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Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 810e817

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Exploring the lag phase and growth initiation of a yeast culture

by means of an individual-based model
Marta Ginovart a, *, Clara Prats b, Xavier Portell c, Moises Silbert d
Department of Applied Mathematics III, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Baix Llobregat, Esteve Terradas 8, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Baix Llobregat, Esteve Terradas 8, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Baix Llobregat, Esteve Terradas 8, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain
Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park Colney, Norwich NR4 7UA, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The performance of fermentation processes is greatly influenced by the size and quality of inocula. The
Received 31 January 2010 characterization of the replicative age is decided by the number of birth scars each yeast exhibits on its
Received in revised form cellular membrane. Yeast ageing and inoculum size are factors that affect industrial fermentation, partic-
1 May 2010
ularly those processes in which the yeast cells are reused such as the production of beer. This process reuses
Accepted 4 May 2010
Available online 11 May 2010
yeast cropped at the end of one fermentation in the following one, in a process called “serial repitching”.
The aim of this study was to explore the effects of inoculum size and ageing on the first stages of the
dynamics of yeast population growth. However, only Individual-based Models (IbMs) allow the study of
Individual-based model
small, well-characterized, microbial inocula. We used INDISIM-YEAST, based on the generic IbM simulator
Lag phase INDISIM, to carry out these studies. Several simulations were performed to analyze the effect of the inoc-
Growth initiation ulum size and genealogical age of the cells that made it up on the lag phase, first division time and specific
Yeast inoculum growth rate. The shortest lag phase and time to the first division were obtained with largest inocula and with
Inoculum size the youngest inoculated parent cells.
Yeast cell age Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction divided, and so this number constitutes a biomarker of replicative

cell age. In addition, it has been demonstrated that there is an
Biochemical factors have long been recognized as the most increase in cell size with age (Walker, 1998). However, this increase
effective elements for determining the yield and productivity of is not considered constant between successive ages, as it may
industrial fermentation. Since these factors are carried forward from decrease in older individuals in accordance with the diminution of
the inocula to the production stages, an accurate characterization of the metabolic rate for aged cells. In fact, although aged cells are
these inocula, in terms of size and quality, is of importance in known to be larger than younger cells, mixed age yeast populations
order to improve fermentation consistency and thus increase the can exhibit a greater average size than older populations, depending
efficiency and/or yield of the biotechnological process (Birol and on the environmental conditions and other unidentified factors
Özergin-Ülgen, 1995, Gibson et al., 2007). (Porro et al., 2009). Variety is an intrinsic property of microbial life.
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a limited replicative As a consequence of senescence, yeast cells are subject to
lifespan (Walker, 1998). We are concerned here with yeast budding morphological, metabolic and genetic modifications (Powell et al.,
reproduction, which leads to scar formation and to cells dividing 2000, 2003). In industrial applications yeast is usually propagated
unequally. Ageing in budding yeast is not determined by chrono- in a number of steps before being inoculated into the final fermen-
logical lifespan (measured as the ability of non-dividing cells to tation medium. Despite the fact that the physiological condition of
maintain viability over time) but by the number of times an indi- the yeast cells may greatly affect the fermentation duration and
vidual cell is capable of dividing (Maskell et al., 2003). Each cell outcome the inoculum is not often well-defined (Walker, 1998).
within a population is only capable of a finite number of divisions By way of example, the production of beer reuses yeast cropped
prior to senescence and death. The number of bud scars on the wall at the end of fermentation in subsequent fermentation, so yeast is
of the mother cell is directly related to the number of times a cell has maintained and reused a number of times in a process called ‘serial
repitching’. Toward the end of beer fermentation, the yeast sedi-
* Corresponding author. ments and collects within the fermenter cone (Powell et al., 2003).
E-mail address: (M. Ginovart). The rate at which each cell sediments is believed to vary according

