improbable and
clearly incredible. It is not likely, in the ordinary course of things,
C. If nuisance candidate does not share surname with any other that all electors of one polling place would, as one man, vote for
candidate – votes are stray.
all eight candidates of one party, without giving an single vote to
any of the eight candidates of the other party.
 Such extraordinary coincidence was quite impossible to believe,
EFFECT IF CANDIDATE WHO OBTAINED HIGHEST NUMBER OF knowing that that the other party has a nationwide organization,
VOTES IS DISQUALIFIED BY A FINAL AND ECECUTORY with branches in every province, and was in previous years, the
DECISION party in power.
A. He shall not be proclaimed
B. But the candidate with the second highest number of votes is But the SC noted, na its quite impossible na ma zero-han gyud and it’s
also not proclaimed a National party. So the SC uttered that the election result is really
C. Rule of succession applies. Otherwise, the position is vacant. impossible and not incredible.

When does decision become final and executory? Its’ not actually defined but there is a case, an old case that illustrates
A. Division – no MR is filed what is Doctrine of Statistical Improbability, it actually talks about
B. En banc – no TRO was issued by SC within 5 days from receipt extraordinary coincidence, murag sa bisaya ba. Imposible na kaayo.
of decision by the parties
Question what if you’ll object and say that its statistically improbable, I
got nothing in a particular polling place. That would be speculative
EFFECT IF DISQUALIFICATION REMAINS PENDING DURING because here take note, a zero vote in one polling place, standing alone
CANVASSING is not statistical impossibility.
Winner is proclaimed, if there is no order to suspend proclamation issued
by the Commission in division or en banc. Standing alone ha, kay kini katung kaso sa Lagumbay case, daghan man
factors like tanan gyud 100 percent turn out, tanan gyud para sa liberal
Remedies after proclamation party? So that is Statistical Improbabability. Now later on, the doctrine
A. Election protest – procedure to contest the election or the return of statistical improbability mutated into something else. What happened
of an elective official was, total nu,ber of voters 1000 but then the candidate got 1100 votes.
B. Quo warranto – procedure to prevent assumption or unseat the Asa gikan ang 100 votes? That exemplifies the doctrine of statistical
proclaimed winner on the ground of ineligibility or disloyalty to duly Improbability.
constituted authorities
But then again take note a zero vote in one polling place or probably in
Atty Guji: The difference is if election protest, the only one who can file it is the
several polling places, standing alone is not statistical improbability. The
losing candidate for the same position. If you are a mere registered voter, file a answer is nobody voted for you.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
ELECTION CONTEST Facts: Petitioner contends that the resolution of the COMELEC en banc
was not yet final and executory when the elections were held on May
ELECTION CONTEST, DEFINED 14, 2001. Consequently, the Board of Election Inspectors of Tubaran, in
the exercise of its ministerial duty, had to count the votes cast in his
Javier v. Comelec
The word "contests" should not be given a restrictive meaning; on the
contrary, it should receive the widest possible scope conformably to the
Respondent, on the other hand, avers that the assailed resolution of the
rule that the words used in the Constitution should be interpreted
COMELEC en banc had attained finality five (5) days thereafter, on May
liberally. The term should be understood as referring to any matter
17, 2001, as its enforcement had not been restrained by the SC within
involving the title or claim of title to an elective office, made before or
the said period. The temporary restraining order should thus be set
after proclamation of the winner, whether or not the contestant is
aside, the same having been issued by this Court only on May 22, 2001.
claiming the office in dispute.
Ruling: Respondent is in error in assuming that the issuance of a
temporary restraining order by the SC within five (5) days after the date
PROTEST, DEFINED of the promulgation of the assailed resolution on May 12, 2001, of the
AM. No. 07-4-15-SC COMELEC en banc is the operative act that prevents it from attaining
refers to an election contest relating to the election and returns of finality. The purpose of temporary restraining order was to enjoin the
elective officials, grounded on frauds or irregularities in the conduct of May 12, 2001 resolution of the
the elections, the casting and counting of the ballots and the preparation COMELEC from being enforced despite the fact that, pursuant to
and canvassing of returns. The issue is who obtained the plurality of COMELEC Resolution No. 4116, par. 3, the said resolution had not
valid votes cast. attained finality.

