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Biological Effects of

High-Voltage Electric Fields: An Update

Volume 2: Bibliography

EA-1123, Volume 2
Research Project 857-1

Final Report, July 1979

Prepared by

10 West 35th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616

Prepared for

Electric Power Research Institute

3412 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94304

EPRI Program Manager

R. Kavet
Energy Analysis and Environment Division

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Prepared by
III Research Institute
Chicago, Illinois

The objective of this project was to collect and review the literature which has
become available since mid-1974 on the subject of biological effects of power
frequency electric fields. The literature published prior to that date was reviewed
as a part of a previous state-of-the-art review and program plan (EPRI RP-381-1).
Some 2000 new entries of both publications and research programs in progress have
been identified through a computer-aided literature search. Approximately 50 of
these entries were selected by the authors of this update for in-depth
consideration. This reduction was accomplished by considering only those entries
that were deemed to be of direct interest, and by using several comprehensive and
detailed reviews to guide the selection process.

The general findings of this update confirm the conclusion of the 1975 review that it
is highly improbable that electric fields from transmission lines have any
significant biological effects on healthy individuals who encounter such fields in a
normal way under ordinary conditions. However, further research is still needed in
order to understand the nature and extent of any effects that could be harmful.



This final report. Biological Effects of High-Voltage Electric Fields: An Update

(EPRI Research Project 857-1), reviews the literature published through early 1977,
and updates EPRI RP381, a state-of-the-art review entitled Biological Effects of
High-Voltage Electric Fields, which was published in November 1975. The current
review, as was its predecessor, is published in two volumes. The first summarizes
the literature and ongoing research concerning field measurement and exposure
protocol, the influence of power frequency electric fields on biological systems, and
special issues such as triglycerides and vibrational noise. Also included are
abstracts of survey articles, detailed reviews of research publications, and a
summary of Navy-sponsored Project Seafarer/Sanguine research. The second volume is a
bibliography which includes relevant material published through mid-1977, as well as
a summary of the most recent projects.


Since the completion of the first review, many projects have been initiated and much
has been published on electric field effects. Through critical review in addition to
the usual listing of titles, this update is intended to provide continuing assistance
to biologists and engineers concerned with the biological effects of electric fields
from overhead high-voltage transmission lines.


As concluded in the 1975 review, the findings of this update indicate that power
frequency electric fields have no important biological effects on healthy individuals
who encounter such fields under ordinary conditions. However, the possible
occurrence of subtle as yet undetected effects cannot be excluded. For example,
there is insufficient evidence that extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic
fields do not interfere with neurophysiological or cardiovascular functioning, or
certain hematological parameters. There is also a need to investigate possible
neoclassical biophysical mechanisms involved in ELF interactions.

With the identification of spark discharge and vibrational perception as complicating
factors in earlier experiments, extreme care must be taken in the development of new
research protocols. EPRI, through projects involving large animals, honeybees, green
plants, avian embryos, and cardiac pacemakers, is both reevaluating earlier results
and addressing unresolved issues in the area of high-voltage electric field

Leonard A. Sagan, M.D., Program Manager

Energy Analysis and Environment Division

This report consists of bibliographic material compiled under EPRI Project RP857-1
to update the state-of-the-art review on the biological effects of electric fields
from power lines. The bibliography is presented as an alphabetized listing. An
indexing is provided as a guide, in terms of Subject and Field Characteristic.

The bibliography covers material principally in the time frame of early 1974 to
early 1977. This comprehensive listing of publications on the biological effects
of low frequency electromagnetic fields should provide researchers and planners
with a valuable guide to past work in the area.


Many workers in the biological field and power industry have provided invaluable
assistance in the collection of important references that are included in this
bibliography. The assistance of these persons included providing personal bib­
liographies, abstracts, published papers and reprints, theses and dissertations,
difficult to obtain reports, and hard-to-find foreign works and translations.
Risking the possibility of omitting due credit, the aforementioned assistance
provided by the following persons is gratefully acknowledged:

Dr. S. Abramson, National Research Council

J. W. Bankowske, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Dr. D. Beischer, Independent Consultant
Dr. F. Brown, Northwestern University
Dr. B. Greenberg, University of Illinois
Dr. A. W. Guy, University of Washington
Dr. R. Hauf, Forschungsstelle fur Elektropathologie
Dr. S. Lang, Der Universitat Des Saarlandes
Dr. D. McRee, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Dr. S. Michaelson, University of Rochester
Dr. Alejo Olmos, (AMYS), Madrid, Spain
Dr. R. Phillips, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Dr. R. Reiter, Institute for Atmospheric Research
Dr. R. Waibel, Technical University of Graz
Mr. B. Ware, American Electric Power
L. Zaffanella, Project UHV

The principal investigator for the efforts summarized in this document is

Mr. J. E. Bridges. Mr. M. J. Frazier was the IITRI program manager. Major
contributions to this effort were provided by Dr. D. Becker, who coordinated
the computerized searches and indexing, and Ms. C. Damberger who provided exten­
sive editorial services in organizing and formatting the bibliography. The EPRI
program manager for this effort was Dr. Harry Kornberg.

Section Page



Background 2-1

Present Effort 2-1

Information Sources 2-2


Field Characteristic 3-1

Subject 3-1



Section 1


This report presents a bibliography concerning the biological effects of power

line fields, which has been compiled by III Research Institute for EPRI. This
bibliography supplements the bibliography published in 1975 on EPRI Contract
RP381-1. The citations included in this document have updated the bibliography
to include relevant material into 1977. This material is intended to assist
biologists and engineers who are concerned with the effects of fields from over­
head power transmission lines by providing them with a comprehensive listing of
published papers and research reports that relate to this subject area.

Although the specific area of concern is the biological effects of 60-Hz electric
and magnetic fields, past research results obtained at other frequencies and for
other excitation conditions may be highly important to 60 Hz researchers. There­
fore, the listings in this bibliography are considerably more far-ranging than just
60 Hz, in an attempt to include all that may be of use.

Section 2



On Project RP381-1, a state-of-the-art review on the biological effects of power

frequency electric fields was conducted. Past literature and on-going research
was considered to develop a basis for the long-range research program. The sur­
vey was conducted on the basis of computer accession lists which were probably
current to mid-1974 and personal contacts which were completed in March 1975.
The initial search identified some several thousand references regarding the ef­
fects of electric and magnetic fields in general. This detailed review was nar­
rowed down to some 800 references which had some reference to high voltage ac
power line electric field effects and high-voltage dc transmission line electric
field effects. Sixty-hertz magnetic field effects were outside of the planned
scope of effort. However, these were briefly considered based on the results of
the Navy's ELF Communications Program studies.


Since completion of the 1975 review, many new research projects have been ini­
tiated and an unexpectedly large number of articles, reports and books have been
published. As a consequence, EPRI contracted with IITRI to update both the
state-of-the-art review and bibliography. This document comprises the updated
bibliography. The bibliography contains listings obtained by computer accession
to early 1977. References obtained by personal contact are included to mid-1977.

The material listed in this bibliography formed the basis for an updated state-
of-the-art reivew which is a companion to this document. The updated state-of-
the-art review provides an in-depth consideration of approximately fifty research
publications. The reduction from the approximately 1500 listings presented in
this bibliography was accomplished by considering only those entries that were
deemed to be of direct interest, and by using several other comprehensive reviews
to guide the selection process.

The state-of-the-art review update (under separate cover) provides individual
summaries and critiques, by both a senior biologist and a senior electrical
engineer, of the final selected entries.


The assistance of many workers in the biological field and power industry signi­
ficantly aided in insuring the completeness of this bibliography. Past experience
has indicated that automated literature searches in this particular area do not
provide full coverage. Reasons for this are as follows.

1. The inclusion of the latest material lags by as much as six to

twelve months.

2. Obscure publications are not included.

3. The article was omitted because of improper use of key words.

4. Electric field effects are of only peripheral concern.

Thus, the contributions of those persons listed in the acknowledgements were

instrumental in the development of the material presented in this document.

Apart from these personal sources and contributions, this bibliography is derived
from on-line computer searches of several data bases. Data bases used in the
compilation of the bibliographical entries include: National Technical Informa­
tion Service, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Engineering Index, Dis­
sertation Abstracts, Psychology Abstracts, IEEE and Pollution Notes data bases.
References were also received from the Defense Documentation Center and the
Smithsonian Information Exchange as a result of letter requests.

In addition, considerable up-to-date information on the results of low level

electric and magnetic field investigations were derived from the Navy's ELF Com­
munications program.

Section 3


As a guide to the alphabetical bibliography (Section 4), an index has been pre­
pared cataloguing the various citations in terms of Field Characteristic and
Subject. These categories are listed below.


• Power line (50-60 Hz)

• Mid-frequency (35-100 Hz, excluding power line)

• Low frequency (less than 35 Hz, excluding dc)

t High frequency (100 to 1000 Hz)

• Unknown or uncertain frequency

• Magnetic fields (usually dc)

• Electric fields (usually dc)

t Natural background fields

• Self fields (usually of biological origin)


• Human

• Animal

t Plant

• Isolated component

• Engineering

• Review

Not all of the citations listed in Section 4 have been indexed. This is because
the scope of the cataloguing scheme is limited to the power line problem and also

because the depth of our investigation did not allow all articles to be studied
in detail. Those which have not been indexed include articles on:


Organism physiology

Political ramifications

Social decision making

Microwave frequency effects.

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Power line (50-60 Hz)

Adrian 76 Electroaudition electrovision

Asanova 75 Health survey
Barnes 72
Beal 74 Brain entrainment
Bergveld 76
Biegelmeier 71 Electrical properties of the human body
Bleifeld 72 Accident problems
Bodner 73 Health hazards evaluation
Bosch 72 Safety procedures
Bourgsdorff 72 Medical effects
Bridges 77a Induced currents in man
Burke 77 Injury to children
Butterfield 74
Cahill 72 Discussion of standards
Caleca 72 Discussion of standards
Canadian 71 Safety guide
Carter 42 Sensitivity threshold
Clemang 72 Safety principles
Clinical 74 Medical
Dahl 76 Body impedance
Dalziel 41, 50, 59, 72 Body impedance
Dumanskiy 76 Health study
Eckert 76 SID syndrome
Egyptien 72 Accidents
Eiseman 75
Fillipov 72 Protective measures
Finkelberg 75 Welder health
Foie 75
Foie 73 HVS effect
Foie 76
Fraunfelder 72 Electrical cataracts
Frey 74 Electroaudition
Gary 76
Gernardi 75
Golovanov 73 Electrocution
Gordon 73, 74 Industrial safety
Hadrousek 70 Health
Haigh 75 Diver safety
Hamer 68 Reaction time
Hansen 72 Safety procedures
Hauf 73, 74, 76 Behavior physiology
Hedkin 73 Breathing after shock
Hill 75 Health hazard
Hinkel 68 Hair removal
Jaczewski 76 Transient touch current
Johansson 73 Health
Kahn 74 Safety procedures
Kahn 66 Shock safety
Kaidanov 74, 75 Shielding
Kanner 78 Health
Karches 72 Worker health at Bendix
Konig 76
Korobkova 72 Worker health statistics and safety

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Power line (50-60 Hz) (Continued)

SUBJECT: Human (Continued)

Korolkova 62
Kosarev 74 Worker Safety
Kouwenhoven 67 Health records
Kovacs 45 Medical use
Krivova 74 Safety
Kugelberg 76 Heart fibrillation
Leardini 76
Lebedev 69 Screening
Lovstrand 76 Dosimetry
Malboyson 75 Medical
Mantel 75 Health
Marble 76 Body capacitance
Marks 71 Barehand maintenance procedures
McLoughlin 76 Injuries to children
Miotti 72 Switchgear safety procedures
Mizuno 73 Visual threshold
Moran 73 Shock threshold
Morozov 74a Safety procedures
Morozov 70, 74b Dosimetry
Prokasy 74 Skin therapy
Pultz 72 Occupational risk
Roberge 76 Worker health
Rules 71 Standards
Rupilius 76 Physiology
Santoni 76 Safety procedures
Sazanova 68 Safety standards
Schmeir 72 Heart attack
Schwab 41 Body currents
Schwan 57, 62, 77 Electrical parameters of tissue
Shih 77 Dosimetry
Singer 75 Worker health
Singewald 73 Worker health
Spiegel 75, 76 Energy deposition
Stevenson 73 Leakage currents
Stewart 74 Diver safety
Stoljanov 73 Worker safety
Strumza 70 Health survey
Tischer 71 Legal opinion on HV line siting
Toyama 75 Lip shock wound
Tsukerman 75a Distribution of defibrination currents
Tucker 77 Perception of electric and magnetic fields
USSR 70, 72, 75 Safety standards
Waibel 75c
Wendt 71 Maintenance safety procedures
Westman 69 Maintenance .procedures
Whorton 75 Shock
Wiesinger 74 Displacement currents
Wiesinger 75 Reaction time
Yamamoto 75 Shock wound


Altmann 76c Bee metabolism

Banchi 72
Banchi 74
Bassett 74 Fracture repair
Beamer 76 Pig behavior
Blanchi 73 Mammalian blood analysis general physiology
Blasco 73 Rat physiology
Buchanan 50 Electrical hazards on the farm
Chernysheva 75 Rat organ composition
Cohn 70 Tissue impedance
Effert 75 Dose-effect curves
Elphick 76
Fischer 76a Rat heart rate
Fischer 76b
Gann 74 Cell survival in culture
Garmagiu 77 Rat hormone secretion
Gavalas 75b Monkey behavior
Giarola 71, 72, 74 Growth and development
Gill is 76 Swine behavior
Graves 77 Bird physiology
Greenberg 77 Bee activity
Hart 77 Theory
Hashimoto 75 Callus formation
Hjeresen 76 Swine behavior
Jeffs 76 Swine behavior
Kaune 76, 77 Swine behavior
Knickerbocker 67 Mouse survival
Kroling 76 Mouse activity pattern
Krueger 74, 75 Chicken fecundity
Marino 76b Mouse physiology
Marsh 68 Dugesia biorhythm
Mathewson 73, 77 Metabolism growth
Meda 73
Ng 75 Cell mitosis
Norton 74, 75 Bone growth
Phillips 76b, 77b Swine behavior
Prokhvatilo 77 Heart strain
Prokhvatilo 77 Endocrine activity
Richardson 76 Swine behavior
Silny 76
Starmer 73 Fibrillation
Strelow 75 Data request
Stroykova 58 Physiology
Waibel 75b Mouse
Warnke 75b Bees
Weeks 39 Current distribution

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Power line (50-60 Hz)


Bankoske 75
Hademenos 70 Ozone and air ion generation
Hodges 74 Plant growth
McGee 76 Growth
Shmykova 75 Plant growth

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Power line (50-60 Hz)

