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My Cours Funnel


1. What: MATS 2nd Year Academic Course

2.Why: -Have no Online Bangla Course.

-No institutional value for education

-No trusted group for long term support

-Corona environment

-Have no real practical knowledge


3.Who: -Person: -Both male & female 2nd year student

-Age: 16 to 25 years then next time 16 to 22 years

-Marrital status: Unmarried

-Education: SSC>

-Group activities: Health related group,love related group,fun related grou ,youtub etc



1.Awarness: Awareness to view landing page content to all MATS student

Ad copy (Shock readers + Qualified question) ----- Landing page content video (PAS model)

Expected Result: 10,000 data

2.Interest: To save data who landing page video view to create demand for next

3.Demand: To select MATS 2nd Year Students from save audience by the Re-target Ad
Change Ad copy (Shock readers + Qualified question) ----- Landing page content TMD (free course video
+ pdf file =4 chapter)

Expected Result: 10%=1,000 data

NB: If result is successfully done then i will create website and setup pixel for Action

4.Action: Who reach TMD then i will show Re-target Ad for Action.

Change Ad copy -course intro video (AIDA model) ----- Purchase page

Expected Result: 2%=200 sale

If no Action then i will Re-target following by MTNUT.

VL: MATS 3rd Year Academic Course.

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