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n Feature Article

Acute Management of Open Fractures:

An Evidence-Based Review
Mohamad J. Halawi, MD; Michael P. Morwood, MD


Open fractures are complex injuries associated with high morbidity and mortality.
Despite advances made in fracture care and infection prevention, open fractures re-
main a therapeutic challenge with varying levels of evidence to support some of the
most commonly used practices. Additionally, a significant number of studies on this
topic have focused on open tibial fractures. A systematic approach to evaluation and
management should begin as soon as immediate life-threatening conditions have
been stabilized. The Gustilo classification is arguably the most widely used method
for characterizing open fractures. A first-generation cephalosporin should be admin-
istered as soon as possible. The optimal duration of antibiotics has not been well
defined, but they should be continued for 24 hours. There is inconclusive evidence
to support either extending the duration or broadening the antibiotic prophylaxis for
type Gustilo type III wounds. Urgent surgical irrigation and debridement remains
the mainstay of infection eradication, although questions persist regarding the opti-
mal irrigation solution, volume, and delivery pressure. Wound sampling has a poor
predictive value in determining subsequent infections. Early wound closure is rec-
ommended to minimize the risk of infection and cannot be substituted by negative-
pressure wound therapy. Antibiotic-impregnated devices can be important adjuncts
to systemic antibiotics in highly contaminated or comminuted injuries. Multiple fixa-
tion techniques are available, each having advantages and disadvantages. It is ex-
tremely important to maintain a high index of suspicion for compartment syndrome,
especially in the setting of high-energy trauma. [Orthopedics. 2015; 38(11):e1025-

The authors are from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, North Carolina.
The authors have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Correspondence should be addressed to: Mohamad J. Halawi, MD, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Box 3000, Durham, NC 27710 (mohamad.halawi@dm.duke.
Received: October 28, 2014; Accepted: April 8, 2015.
doi: 10.3928/01477447-20151020-12