After the proclamation of the winning candidates, should there be any When the evidence of the alleged lack of residence qualification of a
dispute related to election results, the legal solution is through an candidate for an elective position is weak or inconclusive and it clearly
election protest that may be filed only by a losing candidate for the same appears that the purpose of the law would not be thwarted by upholding
position being challenged before a proper electoral tribunal. the victor's right to the office, the will of the electorate should be
A. An election protest may only be filed against a duly proclaimed respected.
B. An election protect can only be filed by a losing candidate who
Regatcho v. Cleto
was voted in the election for the same position.
Facts: Defeated candidate filed with the municipal circuit court a
WHEN, WHO, WHERE TO FILE "petition contesting the election" of Clemente. But instead of pursuing
that municipal court case, Regatcho filed with the CFI a quo warranto
WHEN, WHO, WHERE TO FILE action against Clemente on the ground that he does not know how to
read and write, and, therefore, ineligible to hold office.
When to file Within 10, 15 or 30 days from proclamation
Who may file Candidate who has duly filed a CoC for the same The lower court dismissed the quo warranto petition on the ground that
position the Comelec has jurisdiction over the case because of paragraph 2,
 President & Vice-President – PET within 30 section 189 of the 1978 Election Code which provides that "any voter"
days contesting the election of any officer on the ground of ineligibility or of
 Senator – SET within 15 days disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines may file a petition for quo
 Congressman – HRET within 10 days warranto with the commission within ten days after the proclamation of
Where to file  Provincial & city officials – Comelec within 10 his election.
 Municipal officials – RTC within 10 days
Ruling: The municipal trial court or the municipal circuit trial court has
 Barangay officials – MTC within 10 days
jurisdiction, and not the Comelec nor the Regional Trial Court, over the
said quo warranto case regarding the barangay captain's ineligibility.
Jurisdiction over such cases is vested in the appropriate city or municipal
or metropolitan trial court pursuant to the 1982 Barangay Election Law,
Who may file: any candidate who filed candidacy, voted for same
Batas Pambansa Blg. 222.
office who received second or third highest number of votes
For multiple slot positions, was among the next four positions, was
Original jurisdiction to issue the writ of quo warranto is vested in the SC,
among the next four candidates following the proclaimed last ranked
the CA and the RTC. But this case involves a quo warranto proceeding
against a barangay captain. There is a clear and manifest intention of
When to file: within 10 days from proclamation
the lawmaker that the inferior court should have jurisdiction over all
Where: RTC for Municipal, MTC for Barangay
disputes regarding the election of barangay officials, whether the
Grounds for summary dismissal
dispute be an election contest or a quo warranto proceeding.
 Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter
 Protest is insufficient in form and substance
Lindo v. Comelec
 Protest filed time beyond the prescribed period
Atty. received a copy of the decision on February 12, 1990. The 5-day
 Cash deposit is not paid within 5 days from filing
period for petitioner to file his appeal from the decision of the trial court
Remedy against adverse decision: appeal to the comelec commenced to run from such date. Petitioner's notice of appeal was filed
When: within 5 days with the trial court only on February 26, 1990, or fourteen (14) days
after his counsel was served a copy of the decision. Clearly, his notice
was filed out of time.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Guieb v. Fontanilla Ruling: The jurisdiction of this case rightfully pertains to the House
Under Section 2 (2), Article IX (C) of the Constitution, it is the COMELEC, Electoral Tribunal. Under Section 17 of Article VI of the 1987
and not the Regional Trial Courts, that has exclusive jurisdiction over all Constitution, it is the House Electoral Tribunal which shall be the sole
contests involving elective barangay officials decided by courts of limited judge of all contests relating to the election, returns and qualification of
jurisdiction, which are the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial its members. Since petitioners challenge the qualifications of
Congressman Daza, the appropriate remedy should have been to file a
Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts. The private respondent should
petition to cancel respondent Daza's certificate of candidacy before the
have appealed the decision of the MTC to the COMELEC; the MTC should
election or a quo warranto case with the House Electoral Tribunal within
not have given due course to the appeal; and the RTC should have ten (10) days after Daza's proclamation.
dismissed outright the appeal for want of jurisdiction.
Lerias v. HRET
Rivera v. Comelec Facts: A candidate contested the results of the election in four precincts
The fact that the Constitution provides that decisions, final orders or asserting that the total votes credited to her in the said four precincts
rulings of the Commission on Elections in contests involving elective (1,411 votes) were less than or short by 400 votes from that actually
municipal and barangay officers are final, executory and not appealable, obtained by her (1,811 votes) and if the provincial board of canvassers'
does not preclude a recourse to the Supreme Court by way of a special copy of the certificate of canvass were to be used as basis of the canvass
civil action of certiorari. The "provision was not intended to divest the instead of the Comelec copy, she would have garnered 35,930 votes as
Supreme Court of its authority to resolve questions of law as inherent in against Mercado's 35,793 votes or a winning margin of 146 votes.
the judicial power conferred upon it by the Constitution. It is settled that
in a petition for certiorari, findings of fact of administrative bodies are Ruling: In an election contest where what is involved is the correctness
final unless grave abuse of discretion has marred such factual of the number of votes of each candidate, the best and most conclusive
determinations. None in this case. evidence are the ballots themselves. But where the ballots cannot be
produced or are not available, the election returns would be the best
Calucag v. Comelec evidence. Where it has been duly determined that actual voting and
COMELEC is the proper appellate court clothed with jurisdiction to hear election by the registered voter had taken place in the questioned
the appeal, which appeal must be filed within five days after the precincts or voting centers, the election returns cannot be disregarded
promulgation of the MTC's decision. The erroneous filing of the appeal and excluded with the resulting disenfranchisement of the voters, but
with the RTC did not toll the running of the prescriptive period. must be accorded prima facie status as bona fide reports of the results
of the voting.
Flores v. Comelec
Section 9 of RA No. 6679, insofar as it provides that the decision of the Canvassing boards, the Comelec and the HRET must exercise extreme
Municipal or Metropolitan Trial Court in a barangay election case should caution in rejecting returns and may do so only upon the most
be appealed to the Regional Trial Court, is unconstitutional. Municipal or convincing proof that the returns are obviously manufactured or fake.
metropolitan courts being courts of limited jurisdiction, their decisions in And, conformably to established rules, it is the party alleging that the
barangay election contests are subject to the exclusive appellate election returns had been tampered with, who should submit proof of
jurisdiction of the Comelec this allegation.