SUBJECT: Isolated Components

Frohlich 68, 69, 70,

72, 73, 77 Mathematical model
Schwan 69 Model of force relationships
Sher 63 Particle motion

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Power line (50- 60 Hz)

SUBJECT: Engineering

Allan 74a Field strength

Balderson 75 Power system design
Baldwin 74 UHV transmission research
Barnes 76
Bassen 75 Probe design
Beykashev 74 Effects of shielding
Blaschke 73 Future technology
Bonneville 76 1100 kV service
Bracken 76 Field calculations
Bridges 76 Corona effects
Bridges 61 Pseudorectification by bilateral nonlinear
Bridges 71 Cardiac pacemaker interference problems
Bridges 75 Induced currents in man
Bridges 77c Cardiac pacemaker interference problems
Brodwin 76 Field determination
Coffman Corona chemistry
Cole 41 Dielectric properties
Deno 75, 76 Field equations
Deuse 76 Field equations
Deutsch 68 Probe design
Fern 74 Corona ozone
Fern 77 Field measurements
Frydman 73 Ozone generation
Grissett 75 Coil design
Gross 73 Field studies
Groszko 73 EHV field survey
Hankin 73 Dosimetry
Holland 75 Pacemaker interference

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Power line (50-60 Hz) (Continued)

SUBJECT: Engineering (Continued)

Hopfgartner 72 Exposure chamber design

Johnson 76 500 kV system design
Kolcio 75 Noise generation
Kolkushev 74 Air ion monitor
Kotter 75 Field measurements
Kuzina 73 Field determination
Lyskov 75 System design
Maruvada 76 Field effects
Mihalileanu 76 Field determinations
Morozov 73 System design for safety
Neher 49 Cable heat rise
Poznaniak 77 Field specification
Randall 73 Field considerations for safety
Rau 73 Electrode design
Research 74 Corona
Rusck 62 Earth return problems
Schmidt 71 HV conductor fields
Schneider 76 Fields of HV equipment
Schoffel 72 Data on grounding
Schwarz 65 Particle orientation
Sebo 72 Ozone oxidant generation
Stremlaw 68 System design
Tell 77 Fields
Tichodejew 74 Bunch conductors
US 71 Pacemaker interference
Van 74 Pacemaker interference
Working 77 Field mapping
Zalewski 75b Pacemakers

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Power line (50-60 Hz)


Allan 74b
ANSI 74 Safety standards
ANSI 70 Leakage current standards
Atoian 77
Biologic 74
Bridges 75a Bibliography
Bridges 75b Review
Bridges 77b Environmental considerations
Cabanes 76 Review
Cerretelli 76 Review
Comar 75 Review
EHV 75 Review
Energy 76 Review
Formanek 76 Bibliography
Franklin 74 Review
Hawaiian 74 Review
Janes 76 Review
Janes 73 Review

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Power line (50-60 Hz) (Continued)
SUBJECT: Review (Continued)

Jones 76 Review
Keesey 70b Bibliography
Keesey 70a Review
Knickerbocker 75 Review of Soviet papers
Kornberg 76 Review
Malaguti 75 Review
Morgan 75 Review
New 74 Review
Office 68, 72, 74 Review
Phillips 73, 76a, 77a Review
Questions 74 Review
Reilly 77 Review
Report 73 Review
Scherer 76 Environmental effects
Shah 74 Review
Sheppard 77 Review
Transmission 75 Review
Trapeano 76 UHV health review
Vyalov 69 Safety review
Waibel 74, 75 Safety review
Williams 76 Review
Wilson 76 Bibliography on ozone air ion generation
Young 73, 74, 77 Review
Zafanella 72 Review

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Mid-frequency (35-100 Hz, excluding power line)


Delgado 70
El den 63 Skin electrical properties
Fox 76 Pain therapy
Houk 76 Medical records
Kirmaier 76 Behavior
Konig 74 Behavior
Krumpe 72 Health records
Ossenkopp 72 Behavior
Sugiyama 74 Visual fatigue
Wever 74, 76, 77 Biorhythm

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Mid-frequency (35-100 Hz, excluding power line)


Adey 73 Calcium binding

Adey 77a Calcium binding
Andrianova 75 Sea skate field perception
Bawin 73 Calcium binding
Bawin 75 Calcium binding
Becker 63, 64, 71, 76 Insect spatial orientation
Beischer 75 Mouse triglycerides
Bender 76, 77 Fruit fly genetics
Berdashkevich 75 Biofeedback
Bernhardt 73
Brown 62, 63, 66, 73, 75 Spatial orientation of beans and snails
Coate 70 Insect genetics
Cole 73 Biological cues
Collins 54 Salmon mortality
Cope 73 Mathematical model
Cope 71, 74 Superconductivity
Cymborowski 75 Cricket biorhythm
Delorge 74, 75 Monkey behavior
Durfee 73, 75, 76 Chicken growth and development
Frey 71 Fish electroperception
Gavalas 75a, 76, 77 Monkey behavior
Gengerelli 41 Nerve stimulation
Goodman 73, 75, 76 Slime mold biorhythm
Greenberg 73, 74, 75, 76 Arthropod populations metabolism
Greenebaum 73 Slime mold biorhythm
Gribble 75 Mouse biorhythm
Grissett 76, 77 Primate behavior physiology
Grodsky 75, 76, 77 CNS mathematical models
Hagiwara 62 Fish receptors
Hal berg 75 Circadian rhythm
Kaczmarek 77 Cation binding model
Kaczmarek 73, 74 Calcium binding
Kolodub 68 Oxidative metabolism
Labes 70 Theory
Lang 76b, 76d Mouse metabolism

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Mid-frequency (35-100 Hz, excluding power line) (Cont.)
SUBJECT: Animal (Cont.)

Lang 76c Theory

Lang 76e Mouse recovery from pathogen
Larkin 77 Bird spatial orientation
Little 64, 74, 77 Theory
Lonsdale 77 Bib!iography
Marino 75, 76c Skin impedance at acupuncture sites
Marino 78b Metabo1 ism
Marino 76 Theory
Marron 73, 75 Slime mold biorhythm
Martin 73 Chicken
Mayyasi 68
Mittler 72 Genetics
Muthukrishnan 73
Nova! 76 Rat growth enzyme activity
Oliva 73 Rat growth
Oosta 73 Rat growth
Ossenkopp 75 Behavior
Plante 73 Growth
Polk 73 Fowl growth
Richardson 76 Salmon spatial orientation
Smith 75 Fowl behavior
Tanner 62 Nerve blocking
Watson 75 Chicken growth
Williams 76 Bird spatial orientation
Yates 75 Chicken cell growth

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Mid-frequency (35-100 Hz, excluding power line)


Cowen 73 Electrophysiological Phenomena

Hal berg 75 Circadian rhythm
Lang 77 Plant pyroelectricity
Miller 76 No effect
Rosenthal 75 Sunflower germination growth

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Mid-frequency (35-100 Hz, excluding power line)

SUBJECT: Isolated Components

Baessler 70b Properties of cholestergic crystals

Carstenstein 68, 74 Electrical parameters
Changeux 67 Membrane cooperativity
Fukada 68 Deformation
Fukada 57, 74 Piezoelectricity in bone polymers
Snadifer 75 Mathematical model of membrane conduction

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Mid-frequency (35-100 Hz, excluding power line)

SUBJECT: Engineering

Contini 66 Electrode design

Driller 73, 74 Magnetic field calculations
Driscoll 71 Electrode placement
Dvorak 75 Pacemaker interference
Epstein 76 Field interaction equations
Freeman 75 Electrode design
Furnam 76 Pacer interference
Geddes 70 Electrode design
Katrushenko 67 Exposure chamber design
Keefe 73 Detector design
Mukhopadhyay 73 Fields of a cardiac generator
Valentino 74 Simulation procedures

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Mid-frequency (35-100 Hz, excluding power


Ad Hoc Committee 74
Baker 73
Bawin 78 Bawin 76
Bioeffects 77
Birenbaum 74
Carlson 70 Review
Conley 70 Review
Crile 26 Review
Frey 65 Review
Kasparek 70, 71 Bibliography
Konig 75 Review
Lehman 76 Review
Lundquist 76 Review
Marino 78 Review
McAllister 73, 74, 75 Bibliography
Moos 70 Review
Naval 73, 75, 76, 77 Review
Persinger 74 Review
Pierce 63 Review
Royal 76 Review
Rozzell 72 Review
US 75a ELF review
US 75b Bibliography

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Low frequency (less than 35 Hz, excluding dc)

Barlow 47 Magnetovision
Leitner 75 Therapy
Persinger 75 Human behavior

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Low frequency (less than 35 Hz, excluding dc)


Altmann 74a Physiological effects

Altmann 74b Oxygen metabolism
Atlmann 74c Territorial behavior
Altmann 76e Mouse lipid metabolism
Altmann 76f Rat metabolism
Barnwell 64 Snail spatial orientation
Buntenkotter 75 Non-sinusoidal currents hazard
Danyvlite 75 Fish vision
Ludwig 71, 73, 74 76 Shielding and disease
Persinger 76, 75, 74 Rat behavior

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Low frequency (less than 35 Hz, excluding dc)


Bonneville 74 Bibliography

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: High frequency (100 to 1000 Hz)

Brodeur 76 Microwave hazards

Frey 62 Electroaudition
Gandhi 75 Power deposition
Gerasimenko 74 Shielding
Guha 73 Field distribution in man
Guy 75, 77 Dosimetry safety
Hanna 75 Electrical cataract
Hartman 76 Therapy
Hoshiko 70 Electrohearing
Kail 73 RF Hazards
Kleyner 75 Medical use
Krylov 73 Safety
Larson 76 Electroanesthesia
Lindblom 76 Electroanesthesia
Nichols 75 Human electrical parameters
Pozos 71 Electroanesthesia mechanism
Shealy 76 Electro-acupuncture
Sinclair 71 Electrohearing
Zimmer 71 Tumor therapy

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: High frequency (100 to 1000 Hz)


Baum 75
Bawin 77
Bawin 73 Calcium binding
Callahan 75 Insect detection sensitivity
Chilton 71 CNS current focusing
Czerski 77 Microwave
Davydov 74 RF effects
Deficis 76 Triglycerides
Dumanskii 76 Liver activity
Ecker 72 Cancer therapy
Ellsworth 71 Electrosleep
Friend 74 Amoeba behavior
Furedi 64
Goddard 71 Kindling effect
Heller 59 Genetics
Hirsch 68 Psychology
Holmes 71 CNS stimulation
Illinger 77 Theory
Irnich 73 Electrostimulation
Kadoum 67 Larvae survival
Leake 71 Electroanesthesia
Livesay 76 Power deposition
Lykken 70 Impedance
Mattisson 76 Monkey behavior
Mittler 76 Genetics
Neidinger 71 Current density measurement

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: High frequency (100 to 1000 Hz) (Continued)

SUBJECT: Animal (Continued)

Pal ti 74 Field distribution

Pritz 29 Microbe growth
Sandler 75 Nerve tissue
Skidmore 73 Rat growth
Straub 75 Enzyme activity
Tanner 74 Growth
Thimijan 73 Housefly mortality
Torres 76 Voltage distribution in the head
Zufarov 71 Rat liver activity

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: High frequency (100 to 1000 Hz)

SUBJECT: Isolated Components

Einolf 71 Dielectric dispersion

Finch 74 Enzyme activity
Kolin 69 Particle separation
Kolin 60 Magnetoelectrophoresis
Pohl 66, 72, 75 Dielectrophoresis
Rashid 73 Model for power deposition
Rusyaev 75 Blood coagulation
Takashima 66 Effects of RF on macromolecules

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: High frequency (100 to 1000 Hz)

SUBJECT: Engineering

Brunhart 73 Pulse generator

Johnson 75 Standardized reporting for bioeffects data
Johnson 72 Need for an exposure standard
Kaden 59 Shielding
Kritikos 72 Power deposition
Loram 71 Equipment design
Marsoner 70 Probe design
Mitchell 75 Pacemaker interference
Regulations 74 Regulations

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: High frequency (100 to 1000 Hz)


Glaser 74 RF Review
Michael son 67, 73, 77 Review
Reynolds 71 Review of therapeutic use
Summary 75 Review

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Unknown or uncertain frequency


Altmann 76b
Battelle 66 Personnel barriers
Bernardi 75 Industrial hazard
Fisher 75 Electrohearing
Maggi 72 Health
Natarajan 76 Field distribution in man
Tregear 65 Skin impedance measurements

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Unknown or uncertain frequency


Allen 76
Altmann 73
Arber 74
Donaldson 75 Cancer
Eskov 74, 75 Bee hearing
Faitel berg 75 Rat liver metabolism
Faitel berg 68 Dog CNS effects
Friedman 72 Stressor effects
Hall urn 62
Ignatov 73 Genetic
Lebars 76
Martin 70 Hormone activity
Moore 68 Vibration thresholds
Pautrizel 75 Trypanosome injury healing
Poppendiek 70
Riviere 75 Mutations
Ruhenstroth 74 Growth
Sawyer 74 Thrombogenesis
Solovyev 63

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Unknown or uncertain frequency


Kazemekas 73 Cabbage Rutabaga

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Unknown or uncertain frequency

SUBJECT: Isolated Components

Abood 52 In Vitro Systems

Gruenhagen 75 Electrolyte association

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Unknown or uncertain frequency

SUBJECT: Engineering

Faust 75 Electrophotography
Schuder 76 Field map

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Unknown or uncertain frequency


Varga 75 Review

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Magnetic applied fields (usually dc)

Battocletti 75 NMR blood flowmeter

Beischer 68 Behavior
Beischer 73 Beharior
Brechna 75 Medical applications
Dubova 69 Enzyme activity
Grinevskaya 69 Blood indices
Gruenner 73 Psychiatric treatment
Grunner 75 Behavior
Kocard 64 Dowser
Kotleba 73 Effect on sleep
Mykhaylovskiy 74 Humap perception
Tromp 68 Dousing
Uakoleva 75 Cardiac control
Vyalov 64, 68 Safety review
Zbirak 66 Blood activity

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC Magnetic applied fields (usually dc)


Abashin 75a Nerve conduction

Abashin 75b Nerve conduction
Abashin 75c Nerve conduction
Abashin 75d Nerve conduction
Ailiesei 73 Nucleic acid composition of organs
Arendse 75 Spatial orientation sense
Aristarkhov 74a Iron content of organs
Aristarkhov 74b Absorption spectra of organs
Aristarkhov 74c Absorption spectra of organs
Aslanyan 75 Spore germination
Badman 66 Snail spatial orientation
Becker 75 Goldfish spatial orientation
Beischer 69 Squirrel-monkey behavior
Beleslin 74 Nerve cells
Blakemore 75 Magnetotactic bateria
Boginin 69 Lymphoid tissue
Borodkina 76 Blood properties
Branover 71 Eel behavior
Bucking 74 Muscular contraction
Cashin 70 Perception sensitivity
Chalazonitis 70 Spatial orientation of photoreceptors
Chernyshev 68 Beetle biorhythm
Chernyshev 66 Fly behavior
Chizhov 75 Microbe
Dawson 72 Goldfish
Degen 74 Bone growth
Demetskii 75 Cardiovascular effects
Dorfman 71 Physical effects
Eiselein 61 No effect
Emlen 67, 70, 76 Bird spatial orientation