NOVEMBER 2015 | Volume 38 • Number 11 e1025

n Feature Article

pen fractures are often the result energy imparted through the mechanism Initial Evaluation
of high-energy trauma and can of injury.7,8 When managing trauma patients, in-
lead to significant long-term mor- cluding those with open fractures, the
bidity and disability.1 An open fracture is Epidemiology most critical first goal is saving life. Ad-
defined as one with an associated break in Crush injuries are the most common vanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) pro-
the skin that is capable of communicating cause of open fractures, followed by falls tocol should be immediately implemented
with the fracture and/or its hematoma.2 from a standing height and road traffic ac- at the scene or in the emergency room.
This communication with the outside cidents.9 Open fractures occur more com- Orthopedic evaluation and management
environment can lead to higher rates of monly in males than in females (7:3), with should begin as soon as immediate life-
infection, malunion, and nonunion if not a mean age of 40.8 and 56 years, respec- threatening conditions have been stabi-
recognized and treated appropriately.1,3,4 tively.9 Fractures of the finger phalanges lized. Knowing the mechanism of injury
Prior to the 1850s, most surgeons treat- are the most common type, accounting for is essential to understanding the amount
ed open fractures with early amputation nearly half of all open fractures with an of energy transferred to the patient and
because sepsis and gangrene were com- incidence of 14/105 per year in the gen- extent of environmental contamination.
mon sequelae.5 It was not until the turn of eral population.9 Fractures of the tibia and A systematic inspection of each limb is
the 20th century that aseptic techniques distal radius are the second and third most critical; open fractures may be missed if
became widely accepted, with much common open fractures, with an incidence the examining physician does not circum-
credit going to the work of the English of 3.4/105 per year and 2.4/105 per year in ferentially expose the entire extremity.
surgeon Joseph Lister.5 Called the father the general population, respectively.9 The dimensions, locations, and degree of
of aseptic surgery, Lister was the first to soft tissue involvement of open wounds
recognize the importance of aseptic tech- Classification should be noted prior to reduction and/
nique during surgery. In his 1867 Lancet A number of classification schemes or splinting. A complete neurovascular
article, “On the Antiseptic Principle in have been developed to characterize open examination should be performed, and, if
the Practice of Surgery,” Lister reported fractures, including the Gustilo, Tscherne, necessary, vascular studies should be ob-
a series of open fractures that he treated and Orthopedic Trauma Association sys- tained for those injuries with a question-
with use of carbolic acid spray applied to tems. The Gustilo classification is argu- able vascular examination. It is extremely
wounds, instruments, and dressings.6 Us- ably the most widely quoted in the ortho- important to maintain a high index of
ing this technique, he achieved a dramatic pedic literature (Table 1). First published suspicion for compartment syndrome,
drop in mortality rate, from the historic in 1976 and modified in 1984,10,11 this especially in the setting of high-energy
25% to 50% down to 9% in his series.5,6 classification system organizes open frac- trauma. The incidence of compartment
Today, more than a century later, al- tures in order of worsening prognosis ac- syndrome is directly proportional to the
though open fracture injuries are no lon- cording to the mechanism of injury, level degree of injury as assessed by the Gustilo
ger a cause of increased mortality, they of contamination, soft tissue damage, grade and has been reported to be as high
continue to be a source of significant mor- and fracture complexity (Table 2). In a as 9.1% in open tibial fractures.19 If there
bidity and disability following trauma. follow-up study, Gustilo et al3 demonstrat- is any clinical suspicion of compartment
The aim of this review is to critically eval- ed that the risk of infection directly corre- syndrome and the patient is unable to co-
uate the available evidence for acute man- lated with the fracture grade. Despite its operate with examination, compartment
agement of open fractures in both adults wide use and prognostic value, the Gustilo pressures should be assessed.
and children. classification system is not without limi-
tations. Kim and Leopold12 reported on Initial Management
Etiology a series of studies that found a limited Although there is no evidence to sup-
Open fractures can result from a va- interobserver reliability, with agreement port preliminary debridement and ir-
riety of injuries. Common direct mecha- ranging from 53% to 60%.13,14 They logi- rigation of open wounds at the bedside,
nisms include high-energy trauma, such cally concluded that the size of the injury removing immediately accessible con-
as motor vehicle accidents, firearms, and at the skin surface did not always reflect taminants, such as leaves and clothes, may
falls from a height. Indirect mechanisms the true extent of deep soft tissue injury. help eliminate sources of infection be-
include low-energy torsional injuries, This realization has led many to state that cause these foreign objects can be pushed
such as those sustained during sports and the true Gustilo classification of an open deep into soft tissue after preliminary
falls from a standing height. The extent of fracture is best made in the operating fracture reduction. Obtaining photographs
trauma is directly related to the amount of room.12,15-18 of the wound(s) is also helpful to mini-

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n Feature Article

mize multiple examinations, which can be

painful. Following irrigation, wet-to-dry Table 1
saline dressing should be applied to aid in
Short Version of the Gustilo Classification System of Open
healing, comfort, and prevention of infec-
tion. Chaby et al20 performed a systematic Fracturesa
review of dressings for acute and chronic Type Description
wounds and found no evidence that any of I Wound <1 cm, clean
the modern dressings (ie, hydrofiber and II Wound >1 cm, no extensive soft tissue damage
foam dressings) were better than saline IIIA Extensive soft tissue damage with adequate coverage
gauze. The limb should then be reduced IIIB Extensive soft tissue damage with inadequate coverage
and placed in a well-padded splint. Pulses IIIC Arterial injury requiring repair
should be documented before and after a
Data from Gustilo and Anderson and Gustilo et al.11