REGIONAL, PROVINCIAL AND CITY OFFICIALS It is well to stress that the evidence before the HRET is the original copy
of the election returns while the Comelec's copy of the certificate of
Who: any candidate who has duly filed a certificate of candidacy and canvass, is merely a xerox copy, the original thereof had not been
has been voted for the same office produced.
When: ten days after the proclamation of the results of the election
Where to file: COMELEC SENATE
Remedy: MR
When: within 5 days from promulgation Who may file: any candidate who duly field certificate of candidacy ad
has been voted for the same office
DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES When: within 30 days after the proclamation
Where: SET
Who: registered candidate for President or VP who received the second Grounds: electoral fraud, anomaly or irregularity
or third highest number of votes Remedy: appeal to the comelec
When: within 30 days from proclamation When: within 10 days from service of copy of decision
Where: PET
Grounds: electoral fraud, anomalies or irregularities in contested PRESIDENT AND VP
Note: Who: registered candidate for President or VP who received the second
Cash deposit of 500 per ballot box, it is non refundable or third highest number of votes
Remedy against adverse decision: MR
When: within 30 days from proclamation
When: within 10 days from receipt
Where: PET
A second motion for reconsideration is not allowed
Grounds: electoral fraud, anomalies or irregularities in contested
Sampayan v. Daza precincts
Facts: Residents of the second Congressional District of Northern Samar Note: Cash deposit of 500 per ballot box, it is non refundable
filed the instant petition for prohibition seeking to disqualify respondent Remedy against adverse decision: MR
Daza, then incumbent congressman of the same congressional district, When: within 10 days from receipt
from continuing to exercise the functions of his office, on the ground A second motion for reconsideration is not allowed
that the latter is a greencard holder and a lawful permanent resident of
the U.S.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17


