06 01 Legs Gym

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06/01 Legs (gym) View online

28 min · Legs

Dumbbell Lunges Dumbbell Step-Ups Sumo Dumbbell Squats

0:45 0:45 0:45

rest rest rest

3 sets 12 reps 45 sec rest 3 sets 12 reps 45 sec rest 3 sets 12 reps 45 sec rest

Bulgarian Split Squats Lying Leg Curls Cable Pull Throughs/Pulls

0:45 0:45
rest rest

3 sets 12 reps 45 sec rest 3 sets 12 reps 45 sec rest 3 sets 15 reps 30 sec rest

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Dumbbell Lunges

Primary muscle group(s):

Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps

Abs, Calves, Hamstrings

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Keep your shoulders back. And your back straight.

Take a long stride forward with your right leg. Your right foot should be in a position,
that when you bend your right knee, your upper and lower leg form a 90 degree angle.

Slowly bend both your knees, to lower your hips until your left (rear) knee is just above
the floor. Hold for a count of one.

Return to the start position by slowly straightening your legs and raising your body
back to a standing position.

Complete all the repetitions for one set full set, then switch legs, or you can alternate
between legs for each rep.

Do not let your knee travel past your toes in the down position as this can cause
instability and injury.

Dumbbell Step-Ups

Primary muscle group(s):

Hamstrings, Quadriceps

Calves, Glutes & Hip Flexors

Place a bench in front of you. Hold a pair of dumbbells and stand facing the bench.
Brace your core and keep your gaze straight ahead.

Bring your right knee up and step up on to the bench. Placing all of the effort in your
right leg, bring your body up into a standing position on the bench.

Slowly lower yourself to the starting position and switch legs.

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Sumo / Plié Dumbbell Squats

Primary muscle group(s):

Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps

Abs, Calves, Hamstrings

Stand up straight with a tight core and flat back.

Position your feet wider than shoulder-width. Your toes should be facing out diagonally.

Holding a dumbbell with both hands in front of you, look straight ahead and bend at the
knees while driving your hips backward. Your knees should be following your toes in a
diagonal line.

Complete this wide stance squat by having your thighs come parallel with the ground.

Pause and slowly return to the starting position without locking your knees.


Bulgarian Split Squats

Primary muscle group(s):


Abs, Calves, Hamstrings

Stand up straight while holding two dumbbells. Maintain a tight core and flat back as
you carefully place your right foot on top of a bench behind you with toes facing down.

Bend at the front knee as you drop the back knee, maintaining perfect form. Front knee
should not go over the toes.

Allow your thigh to come to parallel with the floor.

Pause then slowly return to the starting position without locking out your knee.

Repeat then switch sides once set is complete.

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Lying Leg Curls

Primary muscle group(s):


Glutes & Hip Flexors

Lie face down on a leg curl machine and lock your heels under the foot pad. Make sure
your legs are fully extended and the foot pads are resting on the back of your ankles.

If the machine is equipped with handles, grip them. If not, grip the front of the pad you
are lying on.

Remaining flat on the bench, with no arching of your spine, curl your legs up in a
smooth arcing motion by bending your knees until your hamstrings are fully contracted.
Hold for a count of one.

Slowly lower your legs to the starting position in a smooth arcing motion.


Don't use so much weight for this exercise that you need to swing or jerk the weight
up. Doing so can cause injury to your lower back and / or hamstrings. Start with a lower
weight until your strength increases.

Cable Pull Throughs/Pulls

Primary muscle group(s):

Glutes & Hip Flexors


With your back facing the cable station and the cable resting on the floor between your
feet, bend at your knees and take a firm grip of the cable in both hands.

Keeping your knees bent at a 45 degree angle, pull the cable up so that it is resting
between your knees.

With a firm grip on the cable extend your knees and drive your body upwards using
your glutes as the prime mover.

Hold the top portion while tensing your glutes.

Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position to complete 1 rep.

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Lucia Lopez · Marbella

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