LEC NOTES Transfer Functions

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Laplace Transform aad Transfer Funchens In differenhal equahoas, the Laplace duasfm is singly a fol foc selving lintan ODEs. We'll review Mis use aad Hen explore mort intuifve Interpretations. De Finition : F@®= Liter? _ fw eg (i) The Laplace trashem takes a function of Hime (say fi) and opecaks on it, genecatiay a signal (F(s)) in He s-demain, where “s" is a complex number, £4.39 i's a linear operator , Webedy actually performs the inkgrakoa ja GC); fastead me use tables of pre-compaked inkgls, Lets do a simple case? we H(t), Ye Heaviside (uart skp) fe % £56 a function O else ie : ‘the unit skp (or a skp of a moa cunity magrity de) if a vec common Het int te apply fo a syskim fe “kek” fs response, 00 = ost re FEHR Pye ye ee : s ° > recall: Soak > The following smatt bable lists eI : é ~ few wsebel trasshorms & fe en F(s) i a oe cent tant, Xf} and all Funchons of Hae at nem fr +20. H® —_ (unit step) ¥ a: Fley a: F(s) t definition »# operntor f+ 5th FGs)+ Gs) Ueeteay, lo 5° FOS) - 6 Te 5) - £(0) see s* FG) - st) -1£() dee dt eat 1 € SHA I ene t (I> ) S(sta) Excample, Solving _aa_ODE Examplt, Solving an OPE. Cotitce ) ea (Eruise Coates” me tbe FE) FO oe example 5 ‘9 force ) lineacit. take L243 of both sibs of equation : yee eee di dimy+bvy- L{fol = Lf{mvz+ efbvi = Fis) am aSeg + bafyy = FG) & m(s-Vis) - ver) + bVUS = Fis) 2 VG)[ms +b] = FG) + mve) mv(o) > VG)= FG): =e eer can use fable Solve for alt) with inital coadjHen Ce) pow apply aud iapt fry = fohigy a ed lavese Laplace 2 Fis) = = tans feo aaa we Solve foe ack) eee ees VG) = 3 Set) * tna - ewe &% -e**) + eme™*| 420 s w(t) = (i-e™") + vr@e LES ‘fee ER Ue ye] a, Particular solufen homogeneous Solution. ore re lets not consider taitsal conditions fre now. there ts ne loss of generlity becanse Heir homogenous rer Ponse can always be found Sepamlely and added to Me foccech ces ponse. (for linear systems) . Looting at Hu previews example, bat with a0) =. VG) = FG): Sr draw as: Fe) lesen f-> Ve eee oe We call Wis phe rahe ae di » teanshe Panchen ee In geneml , we'll use G(s) to denote Me tranche Puncher + Vis) = FG): Guy Nele tat we Caan alse weite ils fo date tre TE: Gee ue “output a Laplace domain ” Fos) “input ia Laplace clomata " Formal de fraitions ! 1. TF only defind for LTX sy stems (ery importang !) 2. Connects 09€ input to 3. one output TF ctpesents input -output role Heacleip whee all initial conditteas are te, 1 Gee Yor 2 Fivey xf nate) Sa} wm { uey LLueHy i V (Tes 20) uo—feo}> Yod= Uls)- G(s) TF exanple # F k Pee) mitbx tkx = FD Prt dfx thx rkax 3 = XffoR b = > ms*Xs) + bs XG) + KX() = FG) NN weve set Fach : al Tic. ferns XO (mstebs¢ k) = FO b ten, 42s Gs) = X@ & at st fe ie t Do you recognite fre denomiaahr as chacractets Ke eguaton 2 TF example €2 mitherkesbutku a | #83 (ne ie X(ms*ths rk) = U(bs +b) deeplacenent) > fotr= bse Rf polynemial in numera tom ja dene uiantor maps ko OdE LHS ~> related fe elements of sysknw, @ 7 Ur reek related to conByumton 1 (ee ae polynomial Mieramde oe 2 Recall DC meter (L#o): [iia : eee a tdi 4 Re = Vt) - Kye at LsT+eE-Vs -KN Joe po = Kt > TR spn KL > T(LstR)=Vs-G& 2 > r= YE - Ke Ls+e istR 3 (Tes +B) GL ——— > 2(Ts+B6) = Kivs Soke kee Le +e, Lsfe 2 V(Ts+ B)(LS+R) + Kei 2 = Ke Vs * HC Tis* + (ve+grds + oe) = ely yan TL + (TReBLy& + Rw = Ke Vel) go much easier ia Laplace domata / ln geet, its easier to manipulate