Daily Status - Date (03-01-2022) # Requirements Strory

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# Requirements Strory

As admin I should be able to As an admin , I should have a facility to check

1 Manage reports assignment which reports are available and which reports
for users are assigned for an user
Deploy and Test 7 Jasper

3 Testing Environmnet setup

Task Sub Task
Adding a link in admin menu to assign 4. Implemetation of Pagination and Search functionality on
reports for the user mapping page

Deploy the remaing the 5 reports tested for jasper in Jasper

Pro server and test with Expense Application

Setup Jasper Reports environment in one of VM and share to

Daily Status - Date(03-01-2022)
Estimate (in
Task/Sub Task details (if any) Priority JIRA#
An Admin should see a link under tab Manage
P1 NA 30
Initially we tested only 2 jasper reports, as 80 % of work
at expense is completed, now deploy remaining 5 P1 NA
reports and asssign them to smith and test 2

Generate expense local build with current changes,

setup Jasper 7.5.1 environment in VM and share for
buddy testing P1 NA 3
Status Start Date End Date Today's Effort  (in hrs)
In Progress 3/1/2022 7/1/2022 1

Completed 3/1/2022 3/1/2022 2

Completed 3/1/2022 3/1/2022 3

Total Actual Effort (in hrs) Comments
Tried to implement the pagination and search functionality on that
1 page. Its failing to load the pgae. Taking this task as separate task

Noted how to create Query type, and assign to input control. Also
2 trying to understand how make this as default setup

Setup is completed. Only one report is deployed in that

environment and showed mounika how to access. Also did
required changes for reading the reportserver url and passphrase
for jasper and generated expense build. Screen development will
3 try to complete this week
1 Daily Meeting Ajoy
2 Meeting with Mounika & Ajay sreehari
1 hr
40 min
# Course Link Self Learning Item Self Learning Sub Item

056 Introducion
057 MIddleware
058 Creating Custom Middleware
059 Built-In Middleware
060 Third-party Middleware
061 Environments
1 https://codewithmosh.com/p/the- 05 Express- Advance062 Configuration
063 Debugging
064 Templating Engines
065 Database Integration
066 Authentication
067 Structuring Express Applications
068 Project- Restructure the App
Self Learning
Estimate (in Effort Total Effort on
Status Start Date End Date
hours) (21.12.2021) the course

1 hr Completed 22/12/2021 23/12/2021 1 hr 7 hrs


Need to practice for some days

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