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1 FileNet
What is FileNet P8 Important questions
Technology 1
2 What is document lifecycle 1
3 Does FileNet component CE, PE, AE support server clustering 2
4 Which protocol is used by FileNet P8 Process Engine (PE) 2
5 In how many databases does FileNet Content Engine (CE) 2
stores data
6 Where FileNet Content Engine (CE) physically stores 3
7 What is FN P8 domain 3
8 What is File Store and File Store Policy 4
9 What is the use of Content Engine Query Builder 4
10 What is the significance of Folders in FileNet P8 5
11 How to determine if FileNet Content Engine (CE) is running 5
12 Does FileNet CE provide content compression or encryption 6
13 How authentication is handled in FileNet P8 6
14 What is Content Engine Web Services (CEWS) 7
15 Why use custom objects when we have content-less document 7
16 How do you delete a document using code 7
17 What is component queue and how to configure component 8
queue in FileNet
18 What are Stored Search and Search Template 9
19 What are root classes in FileNet 11
20 What is the difference between file store and object store 13
21 In how many databases does FileNet Process Engine (PE) 13
stores data
22 What is 'Workflow Roster' 13
23 What is an Isolated Region 13
24 Why do we need multiple ‘Isolated Regions’ 14
25 How to determine if FileNet Process Engine (PE) is running 15
26 What are different types of Queue's in Process Engine 15
27 How to delete a queue in Process Engine 16
28 What happens to the work items when a work queue is deleted 16
from PE
29 What is the difference between a roster and a queue 16
30 What is the use of Process Administrator 17
31 Where to find information about the workflows or work items 18
which are terminated
32 What is Process Engine Connection Point 18
33 What is the difference between Workplace and Workplace XT 19
34 Events and subscriptions 22
35 Entry templates 23
36 Integration with Image Services 24
37 Application development and deployment 27

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General FAQ's
Question 1:
What is FileNet Technology?
FileNet is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution product suite from IBM.
Enterprises uses FileNet to manage their content and business processes.
FileNet P8 platform, the latest version of FileNet system, provides a framework for
developing custom enterprise systems, offering much functionality out of the box and
capable of being customized to manage a specific business process.
FileNet Enterprise Content Management (ECM) product suite includes:
Content Management Products:
FileNet Content Manager (CE) – CE is the core content management solution for
the FileNet P8 platform.
FileNet Image Services (IS) – IS is used to store and manage documents.
Business Process Management Products:
FileNet BPM - BPM manages workflows to reduce cycle times and to improve
productivity by streamlining and improving complex processes. BPM component
includes Process Engine, Process Analyzer and Process Simulator.
Question 2:
What is document lifecycle?
Document lifecycle in FileNet P8 is a sequence of states (like Draft, Review, Publish,
close etc) that a document will go though over its lifetime, as well as the action that are
triggered when document move from one state to another.
A user or application can move the doc forward or backward in its lifecycle.
Question 3:
Does FileNet component CE, PE, AE support server clustering? What kind of
clustering is supported by FileNet P8?
FileNet P8 platform supports Asymmetric, Symmetric, N + 1, and N to M clusters. This
includes FileNet Content Engine, Process Engine and Application Engine.

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Asymmetric clusters include both active and passive servers. i.e. In case of Asymmetric
1-to-1 cluster, there is one active and another passive server. This is simplest form of
Symmetric clusters include all the active servers. In Symmetric clusters different servers
run different services but in case of fail over, multiple services are be moved on to one
Please note: While FileNet CE, PE, AE supports active/active clustering, FileNet IS
supports only active/passive clustering.
Question 5:
Which protocol is used by FileNet P8 Process Engine (PE) to connect to Content
Engine (CE) or Application Engine (AE)?
IIOP is used by PE to communicate with CE and AE.

IIOP means 'Internet Inter-ORB Protocol'

ORB means 'Object Request Broker'

As CE is installed on AE, it uses direct API calls to communicate with AE.

