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History Of Diseases
The world has been plagued with different kind of diseases ever since
the human beings have stepped on to the earth. There have been
numerous casualties caused across the world due to epidemics. Such
chronic ailments are cured by people by discovering unique medicine for
each and every disease. In fact it is only these diseases that reveal human
beings have a sixth sense , the sense of thinking, using the brain and
inventing new things that help the people to fight the diseases and to
adapt to the new environment.
Microorganisms such as bacteria .fungi, protozoa cause these diseases.
There is another peculiar organism VIRUS which is somewhat different
from these microbes. These organisms are extremely minute that they
can be viewed only with compound microscopes but the kind of chaos
they cause across the world is unimaginable. We usually take antibiotics
such as penicillin to cure simple fever but the same drug will not be
effective for a viral infection. VACCINES are injected to fight the virus.
Again the same vaccine cannot be used to cure all the viral diseases as
each and every virus has its own structure . So the vaccine invented for
small pox will have zero effect for a disease like SARS cov-2.

Virus and humans

The term virus seems to be terrific. It is in fact very dangerous than the
bacteria and that is why you say that a virus is detected in your computer
not a bacteria. Virus occurs out of the blue. Vaccines, which help to cure
the viral infections, are antibodies . In normal condition , our body has
white blood cells(lymphocytes) which produce antibodies when any
foreign material is detected. But these are not sufficient to eliminate the
virus , so we need vaccines. But inventing a vaccine is not a piece of
cake. Since these are human made it needs a whole lot of tests before
injecting into a human body . This process at least takes two years . At
the sametime most of the viral diseases are also communicable so it
easily spreads from one person to another. This is how a disease turns
into a pandemic and soon the entire world will get afflicted with the viral

Doctor-profound profession
As Charles Darwin said “the survival of the fittest”, only those people
who have a good immune system can sustain their lives on the earth.
There would be a sudden hike in the diseased numbers ,leading to a
virus massacre. It is only vaccine that can help us in this situation. There
are many youngsters who want to study medicine as it fetches them a lot
of money . These doctors and scientists are the ones inventing the
vaccine and saving human lives . So directly or indirectly doctors are
saving the humanity which makes the word doctor more respectful.
Everybody would have developmental goals in life which include
material(money) and non material(respect, dignity, etc) goals. A
physician can achieve both material and non material goals upto the hilt.
So in my opinion doctor is a fullest profession.

Corona virus -The virus of 2020

Human beings have undergone evolution everytime they get affected
with a novel virus, adapting themselves to a different niche. This 21st
century has also seen different virus attacks that are now eradicated. The
year 2019 exclusively 2020 has seen the emergence of novel corona
virus which has imprisoned the entire world. As covid-19 easily spreads,
the entire planet is following certain norms to prevent the spread and
working on the invention of vaccine. This virus has started from china
and has almost affected the entire world mainly the European and
American countries. Italy is the most affected country where the death
toll has almost crossed 20,000. This has caused a downturn to
globalisation. Totally we can say that the world is in a quandary.
1. Causes
Personal hygiene is the key word in today’s world. It mainly spreads
through our hands. Hands are the part of the body which are active all
time. Anything that we might wish to do starts by using our hands .
Since this is a communicable disease the virus sticks to our hand. When
we use our hand for rubbing our eyes, nose or touch our lips this virus
enters our body and changes the metabolism . The manifestation of the
disease are fever, vomiting, cough etc. Thermal scanning is done to test
the corona virus. Throat swabs and blood test are taken to test positive or
negative for covid-19.once the person tests positive for covid -19 , he is
put into isolation ward in the hospital for 14 days and his/her family
members are quarantined at home.

In India the corona virus became a prominent issue in March 2020. It
started in fast growing urban areas mainly in Bangalore, being the
electronic capital of india welcomes foreign techies . From Delhi
because of the tablighi jamaat meeting held in nizammuddin , it spread
all throughout the country. Maharashtra is said to be the most affected
followed by Tamil Nadu. In Kerala the recovered people are more than
the deceased. The Central Government is following various norms such
as it has imposed numerous curbs and proposed nationwide lockdown.
But these are something that does little to prevent the disease.
Impact on society
The most affected are the high school, college going children and the
office going folk . Education is the only tool that can help the country to
become more developed and everybody can lead a quality life. But the
virus has brought a change in the educational system. In one of his
books, Isaac Asimov , an author who writes about science fiction, says
how the future study would be from home itself where the monitor is the
teacher. Studying in this way will obviously leave the students high and
dry as there would be neither friends nor an interactive session between
the teachers and students. This is exactly what is happening now. The
online classes are being held in computer and laptop. Office work has
become work from home. Longtime exposure to electronic devices
causes strains, vision defects and many other ailments . Since the
economic activities have come to a halt, the small scale workers and the
unorganised sector workers are finding difficult to lead their life.
Migrant workers are demanding the state government for possibilities of
returning to their native states and this causes riots and protest in states
such as Uttar Pradesh and Odisha. Also many people who are not able to
fit themselves to the quarantine lifestyle and who have fears have
entered mental trauma which in turn causes many mental and
psychological problems.
Impact on the economy
The outbreak has severely affected the economy. It has caused an
economic downturn as the exports and imports are banned across the
world. All the industries except those serving essential commodities
have been closed. The malls , theatres, hotels are also closed. We know
that the production of steel in a country is an index of development. The
year 2020 has no space for sharing the word development .Those people
who have invested their shares in the companies are withdrawing. We
know that Central and State governments in India have been taking
various measures to increase MNC investment in India by setting up
SEZs. But now FDI is decreasing and foreign trade is banned. India’s
balance of trade has become unfavourable. The interdependence of the
three sectors (primary, secondary and tertiary) is also affected causing a
downfall to the availability of jobs. The daily wage workers are
demanding the government for ways to sustain their life. At the
sametime , the demand for essential goods like milk, grains is increasing
dramatically. Even in this time the industries manufacturing ppes
(personal protective equipements), sanitizers , gloves and masks are
profiting .
Impact in the political arena
Politics can be found at all times and in all situations . The covid-19
has increased the electoral competition among the parties . In order to
mobilise popular support , the government is showcasing as if it is
taking a lot of measures to control the corona virus and protecting the
daily wage workers by providing free food packets. On the other
hand ,the opposition party criticises that the measures are not sufficient.

Coping with quarantine

One way to prevent this disease is to wash our hands at regular intervals
and using sanitizers every now and then. We need to stay at our homes
and follow the government norms . Self quarantine may help to an
extent. We have to adapt ourselves to the situation and be happy. Stay
safe, stay healthy, stay home!!!

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