0740-0020/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Ginovart et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 810e817 811

to its replicative age. Older cells tend toward faster sedimentation, The aim of this study was to explore the effects of specific
and accumulate at the bottom of the cone (although their precise characteristics of the initial inocula on the dynamics of a virtual
location may depend on the strain) leading to stratification by yeast culture in liquid medium during the first stages of growth by
genealogical age. Sedimentation results in the formation of zones means of the individual-based simulator INDISIM-YEAST.
enriched with cells of a particular age (Kurec et al., 2009). At the
end of fermentation a portion of the yeast is removed (‘cropped’) 2. Materials and methods
from the fermentation vessel for serial repitching. Typically this is
the centre-top portion of the yeast crop, theoretically comprising We used INDISIM-YEAST as the individual-based simulator for
middle-aged and virgin cells (Powell et al., 2003). However, yeast is this study, which is based on the generic simulator INDISIM (Ginovart
increasingly removed early to decrease process time by means of et al., 2002, 2007; Ginovart and Cañadas, 2008; Prats et al., in press).
a ‘warm’ or ‘early’ cropping regime, which facilitates removal of the A short review and selected applications of INDISIM can be found in
lower portion of the crop that comprises a greater proportion of Ferrer et al. (2008).
aged cells (Powell et al., 2004). Harvesting yeast may therefore A general presentation and schematic outline of the simulator
select for a population with an imbalance of young and aged indi- INDISIM-YEAST is as follows. It is discrete in space and time and can be
viduals, depending on the cropping mechanism employed (Powell used for modeling yeast populations under different environmental
et al., 2003). Although a yeast crop may be considered by the conditions. It is rule-based, using stochastic variables, and subject to
brewer to be a homogenous culture in terms of vitality and viability, appropriate boundary conditions. The physical domain where
it has been demonstrated that it usually comprises a variety of the virtual fermentation takes place is divided into spatial cubes,
individual cells which may differ in respect to their fermentative a microcosm of the system: it includes the liquid medium with yeast
capabilities (Walker, 1998, Gibson et al., 2007). cells, glucose particles, as the main nutrient, and excreted ethanol
These processes highlight and justify the interest in studying the particles, as the only end product. The temporal evolution of the
main features of a yeast inoculum, obtained from one fermentation population is divided into equal intervals associated with computer
that is going to be used in the following one. or time steps. The simulator is made up of several elements: 1) the
When yeast cells are inoculated into a fresh growth medium, initialization of the system, in which the input data are entered and
they enter a brief lag phase in which they are biochemically active the initial configuration of the population and environment is
but still do not divide (Gibson et al., 2007). After this lag phase, cells determined; 2) the main loop (time step), in which all the rules for
enter their cell cycle and start dividing. The microbial lag phase has each yeast cell and the medium are implemented and repeated until
usually been investigated with continuous population models the end of the simulations; and 3) the output of results, including the
using rather high inoculum levels or homogeneous inocula (Baranyi information obtained from each yeast cell at the end of each time step
and Roberts, 1994; Baranyi, 2002; Swinnen et al., 2004), but lately stored by the simulation. This makes it possible to obtain the results of
more and more studies have concentrated on single cell lag times the simulations both at the level of individual cells and at that of the
(McKellar, 2001; Devlieghere et al., 2005; Kutalik et al., 2005; yeast population throughout the evolutions.
Metris et al., 2005; Koutsoumanis, 2008; Malakar and Barker, The virtual system models the behavior of each yeast cell in
2008; Baranyi et al., 2009). Nevertheless, when microbial growth the following categories: a) random motion; b) glucose uptake; c)
starts from a few accurately characterized cells, the study of this cellular maintenance; d) new biomass production; e) ethanol
evolution demands an individual-based approach. excretion; f) budding reproduction (detailed below); and g) cell
Individual-based Models (IbMs) explicitly simulate individuals, viability. The budding reproduction model assumes two differenti-
and the population behavior emerges from their cumulative ated phases, phase 1 or the unbudded phase, when the cell gets
behavior and interaction (Grimm and Railsback, 2005). In ecolog- ready to create a new cell (the bud), and phase 2 or the budding
ical modeling, IbM constitutes a well-established alternative to the phase, in which the daughter cell-genealogical age 0 (virgin cell)-
more traditional population-level approach, in which population grows until it separates from the parent cell, leaving behind another
parameters are modified directly using model equations. Most scar (Fig. 1). Each yeast cell is characterized by its: i) biomass, which
applications of IbMs have been geared to higher trophic levels. is related by the model to spherical geometry in order to evaluate its
However, advances in microbiology and biochemistry have stimu- cellular surface; ii) genealogical age measured as the number of scars
lated an increase in the application of IbMs to microbes as well on the cellular membrane; iii) state of the reproductive cycle,
(see Hellweger and Bucci, 2009 for a recent review). A model in this
context that is individual-based means that the basic entities are
the individual cells. Thus, every cell is considered as an entity and
has its own properties that change during its life according to the
set of rules declared. Unlike traditional top-down approaches, IbMs
are bottom-up approaches. Sometimes, under certain assumptions,
the two approaches converge in yielding similar results as the size
of the population increases (Gómez-Mourelo and Ginovart, 2009).
Out of the several microbial IbMs that are available nowadays
(Kreft et al., 1998; Dens et al., 2005; Hellweger and Bucci, 2009)
we used INDISIM, the simulator developed by our group (Ginovart
et al., 2002; Ferrer et al., 2008), which has already been used to
study different features of bacterial lag phase yielding an ample
pool of interesting results (Prats et al., 2006, 2008). INDISIM-YEAST
is the adaptation of INDISIM to the study of specific features of the
yeast cell cycle in yeast populations growing in a liquid medium
(Ginovart et al., 2007; Ginovart and Cañadas, 2008; Prats et al., in
press). This simulator has also recently been used in a prelimi- Fig. 1. Scheme of the budding reproduction model implemented at individual level
nary study of some aspects of the influence of cell ageing on yeast cell. U: phase 1 or the unbudded phase, B: phase 2 or the budding phase. Adapted
fermentation processes (Ginovart et al., 2009). from Hatzis and Porro (2006).
812 M. Ginovart et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 810e817