FileNet Content Engine FAQ's
Question 1:
In how many databases does FileNet Content Engine (CE) stores data?
FileNet Content Engine (CE) has two or more databases:
Global Configuration Database (GCD) database (FNGCDDB)
Object Store databases (one or more)
A FileNet P8 domain can contain one or many object stores. Each object store has its
own database which could be existing database or can be created by object store creation
wizard in FEM.
Question 2:
Where FileNet Content Engine (CE) physically stores documents?
FileNet Content Engine can be configured to store documents at following places:
In Database as blobs (IBM recommended maximum document size to store as blob is

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10 KB)
In File Store
In Fixed Storage Devices (like EMC Centera)
Question 3:
What is FN P8 domain?
The FileNet P8 domain represents a logical grouping of physical resources (such as
object stores) as well as the Content Engine servers that provide access to those
resources. A server can access any resource in the domain, but cannot access any
resource that lies outside of the domain.
The CE Global Configuration Data (GCD) database stores information about the
resources and services for the FileNet P8 Domain.
The FileNet P8 domain contains the following entities:
Site - A site is a geographical location where resources are connected through a local
area network.
Object store - An object store is a repository for storing objects (such as documents,
folders, and business objects) and the metadata that defines the classes and
properties of objects.
Index area: An index area is a container for one or more indexes, which are used to
perform full-text searches against documents in an object store.
Fixed content device: A fixed content device is an external storage device. This
device can be associated with a FileNet P8 fixed storage area.
Content cache area: A content cache is a disk area that contains copies of content
recently accessed through a Content Engine server. Typically used in a
geographically distributed environment, it enhances response time when
retrieving content.
Add-on feature: An add-on feature is a module that contains custom metadata and
data that support extensions to core Content Engine features.
Marking set: A marking set provides a way to define a level of security on objects in
addition to the normal FileNet P8 security model. By using markings, access to
objects can be controlled based on specific property values.
Question 4:
What is File Store and File Store Policy?

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File Store is the physical folder where FileNet stores documents. Multiple File Stores can
be created to store documents at two different places. This type of setup is called File
Store Farm.
File Store Policy allows distribution of documents in File Store Farm.
Question 5:
What is the use of Content Engine Query Builder?
CE Query Builder allows FileNet users to find Content Engine objects and to carry out
bulk operation on them. Query Builder is part of FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM)
software comes with FileNet Content Engine installable.
The basic functionality of Query Builder includes:
Find objects using property values as search criteria.
Create, save and run simple searches.
Create and save search templates that will prompt for criteria when launched.
Launch search templates that are provided with each Content Engine and Enterprise
Manager installation.
Create, save, and run SQL queries.
The Query Builder searches can be combined with bulk operations that include the
following actions, available on the Query Builder's Actions tab:
Delete objects.
Add objects to export manifest.
Undo documents checkout.
Lifecycle actions (set exception, clear exception, promote, demote, reset).
File documents and custom objects in folder and unfile them from folder.
Run VBScripts or JScripts.
Edit security by adding or removing users and groups along with allow and deny
Question 6:
What is the significance of Folders in FileNet P8?

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In FileNet, Folders are used to group other objects including documents and custom
objects. As folders in windows, FileNet folders provide a way to browse through FileNet
objects. Folder's helps in organizing the documents and other items.
A document can be filed to multiple folders. FileNet does create copies of document in
this case. It actually creates a logical association between then folder and the document.
Few important facts about folders:

• Folders are not versionable; only documents are.

• Folders are based on CE folder class.

• Content of a folders can be copied to another folder exist in same object store.

• It is not mandatory that each document or objects should be filed under a folder.
Documents which are not part of any folder remain Unfile.

• A Root Folder is created along with a new Object Store. This folder is parent
folder for all other folders in the Object Store.

• Each Folder has its own custom security.

• Folders can generate server events when they are created, modified, or deleted.
Question 7:
How to determine if FileNet Content Engine (CE) is running fine?
Following are few things one can check to find out if FileNet CE is running fine:

• Check WebSphere console for 'FileNetEngine' web application status. It should be

in running state.

• Try connecting to CE using FEM. If connection is fine CE is running. If CE is not

running user will get message 'Unable to logon to P8 domain'.

• Try logon to FileNet Workplace. If user is able to sign in, CE & directory services
are running fine. If not user will get 'credential exception'.

• Try following URL:


ie. http://hqdemo1:9080/FileNetEngine

If 'Startup Context' page is displayed, CE is running fine. If CE is not running,

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user will get message 'The page cannot be found'.
Question 8:
Does FileNet CE provide content compression or encryption?
Question 9:
How authentication is handled in FileNet P8?
Authentication is a process of checking if the user entered credentials are correct. FileNet
P8 uses two different standards for authentication:
1. Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) standard
JAAS provides a policy-based framework to determine who is invoking a Java
application. The Content Engine EJB resides within the J2EE Application Server's EJB
container. CE therefore uses JAAS pluggable framework for authentication.
2. Web Services Security (WS-Security) standard
FileNet web services uses WS-Security standards for authentication. Like JAAS, WS-
Security is an extensible standard which supports multiple security token formats i.e.
Username Token, Kerberos Tokens, SSL X.509 Tokens etc.
When the Content Engine server receives a web service request, the Content Engine Web
Service Listener extracts the WS-Security header and performs a JAAS login based on its
contents. If this JAAS login is successful, then the Web service listener passes the request
onto the Content Engine EJB layer within the EJB container.
Question 10:
What is Content Engine Web Services (CEWS)?
Communication with FileNet Content Engine (CE) can occur through the EJB transport
or Content Engine Web Services (CEWS) transport.