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Magnetic applied fields (usually dc) (Continued)

SUBJECT: Animal (Continued)

Finakova Histochemistry
Galaktionova 74 Synergism of magnetism and ionizing radiation
Genkov 74 Mouse phosphorus exchange rate
Golev 75 Muscle physiology
Gonet 75 Electrocardiogram
Gottieib 67 Spatial orientation
Gotz 77 Fruitfly genetics
Grigg 73 Termite mound spatial orientation
Gross 64 Bibliography
Karpenko 74 Planaria behavior
Kavkina 74 Tumor survival
Keeton 69, 71, 74, 77 Bird spatial orientation
Kharkova 76 Microbe survival
Kholodov 66, 73, 74 Many effects
Klimovskaya 75 Rabbit CNS
Krasnoshchekov 75 Microbe survival
Krebs 75a Planarian spatial orientation
Krebs 75b Bird spatial orientation
Kreithen 74 Bird spatial orientation
Kugot 74 Enzyme activity
Leask 77 Bird spatial orientation theory
Liepa 74 Wound healing
Lindauer 68, 72, 73 Bee orientation
Lukyanova 68 CNS effects
Lustigman 75 Synergism of dyes magnetic field for worms
Malinin 76 Cell transformation
Markuze 73 Blood composition
Markuze 72 Ascitic fluid composition
Martin 75 Fruitfly physiology
Merkullova 74 Histochemistry
Meter 66 Pigeon
Mischenko 75 Metabo1 ism
Mittler 71 Genetics
Moore 77 Bird orientation
Mulay 64 Genetics
Nahas 75 Mouse physiology
National 72 Many effects
Neaga 73, 75 Chicken histology
Nimitan 73 Microbe enzyme activity
Ozhigova 66 Behavior
Pavlovich 74 Microbe growth
Pelyhe 73 Rat reflex development
Pereira 67 Cellular respiration
Perepechin 74 Embryo growth
Peterson 92
Piruzyan 73
Posch 70 Microbe growth
Rabol 75 Bird spatial orientation
Ratner 68 Mollusk spatial orientation
Shust 75 Rat liver histochemistry
Southern 71, 72, 75. Bird spatial orientation

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Magnetic applied fields (usually dc) (Continued)

SUBJECT: Animal (Continued)

Stamenovic 75 Heart failure

Stets 76 Reactivity to neurotropic compounds
Strzkovskii 74 Tissue adaptation
Taneyeva 73, 74
Toroptsev 74 Morphology
Tronchetti 66 Rat biorhythm
Tsoneva 75 Cell growth genetics
Udintsev 76 Enzyme muscle activity
Uwland 75 Fertility of semen
Varanelli 74 Locomotor activity
Vasilyev 74 Daphnia reproduction
Venger 68 Rat behavior
Walcott 74 Pigeon spatial orientation
Wiltschko 68,71, 72, 75, 76 Bird spatial orientation
Young 65 Enzyme activity
Zimmerman 75 Eel spatial orientation

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Magnetic applied fields (usually dc)


Audus 60 Magnetotropism
Brandsch 73 Growth
Dulbinskaya 73 Corn mineral content
Edmiston 75 Seed germination
Gemischev 74 Seed water content
Gemischev 74 Seedling respiration
Gemischev 74c Plant organic acid production
Goswami 75 Genetic synergism magnetism x-rays
Herich 76 Mitosis
Innamorati 74 No effect
Kleimenov 75 Plant physiology
Lebedev 75 Growth
Magrou 36 Tumor growth
Mericle 66 Synergism of magnetic field and ionizing
Narayana 75 Electrical parameters
Nemirovich 74, 76 Mitotic activity
Novitskiy 74 Growth
Pittman 63, 64, 71 Cereal growth
Pozolotin 74 Synergism of magnetic field and ionizing

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Magnetic applied fields (usually dc)

SUBJECT: Isolated Components

Ahmed 75 Enzyme superconductivity

Adrianov 75 Anti diuretic activity of blood plasma
Baessler 69a Magnetic properties of cholesteric crystals
Bellossi 71 Blood properties
Breton 77 Chlorophyll dichroism
Clement 75 Membrane rotation
Dymshits 74 Enzymatic activity
Glauser 75 Blood flow rate
Haberditzl 67 Enzyme activity
Krasov 74 Magnetic field affects growth medium
Lapshev 75 Bovine fat morphology
Laronge 69 Cholesteric crystal effects
Lauterbur 74, 75 Zeumatography
Levengood 66, 67 Cytogenetics
Maling 65 Enzyme activity
Maret 75 Nucleic acid spatial orientation
Shishlo 74 Enzyme activity
Smith 63 Trypsin activity
Tromp 67, 72, 75 Blood properties
Valentinuzzi 62 Theory of magnetophosphenes

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Magnetic applied fields (usually dc)

SUBJECT: Engineering

Driller 71 Field equations

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Magnetic applied fields (usually dc)

SUBJECT:. Review

Demetskii 75b Review

Jacobi us 62 Bibliography
Manganelli 72 Bibliography
Petz 75 Review
Ukokova 75 Review

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Electric fields (usually dc)


Agosti 74 Lymphocyte migration

Bogoslovskii 68 CNS stimulation
Cristov 62 Anti fatigue
Dimitri 69 Charge accumulation
Fillipov 74 Protective measures
Fischer 73 Health
Frey 68 01 faction
Gulyaev 68 Electroauragrams
Lawler 59 Skin electrical parameters
Nielson 68 Memory
Quartermain 70 Shock induced amnesia
Weston 76 Bone growth

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Electric fields (usually dc)


Adey 71 Calcium binding

Anisomov 74 Bone growth
Austen 71 Cranial current distribution in cat during
Baker 74 Cartilage repair
Barcilon 70 Nerve cells
Becker 67, 72, 74, 75, 76 Bone regeneration
Behari 74 Electrical conductivity of bone
Beischer 77 Behavior in zero field
Berger 76 Antifungal properties of ions
Biederman 64 Crayfish
Bindslev 74 Intercellular spaces
Black 70 Social behavior
Bliss 73 Sparrow behavior
Board 18 Fish electroculture
Brummer 77 Poisoning by platinum electrodes
Busch 61
Carlson 60 Microbe metabolism
Carlson 54, 60 Microbe metabolism
Chase 73 Behavior
Chirkov 74 Neuron response
Cone 71 Cell mitosis
Decker 76
Galuszka 69 Bee behavior
Gillissen 52 Mold antibiotic yield
Gross 69 Cell survival
Gvozdyak 74 Microbe fixation
Halsband 67 Fish body conductivity
Hambury 74 Bone growth
Hamilton 67 Microbe survival
Husing 60 Bee behavior
Hvodyak 75 Microbe behavior
Isquith 73 Microbe membrane permeability

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Electric fields (usually dc) (Continued)

SUBJECT: Animal (Continued)

Kalmijn 73 Electrodetection organs

Kitsikis 66 Monkey behavior EEG
Klems 75 Bone growth
Klingengerg 74 Material exchange parameters
Levine 72 Bone healing
Lazarenko 70 Yeast growth
Liboff 74 Growth control
Lott 75 Field modified muscle thresholds
Marino 74 Mouse serum
Masureik 76 Bone healing
May 69 Brain lipids
Mazmanidi 74 Fish survival
McNamara 75 Metabolic effects of electro-seizure
Medyvedev 75 Reflex reaction
Meilinger 75 Microbe growth
Moese 74 Immune activity
Mose 72
Muse 72
Newman 59 Salmon spatial orientation
Norton 72 Bone growth
Novikov 67
Pawluk 70 Bone growth
Picton 66
Portnov 75 Genetic
Rinaldi 74 Thymidine uptake
Rodan 76 Thymidine incorporation
Roehlig 73 Bone growth
Rommel 72 Eel spatial orientation
Rose 74 Regeneration
Rosenberg 60 Microbe growth
Rowland 60 Brain lesions
Rowley 74 Healing
Rubin 75 Bone growth
Sadovnich 75 Microbe growth
Schreinke 70 Spore count
Schreinke 70b Respiration
Schroid 76 Hormone activity
Sherebin 72 IR spectral shifts of nerve axons
Sisken 75 Chick embryo growth
Smith 74 Limb growth
Spohr 64, 65 Microbe growth
Sternin 76 Electrical fishing
Theile 99 Bacteria
Trefethen 55 Salmon spatial orientation
Trommler 75 Cell growth
Vekshina 67 Serotonin metabolism
Vetterl 76 Nucleoside metabolism
Weigert 76 Bone growth
Whitney 57 Power deposition in fish
Witt 76 ATP synthesis
Zalewski 75 Electric fishing
Zollmer 74 Mouse liver activity

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Electric fields (usually dc)

Black 71 Tomato growth

Blackman 17 Plant growth
Blackman 24 Plant growth
Borisevich 75 Chromatophore absorption spectra
Briggs 26 Electroculture
Jaffe 76 Impedance determination
Lawrence 71 Plant growth
Lemstrom 04 Agriculture
Lipperheide 27 Growth
Neuman 11 Agriculture
Priestly 06, 10 Growth
Rincu 73 Growth
Schechter 34 Rhizon'd formation
Sidaway 69 Phytochrome photomorphogenesis
Tudose 73 Genetics
Weisenseel 75 Pollen tubes
Zhurbitskii 75 Carbon dioxide absorption
Zvara 75 Ion efflux

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Electric fields (usually dc)

SUBJECT: Isolated Components

Bamberg 76 Lipid bilayer

Bean 73 Polypeptide spatial orientation
Blatt 76 Membrane capacitance
Flax 71 Model of protein semiconductor
Fuller 76 Photoconductivity
Haschke 76 Glutamate breakdown
Jacobi 76 Blood cell adhesiveness
Kahn 75 Collagen solubility
Kubo 76 Enzyme solubility
McGinness 74 Semiconductor properties
Pall indin 14 Enzyme activity
Szymanski 68 Muscle growth
Timbrel 1 75 Asbestos fibre alignment
Ur 68 Cell sizing
Yaari 68 Blood cell mobility
Zimmerman 76 Membrane effects

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Electric fields (usually dc)

SUBJECT: Engineering

Jennings 76 Plume generated fields

Krupa 76 Impedance techniques

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Electric fields (usually dc)


Sidaway 76 Review

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Natural background fields


Akimov 75a, 75b Disease correlations

Duffee 61 Ions affect health
Eichmeier 64, 67 Air ions affect health
Faust 73
Feinleib 75 Health
Friedman 63 Hospital admissions
Friedman 65 Patient ward behavior
Maxey 76 Theory
Seamosi 65 Serum cholesterol
Szamosi 65 Arteriosclerosis
Tromp 63
Wever 68, 70, 74 Biorhythm

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Natural background fields


Altmann 76d
Andersen 65 Bacterial growth
Broun 74 Sea rays detect magnetic field
Brown 75 Mouse behavior
Lang 76a, 74, 73, 72 Circadian rhythm
Leloch 75 Electrical storms
Protasov 75 Fish distribution
Reiter 72, 74, 75
Schneider 60, 61, 63 Response to background fields
Warnke 76 Body charge
Wehner 70 Fruitfly field perception

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Natural background fields


Garner 20 Growth rate

Teng 55 Heart attack

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Natural background fields

SUBJECT: Isolated Components

Knoll 64 Air Ions

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Natural background fields

SUBJECT: Engineering

Dolezalek 74 Natural fields

Fitzgerald 76 Thunderstorm electrification

FIELD CHARACTERISTICS: Self fields (usually of biological origin)

Adamenko Biofeedback
Almasi 70 Electrode design
Athenstaedt 70 Internal polarization of collagen
Baker 71 Electrode design
Brenner 75 Visually evoked magnetic self field
Geselowitz 73 Heart self field
Gyorgi 76 Cancer theory
Lullies 66 Impedance
Plonsey 72 Electrocardiogram
Podvigin 68 Nerve potentials
Reichmanis 75, 76 Acupuncture point potentials
Schmitt 76 Model of CNS function
Scott 75 Nerve potentials
Tsukerman 75b Field of the heart
Wulfson 76 Acupuncture point resistance

FIELD CHARACTERISTICS: Self fields (usually of biological origin)


Adey 74 Effect of cold on cat cortical potential

Azarnia 74 Cell junction properties
Bessonov 75 Fish self field
Bullock 74 Electroreceptors
Bullock 56, 59, 61, 65, 73, 77 Fish electroreceptors
Cohen 68,72, 73, 75 Magnetic self field
Cook 70 Nervous conduction
Cooley 66 Nervous conduction
Ferris 74 Insect detection
Gengerelli 61 Nerve generated fields
Heppner 74 Bird communication
Hopkins 72, 73, 74 Electro-communication
Jaffe 66, 74, 77 Electrical regulation of growth
Junge 69 Absorption effects in membranes
Knudsen 76 Catfish electro-organs
Liberman 74 Intermembrane field
Lissman 58 Electric organs
Loewenstein 64, 72, 73 Membrane characteristics
Lokietek 74 Injury potentials
Mai off 77 Mitochondrial self potential determination
Nicholson 75 Self potential
Peskoff 73 Cellular self potential
Peters 67 Eye self potential
Pilla 74 Self potential
Protasov 73 Fish self field
Seipel 70 Magnetic field of nerve impulse
Solomon 71 Dipole moment determination
Tarjan 68 Resistivity determination
Tei 75 Magnetic field of repair
Togawa 73 Mathematical model
Valeev 73 Self potentials
Warnke 75 Self potentials

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Self fields (usually of biological origin)

Higenbotham 73 Electropotentials
Melkumyan 74 Biopotentials in cell regeneration
Pasichnyi 75 Oxygen metabolism
Scott 67 Plant potentials
Spanswich 72 Cell communication

FIELD CHARACTERISTIC: Self fields (usually of biological origin)

SUBJECT: Isolated Components

Brown 72 Protein conformation

Cochran 74 Bone self potential
Ivanov 73 Blood cell charge determination
Kirkwood 52 Interprotein forces
Mascarenhas 72, 76 Collagen electret
Murphy 73 Polymer electrets
Scott 75 Membrane charges
Tomaselli 74 Electrical properties of collagen
Varga 71 Blood cell interactions

Section 4


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PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: G. D. Adams, G. M. Kollmorgen,
R. Biles

TITLE: Search for Improvement in the Treatment of Cancer

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Veterans Administration

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Veterans Administration

RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1976 - December 1976


This research investigates the possible use of an in­

variant magnetic field as a modifier of radiation-induced
injury to biological systems. The end-point is to improve
the radiation therapy of cancer by differential modification.

