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Seismic evaluation of a braced plan irregular steel structure using hybrid


Chapter · December 2011

DOI: 10.1201/b11396-24


0 88

2 authors:

Daniel P. McCrum Brian Broderick

University College Dublin Trinity College Dublin


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Seismic Evaluation of a Braced Plan Irregular Steel Structures Using
Hybrid Testing
D. P. McCrum & B. M. Broderick
Dept. of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

ABSTRACT: A plan irregular structure has a torsional response when subjected to a seismic excitation be-
cause the centre of mass is offset from the centre of resistance. Much of the research to date on plan irregular
structures has focused on single-storey shear wall and multi-storey framed type structures. Little research has
been undertaken on braced steel framed plan irregular structures. In order to provide greater understanding of
the broad response of plan irregular structures, an investigation into the torsional response of a plan irregular
braced steel structure has been undertaken. In this paper, the numerical modeling approach and test validation
using hybrid testing will be presented. Results indicate that the stiff side of the structure is subjected to a
greater ductility demand and interstorey drift as the level of mass eccentricity is increased.

1 INTRODUCTION researchers. In more recent years, with the increase

in computational power and greater availability of
1.1 Structural irregularity three-dimensional non-linear finite element software,
Irregularities in building structures refer to the non- the level of research into the seismic response of
uniform response of a structure due to non-uniform more realistic multi-storey plan irregular structures
distribution of structural properties. There are two has received a greater level of attention. Some re-
types of structural irregularity; vertical (also termed searchers have investigated the extension of results
in-elevation) and plan irregularity (also termed plan based on single-storey models to multi-storey struc-
asymmetry). Vertical irregularity typically refers to tures (Fajfar et al., (2005)). Other researchers have
the uneven distribution of mass along the height of a investigated more realistic multi-storey framed struc-
multi-storey structure or can result from geometrical ture and ignored results based on single-storey mod-
set-backs. The result can be a soft storey mechanism. els (Stathopoulos and Anagnostopoulos, (2005)).
In-plan static eccentricity, es is defined as the dis- However, currently there is a lack of consensus on
tance between the Centre of Mass (CM) and Centre how best to provide design guidance for plan irregu-
of Resistance (CR) of the structure at each floor (see lar structures. To date a considerable amount of re-
Figure 1). Structures are therefore either; torsionally search has investigated the extension of code based
balanced with no static eccentricity, or torsionally pushover methods to plan irregular structures, with
unbalanced with static eccentricity. Structures with reasonable success for torsionally stiff structures and
plan irregularity quite often suffer severe damage in this may form the basis for design guidance in the
earthquake events because the response of the struc- future.
ture is not only translational, but also torsional (De Additionally, a scarcity of experimental research
Stefano and Pintucchi, (2008)). in the area of plan irregularity exists. Experimental
In early research simplified single-storey models work is required to reinforce the conclusions that
were used when investigating plan irregular struc- have largely been made based on purely theoretical
tures because they could be easily parameterised and numerical modeling.
the influence of structural factors on the seismic re-
sponse could be more easily quantified (Tso and Bo-
zorgnia, (1986), Chandler and Duan, (1997), Goel, 1.2 Overview
(1997), Ghersi and Rossi, (2001)). The relative ease This paper presents an analytical and experimental
of computation required for the single-storey models investigation into the torsional response of a braced
and the reduced number of influencing parameters as framed plan irregular structures. The research pre-
compared to more complex structural systems made sented in this paper is aimed at broadening the un-
the single-storey simplified structures attractive to derstanding of the seismic behavior of plan irregular
structures by investigating the response of a braced ture. The validity of this procedure will be investi-
framed plan irregular structure. The experimental re- gated by applying the design criteria in Equation 1 to
sults will provide much needed test data to reinforce the proposed concentrically braced steel structure
the theoretical observations. and subjecting the structure to inelastic time-history
analyses and a testing regime in order to assess the
effectiveness of the design.
2.1 Structural layout 2.2 Numerical model
The structure analyzed in this paper is a two-by-one The concentrically braced framed structure was
bay three-story concentrically braced framed steel modeled using OpenSees (McKenna et al., (2000)).
structure as shown in Figure 1. The structure has During the numerical modeling analysis, each model
been slightly idealized to fully investigate the re- was subjected to the Taiwan SMART1/45C00DN
sponse of the braced frame without the results being (14/11/1986) ground acceleration time history for
case specific. The two end frames of the structure in 40s with a P.G.A. of 0.152g and Magnitude of 7.3.
the x-direction are braced whilst the central frame is The column members are modeled with nonlinear
not. The side of the structure that the mass is distri- beam-column elements with 7 No. integration points
buted is referred to the stiff side (SS) of the struc- along their length and subdivided across their section
ture. into 10 No. elements along each thin-walled section
and 5 No. elements across each thin-walled section.
L The beam members are modeled with elastic beam
B B column elements with relevant section properties.
The brace members were represented by two