Wound Cultures
Routine wound cultures before surgi-
cal debridement were routinely performed Table 2
prior to the 1980s,4,10 but the value of this Expanded Version of the Gustilo Classification System of Open
practice has been called into question in re- Fracturesa
cent years. In a retrospective study of 86 Fracture Type
lower extremity open fractures in children, Feature I II IIIA IIIB IIIC
Kreder and Armstrong21 found that the
Wound size, cm <1 >1 >1 >1 >1
pathogens in infected cases were only iden-
Energy Low Moderate High High High
tified in 29% of positive pre-debridement
Contamination Minimal Moderate Severe Severe Severe
and 60% of post-debridement cultures.
These findings were consistent in adults, Deep soft tissue Minimal Moderate Severe Severe Severe
with several prospective and retrospective
Fracture comminu- Minimal Moderate Severe/ Severe/ Severe/
studies showing that pre-debridement cul- tion segmental segmental segmental
tures identified the infecting pathogen in fractures fractures fractures
only up to 22% of cases.22,23 As a result, Periosteal stripping No No Yes Yes Yes
routine wound cultures before surgical Local coverage Adequate Adequate Adequate Inadequate Adequate
debridement are no longer recommended. Neurovascular injury No No No No Yes
Similarly, the value of cultures obtained af-
Infection rate 0%-2% 2%-7% 7% 10%-50% 25%-50%
ter surgical debridement remains unknown. a
Data from Gustilo et al,3 Gustilo and Anderson,10 and Gustilo et al.11
Lenarz et al24 investigated the timing of
wound closure and risk of deep infection
based on post-debridement cultures in 422
open fractures. There was no difference in ani, an anaerobic gram-positive bacillus phylaxis a routine practice following open
the rate of deep infection between wounds found in soil. The initial tetanus vaccina- fractures. The correct treatment (complete
closed after positive or negative cultures. tion series includes 3 separate doses of the vaccination series, booster, and/or im-
However, the study was limited by sub- tetanus toxoid. A booster, usually given mune globulin) depends on the extent of
stantial loss to follow-up and the confound- as a tetanus toxoid/diphtheria toxoid (Td) wound contamination and the patient’s
ing effect of antibiotics because culture- combination,25 is recommended every 10 tetanus vaccine status. In general, the teta-
specific antibiotic therapy was routinely years because the circulating antitoxin nus vaccine is provided to patients with
continued until uneventful wound healing. may fall below the minimal protective incomplete/uncertain vaccination history.
level. Although there are no studies evalu- The booster is provided to those with 10
Tetanus Prophylaxis ating the benefits of tetanus prophylaxis years or more of vaccination history, ex-
The tetanus toxoid vaccine and teta- after open fractures, the severity of the cept in cases of contaminated wounds if
nus immune globulin are used to enhance disease, along with the minimal morbidity more than 5 years have elapsed since the
the immune response to Clostridium tet- of administration, has made tetanus pro- last tetanus vaccination history. The teta-