involving the time spans and masses of both parent and daughter population reached the exponential phase. There was no nutrient
cells in each of the two phases; and iv) survival times of the limitation at the initial conditions of the simulated culture.
yeast cells not satisfying the metabolic requirements for their Two parameters were used to characterize the outcome of a given
maintenance. During the implementation of the different parts of culture growth during the early stages (Pin and Baranyi, 2008). The
the simulator we take into account, amongst other things, the first is the classic lag parameter, defined at the population level of
following: the scars left on the parent cells, as they affect the cellular description and calculated through its geometrical definition; it is
membrane and therefore the nutrient uptake and the possibility of the graphical intersection between the initial level (LnN0) and the
new reproduction cycles; the cell’s chemical stresses caused by the prolongation of the exponential straight line in a semilogarithmic
presence of ethanol in the medium, as it slows down the production representation (LnN ¼ mt þ b). Parameters m (maximum growth rate)
of new biomass (it increases the energy requirements for cellular and b are determined by means of a logarithmic regression of the
maintenance); the increase in volume, or biomass, of parent cells, as upper interval. Finally, the lag parameter evaluation results in l ¼
they increase their genealogical age; and the varying duration of (LnN0  b)/m as shown in Fig. 2. In order to better characterize the
the reproduction cycles (unbudded and budding phases), since initial steps of the yeast population at an individual level of
these phases require a minimum time interval of stasis as well as description, a second parameter was also considered; the time when
minimum growth of biomasses in order to change from one phase the first microbial division (tFD) took place (or time till the first
into the other. For a more details about INDISIM-YEAST see Ginovart budding reproduction appeared), also shown in Fig. 2.
et al. (2007) and Ginovart and Cañadas (2008), and for further The genealogical age of yeast cells and the small size of daughter
information about this simulator see also Gómez-Mourelo and cells compared to older cells are two individual characteristics that
Ginovart (2009), and Prats et al. (in press). can be significant in determining the evolution of a yeast culture
The simulation output may be separated into data related to the during its first stages. Thus, several simulations to evaluate the
global properties of the system and data concerning the properties above parameters (l and tFD) were carried out taking inocula with
of individual yeast cells. The former includes information on different characteristics in terms of: i) the genealogical ages of
temporal evolution of the number of nutrient particles (glucose), their cells (namely samples that include daughter cells or virgin
the number of metabolites (ethanol particles), the average nutrient cells with zero scars and/or parent cells with one, two, three or
consumption (defined as the number of nutrient particles metab- more scars on their membranes), and ii) their size (the number of
olized at each time step divided by the number of viable cells), the yeast cells of the inocula, ranging from 1 cell to 1000 cells). Lastly,
number of viable yeast cells, the number of non-viable yeast cells, other relevant simulation results, such as the growth rate achieved
viable yeast biomass, non-viable yeast biomass, heat dissipation in the exponential phase, are presented.
of the system, and maintenance energy expended by the yeast From a heterogeneous yeast population that emerges from
population (defined as the number of metabolized nutrient parti- a simulated fermentation of INDISIM-YEAST, as a virtual “source
cles not used in the production of new biomass). The latter provides culture” (Ginovart et al., 2007, Prats et al., in press), successive sets of
information on the distributions of genealogical age and of the mass cells were obtained to be used as inocula in subsequent simulations.
of the populations, which allows us to observe the structure of The initial groups of cells were randomly taken from the virtual
the population throughout the fermentation process. The preceding source culture according to the size and age group that had to be
separation of output simulation results mirrors the classification addressed, and configured the starting point of the successive simu-
of experimental techniques used to study those properties. The lation. The other significant input data required for the simulator in
web page htpps:// presents this case study were the number of glucose particles distributed
a basic version of INDISIM-YEAST, which allows for simulations of uniformly over the spatial cubs of the domain and, fundamentally, the
fermentation processes, and graphically present a few of the vari- values that were conducting the yeast cells’ actions or behavior rules
ables controlled by the simulator (Ginovart and Cañadas, 2008). (Ginovart et al., 2007; Ginovart and Cañadas, 2008; Prats et al., in
Other applications and publications about INDISIM-YEAST can also press). We used dimensionless units. We assumed that units of
be found in this web page. length were given in terms of the length of a spatial cell, units of time
Among the various simulation results at the population level, we in terms of program steps, and units of mass in terms of the “start”
will focus on the temporal evolution of the yeast population that mass of reproduction. Consequently, the simulation results obtained
grows from a completely characterized inoculum. Special attention can be understood as qualitative and available to be compared among
was paid during the first stages of its development until the themselves.