beam-column elements with an out-of-plane camber


beam beam


applied to the mid-span node. The out-of-plane


Brace Under
Brace Under

camber incorporates the geometric imperfection of a
brace member enabling global buckling. The brace
members are modeled with nonlinear beam-column

elements with 7 No. integration points along their


beam beam


length and subdivided across their section into 10




No. elements along each thin-walled section and 5

No. elements across each thin-walled section. The
Figure 1. Plan view of plan irregular steel braced framed struc- initial out-of-plane camber is 0.1% of the brace
ture. member’s length (at nodes 11, 13, 16 & 17 in Figure
2). An out-of-plane camber of 0.1% has been vali-
The structure was designed according to Eurocode dated by other researchers as adequately inducing
3 (EC3) (CEN, (2005)) and Eurocode 8 (EC8) buckling behavior (Uriz et al., (2008)).
(CEN, (2004)). EC8 provides a means of estimating
the effect of accidental torsion if it has not been tak-
en into consideration by more exact means of analy- 3 4

sis. The EC8 torsional effects factor, δ, applied to

18 14
the seismic action effects is defined in Equation 1;
17 13
1 0,6 (1) 12
where x = distance from the element under consider- 11 16
ation to the CM of the structure measured perpendi- Node

cularly to the seismic action; Le = the distance be- 10 Connection
tween the two outermost lateral load resisting 1 Element 2

The torsional effects factor, δ is then multiplied by
the relevant design lateral pushover action to take Figure 2. Elevation view of test structure and numerical model-
ling idealization (actuator not shown).
account of torsional effects. The criteria for ensuring
the structure is not plan irregular, as set out in EC8, The gusset plates were modeled as elastic beam-
need to be met in order to apply the torsional effects column elements with a relatively high stiffness in
factor, δ in design. The design procedure is quite in- order to simulate the high level of stiffness in the
tuitive for the designer as you are applying a factored gusset plates. The gusset plates were only connected
action to one side of the structure to better represent to the column or beam, as can be seen in Figure 2
the mass distribution towards that side of the struc-
and Figure 4, therefore traditional design guidance ture being analyzed is physically tested using high
for gusset plates had to be amended to prevent pre- speed actuators (physical substructure) and the rest of
mature failure of the gusset plates. the structure is numerically modeled (numerical sub-
structure). This type of test is known as a substructured
test. The measured inertia forces and displacements
2.3 Structural parameters are then fed back from the actuator to the numerical
One of the aims of the investigation was to assess model. These results are then used to solve the equa-
the influencing factors affecting the behavior of plan tion of motion for the command displacement at the
irregular braced framed steel structures. The key pa- next time step.
rameters investigated are the lateral torsional fre- In the United States, there has been a drive to-
quency ratio, Ωθ, the mass eccentricity, es, and the wards a generic hybrid simulation framework. This
plan aspect (PA) ratio (where the PA ratio = length framework is called OpenFresco (Open Framework
of building/width of building). Ωθ is an important for Experimental Setup and Control) (Schellenberg
parameter because if Ωθ <1, the structure is classified et al., (2009)). The fundamental concept of Open-
as torsionally flexible and if Ωθ >1, the structure is Fresco is to allow testing to be undertaken at differ-
classified as torsionally stiff. Ωθ) is defined as: ent laboratories, with different test equipment with-
out specialized knowledge required for the
r underlying software. The development of OpenFres-
k (2) co has been has been closely linked to OpenSees. To
m this end, OpenFresco has been used in conjunction
with OpenSees to perform a substructured hybrid
where rk = stiffness radius of gryration about the tests in this paper.
centre of resistance; and rm = mass radius of gyration
about the centre of mass. Simulation PC
Target PC