NOVEMBER 2015 | Volume 38 • Number 11 e1027

n Feature Article

nus immune globulin is reserved for high- point, defining this window may be fu- generation cephalosporin is thought to
ly contaminated wounds with incomplete/ tile because prophylaxis implies that the provide coverage against potential noso-
uncertain vaccination history. This is a treatment should be provided at the time comial gram-negative bacilli. In a pro-
single intramuscular dose of 3000 to 5000 of exposure before infection develops. spective, randomized study comparing the
units of tetanus immune globulin that pro- Therefore, the administration of antibiot- first- and third-generation cephalosporins
vides immediate immunity.25 ics should be done as soon as possible.27 in types II and III open fractures, Johnson
et al32 found no statistical difference in the
Antibiotic Prophylaxis Choice rate of infection between the 2 treatment
Indication In 1974, Patzakis et al4 performed groups.
Gustilo and Anderson10 found that one of the first randomized, placebo- The addition of penicillin for gas gan-
70% of open wounds were contaminated controlled trials that highlighted the grene prophylaxis is another controver-
with bacteria and argued that the routine role of first-generation cephalosporins sial practice. In a randomized, placebo-
use of antibiotics was a therapeutic rather in reducing the infection rate follow- controlled trial exploring the efficacy of
than a prophylactic measure. Similarly, in ing open fractures. Since then, the effi- prophylactic antibiotics in open fractures,
a prospective, randomized trial of 1104 cacy of first-generation cephalosporins Patzakis et al4 noted 2 cases of gas gan-
open fracture in children and adults, Pat- in open fractures—excluding open fin- grene from a series of 311 open fractures
zakis and Wilkins26 found a high rate of ger fractures and those caused by low- and recommended the routine addition of
bacterial contamination in open wounds velocity firearms—has been confirmed in penicillin for anaerobic coverage. Howev-
and demonstrated a significant reduction multiple Level I and II studies.27 In the er, these 2 cases of gas gangrene occurred
in infection rate with early administra- United States, cefazolin is the only first- in the placebo group that did not receive
tion of antibiotics. The effectiveness of generation cephalosporin available in in- antibiotics. A more recent study reported
antibiotics in preventing infection after travenous form. It is active against most that it is rare for C perfringens, the caus-
open long bone fractures was established gram-positive cocci, as well as gram- ative microorganism of gas gangrene, to
in a recent meta-analysis of Level I and negative rods, such as Escherichia coli, be resistant to the standard prophylactic
II studies that showed a relative risk re- Proteus mirabilis, and Klebsiella pneu- antibiotic regimen (first-generation ceph-
duction of 43% (95% confidence interval, moniae.29 alosporins) and advocated avoiding add-
29%-65%) when administered pre- or in- Extending antibiotic coverage beyond ing penicillin even for high-risk injuries.28
traoperatively.27 A subgroup analysis did gram-positive organisms for Gustilo type Table 3 lists the dosages of the most
not find a significant benefit for antibiotics III open fractures has traditionally been commonly used antibiotics in the treat-
in open finger fractures, which make up common practice25,30 despite lack of evi- ment of open fractures.33
nearly half of all open fractures.9 In ad- dence to support it. This recommendation
dition, the current guidelines of the Sur- is based on a historic high rate of wound Duration
gical Infection Society provide a Level I infections caused by gram-negative or- The optimal duration of antibiotic
recommendation against the use of pro- ganisms in type III open fractures, as course has not been well defined. There is
phylactic antibiotics for open fractures initially reported by Gustilo et al.11 The currently no evidence that extending anti-
resulting from low-velocity civilian gun- authors recommended a combination of biotic converge beyond 24 hours, even for
shot wounds if surgical fixation is not re- a first-generation cephalosporin and an type II and III open fractures, decreases
quired.28 aminoglycoside, or a third-generation infection rates. In a randomized, double-
cephalosporin for type III open frac- blind trial of 248 patients between 14 and
Timing tures.11 Although normal skin flora and 65 years old, Dellinger et al34 showed
Patzakis and Wilkins26 reported an in- Staphylococcus aureus are the most com- no statistically significant difference in
fection rate of 4.7% when antibiotics were monly isolated microorganisms from open fracture-site infections between patients
administered within 3 hours of injury, fracture wounds,3,4,31 hospital-acquired randomized to receive a 1-day course of
compared with 7.4% when the treatment gram-negative rods, such as Pseudomo- a first-generation cephalosporin com-
was delayed more than 3 hours, although nas aeruginosa, can play a significant role pared with a 5-day course of either a first-
the statistical significance of this differ- in the pathogenesis of infection, espe- or second-generation cephalosporin.34
ence was not provided. Currently, there cially in times of delayed wound closure, Similarly, Patzakis and Wilkins26 found
are no Level I or II studies addressing the often experienced in type III injuries.3 that prolonging the duration of antibiot-
optimal window for antibiotic therapy. Hence, the addition of an aminoglycoside ics beyond 3 days provided no additional
However, from a clinical practice stand- to cefazolin or substitution with a third- benefit on the risk of infection. Prolonged

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courses of more than 1 antibiotic for more

than 24 hours following severe trauma are Table 3
associated with resistant infections.35
Dosages of Some of the Most Commonly Used Antibiotics in
the Treatment of Open Fracturesa
Surgical Debridement
Adequate debridement is arguably the Antibiotic Dose