Common grounds: fraud, terrorism, irregularities or illegal acts PROTEST
committed before, during or after the casting and counting of votes A. Must be filed within the reglementary period
B. All fees must be paid within the same period
Electoral frauds, anomalies or irregularities in the protested precincts – C. Must contain all allegations required to make it sufficient in
these can be considered significant badges of fraud. form and substance
Misreading of ballots
Atty Guji: If RTC/MTC nullifies a proclamation based on these, it cannot be allowed Padding or shaving votes
because it is in the guise of declaring a failure of election, which jurisdiction refers
to the Commission en banc only and not RTC. Best ground is misappreciation of
Terrorism, violence or vote-buying
ballots because that is where the documents and the hard copy of the official
ballots are. D. Must be under oath by the protestor or protestant
E. Must contain certificate of non-forum shopping
The Election protest may include correction of manifest errors
The election protest may include correction of manifest errors in the ANSWER TO AN ELECTION PROTEST
election returns or a statement of votes by precinct, city, and
municipality, such that if corrected the results of the election will be ANSWER PROCEDURAL REQS FOR ELECTION PROTEST
altered such that the losing candidate will have more votes than the Protestee or the proclaimed winner shall file an answer within the
winning candidate. prescribed period to file it. It may contain a counter-protest. For the
counter protest, payment of fees are also required.
In this case it seeks to annul the proclamation of the winner and for the
tribunal to proclaim the protestor or protestant the winner. If the protestant can show that he has a chance to win the protest, then
the counter-protested precincts are revised.
Atty Guji: Manifest error is more or less similar to your plain view doctrine. Meaning
just by looking at the face of the election return, you can already see there is some Revision
error in computation. (e.g. Obvious wrong computation, or one precinct tabulated
Ballot appreciation so far as BEI is concerned. If it goes to court under
twice) But if you go beyond the face of the document, then this is no longer
manifest error. election protest, it is already revision but the essence is the same, they
are going to re-appreciate the ballots.
The election protest may also be grounded on election
irregularities of election fraud such as misreading of ballots, Revision report
padding or shaving of votes, terrorism, violence, or vote- A revision report is also prepared by the revisers committee to be
buying. submitted to the court.

In this case, the election protest will entail review or re-reading of ballots Decision
for the tribunal’s evaluation for such precincts identified in the election After the evaluation of the disputed ballots by the court, the tribunal
makes rulings and prepares the decision.
A. If the protestant wins, the proclamation of the protestee is
Atty Guji: However, the best ground is the misreading or misappreciation of ballots. annulled and the protestant is proclaimed the winner.
Irregularities or election frauds cannot alter the result as much as the misreading B. After finality of the decision, the new winner takes his oath
of ballots. and assumes his position

If the BEI probably made a mistake in the rules in appreciation, they are not liable EXECUTION OF JUDGMENT PENDING APPEAL
since they have the discretion. They can decide whether to count the vote or not.
However, it should always be based on legal basis, otherwise it will be grave abuse
of discretion.
Electoral Sabotage
A. If you manipulate the number of votes for a national elective Ferno v. Comelec
position regardless of the number of votes or documents The Supreme Court has explicitly recognized and given approval to
B. If you add or shave at least 5000 votes in a municipal election execution of judgment pending appeal in election cases filed under
which adversely altered the result of the election existing laws. The rationale why execution pending appeal is allowed in
C. Lower than 5000 simple election offense election cases is to give much recognition to the worth of a trial judge’s
decision as that which is initially ascribed by the law to the proclamation
D. If number of votes padded or shaved is at least 10,000, regardless
by the board of canvassers.
of the position or the number of documents, provided it adversely
affects the result of the election (if it did not, election offense)
Governed by Sec 2, Rule 39 of the 1997 Rules of Civil procedure.
Execution pending appeal should be based upon good reasons and a
Where to appeal
combination of two or more of them will suffice to grant execution
A. MTC & RTC – Comelec (within 5 days after promulgation)
pending appeal:
B. Comelec, SET, HRET – Supreme Court (via petition for review -
Rules 64 & 65: Grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
(1) Public interest involved or will of the electorate.
excess of jurisdiction)
(2) The shortness of the remaining portion of the term of the
contested office
Nature of Comelec’s decision
(3) Length of time that the election contest has been
Final, unappealable and executory.
Atty Guji: Final and Executory in so far as questions of fact are
(4) Filing of bond as a condition for the issuance of a
concerned, But if questions of law, the Supreme Court is never divested
corresponding writ of execution to answer for the payment of
of its power to review, especially, if there exist grave abuse of discretion
damages which the aggrieved party may suffer by reason of
amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction.
the execution pending appeal.