Experiments this year have been of two distinct kinds:

1) acute mortality using mice and 2) the response of 2 chemi­
cal systems.

The study involving mice completed one started last year.

Male BDF-1 mice were irradiated with and without the magnetic
field. At 28 days post-irradiation, the presence of the mag­
netic field (0.28 Tesla) increased the survival to 690 rads
from 23 percent to 32 percent. Probit analysis establishes
the statistical significance of the protective effect at the
1 percent level.

The study involving chemical systems has its origins in

speculations to understand the mechanism of magnetic field ef­
fects. One postulate requires direct action of free radicals.
Thus, it appears that chemical dosimeters might exhibit such
an effect also. Accordingly, we examined systems involving
different free radical situations.

First examined was the traditional but insensitive Fricke

dosimeter. No difference was found at 2 percent sensitivity.
Next examined is the more sensitive benzoic acid-ferrous sul­
fate dosimeter. A protective effect (about 1 percent) is ap­
parent in this system. The experimental procedure is being
refined to increase measurement precision.

The main effort in the next year will be to continue ex­

amination of chemical systems to characterize the mechanism.

* (from the Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, Inc.,



TITLE: Effects of 60-Hz Fields on the Mammalian Central

Nervous System



RESEARCH PERIOD: August 1975 - August 1977


The effects of electromagnetic fields on the central

nervous system of mammals are being investigated in condi­
tions simulating those near high voltage transmission lines.
The effects will be noted in terms of measured changes in
brain rhythm and neuron membrane conditions.


TITLE: Ecological Influence of Electric Fields


Penn State University


RESEARCH PERIOD: May 1974 - December 1977


The objective of this study is to investigate the ef­

fects of electric fields at power line frequencies on plants,
chicken embryos, and chicks. Special simulation equipment
was constructed.

Early results indicate that chickens exposed to 40-

80 kV/m fields during incubation showed temporary increased
growth rates. Plants with pointed leaves showed tip damage
during the first week of exposure. There appears to be no
effect on plant germination at 50 kV/m, along with no effect
on egg hatchability or embryo activity for 50 kV/m exposures.

R. J. Pawluk

TITLE: Bioelectric Phenomena Controlling Bone Growth



RESEARCH PERIOD: February 1976 - January 1977


This project seeks to define methods and mechanisms for

controlling osteogenesis by means of inductively-coupled
pulsing electromagnetic fields, established external to the
organism. Both in vivo studies of fracture healing in a rat
femoral osteotomy model and iri vitro studies of collagen
synthesis and Ca45 release by osteogenic cells are used.
Primary emphasis is focused on elaborating those pulse char­
acteristics, e.g., shape, width, amplitude and repetition
rates, which have biologic significance during bone forma­
tion and repair. Attempts are made to correlate the rate
and amount of Ca45 release by pre-labeled cells with in­
creases in collagen synthesis by osteogenic cells and with
increases in fracture healing, as measured radiographically,
histologically and by mechanical testing.


TITLE: Study of Electromagnetic Modification of Disuse




RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1976 - December 1976


No summary has been provided to the Smithsonian Science

Information Exchange.


TITLE: Electromagnetic Radiation and Biological Systems

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of California


RESEARCH PERIOD: December 1976 - November 1977


NEUROCHEMISTRY: The study of interaction between weak

electric fields (extremely low frequency and radio frequency)
and calcium ion binding in the central nervous system will be
continued and will serve as reference (frequency and ampli­
tude thresholds, size and direction of field effect) for ex­
periments involving amino acids and putative neurotransmitters.
Chick and cat isolated cerebral tissues will be compared in
their response to field stimulation. In vivo experiments on
cat cortex will attempt to determine if live tissue respond
to a field stimulus that affects isolated samples.

TISSUE DOSIMETRY: These studies will be done in col­

laboration with H. I. Bassen (BRH). Preliminary measurements
of field intensity in cat cortex, made with a miniature E field
probe, will be repeated as soon as the prototype is available
again. An attempt to correlate tissue gradient and nuero-
chemical response will be made. Detailed field mapping awaits
development of an implantable probe.


A. Sheppard): Recent developments in theoretical physics
will be applied in modeling non-linear responses of the cen­
tral nervous system to weak perturbations of the extracellular

BEHAVIOR: Schedule-controlled behavior in monkeys will

be tested during exposure to 450 MHz fields. Performances of
neonate chicks and ducklings exposed to the same field condi­
tions will be compared in a series of behavioral measurements
ranging from free behavior to sophisticated behavioral tasks,
including variation of an interresponse time schedule.

J. A. Spadaro

TITLE: Studies of the Functional and Physical Properties

of Connective Tissue

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Veterans Administration

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Veterans Administration

RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1976 - June 1977


We have continued to study our primary objective, the

electronic control systems in living organisms, particularly
as it relates to growth processes. In the clinical area,
we have continued to expand our patient studies on elec­
trically stimulated bone growth and electrochemical control
of localized infections. A workshop seminar in this area
will be held under the auspices of the ARCS in 1976 and will
be hosted by our laboratory. The electrochemical control of
local infections has been extended to include control of fun­
gal infections in addition to bacterial. During the past
year we have completed additional studies on the limb re­
generation process in the salamander and a study of renal
regeneration in the same species is underway. During the
past year our previously reported electrical stimulation of
limb regeneration in the rat has been confirmed by a research
group under the direction of Dr. Phillip Person, VAH, Brooklyn.
A preliminary abstract has been published on this work. On
the theoretical analysis of the electronic control system we
have predicted that certain physiological responses would be
obtained by exposure to electrical fields of intensity and
frequency not normally represented in the earth's field. Ten
separate studies of this have been performed on animals during
the past year. All confirm the hypothesis that such exposure
would produce a generalized stress response. All studies were
conducted using 60 Hz fields in an attempt to assay the pos­
sible biological hazards connected with the standard power
distribution system. Results have been communicated to the
responsible state agencies concerned with this problem.

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: D. E. Beischer, J. D. Grissett

TITLE: The Effects of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)

Radiation on Man



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


Current Navy interest in electromagnetic radiation in­

cludes the extremely low-frequency (ELF) region of the spec­
trum. The results of a systematic and controlled exposure
of human volunteers in the laboratory will provide an urgently
needed biomedical data-base upon which the Navy can establish
safe operating standards.

Possible biological effects of ELF radiation will be

investigated by exposure of lower primates and man to elec­
trical and magnetic fields of a frequency below 100 Hz.
The laboratory tests will progress in stages starting with
short-term exposure of lower primates and then man and pro­
gressing to several months of exposure to the ELF radiation.
In each case a battery of physiological and psychological
tests will be used to measure metabolic effects, autonomic
nervous system responses, and central nervous system per­
formance .


TITLE: Investigation of Ground Level Electric Field and Ions

from HVDC Lines



RESEARCH PERIOD: May 1976 - May 1979


The ground level electric fields, air ion densities, and

air ion currents associated with high voltage dc transmission
lines will be quantified. Predictive models for these ef­
fects will be developed and verified by field measurements
under operating lines.


TITLE: Biological Effects of Electric Fields--General

Support Study



RESEARCH PERIOD: August 1976 - December 1977


The state-of-the-art review, initially developed under

Project RP-381, will be updated. This will include abstracts
of foreign literature and translation of several key foreign
documents. Selected technical support for the EPRI electric
field effects program will be undertaken, which includes con­
ducting a seminar on the topic of biological effects of elec­
tric fields, and support from a field theory viewpoint, of
biological studies undertaken by other EPRI contractors.
The study of feasible methods to measure internal currents
and voltage distribution in live animals is also being com­


TITLE: Effect of 60 Hz Electric and Magnetic Fields

on Implanted Cardiac Pacemakers



RESEARCH PERIOD: September 1975 - March 1978


The objective of the initial effort was to investigate

the effects of 60 Hz electric fields on cardiac pacemakers
implanted in baboons, and to translate any observed effects
to the human case. Reports summarizing the results are pres­
ently in preparation to show that, in rare cases, the electric
field from the power line can cause the pacemaker to revert
to the interference-free mode. It is suggested that this re­
version is far less frequent than which normally occurs with
the average pacemaker users when performing normal household
activities, such as when touching an electrical appliance.

Further activity is to prepare material for a seminar

on this topic, in which government, electrical device manu­
facturers, and the power industry can participate. Prepara­
tion for this workshop, measurements of the ac fields appear­
ing as a result of the conversion process on high voltage dc
lines, will be made.


TITLE: Acceleration of Fracture Healing by Electric Fields

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of Pennsylvania


RESEARCH PERIOD: September 1976 - August 1977


The object of the proposed research is to continue

investigating the effects of an applied electrical current
and/or field on the acceleration of fracture healing in
laboratory animals.

The proposed research is designed 1) to determine the

comparative effectiveness of direct constant and pulsed cur­
rent, alternating current, electrostatic fields, and mag­
netically induced electrical fields in producing osteogenesis
and in accelerating fracture healing in laboratory animals
and 2) to determine the site and mechanism of action of elec­
trical stimulation on medullary canal cells and on fracture
callus cells.

Methods to be used include point-counting analysis of

histologic sections for new bone formation produced in an
intact medullary canal around a cathode (negative electrode)
in response to various parameters of current, voltage, electro­
static, and electromagnetic fields; mechanical testing for
maximum resistance to bending of healing fractures in labora­
tory animals; point-counting analysis of electron micrographs
of fracture callus cell in order to quantitate changes in
cytoplasmic components; electron microscopy combined with
histochemistry of fracture callus cells in order to detect
changes in cell membrane surface charges; and determination
of changes in tissue p02, 02 consumption, and pC02 by means
of a tissue tonometer system.


TITLE: Influences of Very Weak Extra-Photic Electromagnetic


PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Northwestern University


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


Systematic variations in living systems in constancy

of obvious environmental factors are reported to include
such phenomena as geographic directional preference, spon­
taneous activity and standard metabolism, seed germination
and growth, response to light, and gas and water uptake by
seeds. Correlations with weather parameters, with solar
activity and geomagnetic changes, with major geophysical
periodicities, and between organisms simultaneously investi­
gated at separated sites have been described. These together
with recent experimental demonstrations of an apparently
highly specialized organismic responsiveness to diverse
parameters of the extremely weak geoelectromagnetic fields
suggest the organismic variations to reflect responsiveness
to their varying ambient subtle physical fields and the
fields to have roles for biological clocks and orientation.
Recent discoveries of organismic interactions through bio­
logically generated electromagnetic fields and discovery of
plus and minus response states now emphasize further poten­
tial significances of the phenomenon. Objectives of this
investigation include further searches for subtle geophysical
influences for selected plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates
and include such processes as directional preferences, light
responses, spontaneous activity, growth rates, and water up­
take by seeds. Common denominators will be sought, experi­
mental manipulation and regulation of the phenomenon will be
attempted, and efforts made toward disclosure of effective
atmospheric parameters.


TITLE: EMP Effects on Cardiac Pacemakers

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: DoD, Armed Forces Radiobiology

Research Institute


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


Determine the physiological effects of EMP interference

on wearers of electronic cardiac pacemakers. Determine the
physical effects on the pacemaker circuits and components.

Conduct a literature search; hypothesize a model to pre­

dict effects; apply mathematical analysis to predict effects;
conduct bench testing to verify model; conduct in vitro test­
ing for further verification; conduct in vivo testing for
final verification. At each state of testing, modify model
as required.

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: R. I. Burgess, R. K. Schreiber

TITLE: Assessment of Environmental Changes Caused by

Power Transmission Corridors



RESEARCH PERIOD: September 1974 - August 1975


Description: Facilities related to energy production

can affect terrestrial ecosystems through cover and habitat
changes, by construction of barriers, by weather modifica­
tion, or through discharge of airborne effluent. In some
cases, human social and cultural patterns may be affected.
Proposals for new energy production facilities raise ques­
tions not only concerning short-term impact on local eco­
systems, but also concerning regional and long-term impacts.
The rapid increase in the amount of land occupied by power
lines in forested regions of the eastern United States, for
example, indicates that rights-of-way will soon be a major
land-use type. Unfortunately, there exists no up-to-date
synthesis of research dealing with the environmental changes
associated with transmission corridor construction and main­
tenance, hence it is difficult to identify areas of new re­
search that complement, not duplicate, current efforts to
minimize their ecological impact. Therefore, we propose to
synthesize both published information on power line right-
of-way effects as well as impending results from ongoing
studies. Results of current projects at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory and the Tennessee Valley Authority will be syn­
thesized. In general, this synthesis will be directed toward
the identification of critical impacts at the regional scale.


TITLE: HVDC Transmission



RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1974 - June 1976


Corona phenomena, insulation, electric fields, and

maintenance practices for dc lines up to ±600 kV have been
studied. Presently, the project has been completed, and a
design reference book is in the process of being published.


TITLE: Interaction of Electromagnetic Field with Human Body

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Michigan State University


RESEARCH PERIOD: August 1975 - July 1976


This research program will concentrate on the inter­

action of an electromagnetic field with the human body. A
theoretical study will be conducted to determine the internal
electromagnetic field induced inside the body and the ex­
ternal electromagnetic wave scattered by the body when it is
illuminated by an electromagnetic wave. To check the accu­
racy of the theoretical results, an experimental study will
be conducted to measure the electric fields induced inside of
simple boxes containing saline solution and inside the phan­
tom model which closely approximates the actual human tissues
and torso.

The theoretical method involves the numerical solution

of a tensor integral equation for the electric field induced
inside an irregularly shaped body. Various models of the
human torso or other biological systems will be considered.
It is anticipated that after the accuracy of the theoretical
method is established a user-oriented computer program for
the field calculations will be developed.


TITLE: Quantification and Measurement of Internal Electro­

magnetic Fields Induced in Finite Biological Bodies
by Nonuniform Electromagnetic Fields

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Michigan State University


RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


To develop a theoretical basis for quantification and

measurement of internal electromagnetic fields induced in
finite biological bodies by nonuniform electromagnetic fields.
Experimental confirmation will be sought by use of implant­
able probes in simulated models. A theoretical study of
implanted probes and their response within the medium will
be made. The Army is using electromagnetic radiation to
provide communication links--to probe the battle environment
for enemy presence, equipment, and activities--to control
defensive ordinance--and to control guidance of ordinance.
Individual and summed levels of these radiated energies are
becoming of considerable concern because of their effects on
the natural environment and on man.

