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The Role of the Teacher in the Classroom

and the Importance of Technology for

Teaching Practice

Sustentante: Carla Aquino Martínez

Prof.: Rafael Antonio Vargas
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 22de
febrero del 2022

Educational technology is supported by languages that facilitate its manipulation, this

encourages students to be innovative and autonomous in their learning. With the
technological tools that are applied in education, the teacher must design new teaching
and learning strategies so that students are able to develop their reasoning skills for the
uses of information technologies.


The incorporation of technology in educational methods continues to expand the

teaching-learning processes and in turn strengthens the different services used for
education, therefore technology by itself cannot influence learning if it does not have with
a methodological and theoretical approach that supports the teaching process.

Educational technology is used in the teaching-learning processes, promoting changes

that affect the solution of the problems that currently arise in the country's education.

All the tools and languages that are used in educational technology must be related to the
teaching practice in the classroom so that a pedagogical paradigm is applied and there are
innovations in the teaching-learning processes, educational technology allows interaction
between technological means. , students and teachers which facilitates and helps both the
teaching task and the student's learning.

Educational technology facilitates the understanding of program content, illustrating the

subject with still or interactive images, as well as electronic presentations that motivate
students to be autonomous and build their knowledge.


Education has undergone a strong evolution reflected in the contents and orientations of
the programs, developing new teaching resources and educational technologies where
they have currently benefited students where they acquire a greater role, intervention, and
control of the training process, making use of the resources and tools that best suit them.
Until a few years ago, the teacher was the one who selected and curated the information
that reached their students. The teacher built the knowledge of the students and, when in
doubt, the students turned to him to expand or clarify those lessons. Now, it is much faster
to go directly to the Internet. The great drawback of all this is that the student is faced
with an immense amount of information that is often impossible to assimilate, and a
constant selection is necessary with which to know how to assess and distinguish quality
content. It is in this context that the teacher must rethink his role.

• The teacher must act with a new teaching role, as a guide or mediator that
facilitates learning for their students, providing them with the basic knowledge
necessary for them to understand the broader lessons that they will find on the
• The teacher should promote practical exercises that allow students to apply what
they have learned. To do this, the most appropriate thing is to pose problems that
force students to search for, select and process the appropriate information,
promoting the methodological variety of learning.
• The teacher must also provide pedagogical help to students, offering them the
necessary methods and resources to respond to their interests, motivations, and
• The teacher must favor a pleasant work environment, in which the spontaneity of
the students and their interest in learning take place. For this, it is necessary to
favor the contributions and suggestions of the students, generating an involved
educational community.
• Regarding the evaluation system, the teacher in his new role must carry out
continuous and personalized monitoring of each student, evaluating individual
• The great technological advance has distinguished itself, largely in training; as is
the development of educational technology where its main uses and/or
applications are seen in telecommunications, information technology and
audiovisual technology.

Today the main purpose of the teacher is to develop the use of technology as a teaching
resource to create teaching-learning strategies; giving support to the academic content
thus fostering thinking skills and development of computational skills in the student;
Information technologies determine the management of information and access to
learning networks, representing another form of education that will allow contributing to
the knowledge society.

Indicating that information technologies with the various appropriate instrumental

redesigns promote the use of higher thinking skills and collaborative and communicative
learning environments. The evolution of ICTs transforms the different ways of teaching
and learning.

The teacher must be updated with the characteristics and pedagogical functionalities of
the program to be carried out, using it as an enriching tool for teaching methods.

The integration of Educational Strategies and Information and Communication

Technologies promote the active, collaborative and interactive work of educators and
students, all with the purpose of achieving academic objectives, from this combination
critical reflective scenarios arise where the teacher and student strengthen the teaching
and learning process.

From the peculiarities of the Educational Strategies that the teacher and student select,
different digital applications of free and paid connotation emerge that have the purpose
of strengthening the educational process and developing in students’ different
competencies, skills and achieving authentic learning and significant.

According to Leite Oliveira (2012), he believes that teacher training is essential so that
he assumes his responsibility and leadership over the entire educational community,
considering the following skills to be developed in ET: ability to arouse intellectual
curiosity in students; ability to generate debates; teach to justify and defend ideas; address
criticism constructively; technological skills in the search for information; cognitive
abilities, discerning the quality of information; Collaboration skills with colleagues in
information search practices and for the elaboration of creative materials.


The benefit of the use of technology in education expands the quality of the educational
process because it allows the barriers of space and time to be overcome where there is
greater communication and interaction between the teacher and the student; This is due
to having different sources of information where they actively participate in the
construction of knowledge, causing individuals to carry out a process where a series of
skills are developed for their educational performance.

The main contribution of ICTs lies in the fact that they become an immediate
communication channel, which shortens distances and allows a better use of time, also
breaking the barrier of distance between teacher and student. This communication and
exchange of information is beneficial if there is fast and reliable security, in this sense, if
the information is not timely and not reliable, it loses its essence or its reason for being,
therefore, there is the role played by the teacher, by be the guide in the search, verification
and contrast of the information that you provide to your students and vice versa.

Countless uses can be named for this type of benefit, but the most widely used those
technologies offer us in the educational field are promoting collaborative learning, ease
of synchronous or asynchronous communication, as well as the emergence of new
professions and educational modalities; the use of the Internet that allows equal access to
both information and knowledge considering it as a communication standard.

Finally, I could say that all these benefits are due to the great advance of educational
technology that poses a challenge to us today and in the future that will be feasible if we
rely on ICT.

Bibliographic References

Vargas-Murillo, G. (2020). Estrategias educativas y tecnología digital en el proceso

enseñanza aprendizaje. Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas, 61(1), 114-129. Recuperado en
22 de febrero de 2022, de

Castillo, Blanca, & Ruedas, Martha. (2007). Estrategias metodológicas basadas en

tecnología farmacéutica para promover la adquisición de nociones elementales sobre
mezclas en el 6° grado de educación básica. Investigación y Postgrado, 22(1), 145-164.
Recuperado en 22 de febrero de 2022, de

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