Fig. 2. Calculation of the following parameters: lag time, first division time and maximum growth rate (exponential phase) performed over the evolution of the growth of some
simulated yeast populations. Left: geometrical method to obtain the lag phase (l) and the maximum specific growth rate (m), where a ¼ LnN0 þ 0.85(LnNMAX  LnN0) and
b ¼ LnN0 þ 0.60(LnNMAX  LnN0); and the first division time (tFD) is indicated. Right: two different simulations showing how negative and positive lag times can be achieved.
M. Ginovart et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 810e817 813

Fig. 3. Results of the first simulation series, with 50 independent runs for each case, to evaluate the effect of the genealogical age of a single inoculated cell on the parameters l and
tFD of the growth curve. Lag parameter (left) and first division time (right) versus the number of scars of the single-cell inoculum. The dashed line indicates the mean value for each
genealogical age.

3. Results of protein synthesis. Cells can pass through the “Start” point only
when they have reached a critical cell size and, daughter cells and
Low inocula growth curves have high synchronisms during the parent cells may be distinguished by both cell size and division rate
first stages of the temporal evolution. These synchronisms result in (Smart 1999). It has been stated by Powell et al. (2000, 2003) that
a geometrical effect that disturbs the geometrical evaluation of the with newly budded virgin cells the time taken to reach the critical
lag phase as it is seen in the simulation results shown in Fig. 2. size required for the first division would result in a slight delay at
As a consequence, in some cases the population lag time is shorter the onset of growth. This reflects the extended period that virgin
than the corresponding time for the first bud reproduction (Fig. 2). cells spent in the first phase prior to proliferation. Virgin cells do
This is not consistent at all with the concept of lag as the phase at not immediately meet the requirements to pass the “Start” point
which no reproductions take place (i.e. growth rate is equal to zero), that leads to budding reproduction during the cell cycle and, in
since a part of this non-division period -between lag time and the order to achieve the specific size, they had to assimilate nutrients
first division- is assembled to the subsequent exponential phase. and convert them into biomass, which is time consuming (Powell
This effect was also analyzed by Baranyi et al. (2009) in the case of et al., 2003). In contrast, mother cells (genealogical age greater
bacterial cultures. than zero) would satisfy requirements for the “Start” point more
We simulated the growth of different virtual inocula. From rapidly, and therefore were able to divide quickly, reducing
a heterogeneous population of yeast cells, successive samples were fermentation lag time and first division time. Seeding fermentation
obtained to be used as inocula in subsequent simulations. The first with aged yeast would result in an extended lag phase due to the
series with 50 independent runs for each case was designed to slow progression in the cell cycle. The rate of increase in cell size
evaluate the effect of the genealogical age of a single inoculated cell may not continue throughout the lifespan, but may even decrease
on the parameters l and tFD of the growth curve (Fig. 3). It can be in older individuals in accordance with the diminution in metabolic
seen that both parameters have their minimum value for the rate reported for aged cells by Motizuki and Tsurugi (1992).
youngest parent yeast. As the genealogical age of the inoculum The second series, also with 50 independent runs in each case,
increased, the values of these parameters became greater. Daughter was designed to simulate the yeast population growth from inocula
cells also appeared to have longer lag phase than young parent of different sizes (from 1 to 1000 cells) randomly taken from the
cells. These outcomes of the simulator at the beginning of aforementioned population and without age restrictions on the
fermentation, during the first stages of population growth, can initial cells. Fig. 4 shows the resulting effect of the inoculum size
basically be explained by means of geometric considerations taking on l and tFD. It can be observed that large inocula reached the
into account the budding reproduction model (Fig. 1). Cell division exponential phase sooner than small inocula, and that dispersion of
rate is limited by the rate of growth of an individual cell and the rate these parameters also decreased as the inoculum size increased.

Fig. 4. Results of the second simulation series, with 50 independent runs in each case, to simulate the yeast population growth from inocula of different sizes randomly taken from
a virtual source culture without age restrictions on the initial cells. Lag parameter (left) and first division time (right) versus inoculum size. The dashed line indicates the mean value
for each inoculum size.
814 M. Ginovart et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 810e817

Fig. 5. Box plots for the third simulations series where inocula combining the two factors, size and genealogical age were used. Different inoculum sizes (from 1 to 1000 cells) with
only virgin cells (zero scars), middle-aged cells (1 to 5 scars) or old cells (six scars or more) were chosen to perform sets of 50 independent runs for each combination. Lag parameter
versus inoculum size depending on the genealogical age of the set of cells. A middle line inside the box represents the median. Outliers-data that were more than 1.5 times the
interquartile range above or below the box are shown as asterisks. The solid line connects the mean values (C) for each inoculum size.

