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# Epic Requirement

Jasper Server Pro Need be to Integrated to

1 Upgrading Jasper From 1.6.X to 7.5.1
Expense Application

Story Task

As an admin , I should be able to assign and Implementing Search Funcationality in

unassigne jasper reports to users Mapping jasper reports page

Reviewing Mounika Test Cases

Daily Status - Date(06-01-2022)
Task Details

Need to implement Search Functionality of users in mapping

jasper reports page
Daily Status - Date(06-01-2022)
Estimate (in
subtask Priority JIRA#
Analyze how search is implemented in user profiles
P1 NA 3
Implement that search functionality in
P1 NA 3
jaspermapping/list.jsp page
P1 NA 2
Status Start Date End Date Today's Effort  (in hrs)
In Progress 6/1/2022 6/1/2022 3
In Progress 6/1/2022 6/1/2022 1
Completed 6/1/2022 6/1/2022 2
Total Actual Effort (in hrs) Comments
didn't understood the implementation clearly. But total page filter
4 is being handled in the one filter class. Need to spend some more
time before starting implementation
2 Share my comments to mounika
1 Daily Meeting Ajoy
2 Meeting With Mounika Sreehari
1 hr
30 mins
# Course Link Self Learning Item Self Learning Sub Item

056 Introducion
057 MIddleware
058 Creating Custom Middleware
059 Built-In Middleware
060 Third-party Middleware
061 Environments
1 05 Express- Advance062 Configuration
063 Debugging
064 Templating Engines
065 Database Integration
066 Authentication
067 Structuring Express Applications
068 Project- Restructure the App
Self Learning
Estimate (in Effort Total Effort on
Status Start Date End Date
hours) (21.12.2021) the course

1 hr Completed 22/12/2021 23/12/2021 1 hr 7 hrs


Need to practice for some days

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