The theoretical method will be based on numerical solu­

tion of a tensor integral equation quantifying the internal
EM field induced in a finite, heterogeneous biological body
by an incident, nonuniform EM field. In this method the body
is subdivided into a selected number of small sub-volumes and
the individual electric properties determined. Measurements
with sample probes immersed in various stimulant media will
determine parameters for testing the theoretical derivations
of probe interactions.


TITLE: Induced AC Potentials in Pipelines



RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1974 - December 1977


A tutorial handbook on induced ac potentials on pipe­

lines is being prepared. Major sections have been sub­
mitted for review, and field verification is presently
under way.

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: J. 0. Delorge, J. D. Grissett

TITLE: Performance in Non-Human Primates as Influenced

by Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


The primary objective is to make an extensive experi­

mental analysis of numerous operant behaviors in a non­
human primate, Macaca mulatta, under the influence of low
intensity, low-frequency electromagnetic fields in order
to determine if there are effects and if the effects facili­
tate or deteriorate animal behavior analogous to human be­
havior. A secondary objective is to discover if the fields
will function as stimuli for a behavioral measure of Arok:Al.

Specific behavioral tasks, previously found in humans

and animals to be sensitive to electromagnetic fields, will
be taught to Rhesus monkeys through the use of operant con­
ditioning techniques. The tasks, presented successively
through the day, assess an organism's susceptibility to
temporal stimuli, its reaction time to an auditory signal,
and its immediate memory for visual stimuli. Following the
establishment of consistent performances on the three tasks
an extremely low frequency electric field of low intensity
will be imposed about the animal and further data collected.
The field will later be removed and the original conditions
reinstated to observe the recovery of behavior to its pre­
vious levels. A similar procedure will be followed with an
extremely low frequency, low intensity magnetic field, and
also with a combined electric and magnetic field at the same
values. The second phase will utilize the electromagnetic
fields as alerting stimuli for the reaction time task. The
project should be completed within three years and the re­
sults applied to a clarification of behavioral effects gen­
erated by an extremely low frequency communication system.


TITLE: Analysis of Electric Fields from HVDC Transmission




RESEARCH PERIOD: May 1977 - January 1980


This study will establish a data base on the charac­

teristics of electric fields and air ions from HVDC trans­
mission lines operating from ±600 kV to ±1200 kV. This
data will be developed in the format to guide and evaluate
the environmental and biological studies which may be con­
ducted in the near future. This data will be collected for
a variety of conductor configurations and operating voltage


TITLE: Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Interaction

with Central Nervous System Function as Evidenced
by Measurement of Finger Tremor in Humans



RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


Nonionizing, electromagnetic (EM) radiation may inter­

act with the central nervous system (CNS). However, the
course, character, and extent of CNS interaction has not
been clearly defined. Neuromuscular microtremor measured
at the fingertip offers a sample of CNS function. The
literature amply demonstrates that normal human tremor
(typically measured with the finger pressed upon a trans­
ducer) exhibits a major peak neuromuscular frequency between
8 to 12 Hz and where the CNS has been acted upon by toxic
substances, the tremor typically shifts to a lower frequency
below 8 Hz. EM workers will be studied via micro-tremor
sampling to determine whether CNS function is affected and
to obtain better definition of the onset and course of EM

A tremor sensing device has been built and used to ob­

tain samples from EM workers and control personnel. Testing
does not involve intentional exposure of subjects to EM radi­
ation. Samples are obtained from EM workers before and after
any exposure encountered in their normal work and consist of
analog recordings from the fingertip as it is pressed onto
a sensitively balanced transducer. The transducer forms one
side of a balanced bridge circuit such that minute force
changes on the transducer cause larger unbalanced voltages
within the bridge thus obtaining a direct translation of
finger vibrations (tremor) into voltage shifts. These vol­
tage changes are analyzed through a Fourier spectrum analyzer
which yields power spectra for each 2-minute sample--literally
a sorting of frequencies with attendant power. This power
spectrum offers visual evidence of the normal tremor peak
between 8 to 12 Hz.


TITLE: Ecological Impacts Associated with High Voltage

Transmission Corridors--Management for Optimum
Productivity of Vegetation and Wildlife



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


DESCRIPTION: Objectives of this are the identification

of various types of low-growing natural vegetation forms
amendable to introduction along transmission corridors as
well as similar denuded areas, and the determination of ef­
fects of corridors on wildlife communities. The adaptation
of such natural forms to powerline areas will inhibit natu­
ral succession and subsequent development of tree species
over areas involved, thus lowering maintenance costs. Data
on wildlife responses to habitat alterations associated
with transmission corridors can be used to assess environ­
mental impacts of such corridors and to design strategies
to ameliorate such environmental impacts if and when they
are significant. Among the environmental problems asso­
ciated with electrical generating plants, the utilization
of prime lands for plant siting and transmission corridors
has become a prominent issue. Total lengths of high-voltage
overhead lines and associated right-of-way are projected to
increase from 1970 levels of 300,000 miles (4,000,000 acres)
to 500,000 miles by 1990, requiring 7,000,000 acres of right-
of-way. The impact on land usage caused by conversion of
this amount of acreage to rights-of-way may become consider­
able without proper management. Serious impacts may result
from improper clearing for line construction as well as from
faulty establishment of maintenance roads in areas where
rainfall and topography combine to cause extensive erosion.
The net result of such conditions is a general decline in
productivity of eroded areas through loss of soils and nu­
trients. Persistent herbicidal chemicals used for brush
control may be transferred to adjacent aquatic systems.
While it is obvious that maintenance of low-growing vegeta­
tion beneath overhead lines is requisite for access and pro­
tection of the lines from tree fall, the amount of land area
presently used for transmission corridors and the predicted
increases in such right-of-way acreage in the near future
demand a multiple-use approach in right-of-way management
practices with emphasis on optimum productivity of both vege­
tation and wildlife within affected areas. Important in con­
sideration of wildlife productivity is a consideration of
which species are favored by line corridors and how can trans­
mission rights-of-way be managed for multiple species.


TITLE: Effect of Physical Stimuli on Insects

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Virginia Polytechnical Institute

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Virginia State Government

RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


OBJECTIVE: Determine the response to physical stimuli

of certain insects of economic importance in Virginia, es­
pecially electromagnetic field energy, and to determine the
feasibility of the physical stimuli as an attractant or re­
pellent of insects, or as a population suppressant.

APPROACH: Insect behavior in two different fields in

the zero frequency range, namely, the magnetic and the
electrostatic fields will be studied. Experiments will be
conducted to determine the effect of electromagnetic fields:
flight chambers for orientation behavior, homogeneous fields
for egg-laying and hatchability, and CO2 production monitor­
ing for insect activity.

PROGRESS: Tests to determine the effect of electro­

static fields on oviposition among cabbage loopers were
completed. Field gradients ranging from 100 v/cm to 5000 v/cm
were considered. Results of tests show that in higher gra­
dient fields the egg production in comparatively lower than
the normal. These results are useful to evaluate the poten­
tial use of electrostatic fields for the control of insects.
A manuscript entitled Low-Intensity Magnetic Field Studies on
Cabbage Looper was completed. Final report on the study of
the effects of magnetic and electrostatic fields on insects
is being prepared.


TITLE: Effects of Magnetic and Electrostatic Fields on


PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Virginia Polytechnical Institute

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Department of Agriculture

RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


OBJECTIVE: Determine the effect of magnetic and electro­

static fields on behavior of insects of agricultural impor­
tance .

APPROACH: Using cabbage looper moths determine whether

magnetic or electrostatic fields attract or repel the in­
sects, both alone and in combination with other physical
stimuli. Determine whether other effects than attraction/
repellency occur, and the effects on response of selected
promising variables. Reactions of flies will be tested for

PROGRESS: Experiments were conducted to study the ef­

fects of electrostatic fields on oviposition by cabbage
loopers. Cylindrical chambers (4 in in diameter and 3 in
high), built so that an electrostatic field of desired vol­
tage gradient could be generated on one half of the chamber
and no field on the other half, were used. Moths (one fe­
male and two males) were kept in the chamber until six days
old. Results from tests using a voltage gradient of 1000 v/cm
indicate that the electrostatic fields may suppress the ovi­
position among loopers. Similar tests are in progress to
determine the effects of variables such as field gradient
and exposure duration on the observed behavior. After it
was found that cabbage looper moths were able to sense
electrostatic fields, tests were conducted on its effect on
flight behavior as indicated by wingbeat frequency. Results
on two series of tests have shown that the electrostatic
field stimulant caused significant increase in wingbeat among
male moths and no significant change among female moths.
The results of a third series of similar tests conducted
on male moths showed no significant change in wingbeat fre­
quency. Tests to study the effects of electrostaic fields
on insect activity level as indicated by CO2 production were
completed. The results are being analyzed.


TITLE: Phytochrome Mediated Changes in Transmembrane and

Surface Electrical Charges of Plant Cells

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of Vermont State

Agricultural College


RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


OBJECTIVE: Ascertain the nature of the changes in the

surface electrical charges of Mung bean root cap cells which
are detectable soon after exposure of the roots to red light.
Investigate red light-induced changes in transmembrane elec­
trical potentials of oat coleoptile cells known to contain
phytochrome. Both types of investigation are directed towards
understanding the role of the cell membrane in the early
events of phytochrome action.

APPROACH: Surface electrical effects are studied by

measuring the adhesion of root cap tissues to electrically
polarized electrodes and by the microscopic detection of the
movement of cells and the parts of cells in a high restricted,
pulsating electric field. Membrane electrical potentials are
measured by conventional microelectrode techniques.
PROGRESS: We studied three rapid phytochrome-mediated
responses in plants in an effort to find a unifying feature
in the early physiological effects following the pigment
phototransformation. Responses examined were the charge
development on root tips, the external electrical field in
oat coleoptiles and the K-controlled leaf movement in
Samanea. Experiments on oat coleoptiles and Samanea indi-
cate that red and far-red light cause reversible changes in
cellular membrane potential within seconds. Preliminary
experiments with oats also suggest improved electrical
coupling between cells in red light. Similar voltage changes
are not manifested by cells in Mung bean root tips and our
evidence shows that fixed charges, external to the cell mem­
brane, may be involved. Electrophoresis of root cap cells
under varying conditions of light, ion concentration and
osmotic potential, provides data which we feel can best be
interpreted in terms of alterations in charged groups of
membrane-associated proteins.


TITLE: The Effects of Low Power Density Electromagnetic

Energy on Biological Systems



RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


To study the electrophysiology (i.e., brain wave activity

and heart rate) and behavior of reptiles exposed to low power
density (i.e., less than/equal to 10 MW/cm^) EM radiation at
960 MHz and 2450 MHz.

Turtles--land tortoises, the North American box turtle,

the North American painted turtle, and the southern California
desert tortoise will be used. Electroencephalograms (EEG)
and electro-cardiograms (EKG) will be recorded from semi-
chronically implanted animals. Averaged cortical evoked
potentials using a computer of averaged transients will also
be recorded. Animals will be unanesthetized, but fully re­
strained during exposure and recordings. Baseline recordings
prior to field exposure will be compared with those obtained
when an animal is exposed to EM irradiation. The cumulation
effects of recurring field exposure will also be investigated.


TITLE: Sensory Systems of Sea Turtles



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


1) Investigate sensory systems of sea turtles suspected

employed in long distance, open-sea navigation; 2) develop
information on neuronal control mechanisms involved in be­
haviors including deep and prolonged diving.

1) Use spectral analyses of electroencephalograms and

averaged cortical evoked potentials to determine sensitivity
to chemoreceptive stimuli, low-frequency sound, weak electric
fields; 2) use hardware and/or multiplex FM telemetry to in­
vestigate brain and somatic electrophysiological and biolog­
ical changes with behavior including long-term and deep dives


TITLE: Free Energy Transduction in Photosynthetic Membranes

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Charles F. Kettering Research



RESEARCH PERIOD: May 1976 - April 1977


Experiments with photosynthetic bacteria have furnished

a remarkable amount of insight into the way living things
capture, transduce and use free energy. The physical chem­
istry of electron transport and the nature of the coupling
of electron transfers with intra- and trans-membrane elec­
trical fields have been investigated using the techniques
of light absorption and emission and ESR spectrometry.
Whether there may be importance in the way the free energy
of activation and the net free energy of electron transfers
are divided between entropy and enthalpy is now questioned.
Research will be conducted on: (1) how electrical fields
influence electron transport; (2) how the free energy of the
membrane potential is apportioned between entropy and en­
thalpy; (3) what the mechanisms of the several chemilumi­
nescences are; (4) the sequence of electron acceptors in
Rhodopseudomonas viridis chromatophores; (5) how the thermo­
dynamics of electron transport in R. viridis compare with
that in Rhodespirillum rubrum: (6) treatments which influence
light emission; (7) how the thermodynamics of electron trans­
port and phosphorylation in C3 and C4 plants differ; and
(8) the geometrical arrangement of pigments in isolated
reaction centers.


TITLE: Synthesis of Data and Information Received in

Response to EPA Federal Registered Notice of
March 18, 1975



RESEARCH PERIOD: June 1977 - March 1978


The responses to the Federal Register Notice of March 18,

1975 will be summarized and reviewed. The work is presently
just beginning.


TITLE: The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Blood Clotting in

a Controlled In Vitro Environment



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


No summary has been provided to the Science Information



TITLE: Fluid Shear or Magnetic Alignment of Blood




RESEARCH PERIOD: June 1976 - May 1977


The objective of this project is to identify quantita­

tively field mechanisms of interaction in blood due to either
fluid flow (rate-of-shear) or externally applied fields (elec­
tric or magnetic). Two such effects that have been documented
recently are the delay of in vitro thrombus formation due to
either increasing rate-of-slfear m the flow or the applica­
tion of an external magnetic field. The efforts of this re­
search will be focused on the working hypothesis that the
mechanism which results in these effects is the preferential
alignment of one or more of the macromolecular participants
in the in vitro thrombus-formation process.

Fresh whole blood (wb) or platelet-rich-plasma (prp)

from fasted normal donors will be used to produce coagula
under the controlled in vitro flow conditions of a modified
Chandler rotating loop system. The effects to be studied
include: a) the dependence of thrombus-formation time in
prp and wb on field strength and rate-of-shear, b) the de­
pendence of thrombus structure in wb and prp on field strength
and rate-of-shear. The reduced sedimentation of erythrocytes
in whole blood or single protein solutions in a transverse
field will be examined theoretically and experimentally in
order to identify orientation effects. Solutions of single
blood proteins will be examined using the optical techniques
of spectrophotometry, spectropolarimetry and birefringence
to quantify their orientation in a transverse magnetic field.

R. F. Harris

TITLE: Response of Plants and Microorganisms to Extremely

Low Frequency Electric Fields

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of Wisconsin

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Wisconsin State Government

RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


OBJECTIVE: Study the effect of electric fields upon

plant and microbial metabolism.