Large inocula reached the exponential phase sooner than the small independent runs for each combination. This information made
inocula, and this was mainly due to the major probability of having possible the construction of box plots (also called box-and-whisker
cells with short tFD in the inoculum greater if the inoculum is large. plots) which can be particularly useful for showing the distribu-
For instance, the fermentation and metabolism characteristics tional characteristics of data and for comparing the set of
under five initial cell densities of S. cerevisiae were investigated by data corresponding to these three groups of genealogical ages
Ding et al. (2009), and they found significant effect of inoculum size (Figs. 5e7). Outliers, unusually large or small observations corre-
on lag phase duration. The prolonged lag phase of yeast cells at low sponding to certain simulations, can be identified in some of these
inoculum size might be envisaged as the statistical effects arising graphs. They are the values beyond the whiskers, which in other
from the variability in individual lag times, i.e., first division times cases extend to the highest and lowest data values. The tops of
(Ding et al., 2009), which is supported by these simulations. Both the boxes are the third quartiles and the bottom ones are the first
parameters, l and tFD, behave in the same way except for one-cell quartiles, with the middle lines showing typical values, i.e., the
inocula, in which population l decreases. This is a consequence of median values for these sets of data. The simulation results of Figs.
the above-mentioned geometrical effect of the initial synchronism, 5 and 6 show the expected influence of these initial features of the
which causes an underestimation of the population lag (Fig. 2). inocula on l and tFD in accordance with previous series results and
A third series of simulations was performed selecting inocula experimental data (Powell et al., 2000, 2003). It has been observed
that combined the preceding two factors, size and genealogical that yeast cultures enriched with old or young cells performed in
ages. Specifically, different inoculum sizes (from 1 to 1000 cells) a different manner during fermentation, and the analysis of the
with only virgin cells (zero scars), middle-aged cells (1 to 5 scars) or initial stages of fermentation indicated that virgin cells were slower
old cells (six scars or more) were chosen to perform sets of 50 to begin utilizing sugars when compared to aged cultures (Powell

Fig. 6. Box plots for the third simulation series, where inocula combining the two factors, size and genealogical ages, were used. Different inoculum sizes (from 1 to 1000 cells) with
only virgin cells (zero scars), middle-aged cells (1 to 5 scars) or old cells (six scars or more) were chosen to perform sets of 50 independent runs for each combination. First division
time versus inoculum size depending on the genealogical age of the group of cells. A middle line inside the box represents the median. Outliers-data that were more than 1.5 times
the interquartile range above or below the box are shown as asterisks. The solid line connects the mean values (C) for each inoculum size.
M. Ginovart et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 810e817 815

Fig. 7. Box plots for the third simulation series, where inocula combining the two factors, size and genealogical ages, were used. Different inoculum sizes (from 1 to 1000 cells) with
only virgin cells (zero scars), middle-aged cells (1 to 5 scars) or old cells (six scars or more) were chosen to perform sets of 50 independent runs for each combination. Specific
growth rate versus inoculum size depending on the genealogical age of the group of cells (only the simulations with viable inocula were considered). A middle line inside the box
represents the median. Outliers-data that were more than 1.5 times the interquartile range above or below the box are shown as asterisks. The solid line connects the mean values
(C) for each inoculum size.