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Relampagos v. Cumba Protestant's term if she would succeed in proving in the instant protest
Facts: Respondent was proclaimed the winning candidate, with a that she was the true winner in the 1992 elections.
margin of only 21 votes over the former. Unwilling to accept defeat, the As a consequence, the election protest filed by the protestant has been
petitioner filed an election protest with the RTC which found that the abandoned or considered withdrawn as a consequence of her election
petitioner to have won with a margin of 6 votes over the respondent. and assumption of office as Senator and her discharge of the duties and
functions thereof.
Respondent appealed the decision to the COMELEC. Meanwhile, the
petitioner filed with the trial court a motion for execution pending The protestant abandoned her “determination to protest and pursue the
appeal, which was granted and a writ of execution was issued. public interest involved in the matter of who is the real choice of the
Respondent then filed with the COMELEC a petition for certiorari to annul
the aforesaid order of the trial court granting the motion for execution Moreover, the dismissal of this protest would serve public interest as it
pending appeal and the writ of execution. This was granted and the would dissipate the aura of uncertainty as to the results of the 1992
write of Execution was lifted by the COMELEC. presidential elections, thereby enhancing the all too crucial political
stability of the nation during this period of national recovery.
Issue: Whether or not the COMELEC has jurisdiction over petitions for
certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus in election cases?

Ruling: Yes. The COMELEC is vested with exclusive authority to hear

and decide petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus involving
election case but only in such cases where, under paragraph (2), Section
1, Article IX-C of the Constitution, it has exclusive appellate jurisdiction.
Simply put, the COMELEC has the authority to issue the extraordinary
writs for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus only in aid of its appellate

Upon the perfection of the appeal, the trial court was divested of its
jurisdiction over the case. Since the motion for execution pending appeal
was filed only after the perfection of the appeal, the trial court could no
longer validly act thereon. It could have been otherwise if the motion
was filed before the perfection of the appeal. Since the respondent
COMELEC has the jurisdiction to issue the extraordinary writs of
certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus, then it correctly set aside the
challenged order granting the motion for execution pending appeal and
writ of execution issued by the trial court.



Reyes v. RTC
The rule is that payment in full of the docket fees within the prescribed
period is mandatory. Admittedly, this rule is not without recognized
qualifications. The Court has declared that in appealed cases, failure to
pay the appellate court docket fee within the prescribed period warrants
only discretionary as opposed to automatic dismissal of the appeal and
that the court shall exercise its power to dismiss in accordance with the
tenets of justice and fair play, and with great deal of circumspection
considering all attendant circumstances.



Santiago v. Ramos
Facts: The protestant ran for presidency and lost in the May 1992
election. While case was pending, she was elected as a Senator in the
and eventually assumed such office.

In her Motion, she prayed that the revision in the remaining precincts of
the pilot areas be dispensed with and the revision process in the pilot
areas be deemed computed.

The Court deferred action on the motion and required, instead, the
protestant and protestee to submit their respective memoranda. Hence,
this petition.

Ruling: The term of office of the Senators elected is six years, the first
three of which coincides with the last three years of the term of the
President elected in the synchronized elections. The latter would be

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Where to file  Provincial & city officials – Comelec
QUO WARRANTO  Municipal officials – RTC
QUO WARRANTO, DEFINED  Barangay officials – MTC

QUO WARRANTO, DEFINED. Grounds Ineligibility and disloyalty to the Republic

AM. No. 07-4-15-SC
Atty Guji: If you as a voter thinks that a candidate is ineligible or suffers from a
Rule 1, Section 3(e). Quo Warranto under the Omnibus Election Code
disqualification, do not file an election protest because you are not a proper party.
- refers to an election contest relating to the qualifications of an elective
official on the ground of ineligibility or disloyalty to the Republic of the Instead, file quo warranto proceedings.
Philippines. The issue is whether respondent possesses all the If ground is lack of residence, it must be raised within 10 days after proclamation
qualifications and none of the disqualifications prescribed by law. otherwise it is lost forever. However, if ground is lack of citizenship, it lingers until
end of incumbency.