Web services are commonly used by loosely coupled frameworks like service-oriented
architecture for connecting components. IBM FileNet Content Manager provides CEWS
for accessing nearly all features available in the CE server.

A Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file is provided by FileNet to use a Web
services interface. CEWS clients (stub classes) can be generated from these WSDL files.

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As of release 4.5.0, CE supports three Web services endpoints. The difference is in their
handling of content attachments. The SOAP endpoint (FNCEWS40SOAP) uses inline
content and carries significant performance costs. It should therefore be avoided. Support
for the Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) endpoint (FNCEWS40DIME) is
documented as deprecated and will eventually be removed. Therefore, all new code
should be written for the Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)
endpoint (FNCEWS40MTOM), and existing DIME code should be migrated to MTOM
as soon as possible.

Question 11:
Why use custom objects when we have content-less document?
Custom objects are for creating composite objects. It can contain content-less document,
i.e. only metadata as well as other document classes and/or custom objects as its
Question 12:
How do you delete a document using code?
A document object can be deleted from FileNet Content Engine (CE) using .delete()

Following steps can be followed to delete a document:

Instantiate the object using getInstance or fetchInstance.
Call 'delete' method to add delete operation to the objects PendingActions.
Call 'save' to perform the delete operation.
Following Java code demonstrates the deletion of a document stored in FileNet Content

// Get the object

Document doc = Factory.Document.getInstance(os,"Document","/Doc");

// Mark the document for deletion locally


// Perform the delete;

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Note: Similar steps can be used to delete other objects in FileNet including folder objects,
custom objects etc.
Question 13:
What is component queue and how to configure component queue in FileNet?
Component queues make it possible to process a workflow step using an external entity, such as
a Java™ object or Java Message Service (JMS).

Using Process Configuration Console, you configure a component queue with an adaptor, either
Java or JMS. The Java adaptor allows you to expose public methods from a Java class as
operations on a queue. The JMS adaptor allows you to publish workflow data to a JMS queue,
also using operations. Using Process Designer, the workflow author adds a component step to a
map and selects operations for that step from the list of component queues. The workflow author
also specifies the appropriate expression for each operation parameter.

To create a new component queue

1. In Process Configuration Console, open the isolated region.

2. Select the Component Queues folder icon and click New on the toolbar.
3. Enter a name for the queue in the Queue name box. See Naming conventions for
information regarding valid names. The name will appear in the list of component queues
in Process Designer.
4. In the Description box, you can optionally enter a brief description of the queue.
5. Click Next to continue.

Question 14:
What are Stored Search and Search Template?
Workplace provide object search to help users quickly locate they items they are looking
for. Multiple options are available to workplace users for searching objects stored in
FileNet Content Engine including simple search, stored search, search templates etc.

By default the simple search is available to users. Using simple search users can create
customized searches for documents, folders, and custom objects. The search criteria’s and
options can be configured using the Search view of the User Preferences page of

Both stored searches and search templates are predefined searches configured by
administrators using Search Designer tool.

Differences between stored search and search template:

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Stored search is complete search.
Search templates are for a partially completed search where users are promoted
for search criteria.
Stored search execute automatically when opened.
Search template allows user to fill the search criteria’s and perform search.
Other facts:

• Both search templates and stored searches are created and maintained by
administrators who have access rights to Search Designer, a part of Author
Advanced Tools in FileNet Workplace.

• Both the searches are stored in an object store and can be modified or deleted

• A stored search or search template can search any object stores user select as part
of the criteria, regardless of where the search resides.

• Search Designer Tool creates and modifies stored searches and search templates
that allows Workplace users to run searches. Below is the screen shot of Search
Designer Tool:

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Question 15:
What are root classes in FileNet?
A root class is a class without a parent. FileNet object store has multiple root classes

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including Document Class, Annotation, Choice List, Event etc. The ‘Parent Class’
property of these root classes is ‘None’ (as shown in below screen shot).

The root classes are created automatically during object store creation. Once the root
class is created, subclasses and properties can be added to the object store.