et al., 2003). It has also been suggested by Smart (1999) that young initial amount of glucose was the same and it is feasible to assume
to middle-aged parent cells represented the most active portion of that the available nutrient that was present in the exponential
the pitch population in terms of rapid growth and yeast biomass phase was not identical when the smallest size inocula or greater
production. Fig. 7 shows the effect of inocula characteristics on the size inocula started. Porro et al. (2009) have reported experimental
exponential phase maximum specific growth rate, m. In general, all data on the percentage of cells of different genealogical age as
cultures reached similar potential m values, except for old large a function of the specific growth rate of exponentially growing
inocula where a slight difference was observed. Non-growing yeast batch cultures in different media. It was clear from their paper
inocula were ruled out, and this was the case with many small old that the heterogeneity of parent cells was quite significant, showing
inocula which were not counted in these results. Once a cell started that the specific growth rate lowest values corresponded to the
dividing, the culture started growing and reached almost the parent cells highest percentages and the virgin cells lowest
maximum population growth rate. Most of the large inocula suc- percentages. This is in qualitative agreement with the simulation
ceeded in initiating the culture growth because it was more prob- results achieved with large inocula and middle-aged cells, which
able that at least one yeast cell could divide, but it seems that the showed only a slight decrease in the specific growth rate, and in
presence of a still considerable percentage of old cells along with a much more obvious and noticeable way with the large and old
the new ones (virgin cells) could even slightly slow down inocula, which showed the major decreases in the specific growth
the population rate (Porro et al., 2009). It has been shown that the rate (Fig. 7). The major dispersion of these simulation results was
degree of asymmetry of cell division in yeast cells is modulated by greater for the parameters l and tFD for old cells and virgin cells
nutritional supply, and that the size distribution of a growing than for middle-aged cells. In addition, in this event, the central
population is a stable distinctive feature of a given exponential data had major dispersion when very small inocula were used to
balanced growth condition. For all the simulations in this study, the start on the simulations.

Fig. 8. Results of the third series of simulations showing the percentage of viable inocula versus the inoculum size, depending on the genealogical age of the group of cells. 50
independent runs for each combination were used.
816 M. Ginovart et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 810e817