The proposed maximum es investigated is 0.15L OpenFresco (softRT)

(refer to Figure 1). The reason for this being that any
greater a level of mass distribution would be very
unlikely to occur in a real-world scenario. The lower OpenSees (softRT)

and upper bounds of Ωθ are set at 0.75 and 1.25 re-

Test PC
spectively, representing realistic levels of torsional Servo-

flexibility/stiffness. The PA ratio was varied from

1.0 to 3.0.
The base model designed for es = 0.0L has a PA 793 Control
STS Controller Test Rig

ratio of 2.0, Ωθ, = 1.0 (neither torsionally flexible or

stiff) and has 30x30x3mm SHS bracing on both the
SS and FS braced frames of the structure being re- Figure 3. Schematic of hardware and data communication for a
quired to resist the design actions. The structure de- hybrid test.
signed with the torsional effects factor from EC8 for
the base model had 50x30x3mm RHS bracing on the The communication in a hybrid test is shown in
SS braced frames of the structure and 30x30x3mm Figure 3. The hybrid testing facility at Trinity Col-
SHS on the FS braced frames of the structure to res- lege Dublin comprises of an MTS real-time hybrid
ist the increased design actions. test system (MTS Systems Corporation). The hard-
ware consists of a Series 111 MTS Accumulator and
a high speed linear hydraulic actuator with a 150kN
3 HYBRID TESTING capacity and 250mm (±125mm) stroke. The comput-
3.1 Hybrid test method er hardware comprises of a Simulation Host PC, a
Real-time Target PC, a Test PC and a two-channel
As part of this research, an experimental investiga- MTS 493 Real-time Controller. The digital control-
tion was undertaken using the hybrid test method to ler has closed loop PID control. The Structural Test
validate the numerical modeling of the plan irregular System (STS) software provides the user interface
structure presented in Section 2. The hybrid test me- for PID control and calibration of the actuator.
thod is a relatively newly developed testing technique During a hybrid test, OpenSees is used to create
that combines physical testing with simultaneous nu- the dynamic model of the numerical substructure.
merical modeling. The hybrid test method developed The structural model is created on the Simulation PC
from the pseudo-dynamic (PsD) method. The concept and then downloaded onto the Target PC through a
of the PsD test was first proposed in the late 1960’s fibre optic cable. The sole task of the Target PC is to
(Hakuno et al., (1969)) and was further developed by run the model in real-time using Mathworks xPC
Takanashi et al., (1975) and Shing & Mahin (1984). Target. The Target PC has no user interface except
Typically, the important component of the test struc- for receiving commands from the Simulation PC.
The Target PC sends commands to the Structural 3.3 Hybrid test results
Test System (STS) controller via the shared reflec- The results for the lateral displacement versus time
tive memory called SCRAMNet GT150 (Shared for the numerical model and test structure with
Common Random Access Memory Network).
30x30x3mm SHS brace sections, Ωθ = 1.25, es =
OpenFresco is the middleware that allows the com- 0.15L and PA ratio of 2.0, can be seen in Figure 5.
munication between the finite element software and The structure was subjected the Taiwan ground acce-
the experimental hardware. The Test PC provides leration history scaled by a factor of 2.0. A factor
the user interface to the Servo-controller and allows larger than 2.0 created numerical integration issues.
tuning and control of the actuator through a PID con- As can be seen in Figure 5, the displacement re-
troller. The command displacement is then sent from sponse of the test structure is modeled with reasona-
the Servo-controller to the MTS actuator. The meas- ble accuracy. The test performed was a slow conti-
ured force and displacement are sent back to the nuous hybrid test with the extended timescale
Servo-controller and then back to the Target PC, resulting in 95% of the simulation steps not having
where the data is used to calculate the next time step to slow down or hold the actuator.
command displacement, making the process close- Four series of tests, consisting of 24 No. tests in
looped. total, were undertaken as part of the testing pro-
gramme. The average error for the lateral roof dis-
3.2 Test set-up placement was 3.9%. The average error for the later-
al roof acceleration was 9.3%. Strain gauges were
Preliminary numerical modeling results of the plan placed at mid-span along the brace members at the
irregular concentrically braced structure shown in top and back face of the section. The average error
Figure 1 indicated that the SS of the structure at the between the model and test data was 20.1% for the
first-storey (ground) was subjected to the greatest strains.
displacement and ductility demand. The first-storey
braced frame had a highly nonlinear response that 6 6

