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Present Simple Tense with «Ant Man an the Wasp »

Time: 50 min.
Objectives: To talk about daily routines and different times of the day using the
present simple tense
Structures: I … at ( o’clock in the afternoon)
What time do you….?
When do you…?
Target vocabulary: morning, afternoon, evening, night, wake up, get up, eat break-
fast, eat lunch, eat dinner, go to school, start school, go home, arrive home, watch
TV, play musical instruments, read do homework, go to bed.

Lesson overview:
1) Warm Up ( 5  min )
2) Introduce Present Simple Tense and 4 time of the day (15 min)
3) Create a Present Simple chart on the board (5 min)
4) Before watching - Do you like superheroes? Which superheroes do you know?
What about Ant Man? Do you know that every hero has his daily routine? Let’s
watch how Ant Man spends his day at home.
Watch the video and answer the questions (10 min)
This fun video activity is to practice using the simple present tense when de-

scribing daily routines. The video shows the daily routine of Ant Man. While watch-
ing the video, learners are asked a number of questions about his daily routine. They
have to answer the questions using appropriate grammar. This can be done as a
speaking activity

1. What musical instrument does Ant Man play?

2. What does he do after bowling?
3. Does he sing good or bad?
4. What does he do when he reads a book?
5. Does Ant Man work?
6. How does he relax?
7. What does Ant Man do at the end of the day?

5) Extra practice (10 min)

Do the "What time do you ...? (Survey)" exercise

Give each student the survey worksheet and explain that they are going to ask people
in the class about their daily routines on school days.
Have students stand up and mingle, filling in their surveys.

6)   Wrap
Assign Homework
Daily routine multiple choice

1) Liza has breakfast

2) She wakes up
3) She goes to bed
4) She does exercises
5) She brushes her teeth

Every morning:
1) She gets up
2) She rides her bike to school
3) She does her exercises
4) She goes to school by bus
5) She eats porridge
1)She usually has eggs for breakfast
2) She usually has porridge
3) She doesn’t have breakfast
4) She drinks tea
5) She only drinks coffee

Every evening:
1) She writes letters
2) She watches TV
3) She does her homework
4) She plays football
5) She has tea
1) she meets her friend
2) She plays football
3) She plays tennis
4) She goes to a cafe
5) She watches cartoons

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