APPROACH: Microorganisms will be subjected to low fre­

quency electric fields (45 cycle) of 10 volts/m and higher.
Radiotracer-enzyme kinetics will be used to determine trans­
port constants, uptake velocities and turnover times and
rates for solutes in the presence and absence of the electric
field. Single plants will be grown in soils under controlled
environmental conditions with and without electric fields in
the rooting zone. Transpiration flux, water potential drop
between soil and plant, and leaf stomatal resistance will be

PROGRESS: No effect of low-frequency electric fields of

10 volts/m were found for uptake of glucose by Pseudomonas
solanacearum so the field strength was increased to 50 volts/m.
No effect of the higher field strength was noted. The previous
experiment with the growth of snap beans grown in soil were re­
peated with a lower soil bulk density and higher fertility level
than before. Plants were harvested after eight weeks growth.
Plants exposed continuously to a field of 10 volts/m appeared
to grow slightly better. Results were not significantly dif­
ferent at the 5% level, but were at 10%. Two runs with nu­
trient solutions in place of soil were made. In the first of
these none of the plants grew well and there was a significant
reduction of growth in the cells exposed to the electric field.
In a second run the plant growth was much better with a slight
increase in growth associated with the electric field. Cause
of the contradictory results is not known.


TITLE: Field Evaluation of Effects of High Voltage

Power Lines



RESEARCH PERIOD: August 1976 - December 1978


The exposure of honeybees to maximum electric fields

under a 765-kV power line will be investigated. Study topics
include honey and wax production, reproductive success, hive
health, activity, and behavior. Presently, the feasibility
aspects have been completed, and hives are being established
for 765-kV power lines as the initial step in the longer-
range program.


TITLE: Biological Basis of Orientation Behavior



RESEARCH PERIOD: April 1976 - March 1977


This renewal of grant GB-28433X will support continued

research on orientation of birds, bats, and men. To analyze
the possible role of sounds in the behavior of migrating
birds, the research will investigate (1) flight calls of mi­
grants recorded with a slaved acoustic reflector aligned
with the beam of a tracking radar, (2) natural sound fields
audible to migrants over land and ocean, (3) the possibility
that birds echolocate the ground, and (4) behavioral reac­
tions of migrants to sounds. Visual responses of migrants
to flashing light beams will also be investigated. To in­
vestigate the possibility that birds orient by a "magnetic
sense," an attempt will be made to elicit, from birds flying
for long periods of time in a wind tunnel, responses to mag­
netic field changes comparable to those they might encounter
under natural conditions. Finally, correlated observations
will be begun with the tracking radar and an acoustic sounder
to determine whether birds selectively fly in rising compo­
nents of internal gravity waves or roll votices. Previous
psychophysical measurements of human echo perception will be
extended to explore the mechanisms that limit human echolo-
cation in comparison with that of bats and cetaceans. On­
togeny of echolocation behavior will be studied using young
bats with limited opportunities for practice flights before
their first independent flights and the development of insect­
hunting behavior.


TITLE: Develop and Validate Equations to Allow Extrapolation

of RF Animal Data to Man for Hazard Assessment

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of Washington


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


The purpose of this effort is to develop mathematical

models of the interaction of electromagnetic fields with
man. These equations are necessary because of the increased
recent concern about electromagnetic pollution of the environ­
ment and possible deleterious effects on humans. Accurate
prediction of power deposition and distribution coupled with
thermal flux equations are necessary elements formulating AF
safety criteria.

Known tissue conductivities, dielectrics and loss tan­

gents will be used to model electromagnetic interactions with
a two-meter 70-kg normal man. Thermal flux equations will be
utilized to determine rates of heat flux away from sites of
dielectric discontinuity and predict temperature changes of
those sites. The gross core temperature change can be de­
termined, in principle, by integrating heat flux from such
sites and comparing with normal heat loss mechanisms. Con­
siderable difficulties are introduced by the lack of formal
conformation of man or other animals. Such departures from
regular ellipsoidal objects introduces great difficulty in
finding general solutions for appropriate field equations,
and will probably necessitate a semi-empirical approach to
some partial solutions. For this reason, elementary circuit
analysis, heat flux and circulatory dynamics within published
state-of-the-art are the purpose of this effort. A later
effort, based on equations developed here, will be undertaken
to refine frequency domain interactions and field vector


TITLE: Quantitative Effects of EM Energy on Human Tissues

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of Washington


RESEARCH PERIOD: June 1976 - May 1977


The overall objectives of the total project involve the

advancement of the current knowledge of electromagnetic (EM)
field interaction with man, experimental animals, and iso­
lated nerve preparations in order to provide useful informa­
tion for promulgating realistic safe exposure standards.
Both theoretical and experimental interdisciplinary investi­
gations will be carried out to: 1) quantitatively establish
the EM field pattern within and external to human and animal
tissues exposed to various EM sources as a function of fre­
quency, source configuration, and source locations; 2) expose
test animals to these EM sources while monitoring incident
and absorbed power densities; 3) observe physiological char­
acteristics of animals before, during and after exposure to
both low and high power EM sources; 4) based on the above,
determine safe levels of exposure of man to various sources
as a function of frequency; 5) ascertain the hazards associ­
ated with human exposure to routine diathermy treatment; and
6) develop safe methods for the application and monitoring
of EM energy in diathermy practice.


TITLE: Evaluation of Electromagnetic Interference on Medical

Devices and the Development of a Medical Device
Electromagnetic Compatibility Standard

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: McDonnell Douglas Corporation


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


No summary has been provided to the Smithsonian Science

Information Exchange.


TITLE: Effect of Electric Fields on Fruit Flies

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Battelle Northwest Laboratories


RESEARCH PERIOD: September 1975 - September 1977


This classical biological subject is being used for a

preliminary test to investigate the possible effects of ex­
tremely high level fields from dc power lines.

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: F. P. Hungate, R. L. Richardson

TITLE: Genetic Effects from Electric Fields at the Chromo­

somal Level of Drosophila

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Battelle Memorial Institute


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


OBJECTIVE: This work seeks to identify the potential

for change in the genetic material following exposure to dc
and ac electric fields.

APPROACH: Small organisms or cell systems are exposed

to uniform and well-characterized electric fields and subse­
quently analyzed for the presence of genetic change.

PLANS AND PROGRESS: 30-cm Copper discs with rolled

edges and central connectors were fabricated as the elec­
trodes, using lucite rings 1.5 to 6 cm high as spacers.
Initial tests in which Drosophila were simultaneously ex­
posed to 1500 rads gamma radiation and to a 300-V/m field
failed to show an increased frequency of sex linked lethals
attributable to the dc field. Other exposures of Drosophila
to the dc field are in progress using the Muller-5 test to
evaluate frequencies of induced sex linked lethals. Cultures
of Salmonella were obtained from Dr. Bruce Ames and are being
used to evaluate mutagenesis in bacteria.


TITLE: Genetic Effects from Electric Fields at the Chromo­

somal Level of Drosophila

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Battelle Memorial Institute


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


The primary purpose of this project is to test for genetic

effects of electric fields at the chromosal level, using
Drosophila strains bearing appropriate markers to detect
frequencies of offspring bearing new linkage relationships.
A mechanism by which environmental factors can affect kary­
otype has been known since the 1943 work of Sax showed that
dislocation of broken chromosome ends leads to increased fre­
quencies of aberrations. If the ends are not disturbed,
restitution with no resultant detectable lesion is the rule.
Since the chromosome has uneven charge distribution, electric
fields may cause movement of the broken ends of spontaneously
broken chromosomes with increased frequencies of aberrations.
This could be a factor in increasing frequencies of dominant
lethals in germinal cells and in producing aberrant karyotypes
in somatic cells. Microorganisms will also be used in the
study to supplement and extend the date. DC fields will be
studied initially with follow-on work on ac fields.


TITLE: Hydrodynamics of Cilia and Flagella, and

Application of Physical Ion Exchange Theory
to Biology

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of California


RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1974 - September 1975


The swimming of microorganisms is a dual problem in

engineering and in biology. In the past, application of
engineering theories to the subject has been greatly hin­
dered and distorted by our lack of knowledge of exactly how
cilia and flagella move. Dr. Jahn is now able to take the
first pictures of the cilia of a swimming Paramecium, there­
by opening a completely new area of ciliary hydrodynamics
and physiology, because the patterns of ciliary movement of
swimming and stationary organisms are very different.

He plans to continue to investigate further 1) the hydro-

dynamics of cilia and flagella, and 2) various new applica­
tions of the theories of physical ion exchange to biology.
The second is a direct outgrowth of the first, and is of
even broader significance.

Applications of the theories of physical ion exchangers

are planned for several fields, including ciliary reversal,
anodal contraction of protoplasm of protozoa, egg cells, tis­
sue culture cells, and directional migration of cells (flagel­
lates, sperm, amebas, tissue culture cells) in an electric
field, with variations in the Gibbs-Donnan ratio of the me­
dium. Other specific applications now in progress involve
pincytosis, phagocytosis, ameboflagellate transformations,
and the mechanism of origin of transmembrane bioelectrical


TITLE: Electric Field Effects on Oriented Porphyrin


PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: City University of New York


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


No summary has been provided to the Smithsonian Science

Information Exchange.


TITLE: Electric Field and Electromagnetic Sensor

Capabilities of Marine Organisms

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute


RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


A complete understanding of how marine organisms per­

ceive, orient, and react to weak electric and electromagnetic
fields in the ocean environment is important for Naval opera­
tions involving deployment of galvanic hardware systems and
for the protection of Naval swimmer/diver personnel. The
results relate to causal factors of shark attack on both per­
sonnel and hardware and potentially to the orientation of
marine bacteria which may be initial components in marine
corrosion biochemistry systems.

The principal investigator is studying the neural mech­

anisms and associated behavioral responses in marine organisms
to natural electric and electromagnetic fields. The principal
areas of concern are the biological relevance of an electric
sense, the biophysics of electroreceptor systems and the cen­
tral processing of the electrical information at lower brain


TITLE: Avian Orientation and Navigation


SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Department of Agriculture

RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


OBJECTIVE: Elucidate the fundamentals of animal naviga­

tional systems as expressed in the homing and migratory ac­
tivities of birds.

APPROACH: The investigation will utilize both loft-

based birds and a planetarium, and involve homing pigeons,
long-distance migrant birds, and night-flying pigeons. The
impact of stellar cues, magnetic cues, prior "training," and
the switch mechanism on navigational behavior will be ex­
amined .

PROGRESS: Studies of the ontogeny of navigation be­

havior in young pigeons have continued; this approach has
greatly facilitated our teasing apart of the elements in
the navigational system. Work has also continued on the ef­
fects of magnetic disturbances on pigeon orientation and on
the relationship between the magnetic and celestial com­
passes. New evidence indicates the relationship between
changes in the birds' bearings and natural fluctuations of
the earth's magnetic field do indicate a cause and effect
relationship. Attempts to replicate the experiments of
F. Papi concerning olfaction in avian navigation have con­
tinued, so far with negative results. We have developed some
new experimental designs to test this hypothesis, and we are
assaying the olfactory capabilities of pigeons in our lab.
Studies of the special sensory capabilities in birds have
continued, with a demonstration that birds can probably de­
tect both infrasound and ultraviolet light, neither of which
was previously thought possible. Research on the navigational
capabilities of free-flying migrants has involved artificial
displacement of birds long distances both in longitude and in
latitude. For example, Harris Sparrows were tested after dis­
placement 1500 miles east and young European warblers follow­
ing displacement 3000 miles south, work on migratory shore
birds began this year. Individuals of three different species
were reared from the egg under various artificial conditions
of visual confinement or magnetic alteration.


TITLE: Studies in Avian Orientation



RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977

This renewal of grant BMS 72-02198 (formerly GB-35199X)
will support a continuing broad investigation of the orien­
tational and navigational basis of migration and homing in
birds. The possible use of various meteorological phenomena
as cues for orientation will be investigated, as will the
roles of the sun and the stars, polarized light, magnetic
fields, odors, infrasound, and various parts of the inner
ear. Special emphasis will be placed on studies of the
development of orientation behavior in young birds, an ap­
proach which has proved powerful in analyzing the integra­
tion of cuing systems. A detailed study of release-site
biases in pigeon homing will be continued, as characteris­
tics of the biases may provide clues to the nature of the
navigational "map." Radar-tracking studies of the direc­
tional decision-making process of free-flying migrants will
also be continued, as will studies of the role of social be­
havior in bird orientation. Several species of warblers
that use quite different migratory strategies will be studied
to examine the possibility that circannual rhythms play a
role in determining the sort of orientation used by the birds
in each stage of their migration. Understanding the orien­
tational systems of birds is important for preservation of
endangered migratory species, for management of migratory
game birds and waterfowl, and for evaluating the environ­
mental impacts of large-scale chemical (olfactory) pollution
and of power lines, antenna systems, or other major magnetic
or electrical disturbances.


TITLE: DC Field Strength Instrumentation



RESEARCH PERIOD: May 1977 - October 1978


The objective is to develop an instrument to measure

the electric field air conductivity or air ion content under
HVDC transmission lines. Presently, the work has just begun.


TITLE: Hatchability of Chicken and Turkey Eggs



RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


OBJECTIVE: Investigate and evaluate incubational and pre-

incubational factors influencing hatchability of chicken and tur­
key eggs under southern climatic conditions. Determine causes
of egg spoilage during incubation and establish methods of pre­
venting this condition. Correlate incubational and pre-incuba-
tional factors necessary for optimum embryonic development with
seasons. Investigate interrelationships between hatchability
and other genetic characters of economic importance under vary­
ing incubational and pre-incubational conditions.

APPROACH: Pedigree hatching eggs will be characterized af­

ter treatment by making various chemical and weight measurements
of the shell, albumen and yolk of eggs one week each month.
Similar eggs from the same pedigreed hens will be incubated
usually under three incubation conditions to determine treat­
ment effects. Egg spoilage during incubation and public health
pressures are problems of considerable importance to the hatch­
ery industry. Studies are in progress to determine methods of
efficiently preventing spoilage of hatching eggs and of sani­
tizing hatching eggs prior to and during incubation. Genetic
differences in the various egg characteristics must eventually
be related to other physiological characteristics of the bird to
avoid genetic antagonisms. Maintaining records on a pedigree
basis allows one to study these potential antagonisms.

PROGRESS: Laying hens and males exposed to three types of

electromagnetic fields for a 20-week period resulted in signi­
ficant differences in rate of egg production. There were no
significant differences produced in fertility, hatchability,
chick quality or sex ratio. Continuous exposure to microwaves
at low power densities and low-level magnetic and electric
fields does not appear to influence reproductive ability of
chickens. Commercial turkey hatcheries are calling and ques­
tioning the value of antibiotic egg dipping. Work in this lab­
oratory shows that liquid uptake by eggs using either vacuum or
temperature differential dipping is extremely variable. Some
eggs fail to absorb dip solution. This makes the process of
questionable value. Why this variability?