was critical to the overall response of the structure. 5

Test 5


In order to gain a more accurate structural re- 3 3

sponse and to ensure the accuracy of the numerical

Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)

1 1

model being used to analyze the structure, a series of 0



substructured hybrid tests of the first-storey concen- -2 -2


trically braced frame were proposed. -3

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
10 11 12 13 14 15
Time (s)
Time (s)

Figure 5. (left) First-storey lateral roof displacement versus

time for OpenSees model and test data (right) close-up.

The brief summary of the comparative test and

column simulation results indicate that the numerical model
actuator implemented provides a good predictive response for
the test structure. More detailed observations of the
test results indicate that the slow continuous hybrid
reation frames test has been implemented successfully with limited
tracking error. The numerical model results did show
some overestimation of stiffness as compared to the
test data (results not shown here).
Figure 4. Experimental set-up.
The test set-up of the SS first-storey braced frame
can be seen in Figure 4. In a hybrid test, any error in The results shown below are normalized to the base
displacement or force feedback used to calculate the model structure. The base model structure has a PA
next target displacement in the equation of motion ratio of 2.0, Ωθ = 1.0, es = 0.0L and 30x30x3mm
can result in the failure of the test method. For this bracing throughout. The base structure has no mass
reason, stub sections were used to model the pin eccentricity and is neither torsionally stiff nor torsio-
connections. It was felt that the tolerances in a self nally flexible. The average results shown are based
manufactured pinned connection could lead to some on the average of each structure being subjected to
‘wobble’ in the frame and result in instability of the five ground accelerations; Taiwan (1986), Spitak
test procedure. The actuator is located at the top left (1988), ElCentro (1940), NW Calif (1951) and Friuli
hand corner of the frame. The test frame is mounted (1976) all scaled to a PGA = 0.315g. The ductility
between two side-by-side reaction frames.
demand is used to assess performance (ductility de- fects factor from EC8. The torsionally undesigned
mand = peak displacement/yield displacement). structure assumes no es in design but is subjected to
Figure 6 indicates the normalized ductility de- increasing levels of es. The results of the analyses
mand for the SS & flexible side (FS) of the structure indicate that the torsionally designed structure has a
at values of Ωθ = 0.75 (left) and Ωθ = 1.25 (right). reduced ductility demand as compared to the torsio-
The comparison between the response from a torsio- nally undesigned structure. For both structures, the
nally flexible structure (Ωθ = 0.75) and torsionally torsionally stiff structures have a normalized ductili-
stiff structure (Ωθ = 1.25) can be seen. For the SS of ty demand less than 1.0 for all levels of es, whereas
the torsionally flexible structure, the peak ductility for the torsionally flexible structures the normalized
demand is 2.3, whereas for the torsionally stiff struc- ductility demand is greater than 1.0 for all levels of
ture, the peak ductility demand is 0.58. The torsio- es. The normalized ductility demand is approximate-
nally flexible structure is subjected to a greater (in ly 1.5 times that for the undesigned structure (Figure
the order of 4 times) ductility demand as compared 8 left) as compared to the designed structure (Figure
to the torsionally stiff structure. The SS ductility 8 right). The results indicate that the EC8 torsional
demand increases nonlinearly with increasing es. The provision is reasonably poorly for even torsionally
line is curved, which indicates the influence of more flexible structures at higher levels of es but this is not
than one fundamental mode. unsurprising as the maximum es is 3 times that al-
lowed for in the torsional provision.
2.5 0.65
SS 3.5 2.2
0.6 SS = 0.75 SS = 0.75