For example, a document subclass can be added under root class (Document Class) by
running the Create a Class wizard from Enterprise Manager.

Except the ‘Document Class’, all other root classes are places under ‘Other Classes’ in
Enterprise Manager as shown in below screen shot:
FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=FileNet Enterprise Manager - Root Classes"

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Question 16:
Is there a method(s) to retrieve all document classes of an object store without using
the SearchSQL/SearchScope API classes?

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Question 17:
What is the difference between file store and object store?
An OBJECT STORE is a database repository for storing objects.
But FILE STORE deals with at which it stored format type. File systems that are used for
file stores must through the NFS or CIFS protocol.

FileNet Process Engine FAQ's

Question 1:
In how many databases does FileNet Process Engine (PE) stores data?
FileNet Process Engine (PE) stores data in to one database named VWDB.
Question 2:
What is 'Workflow Roster'?
'Workflow Roster' is a database structure that stores information about all workflows (or
workitems) in an isolated region. Workflow Roster is part of Process Engine VW
Workflow rosters provide the Process Engine with an efficient way to locate specific
When we initialize a new isolated reason in process engine, a roster called DefaultRoster
is created for that isolated reason. Additional rosters can be created using Process
Configuration Console (PCC) to easy administrative tasks.
Question 3:
What is an Isolated Region?
An isolated region is a logical subdivision of the workflow database that contains the
queues for the work items, event logs, rosters, and other configuration information.

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Below are few facts about isolated region:

• FileNet Process Engine have Isolated Regions

• ‘Process Configuration Console (PCC)’ is used to create and manage Isolated


• One PE can have multiple Isolated Regions.

• Multiple Isolated Regions cannot connect to same Content Engine (CE).

• Initializing new Isolated Region creates default structure as Inbox, default roster
and event log.

• A system administrator uses FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM) to define the

isolated region. A Process Engine host, the communication point, a password, and
isolated region number are required to define isolated region in CE.
Question 4:
Why do we need multiple ‘Isolated Regions’?
An isolated region is a logical subdivision of the workflow database in FileNet Process
Different units in an organization who do not want to share workflow data can create
different isolated region.

For example the research department and the finance department in an

organization have two all together logically different processes. It is
recommended to have two different isolated regions for these two departments.
Multiple isolated regions also make it easy to maintain the systems. Changes made
into one region don’t affect the users of another region.
Question 5:
How to determine if FileNet Process Engine (PE) is running fine?
Following things can be checked to find out if FileNet PE is running fine:

• Try following URL:


If PE is running, the PE server page is displayed.

If PE is not running, an error 'Page not found' is displayed.

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IOR Port (Interoperable Object Reference Port): IOR port is used by AE to
communicate with PE. This is a unidirectional port from AE to PE. It has 32776
and 32777 as the default port numbers.

• Try opening the FileNet Workplace - 'Tasks' page.

If tasks page opens, PE is running fine.
If request to 'Tasks' page get timed out and 'Process Engine Exception' occurred
then PE is not running.

• Examine following Windows services for the process Engine and make sure they
are running.
1. Process Engine IMG ControlService
2. Process Engine Service Manager

Question 6:
What are different types of Queue's in Process Engine?
Process Engine (PE) queues holds the work items waiting to be processed. The queues in
PE can be managed using Process Configuration Console (PCC).
PE has 4 different types of queues:
User Queues

User queues hold work items assigned to a users or being tracked by a user. There
are two different type of user queues created when an Isolated Region is

• Inbox

• Tracker
Work Queues

Work queue hold work item which can be processed by one or many users part of
a group.

i.e. For processing an insurance claim, a work queue 'Claim' can be created and
any employee from claim processing department can pick up the work item and
process it.
Component Queues

Component queue holds work items to be processed by component step in

workflow. The components steps are to process a work item using an external

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System Queues

Internally used by Process Engine, System queues are not accessible to the users
or administrators. Conductor, Delay, and InstructionSheetInterpreter are few of
the examples of system queues.
Question 7:
How to delete a queue in Process Engine?
FileNet doesn't provide any mechanism to delete a queue; whether it is a work queue or a
component queue.
The only workaround is to initialize the isolated region in following way:
Export isolated region configuration data to XML - Use Process Configuration
Console (PCC) to export all components of selected isolated region.
Initialize a isolated region.
Take a backup of XML file from the export in step 1 and carefully edit the XML file
to remove the nodes of unwanted queue.
Import the XML file in recently initialized isolated region with the option 'overwrite'.
Validate the configuration.
Note: When an isolated region is initialized, it makes changes to the workflow database
structure and the data in workflow database is deleted.
FileNet developer should design and configure the queues very carefully to avoid a
situation where they will have to delete a queue.
Question 8:
What happens to the work items when a work queue is deleted from PE?
Process Engine work queue holds the work items. FileNet P8 doesn't provide any easier
way to delete a queue.
Queues can be deleted by initializing the isolated region. When a queue is deleted all the
work items in it are also deleted.
Question 9:
What is the difference between a roster and a queue?