TITLE: Epidemiological Field Study of Athermal Non-Ionizing

ELF Electromagnetic Radiation Effects



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


Study to provide complete, accurate clinical and epi­

demiological base lines on health of technicians exposed to
ELF radiation at Sanguine Test Facility, Clam Lake, Wisconsin.

The health status of Sanguine 'test subjects' who con­

tinue to be exposed to ELF radiation will be evaluated by
complete annual examinations. Any changes in the health
status of these subjects will be recorded in the form of a
'problem oriented' medical record.


TITLE: Investigation into the Environmental Effects

of HVDC Transmission Lines

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Western Interstate Commission

for Higher Education


RESEARCH PERIOD: May 1976 - May 1977


A high voltage ±400-kV dc transmission line, which has

been in service between Oregon and Los Angeles for over seven
years, will be studied relevant to possible biological ef­
fects. This study will include field observation of plants,
wildlife, and domestic animals, and will attempt to identify
the possible significance of any observed effects.


TITLE: A Transmission Line Raptor Study





The effect of electric field strength on towers, along

with other transmission line effects, such as audible noise,
will be investigated in raptors, particularly on the success
of their nests.


TITLE: Significance of Pulsatile Blood Flow Waveforms

in Peripheral Vascular Surgery

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Veterans Administration

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Veterans Administration

RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the parameters

of the pulsatile blood flow waveforms obtained by noninvasive
and invasive flow measurement techniques provide new insight
to each parameter and significance to pathophysiology of vas­
cular disease. A new noninvasive EMF, using a magnetic field
generated by large permanent magnate exterior to the body and
skin electrodes for detecting voltages proportional to quan­
tity of blood flow, continues to be evaluated. Important ad­
vantages determined are: good safety; repeated measurement
capability; nurse and technician use; a rapid test
procedure; immediate analysis of results; and an excellent
monitoring device. Noninvasive EMF waveforms correlate well
with invasive EMF waveforms. Analysis of electrical impe­
dance waveforms using waveform descriptors, moment determina­
tion and Fourier Analysis continues. A computerized data
reduction system and analysis is rapid and provides "on-line"
utilization for clinic testing, operating room testing, and
patient monitoring. The invasive EMF has been utilized for
observation of hemodynamic responses of prosthetic Dacron and
Teflon, autogenous saphenous vein and modified Bovine Artery
Bypass Grafts. Quantitative observations of the descriptors
of pulsatile blood flow patterns indicate that within the
limits of physical structure an arterial graft will assume
some or all of the hemodynamic features of the host's circu­
latory system.


TITLE: Study of the Electric Fields Surrounding Trout



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


Work is being continued at the University of Arizona

on this project. It has been expanded to include work on
warm water fish as well as on trout.

Preliminary results indicate a very much lower electric

field around largemouth bass and talapia than associated with


TITLE: Study of Electronarcosis for Handling Trout



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


Work is underway to study the feasibility of holding

game fish in a state of narcosis for periods of several hours
A study has been undertaken to determine what effects will
occur on the fishes' alertness, feeding patterns, etc. when
they have been held for periods of several hours under the in
fluence of electric fields.


TITLE: HVDC Transmission Between ±600 kV and ±1200 kV

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: HydroQuebec Institute of Research


RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1975 - December 1977


Corona phenomena, insulation, and power supply require­

ments for contaminated insulators research will be studied.
Presently, the insulation and power supply studies have been
completed, but corona tests are continuing.


TITLE: Electromagnetic Field Orientation



RESEARCH PERIOD: September 1974 - August 1975


The proposed research is to examine the hypothesis that

migratory fishes can orient to the earth's magnetic field and
to the electric fields generated by ocean currents. The spe­
cific objectives, using American eels and Atlantic salmon, are
to determine: (1) a conditioned behavioral dc electric cur­
rent sensitivity threshold; (2) if the fishes can discriminate
the polarity of a weak dc electric field; (3) if the orienta­
tion of a weak electric or magnetic field can influence the
fishes' body orientation; (4) if electroreceptors are present
in the integument of eels.


TITLE: Effects of 60 Hz Fields on the Mammalian Central

Nervous System



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


The objective of this research is to determine the ef­

fects of 60-Hz fields from high-voltage transmission lines
on the central nervous system of mammals.

Specific studies to be accomplished include: 1) effects

on biological rhythms in rats, 2) effects on conditional be­
havior in primates, 3) effects on neuroendocrine mechanisms
in rats and primates, and 4) effects on the neurochemistry of
brain tissue.


TITLE: Electric Field Instrumentation and Calibration

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: National Bureau of Standards


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - July 1978


Requirements for traceability, performance criteria, and

meter specifications for electric field measurement equipment
will be established. A report will soon be available on the
calibration of ac electric field intensity meters.


TITLE: Psycho-Acoustic Response to Noise in the Audible

Spectrum for HV Transmission Lines



RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1976 - October 1978


The audible noise of ac and dc transmission lines will

be investigated. The human responses to such noise sources,
in terms of the noise spectrum and intensity, will be con­
sidered. An interim report on the preliminary phases should
be available soon.


TITLE: Effect of Transmission Lines on Bird Flight Behavior



RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1977 - September 1978


The effect of various physical types of transmission

line structures on bird mortality, as developed by collision
during flight, will be evaluated. Possible side effects of
electric fields will be considered as part of this study.


TITLE: Effects of Chronic Exposure to High Peak Power

Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation on Animals



RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


The objective of this study is to evaluate the long

term effects of exposure to high peak power (hpp) pulsed
electromagnetic radiation. There have been few experiments
to date investigating these areas. It is intended to find
some areas of interaction between the hpp radiation and the
functioning biological systems in animals. These areas of
interaction will then be investigated in greater detail.
The primary aim is to develop information useful in safety
factor analysis.

The experimental approach involves the chronic (up to

10 months) exposure of laboratory animals, usually rodents,
to hpp electromagnetic radiation. Three groups of approxi­
mately 100 animals each will be used as follows. Two groups
of 100 animals each (70 experimental, 30 controls) will be
exposed from day of birth to full maturity. At two months
of age, 7 experimentals and 3 controls will be sacrificed at
20-day intervals and analyzed. The third group of 100 (again
70 experimentals, 30 controls) will be exposed from birth and
then sacrificed from birth + 1 day to 2 months at 2“day in­
tervals for the first 10 days and twice weekly intervals for
the remaining time. After sacrifice in each case a variety
of parameters will be investigated, to include clinical hema-
tologies (hematocrit, platelet count, wbc, differential count),
serum proteins, gross anatomy, and activity of a series of
glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes (phosphoglycerate kinase,
phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase, and hexokinase) from
liver, skeletal muscle and heart. This approach should iden­
tify specific areas for further, more detailed studies of
in vivo and in vitro systems.


TITLE: Prevention of Thrombosis by Applied Electric Fields



RESEARCH PERIOD: June 1976 - June 1977


Work done in the field of thrombogenesis indicates that

electrokinetic phenomena are intimately associated with in­
hibition of blood clotting in vivo and in vitro. Preliminary
studies point to the possibTTity of using externally applied
electric fields to prevent thrombosis in situations of clini­
cal importance. Practical application of these preliminary
findings depends upon an improved understanding of how electro-
kinetic phenomena interact with hemodynamic factors in systems
where thrombogenesis is possible. The key to this understanding
lies in a combined theoretical-experimental investigation, such
as the one proposed here. The proposal outlines laboratory
and analytical techniques to be used in uncovering relation­
ships among vessel surface charge characteristics, flow re­
gimes, and clotting times in vitro. Also proposed are the
development and testing of an engineering prototype for elec­
trically preventing thrombogenesis in clinical applications
involving extracorporeal circulation.


TITLE: Biological Effects of High Strength Electric Fields

on Small Laboratory Animals

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Battelle Northwest Laboratories


RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1976 - April 1978


The response of small laboratory animals exposed to ac

and dc electric fields is being investigated. A carefully
controlled exposure system has been constructed, and tests
are currently underway. To date, no biological effects have
been discovered.


TITLE: Electric Field Effects on Large Animals

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Battelle Northwest Laboratories


RESEARCH PERIOD: March 1976 - February 1978


The effects of chronic exposure of Hanford Miniature

Swine to high-voltage electric fields will be studied. Test
animals will be exposed from conception through duration of
the project of field levels greater than those found under
power lines, but below perception levels. Constant clinical
assays will be taken to identify the subtle effects. Pres­
ently, the exposure systems have been constructed and are
being tested. Breeding protocols and biological test pro­
cedures for two generations of animals have been designed.


TITLE: Resistivity

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Department of the Interior

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Department of the Interior

RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


Project objectives are the documentation of variations

in electrical properties or electrification phenomena pre­
cursory to earthquakes, and evaluation of atmospheric elec­
tric field changes as a possible cause of anomalous animal
behavior preceding earthquakes. Studies of stress orienta­
tion variations at Oroville from aftershock focal mechanisms
are continuing.


TITLE: EM Response



RESEARCH PERIOD: October 1976 - September 1977


The ability of pigeons to discriminate between the

presence and absence of electromagnetic fields in the 10 to
300 MHz and 0.1- to 1000-Hz ranges will be determined through
measurements utilizing operant conditioning techniques. Re­
sponse thresholds will be sought below field intensities
which might cause direct tissue heating.

In the high frequency range exposures up to 100 V/m

will be provided in a TEM cell with a far-field free-space
relationship between magnetic and electric components. In
the low frequency range a loop surrounding the pigeon will
generate a magnetic field and intensities up to a few oer­
steds will be used. Several different behaviors will be
observed and responses recorded both during and following
exposures. Numerous exposure and non-exposure baseline tests
will be completed and results examined with statistical pro­
cedures .


TITLE: Mechanical and Electrical Effects on Osteogenesis

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of Connecticut


RESEARCH PERIOD: April 1976 - March 1977


The objectives of this project are to: a) develop an

experimental model for the study of mechanical and electrical
effects on bone remodeling, b) delineate some early biochemical
cellular events evoked by these stimuli and relate them to sub­
sequent tissue changes, and c) use this approach to search for the
optimal combination of mechanical, electrical and pharmacol­
ogical means for clinical application.

The methods employed will include quantitative applica­

tion of mechanical pressure and/or electric fields to long
bones (organ explants) and cells in culture. Cyclic nucleo­
tide accumulation, DNA replication and glucose utilization
will be measured. In addition, histologic, autoradiographic,
morphometric and vital staining methods will be used to ex­
amine cellular (cell division, cell migration, cytodifferen-
tiation) and tissue changes, which will be related to the
molecular events.

The accumulated knowledge should lead to the efficient

utilization of mechanical and electrical techniques in the
treatment of hard tissue problems including: craniofacial
anomalies, periodontal disease, bone fractures and other re­
lated disorders.


TITLE: Environmental Effects of BPA 1100 kV Test

Transmission Lines

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Battelle Northwest Laboratories


RESEARCH PERIOD: May 1976 - January 1979


The Bonneville Power Administration is constructing an

1100 kV test line to study electrical design parameters.
This test site will also be used to study the electrical
effects on vegetation, wildlife, and domestic animals. Work
has already begun on monitoring the parameters in the afore­
mentioned areas.


TITLE: Minimally-Invasive Stimulation with Implanted Diode



RESEARCH PERIOD: June 1976 - May 1977


Electrical stimulation of biological tissues is currently

used or under active consideration for use in the treatment
of clinical problems. While the possibility of selective
electrical stimulation of a localized region within the body
by completely noninvasive means has been postulated on theo­
retical grounds, such stimulation has yet to be demonstrated
experimentally. However, the selective stimulation of a lo­
calized region within the body can be achieved by implanting
a very small diode at the desired site and then applying a
pulsed radio-frequency field by means of electrodes or a coil
on or near the surface of the body.

We have derived reasonably complete theoretical descrip­

tions of the two systems on the basis of an idealized model
in which circular electrodes or the coil are placed on the
surface of a semi-infinite homogeneous medium. In our descrip­
tions, the direct current component of diode current is re­
lated to the power input to the electrode pair or to the coil
and to the geometry of the system.

We are currently evaluating the two systems for the

cardiac pacing of dogs and intend to extend our study to
cover other stimulation applications. We also intend to de­
rive input power-diode current relationships for more complex


TITLE: Electrical and Acoustic Properties of Biologic


PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of Pennsylvania


RESEARCH PERIOD: September 1976 - November 1976


Research on the electrical and acoustic properties of

biological materials and related problem areas such as elec­
trode polarization and forces induced by alternating elec­
trical fields acting on biological particles. Present and
future emphasis will be on: (a) the behavior of electrodes
used for impedance measurements and excitation purposes in
physiology and cardiology (pacemaker) in frequency and time
domain; b) electrical characteristics of macromolecules and
water bound to their surface; c) electrical characteristics
of biological and artificial cells and membranes as related
to their structure and function; d) acoustic properties of
tissues and biological macromolecules and the reasons why
their specific absorption varies so considerably from one
type to another; and e) field-induced force effects , particularly
alternating field induced forces acting on biological cells
and of significance from either a hazard point of view or
with a potential for new biological research techniques.


TITLE: Model Field Measurements



RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1976 - July 1977


The objective is to determine if miniature model sub­

stations are valid predictors of electric field strength
in substations, and to develop small measurement devices.
Presently, a scale model of an existing 345-kV substation
has been built and tested. The tests to date have demon­
strated that an energized scale model is a valid analog
design tool for an ac substation, and can be used to map
and modify the electric field. Further work is underway
to develop a simplified model for ac substations and to
expand its range of use.


TITLE: Model Field Measurements



RESEARCH PERIOD: August 1977 - June 1979


The objective of this study is to determine if miniature

model substations are valid predictors of electric field
strength in high-voltage dc substations. Presently, the
contract is under negotiation.


TITLE: The Effects of a Magnetic Field on a Catalyzed

Reaction Rate 6799-C

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of California


RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


To investigate the effects of an applied magnetic field

on the rates of catalyzed reactions such as ortho-parahydrogen
conversion reaction on crystalline alpha-chromia. This re­
search could involve heterogeneous catalysis in a method of
accelerating the rate of chemical reactions related to the
dissociation and destruction of toxic substances.

Special emphasis will be placed on determining the ef­

fects of terrestrial magnetism on the rates of catalyzed
reactions, on the implications of this for all such reac­
tions, and on the role that terrestrial magnetism may have
played in the development of living matter.