most critical step in preventing infection Cefazolin (first-generation 100 mg/kg/d divided into 3 doses every 8 h, maxi-
cephalosporin) mum 2 g per dose
and promoting healing. The goal is to
Gentamicin (aminoglycoside) 5-7.5 mg/kg/d divided into 3 doses every 8 h
debride all contaminated and nonviable
tissue, including skin, subcutaneous fat, Penicillin 150,000 units/kg/d divided into 4 doses given every 6
h, maximum dose of 6 million units per dose
muscle, and bone. The wound should be
Clindamycin 15-40 mg/kg/d divided into 3 doses every 8 h,
extended longitudinally for proper inspec- maximum dose of 2.7 g/d
tion of the zone of injury. The bone ends a
Data from Johnson et al.32
should be delivered, the medullary canal
cleaned, and all devitalized bone frag-
ments with no soft tissue attachments re-
moved. Edwards et al36 found that removal with a mean age of 8.8 years. All patients studies on this topic. Anglen43 random-
of necrotic bone significantly lowered the received antibiotic therapy on arrival to ized 400 patients with 458 open fractures
infection rate in open fractures. Although the emergency room but had different to receive normal saline with bacitracin or
bone and skin viability are assessed by time intervals between injury and surgical normal saline with castile soap. There was
their capacity to bleed, muscle viability is debridement. The rates of acute infection no difference in infection rates between
assessed by the criteria outlined by Artz were similar for patients who had surgery the 2 groups, although there was a higher
et al,37 which consist of the 4 Cs: color, within 6 hours after injury compared with risk of wound healing complications in
contractility, consistency, and capacity to those delayed up to 72 hours, regardless the bacitracin group (9.5% vs 4%; P=.03).
bleed. Whenever soft tissue viability or of the Gustilo wound type.40 Similarly, A Cochrane meta-analysis by Fernandez
adequacy of debridement is questionable, Spencer et al42 performed a 5-year pro- and Griffiths44 found no difference in in-
repeat debridement is necessary. spective study looking at the effect of time fection rates between isotonic saline ir-
to surgical debridement on infection risk. rigation and various forms of water (dis-
Timing of Surgery One hundred three patients with 115 open tilled, boiled, or tap) in open fractures. In
The optimal timing of surgical de- long-bone fractures were included. Sur- a review by Crowley et al,45 the authors
bridement is debated. Historically, open gical debridement was performed in less recommended normal saline irrigation
fractures were treated with emergent de- than 6 hours from time of injury in 60% without additives, citing concerns about
bridement within 6 hours of injury, as re- of cases and in more than 6 hours from in- toxicity and adverse healing effects.
ported by Gustilo and Anderson10 in 1976. jury in 40% of cases. Infection rates were
This was likely influenced by a 1898 re- 10.1% and 10.8%, respectively, with no Delivery Pressure
port by Paul Leopold Friedrich, who used statistical difference. They concluded that There is a general belief that high-
mold and dust particles to inoculate guin- open fracture injuries might best be treat- pressure irrigation methods may damage
ea pig wounds. Friedrich showed that the ed during normal daytime hours by regu- bone and soft tissue and further drive con-
contaminating microorganisms reached lar, experienced teams, with no increased taminants deeper between tissue planes.
an infective load within 6 to 8 hours af- infection risk by delaying operative treat- This belief mainly stems from in vitro
ter inoculation and theorized that simple ment.42 Recently, a meta-analysis on the and animal model studies46-48 that also
wound debridement was ineffective after effect of timing to operative debridement found low-pressure pulse lavage (LPPL)
this time.38 Although early studies dem- following open long-bone fractures found or bulb irrigation to be equivalent to high-
onstrated a benefit to emergent debride- no association between higher infection pressure pulse lavage (HPPL) in decreas-
ment in type II and III open fractures,39 rates and delayed debridement up to 12 ing bacterial loads when irrigation was
many recent studies showed no advantage hours.41 performed within 4 hours from the time
for the 6-hour rule provided that antibi- of contamination. However, when irriga-
otic therapy was initiated.26,40,41 Skaggs et Irrigation Solution tion was delayed more than 4 hours, LPPL
al40 performed a retrospective multicenter The optimal irrigation solution has not became ineffective in removing adherent
study of 554 open fractures in children been established because there are limited bacteria.48,49 Recently, the FLOW (Fluid