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There is no gross difference in querying a queue or a roster. Each is a table and the issue in
querying them will be based on the number of items needed to be reviewed by the database,
the effort in deconstructing what needs to be returned and the number of objects that are

Some general rules.

1. A roster is used to find work. It represents work that could be in any number of different
queues. Otherwise you'd have to scan each queue to find work. Think of it as a lookup to your
work regardless of queue.
2. A queue is used to separate similar work for similar actions. Work is processed from a
queue and can be filtered. It is rare to look for work via a queue as a roster is more efficient.
3. To process work you either know the queue its in (inbox style application), or look it up in
the roster and then process it.
4. You always return queue elements or roster elements in a query where you don't know how
many items are returned. This is simply a return of columns in the table.
5. You only return work objects, step elements or instruction elements when you have a small
number or a known number of items to process. Typically, browse for queue elements, lock an
item, get a step element, process the item, dispatch, and then back to browse.
6. Getting data elements via work object, step element or instruction elements requires more
processing by the process engine as the data isn't in the columns of the table but is in the blob
data. For a large number of objects this is a performance impact, but understand the impact,
and if necessary do it. Do not do it for an unknown number of returned results.
7. Make sure you expose business data on the queue for filtering work and on the roster to
find it. The same data can be exposed on each. This puts the data in a column on the roster or
the queue and means you can retrieve the roster element of queue element without a great
overhead in the database or process engine.
8. Make sure you build indices on the data elements that are exposed so that table scans
aren't needed to retrieve your data.

Your process design will not be impacted by the query you build. You build the query based on
the process requirements, the process design and the configuration that is created for the
queues and rosters that are needed to support your query.

Question 10:
What is the use of Process Administrator?
FileNet Process Administrator allows FileNet administrator to view and manage work in
Process Administrator is a Java Applet based UI and can be invoked from IBM
Workplace's admin section.
Following tasks can be performed though Process Administrator:
Search workflows, work items, workflow events, and workflow statistics.
It allows the administrator to search in specific area. Following areas are available for

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• Workflow roster

• User queue

• Component queue

• Work queue

• System queue

• Event log (only for searching events)

It allows to manage the workflows and work items in following ways:

• Assign or reassign work to a user

• Change workflow attributes, such as data field values and workflow group

• Complete work and send it on to the next step

• Terminate work and send it to the termination step

• Delete work, one or more work items or an entire workflow

• Unlock work based on the current user or queue

It allows opening Process Tracker for the selected work item.
Question 11:
Where to find information about the workflows or work items which are
The FileNet Process Administrator allows administrator to search for events in event
logs. The information about the terminated work items can be found though Process
Administrator by search for events.
Please note that PE queues only hold the information about active work items /
Question 12:
What is Process Engine Connection Point?
Connection point (or Process Engine Connection Point) allows Process Engine API’s to
connect to an associated isolated region. The router process in FN 3.5 was replaced by
connection points in FN 4.0 onward releases.

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FileNet CE uses connection points to connect to PE.

Connection points are defined in CE APIs and persisted in the Global Configuration Data
(GCD) on the Content Engine. The Content Engine's Enterprise Manager UI is used to
create and manage connection points.

PE Connection Point sample:

PE Server DNS, Port, Isolated Region Number

Question 13:
What is the difference between Workplace and Workplace XT? What are the
benefits of using FileNet Workplace XT?
IBM FileNet Workplace, a part of FileNet Content Manager product suite, is an out-of-
box web based user interface for FileNet P8 Products.

Workplace XT is the next-generation FileNet P8 platform Web application.

Most of Workplace XT feature are same as Workplace; however, the procedures user
perform to complete an activity are different.

Workplace XT is faster, user friendly and has features like drag and drop to add

IBM launched Workplace XT to compete with documentum and Alfresco, who has
similar web interfaces.

While most of the functionalities of Workplace XT are similar to the Workplace, it

cannot be considered as product upgrade as Workplace XT is built using Java Server
Faces (JSF) technology.

Workplace XT has better folder structure and nicer way to organize favorites.