SS = 0.875 2 SS = 0.875
SS = 1.0 SS = 1.0
SS = 1.125 1.8 SS = 1.125
2.5 SS = 1.25 SS = 1.25
Ductility Demand
Ductility Demand

0.5 1.6
Normalised Ductility Demand

Normalised Ductility Demand

SS 2

1.5 1.2

1 0.6
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
Static Eccentricity Static Eccentricity
30.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16

Figure 6. (left) Graph of normalized ductility demand versus Static Eccentricity Static Eccentricity

static eccentricity for SS & FS of structure with Ωθ = 0.75 Figure 8. Graph of normalized ductility demand versus static
(right) Graph of normalized ductility demand versus static ec- eccentricity for varying levels of lateral torsional frequency ra-
centricity for SS & FS of structure with Ωθ = 1.25. tio (left)
2.5 for the SS of the torsionally undesigned structure and
3.5 2.4
(right) for the SS of the torsionally designed structure.
SS = 0.75 FS = 0.75
SS = 0.875 2.2 FS = 0.875
SS = 1.0
3 FS = 1.0
SS = 1.125
2 = 0.75 es= 0.0
FS = 1.125
SS = 1.25
FS = 1.25 = 0.875 es= 0.0
Normalised Ductility Demand

2.5 2.5
Normalised Ductility Demand
Normalised Ductility Demand

= 1.0 es= 0.0
2 1.4
= 1.125 es= 0.0
Normalised Ductility Demand


1.5 1.5 = 1.25 e= 0.0

1 1.5
= 0.75 es= 0.15
0.6 1
= 0.875 es= 0.15

0.5 0.4 = 1.0 es= 0.15

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
Static Eccentricity Static Eccentricity 10.5 = 1.125 es= 0.15

Figure 7. Graph of normalized ductility demand versus static = 1.25 es= 0.15
eccentricity for varyng levels of lateral torsional frequency ratio 1 1.5 2
Plan Aspect Ratio
2.5 3

(left) for the SS and (right) for the FS.

0.5 9. Graph of normalized ductility demand versus plan as-
pect ratio for SS of the structure.
Figure 7 illustrates the normalized ductility de-
mand versus es for varying levels of Ωθ. For the SS Figure 9 illustrates the results for the normalized
(left) and FS (right) structure. As can be seen the 0
1 1.2 demand versus
1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2the
2.4 plan aspect
2.6 2.8 3 ratio for va-
normalized ductility demand increases on the SS of rying levels of Ωθ on the SS of the structure. The Ωθ
Plan Aspect Ratio
the structure and decreases on the FS of the struc- is varied from 0.75, 0.875, 1.0, 1.125 to 1.25. The
ture. The torsionally stiff structures perform better results shown in Figure 9 are for es of 0.0L (i.e. no
than the base structure for all levels of es for both the eccentricity) and 0.15L (i.e. maximum eccentricity).
SS and FS of the structure. The results indicate that the PA ratio does not have a
Figure 8 illustrates the normalized ductility de- significant effect on the ductility demand in the SS
mand versus es for varying levels of Ωθ for the SS of of the structure. A slight increase in normalized duc-
both the torsionally undesigned (left) and torsionally tility can be observed on the SS of the structure for
designed (right) braced plan irregular structures. The increasing PA ratio, particularly for the maximum
torsionally designed structure uses the torsional ef- level of es. The normalized ductility demand remains

approximately constant for all levels of PA ratio for tility demand greater than 1.0 for all levels of stat-
no static eccentricity. ic eccentricity.
Variations in the plan aspect ratio do not have a
2.5 large effect on the seismic response of the braced
= 0.75 es= 0.0
2 plan irregular structure.
= 0.875 es= 0.0
Normalised Ductility Demand