NOVEMBER 2015 | Volume 38 • Number 11 e1029

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Lavage of Open Wounds) trial has been antiseptic-coated intramedullary nails more commonly used in types IIIB and
developed to evaluate the optimal ir- (IMN) have been described. In a rabbit IIIC injuries. Similar findings were dem-
rigation solution and pressure for open model of open tibial fractures inoculated onstrated in another systematic review by
wounds.50 In this multicenter, reviewer- with S aureus, Darouiche et al53 showed Gougoulias et al,57 who noted that 51.7%
blinded study, patients with open frac- that the use of IMN coated with a combi- of pediatric open tibial fractures were
tures were randomized to receive either nation of chlorhexidine and chloroxylenol treated with closed reduction and casting,
castile soap or normal saline irrigation de- was associated with a nearly seven-fold 26.9% with external fixation, and 19.5%
livered via HPPL of LPPL. The primary reduction of device-related osteomyelitis with internal fixation.
outcome was reoperation rate due to in- compared with uncoated IMN. A recent
fection, wound-healing problems, and/or meta-analysis investigating the role of lo- Intramedullary Nailing
nonunion. Although the results of the pilot cal antibiotic administration in open tibial Compared with external fixation, IMN
trial on 111 patients showed a trend favor- fractures found a decrease in the infection provide the advantage of faster time to
ing the LPPL technique, the difference rate for all Gustilo grades, and in particu- weight bearing, fewer subsequent proce-
was not statistically significant.50 lar in type III open fractures.54 dures,58 higher level of patient compli-
ance,55 and lower incidence of malalign-
Irrigation Volume Fracture Management ment.58 Historically, open long-bone
A 1990 expert opinion by Gustilo et Early fracture stabilization reduces fractures were treated with unreamed
al3 recommended irrigation with 5 to 10 pain, facilitates bed transfers and ambu- IMN because disruption of the endosteal
L of normal saline or distilled water fol- lation, prevents further soft tissue injury, blood supply by reaming was thought to
lowed by 2 L of bacitracin solution for all and promotes healing. This is particularly cause further damage to the traumatized
open fractures. More than a decade later, important for intra-articular fractures bone’s already compromised blood sup-
the optimal amount of irrigation has never where early joint motion may be advan- ply, leading to higher rates of nonunion.
been established. A recent expert opin- tageous.3 There are many different treat- Recently, evidence supporting the use of
ion by Anglen51 proposed an irrigation ment options for open fractures depending unreamed IMN came from the SPRINT
protocol based on the severity of injury on hemodynamic status, fracture location (Study to Prospectively evaluate Reamed
fracture, with 3 L for type I fractures, 6 L and pattern, and extent of soft tissue in- Intramedullary Nails in patients with
for type II fractures, and 9 L for type III jury. Tibial fractures) trial, which was a mul-
fractures. ticenter, randomized study that compared
External Fixation the rates of reoperation between reamed
Antibiotic-Impregnated Devices External fixation is an effective tem- and unreamed tibial IMN.59 Although
The role of antibiotic-impregnated de- porizing measure in polytrauma patients, initial results of the SPRINT trial found
vices in reducing infection following open particularly in cases of soft tissue defects. no difference between the 2 groups in
fractures is increasingly coming to light, It can also be used as a definitive treatment open fractures,59 later reports revealed
with several studies showing them to be with good results. Edwards et al36 showed an increased risk of reoperation in the
important adjuncts to systemic antibiotics a 93% union rate with external fixation at reamed group.60 In contrast, no differ-
and in some cases equally effective to par- a median follow-up of 9 months in 202 ence in infection and nonunion rates was
enteral antibiotics. Ostermann et al52 retro- consecutive type III open tibial fractures. found in open femoral fractures treated
spectively reviewed 1085 consecutive cas- Similarly, in a prospective, randomized with reamed or unreamed IMN based on
es of open fractures, of which 240 received trial of 29 patients with type IIIB open tib- several retrospective studies.61,62 The is-
only systemic antibiotics and 845 received ial fractures treated with external fixation sue of reaming is particularly relevant
systemic antibiotics plus local tobramycin- or unreamed IMN, Tornetta et al55 found in the polytrauma patient because it is
impregnated polymethyl methacrylate no difference in time to healing, range of believed to contribute to the second-hit
(PMMA) beads. The authors found a sig- motion, and infection rate between the 2 phenomenon. Following a traumatic event
nificant reduction in acute infection rates groups. (first hit), there is a systemic release of a
in type IIIB and C fractures in the PMMA Most studies on open fracture fixa- number of inflammatory mediators. This
group. The incidence of local osteomyelitis tion in children have focused on tibial systemic inflammatory response can be
was also significantly lower in types II and fractures. In a systematic review, Bald- hyperstimulated by an additional insult,
IIIB fractures in the PMMA group. win et al56 noted a significant trend from such as reamed IMN, thereby increasing
In addition to antibiotic beads or external fixation to casting for type I and the patient’s susceptibility to posttraumat-
spacers placed at the site of fracture, II open fractures, with external fixation ic complications, including acute respira-