sysiems of eguations 1A Laplace domaine Try to convert to s-demam sooner retther than (ater, Ke ~ Sis* + (Tp rBLys + BR 2 = GW) = Vs (5) lnterpee bay £93 and “S" variable HL tfpmy- [poe de consider solution pf Utd order mab-k system with no Forced put (homogeneous solution) ! me eb pk UE AO Noker that soluboar must be Aurctionr xt) such tat oe xe) or AH oe eck) So Hat fe ie thos LHS forms Can cancel ont, What fractions hove ddd dé Hals property ? apt at ds = weoswt = =e Ceade ol, ie & i te -w*smwe Se, sines, @sints, and expormbal fynctoas have Hse properkes, look at We kee 6 in PGP, Note thst since 5 is complex, we Gn write gs r+ jw (o real & an imagiaecy part, 6,WE R) And recat’ Euler s z, ° Formula < € = cosO 4 j Sia ® - -jwt -rt => ‘ote ev fe! En (cos Bt ea) Se, essentially, He Laplace frnsfrm “embeds Enews parts of soluboas of LT syskms, Addinenally , whim LE} is appied te RHS/pae rapat, it jategmtes oer al Kme, and duns also embeds a gense of the tote) impact of Me input on Ue sg skm. o #L Compare £§-% fo de Pouce fanhrm iS eo -st Lhwy = Fli)= St fw eo" oft = f oo ajut (4% = ect ee al, fue” dé € (acvitreny constant ) Yee Vimits of D7L-3 are diffeeent as if is offen used br integerle over space instead of just Hme. dfrerwise , Wey ace almost He same, wit just the di fherence * ert -jwt fwe e -jwt ai i pe 2 Paver 2— Laplace w Thee fre, we cat ta many Cases Yaink of Sas a frequency Fir example , recat fap Lfunit xp & = = Ibe rink 06 "5" cougnly as Repuneg) we ste dhat o unit skp “har spechu! power” acess all Gequencies, @MHough He power dimbalshes at higher frequencies ~v Veg. But walike TPZ, abet admits a sense of sheay a ) so we can Haine of "s" as velated te modes of oscillator nat have a chamcteriste frequency andl cps mie Fane constant Yo of decay. (mole Maat Le] = time). ® Final Noles /thoagtts on £23 and TEs. Its fFaly okay to apply Z£-3 te aa eguaion Hat has tagger forms. We use + t [tin 282, Fo-d hic is why , simaline displays an eget block [P] as Ef. 1 Recall cur fist TE: Gls) =VRGD . F&s) mstb What if we wangt Peston rather Mau veldeity as our 2 : output 2 pole: ve) > fre) => VG)= s-X@) Hz Vis of x” | or, if ve-wetten, XU5)2 VG), or “xis fof v". Grphically + va) xe) fae Se whet is new TE 6s ie 5 (s) Ne aud te redenve! Ser Mat algebraically G(s) = XG). VG) X@ FFG) VO) t | 1 >, KO ie ast a > 6,6) = X@ _ ; Sth S — s(mstby ard VG) FG) warr! Anybedy notice Hat + fHug = f t ant LLL Poo = 2 FG). How can mean both an tateyrmtor and a slep Lancken?? To understend Hair we reed anvtier “lest iapat” Lancer, Yee unit impulse , SU | Here ie pre definition : Ce lee with areazdt, becoming infwailely sail i widdr and inPiaik(y tally bak ° all t#0 SP" fedé = 2 00 Sle) = arta always cenuainiag At some time 4, we can have an 1. impulse, and me wrrde If graphically as + be H's prethy easy fo show Mat LL SF = 1. (se Ogatm textbook ) Conceptmally om perch /idenl unit impulse has Spectn! Power at all Begueneier , Wik eguel Sheagth In tuts way its He ideal fest inpnt, becance i+ eweites al! possible Vibratory modes oF 4 Syskem equally. 0 what is S se dt 7? Think a minute and see ft js % He unit step ! Ye ie f E t \ ONG wil Hise é So (F we have a system with Tr, Gte)= Yes) and UG we choose WG) = 1 (S-fasction) , thet : Gis) = Y¢sy in otter words, de TF fe tne inap alse ease Se for an integrator $y Joe impale respose ip Ww ualt skp / ae Ye @

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