Workplace XT does not provide a development environment for customization; however,

Workplace continues to provide the Workplace Application Toolkit and related
development tools for Workplace customization.

Note: IBM has plans to release the Workplace XT development tool kit in future releases.

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Question 14:
What are the types of document class?

FileNet BPF FAQ's

Question 1:
What is FileNet Business Framework (BPF)?
FileNet BPF provides a configurable framework for rapid development of BPM
application. BPF Web Application, an Ajax based application provides a user friendly
interface to the business users.
Along with the pre defined screens and functionality, FileNet BPF provides a framework
to develop and customize the application to meet business requirement.
FileNet BPF has two components:
BPF Web Application: Deployed on a J2EE server, the BPF Web Application is an
out-of-the-box, customizable, and configurable portal for BPM applications, and a
UI container with relevant components for BPF applications.
BPF Explorer: BPF Explorer is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC)-based tool
for defining and configuring BPF applications. </OL
FileNet Records Manager FAQ's
Question 1:
What is the difference between a document and a record in FileNet terms?
A document is a file that you can be create, save, and subsequently retrieve and update,
replacing the old version with the updated version.

A record is a reference to information and provides metadata to manage the information.

Records can electronic or physical (i.e. a document stored in CE or a physical book).

A document which is added to an IBM FileNet P8 content repository, but it is not yet
declared as a record is called as ‘document’, not a record. As soon as the document is
declared as a record, we consider the document a record.

Document objects are stored in the Records-enabled content Object Store (ROS) and the

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corresponding record objects are stored in the File Plan Object Store (FPOS).
Question 2:
Should all the properties of CE replicated to RM?
No. One should avoid duplicating the properties unless and until it represent a specific

Properties which have functional need for document management should be used in CE,
while properties which have functional need for records management should be used in
RM. If a property happens to be needed for both, then it should exist in both.

Many ECM architects use the exact same properties in ROS (CE) and FPOS (RM) for
Question 3:
How many document can be stored a Records Manager's ‘Record Category’?
There is no limit on number of document stored on Records Category. The 'Record' is
simply a custom object stored in database.

A record is a reference to information and provides metadata to manage the information.

Records can electronic or physical (i.e. a document stored in CE or a physical book).

An electronic record points to an electronic document, such as a Content Engine (CE)

document or an email message.

A physical record, sometimes referred to as a marker, is metadata about a physical

document or other object, such as paper records, tape, or microfilm.

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Events and subscriptions
Events provide a mechanism for initiating actions that are invoked when objects are
created and modified in, and deleted from, an object store. For example, creating a
document in an object store triggers a create event, which launches a workflow that
approves the new document and posts the approved content to a Web site.

A subscription is the association of a particular event trigger with an event action.

Subscriptions can be associated with a class so that they apply to the class itself or to all
instances or all objects of the class type. Or, subscriptions can be associated with
individual objects. Event subscriptions can be run synchronously or asynchronously.
When set to run synchronously, the object operation (for example, create or update) and
the operations of the event actions are completed as a single transaction; failure in either
results in rollback of both operations.

Isolated regions
An isolated region is a logical subdivision of the workflow database that contains the
queues for the work items, event logs, rosters, and other configuration information. It also
contains all transferred workflows and running work items. A workflow database can
contain up to 1000 isolated regions, although a FileNet P8 system can access only one at
a time. Within a workflow database, each isolated region is identified by a unique number
ranging from 0 to 999. Isolated region 0 contains system data and is reserved for system
software use. Users can define regions 1 - 999.

About queues
Queues hold work items waiting to be processed. You can manage the following types of
queue using Process Configuration Console:
• User queues - Each user has an Inbox that holds work items assigned to that user.
A user might also have a queue of Tracker items. The Inbox and Tracker queues are
created automatically during initialization of the isolated region.
• You can use Process Configuration Console to modify user queue properties—
change the queue's description, add or delete system and data fields, create indexes,
and configure users' privileges for accessing the queue.
• Work queues - A work queue holds work items that can be completed by one of a
number of users, rather than by a specific participant, or work items that can be
completed by an automated process. In a workflow definition, the workflow author
can assign steps to a specific work queue.
• Use Process Configuration Console to create and configure work queues,
specifying the queue properties.
• Component queues - To process a workflow step using an external entity, such as
a Java™ object or (Workplace only) Java messaging system (JMS), you use Process
Configuration Console to configure a component queue.

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Administrators can use document lifecycles to define a sequential set of states that a
document will go through over its lifetime, as well as the actions that are triggered when
it transitions from one state to another.