TITLE: Biological Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


To determine biological hazards associated with a long­

term exposure in an electromagnetic pulsed field. Data is
required for evaluating potential occupational hazards asso­
ciated with long-term exposures to electromagnetic pulsed

Sixty male leukemia-prone mice (AKR-J), 20 mammary tumor-

prone female Sprague-Dawley rats and 150 male rats to be
serially sacrificed for bioassay data will be exposed con­
tinuously (23 hr/day) in an EMP field for about a year. An
equal number of animals will serve as controls. The exposure
will consist of one pulse/second with a peak field intensity
up to 500 kV/m with a mixed frequency component up to 100 MHz.
Data will be evaluated to determine if any abnormal biological
effects such as an increased incidence and rate of neoplasms,
changes in hematological parameters, increased chromosomal
aberrations, etc., occurred during the exposure period.


TITLE: Effects of Constant and Very Low Frequency Magnetic

Fields on Circadian Rhythms

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of California


RESEARCH PERIOD: March 1977 - February 1978


Despite extensive investigation of the possible influences

of magnetic fields upon living systems, there exists almost no
certain knowledge of the relation between an organism and its
magnetic environment. The profound implications of a new sen­
sory modality or of a physiological response to or dependence
upon geomagnetic fields, together with the number and variety
of reports of organismic sensitivity of magnetic fields which
have appeared in the literature, demand continued serious in­
vestigation. Because circadian rhythms are a fundamental prop­
erty of almost all organisms, a demonstrable influence of
magnetic fields upon them would imply a fundamental sensitiv­
ity of living systems to magnetic fields. Dr. Skiles will in­
vestigate the possible influences of magnetic fields on
circadian activity rhythms using insects and small mammals as
experimental subjects. Using coaxial permalloy cylinders to
shield the subjects from ambient magnetic fields, he will in­
vestigate the following: 1) the persistence of the rhythms
in the near absence of magnetic fields (less than 60 oersted)
and magnetic variations (less than/oersted/day); 2) the rela­
tion between magnetic field intensity and the period and pre­
cision of the rhythms; 3) whether periodic magnetic field
variations can entrain the rhythms; and 4) whether there are
any differences in the effects of constant versus very low
frequency (less than or equal to 10 Hz) magnetic fields. A
series of careful preliminary experiments, performed during
the past six months on two kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami)
housed in separate permalloy cylinders, has provided reliable
data and proven the soundness of the proposed experimental


TITLE: Influence of Magnetic Fields on Circadian Rhythms

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of California


RESEARCH PERIOD: March 1976 - February 1977


Despite extensive investigation of the possible in­

fluence of magnetic fields upon living systems, no compel­
ling proof of any influence has been forthcoming. Because
carcadian rhythms are a fundamental property of almost all
organisms, a demonstrable influence of magnetic fields upon
them would imply a fundamental sensitivity of living systems
to magnetic fields. An investigation of the possible in­
fluence of magnetic fields on circadian activity rhythms is
therefore proposed, using insects and small mammals as exper­
imental subjects. Using permalloy cylinders to shield the
subjects from ambient magnetic fields, we shall investigate
the following: 1) the persistence of the rhythms in the near­
absence of magnetic fields (less than 50 gamma) and magnetic
variations (less than 1 gamma/day); 2) the relation between
magnetic field intensity and the period and precision of the
rhythms; and 3) whether periodic magnetic field variations
can entrain the rhythms.


TITLE: Effects of Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Forces on

Stored Product Insects



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1974 - June 1975


OBJECTIVE: Determine the effects of low-intensity

electromagnetic radiation on the development and reproduction
of the red flour beetle and assess the potential use of any
effects observed.

APPROACH: Red flour beetles at various stages of de­

velopment will be subjected to low-intensity electromagnetic
(or electrostatic) fields, usually of low frequency. Results
will be measured by behavior, reproduction rate, development
time, respiration, survival, weight change, etc. as appro­
priate or possible.

PROGRESS: Studies of possible effects of low-frequency

modulation of a carrier wave (0.54 MHz) on egg production and
development of the red flour beetle have been continued. In­
creased egg production with modulation frequencies below 1 Hz
remains evident, but to a lesser extent than previously re­
ported. Limited data suggest that modulation at 400-600 Hz
may decrease egg production, but the data for 100-300 Hz are
indefinite. No apparent pattern of differences in pupal
weight and sex-ratio had been noted. The data for develop­
ment time have not yet been examined. Modulation of a higher
frequency carrier wave of approximately 5 MHz has thus far in­
dicated effects opposite those obtained with the 0.54 MHz
carrier, except 0.01 Hz, on egg production. Pupal weight,
sex-ratio, and development time data have not yet been ex­
amined. A brief communication of "Geophysical effects on
pupal weights of an insect during Retrospective World Interval
July 26-August 14, 1972" has been included by title in "Col­
lected Data Reports on August 1972 Solar-Terrestrial Events"
Report UAG-28 part III, July, 1973. These and other weekly
pupal weight data are being examined for causal relationships.
Weekly culturing has apparently resulted in establishing 6
subcultures (parent stocks sequencing at 6-week intervals).
The pupal weight sequence of each group is distinctive. This
further complicates research efforts on this project. Addi­
tionally, this finding has many implications for any research
involving fine distinctions of insect growth, development,
and behavior.


TITLE: The Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation

on Subcellular Preparations

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Veterans Administration

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Veterans Administration

RESEARCH PERIOD: December 1975 - November 1976


The effects of low frequency electric fields from 10 cy­

cles to 20,000 cycles per second have been extended on both
the sodium-potassium ATP'ase from guinea pig brain and mito­
chondria isolated both from rat liver and pig heart. The
mitochondria derived from pig heart were subjected to current
densities up to the point of marked heating of the solution
at 20-2,000 cycles/second. During this time, calcium uptake
was measured and oxidative phosphorylation was monitored;
there were no changes in the ability of heart mitochondria
to take up calcium, neither were there any decrements in
oxidative phosphorylation until heating occurred, which was
at current densities well above 1 mA/cm . Low-frequency mag­
netic field effects on the active transport of frog skin were
examined at 10-2,000 cycles/second and field strengths up to
100 gauss peak to peak. The isolated frog skin had a vari­
able but persistent increase in short circuit current and
potential immediately after the application of these fields
with the maximum effect being observed below 100 cycles/sec­
ond. No explanation can be given for the lack of field ef­
fects at 7 cycles/second at 28 kilogauss. Further studies
are underway to delineate the magnetic field's effect on frog
skin and to extend these measurements to sodium potassium
ATP'ase in vitro. It can be concluded, however, that low-
frequency electrical fields from 10 cycles to 2,000 cycles
per second up to the point of current densities which heat
the solution, do not affect either the sodium potassium
ATP'ase from brain, or the function of mitochondria in oxi­
dative phosphorylation and calcium uptake from rat liver or
from pig heart.


TITLE: Feasibility Study: Epidemiology of Linemen and

Switchyard Workers

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Equitable Environmental Health, Inc.


RESEARCH PERIOD: April 1976 - September 1976


The feasibility of conducting epidemiology studies on

workers routinely exposed to high voltage fields is being
assessed. Preliminary report has been developed and is cur­
rently being reviewed.


TITLE: Experimental Analysis of Orientation

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: State University of New York


RESEARCH PERIOD: May 1976 - April 1977


Homing pigeons return to their lofts from unfamiliar

release sites. We are investigating the effect of altering
the magnetic field to which the bird is exposed. The field
is altered both during the trip to the release site and also
during the homeward trip. In each case the bird is tracked
by radio telemetry and its homeward journey compared with
that of control birds who experienced the normal earth's
magnetic field.

It now appears that under overcast conditions when the

sun is not visible to the pigeon, a field of 0.6 gauss
will upset the pigeon's orientation. If the polarity of the
applied field is such that a compass needle inside the coil
surrounding the pigeon's head has its North-seeking needle
pointing up (NUP), the birds often fly 180 degrees away from
the correct direction to home. A similar coil of the oppo­
site polarity (SUP) has no effect. Transporting the birds
to the release point inside a fluctuating magnetic field im­
pairs their orientation.

We are now beginning to explore the mechanisms respon­

sible for this effect.


TITLE: The Effects of High Non-Homogeneous Magnetic Fields

on Tumor Growth Rates

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: Louisiana State University A & M



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


This second year of the grant was devoted to a Basic

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (E.P.R.) investigation of
serum Fe^ plus or minus transferrin during the development
of malignancy. The study was accomplished with a trans­
plantable rat lymphosarcoma. Results from this work demon­
strated that the serum Fe'* plus or minus transferrin is
significantly reduced, 657o of normal, within twelve hours
post inoculation and remained at 50% of normal throughout
the remainder of the experiment.
An experiment to determine the response of serum Fe
plus or minus transferrin to tumor cell mitosis was begun.
Early data from this work indicate that tumor response to
chemotherapy may be discerned from serum iron levels prior
to being detected by present methods.

A computer program has been developed to analyze the

E.P.R; spectra. From this mathematical analysis a quantita­
tive difference between malignancy and normal appears to be
perceivable in serum Fe^ plus or minus transferrin. Also
this technique will be used to ascertain any molecular changes
that may be present. Approximations of crystal forces and
magnetic moments, for estimating probable interaction with
high gradient magnetic fields, will be calculated from the
results of this program.


TITLE: Magnetic Enhancement of Electron LET in Tumors

PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: University of Southwestern



RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1976 - July 1977


It is proposed that the National Institutes of Health

fund for a period of 12 months a theoretical and experimental
medical physics program designed to determine the extent to
which a strong transverse external magnetic field can be em­
ployed to enhance high energy electron LET in tumors. Pre­
liminary calculations strongly indicate that it is possible
with existing superconductor technology to localize a beam
of high-energy electrons to a region of approximately 2 cc.
The objectives of the theoretical feasibility study are:
(1) to determine the optimum design parameter (such as the
minimum fringe-field, shielding, and cost) for the super­
conducting magnet-system necessary for the construction of
a full-size clinical model; and (2) upon completion of objac­
tive 1, to calculate the enhancement of the electron ab­
sorbed depth dose curve due to the presence of the magnetic
field in the tumor region. Those calculations would take
into account electron energy straggling and lateral diffu­
sion. Due to the expense of the optimum superconducting
magnet-system necessary for clinical use, it is proposed
that a scaled-down experimental study be undertaken. The
proposed experimental dosimetry measurements would be made
using the Washington University Medical School 35-MeV Varian
Accelerator and a tissue-equivalent polystyrene phantom (with
film), and a magnet capable of producing a 20-30-kG field
over a volume of approximately 10 cc. The objectives of
these measurements are: (1) to demonstrate experimentally that
the magnetic field does, as expected, concentrate the elec­
tron absorbed dose in a selected volume of the phantom; (2) to
obtain a better understanding of the physics involved and com­
pare the measured enhancements with the calculated ones ob­
tained from the theoretical study; and (3) if warranted, to have
available sound experimental evidence in favor of the future
support of a program to develop and test a full-size clinical
superconducting magnet-system.


TITLE: Navy Environment: Work Session--The Role in Brain

Function of External Electromagnetic Fields and
Electrotonic Interactions Between Neurons



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1975 - June 1976


It is generally acknowledged that the central nervous

system is critically sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
In order to better understand the interactions which occur,
it is necessary to increase the knowledge of the basic
electrophysiological processes within the human brain. This
work session will provide an integral link in that knowledge
generating process.

The neurosciences research program will plan a work

session, with suitable input from ONR, which will bring to­
gether approximately 25-30 of the world's leading scientists
in neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, biophysics and bioengineer
ing. Following the 2-day work session, the proceedings will
be published in a special issue of the NRP Bulletin.

TITLE: Transduction and Conservation of Energy in the Light

Reactions and Dark Electron Transport of Photosyn­



RESEARCH PERIOD: July 1976 - June 1977


This project is designed to further elucidate the mecha­

nisms by which biological systems convert and store energy--
in particular the photosynthetic processes of light energy
transduction and conservation, via the accompanying dark,
electron transfer reactions, in the form of electrochemical
gradients capable of driving ATP synthesis. The latter
processes are common to both photosynthetic and oxidative
systems. The work involves four initial aspects: a) char­
acterization of the relationships between photochemistry,
fluorescence and triplet formation in reaction centers and
chromatophores of Rps. spheroides, a photosynthetic bacterium,
with the aim of understanding the primary photoprocess; b) an
investigation into the nature of the primary electron acceptor
in reaction centers and a search for a similar component in
chromatophores; c) use of delayed light emission and fluo-
resence in chromatophores to determine something of the ex­
citation migration mechanism in the antenna pigments, and
to further refine these techniques as a tool for investiga­
tions into the nature of the primary photoact and closely
linked reactions in chromatophores and whole cells; and
d) the response of the bulk pigment molecules to light-induced
electric fields will be used to obtain information on the
structural relationships between pigments, the light reaction
and electron transport components within the membrance.


TITLE: Mossbauer and Magnetic Susceptibility Studies

of Hemoglobin



RESEARCH PERIOD: August 1976 - July 1977


A comprehensive series of Mossbauer and magnetic sus­

ceptibility experiments on hemoglobin and its isolated sub­
units is underway, and some major results have already been
obtained. Using a ligand field model for ferrous ions in
deoxy human hemoglobin, an energy level configuration was
found that accurately reproduces both the Mossbauer quad-
rupole splittings and the magnetic susceptibility results.
Additional tests of the ligand field model for hemoglobin
are planned, including Mossbauer effect measurements at very
low temperatures and in large, externally applied magnetic
fields. Also, the application of a superconducting quantum
interference detector (SQUID) to ultrasensitive measurements
of the magnetic susceptibility of biological materials will
be investigated. The oxygen affinity of hemoglobin changes
dramatically as successive oxygen molecules are bound (co­
operative effect). The origin of this cooperative effect
is one of the basic unsolved problems in hemoglobin research.
Knowing the relationship between the electronic state of the
iron ions at the oxygen binding sites and the oxygen affinity
is crucial to understanding the cooperative effect. Experi­
ments are in progress to compare the Mossbauer spectra of
the oxygenated forms of hemoglobin and its isolated subunits.
Also, a very difficult but promising experiment is planned
involving the measurement of the Mossbauer effect in two
hemoglobin hybrids.


TITLE: Study of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Effects

of UHV Lines



RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1976 - December 1977

The objective of this effort is to accelerate UHV re­
search on methods to reduce electrostatic effects at ground
levels, and to investigate electrostatic effects due to
transients and magnetic fields. Presently, various under­
built energized conductors and grounding systems have been
studied along with developing supporting mathematical pre­
diction equations. Field tests to validate the concepts
are presently underway.


TITLE: UHF Transmission



RESEARCH PERIOD: January 1967 - December 1979


Corona phenomena, insulation, and electric field ef­

fects for voltages up to 1,500 kV on a three-phase line will
be investigated. Presently, a comprehensive reference book
on this subject has been published entitled Transmission Line
Reference Book--345 kV and Above.


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