Regatcho v. Cleto MUNICIPAL & BARANGAY

The writ of quo warranto is an ancient common-law prerogative writ and
remedy. In its broadest sense it is a proceeding to determine the right Who: Any voter
to the use or exercise of a franchise or office and to oust the holder from Where: COMELEC
its enjoyment, if his claim is not well founded, or if he has forfeited his When: Within ten days after the proclamation of the results of the
right to enjoy the privilege. It is a demand made through the State by election
some individual to show by what right an individual or corporation Remedy: may be appealed within ten days from receipt of a copy
exercises a franchise or privilege belonging to the State which according thereof by the aggrieved party to the regional trial court
to the laws of the land they cannot legally exercise except by virtue of
a grant or authority from the State (74 C.J.S. 174). REGIONAL, PROVINCIAL & CITY OFFICIALS

PROCEEDINGS Frivaldo v. Comelec

Facts: Frivaldo was proclaimed governor-elect of the province of
The Court, in its discretion, may grant an additional period of fifteen Sorsogon, and assumed office. The league of Municipalities, represented
(15) days only within which to file the petition for review upon proper by its President, Estuye, who was also suing in his personal capacity,
motion and the payment of the full amount of the docket and other filed with the Comelec a petition for the annulment of Frivaldo's election
lawful fees and the deposit for costs before the expiration of the and proclamation on the ground that he was not a Filipino citizen, having
reglemetary period and that no further extension shall be granted except been naturalized in the United States.
for the most compelling reason and in no case to exceed fifteen (15)
days. Frivaldo argued that the challenge to his title should be dismissed, being
in reality a quo warranto petition that should have been filed within ten
Rodillas v. Comelec days from his proclamation, in accordance with Section 253 of the
Facts: Petitioner had only five days from receipt of the decision of the Omhibus Election Code.
Municipal Circuit Trial
Court or until June 5, 1994 to perfect his appeal. While he timely filed Ruling: A petition for quo warranto, questioning the respondent’s title
his Amended Notice of Appeal on June 2, 1994, he paid the amount of and seeking to prevent him from holding office as Governor for alienage,
P510 representing the appeal and legal research fees only on June 14, is NOT covered by the 10-day period for appeal prescribed in Section
1994. 253 of the Omnibus Election Code. Furthermore, qualifications for public
office are continuing requirements and must be possessed not only at
The First Division of the COMELEC denied the appeal for petitioner's the time of appointment or election or assumption of office but during
belated filing of the appeal and legal research fees. the officer’s entire tenure; one any of the required qualification is lost,
his title may be seasonably challenged.
Ruling: The mere filing of the notice of appeal was not enough. It should
be accompanied by the payment of the correct amount of appeal fee. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES

The requirement of an appeal fee is by no means a mere technicality of Who: Any voter of the district concerned
law or procedure. It is an essential requirement without which the Where: HRET
decision to be appealed from would become final and executory as if no When: Fifteen (15) days from the date of the proclamation of the
appeal was filed at all. The right to appeal is a mere statutory privilege winner
and may be exercised only in the manner prescribed by, and in
accordance with, the provision of the law. SENATORS

The correct amounts of the appeal and the research fees are P500.00 Who: Any voter
and P20.00 respectively, or P520.00 not P510.00 as paid by petitioner. Where: SET
The fact that petitioner initially paid P150.00 with the Regional Trial When: Ten (10) days from the date of the proclamation of the winner
Court is of no moment. The RTC has no appellate jurisdiction over
decisions of the MTC in election cases involving the barangay elections. PRESIDENT AND VP
The payment of the full amount of the docket fee is an indispensable
step for the perfection of an appeal. Who: Any registered voter who has voted in the election concerned
Where: PET
WHEN, WHO, WHERE TO FILE When: Ten (10) days from the date of the proclamation of the winner


When to file Within 10 days from proclamation
Who may file Any voter COMMON GROUND (to all): ineligibility or disloyalty to country
 President & Vice-President – PET
 Senator – SET
 Congressman – HRET