= 1.0 es= 0.0
Normalised Ductility Demand

= 1.125 es= 0.0

= 1.25 e= 0.0
= 0.75 es= 0.15
1 CEN 2004. Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake re-
= 0.875 es= 0.15
sistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules
= 1.0 es= 0.15
for buildings. BS EN 1998-1:2004. United Kingdom, BSi.
1 = 1.125 es= 0.15 CEN 2005. Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures – Part 1-1:
= 1.25 es= 0.15 General rules and rules for buildings. BS EN 1993-1-
1 1.5 2
Plan Aspect Ratio
2.5 3 1:2005. United Kingdom, BSi.
Chandler, A. M. & Duan, X. N. 1997. Performance of Asym-
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Dynamics, 26:7, 717-735.
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1.4 1.6 1.8 2 the2.4plan
2.2 2.6 aspect
2.8 3 ratio for va- 2002. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 6:2, 285-308.
Plan Aspect Ratio
rying levels of Ωθ on the FS of the structure. The Ωθ Fajfar, P., Marusic, D. & Perus, I. 2005. Torsional Effects in
is varied from 0.75, 0.875, 1.0, 1.125 to 1.25. The the Pushover-based Seismic Analysis of Buildings. Journal
results shown in Figure 10 are for es of 0.0L (i.e. no of Earthquake Engineering, 9:6, 831 - 854.
eccentricity) and 0.15L (i.e. maximum eccentricity). Ghersi, A. & Rossi, P. P. 2001. Influence of bi-directional
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5 CONCLUSIONS Schellenberg, A., Kim, H. K., Takanashi, Y., Fenves, G. L. &
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This paper has presented a combined hybrid test and Shing, B. & Mahin, S. A. 1984. Pseudodynamic test method for
numerical modeling approach to better understand seismic performance evaluation: theory and implementa-
the seismic behavior of a multi-storey plan irregular tion. Report UCB/EERC-84/01. Earthquake Engineering
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slow continuous hybrid test was performed on the Stathopoulos, K. G. & Anagnostopoulos, S. A. 2005. Inelastic
first storey SS braced frame of the studied structure. torsion of multistorey buildings under earthquake excita-
tions. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics,
The hybrid test provided validation to the numerical 34:12, 1449-1465.
model used to replicate the structures response. The Takanashi, K., Udawaga, K., Seki, M., Okada, T. & Tanaka, H.
numerical model showed good agreement with the 1975. Non-Linear Earthquake Response Analysis of Struc-
hybrid test results. tures by a Computer-Actuator On-Line System (Part 1 De-
Results from a series of inelastic time history ana- tail of the System). Transcript of the Architectural Institute
lyses performed on concentrically braced plan irre- of Japan:No. 229.
Tso, W. K. and Bozorgnia, Y. 1986. Effective eccentricity for
gular structures can be summarized as follows; inelastic seismic response of buildings. Earthquake Engi-
The SS braced frame of the structure is subjected neering & Structural Dynamics, 14:3, 413-427.
to greater ductility demand as compared to the FS Uriz, P., Filippou, F. C. & Mahin, S., A. 2008. Model for Cyc-
braced frame of the structure. lic Inelastic Buckling of Steel Braces. Journal of Structural
Designing the structure according to EC8 torsional Engineering, 134:4, 619-628.
provision results in the torsionally stiff structures
performing well with a normalized ductility de-
mand less than 1.0 for all levels of static eccen- 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
tricity, whilst the torsionally flexible structures
perform reasonably poorly with a normalized duc- This material is based upon work supported by the
Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and
Technology (IRCSET).

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