Fig. 8 shows the percentage of viable inocula of this third series sizes. It is particularly useful in the study of small inocula and the
of simulations carried out versus the inoculum size, depending on initial steps of the yeast population evolution because of the great
the genealogical age of the group of cells. Also 50 independent runs influence of the discrete and asymmetrical nature of yeast cellular
for each combination were carried out, and only very small inocula division. It is here that this model has an edge over top-down
were sometimes not capable of growing. This only happened with continuous models, which are useful when the initial population
virgin or old cells. In the case of middle-aged cells all the inocula contains a large number of cells and the interest is the inspection of
were successful. A higher number of cells increases the probability average behaviors exhibited by them. The tendencies found in the
that one or more cells in the population are able to grow. Thus, large simulations resemble those seen during ‘serial repitching’ in beer
inocula allow growth initiation under conditions where growth of fermentation, although additional work must be done to improve
small inocula is usually difficult. Experimental and quantitative the simulation model and to integrate new biological features into
microbial studies that show the effect of inoculum size on microbial yeast cellular activity. For instance, the incorporation of other abiotic
growth initiation under combination of specific conditions that compounds (nitrogen, ammonia, glycerol or oxygen), and the control
control or stop microbial growth has been increasingly recognized of individual internal reservoirs or intracellular storages would
as necessary in food and predictive modeling (Koutsoumanis and improve the possibilities of the simulator INDISIM-YEAST.
Sofos, 2005, Koutsoumanis, 2008). Experimental research with In addition, two remarkable comments regarding the discrete
small inocula is still scarce, but with the improvement of image nature of our simulations are in order. First we would like to note
analysis techniques is being more usual. the uncanny similarities between the shape of the evolution of the
microbial growth of our simulations (expressed as the temporal
4. Discussion evolution of the number of viable yeast cells), and some experi-
mental results conducted by Koutsoumanis (2009), who, with the
Inoculum size is one of the most important factors influencing time-lapse microscopy method for monitoring colonial growth of
industrial fermentation, including lag phase duration, specific growth single cells, was able to achieve truthful and accurate growth
rate, biomass yield and final product quality. In addition, investiga- curves. The second relates to the somewhat atypical samples or
tions on the effect of cell population in microbial risk assessments, extreme values for the parameters identified by means of box-and-
food pathogen control and inactivation, are examples where the tFD whisker plots. This phenomenon, i.e., the presence of outliers, is
parameter must be taken into account as those phenomena generally also observed in some experiments which are, perhaps, not suffi-
involve small inocula, and as has already been stated, in these ciently well thought-out when population mean values and/or
circumstances, its value differs from the l. With regard to yeast, most individual typical behaviors are the goals of the studies.
researchers have been restricted to the technology of high cell density We may summarize the main findings of our simulation study as
fermentation (Ding et al., 2009). Nevertheless, the metabolic regu- follows:
lation against the variation of inoculum size is still elusive and less
characterized, especially the changes of yeast intercellular metabolite i) The lag parameter has minimum values for the youngest
contents in fermentations with different initial cell densities. It is parent yeast cells. As the genealogical age of the inoculum
necessary to gain further insight into the mechanisms of how yeast increases, lag time becomes longer. Daughter cells also have