Content Engine supports property and content-based searching. Key capabilities of search
include the following:
1. A single search can span multiple object stores in different databases.
2. Workplace users can search for documents, folders, and custom objects.
Searches can be designed to specify multiple folders, including a common folder
name used in multiple object stores.
3. Search templates provide a simple user interface for entering search criteria.

You can create different versions of content to maintain a history of changes and to
control which users can change the content at a given time. The set of versions for a
single document is called a version series. Content Engine supports a two-level
versioning scheme, in which a document version is either a major or minor version.
Minor versions typically denote an “in-progress” document, whereas a major version
typically denotes a completed document

Classification is the process of assigning metadata to content, specifically the selection of
a document class and property values. Classification can also be accomplished by filing
objects into folders that define classification taxonomies. Classification can be
1 By a user.
2 By an application that uses the FileNet P8 APIs.
3 Automatically by using the content-based classification capability provided in the

Entry templates
Users can easily add documents, folders, and custom objects to an object store using
entry templates. Entry templates also make it easy to define approval workflows for
these objects. When using the entry template to add a document to the object store, a
user interacts with a wizard, which decreases the chance of invalid data entry by
limiting the number of steps required and providing a more controlled entry process.
Entry templates are created in Workplace. Some of the key capabilities of entry
templates and advantages to using them are as follows:
1 Documents, folders, form data, and custom objects can be created with entry

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2 Users who are not administrators can create entry templates. For example, a
project manager can create the entry templates used by her project team.
3 Entry templates support FileNet P8 records management by providing a
simplified and customizable method of declaring a document as a record.
4 Entry templates can specify the folder in which the object will be filed, can either
prevent or allow the user to change the folder, and can restrict the user to
selecting a particular folder or its subfolders.

Import and export

Content Engine provides an import and export capability for moving objects from one
object store to another. In Enterprise Manager, an administrator can select the objects to
export. Dependencies between objects are detected so that all related objects can also be
exported in the appropriate order for import. For example, if a folder is exported, the user
can also choose to export all documents in the folder without selecting the documents
individually. The folder will be exported first, followed by the documents. The export
manifest is a list of all of the objects that the administrator has requested to export. The
user can view and modify this list, and then perform the export operation, which copies
the data to an XML file. Content Engine XML import and export APIs include security
information related to objects. The exported XML includes the security and owner
information for the object. You can import the security information and owner
information independently. The APIs don’t circumvent any security associated with the
FileNet P8 domain or the FileNet P8 object store; these permissions are still checked
when trying to update security and owner through import.

Integration with external storage devices

Content Federation Services (CFS) enables you to integrate data in an external repository
with FileNet P8 and access the documents as though they were stored in a FileNet P8
object store.
CFS creates a reference within an object store that points to the source document in an
external repository. The document in the FileNet P8 object store is represented by
metadata only; the document in the external repository contains all its original content. In
addition, CFS provides a mechanism for mapping source document metadata to Content
Engine document properties.
The process of creating a Content Engine document that references a document in an
external repository and mapping the source document metadata to Content Engine
document properties is called federation.

Integration with Image Services

Content Federation Services for Image Services (CFS-IS) natively integrates and
federates content from Image Services repositories. CFS-IS enables Content Engine to
use Image Services as another content storage device. Users of FileNet P8 applications
have full access to content stored in existing Image Services repositories.

Image Services and Content Engine catalog synchronization

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For those enterprises wishing to gradually migrate content from an Image Services
system to a Content Engine system, dual cataloging of documents is an option. Image
Services documents are cataloged in the Content Engine catalog, but can also be
cataloged in the Image Services catalog, resulting in all content being accessible by both
Image Services applications and any application built on the FileNet P8 platform.
Both the Image Services and Content Engine catalogs are masters and are automatically
synchronized by CFS-IS. If properties change in Image Services, they are automatically
propagated to the Content Engine catalog. Note that synchronization is not bidirectional;
that is, updates in the Content Engine catalog do not propagate back to the Image
Services catalog.

Integration with Content Services and other repositories

IBM Content Integrator provides access to information in Content Services and in
repositories acquired from other vendors. Before accessing the information, you must:
1 Create the data maps that identify how metadata in the external repository maps
to document properties in the FileNet P8 object store. In general, there is one data
map per source repository. Multi-value properties are supported for metadata
2 Define federation rules that identify which documents to federate and which
folders will store the federated documents in the FileNet P8 object store.