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tory distress syndrome.63 This concept has tive wound closure to accelerate healing. tention or can be closed primarily without
become the basis for the decision making In 2002, Govender et al67 published the an increased risk of infection.71 However,
between damage control orthopedics vs results of the BESTT (BMP-2 Evalua- higher-energy injuries (type II and III open
early definitive care.63 tion in Surgery for Tibial Trauma) trial, fractures) may require temporary cover-
which evaluated the efficacy and safety of age between serial debridements or until
Fixation With Plate and Screws rhBMP-2 in open tibial fractures. This flap coverage. In a prospective, random-
Traditional plating techniques have prospective, controlled, single-blinded ized trial, Stannard et al72 showed that the
generally fallen out of favor for open tibial study followed 421 patients randomized use of negative-pressure wound therapy
fractures associated with extensive soft tis- into 3 intervention groups: IMN, IMN (NPWT) between surgical debridements
sue loss. When comparing plate fixation plus 6 mg rhBMP-2, or IMN plus 12 mg prior to wound closure resulted in a five-
with external fixation for type II and III rhBMP-2. The primary outcome measure fold decrease in infection rate compared
open tibial fractures, Bach and Hansen64 was the rate of secondary interventions with standard gauze dressing. In contrast,
reported a six-fold increase in the rate of due to delayed union or nonunion. At Bhattacharyya et al73 retrospectively re-
severe osteomyelitis. However, newer, 1-year follow-up, the group randomized viewed 38 patients with type IIIB open
less invasive plating techniques have to receive the 12 mg total rhBMP-2 had tibial fractures and found that NWPT did
emerged that may allow plate fixation to a 44% reduction in the rate of secondary not allow coverage delay because there
be a viable option in open tibial fractures. interventions and faster fracture healing was a significant increase in the infection
In a retrospective analysis of 56 extra- compared with the control group with rates when coverage was delayed beyond
articular proximal tibial fractures, Lindvall no rhBMP-2. Since the BESTT study, a mean of 4.8 days.
et al65 compared rates of union, malunion, rhBMP-2 has been approved by the US
malreduction, infection, and hardware re- Food and Drug Administration for use in Conclusion
moval between patients treated with IMN the primary treatment of open tibial shaft The acute management of open frac-
or percutaneous locked plating (PLP). fractures. tures remains a challenge to orthope-
Open fractures made up 55% (12 of 22) dic surgeons. There is strong evidence
of the IMN group and 35% (12 of 34) of Wound Closure that prophylactic antibiotics (eg, a first-
the PLP group. Four (33%) of the 12 open Delayed wound closure may increase generation cephalosporin) should be ad-
fractures in the IMN group and 4 (33%) risk of infection with nosocomial gram- ministered as soon as possible to reduce
of 12 open fractures in the PLP group be- negative microorganisms, such as Pseu- the risk of deep infection. Urgent opera-
came infected. In a randomized, prospec- domonas species, Enterobacter species, tive irrigation and debridement is the stan-
tive study comparing IMN with plates and and methicillin-resistant S aureus.3,68 In dard of care, usually performed during
screws for all tibial shaft fractures, Vallier a double-blind, randomized trial exam- daytime hours by an experienced team.
et al66 found an increased risk of infection ining open fractures with adequate soft The goals of surgery are to achieve thor-
in open fractures (83% of infections in the tissue coverage, Benson et al69 found no ough debridement, bone stabilization, and
study); however, the rates of infection, increased risk of infection when wound restoration of the soft tissue envelope.
nonunion, and secondary procedures were closure was delayed for 5 days in highly Questions persist regarding the optimal
similar between the 2 groups. contaminated fractures provided patients irrigation solution and delivery pressure,
received antibiotic prophylaxis and surgi- the timing of wound closure, and the val-
Bone Grafting cal debridement. For wounds with exten- ue of post-debridement wound cultures.
Bone grafting can help in fracture sive tissue loss (type IIIB and IIIC inju- Multiple fixation techniques are available,
repair and reconstruction of skeletal de- ries), Gopal et al70 favored early internal each with its advantages and disadvan-
fects.32 It can be performed at the time of fracture fixation and flap coverage (within tages. The role of adjunctive therapies,
closure for types I and II open fractures 72 hours). Their conclusion was support- such as antibiotic-impregnated devices,
but should be delayed until the wound ed by a higher rate of infection when flap rhBMP-2, and NPWT between serial de-
has healed in type III fractures, owing coverage was delayed, although they cau- bridements, is emerging.
to the extensive periosteal stripping, soft tioned that this difference was not statisti-
tissue damage, and possible blood flow cally significant. References
compromise associated with these severe 1. Zalavras CG, Patzakis MJ. Open fractures:
injuries.32 Similarly, recombinant human Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy evaluation and management. J Am Acad Or-
thop Surg. 2003; 11(3):212-219.
bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) Most wounds associated with type I
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