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Teamfight Tactics G&G

Comp Tier
Made by CuewarsTaner

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CN Popular Comps
S+/S/S- Tier A Tier B Tier Specific Condition

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Bruiser Twinshot Inno + Carry Chem Warwick Socilaite Sion

IC Samira Bodyguard Sins Elderwood MT

Academy Yone Bodyguard Sniper SyndiKata

Protector Reroll Clockwork Trist Mercenary

Arcanists Syndicate Sins

Bruiser Twinshot
Tier: S+
Transition: Fast Lv8
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Urgot , Jinx

Core Item: AD Items (GA Jinx)

Core Tank: Dr. Mundo, Tahm Kench

Core Support :Yummi (Bruiser Emblem)
Imperial Challenger Samira
Tier: S ESC from fullscreen to check Huanmie’s Samira Notes
Transition: Lv 7 Slow Roll
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Samira 3

Core Item: AD + AD + Hurricane/HoJ
AD Items: IE / DB / LW (LW not a must)

Healing Augments = 3 Agreesive Items

Other Augments = All for One / Imperial or Chally Emblem (save a slot for Yummi>Enforcer)
Just saw Robin’s Samira comp mixing Swain/Ekko/Ori/Janna. Lemme know which version is better.
Academy Yone
Tier: S-
Transition: Fast 8
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Yone

Core Item: Guinsoo + QSS + DMG/GA

Socialite can be cut

Fiora Academy Spat = 6 Academy + Support
Protector Reroll
Tier: S- (Predator/BM Mutant)
Transition: Lv5 Slow Roll
Board Link: Click Here

Core Tank: Garen 3

Core Item: Warmog/Bramble/DClaw/BT
Core Unit: Kog Maw 3
Core Item: Guinsoo + DMG

Augment: Protector/Mutant Emblem, Ascend, Featherweight, Celestial

Tier: S-
Transition: Lv6 Fast Roll >>> Fast 8/9
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Viktor 2 > Malz 3

Core Item: Shojin + AP + DMG

Core Tank: Vex 3

Core Item: Warmogs / Bramble / QSS / Stoneplate / DClaw
Inno + Carry
Tier: A/S ( 7 Inno = Top 2)
Transition: Fast 8
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Orianna (A) / Viktor (S)

Core Item: Shojin + AP + DMG

Core Tank: Jayce

Core Item: Warmogs / Bramble / DClaw / QSS / GA
Bodyguard Sins
Tier: A (Strong in Accelerated Lobby)
Transition: Lv 6 Slow Roll
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Katarina 3

Core Item: IE + Spark + GS/DCap/Heal

Core Unit: Talon 3, Ekko 3

Ekko Scrap Component: Tear > Belt > Vest > Rod
Bodyguard Sniper
Tier: A
Transition: Fast 8
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Jhin 2/3

Core Item: AD + AD + AD/Defensive

Core Unit: MF 2/3

Core Item:Shojin + AP + DMG
Clockwork Trist
Tier: A
Transition: Lv5/6 Slow Roll
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Camille

Core Item: Warmogs/Bramble/DClaw
Core Tank: Traitana
Core Item: IE + LW + Hurricane/QSS

Early Clockwork Emblem with WW:Click Here

Syndicate Sins
Tier: A/B
Transition: Lv 7 Slow Roll
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Shaco 3 (B)

Core Item: Guinsoo + AD + GA

Late Game Core Unit: BIS Akali 2 (A)

Core Item: 2 of those [IE/JG/DCap/GS/HoJ] + 1 Defensive [GA the Best]
Chem Warwick
Tier: B
Transition: Lv 6 Slow Roll
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Warwick 3

Core Item: Guinsoo + QSS + DMG

Core Tank: Dr.Mundo

Core Item: Warmogs / Bramble / DClaw / Bramble
Socialite Sion
Tier: S
Specific Con: Colossus Plating
Transition: Fast 8 >>> Sion 3
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Sion on the Spotlight

Core Item: IE + JG + AP
Core Tank: Galio

Support: Taric, Janna (Seraphine can be cut if you hit Socialite Emblem)
Elderwood Mutant
Tier: S
Specific Con: Elderwood Mutant
Transition: Fast 7/8
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Malz 3

Core Item: Mana + AP + AP/Morellon

Core Tank: Cho 3

Core Item: Gunblade + 2 of Any Tank Items (Protector Emblem is LIT)
Tier: S-
Specific Con: Syndicate Emblem Kata
Transition: Lv 6 Slow Roll
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Katarina 3

Core Item: Syndicate + AP + DMG

Powerful Chase: Shaco 3, Ekko 3, Late Game Akali 2

Mercenary Comeback
Specific Con: 3 Mercs at Stage 2-1
Transition: 7+ Loss Streak Comeback
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: GP 3, Tahm 2, Jinx

Core Item: IE + BT + Bruiser Emblem

All about excitement and fun.

Your late game is flexible with any correct items on whoever can carry.
Scholar Liss
Tier: Unknown
Transition: Lv 7 Slow Roll
Board Link: Click Here

Core Unit: Liss 3

Core Item: Gunblade + AP +AP

Core Tank: Taric 3

Core Item: GA + Any Tank Items

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