Workflow definitions
By creating a workflow definition, you can define the activities and resources required to
accomplish a business process. A workflow definition consists of a series of process steps
connected together by a series of routes, which define the sequence in which the steps are
executed. The workflow definition acts as a processing template that is used each time
the workflow runs, routing the work to the specified participants or processes, along with
the data, attachments (documents, folders, and custom objects), and other information
needed to complete the activities.

Process submaps
Processes can be developed using a collection of nested subprocesses, or submaps.
Submaps can be defined in Process Designer or they can be imported from another
process definition.

The steps in a workflow either represent a specific business task or a system activity. A
business task can be executed by an individual user, by a group of users, and/or by an
automated application. There are several different step types:
1 A launch step is the first step on the main map of a workflow.
2 An activity step can be either a participant step, a work queue step, or an
unassigned step:

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a. A participant step has an associated user or collection of users, all of
whom must process the item to complete the step. The identity of these
users can be defined at runtime through the use of workflow groups; thus a
single workflow definition can exhibit different behavior depending on the
value of the user identities contained in the workflow groups defined for
that specific workflow.
b. A work queue step routes work to a specified work queue for processing
by a participant from a pool of participants or by an automated
c. An unassigned step is one that is not assigned to a participant or a work
queue. These steps are processed immediately by the system.
3 A system step identifies one or more system functions that provide specific
functionality within a workflow. Examples of such functionality include setting
time limits for certain activities, assigning data field values, creating new
workflow instances, and suspending the workflow for a specified period of time
or until a specified condition is met.
4 A submap step calls another workflow map. An individual submap can be
referenced multiple times within a workflow definition, and multiple levels of
nesting (for example, submaps within submaps) are supported.
5 A start step is the first step on a submap.
6 A component step executes operations in an external program, also referred to as
a component. Components are controlled by using Component Manager on the
Application Engine server and are configured using Process Configuration

Work management
Work management provides users with a set of tasks that they need to perform. Work
is managed in several types of queues, which are database structures that hold work
items. User queues (called My Inbox in Workplace) hold work items waiting to be
processed by a specific user. Public queues hold work items that can be completed by
any user in the assigned group.

Workplace XT and Workplace

FileNet P8 includes two application environments to provide users with enterprise
content management (ECM) functionality:
1 Workplace XT – Workplace XT is the next-generation FileNet P8 platform Web
application. Building on a familiar browse and search interface, users can quickly
become productive in their content management environment. Workplace XT
provides the tools (such as Process Designer and entry templates) by which
business application designers can access the document management and
business process management features of FileNet P8.

Workplace XT automatically provides the following folders:

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1 A Favorites folder where you can store links to frequently accessed folders and
2 An All Searches folder that lists all predefined searches.
3 A Checkout List folder that displays all documents currently checked out to you.

System management
FileNet P8 provides a complete set of system administration tools that allow for
monitoring, validation, and configuration changes from a central location with a
dispersed deployment. These tools, described in the following sections, can be used to
manage the entire system.
FileNet P8 also integrates with systems management tools like Tivoli®, which allow for
orchestration and management of system components and resources on an enterprise

IBM FileNet Dashboard provides a central collection system for application-specific data
(such as RPC counts and durations, application-specific events and metrics),
environmental data (such as configuration information and version and fix pack levels),
and operating system statistics (such as CPU load, memory utilization, and disk and
network I/O). You can analyze the collected data using Dashboard components or export
the data for analysis using industry-standard monitoring and reporting tools.

System Monitor
IBM FileNet System Monitor automates the monitoring of the entire FileNet P8
environment including FileNet P8 software components, application servers, databases,
log files, network communication and devices, and the full range of IBM storage
repositories. In addition to monitoring the core FileNet P8 components, System Monitor
can monitor homegrown applications and products acquired from other vendors such as
Adobe®, Kofax, and Captaris RightFax.

Application development and deployment

FileNet P8 includes an extensive collection of development tools that span the content
and process management capabilities outlined in this document. These include:
1. Graphical tools for defining and designing application components (such as
processes, metadata definitions, searches, and templates).
2. Java APIs for programmatic access to content and process capabilities.
3. A .NET API for developing Content Engine applications.
4. Content Engine and Process Engine Web Service APIs for building Web-based
applications that can execute on a variety of platforms and can use a variety of
languages and toolkits to access most of the functionality available through the
Content Engine and Process Engine Java APIs.
5. Integrations with leading portal vendors for building Web-based applications.
6. User interface elements that can be reused in custom applications.

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7. Code module capabilities where Java classes containing event action code are
stored in the object store and as such are easily deployable.
8. Several tools to help you move content between environments, which aid in the
deployment process.

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