metabolism and growth is affected by inoculum size, although some longer lags than young parent cells.
recent metabolomic studies have already been performed in this ii) Large inocula reach the exponential phase sooner than do
direction (Ding et al., 2009). small inocula.
During aging, yeast displays a whole array of changes including iii) First division time has minimum values for the youngest
increase in size, cell surface wrinkling, increase of generation time, parent yeast cells. Small inocula with daughter or old cells
increase in bud scar number and decrease in metabolic activity. have the largest values for tFD.
Experimental data regarding these phenomena with small inocula
need to deal with traditional techniques of staining and microscopic To our knowledge no experimental results are available in the
counting of bud scars, which are tedious, labor demanding and do not literature to match these simulation results exactly. Nevertheless,
always provide real-time information on cell populations that are some detailed experimental references and empirical knowledge of
growing (Powell et al., 2000). Conversely, the flexibility of a flow yeast cells linked with these topics allow the corroboration and
cytometry method of yeast bud scar determination was verified justification of these simulation results.
in beer fermentation technology, which offers new possibilities to This type of study highlights one of the benefits of IbMs. IbM in
follow the development of inocula (Kurec et al., 2009). microbiology accounts for cellular morphology and metabolism, and
We carried out individual-based simulations of a unicellular considers both cell variability among the population and uncertainty
fungi (the yeast cell used as a reference was S. cerevisiae) in which we in the processes affecting the cellular course. Pioneer studies such as
attempted to look into some aspects of the influence of cell ageing of those of Takamatsu et al. (1985), Porro et al. (1988) and Strässle et al.
the initial inocula, and of their sizes, on the first stages of population (1988), had already pointed out that the dissection of the complex
growth. We used the individual-based simulator INDISIM-YEAST to structure of a growing yeast population (an asymmetric population
examine the effects of age selection on yeast fermentation perfor- with parent cells and daughter cells), with size and genealogical age
mance. Within the stated limitations, this study mimics the indus- distributions evolving during fermentation, were key points that had
trial production of beer, which reuses yeast cropped at the end of to be considered in a comprehensive yeast modeling study. The
fermentation in subsequent fermentations, so the immediate and choice of a microbial basic modeling approach, either population-
long term fermentation performance is conditioned by the charac- level or individual-based, is an important decision that needs to be
teristics of these reused inocula (Motizuki and Tsurugi, 1992, Smart, made at the beginning of a modeling project. There are arguments
1999, Powell et al., 2000, 2003, Ding et al., 2009, Kurec et al., 2009, for and against either approach (Bernaerts et al., 2004, Ferrer et al.,
Porro et al., 2009). 2009, Hellweger and Bucci, 2009), and the right choice depends on
We have shown that INDISIM-YEAST is capable of distinguishing project-specific aspects, the characteristics of the microbial system
the differences in the evolution of a population that emerges from to be simulated and the questions asked to the model. In general,
small inocula, whether started with a single microorganism, or arguments for the population-level approach to study yeast activity
with a population made up of different genealogical ages or different are its simplicity, computational efficiency, the fact that it has
M. Ginovart et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 810e817 817

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Proceedings MATHMOD VIENNA 09. ARGESIM, Vienna, ISBN 978-3-901608-35- Walker, G.M., 1998. Yeast Physiology and Biotechnology. JohnWiley & Sons,
3, pp. 2655e2658. Full Papers CD Volume. Chichester.

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