ELECTION LAWS | Atty. Ferdinand Gujilde | Notes by EH407 2015-16| Updated by EH407 2016-17
Samad v. Comelec An election protest is a contest between the defeated and winning
Facts: Petitioner Samad and private respondent Abdula were among candidates on the ground of frauds or irregularities in the casting and
the contenders for mayor in the synchronized elections in 1992. Both counting of the ballots, or in the preparation of the returns. It raises the
were proclaimed mayor-elect by two different canvassing boards — the question of who actually obtained the plurality of the legal votes and
private respondent, by the board headed by Saga, and the petitioner, therefore is entitled to hold the office.
by the board headed by Pagayao. Both went to the Commission on
Elections in separate petitions against each other. Both petitions in the COMELEC and in the RTC were directed at the
illegality of the composition of the Saga board and of the proclamation
COMELEC issued a Resolution declaring the termination of all pre-
proclamation cases. of the private respondent. This matter is within the jurisdiction of the
COMELEC. Therefore, the COMELEC retained jurisdiction over the said
Petitioner filed in the RTC an action against the private respondent for cases.
quo warranto and prohibition with preliminary injunction. A temporary PROVINCIAL AND CITY OFFICIALS
restraining order, converted into a writ of preliminary injunction was ELECTORAL TRIBUNALS
granted by said court, directing respondent Abdula to cease and desist SENATE AND HREP ELETORAL TRIBUNALS
from exercising the powers and functions of the mayor.
Abdula filed a petition with the CA questioning the validity of the order. SET and HRET

Issue: whether jurisdiction over the present controversy remained with Jurisdiction
the COMELEC or was vested in the RTC upon the filing of the petition Sole judge of al contests relating to the election, returns and
for quo warranto? qualifications of their respective members.

Ruling: As a general rule, the filing of an election protest or a petition Composition

for quo warranto precludes the subsequent filing of a pre-proclamation A. 9 members (all judges)
controversy, or amounts to the abandonment of one earlier filed, thus B. 3 SC justices designated by the Chief Justice
depriving the COMELEC of the authority to inquire into and pass upon C. 3 members based on proportional representation from
the title of the protestee or the validity of his proclamation. The reason political parties and party-list
is that once the competent tribunal has acquired jurisdiction of an D. 3 members each from dominant minority parties
election protest or a petition for quo warranto, all questions relative E. Senior Justice acts as Chairman
thereto will have to be decided in the case itself and not in another
proceeding. This procedure will prevent confusion and conflict of SUPREME COURT EN BANC AS PET
The rule admits of exceptions, however, as where: TRIBUNAL
1) the board of canvassers was improperly constituted;
2) quo warranto was not the proper remedy; Jurisdiction
3) what was filed was not really a petition for quo warranto or an election Sole judge of all contests relating to the election, returns and
protest but a petition to annul a proclamation; qualifications of the President or Vice-President.
4) the filing of a quo warranto petition or an election protest was
expressly made without prejudice to the pre-proclamation controversy TN: Incumbent President or Vice-President only. PET does not have jurisdiction
or was made ad cautelam; and over Presidential or VP candidates.
5) the proclamation was null and void.

All the exceptions except the fourth apply here. The Saga board which
proclaimed the private respondent had been illegally constituted. As held
by the COMELEC, the letter of request of the Municipal Treasurer of
Kabuntalan did not serve as an official designation of Abbas Saga to take
over the canvassing allegedly abandoned by Pagayao, because the
Election Supervisor of Maguindanao, denied having signed her name
after the word "Approved." She declared that it was Pagayao whom she
had instructed to continue the canvassing after the former chairman had
been relieved by her.

Moreover, quo warranto was not the proper remedy because both the
petitioner and the private respondent claimed to have assumed the
office of the mayor of Kabuntalan. In a quo warranto proceeding, the
petitioner is not occupying the position in dispute. Moreover, under the
Omnibus Election Code, quo warranto is proper only for the purpose of
questioning the election of a candidate on the ground of disloyalty or
ineligibility. Neither of these grounds was invoked by Samad.

No less importantly, the case before the RTC was not really one for quo
warranto nor was it an election protest.

A petition for quo warranto under the Omnibus Election Code raises
in issue the disloyalty or ineligibility of the winning candidate. It is a
proceeding to unseat the respondent from office but not necessarily to
install the petitioner in his place.


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